steam boikr of D. Iuq j a iiy'Ut Fayetteville, exploded JSatar. 'day tlie Pth, carrying away a portion of the building, and. slightly injur Jng the machinery. -Fortunately the exolosien occared late In the - renin? when the 6pertivea had nearly all Jef( rle Ynill -there was o one hffrt. jTln 'proprietors cx . peel JQ JeJ in operation s again Jn three or four weeks, -n 1-" ; , Funding. -Xlm whole amount of d AUtLeviea4ury Djer lineal on the Cth, ia $175,231,950. . . There are many office in different parte of the coautry whose reporte had not "reached Richmond,-which' will moat likely 411" the amount to about two hnndred and fifty millions. t3?The New York Uttyddot the Aih instant saye tlixt lirant will not liable to -mote niidor four weeks (rout that time, owing to the state of tJie roads occasioned by the late rains. , ' " OoUi and SHoer. Viet relics of former times begin, of late, t show themselves in small lota. They now and then slip ontfroui their hiding place and procure fur their borders what could not otherwise be had: is gratifying to know that l hey readily command many articles which are believed to be very scarce; We have beard f acrcral, caees iu which they-hve-changed hande for articles of subsistence at about the relative standard of..tblnga before the war. A writer m the "CouftJenUe" f tbe 12ib, over the signature- f TvD.," iadowe) upon (rovernor V'sooewidi i rouclr severity for his ebute of the secessionists. It is a very clear intimation that if (he support hira st the AujruH electiot it will ooly be . because they caa'i do aay belter, - lie m not tbeir favorite byajiy meaoa, though they dioit be has made a good Governor. This - writer denounces trim for having been strictly parUun 4 bit administration ; and more un g racitfos sad unjust still, associates bis name too freely with the traitor oUm. Raleigh ' Standard. . But T. D. evrtaioty baaorgolteU that Gov. .Vane preceeded bf-adiuinfetrations nxxT bitterly partisan than his has been. They earned it into very department, and forti fied it by I spawn of justices of the Peace almost as numerous as the rroga ur Egypt Hut it isn't fit to talk about fbes things now, inasmuch as there is no good to dome of it WheOj y united effort we get "pant our present dangers, and through with our great struggle Tor independence,' it may then be of some service to aumimnts,. if no one else, to raie such fjutifetioas. . . V2T"The recent elections in the NEng!and States, have resulted in ftvor of the Black ltepublicau ur LU coin 4arty.s These States have most of the Government contracts fur sup plying lliet army, and as they have also fallen desperately in love, with (lie nagfo, marrying and intermar rying with him, and are also trying to make hirn do their lighting, it was hardly to be expected that they w ai'Ied the war to close yet. Tlie licit. Jas. W. Wall, in his jtcech at Key port, N. J., oh the 22df Feb. last, alluded in strong terms to the potent influence of the spoils in' protracting the war. We subjoin an interesting extract rom that speech. ' If " said Re, 44 the confi- aeae ana ansciion we have net ra ever to be regained, U eaa uoly be by . Inatg the guatb t DDfs)as1 thstnt ! aarisit tarsi ism failli na In rsifiaAsi I day, aad national raia and baakrantev. lb ia vitabl eonaeqaenoea of Ihi draadVal war, peac, speedy peace, should be our fbjeet, aad 10 accomplish ihta, a repeal of tho obnoaioua htgialaliv acta ia demanded, which are aa ia unnwiuubfe bar to receaeiGatioa, aad bave lust a ihe eonfidaaee aad good will f those who