VOL. XXIL :;SALISIJURYNC AUGUST 15,11864; U WBEU :I21 " " ' 'i. J. J. imUNER, kpiroa o reoratxToa. TKtU r THIS PlPAXg-rir. Le mi asoaih. NoVibosriativasreeeivod fee Klt r time, preosat. .". UIM9 0F tDfEtTIsisC-fJ parseaar wr th 6m inaariMM sad $1 per seaare foroaeh ,nt -p--' f"M""';'" Thus ssadjag aderu"a.inaoU.' wtN also seed im iwwy 10 pay thai. Natiees of 75 mt4 or lr, will curt I tV ik irrt, as $1 V Mck additional pektieatk. rtetieS W mrpr mm, in the saaia prapurti . V TELEGRAPHIC. Ricaisena, Ang 7UL. Following war received dated Mobile, i.g, stu. , - Ho J A. Seddon ... .SeDiec-i: ut clw faemj'a remeh, fourteen tni and three imn cUil paaml Fort Mof pn tb morning. Ycum9eh Viumtor wat jnk y Frt if ordain.' The JiuMtaet tar ifidrroJ after a UeaperaM cnagtiaoat w'th u vie:ri' fljot, AUusiral Buchanan lool a b and i4a'nriaonT. The Stlma was oap- The lf-ut wat JWacbed near the' hxpiul ot Fort iljrgai ai I W eaf, and will try to run up to-oigtiL Thv fmujM fleet ti approaciuti the pity. A monitof baa ta enggiuj Fori Powell all day. a;"1,) D.H.MAC&T, liaj. Oeoerai IJchmond, Aug. 7. Tfie New York Times cl 5th receired, It j iiitelfi-tice of iinjwrUuce frotq either of inr mam rmiea, . Court of inquiry aboet lo t oou .. iHtl to inquti (lie cause of the lata fu;rr at tVtersOury. xact ouaiber ol Sivral 'kjim asoertaiDed to be five 4kousaod n ujudreJ and forty. No Quid quotations, (? 4iii U-inj fust day. , Washington Cbroni ; Mys K'-lly rt-puiscil the rrbeU iHidcr Me Cajlud am) Bradley Johnson at New Greek n tho 4 -h. li. iKil lo- screre. Ours lighL iuatber force of rebel occupied Uageretowa u the 5ik Curttu call out (or thirty tboua n. militia, anl soys, I eaiiaot too t-arweally arge uoo the rol at this Stale thenectf ty for imtuohAte prtyaee in force." Telegram toys great consternation once tore among the Cuiubvriand Valley popula acn. raniti'trtckcn fanners are hurry iog 3 their suxk. . , . aropean aioas to 26th unimportant ' CLtjrroN, Auf. 5. New Orleans papers state that the enemy uave entirety erai uated Urownsrille, Texas, remoriDg erery thing. Oar batteries in sink tag the steamer CUra BvUe, killed three and wounded thirteen yaokees, balance escaped ki uie mud wan Unoi ui Natiunai Negro Gouemioa to be held at eir i oik ou iue iih (Alober. i ester day at 8 o'clock CoL Scott captured Stockade at Iougtas' plantation on 'the rirer otww uatou liouee, without the loss of oiao. W'e have-over one hundred prisoners a large aniouut of n.iIiUry scores. -Mod'iuc. Auff. (L Special despatch to tUe AdTsrtiser, dated f ort Morgan, Aug. Cth, says the enemy's rjiiLoat with wounded lias letl for rensacola. AJuiiral Buclianan's wound was doing well, Md tliat his leg uiay be saved. The fennes lost two kmcd Httd eight wounded. Toe vliun l4t ti;ht kiHrJ, including Lieut Com- anj Wren wounded- ihe Morgan i.e 'lightly wounded. Ti:e gnrrtson t Fori jrgan m ti-ie Fpinu, lo slight. uetny ugmu iiy. , iue inCiL &lQ.xn, came nvli!. al.- the crew of the Uauies. my lutt ot)..- monitor and one cunboat. Ji ll'jbilo l'igiDes4 is geut.-allr sujpeoed. l.i.rce riiQxiu came w .thin a few milos of - rj i'o,' m ef tar etrdiy t-renlng though Uey w-"i back, hucujy hive merely earned iLe .i pJ?U4. ItiiMoxn, Ang. 8th. . -Additional from t'e Chronica! of the 6lh iy ci ty cou'il of Plnladvlphia voted to pay ff uui.dre. dallart b unty to each ' rolun-t-."r. Must eyuiy've -j."n? "f counterfeiters -T-r known in t!ie L'r.iUs I Hute were bro ken -)p at Sc. Louin.. Large .amoanl of coon f'.t Greenback's kto'ujd. (J. eat excitement si .a Montgomery county m consequence '-' 1 iUTrrrt to capti.ro a land ot girri'las -t -.-rt. in that COHaty QiOy pi . HilhK. fj-rf-y-fr-sf rebvls wSfif ec1ftof''tu iTireatTto" -'-"T'th'- town. "Afsgimentcf infantry were 'J.;i'ir-d to ffin-ihoro' Srnrniy tifn.