' r 7 A a, V' y, -,-. (' -x . ;1, v (IU !; -, r-j,r f . --I r f fa I- ' i y n : VV W- .N-'; i ' " i i ill in in , , mini , lewia-' ''I .in, . - . ...... 1 'I .' VOL. XXII. V v. i- -. J..-... - i---:J ' ret m s or Tina pirici-U. far ! mi)t. Nu kwbn(MHircaiJ (r OF IbVEBTISIXC $2 pern arul puWlicii. Tk Mudin advartinMaU( will lb Mad aioncy iu pay for ihm. Nuiiara f TS wardaur li-aa, will caat (3 (of tba Afl,,aad ft, ' tar al additional paWieatam. Xaticaa laf(r ie. io tlta ante prwporiiua. TELEGRAPHIC. LAG OF TKUcE FKOM YORK." KlCHMOBD. AlljJ. S1L ' A fl of true UmI iirivAl front Ne York, vliTilr mi VmHiin. Fiw ofl5cri tavlutltii M ij ArniMcf and Captf ' Wood, ne cIimIiii, miJ a lo Mr. Grul Yaabaa rfbd iMiniiy. Nu rni jtl rvCeiTed. .... - '.i"- -.. Lynch bcra, Anf. Slat Gx-rmpontUm ' lli ICrpobltcaa Hif dalr l ltrt.iuf 20iii, WiHraU hai burol Liixluii bn.ia over Jooow rWrr, llieiuv iit 10- Mrjsvil'e ai cftirrJ 700 ni-oiicr, tlivnr. to Nre llarkel caj Urirtg 2iH HKwe pmunort ao j acnl thcfB la Souili Cafwiin. . iif aiot h whs lianrd at BrifttaiWy 1 lie irtiii uf ilic fjcroou ilia S9lh auJ ia uKcl rt-liaWw lr nutliuritjr llei . LATtST XOKTHEUS KEWi 7 raKBtBCW, Aug. 31. Tli'l'lironicli of Saodnjr ay ttiKn uuraphri lix thalou TLvraJajr lh tlit Urn. Hanv-k Ik wm oolli of l-fclDa SUliuU U alUcktfd aVrkJ UlU Juriu the day lul rejul'IlLo rutun j in vrv MMull. Al um'i m1 9 I . M. coin lnul aiUi-k u iuadun iiia calr and left, after wliicli oo of tli uiuai i4pcraUi bUlaof war, mulled io! iu bmij "wiibdrawing frmir lh field. Icavmjf- tawta 4iui aud wounded ou l he ground. Hancock, iu hia rvfiutt. aj t dark wilbdrww lor r-auiia atid. Uis cliirf f artillery loai 250 boiM-a. Abu Mr the rtbols buld koine of ourguua with their akiriuiab line, and aays bia lo will Jr Itapt reach 1200 r 1500, thwugh lb a urmi.' U aaya Uiis n acknuw)dd to b Ui mwat daNra( tibl wf tba war. - aniUiui; uwtuvivuui ia cJarcUr ... . . . a 1 T though th uuiuur euaaU were o( less importance. iltade telegraph that the safe guard came io who report that the field wa ........ r..l tarilli lit., f. Iul .lMu. mv. ffl.i. Bhows how aeverely iber were puninhad. f Meade says the salts guard talked wj'.b a rabel officer who says ihe rebel losses are grealcr than ever before during the war. Ciraiit say with . the loss of the Wal don Railroad below, the eoeniy can't make a atand. . ' Ma uin ton eftlimated the rebel lues for tho li lo we k at ten thousand. The Feoeriti losa hey, A diiau li fi out Chicago says McCIel lab will be nomiualed. War Ifoiiiocrai are pressing Dix, bat Lc ntuuda iu i liauoe. (ieore Cauijilvll, of Tenneaaee, (Jolhrie of Kentucky, or IVudieton, of Ohio, will' be 'Vice l'rriiinL . A L'rei l aino llliM-liDC was held in CillCH.'rt oil .SjlurdHV night. Gatrell , I'hvi., aiiHiiuiiiaiu ana ruruaooo nuyui were the pf..Lrr. - i McCleiUn nr.d uorice Seymour are the proiiuut:iil candid.U (oc""halVei dviicy. The Tall:il;N, n!oftoI to have des troyed twrniv eveu ve!cl, accounU, ri'jctlitt.-d to-be a s oy hoax. later 1 lii .. .. ... i .1 The lleial.l oft!.-. '29th, sara Sheridan l ......i.l.