A LETTEIl FUOM THE SEGUE TARV OF THE TREASURY. ElECLTIVK DEPATMKNT. C'Iumlu, Aug. 15, ltib'4. Tftlke cliutnt of 'South CarolinaS Having expressed to Mr. Tren holm th graiitfoation felt by liis fellow citizens at his acceptance of .1 - r . . "1 lue omc oi oeeriary oi me irea nry, 1 received' in reply, the f!l w- li.; letter. AlloOllg i ntf f'fondd l.if publication, SUCH ik u public i tercst, that by his perfusion, J In J before you. , jf While tli schedule of prices a.lopted by. the Ouuuuiaiioners 'of this State does not, approximate in if rates the former arhednl of the Virginia U.oinnipgioners, it is to be hoped tliat satisfactory reasons ma tie found for a reduction. I can add Uotlnuc to llie view cxprc-tl 1y the HnoiaMo Secre tary,. iftd will rcioaik that, concur ring fully in tho importune to the countrv, of reducing a low as prac- tica.de ail prices, 1 commend the letter to careful and voraofc consideration. M. L. BONHAM. That this is tho true ditllcalty we hare to encounter, T think every candid jern nuut now allowi and I cannot refrain from indulging the hop that a new and wonder Mlicy will govern 'U.r future legislation. Tho patriotism of GinrtW is not to I called in iiicMtiion, ior are w t liberty to doubt thoir 'wWlingiiesa.ro renounce ' aiiy . policy that may be J with moderate price, .wul(tli pub- proven by exierience b be errone ons-and Miischievoiia.-: Our ieofer t the sain time, should' not b si lent: and in this reno'l the patriot ic citizens of th grew and ir-utTcring Commonwealth- of Virginia haw ijef a uolde ex ;i Tuples On inY arrival to Kiehmond- ' J found that the Cintriii.iottrr of eH,r,c cnewui rants Jtlor wheat and corn at $30 ami $24 I kiiiI. it... i'umU toi.ic nf our iiutioi m1 Huairs. I do i)ottliink that planters and farm- 'should alone l called up on to declare in favor of lower price. Manufacturers', railroad companies and ,' every ureal ' inter" t " of Hi country .' should cotitribnt to this reform. Let umtcHl. ourselves lie burthern iiid disturb our own confidence in the vlrtiieaiidresoMrcos of the. Government. I remain, dear sir " v ' Vours. with great respect,' ' A.TRExN'UOUr; months of August and September, j M0.1DAT CTKM-VC IfWSTff, ItU, The feeling o i!Mappilntinent and alarm wiiu wi.icn i n inspired iy this circHinst.mee yoi can enily Vnaifine. Tbi p.n'nful feeliy); was, tiowever. siMtn ehutird for on of renewed cnfi'h ne him) Jip'k by fh farmers of Yirjfinia. i'nblic mretinrs were hold in lW rieal tural rnnnties and rvAiluthm adotit 7.lId!y vowing the impossibility t. the public s.tf.ti.net,t upon ihis TIIE STANDARD AM THE j ;rTl AmmI M-:in? ,.f i! w , ELECTIONS." " n. i. MMpnaj w- hi.j , - , (Mitiiil the 25ih iimlMfil. Weje Tl.o Rt'ei'r Standan! has hem f v (U harping tiHn tb result of the Ire- j 5, funtHnrcr uu,nvW lion in this Stat for several Jnsnes ; oJ , 74 mM u , past, and asserting that lliey werijrlir. f w,;th $130674 JO Im l not condncted' fn' ccnlanr?ef'irlfh f j 0Vt?aeeo'iiiit f tr, tlio lawior'tho Stife-!hiirarineil LJ mMaiins 'Affcr all iiX fore, whs used lo deter and keep voters fnm lb p.41. -What ll- editor of III Sbtnfatit eXJCts to complish1' by sacli n unjnstiflald