'II 7 - 9 ' ? - i1 - t AS .k -o. VOL.. 'XX II. v . : J. J. .iir:ONi-n; EDITOR' AND JUOrlllTOR. MMManawaniuwiHanaiiM j . - v y.; -.; yv,v I rMtv 5 I Enquiiw of ll.e2Tlj., hic-Ii mj the Vi,w-; l-jnllcner 6f"tI.o jfifKy, ci.!nr' HvmiM lo.noe "fiiijVrnt- h-'n in "j. , ,Hoii '. 0d i;Wn roikl tr Unck ltWniej . lit Gwita di pot jitafe wlmt diuc: f mr imk-Nrir KmmmI l tlia..Onv;B '"f p4w., 4uyw. ..YieHny the . Cr sis niootnt, N u!icripioii received fur longer little, present.- J", -' . TERJIf OF IpTOJTlSI t(3T3 per far the first jiiaerHon aiid fl persqaaro (feach Mtbaeeaeat pwMeufftn. t . v .'JV-PVt f.' Thuee wilding 'advert! iMneutVjwjjl na4 the. money pf f"r ilr. , N' iees uf ,75 wer'ds of lei, r;t f I!,r ktfrCmUft. , f'' eaoh'adlitioNJCf ;pub!WSimi.", f,Jici nf 4ff er else, tnhe etlt jtomortiiw.'" i ri'f V j.4 j ii v riri' h ifciciiiiirvnii iiii1!!!! i i('iriff iiflj'n .i...i.'.f jjr i.r ..i...i .i 'iv. l i. . g ( . : g . i ......i j ... I'Ihiw nuteulientlf Miiilwr. r ' ; T' tiaWorti jnu-t . Im ihuhkIV d.'i iJicir V fMlinij; iih eKehiititPmim'im; " " " nding, iIi'm vutfiitisc un. lip; cnur., rtll -ui.kiiowi,. Osivlnr flIaWr ..u.- .... , - - .....v., r . . .. finf l be t four euiju. ; ' -J. . - . TJBLEG-R APHIor ' lir vU,;Sfi'.lin uttiia Uinf rtW )iiuiJiisihtr.Ji'vuru. jj 4 . jt ,.kbtJiBel tli.nl Wuyljl'iiiti tl cuii'tiiniit! tlijxHuIi'. N.w r'tuiii-)r 20 000 -with. ibt riviflif 'V iet k tit ou!,itiiu iB9rilrj.iij re- pat red. GulJ io Mi m : 250. CiiWiMle Cotton bvriiirVj- tji ilw tUArur nl hUirrwin f jU.iry. ', )ttk-i.if in txi htitn, iiidicnUiij unUvumtiU u4. A runvr ' rurreti-1, tl.jit tiii.t ttl-j? I.intulu tbat he lirT'f miiftrttkinr.' 1I ftmst COBW t!f ink x-tlsrjf "-hlitMnffi----"IW CriJwijfd-Time ti St. &u!7i76. neon 01 tbo xJl u-cih'U. H e UJuwi'd. -Angtufc-v": ::--:t --(- Gold in N" York n llit; 23J opctifd at I22S wail c iol nt 2fld. llockiDgliani from (Vh.r. r,tlAHlfLVtkt Jone 27." AubiirTOb'clock tins uioii,ig li'air HtiJ ion of tlj fotlili .'wlUHi on uur li ft nod cen tre. , Tly rrc lirl ia ctiyck by CliHt Lata nriil Ck'Wiii. Tl y mxitlicl di li- l in'MutitB fiz. d mxl divided iu!omall f;inr.Mtwl vrtld i lflfi.t mn.-r' TJh day 0 tMHiVroovcr of dprkupM. . 'A "-purU of.tr I prwoiwr rniitoii'J'nii'l.Jirouaiii in i,;tytiw niuy 401 tvuhiti Kn.ntJ.'J. liors ftitd liKtvlii jVJtj ' 0ii uirn n-poit noj retrf Mult TJiuifn. 'Uh3h to' llie i-outli lid j-ciid very ; IlcAnoCAHTKus, At?ir N.'Ya, ) Tfl SnP'ttarYt, Wan "' ".- i BIrf;o;-r;i V. IlT K lie aotitiir.de K. II ll 'Ii:H a eirmiit It n i 22J nvnr JVnytidd e . O. H.,anJ ' t t c,.iVMi:I j.sl.' Uriliti fir of licll dnV rlruvk liit-lr i itliiiiiii tli H .i.k 11-jir J lilckl AVbitv'. cutting u in 'two uiki unij4 Hn9C9.ion . 01 uk' f o'i oy which lh-y wt rtj inotiui; towwidH Nri'.to Wy U. IL Tl. rwij wi, I,jJt firjm fir iHolH'tton of lnrr.l mmI nfyrok of lha t ifnj Lrt.ufvdnla' dnI'V 1lrDj;tl.ciMi)g Ji!iM i f jh. r.. lii.n ts tr. "MerVrtoa t. I'.. t.ta..n.. '.I. (..if :. .j t . ' ... --.