-.l I..., ! C Ul T.i. Krwl v., ... ....... ."," I .day titht. U.liii,: back to Smithfield or . Middlway. Ho a;o rt ixirla the captur-1 of 100 pi iiier. and lodicliug a' loss on the rebel of 150 kit.Vd and wounded The Iler.dd vr MeClelUod Will nominated, iut iu coiili :;7i be KU1TOK AXD fftOriUKTOE. Ttwcen- MvCieUau. and fecvjiuAL. : Sheridan s;iy iudicai.ons arc u it reb els will lave tlie Valley. The IL'rald saystheii ;,rn nprei.onMons that tin; ilrti will bg reisUi i m !l.. iiv and a coullid lelw';n cotcriiU nj the au laoribt. will uke place, w hich may serious ly ouuiproinitf public ea. Suntoii telo 'rtphs l Dix that he os not heard fr iiu Siierm i'i far two ds. Th llcrahl ot ihe 26lh, ay,a telegram fromv YoHHkU-gff action rareivrd jx-rfc-ct oviio frwnj L- : -y dviiHmauaJua do J wiiaj tlnrva fur UcChrUan, t t crtrwd 1 wlto-. tbJ. wanta MMlDalrd. 8yinvr. Filtnora, or MdVU f cr Wwa alaraja ni liaUcaII, ILOielUn. L)MU itM'illMwtMl IJifwra iuaiua wwtt mUom thai XkCklUtt .will U bwauiaaWd. f Y' tr Gxnraaatcatio fiviu Jh1 QU1, mt drarj JU St rlaii abvi lriUa uf vv Wal ')fifi. im- kwlkfH i'rUii 4 IMtMMM, alU tm lllUMUrtI k UMaTftf.-- Ollkl gi W7 f Wile MDl AJui(fit vailiu. M lUlwrU uvf M.tr ' lat Ummi14 U MiaJui kBaWef. , , t N i , HfcaitokA, Kg. 51. . Tho CLroeicU of U JOlb . famum jao Expiraa Ie4iani frOM lW diiraw 0ob venlion of lb Vlh which aaja tit Cow wtiow wtwcaJIrdtooroW by lVJntont. In remarks o Ukiug the chair borferdBO'' moaious nciHi io order that the aacrwf name af tl. Doat,cvnatitwlKHi aJ law war tMa4 wwr LutaiirMU itd..teaHi. IIct. Cl.rk.oo of CUiov, offvil a pra) r ftr a speedy peart. . ' i ; i 1 raaswiai A iwnittew of oa lMeAl from each , i " Sutw .piloted to p.-tre-Mlutiona. A nuinW of rewlulw-a let, read and reler reil, welwd 104 ne by Luoc, of Uhw, for tne- 1 . 1 . 1 , ped l.n n.ntow -nd Lihroio to poatmelU df unlit lh vopie decide, al the eomiu; ehf llvu, in j favifr of war or jwaee, hy th eL-ctwa of cand'uhxtea for tl l'teii-lracr. ' ! . row. The Sw York IMegatKHT took P vote .a U choe O rreIent, reacting M UetVltTitsx S.ttwii. U : Ol,' .i . . if jisi ia uvirzaiiuB ir..w, w lj... If.-iXiUai lit v-iat fi ! : irfiiios, Mctrwun 2i -'-i 10. A p-ril dipuh th CroaK. of tb 2th -xcitenarrt ialeaae. Vallaudi-bara. CfcMBey and twrr. uatle pret.bea detnauUieg peace w any term. Outside seMtianeat atronj!y for jvae. ! l'eudletoa. of Ohio, g aiua a'ronly tor j lb- nominati'M) ( mj Vk 1'remh-ttL j llie Coiciuitlrw of orau'xath'U will f teiomineod Srymoor -lor IVeatdewt , Convention. .Th coniinittee on reaolations held a ftortaj mrswon, V ahandigham defeateJ J for chairman. Guthrie was elected. . - " -Macos, AnS. 31. j A special telegraph from fort .alley. loHlay says o larw Jtrw oecnrred at Amen-1 cu last tight Price's warehouse, 6,000 bale of cotton and 27 building burnt. It is supposed to be the work of an incen diary. , FCOM RICHMOND. URicbwoxd, Sept I. special dUpatcbe to the New York lavrs asserts that a com mis- Umr..mn ha arrived there. He de- . . i.l r : :u .,rea to learn upon what ba. Georgia will , be re-admitted into the L nio. Brownsville, rexa, has been re-occu-. j pied by tb tebeh. 1 onerniaa rvunria itu iiguiHg from the upper Potoinac. lleiiitirliunu baa Mtued an order inter dicting the introduction, of aim and am munition into Ohio. Indiaoa, Illinois and Michigan. Mrs. Grant arrived at CilT PoiuL Gold ia hew lork on the 20th closed at 238. PfcVKKMBTfta SL 1st, rl OHjar aiwui noon a cotisiueraoic air- SJ . .,,ri . 