V, ii VOL. XXII.. ; : . ,. .. ... , ,.f ,-.. i SALISBURY, N. C., OCTOBER 3, 1864. NUMBER 19 r.!? r J. J. BftUNERj't V '? KDirOK AXD FROralCTOti TOMA OF THIS rifltt SIi Man fur ait mouth longer lime. ( pre TEtIS OF IDfECTimC 2 whn far lha Grat iuaertion , l persqaare for each sabaequeat peslicarioa. ,r Thoae aeiidini advarlisemeats, will alsaaeae' (ha raoaey i pay for lliitm. Notices of 75 worda or les, will cut fi fur V1 uat, and ft for gach additional publication. Notices of urjer aiie, Iu the same pmportioa. CUABLOTTESVlUC, SeptA 2?tb.The fight near Fori Republic, on Moiiljr'ria ii engagement between our cut dry and (be enemy. , "They came over ll river nf were driven back three miles by oar cav bly, without truths Tlw embescsdie by to New Uket. aad m 80 vrii.ee froit, h pUw fijbtmg !l Highland uof Ulgtde of Ueefmya cavalry Mar, M-srtieaoerg. Tweetr pi-eea of artillery, 'l day, auppoaed letolorclog. Heavy. SwiftRun Gap, oa Monday eoatirsaesi eapterej at Ftabet e li lt, together with raioa Ming all day and fighting renewed Pctcrsbcbo, 5 p. va, Sept. $9. Lest ihsv M tutacnp(iwa rseelM for a 1 ""J cro " Th- y earnl- j night, Mer aia and Ua vVlock. brary , at pr aeai. . r- r-r- -.-..uy nwra oinim apoui v p, m, MonaHjvyeoMinifiadnijf anl nB4kuy tb mit A apaaa4 ji ..w imut -l aa4t rwt-W our, rigUu .iVoiktag .aaura, 9 o'clock Ibia morning and nnl back j liowww, tliaa tU VtMcbarpi uf.ni a with about OM tniU from town. No daiiuga f out any teeming v) jU i-TU aray & Ount op lo 4 p. DfDoKaaeea mdicaU , avera day past baa icR bT tbiptiaf tbat tlivy ara burning railroad trmvk be- twren Clirtalfao river and 8iantoo. No fighting bvtWMit tbe urmie ui to 4 o'clock ibia evcniug. No aeriou anxiety fell lure. TELEGRAPHIC. FKOM THE V'ALLEV. Uicusiosu, Spi. 20. Nw York pa pr oi i tie zjrd r3ciaa. iJuitaicn trom ibe Vliv report tbat"6berida'ow' linufft lo purnue fcr'y'a force 10 ibe di rrclion of Suuutoo. Xolbing ImpO'laut iron) OiH'it or Sbcrman. Gold 121. Uk'iimosd, Sept. 2C.A private letter If om Suuiuoii on ibe 24, reports tbat Kailv cli H-t izt?l tba enemy aeverely at New MatLut.ilrititigtbetn twomilea. 'llit: fulloaiii bna jutl b-ea. reotftved: IIbid QCAKTf H8, Sept. 26. Cttn. Knrly rrporta that tlia nmy ad vaaceti aaiu . ou (ha 24th at New Mar k ahtn he fe1hback-to-liit EepuWie. On 26. h iba fnemy aJvNiicl toward IIrrioulur, lijs cavalry probably bav iog paMkvi I b ut jjlaoe. (Signal) It. E. Lkk. . RjcHMOso,S-pt. 26ib. Tlie Baltimore A mttrtcau of n.1rrboon, Sal u r Tay , tn hvn received. DoapAieli from 8iieri.lnn claim another victory tr Earlty'a force at Fwbtf JJiJI ou tbo- 22tiit , All Van. keeJom i -xceoding jubilant at ibe news from t ha Valley. olil in Nw York has declined to 200. Wheat declintsl 8 Cfiita. 1'ontniH-Ur (it-nra) lilair lias roioed M the requtft if Lincoln, In socceosor is El Governor DtMiniaon, of Ohio. New Orleans adticea to the lCiti via Cairo re-?id. Haiuored "' that li'tnU will leavt that 0'pailment next wek. Annihr filit betwiHin Freoch and Cor" ,.trnas iirr.resiin at UHdad. At last ac count AJuiiial Tbrler has returtitiJ to his old post ou th Misirsippi river. Aims, At. SepL 24. Gen. Forrest ha capiuutd the (arriHou at tii place in cludio nod 1300 priour 2 jiawiencr trains 60 waona and ambulances, 500 horses, and tuaiiy vakaWe stores. Our loss was uly 4 or 5 kii'ed and about 20 wounded. Our troop are full of eniiiuM axtn and a iii leav in (w initiates ia scHn. li of ik-w victvrrea, Richmond, Sept. 28th. The Xew York pajiers Of tuomiHV recfiveu. n r now is ; aniniporlant. At lat accounts Sheridan I was still in parsuil of Early. Deneisoit lias uot yet accepled efbee of Post Master GuraL 11m Democratic rceeting ia Uhcolo Lco,J 'MO' WM broken up by so?