- r'Tt 1 t..j-iuj mru. nuir.-r -r - lomarnj i.y in jiowrnu.f.'il Hitu thrt'Unloti oii rfie wboJe line ort io' 6 o'clock tMt trior-. ' 1 nin.'. " 2 -tJ' "." ' Lnle CincjinWft pn perV nv"iht ff u" rlVff Ve lt fUrn.hiiir on th-' Ifith. ir h lh 1 their li wan Hiacthrnrmnl Ar. l..tat..ji V 1 -.... AdvietK froiti New Oilcnna 1 tl.rf 18(1, lmt., Uy OuiAtft it '.viMtin l'trrngiiV Mobile.' - . .' t FliOM-1 llVr Xi&T:: r. ; .MAKIE)jXIMlftt30lli.- .. ! At two oVW.k f 1 i-w n.orijng iho 't'ncivjr drove Ge. Clienllr n'n Vit keti hi. nd W lent jed to nlornif hit bfoni 'itm "k-f. '1 hey antljjip in v vn Jin of bttthv Our mUHtiCud yeltday 4o, N-)ti(!'a S!toj, and troops merN!' ll-Tir Urn wtd Ui fpj iitrnewjr ilMrMseleca thro. lioUmk prochd'wUhi U;W-ymnUf xhXrtM-ftrt hat dwheiffriH tlii-ir work,- MtO-lvttw, 1 hi-tr loy Hot n ytt fCrt1ini. 'c)i OBrgoiily otiekilW tlutwo wont!tfd. Mobih, ' Jnne'SDth. The Eveniwg':2(VtrTinfitXwtiuitil23il Iluntei h rrjtiMti'J rooted, ttrtr Suoolon, low two tiuH.Mtid Ui(i wi;if,'Hrtdli'ry :in.)nii'J miin itiv Jf-'ot off from: Mf ttitbirft unit fi tT.'iiliiijj towwrth :t I) voRi tr. Hfrvytdt) Shefiil.ti reached thii yiiile nus. out it im9MhmzTy n'nd Citwintjati Kt(jMtjtr jru!iibttd.". Mtl imittl lo nrriM 11 l'oft.t bJow UuutVilh. Trana Mih-rppi 6hHby ttr j'OSHessiiJn of Clarendon. Ejigmi crot-pd Atkjiia.t a"nd ittoWd'up white iiv.r, l'ric k' report invir.g on Li 1 lie Itot-k. '. Gun onl tia- Titg'NtWiK'oT'ihl "liSiTIy""nj'' pU!l. in -jst-w t varl uol.l rjoiittii two-Tty eiVht. In Mef-ph'Gid' thrvc ' do!hr Cotton one fmyjvo. , j any chiiot for any rewnt yieorU'a. j entfagf-nMrttt which, c . 11 finl fnM 12 A Ml o til drttk, the enVit.yrmakiM2 repfi.tcd altejiipisty Irenk through anl regMnhU oriluHie.L l:itrJfr nit (J-n. frot.t the 24th nt ibVliKt, leavii.rhK yru jinjiwowKtriToii I). U nl Ilunro toVn and Krhriih. Gen'. hM i sliii IIbaiq0artek8, AtTvy KoYA., ) J ' -i Jurtc 25fh Sir; Oiir iii-ii rftfVda mViitiitti waa7 kild and wotttidtd and 200 niis to day on the lines in ftottl iof IknruuU Hun drill And around I tf ij-liurjj. (rcti. llWutpton reports. Uiat iho riteiuy'a cavtdiy GoLPSBORo', Jour 80. , Th Slxfo Journal h pf?it iiifiA'fli-t-fai-.YMit-4-'-3i Xhr-Th rMi.ht attttck the JVwihitrJr td .Weld..t Hoad to-l;t tjf ar IJ.-lnVll. ' Lit r dispiiti-i' dateif VIj'ild. atare that ' mv of h t'n ;nu-y artiUerv. tosfi-tly r withwao.njratna cap.tnriNi, nnt uiiii,r" irreaier Jr'.i ot tlte ruUhra-tca'uId lie -Ftht repotlttd UrUy ttOrtr lHmi3 slalion. .- , The Con(UieratNwafttpef ttf.ihta city hHvrN-i ieed'.a difpt Jl fi;onf AYiddon t- d;tv to th efK'rt ih.it "one hirodrtol' Snd twen i.v yiiukVo rnidm reHjchvd. thfct place r nt noon ubty captured wow. . y . Tlw'in'W from U-1oW is reported lo be Yhr-pani netprJer,' hi Ifi-n si lowed, to-'copy llta, followips official dis patch 4 . '. r .j " .