and false aMenioii we are nnabf t see, unless il be', simply tV gratify a malicious deir to aiers th Cn. federal and Stat Authorities.' , chr(0 waar ver further ffna h truth. iJNo man 'at this. dar was J deterred frm Tuinhi seilmen! j at this Ih.v and not sltiU distur- ( Imure ccrred thrMlimt the ilay. ; Dirii'; a residence of vrr thirty n in vl tlTl UAitULl v vmnu IlillUlIlIlilll r: SALTSltUKV.N.C: I'kiscely J'av. One of our cfli tt'iv nhipjKMl 20 barrels of flour to hi father ii Vfe,rV,,r tbia.week, pwr SoiiMicru Kxprus, and id that Company the hatidouin ain of $i,tHJj J'reilit and insurance on the a:nc. We notice n 1 011 article hi sorn of our exchaliesiii bi'h praise ...n.;..uiMi... ....i.t;A r..iri. it theGovermnnt we.e forcel bv the f,,U ",I"J. wnfteii, a jralin loal. meats ths . TrewMKMr li!d uU usnWp bat,! (a ialr anl n from vara Miarewi t7?.U00 whirh wiih the earnii until Srj.tr mbe. iU ciahl the lar. driUrp a divijenxki sihI i-n- otl' nil rlii rlint til (msu iiclulinj (lie CI.Ii-d &Jkt?''r ''. ; j; 'Ther wih 1m "iivfnmit Ici.inrM Un etfd at I' w niei-lini; with the xcti of lh f Irelion of 4 I.rrtoii. "i : J. II 00 1. Jim (Titif, Mxlonf, n Juhn Mcl !!. A l a im mm l' I nitcf llie ! , 11 11 tii I ul ll' Sl, li4lU-rt inrfiiii;, ?. l'n.-l r.--i'lri-i !..;. L..i ..1 ii. - .......... t'l 1 ..rt; .: years here, we can i-oiitidentlv ar, , . .. . wa never w.N.cl a moreijn.et nu.l , fii,Wllis, r!llli.1i i,,,,,,,,,,, 1 derlyleciion. Oo.alfe.li.HrMH.iM wM,.r p. c-!.Urll. c-UI f..,ts l 10 animate and insi.irvery man. i .... f MM..K,f,m .i.H -kN 4.!. .,. And fufther had it lio betn Uir th wi,h imj;v;d.H T,Cr ,-n..im, W- 1 jcopl l pay such prices f-r sup jlies, and patrfotirally insisting np a reduction of the standard rates. Ihtd their establishment upon n ba sis sndicioMtly low to inspire cn Si dence in tke enrreucy. The result was that, the ComMi.rficr re-as- ihink, b'v aomu.one interested in its prsperity, who in t latticing of th H-rinnel of hu estaftlisnint, says, "every employee is trod looking, well dres!.d and Klite." Well dief-ed! We think they can af- tiibled and reduced th sclmlnU? rd it. rew ther can. prices t 5J hr wheat for the! Whv caiin-.f the Railroads com dilubinc tl utrimony gotten up by tho few friends of Ml 1 J olden in' lie.JStatet' we are snr but few raons passnr on that day would bardlr have known that an electjosi was k'iuj hold. If any fore was usu'l at aay point in tho Stat it must have lieen by that portion f illlf pilnT tionjuiinjrttvtilt against Ch. ahould imninlmSi-ly (li-n-.'ii'n.n.? CMSMrfuia ith it. thx- mftntli of Ausmt and i&5 for Sep (, ii(t H,.rjCv. for ,ltJ ,,tlUicf , the Confederacy, and win. tr I LZZT C nny ! ',e , pie, when they snbacril, . duty in the ieWl oeoole. and I would reject u IU ! fd their nn.ney to buil 1 these Roads 1 Hk ami these alone cansc-d all the peal to you, as the Chief Majfi f r the expressed purH of chip- I ditturbaiice, if thero win any.. If trato of our gallant and pntiiotTc i euiint rranit:ortation. exi.ect that ttie rthedtror f lh aWdv is reaUy. S;atefto surest :.nd e..c.Mira I ,t(jul u.ull. deftf-l OIlu f tw IIIHi j as deairoos of that tranoilay wj,icb similar mewtins .ami res;ution on 1 . . , . 