IjpUlgii jilJDlTHBU(iff'.MM,,: All eye are now turned to Peters burg and the defence of Richmond, 'llie moteineuu in the, Valley "d ti,e impending -4mmotioti of coo- t,d...g annie in. ,M !;tuf.'ntbeVrnelolw.nd learn abmethlng fromXw wdh"f vincible iterant who defend the .uetropoU rf tbt Mtion'. 60 tue new from thi last point ! wor It of ih-pMrttftru wd the - . 1 . ... Iia twain man, lue IOr- taoM of war may place Richmond in the possession of the enemy not, however, until many thoneand of hi hireling. have been forced to v:.- .last and found grave in the Koaoru of a laud they wlJ dew-. crate. ' The newsmen altogether, from the different point of conflict, m cheering. Our people must wait patiently and tund readj to lend helping hand wherever the eier geocie orth eruis may call them. Ill will jet work welL We cannot Wonquered, if we h determined to U free, Notwithstanding our lata revehw, lh sucee- an! d rmutiH ..f thiiiear' wn main with us. T-.e filth ot U May waa day fraught with uiore fearful foreboding than tbwpr any that shall follow that may witnes of Lee and Grant en- gaged in mortal combat. The on- 4eUeaffllaig,lL tP CNUhemwte and selected four Itorsrs ...... ! ; fail. I . i- 1- the enemy ha thus filed-it. fail ore i our aoccesa.. When we view it magnitude, in number and power, and thi limited mean' we ad Jo meet it, we have reason to fel encoorazeo. true, many u. . S' , ..,?". price of liberty. W e owe it 10 our selves, e owe it to posterity to put fonh renewed efforts to thwart the vile purpose of a merciieas enemy. Wemarrebt assured Uie prospect will brighten just in proportion as we lead our eocouraging counsel and support to the great cause so ' near and dear to n all. Let no fear or deapoodency hare place in the people' heart, though Rich mond fall, of which event there is ntflnore prospect than when tf rant first struck the Jame. Let all be -u,rl .nrf determined and our in- dependenca i aa'certain a there arei four pomu to:me,ctmp. PRISONERS EXPECTED. We learn that a large number of y ankee prisoner will oon be ent to the prison la thi place' from Lynch burg and Richmond. There U ome talk of constructing a new prison aome wherein thi section, and ve rily we think it woold be wise U do ao i f located in reference to the easy procarement of fire-wood and other heavy article required for uch an establishment. If the number al ready here should be largely increas ed, there might be hundred of thoo anchj aaved to the Government in the single item of fire-wood tin winter by having the prion located convenient to the Yadkn river where this article could be furnish od ra rafts and boats sent down from the country above. Hoc SrsAuao. Mr. Wb. Murphy bad fuur bos shot in hia pastar ar town ii Fiidsr. Ta thwftj woi were Uft ia a oripple4,"nditioa and H kelif d will prov worthlaaa. A vaakas priaoear. escape! aUher from lh Gsorgia praoa or from lb ear at J florenc, S. C, was arraaUd ia Uua towa to-daj, sad comauttad to the C 8, Pris- The noma Guard of Mitchell, en countered a bind of loriea ia that oonty on Wedneaday last, loppoe ed to be a part of Kif kli raider, and ia a pretty aarp fight which etuaed, taceceded in lulling aix and woond Id Mrtral other.