- 4 ' . K - J- j'tLTiEin, June 30th ' V n- ed i0"reir.foriyiiefila.T. As far as mo Citn lesrn :hj citotnr have been rouUrd with coMiderabe hf, nttt nearly if not nllilifir artilh.ry and all th iir wu.-na atnl ainhulauo a capurol. - K. jKHMon of ihein cresset! the"ril road at Jafatts this tooI,. vrotiirltt in. We hava omo thirl v white ank about m many wgro prisoiM M hnre. j "IVHWii hvi.fficl., mrrfiraf rnnf '? -Tbrhattanonra GrttM nfthn. 21th. U""' a dtnlch frr. Snerm-B. J,.tA OKik . , l:.i l j ... .. . .. .. . - : ' . ". -' r and irell,.uinf mm. . , - Tlte W in offir wUrfy He,T'rj jT.'r. ' .7 J -fHini'fl tn..rttr wmndadi CM p.AMCnj.fc,..mm,n,i,1 ?1V.' fr""k'l4C1- Augmine, 55th jjl.! - .au;et. - , ; . ', .; -. : IfM.k prin.,.rrp, t.At timraf'pr" " , . ;.fle.e,f rfwir fcU. ,,e:e,,,r kepi' Mai?TTii.Jntyi?.J:iWHfna'n.w. Ttiitt kirmWnf lo !. A Vrnt jot"t Iwo " priie pm4n. tUi mnttiing fmm th V:.'hkf line.. ..Tliwr trrm of i.irrice fc Mpirf f,ut ja-lnjrw tniTirary Nserty iljr wrrr m.t perv r PUedio i-. ?ThepnM,t1haiirmr beine ranch ijpSriiliaWrri.e in prof,.!,., hotutlut M4v ntf f trnrprw. ftptW a"T lo July sod AogOrt, -,r tfterinined .iot to 1 "r AJ"o7 V J,n'y lY 1,0i'"'' -wiMZ ' ..ru HWItiit, pbrpn rtr.vaf- hr. Tne" " nkwii hiiaB imia.uimipti.Jr. crrilla-- orvraUonlr WJooirrVfti.rn Krntnv-kv A ,117111 won remrir tro.ip had occurred nerr ;Unimitwn. AtwjTier puny hail deomniWlhe' tirreoder f Oyenrboro'. but retiftd AlTer oc-. cupriarfevepnrt and IJiiwiiVni,. . T " " The Washington Sir oib 24-b, aava that ?" "rh" ,5,"",B ,Pe.lerabar'ttJ-iha railrojtf lhroush Peierebnrg. end thai (Irani 1 cm (topalleontlnaoiiacorD'nniiiMiinnK.f... Richmond and lh sooth eo Uwg , J,c f eclg. that he crtt Bold the enemv hy ihrr atcnine .JiiaindJa-fktJi7hJSihy'afHn when Lee moat f"ll..w or riek a heavy ei.enee ment o nnfurtified pMntf. Serrefary hiniel j.... -" ireo.,ineni, pinei-a live entire .works, wlten they opened with grape, fan bister and tutikt t'yitetMg a great hav oc A'Thtir tiro W so rapid and dealt net iva tbat 4he enemy fuld not rafjy. Thy wota driven back with a loss of between 800 and 100 nen. We captun d, about 100 pcisonera tut'luding Lt. Jno. It. Ketr of the 2ttb Illinois Ilgt. Capl. II. U. Waktfihl of tha 54 h and Lt. John IL York tf th fi3d 4 Indian ' with two atand of colors, n representing tha 2?8lh J!Hnois'Hgiiri.nt by Brig adier Gen. BuforU. In the woods where tba eueinies dead and wounded are now lying is on fire, ranking it impossbl' to bring- them off. Our ios owing to th men being protected by breastworks yery small on our right and contra. . Tb 53rd, (ieorgia under .'?. fWddn, Geo. Man car's britrado dviUved as kkirmkherii acted with great ull.tiitiy, h.!d 'hand Jo hand tn tin iilit with the eneinyU?i,d relivvrd. ' Th.t troops ettg.