- aiers. uoa inaa wss kuieti ana luree wounded. - Winter Davis of Maryland Las taken the slump for Lincoln. RiciwoKD.'Sept. 28. European advi Cos of the 12th say the British Press were discussing yankee politics, generally pre dieting the election of McCleland. The city of Naokiu haa bevu taken by Chinese IuierialiNU, 110 priaoaera, with W amount of atna ailiutt, aaj caisaoas, Urge - quantities C"T treacltia Uiufa, aod siaaif arms 'and ta slastie will viait 8wetdea aud Strasburij The iriarriag. of the Unlr, Erl Erfan- J Giurrnr, Sept. 29. Xoibia nmarka per to Miss Si i Jul I, caused a sensation in bis baa occurred ia llood's armv tr r a i'ars. troops to Ibe Xorta aid vi Jaaiea river. Tin looming tlM eaeiay obtained poa aessioa of Fort Harrison, salient of oar woiks. aear CliatSa BlufiL-and aiparcd j ia vons'iJerabW toe oa I bo Darky lwa, . L . i -v i i : le- maikvx. aau vrauonM rava. atwaiMi ing going oa there all day. This saora ing lha enemy drove ia vmr cavalry pick'1 eta on the Vauhaa toad, bat belietwd oa ly to be a rcofiaouanoa to saocftaia oar force ia OMtiaa at that poiat. RtctfMOX. Sept 29. The enemy ia lieavy lore moved iev4; oar oater haes of entrvocbneals north and oast of Cha- fiua Blutf. l This UKKaing they took pus-, aesidoa of .Salient, called Fort ilarksoe. Official dispatches dated 3 o'clock, says j ieeJ to be eo operating ia a rnoveinent. the enm' made aa attack oa ton Uik lisancraoi and Pike appealed to the more abyul 0 miles below lUchmoad and j people to rally to secant the State. . were hasd-komely repulsed. All fuicl al Sevar4 was oaa visit to GranUx; the front since 3 P. M. j Mobile ia reported to Have surrendered oa lite ttih, aad created great xcitemut. at lite North. Gold cUl at 193, ' iValae. and merchaors of all da- scri4io dect.ud heavily, ia sympathy with sold. IkacaviariJja has -goava - to - take eom aaaad of the Uepattiaeel of the OOHtb et. - . Dipalelie recdred from Sherman says aod appears to be moving towards Ala bama line ia atronE krce. RebeJ raiders are reorted to be opper alia agitt S'termaii's coiuiuunicalions aaI ai(Cared Albeit. Ala. IK ioroMS eiertious iii.Je tor Hie earn tare of the Ore, bieel has (eu strougy reinlwreetj takea oO-umv - AverUI ffa4tved fruMi comuiaad in tbe liebetCoLIIsttrNidied at Wiocbeslet. B!uinore aud Obio railroad re-ope Bed tbe atir Waib. Ihpatcbea front SfcLrwa of - the- 25tU say Price entered MuwHiri with a force 30,000 strung. Sheliy cavalry aad h '.-! Smith s be' i Ciiai.omviiUE, Sept. 29. The eae The Princess of Wales received entha- j my hive left Staunton, but caaaot ascer astie demonstratrons in Denmark. Tt,ey tain in what direction they took. Cotton ia Liverpool firm. : F1I0M TUE WEST. J Acasox, ISejitr 2 7th, via Mobile, 28lb. New Orleans pajiers 24tb received. Banks basUeeU sufivrceded by llulburt, late of Mempfci7nd has dne "North; Before lavte (( published a fire column letter in Eia.iill of lies fiom be;inniug lo enl. A uUui-i.ma Sletiuier, Colossus on Ohio river, was captured by 14 Confod- reral davs excel the vii.il of Preideat lvis....Ue rrijel here i on Moaday aad renewed the troops on lliaraday. He was received by ' the niea with great ap- t 1 plau&e, a i hi maue n a peecu. tren. Uoou also made a sreecw. ayiaj that hd wooH iA a few days lead Um army to bailie and victory. The yankees are very uneasy about tlie operations of Forrest. They say he lias iwentynve thoaaou men, McaiDiax, Sept. 29, TianvMississippi ad irea report thai a dbt occurred recent . lv between MnidHr and Steele, seven miles from Liuie Rock, lu which we weie urce-ful. Tbe yellow tever is prevailing iu Calves ton. The French occupied Malta moras oo Sad tast. Jaaw and - CaaiUr were at. Brazos l-dand, ra rumte to New Orleans. this evening. Our cavalry engaged heavi ly Jr- yeatemlayi and . lo day, captured a number otpmoners. 4 tie ognt eoing on vrell and eood resaltaCaoucipaUd. Our batel aigbl thba lar. ' " . ArorsTA, ipt- 2i, The Yellow Fever i rerr bt l mi Ciiarlefton, it is also' at SsvuiitiHh, d nt Jacksonville and St. Augustine, FU. It ia not ainoug our troojw. AiGif, S-pl. 20. A letter from Wheeler's command dsled, Athens, Ala, stales be has di-sipned over one buaUred ainl tweniv five hi ilea of railroad rn-Sber rtiHii's ra. A's.j says two thousand TeTn?llrl, have joiuel Wheeler. Pco pie of TciiiK-SM.