- " . r 'iiiii.v;. , j ,- , A ,upera!efSt v!t a dih BurU county 2' our cjait one Om of th Jiubbert fhoti and ali o them arresUd.' ' Four menv representing them el v c at belonging :' V Vanghn command, toll ta,lly Mfcved lobd Tanke-emlarie, went tip the We. UruIUil Road Mday Uat, and in the eeninc of that Jay wa fonnd at'tiiej T residence f ; Mr, John A. Hunt, two mile hriid Mrirnt.n. IIaing Called for f npjr, Mr. Ilnni ordered it for theui After 4npjfvr MrHnntinTlUrd jhuuinVi anvUjvt room to smoke ; but they aoon m exenee-t walk nt into the yard, and II. walked with them. One U the men then said to him, yu will probably he mrprid at the requeSt i arn hi(tlt III Itlllku of TOU. We we ric u-mh i j want four li..re !-r a day w two A ww mm' mi carrj us forward. Int will seiidjhein back to vi. Mr. II. told them he could not sj.iirolii lore and could not accommodate them. An other then tepped np and retnark ed, we intend Jo hare theliorses whetlter you are willing or not, and the least you say or do in opposition the beat for you where are your addles & bridle f Mr. II. told them he fid not know where the bridles -rc. but tto-ro was a saddle, Hin! ng to ir. T'ley MiM"rMt, it ..made no Uitfereiice Ihey would "nmke the negroes find them, and accord ingly ordered the negroes to get pine torche and lo"k up the bridle. They went into, the stable and barn and a mule, and iniuieliateiy rode off, taking ill them, mounted on the mule, a free. negro found at Mr. limit's. Having g--n three mile on . . n to llie rw UM f Mr. Vu,,. w word a.-d niHi.nor Jrew from Mr. Fornev the threat that he would j ihoot the Iirt niiiti that attempted to take hi horse. 15ut tney were not deter red by this t brent, bntn tered hi yard with thu avowed de termination of taking tliem. Mr. Forney produced hi double-barreled gnn. Hnd true to hia word, pulled tri'ei the rubber. IJoth cap l"a eiplidl witiiotit tiring the loads.. The no n then commenced firing at him witli -olt'a revolver, having two each. But Mr. Forney re-cap ped hi gun and tried it again, and now with better success :'he brought down one of the racaU the first fire. Tlie second was a failure to lift his mark, in the darkness of the night. Meanwhile they continued to fire on him until they had fired some 15 or 20 shots. lie re-loaded hi gun while they were popping at him ; and being again ready to fire, they tli re w np their hands and asked for a trace. Being alone, with three armed men. airainst him, and having gaiued his point. Mi. Forney agreed tp let them depart; so the quietly remounted the horses they brought, taking with them the man he had shot down ; who. br-the-bye, was only vry bad- ly Wounded ; having received one buck-shot in th bead, another in the mouth, and several others in hi hroaat' W&ehmMJte In the meau time, Mr. limit bad tent word to Morgan ton of what bad happened at his house; and partly induced br the liberal reward offer ed by W. F McKeason, q for the arrest of these offender, and mainly for bringing them to justice and teaching uch men a lesson, a small party set oat immediately in pursuit. On reaching Mr. Forney ' residence they found b had ealUd in two or three of hia neighbors and wer preparing to persne them. loer an movesj vu a"vi. spproachiog Mrs. Caldwell' three I vI.l) iil " 1. ::l -r .J tl.at t!.jr-Vl.i-r 1 ! ; : ' u f..r tle nir.f, the endit;. 