- mntitx-. . Wju ,4 Ohio, and Davis of Mary- v! i"r 'islitfi letter Lu tuc : r;tj iim, letter Lu tu i aiHIfclWtj Htfi "lk Tff t-al--ff airtfvfUftff wtiae tv f -f i '! hj'.n trt m -n lli liih f.,r i.vir.'Aii! il!..n ijf I "At-t-state goreruuicnl. rJCTKfcitKuto, Auj., 3tii. ntbe expljahm on J'iiJ ' evcuiijA "'jt'nntr ui inU-rw-it. .Some pickvk fu.uy and '1 AwWnn W-day, but resulting iu uoth ' 0 1 ant w certainly snhng rnor troops n i, command to the valley. Oran-t V'cver, nt fw:hved to Ijavo abaudonod nun, " n" T- if Will persevcriii in diggihg. Mobile Aug. 7. ' TrTday nlghf, UentiCoClViltiams comtiiandiug Fort Powell, evacua- . .. " . ;." - i m- M U k'nd -blew p: thr: frt. Tl,ci eneinj jeatenl linj to-dj are helling fort Onea. Tlie pojU of Mobile r all ifitdj fnr the fraf vxcai vwiuuenco prevsuia, llio eo ele areaatUfied witk the ennduct of tochanan, Morplj and Uarnett of tbrNafj.' .,...; 1 ascoxo Diar'ATOai.v--It is rtaiiifnilt hmniliatlnff to an- nonncv llio aliMniefl lor render 'of r on uouica ai iif U paal nlue o'clock this iHyrninjr, by CtO. Charlea An deraon of the Slat 'Ala. -iTIiia tw ful.Wtk M-lfaPtffuialU ' mot.tls; arid 1iaf irifariaoii 1 of COO I ueuiUe eoiniuqluicetedT witU. tl ennj's fleet b Aa of troet with out riisfitctiori tuUen.'Pe. Pae enquired hjr signal what hia parpoee wsu, bat rcceired rfu aiuwer. At tention waa attracted bt aiiial Pago repeatedly telegraphed,' Miuld I An In . fidt'- - -t--- -. Same night Pago eiiited Port Oainea .& found Anderaon on board the Yan- - j kco ue arranging lertna or capita- fof Anderaon on hia return not to ro ta rn, aod relifrving him f hia com- tnand. Althooh Fort Moriran . excepfIioisttng the Yankee flag over utviiniiar, xiw answer. tne rauiparta. AndeMhu a conduct otnctally pronounced in ex-plicalte and ahainvfuL. RaLatoa. Aatr. 10. Vote for Goeerner thos far, t went relive conaties Ut bear from. Vatic 43.176. Isolde f.431. Vaitca majority 3335. ArLaVra, Aag 9. Last iiglit and this uomiar Dasaed without say demonstration on tb tiavt of tba ensmy. Soma lew shells were thrown into the city wiihovt doing any damage. im khi cTioce a aiaposiuoa to exieno their right further which rests near the Camphellton road. A Cap', and a Lieet, fiom Uc Brooks rai jers who deserted froto ar swmy were wptsed jeaterday. ' Moaitx. Aaf. 0. Last night a soldier train ran into a land slide between Pollards ard lioatgomery, killed twelve and wounded fifty seeen, of the first alms. Artillery. Lswt night two whit men and one negro were arrested for catling the wire. Sotn Faderal sols crowing in the bar. The Garrison in tort Morgan ar in fins spirits. Other wis all quiet below. PsTrhsscao, An. 10. The explosion of yesterday it still one-1 plained. The enemy are contracting their hoes on out right and left, and receding from in airecuon of tne eWon railroad, ana showing themselves in diminished fore. Erery thing indicates th enemy throwing themselves 00 the defensive Lutle or tti sharp shooting, and pcareely any mortar or artillery firing to-day. KtCHMO, Aug. 10. The flair of trice boat arrived at farina last night bringing thirty Surgeons and two Clisplains. The Italtimore American ears advices from the upper Potomac report that the rebels have again left Maryland retreating in great haste. The Federal forces' on the south side of the Potomac are threatening their rear. The main rebel force under Early is reported retreating on i mencster. Sheridan has been teoiporarilv placed in command of the departnient of th Shenan doah, Kelley reports that Arerill overtooK reb els under McCaualsnd at lloorefiejd on Son- lky and attaclmd them capturing all their ariillvry and five hundred x