-e are Cheerful and crojn are fiue. Macon, S.-j.t. 2a. The CWattaoooga Cazelle of ihf 10 li, says, upon the1 au thority of a ; i.t! ditpaicb to the St. Lou ..i Republic-til. ih ( the rioners in camp overpowered ice guard and inade.lbeir escape. All quiet alonj the Georgia front. No chatigo since last report. Charlottesville. hAtyn w itargag-vSi fsi'ataengera 4tiprri the iliuihI iratr to-uigbl, ereiterales the report r.rtived lat night, that Earjy liad repuledn attack of the enemy in ihevi Cinuy or i ort rjcpubtic. . . Xothinj oilic'al or delnTierrona'the valley to uUy. Iti belwrwl that the force reported to have been ruled by Eirly i Tor hot's cavalry wincli Slmridaa sent in pursuit of retreat i Con federates. . RjctiMoKo. Sept. 27-Tliis evening Whig aiys we have information of one of tbe most important inoveiuenls of the war ul made' by llood's ariny but "for prudebt caution, we refrain from stalins; to-day what it i, but a few boars will make it known Ui tbe public and'to itlfa enemy, to ibe Utter we trust with crushing. Ilec4. Two diviions of the fourth cwps bare j Tbe FreocU bad a' I tbe State of u-mheru been dispHlched from Atlanta andseul lie- Mexico. Crtiiias eutd onlv raise five rtind the Tenoesee to fi-rlil him. His , bdudred Itsea when ii rraL-hed Brownville. ! uame ia a erfeC4 terror to tbeiu alL Tliey I Sheilr I.a5 detrovetl tbe railroad near erale prisoners on board, who killed three, I iMeui lo have no his oi" keeping their j LiubS Uuvk. cp:uret (our hundred pris paroled the others, and .-scuped with arm. fcoMiflrJicatoM, and Utile ho, .J . whip- ; ooers, kur trains aad 4ie miluou live The Missouri campaign is siia" lo be f 'l'm bi,n- h"Vc lo . huu.ired dollars wor'tb proper. j. under McGruder, Price and Dobbins. do any thing with h.irest. j The Yankees captured fifteen thous- A dispatch from Cairo s) s ll.ey are j r and jkiuihI of w..l Ut week in Tensas liesr C:e Girardeau. GairriK, Sept. 29. Norther papers Parish. intended for the goverumeiit The Iron Clad gun boat, Antelojic, i ' the 24th received.- ter Journals Ut shle t tl- river, struck a sna sis miles below Xew Or- - 'Ciipied about Forresi's move:ei. A Laadred uionnlet uejroea from leans last Friday and sunk. She carried j Frenionl and Ox-hran have willidrawu in ? VicS.dyirS. f raslmg through loer six guns. ' j favor of Lincoln. Andy Joimon ha t C-eek cuaty. Sleanier Saratoga Was fifed into on eued orders eiaWy r-ve-ig Mo- ! t be (opie of Teias aie looking for an W.nlnofel.iv. nea-le oi..Kit., ll:.,ri liou, ! CTellan having a ticket in Tun. TW : altacd m 4atve4ow. '. " P . ... . - t I , . . . ... . K -It is great n-joic'nj over tu- orm at me j tae se"nouiy i imager an 'iMnl State of ffrs. Tbev ciairo r t rwikoad v th-. ietttiy. Train will' bo Sheridan the greatest vsctory of the war ronikin agii ia a tVw day. ami that Linciiln has got a levy of five! 111 hundred thousand. j lltcnSD,bept. 30 OScial dispatch J to-bim iy-s an aUem-t was maiie this r.mrviK 99 bandr! and after noon to re-take battery llrrrisoii which MrYauU otfieers and 400 and odd 1 uugu Partly enemwdnl, iailed; Cvmfederate privates aad 10 sirn-ewis Artiifcty firing wecediug tbassawlt was wereexchanired al ILmWh and Ridr re-" dUiuHiy aad.ble la all pans of tbe city ier,!e. tiec. Stonefban aad sialf arrived ? Kntx earalry, woo were on niue mile ajJoneaboK.' last aigiit and will b e i back ea( Jr this morn cbc.D td to-morrow which will conclude the ; '"ST- business of special eicbaae, Tu Yaa- j An attempt to tale bt.tery Gdmer.yes kee exchange officers werefverv rrseeved I tetday, tbe Vaakees pat imgro iroojM in about Forrest. Every body h left Al- A large aamoer of Ibera k-Ued (V OoiifoJrti.V.e bslleiies dama'B not known. - i - ; A negro was shot in VicksUurt; on 16 lit for desertion from tbe Yankee army. . Canny ha ivUed au order' securing all Cotton sold by the Confederate Govern--meul to foreirnen, and delivered oil llie MwsiaslJ'pi river. Sulphur Sprixos, Ala, 9 miles' north of Alliens 25ih, via Cherokee via Mobile 28lh. The invincible and nnconquerable Forrest baa aciiieved another vicloiy. The garrtsoabere,ctiiM!!ingof two block hous es, considered tl.