a " - I A. ' : . T , , -lMTl.lt V:i---3 IL-'-lL. ' V , , . v , " VOL. XXII. IWU M i ; J f ,i " r;;;v!i 1 J SALISBURY, , ' .' ) d-r. v:t,!i ,1, : , -'t-t . . . , . ;.. ,-.), ... ,- 4 J BRUNER, , j Twelve boat loads ef troops fell Meinv .rA ' 'A.iwA"';t pkk -waed P -aerivef. i ; I . ..- TtStts F tHB fifiCt Si eUUrs W tis atMine. Ho -eS-eriptWsrvceivse br s iMMTlMMht t. p -r- br Uw Srat MMflkNl m4 I Iftili fetMeJt tar Irw, will CMt i Itr tK r(, ft eh addition! pabKrMio. NlicM f Mb, ia th iifflf Bfnpttrtiua. TELEORAPHIO. Kjcmmoxii, Cct 3. Gnl Bmrjjr km Uwn ai;iiffi to command of lb D-' lrru nt !iifjr.MmAdel ' Mpee Eicawirta. Ot-U J.ForrMt rtporlt tm D-Hr Faljli. Tao, fpL27tb, lht t u4-c t!te dy beor. in catHn Lur tnUr. ihrv U k kata mad Fvt ac EkeninJyt with abut 50: pnvMiwn, nthwut (i loMt maa; ard bad br-W U-trotwJ tin rai!ix)d from Dctr to PuU-kh with 5a Urgr railmad bridgw; ai tiiiti it require uaty day W re- vmr ft Hi ttk him aflrnooti tl citar, a(lr littjni; him all laf, wn into fwrtifiea u.n at ru!ki Vbr KouMa wstb hi-v fm and rlt ffti6"d. Hi Hvm io iTTc "Tib Waa on tanVed wourfil. Eumv uiacb bvr. : . ' Etnj cunceotratmj- beatify' agaiaat him. ""' Richmond. fM. 3. Tl Waahinjjtmr Cbftk! of 2Ui y afil!e tel itin My Jfit E!t nvef IW fcaa bwrti acuat by the rrin o tb 29tb A l?T'ni firtn SL Loo aya tba.ad--wmic wf rrkkamiy rvached Farmiofton uu tL 25:h ; lb nuin fM Fwdricls Uta. Vr vx puna ondrIoil ; be Mtn to be miinj trij in Afra-lia VaJW. G-n.4M ioenuJ moTing north ia. Prcea war. KxcBttOxa, Oct 3. Tt rtborfr Zxyrvm udy saj informatioa ryiveJ taW tiat a train of yankea artirWry mm trimming ott a pontoiw bridge from tlie natrtb u the aoulii aid Of Jam ner. ll i nK U ieted tbl any infantry trooj bare rwsr.e4. lt Rsra al y our ! daring Urt three daya lbuntf witt not eaceed. be bandred ffcim all eauaav Vawkee ic!vKliDg prtauora leiimaft al five thouMiid.. dr and n i bange m (be nitwatioiw -Tlfe Yai.Cn ere bf ra.mi'iiT trawa'aMig tJieir kur d at niht a if r-iuforciujp 1 enwy t elteeiwd.a oid di tiua Ta iii'rrt a tliai Uf M" mr bttiOa.a, rft .. UT f'g!,l.,JH m.m an t!r.i lt up.o our liati., Qur, troopa mm ia jp .nl ;'UU! and ra 3y tint 0f mr. iUia ialhajt thw cvstnjP'" FROM LiCllMOND. , . iitcHWtNW. t.t. 4. An ofBcial dos rau:h frv.m ti -u. Rt!'ai $4llti!l, yea-t-fiav. t'it ahipjWd tbe enemy -t: v lr --t- dT. He lHS retfr?d in eonfuMon, 1 avin hi d al sn i woBodgd 10 our hnnda. Am,Mi4 t!i-m a Brigadier 'ionarnl - ' inuy offix-rt. Titers wetw t' or thu? n'tuuta of negro traopawhi.'b wrre Wl!y cnt up. There- -wf-aaul iSe'iiel m-a actd pUndid'y. Tbe-eoetfHr fvce ii thoanJ. We are rt hot purxtnL . LNVA: N UF MISSOURI. . IIobilk, rcL 3-A ipecial dispatch to reporta P-t Msn4'hiN frwsi St. Louis ps; peraaf the 1st. ireT eiei tenant iifSt Lottie. Pric rrpvrte.1 to be within' It miles of the tv. lnf.ire W esfiwated at tbtrty fie tiioaaaad. Cape Girardoaa re; peelad espt-irl. Laree Federal fort) S rwadaved at Pilot ft hob taot Moaday. Uaaey fihtief Tuday evening resyH uaaaoww. " - Bill Aadra eaptare4 irsia en the drib llMawan rail toad, v Jweaty yaa baaw eaptar4 and sImW - 1 ' Vieeacraiu iaae4 orders ealEag oat tba nlitia. Twelve ihooaaaj Bnder anu at ScLoois. ' ' A. j. Smith ia fiftftaDaa SouLh of St Leui snatching Priae'a movements. A Intjw number of iwaageai . froa 8owtasra Mjsaoari badf reached the city. Uatch iod Grianoa with Uua tbooa- and taea foe after ForreaU ' ,. 