., Ill i r. ?t, J.r' i! CT1 .?.. l4',uti .4.1 ...-W I .'. ,: , w . .4-1 . J Y.'-i ! I up 2i UMJBEKiGiC :,. , ., .i-..i .!' J'jW iv-rirt Vf a. " " 1 . T w t , iinlturn rem or loretmiic-s pfH fcr ihf Irat loMfifcNi had I fr ri Air Mek nmm vAtotMml . i i TlMMMai! tfvrtfMiMaU,Vin bUom4 ta otij t ft t WfMie i 1i teLEGRAPHIO. ArtAirr July 4 . , Tb Appeal mlvfj ib Noli ill Ub kw of - S9tb.HTkr" Oiatunootf Gm-tt of Hi iajf r&cMvjF buf" rWjB. 4.' Iiaulu 'aa-ut to tUc 6rBn( tlt toomW lion f Dill ToJ J.of pbN'.M 8XfUj o( m Jnurj. GJi lo N Yofk oa Um 8 Olbt- 0r -7-"T"::.T ? A till m Ur(uf UongreM prot Uing ftc C4llit out ttatiotaJ fvreca im Mtii!tiwii for draft bri l'1 of not IrM Uiaa on aor mo iba ibr . jrar,-i)rpaling ooiutnuUiiod cIm ia eumlhaeal bdJ Ui iDCsnaei lo pruriJa (or. buuntwiiL ' from Uraoi arinj tt&iinpor taat. Iurnai-Ks rvil lb Btgrv lrtM uaf lVwrturj . Loaiaiana Sitta arcbire reported fouuJ bui'wd oar Btoa lUugh. lr jrera U ku lo Nr Orlvana. " : '; - ' - Livcrpowt d(a lalbajftb. 6(anar AILama rMiclivl Cbrborg on U 1 1th, and Uodd br crw. Two capcarwJ vet ala would b ruiil'uJ to niaka exlootua repair. ' - Dailj Na Wiiavea plot ort rib rowti. I'atmaraUiiiVlklioutrj bfuliea Jowb aad cLwt abandjued. Pruipcit of peace in tbd DanUb :quatiou beotMiiiBg remote .m erer, mad uiu vxdrfOot . Lal(Bra from IVm repreteot Eng lish aud Frvucli Uiaiatera Irjriog.to effect raodoeiliatioD, Contmodora Seioma ob lUkea irtbi Ti(fi JuslitkaUoM f bia da atractioa of prises, tb liritiili Govern metit bavioj refuaod to adaiil tbni into tbvir porta for adjo Jicjio. -, .., Mobiuc, Jal'j 4lb. A special lo tbe Kegbtor aod . Adarluer, dated SJaeoo, k m j-w a . k a uisa aari Uor. Ularia tosJay tnucd i proclamation calling outmrt tW bodied man iu tb StaU torepell iutaaion. Ken dextrous at Dratfdoo aud West Point, v ix tbs ristb xiii Rcrrcs St atiost. Jul 4th. Order given to , counteract a flank 'movetDent inadM In forca bj tlta enemy on oar left. Too urmj commenced to with draw from th oeighborbood of Marietta night before last. 'The movement was coadnded aocce(ully. Gen. Ilardia's corps passed' through some places not more than 40 or 50 yards front the ene my's lines.- Did not begin to wove until jut before day- light yesterday, end it was conducted ao qnirtly that tbe enemy 'was not aware of it until the evacuation lfas cumplete. ; . . , ' Not gun was fired along tbe line da ring the .night except, from Ksoneaaw Mountain. About son, rise hoiated ibe flag on genneeaw. ' An boor or two later they advanced, leaving M.arielta to the left, raated in tbe rear of Mililarv Iotti tute when ou'rCavalrf oommencea skirm ishing. t IMgade ofahe eQerny-Utie-raorn- iijj auacKeo, aaiu tua loroe waji one npn dred dismounted eavalry, and was com peJIod to retire. We captured SO heavy rifles, a few priaonera and horses. Enemy has been baling for our position to-day Considerable tkirmisling tits worst along FreacbV front, s . , . .' . ,. : . " v;. GntisaBOBo'July (tb.. - Tfe4limfB4Wb ctived; No news of imporUoce. ' The l'eterkb'urg , Erprtu of Saturday say : Last night about 10 o' Jock, bary fire of m uketry ' com roenced . n onr eentre, and contiBued veryrapld tor 20 minutes. It waa thought at firt that a general engage tuent badeomroenoed.' At the end of thia time it ceased. The opioioo of thbae who heard it, as that the : Yankees bad asstulted our lines, end as uaual were re- y pulsed;"" " . , " - : - The reporter of the N. TofS Tim and Philadelphia Pnnf Ira Van Gil Jen, was brought in to-day. ' All quiet along the lines 1 yesterday except occasional sbelBog. .; 1 : , , , "..