1 t U.tlr wonnded companion reenlirig them fn.in ctnlinohig t! ,!f CigUms they had doubtleM intended. They nrrounde4 the Iion and demand ed a surrender, , which, was Immedl telcemplied wHIw'-Tue toeu ereW taken P'io.,eri hgbt to Mrgain ton and corn milled' 1a jail to await trial and jastiee, wliich' will doeibl le' beVeedjI , ' ; : It rr TCE. We see in the Rkh theiijiiiejijhtthe prhoner att Cainp Chase, ia Ohio, 8.50Q in number, had made tbeirea cajw. It i "saiJ by one that the Coppethvad1 of Ohio had releed knd arttedx them. And another sirr i that ther liad overpowered 1 - . - the ,r.rd afnl taken thr arm aJ mmAu fhnir' csemfNi. The Dew of their escape also come frota At lauta, via Utcoa loaglt to tie latter place by a lady from the kr tner, Wltere the had heard it talked of in ftecial circles, and where also it waa, conjectured tha toar wamM aim T Canada. Is it Crae that th Camp Chase pnaneT hate escaped under any circ in stance I " A prirte dispatch received here everal days ag-, brvaght tlie sad intelligence that Joas Peaksos. youngest son of Mr E. Peareoa, of this place, had fallen in tlie fight near l'eterharg. on Friday last. lie waa an ardent, count jreow, aed m i jtiivnisirtg yoeth, and higity esteemed by many of our citizen who deeply mathiae with.his iirrowing modier and sisters ia to heavr an sfflrction. TImj C1iUiib lUi.roaJ, Vtck it i? t KineioWed h to cnict tfc eouH ami IUilroad al Cmrf. ia a fr y. Mr J ficnt 1.00 kaviag Ja.bu.a4 6 tim l goriniH to U th ro4. Tb a rtry imt-ortauteftterp., wnlWW.if j o7 o.. "M - Tmint Running Btymd Cofintk. Train now run regularly r the Mobile and Ohi rai!rf 4 to Ge-iath. The Memphi and Cliarleaton road, we are also informed, i ased for a distance of nearly fifty miles in the direction of Chattanooga. That whole country is free from the ene- J- y- - ' , . . " AUention Is called to Adjatast General Gatus's General Order 24, fn this paper, calling out a portioa of the Home Guard toepel an ex pected atuck at Goldsboro.J Wood It will be seen that the Quartermaster at this poet is calling for fire wood. The demand ia a pressing one, and should be respoa ded to if possible. a a fievivaL We learn that a very interesting revival of religion was had at a three days meetii g, cloning on Sunday nigbr, at Ratljerford Se minarr. N. C, cmd acted by the iiev. Israel P. Hughe and IL L. Abernathy, reaulting in tbe happj conversion of 15 young ladies aad bovs. On the last nijrhtof the ex ercises, innyrpenitents crowded the ercrses, many penitents crowaea tbe altar for t rayer ; hnt for the want f j tinual. " ; ' Jfoiay.-We can hear the groan ing of mill crushing cane ia this vi cinity, in several directions; and can hear of them all through the coaa try ruunlng pretty constantly. We thick t. e molasses crop ia this eec tiorrwill be good tli year, thoagh we think it waa a too common error in planting the Impbee, or red top variety. The most extensive enlti v. tor of the cane in tha Soati giving a a a preference to Sorgham, ea- uacx ed. irn:i:-i v:.-.a LZ'.'-W l-O T mt. lm reiJoU',; Jott! lU murium (nttlHaiw a tk Jae tiom: Tim Uiwr sa,! tU aSghi Sia frva BdeI ""L." aWa to Ckla4 M rYtKr-l I Ukea afrb (Mt ea lie 8MatgBMa traiaw Aaother mm af VIay is bet that a Ivge aw list iWsMlvnr lie IW aa raad iet-rJ W Mtb Carofiaa U fmt wf ie IWk aad hW N.C.Ilail Ami. Wkte a eoaaietV a. W, a m t lU ea, tk Bfsta : Agnoa th X. (VWtaa Ka8 Rjfd W. eptW to till iaqc 'asMMrTtf awol b'lrJfcr tW a4 Sowk. m U a RaWigh ad C.'J kc rtaral ia i day caaH a drUy ef 24koer lad6on. iW mm cm lie Koate Agents of tb V4wt mmd fcdomHhl rmml awt Vav'tag Iimm ia frfwfrt; d(htt tK aaaitt and Wvlia tkai m b raiwaL , Th mA fcw Ubcb nJ Ltra frikm o( Jm ti(W dirvcJoe of CharktU TBS aCMEST. Dot a Dia(hb4f IW o&c al Gw A MILITIA