might have ba really kindly disposed to w.rdaaa iataaaWb. What greater forly eaa thre be tbaa lo etpect to foree a people iala a frieadly aaioa with you. ta-eatraat thir Sghu one more lata your haeds, aad sabmit their property aad lire to your Governmeat y IWdaUng lb air eoaatry aad sprang faaa- a aad death over tbeir had t Aad what are he laarete seq aired is this deetrecuve warfare? W have sabdaed sot tbeir armiea, bat tb ajwry gmamtt.f e.wplint, aJ te-aHWdthe f"" i e"M.m ampleat arcarity for lb njiyirienl of aH their orpilillis.' Others of them are til ronatliaiiuaal privH. gea ia he fa'ar. t wait j pjT ju . a jbeif tno and tabYHlft in ly af wrtJ, or r.ndrd as lesi,tld ' i4A Volunteer Navy, - hi or witb a frightful debt of ihoaaaedsof miltioaa a I tier if possible, tir take SOmO Of tliO t , i 1 I t - r t , t i.: i l i . e t . uuiry the it roC'-rn, 8 f,.f 1: law, hud t'nir rouli llmiYe in ill geurroeit y. Neither the mea i powi-r, or the inert peunionrn of hour who may Dow eowardl tuttaiit them and llirir nil icy, ever atUmpt to rvaaua from Ihe aoalogiea or biaiury. We Md them at the outael or ibe lmpraeiinabiliiy of their task, and we tall lham araia Ibal their tauu ra in Ibe foiare will be va store aluptadoua thaa thay baebea I the paal. Ignorant of the aelaal reaoarees of Ihe Mouth, they ppoaed lhat three jnonlbs blockade would etar?s evary Bias, wemaa and child hue sabmiaaiost sad that as amy e( 73,- puu ne woe d M aameieai to eonqeer aad bold the entire Boat ha ra rrg ioa. We told them they weeld wants aaiBiM ef aaee, sad soead tboaaauds or miiuona, and yet only be apoe the edee of tbelr fearrol eslrrpriae. Nf any two tboeaand miTIiooe spent i aad wHeie ibara.har leg ibe liKhtH Mxffity,tbl dWs aotaow that to-day the rcMa are more dafiaat aad daa earoRa 0aear.aee Stay sertrect the war facyeariir b 4Maea)Bd- eawplatr-reie-of ofh aaetioea. Tbe eMi eredelily, however ie wtill aabossdf i, and U will go es treating aid betug betrayeo, aa it haa been tat Ihe laet three yeara, by s eat of kaaraa wboae only to ratiee apoe la pebse piaader that a oca . a . J 1 ( . t I ' . . wm.unNiriim M rmm ui aeaie weahhaa their eoeatry's koao asd proaperity aiuka. Tbe day wHl enma, boweaar, whan a srtrayts pmpie will use ample vearMaee ep os the touch peiriuie who have deceived lham ie taeir rale. Tbee jiever yet waa a eivU war that waa net Iboowed by a counter ravotatwa ia which ample aloe ma at waa demanded for tbe crime e, aad (rem the enruioala that bad eaeeadered it,- The men may log influenced by the ffeet of . loffeal ewaela atuuet but. thank God, they eaa opt forever eaeape tbe peaalliee of their iafamoea Crimea nd wiipreaiima t and tAaf aeer. W mtmrtrftkmn J tkn ieeriw." Tlie Ooldsboro' Journal, Speaking of our Uongresa members, and other aw prominent and influeufral citizens, We ioojc in rain for the mono inents of their enterprise, or for the altars on which t they hare' offered sacrifices. They reap all the honors snu emouiinenis oi omce, ami enjoy all tliocarfe and immunity .from dau- ger tli at a con tid i tig, ch j yal rons. peo: pie can bestow; bnt point tJ8, if you can, toBiivtinng done yy them, to Imild hi tlu -indf pendeiice of - the South Hiid Ii!tfen a. peace. They make laws which aoine- approve and uany condemn, ami wliicli all ouey because ther aro laws; 'but 'this is thejTr prescribed work, for which they receive a cinaideration in dollars and cents. Hot the laws have been nade and, whether good "or bad, the awtoakers tako their'pay, fob the money, told iiieir arms ani leave the-soldiers in the field to fight the t a a s I erietny,-. white-uie peopio t nome quarrel over the laws. Ihey bare ta?k to do and they do it, take Uieir pay.ifid then .their duly to their country isfultilSedl Uut what have they done at home! Vis .strange as It ia true that, we tin J, we may eay, none of them act-: ng as leaders -of t lip teple, in-arty public enterprise. The management of the plough, the loom andlhe an vil, they leave to other heads, ex ept us they may minister to their own witute or avarice. 