! I'M ' i - j H . .i si (.':: i i li i I ; N h ' i J v- j isX - v.-a. a- .,' . v: vol,:xxii.aaa; a aa-numbkk is: opRirron. i -,;- ' '' 11 V'V' ' DiTO. fB rtorRirroii, TEtMJ OF THIS ririCtorirtAJIm . at uuniqi. 41 .ngicnpuii rceia for toarrr lint, ( pnieat v, f . ,f il' tRtX4 OF iTr.TISIC 8 per 'o.r fcr tht flnt ifiMMion and fl prraquaru foraaek absrarnl puHcaiion. ThoM teHdin; atltrtiomn(a,' will Im at4 ia money lo pay fur Ihi-m. Nuiicea 4 4 vordi or will cort f Air the firat, aad ft far each additional publication. Nuticta of largar aiia. iu lha aame pnipoftiua. - TELEGRAPHIC. alJ aja Grant wlia liw y unltd WaJjitig- ton fell lwMtfBlWr intimate tliat Granl wauti llai fw lr will U fsxrtlary uf war. - A IVRBC, Aoj. 14. A Tiiafeitaro? crooned adtruiunof cava!-! it and H5iliM aoiiie iofHOlrjr 00 tbe forth aide otjaa-f rrer- WaTtgUITnijKaieJ onlj a demoDtiration, wltiktha real blow, ifanjr u lalefided, will be ttrocc aom wliere'elfte. " CaiioonadTiij tieard"befafuf the laallwdrdaja f-roofwdrd frorB an eo gaeoiant betwveO our rivr UatUsriea, abd naiiiy'a gun bnaia. 'l'ba aoeinr atteni,l ad to cut a caual acroa Dotcb Oap .or Turkey lod teotv m1la below Itkb noudata jilaua wbara.tha.rifer ia tbraa and a quarter inilr wide. Our rivr WterUa opeowi ujhjO tLa eoemjy work lag partitra, and tltra gafl boat repouUod. The object of ilia aitftnjr ' 10 tutting the canal waa to fl.k avoitt ofoor baiu-rtt-a naarCbalBiia tiiuS, 00 tli north aula of Jamc ri r,ln frott of .Pvtrrtburg. ' Srnti I ittle cabnonali( aud picket firing, ital Urt oooiaiatrvly juitL .' 1 ,' Eichmojcd, AaglJ. Orel's ditibioA of CJtvalrj advaocel on New Market road yrlerda. Our firi" occupying ttciiiitj uf. Dwp nollohi, tbe ! anenj . r. pulsed wltF wsijrbl oaa ; Ooniedtiraia m amalL A. ' - r. Atlkt4, Aug.' 15, At late houra jretlerdnj eveoing eneibj atUtnpud to diivo ia oar picket on lbj centre and tftxr a kiraiib w'aJa,lvpa,aed. FirtnAaJ: iig tlie licts tiirougbua tp-dny. But few Brieil thru wo in city, some "had acripturo qnotatiuna iu Hebrew pasted 00 them. A body of enioy" cavalry dantied into I)ciur tliia et ening and moved MO direction of Colii' Mill. A, mail irce of inuntry rH,,mis.l p Ueeatur n4 tiieir I action inuicatea aqotiier movement on bur right. Lwv dklrrhisbiog. going on in the c-nUt-. This evening everything looks bright anu inor bojifuj than at any time tiue t tie seige tigan. ' '", JCa noxBs A.og. 15. Baltiniiwe pspors of lSlh reci-ived- Notliiai; i .'finite from Shenandoah Valley. ' a a i -' I tli iL.' i"l I'.uy r returning Detore superior foic(;s udvanrinff on hitn. 1 eie- a grains iro:n ur irjxjris vUO vnjuwu . V V ..I. .1 and deatruiiiion of oi-veii v'css-ls aUul 6(1 mile aouthoal of Sandy Hook, by the new (JoptvJvraU . Rt' aiiief Tallahassee, The arrival l" la. N w Orleans brings re ports 0 t'i t'urifiMierle'a strong forcoout ou!e of AI'vm more lorli'ying a position with int-iit'iin of makit-g bae of operv t:oni. (iu tii;Ixs for.iicuo very abti vein Kentucky. Sunton hs not recigoed. Uo sart havittif solicited and accepted lTie,-t1rtt:it vstaaiJviirfflnishfiira tion circuUur.K' i 'iiio and other SlatQN requesting itoMj orK 'ni-nt of draft until au attempt by aeg .ti ition to secure peace, ba.ed on the Coutitutkti of the Union. The llernf.i tr j - nme has arrived when 1 -m, on behalf of j advantageously jien r tioti f criil i: Tafi-. jr" oia.