1 ,. t . . f . , f, j ol-ij-ets of their construction T It 1 he coiitmuaUy professes lo desire, t lis part' 01 nnr people. 1 Iimo an; J t ' ' abidii.y Ctaifidencu that a 'euer il nev' r w a lourst 6t TiW . Raii- why keoj. publuh.n r-udi unfonnd- and well established It4ief in the in-' road charges on a barrel of flour . ed aertionaf Whr tjvro t niale tention of Gn;ress, umJer no circum-' : from here, to Raleuh is $4.1UL Say j ih pde U:iiev, jhey3 rci stances of tei.ipfahV.u r trial, to,, r,jar . . ff,M ,ere t() l,rersliurtf ' udr a I vrannicai p.ittMnvni" """S1 shrink from the olwrvanee l tlie . . , r. , . , . , iWsMCKKASt It i ! fpii'U.n of t Sha'kh4drr of ih W. X. C It. i Com;, that It If iujwiull in tkrir li.lrr.l l. Lr m hiij of jprf ty r fri.. hf their CiMnfHiy. to nnr in 'u-iimI-oiI C. panr, aad heArvin lU.- IL K Cmhnii van lriMi4rt all urivUuiri llie r. I w:i u-f! : 1 . 1 - r I I I .1 1 laws of th Stat and Tf . r. rrt& vi ltM.rtnun ullhl lu U? cit. br tk II. IC Company ; lUmtteJ, Tll tit Llomd "f In'nri. i r iftMMMirtl til IrMiiiunli ll.ru -ulii itli tr SUll ?! C' flry. N'W giTiaytlae--fRiti-v ami tfmt tk-y t-"t6 witk lha Ntl Can lif.a U..K iilh t! lo luakaauch cuinbTbe-7 nFr4i ii;iii wilb aaUI road m lo ir.nm to hM -r...r Mf anJ Mm)ittow trnprtaiiti ..f ihr pfoSWiy, niotiry anl,rffei. urr th- r Tbeasckt Department, C. S. A. Richmond, Aujf. ft, lSt4. ) To Hi Excellency Gov. Bonham: DtAB Sib: Your very kind and encouraging leUer of the 30lh ulti m- was received yesterday. It it hIi.iII prove to l tuy happy ftrtuue, nr.xi.'U the Divine llein.. to cil Inuuio :.l any decree lo die m ifar wf uiy country, 1 lill be n?"re tlian COUipwnsjited far all th laboia ih4 anxieties to wlifch I have been ap pointed. . Expression of contidnce and good will on llie part of my fel low citizens, such as you have been good enough to convey 10 me are most grateful and eaconrsging. I regard the Treasury jif the Con f.(ler 1 1 Spates ai uust peculiarly the Treasury of tli people, nad there is nothing in th power of man tliat would so s4on restore it to. a condition of at and prosperity as the universal and gwerons support J of our oeoiile. Tiicre i iiotnititr 111 9 f o i i mi- 1 .ii.nu imc . a.,. , " 1 ; r. . .1 . I . 1 . . . . 1 -. ' in it present circumstances to in- most riarid f4j,j, ra the nnev lv - ie i.i.mi IT"" V ' W rej urn thanks to tho-e pire -alarm, but on the. contrary dealings of the Government. wl' y' " ' - e mvr ; vr tep A man who um rM ! our sulwicribers who bav paid ,. very motive fuc confidence. An enable n to overcome all :..nr fman-' ,M,rr,,f- A cmpuny as ell ; ccjvu( reM,ke that the- ij,.r of prwmied to pay their anbscripfi-n all prevatinu' caure of euibarasa- cial difficulties. That .:! is the 1 ' , ' '""'"r" 'hem t" be, ou-!it , has oiiht, wu ah.ull . m provwion. Arc, t ..hi rtv-. V. inenMBd dartre, has been the real intention I cannot doubt; ,,: ; be ab.e toe...,doy tho H,tet 'f: , - . , , 1(M,,V Wwr nre rradv tirade witfTliuv .ewh charaeterofo legislation Ilowev- ,i, dLeniaH? ion sho,M be encnr 'TZtJ ' -r knUi.! ' ,; o V' i" - "WJ way."