-d in the first tnenlionrd netion wra, M.tnccr's, and Vaujjhu'a bVijrade; ChvathamV division 1 'oik's and Lowvry'a, . j. An akta, June 27th. Tba- Apptal has " recHved Nashville dat5s TroTn Grant's atinv of th J8ih nearf rcterbnrg sajs that contrary -to expecta tions no general engagement, hot heavy fighting goingoiVriii it!'.!! Tvorabla, -though not (bictejve, Tha Yankees claim to have Captured 22 gon in. operations on Peters burg. Threw five, shelis int iho city. Piscatclt frotti Grants hewd.ptartets to tlaYashington Phfonirh, sayMbera wai severe fTghtlnafonj tha graater rwiVfort of the lint. We gained little except on our Kft. ; ' - ' ' ton tftuliA.lOthV York 11.80. ,!lMUtUlaijt3 -era via hmahatl4tefaf afe pnrsuifiz thettv "until OA. M-, to within two milis of ChaileB.AitTfjC; II. They left thir dead and wouiil-d on the fii-ld ana alo.11 the roa. ureal creim is tluu to (vA. Hampton; and lu; coinniand. frj I IIC HJUIUaOOIB . , . . Signed JL E. Lkk, Genera!. Oq Friday HsypoOd s brigade ) iras'thrawn forward as ektrumbcrs and tteatty 4tw tuph- .lured. - . v-.'!...,: . . V 'ITJctmcnb. June 25..' A centleraan .who It-It our forces Thursday fiva mih-s beyond Satemand Newcastle toad, say Hunter came near being captured near that point, but escaped owing to theilelay tn tba delivery of ocdura. The enemy was so hard presml ibat he destroyed his aniinum tion train ne mile Joo Our infonxiant s w it blown up. A portion of our forces have taken a large wagon train and a number of prisoners The enemy oik their retreat de stroyed BonsackV Wookii Factory- in Koan okocotMity, , .-,.. GotBSBOBo', June 29. Kantx' raiders bare pone to Grant. Wtey. crossed the Fctcrsbuig aud Wtrldon road near BellfieU, '. . fuom 7w West. . . Marietta, June 29, Unusual yjuiet along tha lines to-da Tlie enetny U-tng pertiiitrl-d to bury their fast putritytng dead. . As lcn. liardt-e s great victory is' bfwnghi, to- light, they prove it was .at fict much under rated. Thetny ail.ni it a loss of 1500 rb- front of CleburoV IJivwion,' and loa in. killed . ; ' , Ma RtEf ri, Jun 0 30. " Thtf neaVJ'-flriWjfs ifis-'biortdng. w pro voki-d by attvinjit of fTieneiny to -stb-lish a fortiftVd line'of i4tki4s on the south et of Fair Ridge, occupied by p?rt of Cheathaiti s command.-'. Moving out they .encountered-pur tijeiu, who fVf 1 hack and tvporkd-the enemy advancing. "Qr bat terries opened on ihentw. The artillery do ing excellent shouting, tevery shell explod ing apparently in the tight plcl The enemy resorting to every.. cnmjteviibje do- vice. ., "Daylight prevented our im-ri sleep-. .11 1 . .... mg. Ail quiet to oay. v UccasioiiMsnell ing by our batteries .ori Kenesaw tnoun tain.' ' " ' V ' AtUkta, Juno 30th. The Appeal, received. Thoe Chattanoo- loa luiniirir) nnu )wnty six .yankoo ,r. WT" won'anii. .. ,j oners passed through the city todny ea Allforlnm'ot ""'""f f"m "rhaitnnonga 'iA"-n'-i - 5" n-t - " on l 20ih. yi that . a reH -force rncii,. route fHr Ge6ra,a llAe w,rc cap- w To .4 e.slSK luriO liK.fc.iLf JJ. nil Hi I