--'-," ' The following official'dispatch received at th War Departmen : . IIkao QC anTKaa, Aunt Norvhkrx tH IJuIr 1. HotL-fVcitlary, jf War-Gen. hnaoV hVth etrmy tn" rtlooTrGn; yuiin'ou lino aixui , j y w. yju.ruay. His" skirtnialiers, supported, by lVJ linee iroups orove in our una m nirmntiter, which was retahRhed' Bt dark.' In the' conflicts with the enMiir's cavalry in th'fir late 'eipeditioii "against the "Kail Roado, besides their kilh-d Jin " "Wftiindd h?ft on tee field, 1000 pr'wonars. IS pWeo( ar tillery and 30 wagon ar.f ainiMilaares and many small anna, brsr, ordnance stores and several hBtted teerue " takir from Ibe plaoUftottt on tfair r4rt?f e"f e cap tiled v-i'j) ""llu- ? .''V i ? . (SiiH-d) r ,r; R. E. LEE. Oenl. 3 Tbe following Press dispstcb ia taken from the imfr,-- , '- Vf a 1 'Z r PxTIBaBCHO," July 2. ' There was "some - firing 'on onr Koes from batteries 7 and 10 on the eastern side of the city, Buppoeed to be an a Jrsnoe of the t,-ne my on. U F- Kio's front, while relieving the fHckei. It lasted 30 miinitef, and amouated .1 to oothiug. Nothing doing but shelling en Fassetrgeri report lieavy firing heard Ml (he direction of rvtersburg yesterday morn- in-;7 .. ... . :,. ; Miiia, July 6. 8pecial JispU.-U to jbe Clarion from Liraodoa, says Yankees occupied Jack-, sol at oooe) ycaWrday. Gi-ueral Slocum says hii'obj-ct is to dstroy ralrovl and bridges arid letsrn to VickbugForc-, es-tlm-ited aL twecty five hxnwlrvd. Heavy firing tu-dey between Jackson aud Caulyn. Chattauoocuib Kiveb; July 6ih. All quiet this morning; The tneury, J eateedsy, burnf Lewclling Janction, on the Atlrfwta and lealur IUil . Uad. Some prisoners were brought io lait bight, among tlem t. George Seott, of the 100 Iodise. ". '-.'.'. There has been rery little skirmishing toAlay. i The eueiijy oontioues fasting his wsv. They, yesterday, burnt the parwr VI ill at lUswell. A ysnkc Major and 10 , privates were brought in ihis evening. - - ,, . p - - " Macox, Oa, July 0th. The Board of. Dirw-tors of the PreM Asaociation , met ' today end transacted conaideiabhi business some of it impor taut. Ar.rtigVutnts hav ln made to secure the transiutsiou t-f Press reports when iuterrapuoo exiu on the regular line, and otherwise facilitate the gener al objects of the Association. " KicnuoRD, July 4. The N. Y'Uoraldof 'the Is, received. Secretary Chase baa resigned. Various Buses are atatgoed. Chase's friends claim that he determined 4 Vmdnth ago tor retire at the end of the 6sci year. Operations in Gold on the 30lh extremely witd, prices nmge4 between 20 .to 249. ' Lincoln in bii letter accr ptiag thai nomination says the Govfernrtynt relation's in regard to France, in Mexico, wilj be maintained so long as the present condition of affairs shall make that position pertinent. ' . ; -. t PsrrxttSBCBO, Xuly 4. ' Enemy stilt in our front at all points pf o'd jHMuta, though doobtlea some or tuetr forces have been sent away, probably to tbe north side of the Apporosttox and James Rivers, or to Washington City. At every point on enemy's lines hugs flags have been disnlaved, abd bands incessant- playing. Less than nsoat amount of sueiuug, ana some muo picaei onoj. . ':, .v' Pxtxrsbcbo, July 5. BrUk skirmfhing along our .lines ob centre aid right last night and toxiajr, with Uvr aheHinir from- 'ire euns at icter vals. . Gen. Alexander, Longstreel's Chief of Artillery, slightly wouudca few daya tBrII4oBa'lt3::I Gefteftt Dushrod Johnston ounded yesterday, bnt did not leave the field. : . . -; . PsrcttsBCRO, July 8. Situation a6uhd thia place nncnlinged. Tbe Bsaa skirmishing and hut little shell ing to-day. ''7"-k,. "o l , PxTXtUDcao, July 6. The Washington Chronicle of the 3rd received.