'In common with the government nd tbe sol dier, they have no. interest. Tliey preside ut ho mee'thigs where the tmnilies of soldfwrs or other indigent persons are the object of regard. They erect no' tbundriei, constrifct no workshops, hnild no factories, workjio mined. They do notliing coinparatively nothing to develops the resources of the country ; be cause they neither contribute tliejr own tune, their own means nor their own talents in conceutratinir the public energies., Hpou them. It is a deplorable, fact that, our public men who occupy positions in our State and national council, have done leealo strengthen the' hahds of the government, byedevfloping the re sources of the country, anil by con centrating the labor, energy and skill of the, people, , than any other class of men iu the Sou them Con federacy. ' " Preachers have left their pal pits to deliver addresses on the sta.e'of the country, and to arouse the patrr otism of the iople. Some of these bavif renclercii tlrctnsel VTBeT TITJTiIortat J - ' . w : . ... bnrden of conqueriut? a peace off the shoulders of our gallant soldiers. But wht member of the" Legisla ture or of Congteas has lifted his voice io aid of any of these or of anythiuc else I WithaT tery few hcmoTabio exeeptionf, we knowif none of those who occupy positions" in the councils of the Sate or Na tion, who has done or fs doin? any thing either ta AlleTlate suffering at honoef or to streDthtn and enooqr age' the soldier in the field. - ' j . . ' ' ' . i' . ' j r . . ... - . r ar 1 j ; . LATER THE NORTH. Oiusos a IL, April 11-Dates to the 8lb have been received here. ' The following is a syoopsist ; - --a Thurlow Weed . thinks the Yankee Con greas resolutions ia'refrard to Mexico will threw Napoleon and Maximilian into1 tlie arms of the rebel . .-,.-',: ; Tbe Republicans carried the Gaberoatorial elecUon tn Rhode Island by a small mojority. Tbe Emancipationists carried Maryland on the 6tb by" an overwhelming majority.: ' i am i I'M and iyui army corps are eooaou- aateu into the zotb army corps, and Hooker k k vavgrmmuom iwnroow on me Tin: ays ins movements oi troops are very active I t - " w - 'uerVillas burnt s steamboat ten milea be low uempnisyabn tbe 2d.- v - f Advices from New Orleans rbnort thatf the Mobile ram Tennessee was recently, sunk ia agaienear urant srass. ; ; :;. The New Jersey Legislature refuses to sl low soldiers to vote,- ''f" ily: Henry Clay's widow, aged 83, is dead. Admiral . Porter's fleet cantured . 40.000 bales of cotton on Red ri vsh - An olBcUl desrmtch from Little Rock J Ar kansas, report that, the expedition to Elba ana lonpiew burned tbe - rebel fx)ntoon bridge, also captured a train of 30 Wairohs. and took 320 rebel prisoners. They engag ed Docklini's Rebel Division, routiuir and driving it ten t&iles. ' , ; GOOD NEWS PROM THE SOUTHWEST." The following official telegram was' received jit tbe War Department last evening. The last Yankee papers intimated that a heavy t recently occurred at Shreveport;. f. ' Mobile, April lltb. lb Otn. & CooperlA.and JQtneraL, The following report received in Baton RoUGre on tbe 3d.inatant from Runraon Oen. Ilaoks array: . We met the enemy near Shreveport, Union force repubed with great loss.