7 - j. I about the centre our .ines, ieuititisi Lo..v , oihin. "l)jHng this lime .ui. rlti tl.. i. W? to BMaVthe nominal ti.m '.J V.M'.and and Fernando Wood. j No psjer ol the 31t ha been received. psByaa, SepU-lt l. Te enemy threw several shells into the city this morning, which led to a genea. canonading along the whole line lor two bouts. Otherwix alj quiet Chari.itox, Se.pt 1 .1 Tlie steamer Mary Bowers, from I?er moda the 25th ult, ia attempting to run the blockade last ai'bt na over a wreck topg faUnJ Mj was Cot into.. Sh Mik JMNioil Iajlal4ly-.nftrt .: awl; erf w al nJ liatcfrnryd im AMWTv'i;,. UmaawWrj wawtthaUj i uupajmj, jMatkat, avtivix oth lt was mall. Un tne re LWvU . iucliult rttOff.Wdaj frurn hjiiuauiijf, hbrrtjf and UpvbUftWtjjaftnJe-.; n.n wt'tblst UarJ'i ocirr, in poaitioh t Uvin'M iNimiaV wkl, ih ain'rill fV'i'H1.5 .r.'vH.1! n' Jj Mnor force fM if..k..i .ik-rj l.l.'LHC. .ii.l Iwrtititi withnviewjonltiiualn tof.Jh eticihr. 01 twin. ontfl.inteil, w ; 1 V.l. 1011.1 ' wuiniiiuu wi an hit cuaica anu. ail uuier bwiiuciicu m wiuiuiw uwiiik hit uil," "TV Ml winora, aaiu 1 pj Aruru Mirra,to I l.vd Hndd pur Di' bavtt arriVwl at lliiltwn Llend-V Anjoiii; lbn Ua Uair 4Jwat yf lliia i j; . . ,t 9tH Mllwl ajck ba? bertt piMCrd, 10 nlljfuThl uarUta at IJ a u fort, wbrrr, LTrat. GitchiM. Waa'aaauK I: the ' would rCH.w ouuiiual.'.A!ftn fla f ifftoy br pnrMja tx rttuming ui,,tj ranker ihiriy or (Uty tiulcuoiUiUul and.! uj.ti..ll ... -.irJ ..', !!. ha ala.il-. JL. furtk.aoJlira.L:. ... . , .CUVTOX, La, iw IdaBUE, Spt. , At m oclovk nlrrdtr inornini;, i.n. fottr tatetWiSs lnilaboe'loft Uad-' opened N ' the iraimport ' Wing . " , ' , .. J , . 1. l T i "V iV f ww v . monitor came op i? tba Uitterr retired. Another tw(trrr fitod fiftr shi at iwotlifr Iranaport threw luilan ab Bay on Hura. Kraolt wwi know ar The yankeea bave all back oer lh river. - I ' '. it a at "t r r Mown. Anjr. J .-Tha Cotnm.tte. of i " . Miw y wort w m . r - - , r-t n . , . . ... ---- ' , . , ' ' TT titer recewiii i'iniru i,i nuninHfiu nil .Jnct ml .UHt'fr vn&U ; Ml -f4.u, ,tf lwW Mw d,r llkJi11V.-ttlHMM-. t-- A Py f tro aril at IWu!a ; w. : Cooler. Mifv.' . . . . , Macon, t;a,'8epL 1st. r.K.to teWnnua to-dy troot Jones. " . ... . , ' UV. UI"1 f1' ChrUsrn IIfdee . cor,, al'-. ked I K M,rm.T n,! ""k emretiment , . -t. 1 : Teaiewuav uui me eiiewiv, neinr temiureeu ' l...;t.. ..' -...! .LI.- ..r,U.!l. !.!.! . ...... u ill J H1 fivoMM wmtv.M, JHIII'mii rv i v.. - z1 tr.w "; Toes w rene-ed to d3 result, not ,7 . " r . m.,-u- '" -"""f -l"ur""" o , FROM BARLVS pOMMANP. UlCUMOM), Sepl. 1. Letters from offievra ia ErU'eiiiinind tat that a eusideraW b 'ht iok pbru i of : on Saturday. Early feigned retrcal. T'i the be.