- -A special dispatch from Ken-, nesaw MouatararnF-2Ttb aay, nrserere attack was made this morning by selected portions of the fourrti, secodd and Logan's Corps on the enemy's crest, centre, right And left. The fight lasted two hours, hot oar men were compelled to give back be fore ,the severe fire of tbe. enemy. Gen. Parker killed. D40 McCooke eeversly wounded. -Oar loss two thousand. Bat wo now,' bold i position coHsideralJy. in r ii requine flnf day " Cltase oa the eve of' bis rSgnatioh wrote a Irttef Hrgitig lk raiding of Joir liuadred millKMis ni.lilival las this year. The Chruiiid A-as Conzriwi is in such be lo .alj ero..lIiat aUitioanl lrjrila- ttu w Ui b fl ! ig-sted. ' I lie, vh rob iIh m noticing Wihvhs f aid, ,aeyf keep the rail real.s Mid general starvation, i . tnoHtb or two, ill l.ka lU'H-rU'cmV.I wiil. wnt the aid of GBiiir?Tia.ran!re,&na:e has addi an, Vb Wat lo ,lhe bill lor Ke-ub!ican form ,of Covers men t for fitates. now in f-leUion.. wLicU.pWvids than. State thctiired by Umi I'resi.W in rebellion shall vote fr I'resident or Vice Preaidgt. The Hoase bei yet to act oa it.V Nthiog from Grant Gold tS3. fl ' T" "' j "M E IUdTaX, J U tI: The Yankees left Jackson yesterday af ternoon,' Much rivate paupetty was de suoyed, Toe object of - i be expedition as to destroy tbe Railroad between Jack . son and Canton. - Telegraphic corumuol Calioo with Jackson restMued.1; -' )' . . Jackbox, Miss via Modilb July 7. ' ' The enemy estimated- at 4000 occupied this place till 4 P.M., whea they evacuaU rd, iuoing back' on Qiaton road.i Oar Hrce are iu their front. sjtd Hunk. . Severe figl.t four : niil s . weat, frtin 'lday light to 7 o'clock tfiia morning.. Since, all quiet. No particular damago o. citixene . exeept negro stealing. Negroeji of all ages, re gardless f jtkx, 4"arriedHff by apparent force. Many citizens lei without a single servant. No damage done to railroad or telegraph, j 1 Ch attahoochi. Jely 7th. 1 JWiUi the xcpliott-ectiamiooai- sk'r mhihing and shelling, by oar; batteries on the eat bank of the river ; . Turner's forty responded to by tho4 of enemy opposite. All quiet along th lines, - Among .the prisom-rs brought in to dMVara CoL8her m'aF.'Col. Howard's chief 'of Staff and his Orlerly. TbejCol wascspturrd b? ihw of rtir -j.ickets while' makin recoo'noissauctt in our lines and works, ' Cuktox, via Moduk, Julv 7(b. Tbe stmer lago loaded With cotton was captured and burned by our Iroops iu Arkansas river All registered 'enemies remaining in N"ew Orleans, ars ordered lo' report to the Provost Marshal to be sent beyond the lines. A Delegates have left New Orleans for the Chicago Convention. Over one hundred men, deserters were ar rested wbo were going to Join the- Mexi can army. Can by is organizing a fores of thirty thousarill men, either to reinforce Sherman or menace and threaten Mobile od Detnopolis, , Steamer Louisiana Bell, a government transport was burned at tbe Levee near New Orleans. ' Gold 238, Cottoo 120.' v """7 - ;T Richmond, July 7th.." It is reported that nine, hundred yaukees were surprised and Captured at Martins burg last Sundav, lour pieces of cannon, and stores including extensive preparations for 4th Jul dinner also taken, y." .. J. ' Pstkmb cro, July 7. , To day