- 'i of ... t, .re an i Coo ven-j adviiHs LinetMO to era to Kichmohd. re jinri6uncevc0B- I" . -..een Gerru.iDy aud T:i Ti o inoWn. Cdnfeder- hsnciuj. United Slil-s it' lulll x-?! t'uMC Mill r ii. : re.-vi;d. IfKuiMOxa. Anir. IS. !'pi.,i! to 'A , f.om Peteftbarjtto-dar. ii- r liuiii'i l.i t4 ll.h h'j ll nl itl J- . .im"'(Al. opalalon lheiHnJ .mrwi,aleJiajTr . ' A 7. " ' Tha HeraU trf the lltb wotaia fiya o4l4olhteglW waraflfca.; TGCik"&r ealuinna a tern Rlaaa mwliajf.. Aid a fafarg of wet gun an. aro.ll urmi . vVV. WtV-v CIUua for lVe.idaU , v0u4 pf both partw. after a raia IrticVpaa L ATtt Apjf.'lO. buodrcd luouaaaJ pro,,!, prpu Tta of er lia city, a M ; , vUliA ' ' r "'V'7 , T ' v? " Qan of LaglauU arofa'tiisf IVBmaai , j , .: A" Vf '''.iTht lH JiHay'airj tbat oaaal to declara ourooan wf br gx vera went to '"'.''"""" 'i- ' ' "'" tu'routfli Decator laat avi iiag, aftef nmt-bv aid ber to uauiraJilr 'Duller. 1W llr- .i''i v 1 'V' " .Kicomosik An 16. - f.) f off VMa " If ilia, retar4 .at'' DiirhL :' It .fuil,ioifr ortbe. :-iW.tJpwjlt , City J oinU "-Says ' wk wasn'ioit v terrible of.lh kindf by guo-'powuVr. ' Xo if fcit of iiniin'niiioa f rm'rUiu kinda vn moored Cur Toiol '(.! owwn ro atoms, whb m iiw ruoifin oo. it . - i ' j. i it i- k" tJl ! MMnliit, Imiit-d in all lirwxun It i- ' war ; botta; fiv fciBdrv.l ft ' loiiff .l1 '1- t'..:i l!l J' '.i 1 - V . mrnia. yiaam .irnt oiix aiiinibiinr i'l a r aJo JrojeA. F,ft W irt, li W . t - ,rM,B0Vnavl ,1 About auc ocJock evtmipj; conkJ C4. Moal.y frort, .ofikially, tbat ha J. 1 ... ... JJaiC tie Carittr ajlJ0,troTediwVMHT - 6' loaded wagbna, fakfng over (wo hun rd prfaoaera, inolading at-vera! ' 'officers, anibjrLwenjpu r andii Jiundr n(i.multtaand- upwarda' of two bttudfHl head ofvcattla and nmnf otiier valuable atorvf. A considerable number of tbe . . ,1 enawiy were killed rand wwanded. - Maabj lust two killed -and three wounded. "'! MCCOIfD UJSPAltJH. A! Kicbmokd, Ang. 18.- ' A duel ocearred "litis morninj nar the city between Daail, editor of the Ex miner ana umore. Treasurer ' of the Qnilederate States, Daniel received' if 6eh wound above tbe ankle; The afiVir fjrew out of a correpalenre paUUbed ia the local column of the Kxttnintr- on tbo 'is: inst on tna-'Ttgniof: a detective to soppresa certain facts injurious to tbe reputation of official, in tbe Treasury De- p&rUnent, , . .. 1 , TU1RD DisraTctu " 7 t ' - " HtcHMOND, Aug! 1 sr The enemy's carry advanced on the Charles City road l6 morning to WbTte Taw seven toiles bvhw tbe city. Con. federate cavalry engaged 1 them and a se vere skfnoisb coutioned until afternoon ben they drove the , Yankees back sev eral miles.' further particulars.' . . rocrr'it ltispATCH. YanVees unolually demonstrated on New Market road below tbe cilv to dav. U m reported that they are attempting a flank movement which will probably lead to active operations in tbat quarter. 