77 . WioJoer'a cavalry croeaed Soto'Arkair. laa ia partuit 6t rrtoa.' - "MbrillaiW of lb 26ih, aara-For I real b) deatroyiajc aU.bridp and rail roads. lelegrajfO cwamanieauoa Mopptd ua botb iwade.'- " ' - Tbere a a heavy figfit it Palaiki on tb JTtfa; "RueeeaiT reporU Hat FonWt nAirad duitng tbe aigbt with a lo-e of two bundred. Paiaengera krrived from MmphU on batarday evening rrport ibat Kwrreht cap. tare4 rlall, and tbat it wiil Uka ar ral week to repair the railroad. ' Itaabeille dates lo the 27th report lUmaeaa alowlr retiring rt aabine Forrest' is dtroyiug bridges, liea- C!ea,e. "I Fijhtiajf Is coiair da near Pnlaski and Williatna is tryinf to join Forreu : j Cofifedtrates had cajtoid two trains nr Uip Shanry. ; GaerrillMnre ldsy iSriag' iato.boais on While rier. .. A portioa of the 1 Sib army corps left Browasville7 Arkanas, in pursoit of Shelby; ' AU auiet at Mobile, r Tbe President of the Press Association baa called the' aeit ineetia of the Diree urs at Columbus, Qs, 00 Wednesdav tbe 12th of October. LATER FKtM-EARLY. RtcHMonOi Oct 4. Another o(Ecial dispatch from Snltville aaj i 1 . '. The enemy received a bloody repelsa. They retired during the night, in eoufo siou, apparently iu lis direction of Sid aey river., ' Early repuru the enotay north of tbe river, his cavalry occupying the north bank of that eimaw ; bis infiurtxy near nrrionlrurg. After a !ijhL akinnUib the eneinv a cavalry fll back from Moaot Crawtwrd. Richmosd, Oct 4. Official dispatches ietort that a amall force of lh enemy's cavalry ami soma infantry were in Culpt-p-yer -Hinty. Uiey are rebuilding the bridge ml ItappahatHick at ation. Ail qaiet below iScbinond to day. PSTKasBuao, Oct 4, 7 P. M.-Tbe eoemV has been fortifying a nw jxrvitiuo near Fort MclUe, and have shown no dia puoiiiou to aJ vance to-day, or aMauU our worksk -All very qaivt aioug lines br day. persona- from (vraot's rear aj he , has nv'-d eerytbiag and every man up to tit-) breast works and tie country behind his iinv uiicovred br hie Iat move. G.rabt baa gaitied wue mile more in the dirwlion of Uie Soothside road, bet is still sit m ite from it The enemy s iu the filiis of Thursdsf, Frhlay, and Salur day. is estimated at four thousand. Ours boou fifth of these figures. RtcuMOXD, Oct. 4th. The Washingtoa Chronicle of the 1st dipalehes Grant that Chaifin'a 2th Ord. corps advanced this jnorniiig and carried very strong foriifica ttons, and a line of entrenchments below CliatSuV farm with aome fifteen pieces of artillery and three hundred prisoners. Bamy advanced at lite tame times from Deep iWtofn. and N Mirket roal en IrvuclMueuta and now marchinc towards Richmond. St Louis telegraphs of the 30lh, says, thereaemy clusely puriMit-d by the rebels to Uarrifoa 's SutHMi. Railroad cut north of that place. lcaped prisoners report Pilot Knob still bald by the rebels. Nuahiille telegram of thf 30tb, report Forrest at Fay etleviU on the nivlil of the jiAhsA t).jmwtajtitfMian bouth ef M phis. GairrtK, Oct. 4.