:t -1 i f J ' f face. i.:. r oi' camaui; in h;l ;;i N. C. 1111(5 1 il EN I IN Till: DATTLK AT WINCH ETKI's KIT. 1 9TU. Co. A KiM, none. Wounds J : Hue kiah Hobbs, moitel; V A Sharer, risrl.l tluj;h; ,J0 Irvin, arm slight : J O Injrram, npht hip slifht. Missing : Li Tboa Davidson, Joo 8 Anjrhne. Co. B Killed; ' oae. : Wounded : D 8 Cowan. left arm amputated: J H HoUs- claw, head sUfihl ; J W QuIJett, leg Missing : Sen. D A Danaha, 0 S Belli (both wpposed killed) 0 W Meniss (unknown.) Co. Q Killed, none, .Vdurvled ; Lt T W Stevenson, head severevright eye out, a! alight wound in the hip, bopt-d not mortal ; , Corp J do A Feiinster,, left ;arra chattered, the tame ball alio paesed through hi bodjr inflicting a. mortal wound; W T llutchltu, left for finger off; J B Mi Her, face severe. Mining: A II Goodin, (supposed wounded) aod Dan F Carpenter, (detailed as a nurse for our wounded in Winchester, all of whom are now in the enemy' -hamll) - Besides these, several members of Co. C weoj ouf in the country foraging on the morning of th 19th. Things were so quiet that no danger was dreamed of, but belore their return we were several miles from camp and hat! en gage in a terrible buttle; consequent! thejr were not in the ftui, but were doubtless captured by yanke.- cavalry. ' Their names are J H Cmpte)l, W A VY "alter, A F Lewis, J A Brandon, A C Yale, S L Wilson, and H T Joiiti-t.'n. Co. D K.lled : E Grant Wounded, none. Miss.ug. Corpl W B Howell, Private W.J Rolens. a.. K Killed: A J Ward. Wounded: J Il.linckelL mortal; Sergt. A B AYaulety r.gi.t arm flesh. Missing: John Tate and John Hendnx. Co. Ft-Killed, none. Wounded: Sergt Jas Gar. right thigh severe. Missing: Lieut 11 M n arren, Ord Srgi n k. instead, Corp W P Woolen, Privates B Barnes, Ed Barnes, W Battle, Bryant Stokes, and Joel Taylor. Co. G Killed, none. . Wounded : Capt S A Kelly, (com'anding reg'L, nature of wound unknown, he was left oa the field.) "Pr.vates T J Baker, left thigh severe ; Lewis Cran field, hip daugerou? ; W M Sheets left arm flesh. Misaing: Sergt J W Burke and Pri vate'J B Stroud. Co. II Killed, noae. Wounded: Sergt Starke Graham, arm severe; Corp John W Robinson, leg slight. Privates J A VVetsiter, nghl knee severe; Milaa Campbell, lace fe-t vere; J no Pharr, sliocked speechless 6y the jrap.!ojMon.a..she, Missing: Madison - Brown- Robt Brown, Wm lie vis, Nat V Journey, Ben L Carter, F F Woolen, A lied man. Co J Killed: Lt J E 31 Howard, (act a Jj.jy Wotaded r WnrCaidw-ett; thigh, ge?h; N P Purser, alight, thamb amputated. Mis sing Sergt F G Clayton, Sergt R Tonten, and Privates A J Parks, frank Forbes and TW Cox. - Co K Killed, none. Wounded : Wm Murrv left knee, -flrh: Leri Turner; left elbwr, ileh. Missing: Lt A N Wiseman (repfrted killed.) Pnvtes Henry Caslor and Mcises Bencmia. capitulation. Killed, 3: Wounded, 37: M:?jng. 43. Total, 73. 