1 A ; RtcuMOKn, Ang. 18th. - Thn Baltimore oorrespondent of the Naw York Post says Wjnterthms has written a eall for a national convention to be held at Buffalo ta Septembcf to nominate a candidate for PreaidenL T!ldaMf lvrianni un Si ia rnortal j that Jue Taliahassee is commanded by John "vr y . TbeNaw York Post sin the McClellan meeting did not express the approbation of the leader of the Democratic party or neither leadernor the Democratio masses prewecU . - A .. . .' lodianna troubles Intba North-west ire ef increasing magnitude.y . Great excitement in Constantinople in tbe li-t month in cohqneneettf the sup lesHion ot 1 roiosiaui eauDiiabraeou Dy arm' Mobilk, Aug. 15. This evening two monitors and five guulTsicrlwsed, lTg 11 iver bar-ooTfitng" up within two niiles of: the obstruction Land opened fire oa tbnw houses and oil otir la ..'' a a V a Ualleries and gnu boat oomg no i Our cur. bonti repllbd hamlsoine! sonset the cnitny hsuled otL ' A pciar to tn.'1 J.i'jiswr, ducd i.HWd r Angut 14th, siys t'haliners daslicd-into Abbevi imd whrojfd thu enemv cir'- luring wify-firo prisoner and f jl Uk foirr n fir. The enemy at ncl-d v J . jere I and t d ' land twenty rivA wounl J. Tiie Hosa'fiv kHIed-'Miiltrt h'un!tea and fitly .'. j nqiil.. nil uvij' piitiii?is- j J..ll L . I - . I: . In ifl ?lr'M,l? f eard '' . i .- 'direclioo Ur I ti rrun Mttfgtto ' nrteri;oo. -.-: ... " .' Richmokd, (An if. . J ... . I .' . : ,. . , Cirlrcily ro4,ai)4i . , viww cii j rvau, auo, at, uo . ' ' . fVso.id. A' -V,: ;!?A . . t ,a,itl. Mjf UBf aiuci n oar. iimwi aiw rur v. . . . i 1 . -'--1 i'l '.t 'vnwa iwiiwi, ima tuna va Ira 1. UfmaS lav! wo milt? acruM aaaaulU. liurnvja iifi-o Wn fdinir lh4 vhkHK Slaar hter f Dcrroaa vsWaliN l iha croas at P-uraW a ' ib4 S9ib waa kapiHe4 to le uol J n rrconitoiaaneir. Awotlivr wlilvb inoed siaiultaheowilj frorii horni.UlHirf ami Lirii 111 Ui'lia.k ii. sryen places, they lh;nithdrew threej,, wfflc5ar biid bveii reivtW. inik-e aiid went into cirm Forces varw ousiy es'tiiuatttd at froin "llio iofive thou. . t.:. ..lA7.il.: "Tf . .... : uuiirwua mv mtn anvacu w fun to cvirwi qiiencn of promnity ' of eiiemy. -'v Last Might and to-day unusually qn'uet alonjc tbe liuea., :The , enemy V jriJerylreiiV''kabIy:, quiet A few shells were thrown into tbe Riemaoypf Ang. )1.7 Acting Brig. Gen. (iirardy commanding Wrighfs brigade was killed in the , balllo yesterday, lie was shot through the head, Ilia boly was brought Iter and will bo snfto Georgia fiepiilinfaa ltrc0MOV Aug. IT. , The Herald of the 13th renews the sug - gesiiunof pe'ai comiiiisii)D4sto llich- mond and says 'we have -arrived at that state of exhauolon in tbia wr wben every oouaideralioa of widiV palriotisin aad humanity suggest pro ierly a m4gnaoU - mobs and boutt fid iilovement on the part of l be Adiuinwilation, jn behalf of The Herald ao Bounces that iu ,aily issue will be four eema. a copy. Ii ex peeled Fesaenden would reform the finan cial affairs, but instead bas plungml deer into tb sea of paper money. National finances now more nneettled tbsn ever. ti ll t 1 !. ? I .1 l.'