- All accounts agree that Gen. USod'e "army is well in rear of Atlanta, and it is reported positively ibat we bokixhe Railroad belwaca Vioiog and Marietta. ' . , f- : . , . A brigade of. yankee cavalry cams to Fairbura, oa ths West Point read yester day and attacked the command of Geo. Iversoa, srha full back after loaiag one or or two killed and woucded. Tney are reportadin Fafeltceilla' tbia a, Vat this is doubtful. ' - "A prisoner taken ia tbat fight says that bo traia baa arrived at Atlanta for six dsys. Military men bora believe that Shwraaa will U forced to abaadoa Atlanta and cot tie wsy ou'tia avery few days. quiet. Tbe. enemy Lowa mo, pnriKjae, In . a -. I. . I r. ft t i r - ilk our nnes near ron Mctu-a a or auy J - ravrcd from Bert tmotro.u "Tt1 glTT Hit - , . t FROM KTCIlMONrjj avi.t i , Richmokiv Oct. 3.WTfc. Aaf uf (roee boat New york arrived aaritia . Tenter day witb'aevera) hundr ret anted (Con fcdrst4 prlsoneta. No J Vavilclarirs ' b'r ews raeatvsdj i .-i 1-4' iwni. i, ' BiCBMon, Oct. ikFp of (trans boat at Yariaa brings jBOO wonndM Cna Merates. 'The same as ruber of W'osaded YkWwiUl.aentMaWoti!?. .-' ..t , i 1 ' 'f y& ' ' Eichhosd, Oct. ff .--Aa official liptuh received at tbe Wr department last iiitftt, states that U CoL 'itcW4 Kad '(orned from aa eipedition m Weetent Vrtfrna.f Urn passed tbrougb BoHlowi Jacksonville, Weatover, Walkeryilln and, WastDO,- U destroyed oae million dollars worth of atores; captured Three hundred frtsonerii, horses and ejoipmnt ; brought out 6v bandred borW andtwo hundred cattle. He sustained no loss " ' FROM MOBILE. MOBOK. Oct S.-5 Ittilea from ainton. La. Cth. Yesterday the enemv adraiced in beave (ortM from Bavon Sara, on the Clinton and WWviTfe road . CoLit with oae regiment only, fought and tlrove. thm Wk ou th Jacifroii railroa-l, to within two ttiih of Itavdu ara.hit beini; flanked an3 tbe enemy bein reinforcfdj Col. ScoU Wl back i Ahm Liberty ' road. The enemy occupioi , Wood ville yesterday at five o'c! k, jMti, aud Clinton, early this morning. FROM FORREST. MonitvOct. t-Fhe vekse 'off the bar. , All quiet this morning. Four Ar eigners and on nio capturol ataa the, obstructions, trjing to ctcniie t. th Yan kee. 1 The Advertizer ba authentic advires J from Fornst'a army no Cherokee the 6th. I of Uie capturw f thrme liiouand prisoners, J four guna, rfn hwritim) iioroe. twenty five handrwt ataad of aniail atma, one lhiu.nd negroe. men wnl chijiiren, and comlt. fj .li!rrve.f tll" Alalina and Tennessee Rnilrimd from' Fra'illin to'De ealur. It i considered aa one of ForrestV roost succeWul raidf.- , , - '.V,', ". from pi-rrERSBUR ;. U PrrERSBino.Oit 7. UnuMu! 