BATTLE OF TI1H WUITC TWEIIN On Charles City roJ,ii stiles from the city and jut beyond our outer work, is a point known aa the White TaTere. This point. hi Sunday am Monday, vaa the extreme HI of our line, Ths enemy's dismounted cavalry oa Monday moved up this road in Our cavalry iM them below lb Wbita Tae., and, al-oot ten oVrnrk. A. M, a tfiht 1 which lasted until lt in the eing. " la th course' of tba day we drove, ike enemy a Im ir L in th dieV'liea) -of HQ IttWn and CatW Nek. -Laia. -vlkI renins, w weeepr-ain$r lb ftterny a cavalry, we cam uDoahieinfantrf.whoia turn forced o hack aUt Haifa mile, night pot an end to the fight. Early yeaterday iTMirwia the enWT agnio advanced up the Nw Market Tm&. this linw With cavalry, anillrrT and infant try. II i cavalry loree heavier than on the previous day. and lii iafenttrr.taa. a ascertained, eon-araied of the Second. Xintli and Tenti cort. nnmheting toe-ether oot U-v ilmn forlr thotraand mn. Ahowt seven oVWk. A. M this immense fore truck our eWy nod drove them hack into oar earth wn,k. fl'W oar cavalry and a email force of oar rwPtntrr held them in check a ronidrbl length of time, dorin whh-h thetmv madaeeral fierwe assault In heave; ttdoranv' Vd -fro l roof af Borwode leading in every charge, Tha alavshter of th aeroes ia thaeawakkeioeedd anythine that oeetir rail at Peterabarg oa the memorabU SOlh of July. , Thia wh an aneqa! contra. The e my a line w tapped a on tbe left while theyaiiH enlaced aOof oa. artett-fcra. hr hading heary maaee ow oar frooL We were at h-nigh flanked oa oar h-ft. and tha oeroy drove M from our yw tw't-av taking; K ti aaid. aboat a mile of .-ur work. Th C 1. . l 1 m Tk firime DglU was, lww, my vy - forces ontil the arrid of reiaSweeroenf. whn, after a deiferata and Uootlr fight, we droe tha enemy from our entire line. The bat Ua proper hezaa aboat eihl o'cknk. A. M,ai waa waeed with raryiag (arv until fotir o'ctock ia theeeomj. the tnmn Iom in this battle was rery great, a we (ear a from a anraber of oure a. We hae heard ao es'imata of oar loss. Brigadier General Chambfra, re ported to bate heea womdo and takaa prisoaer ia the (tratooslaneht of the enemr. There waa akw a report that Geaeral Wade Hamryoa had bae killed, bat tbia ia more thaa doubtful mjt Hmk) tmrwt Am loft mwiA LTV at OBI the abaadoomept of New MsrkK DilU and. pern aps atna s t un. u resau ntzn ly aati Jacturj to as. Rickmamd Exumi- Fmm the KcbmnaJ Exaaaiaer, Awg. IS We bara Uule La aoif m oar Vf tenly' ac count f the battla of WbaVaTarra,or Dar. bytotra. by ae af wbirb aame it wiB be kaoww ia kiatnrr. The vartiealar ecane ta eWwty. H arm or reeerieetea mat ta wai from the battl fieW. wbieb w pwbhvata' yrt terdar, aid wbieb waa wri tea jael after lb repofce f the eeeay. etated that "ike earoy od a deiemMaed artack rm ar 6(e betwrra the Darbv' wa an Cbarlea Cily oe lime baA tbrib. bat be was repoUed fwrr wieiaal anaittnw r-wr-ao4." Th enemy made a detrrmimtd attatk- We eB attrol on i tbta phraeok27 with a porpbae. The phnteolozj waa weighed and ,coaMjrrd rhen the drapaicb wa belcg peanedU A tennioed afaek" by a great army 6ka Craal'a1 ia ummi x-rams, a treateadflwa ibinf. Thai deiermined attack we teaaiaed, aad g'eat cause have we to he lhaohfel o the God of fcattles, who, thr ogh tbe meaos'of our ever gaaant aot diera, gv a the vielory. A portion of the Ynke pme, that portion calling lheu.arl.ves the k sowing a ad acieatific, have b-en iniliag, sine Graat'a faHares ta take Peter-barf, that the tra and daly a& tary route to R'enrooed waa by tbea Darby town aod Charira City made. ged on by this learned clarowr, Graot inmawd to try (bear n.df After math iratxrvriag aod ds mouft'ai'oz epos New Market IliRaad Dateh Gijjs "he "ef the miinh-Kly of his r .fureea. n thft cn'd be spaced frr the giroaooic; rt bt kne Im? of eni -u.