.l iue ueram says n is evwewiy tpat ..a.. the news papers orlhe country must foou stop publication. V . A KicHMOXD, Aug. 17. Baltimore Gazette of yesterday received." Buroside relieved of the command of the 18tb Corps, and is now. ia Baltimore. Wi'coi 4einporarily coqimauding' Corps, federal loss in killed and wounded in the action at Mobile ' bay is 'estimated at two hundred and forty. No particulars of tbe surrender of Fort Gains on ' the 10ttV . ; "fc's -'- ;.'.; Sherman ia within one mile of Macon road, and at every step has fortified bis position very strongly. f s A "rinlitratA fi kriw.' rf Im tKAiiaanil men are in the border towns of Indiana Gen. Harrington has made a requisition on Gov. Moigan for twenty-five, thousand men. ' ' 1 ' ' ' . Various captures by tbe Tallahassee re ported, including ships Adriatic and Wil liam Bell. r --, Nothing definite from the Shenandoah. Valley'."- ' t Dispatches from Grant's army unim portant. ---'' " ; "" - ... PKTKKSBUROAug. 17. Darters., find prisoners brought in to- ay report mat Uaneoclt s corps operating; on tbe north side of James river. Advices from bead quarters here confirm n.:.-i vi me tiKini ! V1..' 1 trrdayNneay Wiritar:Taveig s0e of , jfhje e James river. Our loss not j verv lar-TO-KATnonirOur losses are Gens. tlV .l..r..t r.l. ilh HvK, r wr.m - - vmciat -aovteea vnncy e partment wceited up to yvie?day, np to , thav Uuie Bt4;flerl tiigat-mfrthat;ut.u .plaje. NUhiug . ( iuU.t .irWnrii'g. tall;ar i-vt-ry J.y. ti " wihen mot rralilviu ' to i.iau tud beai Atlanta, An;. 1 1. Tho.cnbmy's cavalry retired from the if :UmtVii TarbiVrn, ' rrti.n croiaii.ff UmT H-JT "w o ihr I twniiil.; 1 1wBrtny arc baail flgftl , , ; , k-i-.. -, A ' oat a faI..aaa bh..L Mian a.irttutijl tjt iA Kail 1 V - .4J i'ff aiL, fciw- t TlRr. 1 cii w aruiM as 111 va v m aa. auinjurru mi in aaaaaw ' kMlt akhl nuluo io kiJIinff 1 ... 1.. 1. i.. v! n r. 1: ;j .1.. , ew peraoo m jgtuvrwi vtovw iuai porivm of our cfIry on tlie (4ihf NfW fr.n tbatrqMarUr.U nuaptcioIi ;loyke fFtM?Krjf" ,A, '" A . ATLAataT Ahir.HI'i."' UTy.SnM Wan at . U M r - I ' on tb b-ft Aid cdtre.'aud continued nmil two: oVJ.u k ' withont ' anr ' resnli. Tbla immiing tbe artillery, of Si" art' cot pa opeTRKl vn th Viemyr"Tbir bauerie ra piiend feebly.; -Finnic wka tery heavy and iHotlucei eoiiieraalio aroonif Ihc enemy ) arnaoaera reptir uiai uur avairy uwi i.ny lured a larVe number of beeves at Kings- ton a few days siueo, i, Name'ronsreiHiita are ih circulation in regard W lb-lf imr'alionn, but "beyond l"he fact thaV tbey bad ent the ' road at 'Ack worth 'and' were defttroj'W' the. trmk brtWonu utotViih &iiu 0ntriii!m fKrfa STid tlma far! had "b-n entirely succesafut. The ent-iny sm to be ijfnorant of the 1 i maj;niUioV of the operations in their rear pt-diliin ' uii'fr Kitatr"ick,',hHd reiidex vouaed at Set VVater preparatory to aiartiag, whicti was b"lieved had been re oalied - yrftWday -to go in poriiiit oT. our Vmy- I avL' ' . ,-lL..L.. j , '" Mobilk, Ang.17.," General Prank Gardener awnroid