- How many can you accommo date in hospitals at 3aton Rooge ? Steamer Essex or Benton destsoyed by torpedoes in in Red river, and a transoort captured bv Contederatea. ... Karrairut reported preparing to attack . Mobile, Six Monitors coming to him. The j Farrison of New Orleans and Baton Ronire werervery raucu relucel Tor tbe purpose ol : :.i n ,uuioiug uttuiu lunxa. . , D. IL MAURY, Major General Commanding. ENQUSaVMPATHY-1 John M. Oobbett, a member of Parlia ment, recently made" the following note worth y statements Jo a speech td kia stituenta: - 'When I hesrdnbe violent imprecations Uttered by Northern men, whether states men, Soldiers, clergymen, lawyes, every body, upon the South: od wiien'l ul- sefved tbe - temr8te apeeclle,- the able documents, the military generosity and forbearance characterising the Soutberuers in council and eamp, I plainly avow that1 my inclinations were iu hivr o( he Sou t b 1 struggling, foi its libvriies and all it held l.-ar." rather than ia fvrr f the North. powerful as it waa, sUuggfing not merely to subjugate but to esterminate s gllant people. I do nob undervalue tbe neces sity of fretting rid of slavery, but this fa an evil the remedy for which muKt not be looked for from the North, fur I Juiow froin wrsonHTbservatTooTthe iWIThjrs'linl thu coitduct of the Northern people towards the unhappy negro, whether bond or fn-e. buch being -my opinion, 1 hone to see tlje j SotHb recognised us no mde penMent powt-r; ana aunougni waa un willing" to join inose who insisted upon immcdiaU recognition, because I tt ought the .tiovernmeiii beat qualified to decide that mutter, 1 nijll hope to see the Confe leracy Acknowledged bv Great Britain when-- the proper tube iv thought to have arrived. , OKN yoriNG. The soldiers emifd not have bit npon a "tnor e manly ejcpe.liint lot ascertaining individual loyalty, and at the.sanie time exhibiting thvir own soldierly iiidcpendeticu, 'Hiaii the ond they have determine J .ii ; Jo wit, to vote open pickets. Their significant 44C"in out of tint fiM up," will fetch many a secret sym pathizer unto aitatfott, vii'ji won't, stand the public exposure. r ' Let them vote this way "it tfie v Thurslay of April, and Mr. Leach will h a ve tho sa f iifct f on f h. . i n i w h at '1 (M i ewdtMn kn IruUdoifeT of the 2Ut, KirkUm' i rtfiiimtiiL: Murder tf Oiufntthitt ;. trtner r Point Lootomt.-'t bave the iiU'uciioJv inlellijrenceof the colJ-liloodtsl murTerut one of our prisoners at I'oint Lookoot. The victim was Lawrence W. Peyton, pri yate of the Second Kentucky cavalry, and son of Ex-Conyressman Peyton, of Ken tucky. (I appears lhat young Peyton had, for some insolence' of the seraui of the guard, told hits hewaj"suiub!e conyTaB ion for neoTwca, and pointed to ? mt-sro guard who bad been detailed to rscoivs tbel I prisooera. Sotps exchange or. bard words took place, when, the Yankee servant drew a revolver and shot tbs helpless , prisoner dead oa tbs spot " '-" s ' a . -;.., -i7ur t ,SV '. v.'.t f.'