011 et- ude ha prevailedlher to day-ai. the p.ial wet-k. Grant is still busr with tl pNte on his new p.isiUonaear Fort Mo Re. ' ' ' Rumors aay that Lt.Gen. R. U, Ander aiHi will he awogued to the coii.ioniid v( Beau regHnf troups and dtpaniiient. V., LATEST NORTHERN? NEWS. -Mobile, Ocl tih, vio'sVnatobia ib. .Cbicaga rimes of tbe 3(kh, and .Memphis paper of tlie 4th. aaya, tbe Oinfed-ratea made a desperate assault on Pilut Knob and wrre repuled, with a of 1 500, iu cluding Gen. CampbtlL , l"he Vi)eraU evacuated the place en Uie 28th; apiking Ihe gun and tiring the rail oad deput.. .The Confederate 'capture.J tlife guns. Enemy's train' of forty waguns aud an ew oort and burning thMna worL-A, alt good build ini.'S, supposed m ade a complete smash of drafting ajiparatua and records. Val leys and mouutains literally covered , with rebels. Later report sy Price overtook the enemy and badly Wd, him up atilar riaons Station."' The Yanica eraovaied Potaasi Mineral Point. Ihritoto county, be low MentinaJe bridge entirely evacuated. A. J. Smith was flunked and fell back to Jetfcrsoa barrack, and fortifviu A'niA. ing party isA to CharlemiH2e, foir miles I iroiu me cny. The ChiCMgo Time thinks strange the enemy should evacuate Pilot Knob after slaughtering to in any rebels, ud only losing; 69 mea. - BiU .Anderson ambushed and killed one hundred, of Johasoas six monthlDca, An dersoti say; he intends to kill every mau jie finds wearing Federal uniform, they having killed his lather, mother, and sister. , Price conscript all nuiott sympathisers. A large number of volunteers joined him. n Many drafted men escaped from St Louis and joined Price. Roaeocrans issued orders to shoot every maagoingin that direction. . ' Naah nils dates rept-t Forrest at Fayst teville on the night of the 28lh, with nearly his whole force, - moving oa the Chattanooga road. A small portioa of tka road was destroyed.' rr Mym lay ' lUwaeaa was at TeaaUhonia. ...; 4 i Forrest had tentr niaaaatuoaj wajf- oar. nine runs, tacladiaw three tea powad 'i- to .4.. h. -t i . Decatut is ifported to U 'captaVsai bt fWbe4er. ,-..,vA.-,; z , Confederate Loan . declined . threa per emit, in Europe. , t, TUcaptaW e AtTanU is efeJered the erowwofr awoeeaa' af laa war ia th J Gold ia New York, oa lU 1. was ' ' MftAa U "SihitL" mfnmaIe XetaW V ; . VVaahbwr ia alvt on Vac. ( , The Memphis It't'Vun mjs CI1 ad 14nrro, oi the PariSc rad, lru that PrkeV array anovrd rapiily and seeaoa ttbM)ttilowa , ;v t vj r , ? LSllEI'JDAN RETUEATIXG DOWS ' THE VALLEY. Ch abttstixu,' f lei. 7. An ' Seer just arrived faetw a)irm frnea Daniaeabars; sUUa that SV ndaa e rrJ froaa tki place and moved down U Valiey. Oar caval ry bad entered tbe tow. FROM GEN. LEE. RtcHsioxn. Oct. 7 repeats i lVpannews iat dfiatck from Earjy say Sheridan is rtreaje frosa Ilsrriaonbarg down the Valley. FIGHT ON tiie darly tows -road: ----- RicumokbI Oct. 7 A ficbt rom 1?4 .?ljpj tnoniisg w pr-J!ga road honli ude James en-iHied Jocg hue to Fort.nTrisKn and oawedat two o'clock. We carried, it is reported two Jiwrs of bseast works, three huadrod pn.n and nfiu pieces artillery and ooe huabed bora- - Gen. Gregg of Tela- kiSei, Oea. BrarSnei; CoL