prisoners. The American is much elated by this nows. and reports from Mobile. ' ' ' - - Nothing tr!iiorUnt from Grant. Doth armies arerengagod StrengtHcning their de- TttetfSSS'lfSin Fortpiiiith claim a vic tory ever the Coafolerstes unier Cooper, at atsnawaite, pn tiic jln oit. European advieea to tbe29th are unim pwriaui. vunieurmio wan acuv ai Mil- Powg raieav uow euotauons in Sew lOtk - . RiCHtfOffd. Aag. 11. Oa Taesdsy last lbs Ordnance depart went at City Point exploded killing a large number of Yankee soldiers. - Th New York Times says a largs force is concentrating 00 the apper Poto mao a'gsinst the rebels ia that section. - Grant and Staff visited JIarper's Ferry lasrSanday. Privst ajvices from Keoloeky repre- ek a " ' - ' aV' -- arat.aunMi itolMica fiat HtUie satl neot progressing' U tkaf tat 8e 4ra proosiaent citiarav aewtoforv Ualoa ro sow cm opcratias; jitb ike peace party. . ' i tv . naresMaaeaef lis wllew Uajor John S4iloa, brother tOs lb 8etOsry jof w ar, isj KUQor4 eaaat y. wa ; bamW-by order ofiUf, isj retaliatio .for barai tiff tmwnj vuar UUIK r . if asa iagtosv,.. .: . ,v. :. .. ."1 ; t Aruara. Aug. 10. Notbiitf oecorrsd alonff tbo ba jreaterda, etorpt the awawl astiOery prsrtica and firiof o ween aairwiisntiK Mat., wso. ltea re-. terred a aught tVsfc wwand uvKe les No Sawtona sfaWts s pii rssnilsdttsjTrorar da roerny awsais on ear right, and adVotv Ug 16 eiUkaad his Baec ia ihedirectiea ol the Wcstera Railroad. A few shells fired i the city yesterday Brisk aaeOaf commenced ai eteve last irignt. tarn.- kourt. mpsrsoanl seportod, Anairra, Aaf. 11. JTbera'waa brisk akirmiakios; , apoa the ilreroe left. I -: The baitenre apas ManeUa atreet aad East SuteHoad opMcd apoa the city at one o'clock tb'w snonMag and con tinned ep lot ha preasat ttma, anag a ember of boasea 00 UcDoaoajb atreet- No casaalitirn rr ported. The enemy it reported' to be still mas- ( oar at naking no effort to I xtead their right UoatLK, Aag. U. Uesry firing at tbrt Morgaa TaesJay aad WrdoesdJy. To-iday the telegraph wire srss cat. - To teasels off Dog rieer bay this teea idif! The bay akores is cowed with Uis cf federal Teacls. . . Large .qnsntities of tar pitch and terpestise was bnraed to I tret the ewerav Mia k. Troops are daily arrieiag. A good ferfinr exitts. ' Cuto, Aag 1 lth, via Mobil If, New Orleans papers of the 6th has bees ftceired. They say the Teaoroseh strack a torpedo opposite 'Fort Morgan and went down immediately. AB on" board perished, including the Captain, except 9 "prisoners. After passing the Port the Ten nssse came bp. A teasel cam np amongst lb fleet delivering broadsides aad making tor the Mag Ship. 1 be r arragnt and Mo noagahcta bor down and stmck th Ten aessea amidships. Th Teaaess and Uartford then got side by side, the former pooring fall broadsides into the IIartfcrds port boles, causing, as lU Tra Delu says, fearful loss of life oa the latter. Th Sack awaaa and others came op. Farrazai did not com ap anui u leanesse sorrea- derd. ' - The -papers report that Admiral Duch aaaa leg will be saved. lie said be would baa been wilting to die two million - . - M. W deaths if ha con Id bars sank the II art ford Lieut Comstock Confederate and Lieut, Prentie (Yankee) ar both reported dead. Paransaiao, Aug. 13. Northern dates of I Oth unofficial dis- K itches claim great victory for Averi.'l over cCausland and Bradley Johnson on the 7th, near Uoorefield, Hardy. County. Johnson and staff esptvred bat aseaped, Also claims fiv or si hundred prisoners, traia4, colors and small arms capturerl, . Tbs Commercial Advertiser of th 9 th says Sherman aad Thomas both telegraph ed to Washington that Atlanta will fall this week certaiely. ' . -A rebel wagon traia aumbertng thirty