.r . gft ". We Are glad to loaro that an en terprise is in progress" to manufacture u- g?r from the sorgho m, and to invigorate the production of this now very important stspls lif Virginia. - It- is proposed by Mr. Charles Y. MorrtMi,pf this city to erect a large manufacturing easablishmsnt of this sort on me James river, convenient to trans portation ; and for this purpose mnchinsry is alrssdy secured, includincr tanks, vsca- hum pans, boilers, Ac. . -Circulars will bs add'essed .to thej farroers dnoqiring wha number of acres eaoli will pledgs to tbs prodootioD of sorgho m. It la to bs bop Si) I bey .will o operate : -thev will tbu aiwist woVlaf orice biefar fo'tlis'cou trf and I proflubte to themselves. We must eke itot our ' roeaT sopplTes sntb all possible eipedients ; 'and of substitutes su itar - and molaaaes are tiie most palatable and nDtricious.--iVA. Examineti naaWaarters tiipH Cape Fesr, ' '.WilroJnft-io. N. O, March 19, 1864. j - OEN'L ORDERS) . . ; ' ; ; JBO mach of I pari of Geaorml Orders No. 31 aud 33 aa direeU the eeaUnee of death la the caa ef Private James Oakly and J. B. EHiotl, 434 Regiment to be attested en tbe 35 lb in- atani, ia hereby revoked. ... . fc ' ; J - -f - . .... . . in conaoenuioa or in graumnff laci inai dbvertiou haeceeaed in this fine Refimal, and further of the admirable conduct it has ciplay. a rinat Ibe Soemy, the Maj. General Com-maadiDff.- eoimnate the eeaUae hernlnfiira pobliahed sat'wfSaer that the esample already made, bave produced their prepe efieet. an that with thia Rerimeat, at leaal, the eitrem severity of Ibe Law is not neeeeaary. Private Jamee Oakley and J. B. GUiott, wiH be eenl to Brtf. Gea. Herbert, who will pal them to work Spun thetx-tiftcetionsiii the chain png for (13; twelve mouths. By eemataad Maj. Gen. WHITING. - - j w ' ' arJ a. Maiord n'a Brigade 1 b,I864. I t. ata.g. j; MaiordcA. A Iieadqaarters Mtfrtin'a Brigade 1 . . March Official C. G. ElXIOTT, MARRIED: In this eoQntv the S7ib iWarehr-fcv WasrH Tru't. Eaa.. Mi.'G. CI OTTII.f f A v M:.. CATHARINE FESPERMAN. DIED: . a la the hand of Ihe enemv. at Point Look out, Md., Serj't J. W. A. ROSE, of 57th Reg iroeiit, N. C. irbopsrCompany C. Thiapromia. ing yount; rnaa enlieied iudefrnceof bit Cuoa- try July 4thr 183. He died November 1863, aged v-t years, 4 months and 33 days. Hie waa reared to uaefulnesa and ioduatry oa the farm byhoonrrd parenla. HaThae left a wile abd W child, vlih qhom km- Uw in fttti hur mony anlil called frnm hia happy home to enter the army of hia country. . Moved bv a sense of uuiy to.nia uoi, ne ctmuectea mmaeir at aa early age to the Ev Luth. church and cogLjn' "uea acevoKwJmemDerof the seme to hia death. He waa truly a devout man nd. rely prompt in the discharge of all bi retfioaa duties. Al though moviue bus private sphere' uf'Ufe. hia bp- right co u fee vu aoch as to area re bim many trae frleade. He Kved and died as. a chrietiao patriot, aud hie early death 1 mourued by a larf jdrcle of, devoted kindred and friends. Tbi eoiid TiieadMmini'i was taken nrisoner at Getyabars;, Pa., in the'two days light there, July 1863. He l' on Point IMkvnt's cold pl.ipa (Wbittkm av a raiMD. Tax in Kind. Ornct P.Q. M.8th Dist. Cbarlbtte. N. C. April 13, 1864. i UT i hereby ordered that all the Tithe of the .year 18(13. of Com and Uaeou. be deliver. ed before the lafiay of Jane. 1864. Agents will receive nothing after .list May, 1864. Aaxeaeors will much oblige wif.benidre doing good service to the coaiHry, b . pending in to ibis omce all eatimklea of Taa iu Kii4, by th lat day of May neit f eoonr if poaaible. ' Agent will give pablicby to this notice, so thai n one, should he incur the peaatty of five tiaiaa the estimated value, aceordhiz to, late tew (f Congress, eaa have room 10 complain. . r 8eM. FINGER. 5t47 Capt ds P. Q. M. 8h Diet, N . C. LIME, l.IME. : Hats, Hats. Hats, and ThBA CCa FJOR SA LE. . By WM. E, EDJV A R DH A CJ. April 15, 1864. 