OFFCER KOUSfK. The fallowing comtartnieation fiwn a Mibtia iScer in una of onr Wester erfwntiea, wba fee! thar while "volley after vdle of hot Ami (Mm m pHKa of the newapaV lrr we ' i oard into them they gi.l t have the vrege of re tanaa; the fireask a p'ace inor colaaaaa t-r the following. We give i, bat n-4 withoet a protest a CoL UcRae, editor Con fedcrate, wfca We know 4ea once ia the rvt r we kiw, drrtrd himself with credit h liiartrif and 4yfil to the country. Ma.Eanea IWSw: Will yo al Iwata ec ie 7r laalW -mm to l artirWa ia lb Walrh- . M ak a aa f TZA, tomW. "ttU ap IB fmt mi tU Sul, M w " ir tbrowgb - . T editor of lU ni- j-tdfWmf9 n fctW m u r mU f, mt iW ,it.( lit liw of kia wAamm mmurV" bat kin n vto pmrrmtm ff4. A I e.itnd Mr. Cmmfomtrmtr ka awre taOed of th "tutter eaaC d Pry to little aoal very aavck, toah(SeaK aT fkr aatlkia ftflkera aad JaaUers f tk feac aoafd kill all tlaa jaakce. aal let now ryonaia ia Hia aaiiCtaaa. Fwr tax fm, I think tkat II aKtrfieary. lk PwrMdral. aiad Cabiir. .al aa kaaw mhen to call fur new Iveiea, waaaa. "VU patMU kne about -pLa4 eL" SmaU nttataea grow in pworUad. Taeffa ia aa atd baaiely ', imm mmrnj ewika pd tk broth, aad it in fa3 off iaiaarng. Tkr ara too manj -toc4" ia Ike CaleoWey. too aay ad 3apra.toa naaav nmm ar wit tag to ly tkw beavj kanl." bmt at Uto awn tim, h-Z hrmtm to astktoJiJ "lkw Ha fiiigefa." I kapa tke taw -ja0 patriu'will b abl to ikcaaei aa aw nen a thm ; aad leaataaUr it a a ftfiWtioa apoa tk fWdat O tkeaa to ad ?. an J bad eti actto tor iaJerivca to adie aapvftara. It ia to a kprJ tkat thaw eiitora aiti arev memm kav tk iaipadiraee to ay ta tk IWerat aaJ Y CaUaat, Ga. b E. Lea, ai Caegraa, two ar eVtkWet ia keowk Je ; yoa are aat able far tki war ; hear aa; a ara'aw. ffig aad kaowjast wkatyaa aeed. Call aat evcrvkady bat r aiaa oalv "laitl aatriota f a can mm Egit; l wlatof oar fiaeof loaineaa. ake "j-ill awanolaiB; tyat ke ar oim- ae'al naea leeprng fowm ianctkDa, boUliag th toriea and aWrton ia ckrek. tak taaa aad kraf tk euaatiy peVitI iletVaceleaa. A word to aaiuua arvra aad jatcaaaf tbapeac: if ir to eWrv Ikaae) do not k J- lu j . a TliUE GUAY. jf rwt irj n mum jirn-tu, federate brand their horse and mole when take into tlie service of the Government, hat the yankee kav adopted the plan of branding their aaeeuwhea taken or rejected aa reeraila for their armiea. The Chief Medical Director in Washington dtj, in aa oScia) rdtr, y : Ia additioc to my seggestion to mask all rejected reeraita and sub atitatea, I woald saggeat that all the accepted recraifj and cabjtitntea be marked thus: I ia amail of back. Thie will, 1 tkiak, prewnr, to a great ex test, tba practiee of bonnty jutnp iaff ' ' MM at SS Win. my " I iaC 0t-B aajIDK ,,M r " """ 1 miM any mi lk eiwr oflk ""Jm iu (uvumxv:..' s." t; l t la frcruiU :J you wtf Ut la aitDOsl' tvrrv PT'. Tou ia he&f' it fr m ry I oily, Grunt i-l.-g'Targdy" rviiifyrefd. Tb ariay pf TksataMM ba ba callisg long aad loud fi Bn, Wbert ar tlry to curat from f TbaoouMript I 'act bM hmrm ultadtd at both ted aatij tb aMtarikl n eskaBaUd V aad ikty ar too'eld'or loo jroeng for the Add, t Well,' It t as rvtropsct,tbr are nwa sstsgb aiibia tb . hrnits of lb at Uw Moat a, ahUbodied aaia, t swall osr arny toss ankoowa Ut, and a large' a imM of thia art as ptrnJuctrt. Firl tb Mifitia slid nm Uaard i ffitrra, to .ikar a ilk tha JaUee of lb Taafla- Iw'atihiJoferaor. ,k Jo bavs.lbsm tatpl aay- longer I veattemt