Uaakeil and Maj. Haskell of South Caro lina wounded. Our loss -light t'iat of the enemy heavy. Nothing offiSal yet . FROM GEORGLL Afccrra, Oct 8. Official dt-pat,-he confirm the capture of lium, . FLr-v ikotav. and negroes and while lSwn -r,Te takes. Hi Yankees desr-oved all the cmwMirv store, and burned two qures i iW beat HirtioNof the town. ' -. Gen.JVhe-lerdahe.J into Mrw-ta aad bnrnied a btat k if MrehU--, s.J s4Cel .threoKiiBS;1' ' ' " .hr army r"sppu-ei to K- at Eiowah. Fonififtius hmtm beea tlitvwa ti es Kenniaw: .. - .1f.-, Dals-to baa' been xupied ty "owr loro-a. Forrtt in in M 'titeTeobesaee. Ross aau is cottp-d np in NaslrrilJc ' - NORTUEIwV NEWS, , f . RiCRwoso, Oct 8.4-Nortbera dates of the 5th are at Lar-d. In Uui eng--e-kesti ef The 3(ha, nemf Sirril Level, the Fed eral ackiiowhidg. of 2,000 kiilrd. wounded sad miasiag. Mora than kaif were pnoi rarragut amv at Fortress Muaro oa Uie 4tlv and rnxtcrd,1 up Jumrd rr-vr ' Giwrillas eaptnred two traiM ow ihe N'a.hyiIU Tuad betweea Richmond aud Four. lain Head, osrthe night of tint 3d. and burned 19 cars.. ) Accounts from Misaoeri vat that JPrice was moving o IwoJU ia tfartw ooieiai-s. the i .l.. .-.1 l.tl. ...1 tt .1.! right "un-l-r SheibyXaad Msrinaduk. the - - - . , . .... .. .... . . rt-ntre nulr bis ruiunioet, and the -Irft under Cooper ; -the latter furce beibg composed mainly V half board ladiaas. -Vn bandred itwlieaiered Union, the county seat of Franklin county, o the 1st aadtpta"riOO nuBO. ' Oa the 1st Forrest shelled Athens, Ala; on the M, he demanded the sarrnder vi Dalton, Ga. Oalhe 4X jolJ was jj WJ ia N. York, PrrEHSsrao, Oct. Ska. Yesterday about noon the eaemy move! ia torre on our right, sappnsed at Erl lor the pwrpvae of makiog.. an aUack oa oar lines, bat tamed out to bw aothtisnr-tbaa aa KKns'ioa by theeBeeay, tbt-n oa oar right in order to occupy a'l oar ht worka arar Fort McRra. The ear air by taia an gained nothing ia the -directiwa of I be son h skis road, and only prolonged their lines, driving ia war lew vkeUs acctpy ing this grwsad. IIitberV Jy -art wf the works near Fort McReaocxpie4 by tka enemy.' -- AD qniet to-day. Weather cfoady aad vary cold. - 1 . - 1 iMawrtcrs froan 'Atlaata aaya ww trains filya arrtvad br gat daya, AU rms Uosd a army r- -T- - 77 1 T "TTT , ; . f j Rjcbtos. 81 Oct, OCkhd diapatcb at tba vi a IVpnrtiweat autea lUal the fa, f M4 Iboasaad) strboj advamH ap Jlawaaaas Cap rud o tbeUa with'uaioa af tasa loaded with jw"?foeJ , maWrtal ao.l rorU.l Slem and Reetorvra.' Moaby" attackaJ tbeBB'aP'Satt-ttt ' tJrpfernig- 50 peaoaew, aC iheir camp vBipasents, bag gtga, atom. aWr ka killed, and .wounded a HtwaaidatslU famber'IIe lost wound t Taaa'tW ratiwairg speeaa,0ct. 7tb. - TO BETAILETi MEN. Geo. S. Cooper, Adjutant thU Id rprcfor General; has caused to be inW as "General 'Order. Tfo. 76" ilbr' following very important notice- to aauiievj men r . L AUdetaila heretofore granred, wikdcr aAtWitj-of tbe War Depart ment to penooa between the ages of IS and 45 years, sre revoked ; aud all anch detailed mentiVgetlier