-i strongeiti 011 the road from Decatur to N:i!iville, has been storm ed and captured after three hours severe fighting. Over eight hundred prisoners bate been captured, iuoludiugone Ll. Col onel, two Majors, teu Captains, and twen tystwo Lientenanta. AW,'lhree hundred horses, two pieces of artillery, and a large amount of stores of every description. Our loss iu killed and wounded is about thirty-five. That of the enemy near two hundred, including the Col. commanding Ibe garrison The pountry may expect to bear of oth er victories in a few days. iPrrKaascao, Oct. 2.Telgram fe eeived yesterday represented that oar (trees bad lor awhile recaptured and tben ivl.nqaisbed a portion of our breastworks enplured from our cavalry on Friday. Tbe facta are, oui infantry cliaiged and drove tbe enemy from the lioe of tart-artworks which they had thrown Dp io ad vance of our works. These our forces held yesterday, together with a number of tbe .enemy's killed and wounded, but re linquished possession last night and fell back,' a abort distance for proper reasons. No further effort was made to dislodge tbe enemy from oar lost works near Fort McRae. Yesterday evening the enemy's cavalry pressed forward and further on our right some eight mile below here, driving back our1 cavalry some diatanee. Our cav alry, however, beicg . reinforced reformed and after a bard fight; drove ibe enemy - back re-establisbing our lines from whicn, for awhile, our cavalry tad been dislodg ed. - During the fight, our , cavalry cap tured ahoul 200 prisooera. Our Jos alight, tbat of the enemy heavy. Among tbe killed are Gen. Dunavant, aod Dr. Fontaine, Gen. Hampton's ' Medical Dt reutpr. Onr toss since lbursday. not over seven hundred, Our cavalry lost OTefHe--artiUerywlreajdW geu from Fort MclUe fnday morning, lo tal number of prisoners captured thus far 1T00." The enemy shelled - ouT poaitkm Aiear Ute scene of operations for tbe last few hoars this forenoon but it amounted to notliing. Fighting may "be renewed any moment. i Sept. 28.-rXo tvr rrrrhBaw been heard to day '.by -person 1 at Green wood. The enemy have a' brigade, it i believed, at WarnesWo. Ail accounts af5no that one ot our divisiouiT ambusca ded and destroyed a brigade of the ene my near Smith Run Gap, on Monday. Nothing further from the tight yesterday, at Weir's Cave. We whipted them. Ev erything looks decidedly better, ll is con jectured that both armies are near Moatit Sidney. . Charlottsyillk, Sept 29th rOur car-' airy whipped lh enemy's cavalry yester day thisside of Waynesboro' and drove them several miles? The enemy said to be near Stauntoa. Their cavab v have left Waynesboro. The rumor that ibe enemy's cavalry were'oa a raid was proha- lanta except a few mechanics w bo bare gone to work for the Yankee. Up to last night Sherman bad tciade 00 move ment in force. Petersbcro. Sept,.30.r-Yestidar eve ning onr cavalry attacked in front and flank by Gregg's cavalry division which bad forced oar cavahy pickets in oa tbe Vaughao toatL' eight- miles below Here, near Wyatt'a boos; capturing aboet 20 prisoners and re-etabliJ.:Bg oat Ha. This rooming the enemy, with ialaauy, artillery and cavalrv adxauced oe oer right about four and a half mik below est aiid dislodged our cavalry from ibe breast works at that point Arraaj'nes nve been made to alfect this uioreme t. an! it Gtt, Gs, Sec 30. Gen. Hardee at bss reoesJ. has been relieved of the com ttand of ttia corjt in the