five wagons wasJ captured in London ; county. Nothing from the array of (hV Poto- Rise ; . ' Four expeditions entered ' Florida des troying railroads, turning and committing other depredations. t Atlaxtx, Aco. 13. Tlie enemy , yesterday ' evening, advanced hia right about a mile, at the same time extending u ia loft a short distance, ni hurriedly with drew both, this morning, from some cause unknown, to their original poeition. Their liqe officers attempted fre quently at different points jthog the line to communicate with oars to day. In several caaee they propos ed a cessation of picket firing, which was not entertained in consequence Who clianiftl' '" v" " "-' j rr Tr ; -V with the exception of alight artillery firing. ' ; . ' r r. Brig. Gen.' ajohn & Brown," Tennessee, haa been promoted, tern porjirily, to the ank pf Major General. UeTitrPiiL-"J am errKenn ardVC.1 8. Af haa been . fMigncd . Qiief of Ordeajnce ef the eyny of Tennanaae. Majrar Carrol, agent for the ex cltaago of pnsonera by the flag of trace fleet, in the lower bay, haa tffecte4 aft exchange at J)anpthire. f arracat atatea inai pnsonera aie- rw J ' m poatkl of by Can by could do . noth inir. Arranirementa' hare been r - , sr ; 9 made to send package to prlaoncN from friends. " . . " Geo, Maury order oflfceri ' ftnd, soldiers to remove their fatniliea furthwTth. Kon-eombalanta are again ordered to leire. the city. -There are hear forces in north Mississippi, their destination is sup posed to be Mohije. ' Important Decision Detailed Men -'not LiaUe to Duty in the Mill tia, i 1 Jedire LTontTcaterday delivered hia opinion in (fie ease of N. Tinsley Pate,! wlm came beforo ilm under writ of Habeas corpu claiming ex cmpt? frommilitia, dufy-becanse of-befnir a: detailed conaeriui. It appears thatwbeo first called upon, bv the militia authorities, he willing ly agreed to do duty, but finding that it interfered with him ; in the transactionof his legitimate busi ness, he refuted longer to aerwe at militiaman. The military guard then called at' his office, and vi et anmit arrested and paroled him en til twelv o'clock the following day, when the cafe came before Judge Lions. The petitioner waq ably represen ted by rrurAjmtrmna- iirr. xw- non, wqrs., air. inciter appearing m ram n for tho militia -authorities. The Judge, after taking; ample time to examine all the authoritiea on the subject, decided to discharge the pe titioner, on tne groono tnat lie was a detailed conscript in the Confeder ate army, between the agea of 18 aod 45 that be wtrs a regularly en rolled conscriDt under the -met of Congress, ana had been detailed from the army in the. field until the Ut of November next, as lesseo and owner of the cemout works in Rock bridge county that as such, being liable to doty in tire Confederate ar my, the Secretary of War having the power to revoke his detail at any moment, he could not bo liable as a militiaman. The Judge therefore decided Hint the .said N. Tansley Pate waa illegally held as a member of CapL Win. A. Jenkinscompany, 19th regiment Virginia Militia. The J udge also decided . that the .said Pate was not liable to ' duty In tlio Reserve Forces, under command ofj (Jen. Kemper, as tne. law organizing the reserves provides Hurt it shall be composed of persons between the ages of 16 to 18 and 45 to' 50, and that the aforesaid Patobeing USr t w eeff nb elllrer "of the above men tfeoT cd ages, could not, therefore.be pro- pcrly held to duty as a reserve .The iftitioner.was also charged Ll ith resisting tlio guard sent to ar-j - witn resisuuir rest him. -In-alulding to this, the Judge decided that the court mar tial, composed of the officers of the 19th Va,, rcgimeut of Militia, bad no jurisdiction over