1 Lie ravimnf -tAnV aKriitf I"fl mncL'iats intA trt,A at .n.nl WW. . , aa.v.g the' number, and so Umg as tjiere is the least ground for hope -ew.il, with oth- ers. ttitig to tnat Lupe to the last. y It would j be tutprodeot for tocom.ueutoa thuiaffatrat J presetit. ibOQjia certain iy a. ievere to onr , arm. eL wo 'ill hor thatsometliiuj? will ' turn an soon which wjH torn the scale in! ourisTor. That some bpdy is to blame is nut I to be denied, but 1 ant at presen'. not in pos- se.ion of auch facts S wib lusuly the eon- ( UtinmaUon of aoy one : this much, however. J 1 I I will if our .alrr ,a IwM tl.Pir no. ' silion oo the . i . A J .. . ' we would not now lure ; the mortification ol kaowinj; that we were ooinpelled to double quick to. Stwlxtrg; a distatioef If tiiiles. We' are now ia our j trendies on Fiber's Hill, near Stnt-boi;. j wa:tipg an atUck, nor do we think we will j har to wait long. NAT. Sr-pL 3d, 186. LIST OF CASUALTIES IX THE SIXTH 8. C. REGIMENT. WjwcattBTiR, Va., S pt. 19, 1864. I3tADeCSBTHS, 6th X. C. Troops, fetrabur, VaV, Sept. 21, 1864. Fiii and 8u VV.Hiuded, Adjl 0 Mecbane. shirhtly. Company A, wounded, D Z Oarfjio Lt cornmaoditig, aligbtiy in head; C J 0 - , iMouier ana Msters of any soldier r oat lie. inc ouin non-smmiioned oftcers , , . , and sharpshooters. It is certain that 5omei",iJ,e r"7' "'.5 wno of these rerKjrted miitir axe killed, but it.is t Wltll tllCIU IH.;llilT! III the !flili Preaiicl, Severn'' in body ; in liost. in lei. ht; The A Scale, severriy tu arm and bo-jj ; John Lanpiey. severe iu If. C-ompany Hr wounld. 1 M Gxjoh, vere!y in Lack, and left in tbe band of the enemy. . - . Company C, wounded, J X Oolloway, ' aefrrfiy in side; J T Hulcbina, severely iu face ; W D iiialuck. in hand. Miwsiit, J M l'eck and Wrn ChatubUr. .. Ciiufaoy., U ..killed .&wjtr4J.juejLj inoa vtiitianie. oun vei, a unct-y, in thigh ; T E Oasosby. in ahoul-ler ; L L Kale, kbeo. MiaaiDg. Xoab W'tavcr, G W La waon. C Company sE, wounded, En-n T Ii j Wiaeiaan, knee; Serjt Joa Jrrr.-il. aul , eejfl J A McGee alighUyr "Wiu Sellers haid. ' Miin, i Fpsrks. -x - Ocrrnpaby K, killed, RM fcau. Wound " ' a h ed, 6srrt T Fauctu, nioruliy in body, hiibr il Iixoa, beaJ ; Sqaire McGoilum; st-vere iaeot. Company G, wouoded, Sergt J 1$ Me Neoly. aboulcer; C It.MJrjfsn, both legs J ritiornpaoo, leg; Jstac l'oo'e, Ungb? K I aliirer, arm ; rtiiaMnp. C i tr Company II, wooi.ded, K S Stubblefie4i4dy said to tbe ahoemaker wbo was j aide; Jas lUleraon, thitrh ; J Llular.ns, C. ..I-; ...v I. .. .1, J M J 1 1 mortally; A F Murn, leg, in the linU tf tLe euemy ; J.Hk.tt Vgv, head ; U Up church, tln'h ! iiwng, J V Young, 0 E lUaVere, , ' . Ui m pant K, wounUJ, Wm U 0 r J 1. shouldar and in the band of the enemy. Uj command of ... - Major R. W. YORK. D. C Gcrtta, Lt. and