onusaally quiet Scarcely any sharpshooting and litUe or do skirmishing. Weather extremely wanu. Roads deep In dusU Yankee papers of the 4th an nounee Wilson's raiding -party as having returned to Grant's boa, bat admits, he sustained heavy loss, though they claim that results achieved compensate for losses. Country in rear of Gexnts linee repreeenU ed a filled with stragleiV&cv and crops enUrely destroyed by the eaeroyV forsge lug parties. ' - '- ; - Ricmioxo, July 7. j Nothing of interest hs occurred JOliii. vicinity for seTerat days rumors are, plen tiful, and stirring events sre said to be on the of acconiniiahmeiiL The VatiVeee on James river have been destroying wheat crops !.i ;-l.5 U 11.!. wuuio uje- rcaia im sjm- Richmoxd, July. 8. Tbe UeraJd of tbe 4th received, Staunr ton bad telegraphed to Dix, that K. Smith was crossing the Mississippi river. ; 'i f . Several confused telegrams from Ear per'e.Ferryi Indicated a heavy rebel force moving in ibat direction in three cotarfins. . The Baltimore Gazette of the 4th says, all communication between Little Rock and Memphis ia cut off. Great fire at Spring field Armory, destroying much macninenr, fcc Congress was to adjourn on the .4th. Provisions of all kinds have, adranced largely. advance or wiM-rethe fjtumj wurTW,,, manors bel waTrr and infantry wtW'" ,M 'WM!!L, ?..!?. oribe 2.,d;-7 11 proVnle lof tbe rrcepthm J Q,n. Kelly had evacuate Ik. low.. ?? Wr , t ; of ebthNf-.WM-eale eninwtatioii.ew, Wrt'i -i. t. 1- 'iiLl'iL n ',. ia, i.;. :.r.lA! ' I . : . vaimuiw o. -- i i -Wi. u h tr. ., t,t." ! r? Xt - llMliimri was excited on 8aturdcy.with-' Nolhlnff further from " the" Vallev lonlav. 1 KetXHted ttiat notler law JbrCe oryankees " t .. .. - . . . I m i were crossing w, lueu oortu siae L James river, to-day.. - ". T." "': -m " All -Yankee don In 'ii Sfer ! -. " BicnaioxDViuly'O;? " -Baltimore . OavtU bf the 7tli Wired. -. Martinsbure; Uarper't .'Ferry and . Point of Ttocka havefallcj iiMo Abe bands 0 the Opn feilcrstea. ' Thcv obtained vere oonsidrrab(e -amount booty at tliese jJaor. Gov. Curtin has nsuecl a proclamation cailing out twelve thousand men to serve five hundred days; Linoolo has' made a reCjiiisitton on Srymour of New York, for similar number. Haters town was occupied by- the Confederates on Wednesday, snd tbe Federal troops retreated the Greco Castle.-,v t ;u " k- ? .Gold In New York on the 6th was 25ft" ' . ; Lincoln baa issued a proclamation dedariog martial law.'and Suspending the Habeas Cor pus in Kentucky. ...,,5 . , . 's . .v ' ' Richmoxd, July's. ; 5 TIm Washington Clknmide of the 6th .has been . received: Great excitement imh4 North in coosequepce of tlie Rebel raid. Martinsbnrg has beeir Captured with large Jtiantities of snpplies,- and the Baltimore and hio Raihoad badly damaged.- Ransom is piipposed to command the rebel Cavalry, and Early the Infantry. Tbe rebs, H b believed, reached llaperstown on the 6th, bound on an extensive raid in Pennsylvania. Gov. Curtin has wsimmI a proclamation 'saying' the enemy 'of the -government,, in desperatioo, are threatenmg ibe State with an armed force, in the hope Gen.; Grant may be withdrawn from befors Richmond The rebels invading force not known. ' 1 ; " . jJeigle is again safe by timely flight , , late foreign Hitellijjeoce gives'an account of a great Naval . engagement .between the Alabama and Kearsage, forwer. sunk. . The fiKht "tfted ond boor and forty minutes. Fight took place ten miles from Cherbourg, on .Sunday the 19th at June. - The Kea.rssge