-nmeai. from Carle's Neck oor:h Vi !j io rp-:Js and oa Jfaadwv, tun mj their fre; wet, made bis grand ad-Vau'-e uir r !'3H tt Wbtte Tvra aad Di"H.'.. i - We reeeird him in a haavty and Ki-a'( ro.-ro-!e ! of tretwtk. B'. ;--r t'.rre. f vrt '('rnliif Bombers he tot a l ?:iir a decked iriBt3e.,.fle t-ie-iin a aorks. H had i -r . Se.ef lirn n irj.d i"t '.he 'f "t ue , '(,,.,. IJIT, b. 1 o: J il- !l !u'r Imii it i.C Ei tA-i-und i'.ti c;'j biin aid drve -' teJ ;iiu to r-:.ew th s'.iicV . bw he wf ,-. 'r-f; ' Tk ' 'aI ; ; . OiF. n i late, her of zUt-iit'. tie a -, fa-: -r.-4''- rn l-" i'tiiik '-a r i ' f. a;r 'a-- ria(f. ""f-tT'iT-! ? r"-TT:'naF,- arrer ad in jz'.v. . ui W h!' Tarer n, v fcri i.;e Ult aM-p. ta:. W -O.r r C.t .. v L'Ht a- t re iai i : e - t... n f a!i. . . , f : i.r - .etov tfce '"hiir'ea i. . . ;-b fnaf v-'' - iT terftiiMa'-rO l IJ- .-.: . : . c . f !' il:-!.. Ui - c i.i-n '.! bT;. ni-i .-- IVhieOak .Sauitnp, it e (T"..-'-. d v r.i' d . . ' ill Wh -It-' T iVr-n. T'n !'- ii Ij- af .-ir frir liu' ' We h -v-- to .i . r l iiiii. ih - ' its' et.'tii, m - :r inat f -c 'e c:. ur- f ICi li- ., - fnaw .lh- j... '"e eti- .. . .ttle, tfe r'fO b'JU . . 5- I is latf I Iff f J'U tia! i. I- i: hjlf li. nm''- t make ft!. if t!t .f ri . - tl.e ii'-- f It t-- K-z'-vf r-riuM ir . w-H III! IIIMtWim . . nfk.dMtf. h MJIH'IT " rsata to ito. iw , kw ina . re.. wit be koniiihl m na a a !". j - wtaaiar laa lamoaa ornr v k. rikki of kim. knvuiirl In Ins Wn af aad tbuat duabU aa any i(Ht ia WImb we haraf iba alaacbier af tae-a black wrnehaaU adJ a Witfca nMW Hf alpaeare ta k.w Ibal iby ae ace.-. Maiea' iat aei.a by eertala fada who Let m ihiri.ffirra who i be Yaakra aewa- t u bmw iralv . Maabvr ler u .ft., k. (arl-lhat Mr mml lraa4 8 TaaiftTaSrtiinirir,w lMrKiaae.b antw mtm al aaaoaore ibat all lb Dtiauam iakra ay tbal Ceaeial Frrrero, the drrwJT riaatinf asasler mi prpv Lo wiimBandr- the nrga brtcaaV al tWaberg aad in tbialaat right. fa kiavV Waka4ia tbi battle aboat ais haadrea .iMtrt, aaat f whi ha. 1 the libby. AaitilhaBanibfrwaaWBrfn.abo belmlrea, to a gtlraH of thia city, wbo g.t e bin a trenwadoa ibra-hiag oa ai-hu Of ear baw ia tbw b-.nU we b been aa aMa bmra aajlhiax byb iba aiieweat'C the official dt awalr h.itoterf above, bicb a il annual" We ha l atuora lb hea cftw al oar gnHaut Ceaerab Brlfadier-Geor-l J.4ia R. k.-ibW. of Vintiaia, aaa Brigaaler Graeral V. J. R (nrardr . f Grfis. Thr esari a4nt at wbirk ib eeajf ae eeeaVa is Wrakiof ihr.