Act AdjC . Loo or Lvk, r Drown ino. At wo write it half-past four o'clock onSatardaj afternoon, .OctoW. ist, 186f. the corjwe of Mra. .Ilono A. Orwenhow, well kuwn mul, w iiUT'avM. s dovotwJ Unnf.HlerMte J dy, iost MturneiJ -from' Eurpt'. ie laiJ out in the CWel ..t Ufncral ilonpita! Nm. 4. "Al! lUi rjct due e Aire. Ureen how a tH.eitton audi cliaracter is, no doubt, paid to her retuaine b the ladies ot thv boldiur Aid Soeiety. iind, indee1, we tony end, br the ladies cenerallr. up io me tune ot writui we nave obtained lew tartictiUr. We know TT' .1 . that on Friday ni-ht or Saturday i.:.. t... i..- ;.. tnornirii(( HIV FlViklllPtllW Vtrillf. Ill ....Uf.irm.' i. m., m ,T,.r '.I ' w lulct lUr. v'-t .'r..und. tind that. I bout t'r.mi ln-r jrot 8WHttiKd njion Vie "rip ati l that Mrs. (jreen Juw hciti . passenger- un. board th.t r,at vriio .ir..wiiMd. W huv not Jearued that unj ..ther of ihc ; Ct'd,,l; G,,,l,,e 'lill, end pjibeenfcMir on the boat j.-rished. othcr wpeibl elevated poiuta Perhtpe we may he.r lurtl.er par- r"u,(1 cilr which, from an ticular in the course of to morrow, , rij ww throned with la (SuodnT.) ' I J'e"i ''''fe11 C'pp'ed aoldiere tid . ' . . j nhle bodied jruard-the athletic pro- Who are Soldiers FamiUet under , portion !' the Imst f whom would the Act? Thai -bmde.r farmt-r have excited the military copiditj tnay tee "iSd-Jf now who cotmtitt.te ' ,f eT0U .nck the Gren-.when , . .. , .,. . ,. , i tiie artiilerv tirini: would subside -Soldier Family, withu. t.Vcl, .r a tow rno.uet.t,, the rattle meaning of the act of Courws vx-j : musketry, reemblin .rha.ioiig etnptio? theto upon cuiuiitinti f I rtl f the drum, con Li be distinctly selling their Hirpius produce to the eernmei-t or v the faroilica of nal- ... nil ! , ' mnsnniers"m-Trrc -otaw,-nnaer ute ful lowing paragraph front General Orderi, No. 69, issued frm the A. & I. O. office, An'ttt 27th, 1S4. iavritfK let an fil.itn in tfj ivnv!i... n "it.u a a -' L'lioiiy hi it t'j uf mi'Mi- th.t thej cannovbe ..,iHnndersto d : w ttr Tt s.L -f u' IV. Tiie fitinilU of soldier ey is A lrl Katrl SIS t It A n fn f1... 1 I I'VU IU ,S rat4 All' ti: famiHcs po6ed of wife and children of ativ person who widow and chil-ircti of any per -on wldied wiiile in the service; tl ; r- - 11 t s funi flf liol.f.. o. . t muin t..a.tV .'Jabor or suptiort : the parents or i - 1 te of u hJt,n,.n-. tot... ' .; i i " r. . r' - t V ; " theiu SUIiin ..-1." , 11ITT '. vn. ,-r,r,.. ,,,,, IMTOKTAM i KOM HIE WEST, The .news crrows interi-sumr from th- tV rm . , fc tlt t IllP ft ara at 4V til t Hi I la In in.,ul aar 1 1 i J " vur ,u,t" "e M meet wu;. - - v , . r. -m rvr .v, IV IlltVV I . ... 4 .1 .. i. r . I ) great success. A pai-h lioiu .Su Lju dnled the 24di u!t sav i Hie train cat'tored hi Cabina tr.-k. j Katoiis, on Monday Ia.