wss commsnded by Capi. Jolm A. .Winslow, who sent a chafrange, to the Alabama which was accepted by Cape Se mmes. The Ala bama was disabled by a shot through her boiler while attempting to board tlie Kear sage. Cspt.'Semmerand'bne'of the crew of the Ahtbnma were saved by the English yacht Decr-hoond.1 Semines wss slightly wounded ia thchand. Be reports' his loss nine killed and twenty-one wounded.. The Kearsago was considerably damaged. Capt. Semnies left all b chronomkers, specie and ransom .bonds at Cherbourg previous-to going out to fight He was landed aroouchampton by the Deer-hound vbere he was. offered a pub lic dinner, but declined and proceeded to Pans, to report lo Confederate Commission ers. " - ;! - , . - . Tankiv Congress adjourned tae die-on the 5th. Ex Gov. Keeder of Kansas is dead. . -'Gold 248. All quiet this rooming . ... V : t - v- - - RiCBMoan, inly The n raid of tha 6tk eootaios 4taiU af the Akbama aad tbt Kearaara righu Tha Ala- baoiaawas fm waata worthy eoaditioa. Captain semaMs ofBeiaJ lyport aavs the enemy fired at tbe Alabama some Eva times, after the Col ors were rtrack. - The rudder was disabled du ring the actios. The crew ditplayad tha ut most bravery. Tha shall lhat did lbs mischief atraek ibe Alabama joat about, the water line, knocking ber banker to pieces, the. waUr al ruoKt unmediately puit'ar.out the fires. A slaam taf was seat from Cherbourg, by the Prefect Martiiae, which affardad aasiataneetn the Alabama, bat arrived after all ssrvirera wars picked bb.-J ,. ' .-.-ifv-r-; --7 x8c"oaDr Jely Jib... ' Tbe eitiseas of Frcderieksbnrf earned elTbv Grant's order, as httare fot Yankeas esp tared ia tha Iowa alter the battle of the Wil derneaa, bave bee a aichanfad. They lefi Warhineon Wedoesday, and arriTed at Frd erickaburg tbe earns day. Iatenaa xcitaroent prevailed at Waahinftoa from tha a aarm nee meat of forty tbaBBaad rebels approaehiaf the eity. Lineola baa called eatt the militia af the adjoiaiof Stales. , A Talegraai from Harftaoa bnrg says excitement tnare lataass, ia view of the. raid'of Breekinridra 4w themWtioa of Chamberaburg. Oae report Says Breckiaridta haa twenty t Sob Mad utea, and baa whipped Bcif. .;'.;:: ;- jfu y::er-.::y TiaiasaMe7TO5,Ti 'btrarSefesFrW anilley along tha whole Kne, opened spoa the enemy aad at the same time ear mo moasted the breaatworka aad defied the eaemy, who sooghleovar of entr; nchmenls aad replied with anilhyiTbr flrtsg lasted sbowt; tWrtylBlB atcs The euemy have made aoasaaaltoa ear nnei for a wear. The Impression is the ens my bars been drawing off their force from oof front for saToral aigbla. -Kambhag of artiliery and wasoas beard stt nighu The eaemy how. rer, stdl keep ap a ahow of fore along our sal ire front. AU qufet to-day.,. . ,', -r 'LITTLE rjiOffirCXm:--J i Clittob, La., Jaly 6, via Moake, A geatlemaaof this towajast from tbe other aida of tha river report the captor of Little Rock by Price, with all of Stasia's aapplies of aamaaitioa, tranportaiina, Aad all hta army xeept 4,000."" Ilia army Is marebibg oa Fori Satith. . ' ? .. -'; - " - '. ' ' The enemy are drirea eatirely eat of Ar kaaaaa, except sroaad Usmjbs. - ; Giu Wrly Bmbk, at Alaiandrta,: hi or- !' The nperalor at Jaek'Mi rvsens that ih.V - wnK wnee inan Kodwey aimafiana Aaa.laB ea IT la 4 IbVa . a w"" '":I'-,"Hm "auarr, was Baaibeiing 00 whU .eaaalrr.aad 100 --J I Thev were m-t st Coarmaa's eroa loads. -J tea miles anata if Port Gihw. by Col Wood " with hia areimeata. Mawvaa'a aaa.lL. ' .. I ! 