-aeb oar Saes waa Tmf pTs Mill, betweea the CbarlraCity aad la by aaa. , There was beary rtimoiBj aioBguM aaea eawraayhat atHbiag SALISBURY, N. Ci Tha Mtautee of the Lutheran Synod have beau ready for dlivry . for J awme'daya past. WAjry 4 oVtoca. T. M.We have a rumor thia afternoon, of a heavy engage ment betaen Gen. Lee'a army aod the yankeea around Petersburg. It is assert ed that the Weldon and Petersbarg Kail road has been ent at Retro'" Statioa, and that a fiht was still going on. Also, that tba enemy had renewed his attack on the Cbarlea Cily road, fhevs reiorU are giv en aa 00m iag from ps,nengera oa tha traio thta morning at 3 o'clock, and again at I o'clock, p. id to-day. They need con fiimatioBV te h all loo less have tete graphic reiorU on the subject befora our next paper goes to press. LJATTLC OF ttHITK 1AVER.X. if copy from the Rtchmortd Exam j ..omewhat parttcular account ofj. f, V.otn k.r.tof.ira nrttirail in fklir telegraphic coin mn, ; It will be seen that it was intended by tbe enemy lo be an imt affair, and was so in fact, to the troopa engaged inj it. We hope the telegraph will, be fore we go to press, relieve the pub lic mind as regards the safety of Gen, Hampton, concerning whom a jrood deal of anxiety is felt. DROWSED. J. L. SMITlf, of i Gaston county, N. C, having dtsert- ed from the army (reported to he the 48th Regiment,) reached the North Yadkin river, near 3Ir3. Walk ers place, ih Davidaon connty, last Monday night, in company with aft-rJh.-r rnfln named Smith, a cousin. j aleo a desarter, tied together gome j rails, and attempted ferrj- across the river on af at thus instructed. Bat the raft wan oroken up before reaching the opposite hhore, and J- cj . 4 a " i L. Smith was drowned. His coui- ' jianion soitght the ncarc&t hon-e, 1 Hl 1 -t . t'-eiAtrill t Ili.Mt U'hil -.will te gr.tiiut! ro nave a rjn. t'i -ft a .1. ... .. !. t A .. t , I. i. . . j tiitir laic, luuiiu ii Mi! a euu iiic. a i . v . L . i .....'.. i r . ' i - '!-. tiv . i ii. . . 5 IVPUWAaK iKt.-l..-: .o.w -1 T York P-'S' .'.f :i.o ir.;:., t- t ' has receiveda spcyiul troin Wsh- i.t,,i to the t-ifcet- that the War lepanmcn .in.' .pi I . . . f ' t 1 L . .i 1 . in Ta rai&e ino MUH.IOU iw'i.a iu men Wiedi.t?df 1 fc ccial irkt: . . i I .. 1 . (.. t cousiuereu er i...i,ui.u4. '.VL v'u'x f : r can -t CAROLINA MAN i . -r. t. 1 1 m . I f nri.iilinF il T 1.1 1 , V I .... ,i wumih v,ju ua, ,iLi.riikA wmn ift. ii , , i-t. ' , . duties are. strictly initt. aoa iu autnorr-1 baceo. of accwenrar Tire. - ianma-.r reamed what had happened to h ) ; frtc-nd. The rtver was searcltctl hut wbkh Touf 9lfUi-n . aida ir ted IoS U tl,oav4'Ml u,"14r8' Mainritr, S.1". 1 dar- morning, some distance below, .ventiou, have rat:.-d. Ihe armof . m ou- i the antiT T.-t, n i--.. mw ! lo-igtvi on a lU'i trttp. If tiic mi ; L (jol.R0rr! Su:n have ao authority J Tlie advertisemetit referred to rn our , - , ;, , . , , r, ;t il it n . iiirvr il nn a ill ir-vrii v. , . . .... , i . 1 i. i . .11- i-ri... Jill.l.ll.if ji i I ,:i.lllI4.faUl.lV. tLf V K.n,.,.r ..4- ft.4-C-Ui Mna..X-i-Tt.?a-..i....a f.. 4-t, f..rl,iat,n tt ' In - -a - .-.u.. .... ttr. L ' ' ."p vi? vi;..r. militurj OJcrt to practice tyranny ud to iiMtr.o K)ir. TI.UU particular lj troe of thrfs bmlie acatter ed over tho country on jjuard dutj, and of military men acting aa Ivorn in'iBSiirle, Q iartcr Maaters, EnroJI inj officers, &anl vf Sorgcotia. Ac V beluve, tjnorance U uot gener; ily caoM tf it,!,t?V0.?cr! X! ilMi?1 '-'US? Ite ,,.un,i','0,, thctn. Wliuky awrie lJtut"(a throogli tbetr hat cruurtis r txMVreta in o thtnr head, and rcav n ttiereajHti, walls out ; Ieinfr tlie official in an emphatic oioodlar ahowlng off the Ji,firj auj imr- it - l. t La luoinr lanCQ Ul III V'UiSC w 40 all. . AaJ to intrae caoea , m natural