command of the diatriot of the Gu'if tS- 4: Ie people are much nleased' with j luw ppoinneaU A , , . L-. L.;L,, Ywterday evening tha enemy ia five $ffy fired npM tbVm , kitting -'two aod V wounding. settaUJbn fiMttiy ftitei"laai4j4;, 'ni - rbt. . ;... , , -J j Mj. Oarrol, agentor 'thjl., exclange of ' prisnera at Jtli point, retnraed from tbo ' eueinvV fl -et afier sending off ' letter ..and package for Dauphin. Island prisoners, and, ' a bo js entertained for an 'exchange :at an eaily day. A force of the enemy froin IVpsacula; ' two, tbuu-ianc! j stJOng,' crossed j IVrdido iv-r t wUenJay and are aurancing towarc's Mobile Bay. All quiet in Ute bay. FliOU RICHMOND. . , Richmond, Aug., 18. Between' 5 and 7 o'clock, this morning, heavy cannonading was , b"- th of the citViu the direct j -. - . . . A. . a , , Aj ! HOD Ul ilia oailiu-ueia 01 aucsubj auu uia- ' tant, apparentljniO or 12 miles. Cause yet I not known. r .A .A i' '4iiwoJtJ AngJ.iS,. ; An official dispatch from Gea l.'M. Jack son, idated Lake City, 19th, to Gen. Jonw," fttya'Captaio Dictinson and his company ca- ; guged the enemy's cavalry 342 Strong, at tiainesvuie, yesteraay, wnpieieiy; rouwnj jthem. He captured 150 prisoners, one piece of artillery besides ' five hundred ' stolen "he-groea- Among the ptisoncre are a-captain, twe Lieuts. and a turgeonjJTie' wbole'coro- mand would bare been capturedr vf Captain ? Pickioson's horses bad not been worn out. The XeV. York Herald, of the 16th iays in its editQrtal columns, ."we are satisfied that in casting about lor Jtbose great under-cur-rents of public opinion which always Indicate the diift" of political events, we were' never nearer the mark than .in ' our ' addi essing a , special cptumissioa from Washington iu be half of an armistice and coiivnntion of all. the States, to consider and deviscways and means lor peace. The Afraid Catls nport the merchant prin- r r' F T wonang-meo, ryZT? z f? , ,uA wnrt .r. . . . btiuginc to'cllicr a gianu, moenenuem. cui- p,Tia object of oprjbmtiog a coma:ii1ee'ol'50v' rcMfiH'ni alive citiiens to wait upon Linoola jt -Ka auothcr editorial tbe' tfar-O he ; ' "- j;. ' . ' . irw y In' -'" a"" 4l"" 1 tin 'i ?v.iKif ' a, gfdi'Qf llio Jatfifs'n'yaf. t'racf Nid .deaiia nt v,,,', "riiii'-JUiparr. iny nil liif u.-riii ku.'s. la Kj-oiucky, i-u the 3Uih. umie cav'alrj- dea.u)ej lurea atentuors 1 . 1 fenna 'Aj TWreMaara meraaaiwff UKrntueW. A a a ww aaaaai r' . 1 fl-Hai, wra.. cimhw.,- wr -7. u r, Kport4 that 100 Ci.afadrraUa, aa- Hin wwlart preparina;'oaatack Maaat ' i'- - ""f dif . -, " Vwliat Mm wiy. WhilwDa,- .'.'? pahwe apeech, demMinead Liacoln, in , . : . 