-t, cmm-TciI of t. t humfF wjr.ins, inftteM'i of unt bnntjrt-d. I m prtviout"v reiHtiteti. severa.' aoibwisM.-tY i . - mu a suttcr triii t m!uI tiftv wh')i. was estuoHt' 1 at lie iu;i.ii Tii tsourt uuiiiU-rineiiitit Imn.ire.!. wf j all otptured,- except Lieut. Owl. Welier, i ami a fw wajjon ms-t. ri. , . j The atUck" w tnnJe at 2 o'cio-.k in j the niorninjj by. 1300. reUia. .uppoM.l t.. , he undrr Suiiilwite, :.! mi...: i a complete an rprte. The Met f the tr.u betntf desfroyed on the spot ittdicatod rat- j id movement KurthwHrJ by the reb-U. i , i , " . . t . , , . i v ' est I tii.i ted at ir.mi t wo lo live ijuii A .Jespalcb from MoihuI Citv. kanssn. ! i. i- i,.if i i i i ,, ; , ( r i , dred in killed, wounded and iiiituttiiir. sas that a Ure ,tc of relN nro mv- 1 . r- i-ajT north, one c.lumn Hoards Fori Scott t 1-K 6 OFFICIAL DISPA fCII. and another l-.war.ls Si.nn.'firld. Missouri 1 lhj same despatch mentions a rumor TTtres.t, at.V O'clock 1h niiit, tire which ne-J coiitiriiiBiion, uf the eaolure i of Fort tfjn bv 3,(00 n-tt-U. Gen. Pic is reporir-d t Cane creek Two hundred cuerj!!, tIutidred tha ' town of h.n;rille, Ohardn county, Misou ri, oa Wednesday, and bururd th court- county, and also killed the kbenH "What kind of a rooster it that Sam bo P "Maia eay be Cotchiu 4 - CUitJa. I I - - . ... . . . . -. M.ke the lsl of veryU.afr If you I have tie jaunde. exu.t that you have a ; goido prospect before you. ; f A sot of Erin beioj asked why be wore j bis stockings, wrong side out, replied. ! Bekas tkere'a a hvle on ta'iiker aide j ''" j "Doa't ret above voar basineeaTae thai rneasufttig her ankle in order to aacerUio j Ute aiMt of be foot j r at- VM .... Mil NUUIU CAl .:.i.,A. Vmr Nbas Chaffis'i F.Lvrr. V , I J . f ( Mr. J. J. Dkckxb: Yoa will please publish the list of cuualitieaof Co. K, 8lb North Carolina, in . the recent bsitle near this place oa 6ept.' 80th, 1 884, for the benefit of tbe frieuJa and relations of Wounded Corporal J J JenkSna, ae- i- ! .'a w tr ' Trij, anu priwirfr, o new, won el and prisoner, Jno W Miller, alihlly tkrisel to -aLi htartVell, Jno C Morgan, rtghl not, aevre. I Miainjr Lieut P J Milier, Privatea J ,I"'r.v Alexander Shaver, Abra b,u - " r"-v r Clavdi E. Mill, 4 Frooi the Richinon4 Whig, Oct let From Belowthe Fight Renewed Yetterday-Ueavn Firing In cidiutS) Cdtualtit, ike. - i Oor nrX ot l,ia firior: terday 1 which, in the ebaence of ournar- 1 - r ! iicuur.. evi'fUJironi conrier ! K evidence thi a betivjr battle w is rjrui, cirwefl, it will be re uieuiberifd, at 1 o'clock. From that a . a tune until 2 it uicreaed in intenaitjr, itame ifrnnc oeyona pre- j-h-ar:. Tltee. add.d to the uroke i itri,,, frt,u ,',tr,; uoi-i. una utus nrMi oy vxoioueu ; wbdi can be iettor lei't tiian deRcri- bod. -One inaV liave listened to the iiii-btv r-.ir ,.f Xiaijiir. and wit tjosse