bad aaMMta, tt jJi'til indiacretionauf tnen, in their ltrt tate,ant it ia eaaj tosfw tLat thia dart of men cattereu in tba oiuntr a uiong a j.J wlwaraindtiatrwiftlj puriuing thei ioc-vtM of life?t .hi wliicli al! tyir tbonghta afc W towing, are l to Ucttne toward then offentirt, dictatorial ami oj preate. DuJ laborers on the faru ' aod 4 In the " wtvfk- shopa, do not. in a hundred, take the .nine "or fJb7inuhle 4o inform themselves as tier aliould do in re gard to the reqsirenients of military laws and tkratid when called on, often neea inarnction w inaurw ; .j.' , ready ct mpt Uiice. The mi rtary of-1 ficer,. in that case, swelling with the idea of his iuijwrUnce, or steaming with whisky, loeee his patience, and &rth,ith Bttei words which mean there is power in hia hands that he is at least eqnal ta a Bhav arith tlirtetails andthatifchni hopper,' anob,n or "crook." as the case may be. don't instantaneously melt down 1 and jeild the mostayect siibmiesion and obedience, he will load htm wit li irons and play the fory with him generally, the habit of tyrannizing grows on hiiu by practice, so that tk. power Md bj fhe f& fo fhe Btdr tion of .... others which minister to bis pride or it.flate ms.drunken folly. X Bat we iie said enoagh. We onlV intended to intrwluce the- foV lowing from (he. Governor Louisi ana, which is much better, on pretty ninch the same subject: To rut Ciiusxs of ip Stat or Lonstas : A the Chief MagiMraia of the Slate, .rti m maintain tl intemtV of ber laws. . : f :r i-deeni ' sjf tvpnata to renew , ner peo - I , I pit tbe aorJr,ec that I shall keep that oath, and fulfil that duly. While doing this 1 have thought proi-ee to .add th sn'ji-stiocs a the orcasitua demand. 1 h Mrvnff iJ armies ia oar attidtt raised by the CoaleJerate Crovomet, conimaoded by inkers of its appontTnt, jorerned by the rnies atad rgtla(Has it hsi, aud ameriabie aoleiy to it in their military csf-acity, prodaoca incon venieGoes which are ioa-glaM, and of which, when necesary, a pairk4ie people wtli not complain. Tbea iaconvenieores form a part of tie prea you must pay for your cJDtiy's iDJtt deuce, and for tjho l;b-rti-s you will hereafter enjoy. tiui ilt (it.reriiuieut is ot vour crea tion, atid his no Ur-al power bejood that i - i r f.. i ai I .. r,l aa P. I ft.-af Bar a. I . a-ftrliia.t iTtti f.t ... . . i . r i: - : o.ji:u lui grnt'eiiiana-.iu incn .-jri- j - in .l . 1 ftiillnl, I.. i it.rW . 1 'i 1'iaa authoriiv of n.,t-rv J '-i1. f IT 'llll lw-. - V. . ' .-r... .... ' n. h . .. n.-w .iii.'lii i. .1.. a. .r ..... - - ; n L- ...!,!..,., 1 ..,- n an..-. ' police f.jtce on a-lar-c le, h-ja- s!e j 1 toe !. vf the.j H. , c.-iLe machinrrr ,? wh eh . ' fc ' ' A n.n n;i'it never to cuihi m col Ii;ot. :lrj r of".Ti! or I th c:J !a.w tie wi-K liinery c . i t... .-t's r.jVettiMiea:. 'ter me c iien. ir i a'-.- a . . t a ' . i ..' v in' ii, hi Li- pr ttr, n tnii tarv ,,iiU er fen si.v t t ' - . . . . t oihr au'huri'v inao wht :s tiitieti I'm hf i i 'w. .1: i i La gl ry rf evrry rei!v greti nnnltrr c-i.nilati'h-r. that Wi cirsn - lo t.t ' . ee-oifi At a wi'.!'.-a, a ruitiaabce, ur a terrvr. Utcr I : trtM , 1', autl.