'T.X -K Daria ii nuking a call fr a vouTrutkirt ia -inale fabdidatea fin Prrndrat and Viea Fraai- " neat, GuM ia New York 256. " V L . Pctersbtbo, Aof. 19! i The enemy's force engaged to-day consist' ed of three biifrsdes of the 5ih corpf, with eighteen pimtsftof artillery aod an uoa-'HfrUufl- ' ed.'Jorce of cavalry, commanded by General j Warrert Tbe , enemy enjraged our cavJry of tb town, dnviqg them in some four raijes, when ouc infantry came, into ectioo about 2 oV-lock, driyjng the enemy back eotne'three- Anert of r!1 INiht cl't1ieencrare ment, witli tbe 'enemy .holding the Waldos railroad at a point about three aiJes below the city. . - A ' . : A force of the enemy'a cavalry is reported and believed to have punn ori.a , raid in' the. ' waioaof the t3ontfaidVmknaii,'- '; : . The enemy's loss to-day is nnascerta'ned. Ours is not heavy. Among the wounded are Colonels' LyeH, ofVa,and Blair, of Missis- . . va a a-. sippL . About two DQnarea pruoners were captured. ;- ( ' ' BI005B DI8IVtTH.Jt !i.- ' - PrraiisncBa, Ang. 19, This morning, about I o'clofefcyit being bet lieved thaiftriie enemy were massing in our front,' 'onr artillery r and mortart opeoed a teavy fire npon them, to, svhich they res-, ponded. frebjy. The.fii?ng .wa,kept pp for twodiouiK breaking up the enemy's inten tion, it. he had any, , ot caargmg onr njreast- l morning, , alter ores asi, a neavy wason train was seen movme to the rear. ;'- The enemy still' hold the Weldon ralrosjdj about two aod a half miles .south of -.tbia place. ..' ' .ii ; '.V ';i,f ,yA-! Our losses, in tbe ...fijrht of yesterday eve ning are estimated at 350, that of the enemy was much heavier. ' ; v'A' .,-VJrA THIRIT DESPATCH. " ' ' ; , " PmRSBPRO Aug. About three o'clock this .evening, the ar tarigement beingcompleted, onr forces at tacked, " in front 'and; flank,. Varren'"5th ' Yankee corps, which bad made a temporary lodgment ort the Weldon railroad, two miles below here, driving, them back" upwards of two miles, and captoriog over 2000 prisoners, iac'uding Brig. Gen. Hayes, and a number of-standd of colours. Gen. -Early 'e; operations in .tpe' Valley Lare. getting to be very en-, conraging to the mechanical inter ests of . the North. , We learn, from a private letter, dated Auguet 1st, that Geo. Early's command made a sudden'' descent upon the magnifi cent railroad bridge at jVIartinaburg, and, for the second time this season, completely destrdy ed' itv The enemy employed nearly three, thoasajtd workmen to rebuild it, since Gen. Early's first visit into Maryland, and had Just completed it three days, when Jubal came along inquiring "VTho's ben here since 1 berr gauef"' and went to work to encourage trade in that locality. The army are enjoying themselves hugely on 'the abundant rations furnished from the fat fields of Pennsylvania. . ' . . . . The-New York Express says the clergymen of Xew Jersey ana New TklAaia sgjma pgtitjog Ja Washingtan asking exomptiou from the draft. To comply with their re quest would be the height of iijns-iice.JLliey-&re, in a . .Lyrce, the authors ot t to -v- have been iond! in ' .'...'. they r : r its " i'uirly r vf he- ot'raft- Ikitile, e'wry at worke. - It continuance. bowled for bloc'l. i";t intj exempted they o. J;' ' ed and put ill tliQ fn :.i and tliey should lead i: tttk upon tho feiiomy'ri is mcaa and cowartily of fl.t in t csk r.if -exem;:ijn - wuiiO tney are artxknis. to soe every one u!ie dratted and shiughtoTed.- Cincinnati En quirer -' , , 1 J. A- - i-T- " v

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