-l interest of his cyunlry, ;curing nev : 6ih Corp left Llarpef'a Ferrv in pursuit, r ;uin to Im- Wwied, all the rk'hls and aBd wa ambumknl, akd wh terribly cut up. INo othoial information of ibis affair, v McCLELLAN" FOR PRESIDENT. Richmond, Sept 2. Cant. Hatch, of the Exchange .Bureau, vVrioa at 6 o'clock, P. M, yettenlaj, , M u mtu i,lforn4;l Uy a dUpatcb just re LivtJ gt FortrMg Mouroe, announcinjr fm ii the Domination of McOellan on the firs l.llS AlhinisaaJ ahnnl PrMhlAlll a.wu... . . i or plalforui. j I.icumosd, Sept 2. TK. TTrLl rJ th- .tfttl. nit i i liiHv ! filled with matter pertaining to the Chicago . Convention. It says the Conveutioii refused 1 H,nit lruul .J.'10'' " V1 of lnnnia, and htates in rebelbcn. u ashing- Matxd a uoa Jookiug L Uje ron 0f ,he Union through tho , emtion of all States. Peunsyki rates offered a resolution ol the same nature ' ! una unm muskivij. Richmond, Sept. 2. An official dispatch says, that the enemy , Natchez, cotton $175 to $180. has withdrawn from the Memphis and! Confederate Surgeons arrived in Mobile, Charleston rairoad to Memphta Troops sup- J Qjie Iron Clad aground just below odstruc posed desuned to Northern Virginia.. j tions since yesterday. Repot ted raid on fiolknd untrue. Kicumosd, Sept 2. J r ; Tba Nominations of Uie Chieago Con ven-; - ' Pctkiubcku, Sep, 2. tion arelieicUella anu-- JjinaMiUjju ' v.irtkr n.rtu...r.'r. t.ni.Vhf further paruculars to-night THE CHICAGO CONVENTION.. . . KicnMOSD, Sept. 2. The following is thu platform adopted by the Chicago Convention, with but lour dis senting voices: - Iiaiolntd. Thatia future a in the ra5t we will adhere with unswerving fidelity to the j EnioD under the ConMitation as the only solid (onndation of our irenjrth, security and happiness as a pevh. 'id the frame work of our government evjualiy couducive to the welfare and protficruy of all the States, Northern aifl trout hem. .. JteoliJ, That this Convention explicity declares the s'ne of the American peplo tliat after lour years ol failure to vestore tlie un ion by experimental war. During which un der tlie pretence of military necessity, or war power eonsiructioo nave ueeu aisregaroeo in TTTi t alike' trodden down, and. , of. 1 tm M oU of the wJoraii UniuU mT ' tho Bvuw, uu uuan inivnarrncew tumia ( j ry jwlliuritM of tba Uuilud Htalea ui (lie r j crm riiruwwM a iua:iieiiji vimauon vt me J Cuiittili.tiuii and aWtr-utiuii 4 audi iacfa Jntioiiliry and rebinl -with U theaQI andlnwvr4itk(Murontrui ' . f,l.'H jui'ea, j uai tue niairr orjeA or .IM l)eHioerrV iwrty .iv.U prenre tho I uuiiiinaiivu auU that Ui- ' b rrbv decUre 1 l..iiH?tiH.r-idB oI1 i Constitution, a aubvoraiou b iiiiliUrr law in t:Utxf nut iu lnWrtft'tion,'orui:rar)r military j rfWKi,t . impriMiiiUHlst, -trial, . senteo-JO oT, Awerko nitiwiia, .w SUWs rff'.aviilOw: r?'u m ."Ppw0 V VHT0 -of siieecli anfluf ihepre. den1 .rofri'htof ' 7'"n' ' wwrrganl of tfut rts. 1 rmpiyj.at ol unusual tea; oaLbs. tuteertJ ! toe tt ,. .int iiruial of people to bear arui!.i ; calculated to itretent die rwfofati.m of tlie'1 , Union, and the 1 perpeimalion of tiie (rdreruj nerir wjr & in power irow tue eon. K'"1 MUMS :oreruea RnolenL That a aliamuful dismranl of ihi i AdiMiiiiatraliou-todutjs in reupwut to our leU. Ww wliaelw whw V, rnwo(. m auufiiui; coiiuuion. ueorve4 lue (le 1 . ' ' - T '"",,rou- "w,n " w r"0" ; anu cuiniiMm nuuuuiity. r ft - r. m. iWred. .That tbe-yiopatoy etJto&SOO- craUc luiy hoUly and eurncsjlyjaiM.d-: toaol.hvrf iit our uitny wlio are and bnvo, , f. ;. j 'v "4 e4 ! w 1 reCMn all the c-rc, profectlon, re- ) lmmI aini kuidiieiis the brave aoldieTS of the'' lepubbc have ro liobly-wwtod. ilr. Lmil', olOhio, oflenul an aiiieiidment : i-c.o ? ." 