VliMsi.nr.c nn.l I Weldou rail road. t ..I GotDsao ro, July 1. AVK.ut two" hundred raiders eaptuied the'lVtcrsbarg and Wedait Railroad yer terdav. ' . ' ' m - - KaXeigh, July 2nd. Tha ConfeoVratii newsiper of this city, issued this nirning."the folloaing HulliU'i;' Wo ae indebted to'a' friend for thd fol lowing K iter rcd., .this, SaturdaVmortiine,'. convey iig intelligence oJflhe most glorious restrna ; v Gastos N. C. July 1st. two Irwin heavily frelBhted with .nWiea.-, TravelJir ln the leaina haa heeome verv dnn. - Rerona in ennaqnenee of frequent amlmahea. A hwg Hipaltty of government fie'.hi , enlteeied at Harpeth Shoals, on th Cnmher land river. No boat a can ascend the Cam bertnd rirer anw. "and the fpjvernn.ent in uuabld to firni h cqnvnya aeainst rneriPes. A dispatch from the Sauducky Rtgittr, tl the 21rd, savs lhal the rebel Gen. ArV-h.V h.. ' neea , transferred from JiAnjiton'a Man.d to Washington, and will he anl to Getil Fonter. fo b ptiiecd nnderfirft in retaliation of the'treat- ment i ' union lien'rula at Charleaton. In the debate fa the Yaakre Hna . it,. ' 23ih,on the repeal of tb eommniniinn of theMraft law. Scbenek.of Ohio. Jhe repeal of Ilia elauae, and said the rebellion must be pnr awn j tfnot bow, hereafier; if aot io len years, i twenty; 1 If peace conW f 1 1 ' i - i ' t. 4 1 V I 'i t ga unpins 01 vo ,xjsia,.,,ttaining aates- d00't t,,nk -he road will bt repaired for (tcfin New York and Washington to the. a monh to come through to .I'etersbiirg 27?h. Chicago'Otnvtion postponed to All rhe fightwig far 'several -dayt- fans' im n 9th Augu-t, stated l! ba a triumph of ftB tlrt ril road near . RiWaV station: There was a bnvy.ht tlier- jeslt-rday iu whicfi we gotlhe ndv antage. . Tht ciu- Valendighani. Wood and Trice 'faction- iheit1 object being to-AAvail thofasuovf the present campaigns pf Mrant and Mieaiitani caanut be lattai.,lvlGVnnt, All c tu to mm with decided Success. V J,f. enfinerit V.f our l.ilitv to bold lh The Conveutioft ftiay p'rormilgata n 4lkce" The oneiiiv ciininued irV shelf the platform of the party for universal J , l.oiMi-a:''iii-av1UVns . .- . n . -i wwj - j -j-- m- ...... t w - nesty to the reoelsand nonjinate-jv-man Cadly.damaged; but fw persona.kilred. J mcmineu wiui me war 11 wraniis not Tha npmvV Io statu 1 10 fiirlir com- i-uvi.-.... jt. iuivjiiiv jy.vw i niencea is uiougti io oe iweoir moosanu. rcesiuiions. Dea s'irt.1 miched here losrfav after aT ;.';?'. ,wen V: " W ' , , . r : rt. ' ootnaoaio nay, every eenaiW-vnan knewa thaU two and halfdsysjourntiy frotn Petersburg, j jt ..w i ja,t iixfy d.v. If we rerni the Somhern Confederacy aa a dictinct nation,-' with.it borders the Potomac and the- Gu!f of. -Mexico wa may expect war. warder, aod very-: f lae, oriSw iork, opposed the repeal of. Ihe commutation clan'ee. I.'arfield said if the' conimuiai 00 clanae be retained, the imf eH. be adeqnatety fed ; the rebellion earonft