347 . f 'SL1STIEYT BLtXKS ; . 1 J to 8mI at this Offie. April 18th, 1864. , , .. AGOttD COOK WANTED. I wleb 10 'purchase for my own as, a stont.'beaj. thy woman one thyl ja quick aud active, aud above all, perfectly cleanlV aboot her mkinc4 departmeuU V-- JNtR A. HOLT. - Salisbury, Aprtt 1 IWS. --,-?4t4e Fav. Ohtservsr 4 week. Daily Bulletin and C.'iiMeraie 2 wreka, and send bill to Ibis of fice immediately. no w to f7??v ?t . , j r IP each farmee in thecMutv, hnii ai'j.i wiH baat load adJjMi -.wediaWty artel Lbet40 K.:in.umei Orange Boy ar plants. hw evw. I vnU give fc. 1rter oW if,,, BUd Bay,' black man, aad- tail. all the salt he htnla at wb u il cVwt at tha Work, and py him a liberal priw (' b a alia; 1 the balanc, and bv ihi Hkeaa, I aill be ab'.a ' lo keep salt on) haad Ihruugh aaianier'at fbiHll j SSeenisa pound or fit 60 a bnnliel: other- 1 wise I shall be obliged to Ip lsurnf aall U alt , except aplilier iamilie ' ' j J. 3. McCUB BINS, Corn. SaEabory, .March 2$. IS64. .' , 4i44 $500 REWARD. WILL pay the above reward for proof. which wilt wad to the eonvtclin) of tb thief or thieves who robbed -my smoke-boase tb eight of the 1st April. . , , - t v r i v , .w V b. CRAfGH ; ApfU 4,-1864. .7Jt45 : RALEIGH, N. C, Aprir It, 18C4. " CIRCULAR ) . No. i6. : -:. . . . IT IN pursuance vt the following Cireirlar, mj r X No, 14, from Bureacof Couecriptioo, 1'ir- " cnUr Net 13, from this ctflce, ia hereby revek ed.. . k Csa federate Slaes sf istertca, ' isiertca.') ' ' T, f irtwM. f , 6,1864. J 9 r. .WAR DEPARTMENT Buacae or Conacairrioa Kiekmud, V., April CIRCULAR No 14: t ? 'r' -I. Cireular No. 13, earrent eerie I. hereby " revoked.. V r ' -4 ''",' II . Commandant will Mala net of tbe re aervs elaeaee a aaffieieat Bnaabrr to cnjnpose their eamo ruard and oiDof line fixr. and era-" laed aa ramdte'aa boeuLte Id Urffanii. fntai if f eumpaoies parsons or Ibe aam reserve elasses absdy'earoe;"'.T till. .&rnaaadeats w4U 4aefaatlv-deiHte-c- pmaer'readetvoea.'aod elder all pern of lbs reaerre elaaseS to report St such rendetvuos oa tbe I6tb day of AprilrinsL, for Ihe parpoae of sleeting company officer, and being organised -L low companies. V t . -) . . IV, The mstaat omatsatwi of these claeet -: s i deemed of the highest jmportanee, aad all. each persons as do not appear at thf rendes- : voee oa tbe day appointed, matt be eupdled' and atigaed at tbe diaereiioa of lb Command- at. Vv '...,.--..' .0 '.. 1 Unless olherwiee instrueted. Comma adanla will forward the master rolls direct to this Ba res a. "By order of .-- S ;. , Cot, JOHN 8. PRE810N.ffaC '. ...1 , C. B. DUFfTELD. v ,!,.. -' A. A. General., a II. fa accord a ace with para raph III of tbe above Circular No. 14, District Enrotring' om ce ri will at once 4reet their. Coanly Ea rolling officers to esna all white male betw-be, ag of seveate'ea aad eifhieea, aad helweeav the age of fcftiy.nee and fifty .years, to aaaem-', bla at the county seals of their respective eoua- ties oa the 16th ink., aad then and thereto form themaervea islo companies, elect' their company officers, and. forward tbeir mnater rolls thmogn the Earolling officer to tm otnee.-- jll. in cooptie unprovided with cueoty Ea roTirnf officer will request Colonels of Militia . RegimeiUs to asaerable all perrons within the , irmeot tnew reepeewve comma no, between tne anove preaenneu a gea, at lueir county at sad proceed to tbeir organisation a above oi- reeled. In such case however, nertona from different Militia RegimCnta ia the same county,, may unite Ie form' I he a me Company. 