with thosw within the laid ages, who bolii foriowchs, or temporarr ezsniDtiona by restaos. of ., pending jipplicatiocs Cor detaila, will bo promptlj assem bled st the caWps of instruction, sod a'-propriately assigned '"among the -armies for service; except that men ifetslled and nw act nail employed in tascntacturin?, providing, collec ting .nd forwaWing monitions snd otlusr indwpensable sopplies for the armj'sud nstj, in work' indispen ssbtsttrwiliTsfjnperatfobtw conMBBed ia their present employ - . - - . noui uieir aetaiu elisJl le xw ised. ' 11. Tlie Heads pfl)epartrtiente snd CSuels of Bureinx' will, wttbi n " the j next twenty (3d) days, forward to j Oebersls of Hest-rveit, lists of de tailed men fn thetr f mplojmeijtt iu ... the sereral Btateivapecialij distin gsisbtsg and' certifying T tht)8e who aro experts and those abfolutely in dispensable for tbe performance of tbe shore mentioned' Government work: snd just ness ; and all detailed employees ttt so certified within the rescribea period, will, upon tbe expiration thereof; be forthwith as signed to the srmy. ? 15 "I IIL All persoris called out br this Order, wbo claim exemption oh sc- " cotmt of physical L3tsisbnirwiU.be ' exsmFned bj select medical boards, ' after their arriral at the camps of iastrnrtina. . -i.-t t. - J IV.AH men' foatid for iig'ht doty2" rbo are anaWignedf will mt once re-" port to the camps of instrnctiot,, -.an " der the penalty tr being forth with sssitted to the active forces. ' The Efirtr invhes sttention to this order, Snd states that these steps -hare been taken by the Govern mwit t till ip the, army, ' It U nectWry snd ri pr.per; and if this order Lj promptly f enforced; the increase of the arrny jill b speedy, sod rapid. The xiyr al$i refers to another nieatis f ' replenishing opr ranks, which shonld receive the prompts!, tention of Uie War. Department-- Tte law of Conrvf fur the employ fuent of negroe as teamsters in Hia j arm, shonld be promptly enforced aarfkhe JLqurtr. The law of Con ' ,1,:' t r .1 . ?. , - grenvn thia subject is pt:n, and UMnrga it dts not c-o far enough, yet.;byiprompSry enforcifl its prcv. rislona, , .many Idier4' be re turned to their command, and the army wery greatly strengthened. Aa oScer, who Las boao conected witlj the army.si6ceJ'l, informs us that tbstof Xorthern Virginia alone, woold receive an accession of serer- as'tktdiridrimrwn srs were placed in the ranks, and tbe saddles thss vacated occupied by ne-roesiThe negroes can easily be'Obtained among our free' colored populalkm, and if mi amotwlBe' sUweacaa be imprWedJv'e law provides for their sapport ahd cloth tag, and pays tbe owner soldier's A few ' farmers and t mer chants may be slight Ty6r etW $o rinoaly iscmveniejicecV batl better this, tLaa oor country sboald, be overrtta, pot property seized,, and all tbe negroes transferred to the ranWof Grant a and BotlerV'armiea. We L'epe oar aatborities 'will lose no time ia spewdily. sfbtcing the law, aad thas filling ap oor armies. i- J- J-

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