arusv of Ten U. lie ts to take command f the Department of CbaHeMOB. He left here this morning arcoutpaaied by bts staff for his new field of operations. After speudiog several days ia the army President Davis went to Montgomery. He is expected "to reach Maeoa to-morrow a. hl, oa his retuni. Oar army is in the finest spirits possible, and tbe country mar expect good news from it before the elapse of tnaby days. TW .!up.wioa thai Gee. Forrest has su- Wheit- W a, at.'ttskv. Fofreat- is opcalisg oa bis owa book. Prrcasncae. Oct. 1. Tbe eneinv. affer is not believed the enemf WiIJ boW llte ; laktag oar bast works la-t night, pressed works long. Pctersbcru, Sept. 30. HeralJ of the 27th received. Stanton Telegraphed Dt v. Sett. 26lh, 10 o'clock, 30 a. ntaa U.'k.w-: Sheridan dispatches eleven. oVWk Sa. urdsy night, six miles South of Xew Mar ket, stale that he has frivea the sens v from Mount Jackson wiikoat beit aiPe to bring on an en jajemeat eoemy amov ing rapidly. Sberidaa had ao cavaSjr present to hold lben. For bo. i aUackel Wickhara's force at Laray, aad aj4ard a number of prisoners. Sberidaa found el Uospiuls at all towns from Wrncbesier looaard soute 2 miles until met aad driven b-tek upward of a mile by our forces. E- 'y this morning, oar forc -s again at tacked the ettemy aud succeeded in di lo.l.ing the euemy froat a piMiiuQ of our works, bat failing to retake the whole. rr".irnjuhel a portion. We captured Mjs wards 400 more prisotes this moiniug. Tt-e slaub'roTtbe ciieinr in the fight v4edy eveeing, verv h-kvy. Oar gen : al iS,ers say i; was only surprewd br okyUania Coet ll.tue. Tbe force of tbe eoeyotged princtpatly 5lh and 9.h corps. Maty new men among them. Tbe caesny is basy running can along tbe . Terkibls Effects of Liohtniso. . We learo that on Saturday after noon last, about ve o'clock, Mr. Kelson Low, who lives io tbi coun ty, between Lilesvillc and tbo Gras sy Islands, had three children (boys) killed from the effect of iiglituing aged respectively 17, 14 and 7. It appears that at the titno they were killedrJio rain had fallen immediate ly in their neighborhood, and that two of the children were sitting in the door watching the play of the light ning as the cloud was passing, with the third ly ing behiud them on the floor, near the door. Their mother was somewhere about the honse. She was considerably- shocked by lite stroke that killed - her children. When she recovered her firt t thought was of her children, and when, she went to look after them, she saw the one that had been lying on the floor, still in that position with his clothes on fire. She put the fire out, and found him dead. The oth er two had fallen from the door out side one lying on his face, the other on his side, and both dead. Carolina Argu. AJJCTTEK FBOM GET. MCCXELAJT. We learn that there is a letter from Gen. JlcClellan, which is to be read at the ratification meeting to morrow (Saturday) evening, now in the hands of Mr. Uiraru lvetchutn. In the letter, it is said, Gen. McCIel- lan expresses surprise that any De mocrat should find fanlt with his letter accepting the Chicago nomi' nation. We trust that Gen. McClellan lias embraced tbe opportuhity to state that, if elected, he will make an im mediate offer vfor a cessition ot' hos- tilities and a conventiou of all the States. yew York JYews. ta France, the waste steam from the lo comotive is made to beat the cars in the train behind it. It is conducted from the escape pipea through tubvs, which inside of the cars, ara copper, but outside are of "jrtilcaniard India rubber, with coapl.ngs which can be readilv managed. What a Z. The Northern pa peri say A private despatch from Cincinnati states. that news has been received there, that Gov. Brown, ot Georgia, aud Vice-President. Ste phens have aked General Sherman to grant them an interview aad that he has consented."

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