- er pairaoii be denied ed the feet with feelings of fear and distrust as to the coarse tliat would ultimately be porsaed m rela?i"M to that part f th public debt that is represent svl by tho Treasury Notes.' Appr tension f ultimate repudiation crept like an all-prevading poison into the minds of the people and greatly circumscribed and' disuin tsiied the purchasing H'r the aotes. : There were many' distinguish d -and patriotic-ui en in Congress who kamestly believed that the greatr my n,e,.ueu, u no, ,o aiiyi ..W-.rt,..l by N.c .al.t.L-: ; , ; - ' . , ; ul, ... rl, iMMae andspoke ! tliatstbe tueaaiire adop dec arati-m f our e. ex ore '- """tf 1 r -"J I""'"1- . . .... . - fc 1 it- W..II ui by CongressMor the reform of; tiT0 ( tlt.,r ,.w Wjsj , t.Kr ,,e . t w paptr. t.. pu lliey arc Mia wlthrlu ,,U Ln l.im.i 1 1 i ' i i i enrrncv had tli. unhanov f ..,l,t f, '.... . , i ,i i kiu' a great n..:se alM.ut wrmH;' , l,cl"4 tifriKy .lilent, - ""' thankful for simple, cvcn-haiidd currency, nau ineunnappy ei j credit of tiie (roveniiinriM.y the e-- , T, ,, , ik warnui the futuru I. . , . 1 ' ... of inspiring the poblic mind ! tablishmont ..f ..w i.r.w and bv ; ,ll'r X"'AW" -cll enough f ' wan.uij: nr the luiuro. .josttcc thca. time. Our tieicbbor , ' ! nnr.. i I i. ......::: t.., " . rei"ruifu or iitfv. irov. VfTi... j.a-.' t M.Nire. ami otners. before thereon-! llifc IjAoI LI1AML tf inifci u uciciio . oiMiiiori i , , , . , , t . may hav existed in ti.e past, or vv"il e t'M '" of m-King a j We em etly direct tli tteti.n whatever errors may b sup . ' capital ...t f it, nnd by a seem-1 f t.V.rr .d woman otider p-aied t.. WIN, cmnuitted, .nay t Jf iWu!uy ?,Vr the. cno.ai.ay of; may. come, to .ow .....en in a iou,m..ii grave., I tl. untriolic: Mid l.umai.B oroclama. r . 4.. it i ... . . lywbAMc iiM"JU . juK4KSi o t turn or Uov. AXCE. Jr-llio WIlO have heard ..f a truge disease Hrt, abceiit , from their cMVHlalnl breaking our annvig tlie horses of j without leaer havo on spark of the Cjiurtcrmasti r s Department in tlfrcspcct f.-r tlicmclcr thiur this place, f which five have al- , f.iniilics or rrlativen, wo know they tir i IB are inakliig niiev start in our finance, anif under circumstance by no menus uufavontblo or di.t coaraging. The expwiditure of the ( verii ine:.t arc of two cIh-i-j fb in It first makes it ap- will not let this lt opjortntiity curred abroad, and those incur readr died ... 1........ !.. ...... .t .1 I if not the sole, evil of the Currcucv ! eM ,ilt.r., i,.,a ,:,r.' . ... ptarunc as a little ..re,n soirw part , pass by "without ..promptly reporting liltU embarrasmenf. n..r w flu r i of tl,e t1' tfw" n"tiep. '-1 themelve ts the proper MUtborit(oH. wore ciiaucu is ataorufJ rJntn plies will probably be procured without making any addition n the public debt. Tlie malic of our foes having raised the price, of cot ton to 30d a;r pound in Ituropean mart et , while the depreciation 4 our currency enables ns at the same was to be found in it rcdundsacy alone. And reasoning from this premise, they inferred that a corres ponding reduction of this large tol nine of the purchasing', media in, would produce an immediate reduc tion in the price of all saleable com modities. Others entertained a dif ft-reut opinion, and,, believing that the purchasing power and value of -thesj notes had a critical and sensi tive dependanc'i ujoirtiie confidence and xk will if t hose who were cal Ici i.poiiti.txcb .i.'ge their au I stance j fri,ul llir enemicN aiwl fr. i'.r . tiitm, ins sieu uiai h reduction of i he rt'j.