l Veiiviiia mtt liquid lava, t.ut botli only, h.el'ore the awl'nl roar 1 i , "! lnoii rt.Hery with the . lniHir rlustlt.' of the deadly Mime. ;iud the drum roil mtiiketrr volley ill I ... , . tia. lint we wii reheetiotj an 1 proceed to record !ac: ci iiec'i'd 'with the excitinif purAlttttis v.. yetcrlay, and to jfi I t ie i i't juij- runt fin,?, wc will lafe that tle , following ctnp ites asufii- ... . . t. . .. ... i I "Y ""u"i I - l f -"Ci lu;,U V ., , A ei.tleil.,. .-ota.ected writ., the , who itl the MiryllU'dute llflo , nlreIlclu.,lls u, f 0'cl.,ck I iat i-vni::', utonne its that tle !,v) ".'rJ Wirttt-ro.lV liiornin was J i'ii.n 1 i '.ft Gllllier at.d f he hiattvrieo- i i frmit of Jlarrir-m, :triil ili r-f! s-ri u.:4i Hair tliu ifttra.r . Ti . J II 1 II f I 1 i T ( s 41 ll.l Ilifat.fPU rifirttr K' a a l-fSl Hi, T III IOL pw.in. iti.fl! .i''f,.r ijtiti! uftyr 2 Vlfk. when Lloku'a ciiiiiiitttid uiHi- t Vree iiiioticces'liil aaiiite upon Kurt Mnrrison. Tin-tiri-: time lie ot within one Jiundrod yardr ..f tiie l'rt, and tiie avond :i!n ucctiptt;(i hihI held for a fw inoiianti, pot'tioiid of t!i workg, l 'i-' v:. ' i " 1 TV uut Wiio ttiiiii i.irceti k fvtire. lla- Ttir-i iitio.tiiit at four o cik proving hkwi.B-.uiiwcctJ.6fttl, ho withdrew lub liien. Aa ur i iitVrrii;iitt wsn luiiv'iii, the Jiriti was, Tt'S,uine(J fttid uudjiiie u.itil lie readied the (; . Uc ,,t Ulv 010 thitt... the a.nulf ,'iiid hevt. renc-w-d, we h.?p;, wi:i, u.?tr -...v.. n,.L..'. U " e WleO HI- ie W ar Impart- '"'Jwwiit olficial dispatch from (ieii. Lee, which wreceived atji:30, by j the Secretary of War: 1 UiiAbKf AkatT XoKTHCMK Va, Sept. 30, 1804. j" .&nT.JrT..,.,5ifeW An atttfiupi wa made this afurnoon to rt-'ako Itattery. Urrain, whteh. though t partly successful, failed. - , K. K. Lex. Acocsrs, Oct. 9- A letter to Chroni de and s-i.tiiirl etatea that three corns of Siisrinati's armi Irft Atlanlaauil oueunv j ,v r strong iHjatUiin froio Y eninirs station abvve Um,?M?.. TI.eTwkees found out II00.U ;.M ,ntidpHlJ hiui, TU Ltjtj of OUf 0,Jmo u proWDST;il. ' h i, rjt known when we wilj march. a letter to the Chronicle and Sentinel late date, from Atlanta state Hat foar Yankee corps' are in tLe city. Yankee officrta claim eigbiy tboossad troona aal ninrte laa ratiana and sail. ra.J iron enotlrt fjr pne hundred mi Federal officers ssy tbathherman will soon move oa Macon aad Angus ta. 'i.a: -io :,u ,j ..