'X SJ1UU a beiag Bwtina.e Adams'' ?;: Brtfaoe! aamoertag about f .300, aad r --v -. drives baeh to Bodusy. anr, a abarB-aad de cc-.l 7 , .W.IoB.s2amed;.' ber wimded. Oar bmklli BUr wM.-1 ed aiika-wa. .W oaptarsd . may boraef, j amail arms, eq aipmeata, aVev . :ivf i . VomBTjaly $ 1 1 PtJ- A rpeeial dispatch La lha SeaaUdiia, 7lb, says Norther 1 dates ssaoanc n'gttcr I rem n . . . 7 . rwumjm aMfbaraing the bridges fcr tweaty miles oa the Danville railroad, -.u Tor .et.f-.-i.. v..---., -, .wi at i Li tl ' " 1 asve evaeaatsd - The HernlJTt aorrannUiit. '.i n.lJ-ji Handrds aays tha ermiee ars Ukiag their last' r repnae before ffirHiaf ap foe battU. " . i reseeaden baa not oeeoplad the Boaition i pfSeereUry oTlha Treaaary. , , T " - - Serea aleamera ander ceoy,' were lfamt''" latoat Clwwfo., Ark., withal damage. The batletia ttnn Sbermaa's adraaee elalm ' . N7- Wariaatio. erreaprm. v deal says Liacn wiH cult lor half a millioB men immediately oa the adjoarameat of Cob- greas.'i .ff-i ; .,. .-. WaahbarB bas taeaed specif order, No. ; , W, taking forty. dlJseas as hostages 10 gasrd OfJIl PEOPLE WANT PEACE,' : f Sochj Mr. Hojtjep eay, ig the Jan- , gaage-of- a letter i written 4 to Jriim"" tmAiMComtfSawaiL ' llarlr ' pbraeeology : "; -J ' ' "Oar., people want peace. "We hnKJ-aod .trodt yoa will not trifle wib and deceive uar as Vance has ' Sucn langnage is significant. 'Our people want peace?. That Is AU of ns desire peace, and none more 3 heartily and sincerely than' Gov: Vance does. He will do as ranch to secure peace as anj man. He will do a. thousand fold more to brino; peace than Mr. Holden Would or can do.;1 , . - - '-u - The writer of this letter hasvi-' ' denily allowed himself to be deluded wih the 4dea; liat the election' ot Mr. Holden mat bring peace. Who iibb ueiageu aim 1 upon Whose bead rests the feiponsibilitr I ' Poor man. . he has, taken his counsel from Ho!-: S l den and Pennington, ,v Doped and . ,' deceived by themhe wiirhave.a bitter recollection of their deception. -J tfhen, alasf it is too latea & .sjv v Ho says Gov. Vance has deceived - - tiicm. . in wbat 1 iGor.? Vance nev. er DroralsedThim beace. r He had rxi lAiivi 1 in pmu ue into hub war. He did all he-could to prevent iL -Hr. Halden did .have, a hand tla it. - -Ho langhi( the people secession and resistance. ' Gov. Vance never did: Bat when the war caine he buckled on his armor; he went into the war to conquer a peace, : He has done all he could do to secure peace. Mr. : ilolden. after doinz all the mischief V he could Uefos bf tbe ears with the North,' then ser himself dowB" ' and left the rest of ui to flgbt tt out." ' a ot tie. . lie nas done wbat be could x to stir up strife it home aod keep ds in a turmoil. All the discontent-, ed factionists in thr State swear bj ' hint, and wei prefcuiiHj iotenvi jo tole for -him:. What will they gain. by it! ' Can, Mr. Ilolden bring peace! . Is . be not less likely to do it than any . th'er- man ! -Wh will eo-oberate " - with htm ! President Davis, and 'j the Congress canoot, for no man has s made bimself more offensive than'' .-: he, "The .Governort of the other States would not eo-operate with : him. v None 6f them, reco&nizo in bun it friend -of the causer None of " them could co-opeaate with him, be- cause he hss.rendef ed himself so ob noxious to Southern sentiment and . is so fully endorsed by the. Yankee. Could hevbring 'peace, .alone byW own 4Bight I -llow UIial, Comer- vatite. . . . -' ' 1 ,1 , 31 i 1 4 1 J iu

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