-uiiit r. I.v mirmeani llmt ii-jiurirjd the con.idence ol tb4 peo pli i:i the joOd faith of Jh Govern- TCtrTitrwrrahj real - to- universal ms - trut.und 6liH greater depreciation. Th1; iiii)ri!r ,n,' unhappily found to. t e of.tho firt opinion, and ; it rn i?tmw he universally admitted I thiiiL, that rjfy policy that prevail ed was erroncs, "and the cone-qu'.-nce? precisely such as had been predicted by Those" who opposed it. The itiiinctiae reducti on effect i by the tax of per cent, levied upon tlie currency, nd by the process of c Hnpulsory funding, prfnluced very little ftfect upn the prices of coin in o.i tie s. Everybody regarded with distrust, a Jiew issue of notes of the same cUnrscter as th lst, and test- ' for their tqpport as a circulating m Lni. m wAik .tl.A n i 1 ai a wuti Lad coded ia disippointmeut I ... . . " tone coiuajittesiiiviii, ii.r k iiiervt - - - any reau to expect greater diificuN n,ut;rt until the h..rse is literally Om ty mi tiie fiUure. Our lortngu Mip-1 covered wun 1 h last ..ymp t r,ricVe ri.e yW name wliicli "fia loms oi me UHv.'ao nro saul to re- . n.- t..i . . ... . t i i been sullieviby the unforrauar step, luded to. recent! v brought hero from I derlum'. Every cnnsi-Jeratieft which , r the army to be recruited al this post, time to bur it at home at lei-acru ally than 41, it is plain'y eeeii that,,' f'sm oiff to the bone yard it cuii h no dinicujt task to iiraw can make lifU d..in.l.!f, nnl which were jn a very low condition when . aloue'eun un,ke a man resttect Itim- they arrived, but are beginning tojw.if ir ,U nend and corintrymen. recuperate very finly. Hhs dis- lno19 rtI,jHfil , al dfiWoanciils in!' The TilUhas. i it, in-stc iaii ttt u tit . a ..rtat a d tar ami . ' . . li t v rac7. ( faVi9 till vniVUB I Kfl; in old;n H'aies uedw I,.gc..front2t to 1 bushels of tiru a year for hi paper.' 'U nowr charges fertimv: bit old price, ba rh price of crt and every thing Is j from 20 t lft tinie old . rate-, it takes i year's nb(rrtptiorr to pay. fr.r im bushel perba. trior r!an tfia-f AtHibecuus tM.mu few l'air-uiimlt men hae pitid, and promii-d ! pay, tn'prttiluco at oJ.J rafess lie i? thcrrfore jrof..utn!ly H .-uiUiitT j. W Copy frmM th a iu pitj' th following r .'-.. . . TiMXKrut rw iur.t kapoks; Th candidate wJm pnl. I'hl I caul ro turning thnnks lor 'about mj v.tt-s caUofliOU! Don't talkviiei'libor, aliom "small favurs." ain- I ..s..v-". mower , ,nar ' ( er, 'UIII led U M 1 1 I Wo MUOKC- i.wit.&nd.el.Hiiou accents of lov, . . . -t. ...... - , ,.,! f.,r4t unit atit th -..,. : wr .. i on hAA " '" ..... ......... . . i .... .i.. ' i Ki.M)2i.x.H. u I ivn- oiJ.'JUO :. . . IV.. .1 -il .... , Kilttiu. ihiiim. I'll im",u i in -.. lC i H.'lH-fl. II ft 11. HI.IMHb .1 1 II. U'la.l com:. laceut 8ictator ui litis tri anke i.rihoners in Geor-'ia. to - ,vt. friiwla tl.na ui.iuii..Wirl -draws about nine fot t water.