-t a., ... l... Ill' GLN'.U. . CHANT. We fnul ih t'llowiug poeiio ;C"yiin in a ractot inu b( lbs OutTiloAla) Sfirtt ia Soutkt ... Iv'a kkd tut lot these Many isra, ; And sent out men on maay way , . To fiud Iks Key to Richmond. ( f But they, with one accord, agres, Twas tomni a ad hid by old asaa Lee.''' To keep e back froas Riekasood.' Old Abe ( aVe at any delay, . f A ad want to know want is u iy, What keeps. M oat uf KichuoadT He aaya any trtmae are eery braee, ' And W hild baek my mea s save, , '. But iorward oa 10 Itkbajtead. ' lie does ao( know what it has eost, To Hud this Key MeClrlUa's toai, , la Iryiag firel r Riehmoad. Oae haaeired haaiMl niea al iraat, And thuee ihey killed up fr Ik Bitt, - lt my Xtimfi for Richmeud. I lold eld Abe la words so line, That ! would "fiht apiM this liae." At leset a year Jr Richmond. But I kit infernal cs, i Id Lee, He lucked the roaH vita tbe Key, And kept me oel of Richmond I've tried iitlicr Le lther ' I wish old Abe was here in share, ' ' Thin ilranl trip ta Kichmuod! Ilr'd fiml ih lock was hard U pick, And rahrUthry were vry thick, Tbat guard the r(2 te Kickmaad. Some other plan meat noW be fownd, To I ral o'y. Uua sacrad (luaad. - '. The bkiody path te Kichnwnd. . . . The only way that 1 eas ea, I, fivund nor arnie, and aek friend Lee J la smiliaf tnne and pa are Tu I Aey. ' ' ' To tat us kiok ai Kiebiaand. , 1LANTATUW FOR HALE. I oflVr.fur 8aJe my Planlatioa in Rowan county, lyinr aeven miles West f Saliabury, oa the road leadiag to Linoolntou. aad within tuf mi Ire of China (iri've Depot, oo the N. C. Rail Rd It em brae a right bnarfred and (ortr-Mrn arree, about fttar bandred uf which are leafed, th balance in reH, heaaily timhetcd 'tth oak and hickory; has aq iwftiaary dweliins; huuv, ptod eegM hw, and ait Urteaaury out buiMnge, aim. a Well of moat rtceUciil wa'rr. Three land- are fertile, and particularly adapt ed to wheal, nets and etuver, and hrnca aufht I "7 ",,ck ,rm.J c"ru "t fodder have ato brrn (rows tw adSHOlave. I woeld also sell with It Mi r fli.gjd-miea. two maiTico( brod inarea. Willi toll also the eiwck of eatlle, elirep. hif . JTe., a ud mU the formm tfiiiMrmrnt. einianungiir a wirvn enrtt, aad uthrr fmnne eienaile. Anjr oM drair lu purehaaa. may etsmme ihe premises on applieaiNi.i to Mr. Biair M Eanra, lh Turin, wh wilt ehitw it, auJ lir lines aroaiid it. , Trnns will be aiadv peifrctl)' easy to the purcbasrr. Addreae N. N JtlXON. Laariuhury. S. V. " - -or. Cot. B. R MOORE. " " -Wilminpioa. N. C. Lauhnburg, C , Sept. li. d3llU43wl7 OTATR OF NORTH CAROLINA. V.'-KUAJI t Ul.NTt. Cnrl of tiete aad Quarter Seesun, Aa- mtt Tertn. A. I). IH64 j sn.., . J..bnaon, Adminiatratna of William A Johuaon. e. t lu.ii.n Juhnaoii, T.urnr JvlD- i a,n, Janob -N. Krplry sad his wife Loretla Krpley. farrrtoa roa'ALaoe Rtsir Ewvarcv ' It appeanog tu tne a4iBfcuwn of ta Cnirt 'hit Ciiutou Juhneon aud Jaoob N Kepley are uea-re1-Bis ol ltt Mie. it la. lh-rlore. orderetf' hy ihe Court thai publirtiioa ha niadr T. ,r ail Wi rka in tbe "(lutuiti W .tiiiii.vn !lutlfyiHg aHl.o.m rraIM drtrndana. to b - and apprar at lha oast lrm of I'm Court be hrkt Ut thrCHioty uf H twan, at the i'-onn Hioar tu -Satitfiory, oh the firat 'Monday in .Vovember nll, and