n, aiH qia atftr b tlAtoj, 'lowly Jjutf" art willing y " act' y or pail.' NH eoiaea a vmi army-' t( Jttmltd nt. Let aswdivide ibvm iol toaelauea, finit, the man alio did not ckaftge ba-occaplMa lot mm ittmplion lot iattsaca, lb fccboultnair j trad htfpri tht wur, tvi Mr. Sboemnktr Ibtnj i a point ahieb furbfaraiKMi ceetta to b a irta. io jvu aut hut toroa conipucctioM o cotM-i-fr mUm sou tbiak of applving for anoihf tl-iMl. 8re oadly, tbr is auulbfr cb of iletil ho art, God belp ibiu..Uu lit Utter thaa ao mta. Tla bi"k-r now, bo canaly T kstw th aumbvf jhi lit hi ova foot, lb cooper aow, U befwr tha War, caahl not cat a 4cl a a loop ; fupa, aba kwked oh eb lin.ln m low duwo, talgar.aad k tigraced ttMHa. Are ya aat a diTfraee U lh trade m aae I a llwra i another eia f nra ea ajore eoeleaiptitl ibaa all lbrr, "wi-akly eaat, aka are willing bh1 alU l oo n thing (u a Srg?en cli6elr, if they kapoeu to b onaciWd, lU finrt d-j tU lfdicl hoard iU in their iiuirU, tbrv ignora f sSaep, (make a aril man wck aul ibej get Ua iamily phyaieiau lo go witb lba to lb board and gl a ee n idef a'.ioa, y , pay hint lo Uk tbni, tril U ik sraus they h l l I" iha cradl np to Ua prtteal lin. "w b tam joe and w lb jauiUjfcfkikiaif-ia mm better tban tbe laimlj patrri.1, a trip lo lha artnjr wpatd iaipfu th hralih jBd moral of both pan In 4va4nH, frvm tike Comaita.MiHl flirer, la lo m Sunr. on 'a baotli h. can remain al 'ibom anv longer and Mill eil yoireltr a . ... s L a tore, llaa patrwtwni p.a)to,on i l wu bac tot-n jtg thi tiute ji.o it landed ..bLI K.,tv,rfbl " Ibal time i now berr. Ther ia bat in mnj to retrieve jou chr acUr, narorly, -Quit plating ff" ff lo tlie array, helyrejou re f.fce.l. Thel bui oti'hoal way lor io lo "play otT longer. "Go p ik qmC ia Eal Tetia-M4-e. for il al Oilonet to ay juu ar Cwn'rlerle in prinrij-le. when your action apeak ia tb toiee it lbun dr betiNjing you a a coward and a liar. -Com front aoder it all J hill ftea." Diuiyus. Paiaoa Caar. Elmiba, N. Y, ) Sept. tad. 1804. ) Ma. J. J. Bacasa Jkmr Sir: For th motoal benefit of nUtitea, noiioua friends and seek priaoo tnuwt anaW toprocure atampn, Aei., to writ tbenvwleea, I DJ Va a lit if name from Saliahory and liowan coun'y and tk No. of th Ward they art ia : ' Ward Aro. 2J. II 31 Trvpt. J. lm C Moor. W A Sawytr, Franklin Hummer, I)an1 8bppard, Ali M Lmly, William Wright, Jowah Spears, Mila Ketcbey, Cmaw Earnbesrt jrara" A'd. J4. J T Colley, Jwob 15r gr, Andrw Binirr, Jwph Ir!", II M Baainger, i W Clark, B K Canu.. Am broMCacper, II M Beaver, J A Uihg. Eli Buatian. . , Ward Ao. la. S A Shuman. 3 Clark, Wra Keaier, DCS Taylor, J Worming ton, J J Wyall, K i Cu: f A Bargrr. rTard A"o. ll.-Jac-oh K; i. J C lUW ler, 3 C IvIutU, Moe Joay'. I Kller. IfurJ V. 22. H M Ih-Ubangn; B Gallimore, Milan Canup. Ward yo. 45 D A Kt. Ley, J Mrnoo, W Sowera. A IVMUn. Ward Ao. 4B. NoaJf Iruj ilig, John Vorria. ' - Ward So. 4.-7feler Brown, Henry Brown. Wmrd-yow.Kn Bopev Arch Allmaa. LgjaaVA'aitOJ A Coleman. K M- lu.Zmtw HWAT.ia--ail J Sbinn, WS Wmtd A. IS. -A. A. Italian. Wmtd Ao. JO. II Maaimar. H W Ae. 17. Ut i A, Iwaver. Wmtd AV8.-M Lenu. War' AV 44. Ge MilUr. Wmtd AV o5. Lcei Readlaman. Allat njyiag ftae health and t aloag f nly far prisoMr. Tobacco is the ea aaadlat artieJa, sua cs soaa. i'la aaawer. Lnrast as balow. Beapotailt yoera, . Ward IT.adBarrafka, Emira,N. Yett. Cere mi Ma H, V, Coin.

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