-.riiy k J'"'1 '.. ' l'rtut. I hiS i r .U : Int brjon.i Uecml ofhissiniy !' hum b!.l rttizrn ia U lanJ rlM"t, ii.ur.M- aaraviil a.lmona-h every one wba rights oay U ate,l, unjtr pre aura af military uuukmiit i romptly to lh euaria of Let every cMua-a, having j '"M T ym pUiat agaii at the mdiunj ofHcera, rert iJ um. ai nkT. ta ikW itrand jure of bis irarrealed a ad oVpr.ved of your fiTrty;tt la bour rtnrio a"" .J a..' tuiririallv laquirvd tniO at oiftC. and to tar riiarger aaicaa ... -f i t.'t. LUkJltJ i,l.t t and to U di-rharge.r aalesa louad .... la ...kLa'il la kishallovrrt tllt t and t eararitly reqoeat all W'ij to Waoa K whenever h-VIlt diaaded. Eiiendtxl aalb..rft baa beea onrra on 'ibe Commaa.ling General of .thia de fUO'Ot' He has aeter used, that pow er against & tiiti-e&iaa h Wjt " (r,n anj dUjti.4 to ua it ; I kniw it to fat hi earnest WWD, tnai every a-un vfaatborUy by any tubilinate uffi' vfaatborHe ty any uuiriinaia uar- . . . J- . i l .i.: . .ft.Lf all -ir 1 Mian te resisiwi vj eum-tanc. ai.d reported. If tk-eaeaep'Uy lytanny, anauyaix-e mn4 iMM.npiiMi ewnimitled ia n uewn .ill he renrobated b? him. heihg as euntrary to his -fcill aa they ar ia etraat with hb -haractr, AH each acta brought to hia knowh-fga, 1 dweU wot, either have been, or will ba punished .atraal with hb character. All each J (ion waa copied I now rUr 4a btongkt to hia kaowlefgv 1 dl"k,t j ted Jilv !i5h, 4hw1"' aii a i promptlv. Tli ua far hat one rittxea of thia Slate ha- heea illejrally an.1 wrongfully eiHed. sad he shall h returned 10 hia home and fvmilT. While I am Governor of the State of LouiMae. the bayonet ahail not rale her ciiiaeaa,-' " fyf" BM tectetl. at every hazard ia all their hgal mi eoostiiational riffhta. ' . UENUY W.ALLENv -v 4Meraorof Louisiana. ExECcma Orncs, )- i - ----- . IShreeeporttLaJoly ft 1854 9 . r" Vvszmas OArcnT. Two deser- tere.of this county, Ehipton and Carl jle, were'arrested tn Thursiay lief near this place while in' the aet of cooking a meal. The community is indebted to a portion of the Home Guard and Senior Reserves- for this service. These deserters have been engaged in- rinmenons depredations sincehey pook tothe boshesrobbing milk- lrooses. dairies, . hen-coops, xe. A large lot of chickens, secreted nnder Shiptona hone, and othcrartiela about the premises were fonud after tlte-arrcat, and many of ihem rect,g nized as the property ot neighbors. Blockade IUs.tiiit. The New Toik lleratd of the 9th inr says the blockade rnnner Falcon, having three smoke stacks and one mast for - . i ,J rt t-e i n t t ward, left Halifax the d UtL, JOf Wilmington direcr, wun aiun cargo IIoueible. When the 'Yankees entered Decatur, Georgia, an old gentleman, the Rev. Jlr. Ilolmes, met them with a gun in his hand. The heJlish fiendf. in order to wreak revenge on the old man for his act, bound htm in his house and then fired the building, burning him with iL The Carolina Timt$.AUBr temporary suspension of a few weeks, tftis sprifitly daily has'bgain made its appear-snce, looking as bright as a new pin. We hope the editor may. meet with no interruption hereafter. Fir fe. John 1. Sharer ffcst a tIk'-inn burn in this . vacinif v on -. .. " .. a uwu. T. .!- ...... ... i n .en i v a- rn i jrirp imaii n I ill 1 1 ' . aat i I n .i;lently omrtte.l i T i , rn . i 1 11K VI-.V lAJ.r.S. IIIC Jl'lef'l ritf: s i.v j;ju.r.s. me imef-t! scen thi- vear, were aeut to our of- jff. V,. II. Ouwnl, of! itimis Tinmrv. op ainnsar. . rix OT ' . . ' I V I I them vrttghc'lxovcr half a pound I I r-aeu i - ..