ihm and thrrp i eltow" eaoaa, if any thay have, by the landa dr. wnbed iu tbr petition liou'd not b sold ae curdinif to ih prayet f tSt prtitHtoor. WiiW, IM.di.h tVo(Jni, Clerk of oa' atid t'ou't. slofficr, Ihr hri Xoiidy in'Aa lioat. A. I'. I -t4. and lu the fjih year of our llidfprodrore OUADIAM WOOD.SON. C.C.C. Srp 12 6w6 4,000 CORDS OF WOOD V ANTED. The alxTe q'Uiuty of utjl) :ill be re-q.jirt-.J lur the U.isjhuIi and the Q. il. De ,wirtiiie:)t at th.s pUee tiie Fall and W inter, an.l now w ihe time to contract for the nif. A bbfl price will be pnl for 4 aiitl M ((Kit Wumf citliri- dellveie.J ,r vnt and wir.btil near this town. Contract for llur whole uf for xiiiaJI portions id it Will b pv- eti. Thir-e n'-le to lutni'h MOiHjatK wuhiio to contiaci will apply at the IjoarteruMsler '$' Olftce to . - JA?. M GOODMAN, f'.r.l I ft W . July 25. wy. .-t 1 AlofMpl -& BR l SO your old euiion aad Knee rar. put up m cotlou or low baas. We will pay '.o in inoiiy,or richanja writisg paper for thrm. fiV and arnd u all yoa eaa. ' AUrrrMta luring arar Alhemarie, 8tnly I .: awttty fin J ' lot h rftT4!" f' mi tapu J. V. Ilstaas. WATCH MAX VfriCF.. Oa Tburay th tb of Out-r. i.l arl ontj ai:! ltai the rexdrttce of Sara Rruwu. Iti nulas lKrlh of llitk.ry Sla taiu bad I'i luitre roi of Lrnir, two kuudred sides of LKATIir.R, wde aad apper, moatly aa e see He ut 1.4 of ila Lvatlier, the property of K. M. Urowu, drrenaed. The terma ia caali, B Confederate ootea of lha new iwua J. K. BttOW.N, Adra'r. Sept. 12-wli;e UK C A. ad bie hi MKXDRRSOX, haior rrtala bie health, aeaia reapetfully offers bi rrufraaioaal eeryiees u ihe euiseM of Sabaa ry and vicing. Jane 7tb, ltjSd. tdSuwifJ 11 EimrNGs. I HAVE a lot of Salted Herring which I will oji change by the barrel tor Baonsw " A. M A C 3. July 4, lbCL KB iV .bar,, N U, 1 C. ) Ttt rurmrrt if JJaviJson, Davie, . . uuuo, i uoarrui ana sianty I'vuntttt , '' CsSTLlai.il I have been sent amtisf yea, from the Army of Morlhera Viffiaia, cbarfrd with fbe important duty uf furtka$ig all tb vryia Fvregt of every kiud, that yoa eas ....... i mi, iv rim u inrware is early as potaible tu Gta. Lee'a army, kieh baa aebipved ao aiaay iWioaa vleionrs vtar oaeenemlsaia tbia anparalteled eampaifa. Aad la order that ibis Trtersa army, whieK Stands like a "Stonewall" be I wee a yoa aaS Mima vit.m mmmr w . v.. . . . A K. . . . . yiMir reaaai aao mereiiese met may os aaatala rd is the Arid, aad eaablrd to krap back the. f l iavadersrVom deeaMatliif )(ur frrlik C. Ida. bar at ( yir happy humaa, eteaHsf year pro. aerty.aad iaealuaff . yur' affrcti.mata wives aad lovely daa(hlee. I sail apu yu aa a. rk4s a Ihe liiois0ld Nufth State" to ! AW aethlff that yo eaa spore. Ilaeiaf very roeeatly teft the arm uppa ikit Suly. I Oaa aeaee )e thai aH yt eaa spare, ia lbs way ef ILrape, ia muek needed by t.n, Lee'a hi tillers, cavalry and tranepurtaiiun au'i mahv .