the , petitioner, and con Id not, therefore, try him for said offense. , Mr. Pate was there fore discharged frorrucnttody. , ' - The decision, though length!, was characterized for its strength and lucidity of expressioo.and the abili ty and force of Its deductions. ' If In review, all the acta ct&m? trwaa in relation to conaciipuon, lo-;i;i -.UoerMor and tlie Secretary 01 r, . In ton 11 ect ion with Uie miiulvl givT. 0j a ' fa.! I. . ,, . . inir eacn an sppropriove, poauioo um sj ita lift of rgoment,nd'raped -op with conclusion whfth will doebr less permanently set at reat tne ques tion involved by the' fotare. iEV -TKoir"f1iae-the.-ectIdit ever we destrf to. aay that,. In our opinion, the course penned by. 4he , lUlergb tajidardn and "ProgresVU in tlie-eaavasa which Jrxrdoat tarmv- UtZl 'li.i iu. Mt.4 tA A 1U1 8bntliern Confederacy . the greatest . ' harm end the Yankcea the greateit amount of good. Tne Editors ol. theso papers may not have designed "giving the enemy aid and comfort," but that thev have done so. Ia be- yond'all' qncation. Exery .vote 1 whether so tutendea or not cut for Mr. Iloldert, U regarded at the North as a vote In favor of Lincoln's cause. For our own part we are aa jeal ous of State Ririita free Govern ": meht and civil Liberty aa either of the two journals above mentioned. But what avail State Rights and State Govern men ta if the enemy overrun us while we stand splitting hairs about Uonstitutionar-etiqueti In the desperate struggle now. rag ging, we regard State Governments as nothing without the arm to pro tect and defend them. The great desideratum, as it seems to oa, ia to keep up thia army, even it requires a temporary suspension ot btato Rights, or of G"Vernmeota them- selvea.. If wefaUbto the enemy tands, our Government ia eone. not onlv for;duringhe,war but forever; and with It perishea State Gnstitu- tiona State Rights, and Liberty.- ' But if we conquer, then each State can resume its original Rights, and ; guard them with an eyeae jealous as -she chooses. Milton ChrmicoL , THE NORTHERN DEMOC RACY. The Alexandria Gazette of the 1st Inst, saya: . The difference of opinion between the leading democrats of the North, which have heretofore divided them into "War" and "Pesce Democrats," seems to be vanished. The New York IForW (war) says : "The new President to be nominated at Chica go and elected in November, must be a man ready and willing to meet any and every overture for peace a man who shall represent truly the dignity and power of the nation, end who will not be unwilling even to tender an armistice suggesting a National Convention of all the' States,? TheNT. N"ea (peace) agrees to this saving : The peace Democracy will indorse a nomina tion that faithfully represents the sentiment here stated. They are willing to trust to the good sense and patriotism of the people for the re alization of as definite Peace as the sequel of an Armistice and National Convention." ' It thus seems likely that "an ar mistice suggesting a National Con vention of ail the States," will be the main feature of the platform of prin ciples to be put'forth by the De mocratic Convention which ia to as semble at Chicago on the 29th of Augusts -. General' Edward Joheson,-recently exchanged at Charles ton, arrived in Richmond on Tuesday, looking in eslent BealtU and eondition, an4 . . ' apuarvuiiT icout w rcsuoio ua valuable services in the field at ay moment s notice. . A few.das after Gen. llood as sumed the command of the Army of Tennessee he, with his staff, visited all the hospitals at Atlanta, and the result of his strict tion-waj a return of fifteen hundreds men to the front, . . r. 1 V,1 ."I-."" -1- ' -A

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