be ' hul gtwmr itn.'n. iW. . .ri. . . der the preeent adminurtrf lion- Mat!ory,of Ky.. a,n4 Watfe, ihonjhi (he'poli- cy of resort iur to conscription . the ; worst, the government could adopt. , , - In Wew Yerk, on the 2?ih. o!d 2 14. and aEmlh advanced and closed at : l . a mirk ' . . .. vieniuj rciiaiijre, o. . - . Candidatos who haa-opnosed the war whoe first act of adnunisrration sliaH be Gi' i s. Hampton, iu tye, W,1I.;F. Lea MJSt'.,' Mutflialn" be'avTauilt'oh' the lOltt.' C-ijanatkg 1000 pysoners, and 13 .cannon. jB'diofiehJ at the Mine tiitio attackef iud "captured Piwe II ill. 4 r- , ; . OouMRpRO. J.iihe 28. The Si atf Jourmd Tumi Petersburg pa pers of the 25lh. Nothing ImporUntJ; The dfTirtage t'TlMir'lin'4'iiYeKldft " and south side roads sligfit' On the latUr aoargraH d Cuiton burneds-1 11 i vate advices repreient KanU.'n ronnlng from Gen. VV. i LeV Sunday': from Staunton bridge souUt side road with Doaing in. bis front, towards Weldon or Grant's artny. Official information from Weldon to day, say KanU going thete. --- i ft.iaoTOt nne 20 1 . The Journal hat teceived the Richmond - . . ... 1 .... ... . , V'eourtt s iJivis.oiv ana 10M m luiieu m . establish iteactf Under Hhe U. S. Wy'-'fw Gdvernment, ' - - 750. Ffve I.nnjrcd ambulaiicounteoU'-A t, t!.e 26ih claims from summit of, lxenaw luounlam Iranfr thft( Ofl0l rmnlJj JU the peters pmpS wnd llBtajayom f Mj Vaidon load south' of Peters, . r-r f; f and Citarobiia met the Yankee raiders uu der Wilson and .&ieais.anvJ kiUed, -tvouo a proposal for an armfetice with a vievrtorleJ mA cabtured threa thousand .man.Vnd a,tinal separation. t tifteen hundred hitses. all their aftiUerv, . ... ...v. w vvuc.v-, v.. ...v . ....,..- j iinffu ptecffl,i ait ineti;. wagon iruiu., oajr tor 'Davie gave notice, to- iHtroduca a ! ,r'-ahd' amnintiiimir. Tlik hamteneth bo.W.edjetd aodnrsdtearuy Creeki Afso captured four hundakY.ne" groes; and H sy by sold1erClo by iho inofct compIei(t routo tlmL waa ever seen. fi-K aTung the Htie of thaO-V t'timaTef at 4000 and about the same in -front of GiSirLtwing'."- The yai.kce Geu-Tda lian Mctlnaok and Parker, were certainly kill- ed. ' ' -J : ' ' " ""' , -. AHXST A, June 29ih. ,? r Memphis Appeal, and Chattanooga fjiatellt ct liio 6tiivii states yen. rus kw with three thousand the 24th de manded the -atirreoderl-oC Litfaytte gai ri J soned with four hundred cavalry surren der refused. Tlie Confederates -attacked the tow in and tba. Yankees took position in tba Court bouso and adjacent houses.! u-. l t1. I ri.i nf: 1 for iiiorn iiinu mir, iiuurk1 iub vuihtm crate continneil to advance slowly, hen' tlie fourth -Ky..cavafTy-cama irt and the Confederates left, 'bavin : iyi huadud dead- evcntjr pt'soners carryiog ; off Tbo"TSitTnaefs spot iaT of Mi 25th srvts IIampton'i.9, 3. troops made two ajtaeks on Baldy Smiths linvs novt were repulsed, losing 100 prisoners. V:r: ,. New Vork, June 