1. ilniiu 17'Ui ' ' . ' ' Cox, of Ohio, oioved the previous ques- riatform adopted. ' . ' - , "'' Stockton, of New Jersey, nomiuated UcCieliait. j . . Lwg invoked U Convention not to add weakiV-su to the ulaiforiu bv otiiciiiir aucb a man in noinin.ition. ' of M(4fyUnd made . UlrioM on. ? slaiiht 'ipon McClellan, and knocked down ueiegaie wuo uenouncea hi in ai .1 traitor. First Ull.it. McClellan 202. Seymour 23. McCtclbm declared nominated. Horatio SeyiiiOiir inade a speech pleflgitig hid !ile that when McOieiluii tukes the Fresi- Jeutiul chair : he will devote all hit. onervk-s to lvileges ot tlio jieojilo: ' ValUudi-iiwiii uigved that Uie nomination be made uuaiiiinonj. Carri- amid deafening applause. ..' l'eiidlwon was unaniiiwoiiry nominated Sor Vice Ptcnideni on the second ballot ., Conveutioii adjourned. lIoBiLt, Sept 1. -Price was at Paseageula yesterday. lie t t. . i vt r i -M orooeui uumoer oi av vneaiis exiles.; T, - ... . . ... ...... at virtala. West MB?M-!ppt, was Surprised ; tbirty-eight. killed and wounded and forty , Cowslip (?) are dragging Mobile Hay for tortjedoes, hl bouyintf up tho' monitor Tecuuiseh, with a prospecl f raising t e.v ar? oragwng over liw federal raid her. on Clinton, La. liaiders claim to have dumaged the ConfedeTHtes MJVcnd hundivd . thousand dollais. ' They admit tbeir soldiers enriched themselves with plunder.. ant' TV a stn. .-' .a i ue ricayune acounts our loss l ju miiea an wunded. Their loss 30 killed ajid 20 tvouuded. Expedition returned k to Baton Rouge with IroJi 4 to G captured cannon. Federal enivllment begius forthwith at Vi.-lnthnn - J Ihe e.n;mi a atVAIry niwH! a reconriBigHi . ou our extreme riuht this mornititr, driving j ; in our cavalry pick.jts. Some skirmishing en- ' sued, burthj1 enemv quickly leireufed. Our I lois tour lwr?es. Betweeu sun down ana dnrVthis evening a spiited artillery duel took place ou our right. CHARbesTox, Sep. 2. The enemy a second time attempted to blow up Fort Sumpter last night with, a tor- pcilx but faileti It exploded three hun dred" rard- front the forfc- ATLANTA ABANDONED. yiniMosn, Spt 4. The followiog offi cial dispatch Iroin Hood of the 30th says : "On the evening of -the 30th the enemy made a kxlpuent across ITat River, near Joucsboro. We' attacked thera there the evening of the Jlsi with twocorps but failed to dislodge them.. This made it This made it peceasary to j bich was done thenigh j abandon 'Oat hws on tie portitheirlof) f err severe. " Macok, Sept 4. , All doubts about the (alt of Atlanta art ended. It was evacuated Thursday bight nd owcopied by 'the enemy at 11 o'clock' ow, Frilay rnornigg. , Gen. Hood blew, up hjs sunttus ordnance and burnel his cofti vnifaary stores and drew off on the Mo IXtnougll1 roal, fearing nothing ' in Atlanta'' but blood strtins' of thu enemy, .Yeerday f (the whole army was concentrating at Lor Jty V Stioo, on the VI aeon and Western ' JBailroadii. ' j .Tbwvfnoinj reported retreating to-, Wards Atlanta, , ' lit fho fight at Jonesborv the Cfb and parVv oftbe 3d Arkansas were ca pin red. We losti tin pioces-of artillery and captured six. ; ' ' ijABjrgviLLi, Sept X . a irrnott couison nas jum tasen piace tvoorwl -a half mile - oho hero bet