- p a r i s - j 1 - - www ous war, thu means of wipplv in all which add whaVwo have: hero and i their duty to their coutllr-r, to bestir f Her hull i marked 'T;u!ahae-. ! or lorcigu wauis.iiif woum ioave jn Virsgiii , iw.d it is e,timst,d that Menselve to redeem them from . Lmdwn. ltoM " En mii inai ivcu She y Junoniyouj-douicKttc iMjtto 1 . i, t the awful doom of th deserter u.t i i" tv i i . s r-ws: , Dili brat.. u , Lund fb Llejll Mltli: ill 111 Vt7l.PI. it la -.. I ' r - t --..a ..pr. -rrz : . : r,.. . ' . iiiiJSi rod tbafsdl that is -ked. of r wn An'1 ltis BilKl t,KrC abo.it ; Jt u eai(j thnt theTallaJissee.our tt 'wre "l,U SM-,"-,,,,4'r n1' ' p-ople, and all that the Government 'I'1 '"any Confederata-s in th hand '' ..,,nur t,..- "a ,.3 mounts thru ynii one small on. - --iat- a a7 v a ' v w ' a aa i ..t'.. -.-... ...... r . . .. i . va'i. k - s .c..,. ur. ... yV ,n ,..,.0..,, ,e yanMT. . iiBl an aWr tw.ct ny Hfl MHir tl9Ut- fllutV unrik 11-1 hr..iliiM'iiiiu nl..l li..ir ' rw . "i - a a - - - ...... .w ..Ri. ;,Hlj pujientig, oi mental-and- services in transportation and me-1 .!,..- t , i.i : . , , . , i .i . , i i phVMca. anguish h told in these lew chanical and other labors, wh. can . . ,.rn . . . doubt th ability of the penple to1 w"r,j8! U icjo.ee to know that bear this burthen ! If they gave the (Jonlederate Government is, not all thaV is asked with'oat compeua'a- repontihle for if. - - tion, they would be no joorer for " ' . '- the gift. How, '.hen, can their con- j Vu.im Ekvku. The Wilming- dition ba made worve br receiving ton Jvurrud says tho -vellow fever th money and th bunds of the j i$ ,u b..arJ vessels at anchor so,nu UorernrrH-nt Jn place or receiving, tLirty utile below that cUt, and nothing! ,., . ... . . ii j - ., warns Hie Ornmunity to ne- all iJiope, ray dear sir, thfct you will- - . J agre with rue in the opinions and Prc:UJlwn againet tho diaeaswlt-at mi again amict in ;copie ot uiST Tom With me in the ttfrt to i Wilmiti'Moa- Th vesaals brintrln give a-Dw and. geoarout impolcajitar from Nassau and.Uermuda. cstv -we believe, rn record. Thf work., of its gallant cotumauder, Witod, on the cast has already star tied tho $hole Vanke nation, and w nijiy expect to hear, within a month, a howl from very ctty 'on tli sea-board over the destruction that he will continue to inflict. Hi presence fills a gap that baa long; been open to our adventurons cruis ers, and there i no man who wall moro boldly or energetically avail himself of ( th opportunity which har alUit oflired. - thu ttpKallari f.m i-u-.;a-, a hn S2 Konder amidithips and a It1 pounder aft. 8!ie carriea fnr wakte bftnti. Her crew cousibts-of about .120 persons, including the.ffliccrs. Men of all nationalities are rejre tented ou board, miHit of whoui-arc aid to be soldier from LcO's rmy. She is commanded by John Taylr Woodr C. S. N. A . considerable quantity of cottou is stored on boar"' to protect Ler boiler. It is said that thi vessel lias burned fifty ve icl in all, at on tun having-destroyed as many a sixteen in thirty boortw '

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