- . ' - ,. . n M . are warned to regard (.on. Martiqa . t :. .. T" . .,!. I . , ... " , ... I iii ra nra n i, ir.ii.riiii in ir ianii f la1 - 'V yi.Mi.'.yi - ' I .... j will do weft to read it aad talk hf iu ahat I'mf"' n 'i,'!,' t X'. a Kvw Yok 2 i.4f ia r i;-a tile'tee ti.ns in 'this Stxie. If the etirmt . Is pt-nnlne, then it is clear that tha IW lias beea nti.d Iy :hs Iearorta a" pers of lhi Stale, frf H areU lneaaiLal no such isaor as thoaa rmjiuiowed f ti J7aif were before" f la aaf tha -Stale N I h hrtectmpa'ga. TWra ia tm truth m the alatemewta of W rawa aa ta ' the tWws ttbe anfent t.Vaov. ad ! the eVeYt wf thw steiwa ea taa.eea. mmiI there Woald have bre irtaaiav1 tloa for the eiHctati .a at a arm aa . ,w . . i ,r : , anvthini aow-JaTs,. Tha eiant 4aWfa tnai tun ani caiiaj n jr-- predominant that the tnoaj annaiitetej. (aUekomta on vital u3-cia are Atag and believed as urdiaary tratU. War a great deaaralSer. We t-ar vnr peefaj are growing winaa mo ally'rwrad ei lat ter, rMtwilhstaiditig the frrterl Jrayeaa Luk arv euttaiaiillv areajif fr.ia KOOtl jwtph that iioJ would iiaee siHirrw ,win-, : main im. and ave u. aid l.ui.J w mt j -i ' , . . . - , ., - . i aalnrn pe, uWly d.v.ied U IU W-JnJ II is will. Xtonjartf. Theye-aaua)- cny f th New Y-i 7V;ir Iroiii which the urticlei?i oe- seen by the Llnor ot trH .-vats.afar any one else deift:t of taiwg a jxcy at it. We aare the Sideri the Time aeede.1 no sjsjk p, w tnh&aJ it or to emTteee il taa Vas;k frasan aJhefent TW U3 mond Government, aiUittg ta ati by Us fort aaes to the !a. Tbe Isa ter laolJen) is an emewy tt Government, Md is pU-di, J ot ted, to Uaneealia t conneeti'm with it5 The damns of the SlanJarJ moDtha hiee teetud with wi st mistakalde signs of ewe t Mtr rvernrtrent, and aiparWty a coiUaion 'with Jt in ,fIiwJ convince every pod hTe the Standard Uli iritea.ts a4 purposes laboring to bring about li very stale of afJVors Ot pJcted TiT The deTcii afi a the aStoadW" pleas to call theaa, had no need of UWlng ewieee the Tisnra : that work was toff 2 deiu Ms. littldea himself. "Extract from a kntr ta de tori dated , .. .. Rabsoj-b Co, Aa. 11, "If Dr. Black can have juw til to ttie Senate. I w. w-nWH Uk dvlrh wees not retired, ai.d J troy a waa not returau .oc v, --- iu'txtoh-h- t-WiJ-j iac-,- raf not Triunr. ' Airrwi'- ...i ' ruaja-iiil annedtir- aS nearly ail the ,.fm-. hands and re-ree 4i i tbe alarm, and most f it n- ' 'rl a-:a;nt their prevtouss-'y - iiil. Stamimrd. W hat alarmed them ! X a-'w-e was offered or threatene i th-m. 13 guards were there to rrt.t 4cti cra. Were tley alrindat djdi GOV.. VANCE'S MAJOIHTT- There are some ten cocjtrw hear from, and owing tt that the artny retort a-e err in reaching their de-;.u'-v vote as preser.tfd ie !u"'.i t-re r most of the ci.uotie. V.t- cr, a are unable to give :r r-tJ ' n-. exact majority Gv. Vwc. - oaiAl fiver his ri in: T. r a.l.iirw nt. ti -i' i r- e . before, the vote -at.-. U a k- K if . r.'.a. .. TJ.,w- 1 -?..ITI r . , h lc. ." - t. - - i j the army wii "'ont for lutorn.ti.. 'I aorttiit'. in tlie rtf r . . . -v -t: ,w. lio. an-f ! laur. IJof. at numbers, at i .Th0 '-;(n":" of 75,X0! 7 :f- t . w pKO-vroTios. yh- j r J -TTe IH" It..:. a.f i"..l. iLf.i' lik:..-'-- !formt:ily the fHiiI a J .-" t.. f , 4? - i'i'iii r " . .... . ir.i . .,' jjrt t t.- - . , .. . . l iwrv a- v . ftj ,1, l n l " , 'n . r i mriii ; 4.,UU. A ri !.! v. - .. '; , Mercury.