27th Gold 240 Iletfircrson, puVlisher of eventag. Post and Nav Agent in New York,.was arrest ed on h warraht UstieoV -on applh-ation of social counsel of Navy Iepar.tment.r Ad mitted to bail in 1100,000. ."V -- Clticaa dateajtatMjALYaihmiligijam is still at home in' Daylong Oio, and" was "endorsed with shouts of welcome 'by the Democratic Con vantion at Springfield, II Jinots. T ' '" ' ' Andv Johnaon's speecn at-Nashville ooj his nominalittM as VMerretdentr says slavery is dead. The, State . would leave out the disturbing elemept. as onljr party machinery which mora itt harmony. '-. GrKKitKpBOKo, July 3. The Richmond Enquirer of the 2d roceiv- ed, and contains the details of the cavalry fight near Sappony church and Ream's Sta tion between Gents Hampton; "Fit tee and Mahone and -WHaon'a and Spears, resulting in th complete route of the. latteaund tha ; captUTOoXuttSOOrbct so, the Tcaptnre of their" wagons, ambufancei and 11 Napoleon guns and train of carriage.; ' and bnggtea stolen 'from private citiieni a tiiife in Wdsrth, together with fclothinir-aitver-. ttsroBv', Jul? -2.-; 4vr4?t Aiv? Jt-w Biftel by5th&7 fttssHte" that tr-pearsrwas .wdaoded i the fiht,. and Kaute S 'a our possesft'oa di-aguised as a private. Peter&Vtirg pipers of the 1st, report no fight- , ing in 'front. -oulj tho nsnal daily bombard ment. . It is thought that the enemy would opasii temflcw&'B canhe?ttr 7 . " v . ,0a the 30th, the enemy made a feebte a. -sank on Colqnit and a demonstration io Gra- : cey'e ft ont, but were easily repued. . No ' fears:-r.QtaB:Hhrretatt'WhoBi treneraJ evtsrasremeiit takea nkca. ' Tha leof Petersbog aro hopeful, . . ... .. V-1 VfGoLnsBORo', July 8. ' ; The ate-Jwimai has the N. Yv"llera!d of the 25th. yitnation article says Foster -baa gone on an cxneditioa op Jamee river under proieetion of Uis. gunboats and iron Hadacbw if expected Id. tnafcc dva:ioe on Richmond. Jurby Smith - reported crossing ing Red river. 7 Lincolu wsitej Butler oo the 22J. at Rourd Rock." Inny correspondent . - a . ; . . . . .v. 1 -A r . llidimond Examiner of Sffh receked. News unimportant. Situation, of affairs aronntfTetersbuig Vnohanged.V TJie en--emy are busily t engaged since Tuesday atrengthenrn their lines, . gradually ex tettding them to . Petersburg and Weldon road, felling; trees to pttjtect lines, f Grant is eyhleotly prepsriD. forjj. grand foot ni tack. Cavalry tight at iWm's Bution on the 29th : result, unknown! Two deseiters from-tha fleet on James river, fyinlwtow Dutch Gap, came to fat Drewry yesterdry. They say every man fn the rnonitdr fleet would desert if they could - get'a chance. Yankees removing totJocs in tha rjver. Also obstiuctiona v sank by themselves. Deaerters say. the fire from one of oar rante seriously injureil one monitor which. had to b,e sent to Fortress Moo roe for repairs. ' i . j ' " I --4 ...

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