1 " : " I ?.- Persomr enn.lled under I hi Cittulaf Witt" be the District Medical Boards ,Sunng the. approaching time. of enrollment, or olharwiaaa Ihe Commandant may he reater " direct knd such as are unfit for Ibe required service will be discharged. , ' ' V. It ia annoeaaary 1o repeat the emplfatMr language of lb Cireular from the Bureau, aa to the importance of a rapid organisation vTthp reeerve. ; EnrbHing-officera are-ehiied'witb mTTtrier" ezeention of Ihe require mealaof thaabov Cii cular; and prompt .report, ofjucb action b ipected. By order of... . .-'. CtA:n ALLlTTTr f " " ComiTt Cons, for N.CaeuHna. - ; . B. J. Hasatw, Adft. - ' - w4T; ' . 4250 UEWAttD- ;;" . WILL pa the above reward on' the dnfiir-- ery of an EneTlish'travebiig. Valise and SacheK , combined, at this office. Ii ha no mwkrss I, reeolleet of. save some hotel checks, it having. been used traveling iu Europe. It iemsjd of ' the beat. canvae aachel atyle, on .tbp aad bot- . torn like a man truuk, about 14 incbee by . even, juat tie ixe of a shirt when Seatly done . , " - ' - .1 1- '1 . . m "' up. 11 wax noiea irotn.ine csrssju in nigntoa Ihe S7ih of March, between .Higb Point and. Chailolte, If the thief Will return the contents, which consist of some valuable' nupera and tome Alabama buttona, preeent .by a fneadV he aball receive a reward of hay dollars and no questions asked. , - , , . TOM. A.JUUOLL., ' Arjt 44ih Ata. ReginSent. 5 April 4. 1864;- ' . 3t45 STOLEN ;. IP ROM the subrcriber on the" niglfl of ill . j 24th- iuint, a clav bank MARE-said ? mare was iu- grod eenditmn wbentsken Sba . ' is closely built. wU a black mane aud. laiP, and -Haa a star in the face, and a black streak on 1 the buck. Ssid- mare is supposed to be eight. f fff nuu, year" 01 age . ' Any one that will give any Information se lhat I eaa get her, will be amply paid for tbeia trouble. My addrese ia Eikin, N. C. "-? ' , NANCY WILLIAMS. . March 26, 1864. . . V pd4f . $100 HEira P J N. the I (it h of Februnry last, mhort wis eiiher turned looee or .broke riom in Saliaburjf he we overtaken a I lils Ghee aV without th. saddle, and I bard rood reason to believe said saddle is bow kept concealed. :" I wiH Jay tea dolktrf fi.r the aaddi and, ninety dollara foe a proof sufficient id convict sxty person or persona keeping said saddle concealed. It b a bog skin quilted saddle, quilled over, a small piece torn out of one akirt aau paUhed alae k btaak et with it. In ewe of . any abeeuce hi camp Mr. Jos" H. Mrugi wilt attend lo it for me at Wood Leaf, N. C. f - - ' 4 C 8CARLE.T 1IUCHESfrA ' reb 88. I8C4. I 3tp44 WANTED!-Oa aegro eeolt aad wa erwomaW .at Generaf Hospital No. 9 Sub-bury. Apply 10 .,,, . . - IJr. J.JW. ABRJV AXIIIV la Chare: Ills MjtallieirciBggp f S offered for aale. sod wilt stand at my la- 1- Hia taibm'rtMB rhe Sea - eivht rears old this Spring. YOUNGDRANUE BOY was sired by Old.. . Orange Boy, and b by JLdin p. AnNt' OId Bar ArcheK. Young Orange Boy dam waa got by Tbooia Bennybaib'e Character, be by Old . ' ir. Archerv. Character waa eul nf a breid - Mar, bad ah eat of Jaaaa. Beside, Yoang - Orange Boy ia cloaety coaneeted to manvetbr boraaatif fioabliMdi eaeh e. EeFftw ff Vnein. ia, BareaaV Bainbridge, Imported lrirerv, ,JW. mede, Bellar aad latportrd Medley. Tb above is lb Irne rdigrce of Yg Oraage Boyr Thia tlovee ha takea three premian. ,' " " JNO. A. HOLT: X : SaJUbr, April! t, 1864. 4146 Fay Obee'rver 4 weks. Daily Balletia Sad CuaredevateS week,adesd WU mtbie eV fiee isamediaiely. j A At .I . : J