wen T train wllb wounded toidiere ud the np train mlad of, regnjar arhednle time. There is reaf excitement, but notbi njr definite can be learned.' Tl WW--neobablj not less tbaa.lS of 20,nd many, horribly mangled. . There are three' Teasels off Battery klcln- .1 mvu- w-..T ' . M, .11. I, - mu& ''"v. w w nt, keeptng at a respecuui Cisunce.. All omet here and at rensacola. r T v RjCHMOiro, Sept. 3. . - , , . ult, sUtea that, tered Lebanon tk,iHM, !rh.t MnJfW UllliW m.A SHI Aria.M U'tlnaLr1. -Itn.in Cm lirf or eyrht thousand strong, was near JlcMinn-, vine, advancing towards Murfeesbbro. Nash vifle was greatly excited; under apprehension ' that tho ciiy would be mtiacked,., - ; , 'i'-.' CflARLKSToS, Sept 3. f he delirory In the hartw, ' of some forty '! Yankee Surgeont and Chaplains, took place this njorning. ,, . , ! The Port Royal paper of I he 1st, annouo- '! es the arrival ol the steamer Crescent, from Fort Delaware, with 600 Confederate pris oners, many of them of high rank. , ' , During the voyage the Crescent ran ashore on Cape Rornain, and narrowly escaped to-1 tal wreck. Three or four prisoners have escaped. v Another, flag of truce lor the. exchange or prisoners is expected to take place on Thurs day next v .J,,;.,, t - u - : ' IIaoos, Sept 2. Tarties from the front report thatonrlostf on Wednesday will cot probably exceed 000. -'.---- - , Thursday the enemy made four assaults on our lines in heavy columns, and were each time repulsed with great slaughter. They then concentrated on Grovs'- front and breaking our lines their retreat became neccessary, which was effected Thursday night Prisoners report only four Yankee corps engaged, and three menacing .Atlanta and guarding their communications. No reliable information regarding yester- day's OfjeratJons or the pction of Hood. SECOND DISTaTCtt . Macox, Sept 3. During the past two days, the city baa been full of the wildest rumors. Owing to the operations on our line of rail road cooimunications with Atlanta, press re ports were impracticable. Tha refjult of the action of Thursday was, that Hardee, oppressed with overwhelming number, fell back io Lovejoy's Station. Lee, by order of Hood, withdrew towards Atlanta, leaving the railroad in the possession of the enemy. ; It is now ascertained.' that six corps of Sherman's troops were thrown upon the rail road, and only Hardee's aud Leo's corps con fronted them. - , The losses on both sides large, but as" the Yankees on Thursday, attacked our entrench ments, it is supposed they suffered a much greater loss than ours. No reliable details can be obtained. The report is current that Hood evacuated AUanu yestcTuay morning, out no poure inforniaitoa has beea iTCeived. " Gwtral Steele. Th Texans have at last xiirrMHleil in mubinr a c.-m.r i r v.i- r.i c. i i i ui laiikcc vjsiiciai oieeio auu '.... it fs : "Gaw. FraoVrick St !p eomes atealinr Siraliag our hugs and ataaling oor eo . Ptralinj oar aherp and stealing oar cotvs And aUaKag ih tteaj from of oar pIowsT S:eal bo (aeneral iievle, era long you may frel i " . Tha tMightnmjfrets of very cold UttV Dr. Pride Jone,. of IliHaborongh, has been appointed Confederate Siate Marshal for the St&ta of North Carolina, Tico Wealey Joan, Esq., Varoi u resigned.