- I asa oft a a eaked if the tithee is u eunV eieat te supply the army. I nr, .. ; per. -Oealarly in vrain. Yne sk thm. h it In aa snaeh hay, ere., ia enoVrea' ! rf-wai ami dam- al lha "TI in Kmrt" drwtl? Il K. J eauea tbe railei-ade luthartu h" ml brrn able i Inimsapfiriit. But arraiifleniaui are . u uYabi- let heinf mad In ft.rw.nl ihm, lnnriher with all Ihe "Tas ia Kind" fr fo-J. ai.il tiie aar pin I may S ahla to purrhaaa lu ilir army, whff il aill mil be needed, aud without it our rifliieoaa raate ma St fail. ..Then a Ni ! jHter N-fim eiiitry, Voar fireeidee. your ahar and all thai tacietl "t and dear, and aa yoa desire s pee-TaTirl honor. able peaea. I believo I will aly hatr l appral o ys)r patriotiam, and you ill iff r ma U. yea! essee rhaa yor surptan. to art'i.mptith such ftwrioas aad importani -Ja Let aH come Bp io lha hr!p ( ihr r..uatty Ihew as oae aiaa, aad ia a frw mrr nc-ntlia. by the bit aainra of a aaerciful txl. aa n,y be made to rejoice together ter lh- Mi-trl h tj of paaea. and the return al your x 1 la . . t n.i. ann beothrs. all entered with $ ! anil iH.m.r Will yea dp il! I believe you wi'J. 1 br at and hay erupa being alt Ibal is now ri:y f..' shipmoeit, and eaa only rely upon thi uni t a.ra maiarrs, I hope yow will pronipih irnf ii here. e to my ag eaia in th ar rl rouniies. Tha ecbedule peagwa will be paid in b r eotn. ahr lied oats, hat. (ddrr and noil I aliaM relv aooa kiu.wn nine m far your turplut. Stern nceaaity at the fru'nt tirinai.i! lb imnirdiate daSrerr f f-ar lithea n' abellrJ natit I hob all who ran wi'l hi ibrir hay brore debienof it ; I will turu.ah yoe With naila. f r i. t,.nt t. m. I. tna(Mia hr that if , r. . - - , t hi uppral faila to indurr u I" i'll -r ai pJlli JU the (ioeerowiral, it i madr m I0pe tie duly lo impreae it I irtitl I will nut 'hate line painful duly to swrlurm in a euij'e is stance. j L C. HANKS rapt . Jr A Q M. Sept 13 diuw-ltl7' ORTH CAROLIA Ypa Coistt- C'UM of Plraa and Quarter teaau.oa, Oe- tober Term. VV. 8. Wilbame and J.n Raah Sprneei ' FiKts and J. W.Oren. Pftitiin to resaes Caardita. Is th'iaeaeeil appearinf to to tha Oarh by af?idait of plaintifl s. thai W. Tola and J. W.I'resoa, the defriidaoia. ate no rraidMie of thteKlata. Tha eai ileieo.lants are bera by ii"tJjd u appear befdr? tbe Jual'craol ttr lha Court or Pleae and Qaatrr ;rene af oaiw etaiNiy. at ihe t'i Hiaa ia Yaiikiavili. In thr firt .Monday in Or.b-r A." I . le4. ibeo aad there to how if ihry have an) thinf u say, why Ihe pmyrr al ihe peuuopna eball Ml b rai.ted: otnerwiae ihr pri son will be heard tiparte aa to thru, sail jiu'jenieot takes pra ctnft. ... Wiineee. T.. Martin, Cieik 4 aanl Coarl, at oftioe, Aaf . 24. rfit. T.'. MART IX. Clerk, by W. Jocs, I) C Ave 99-6wi4. W. I. BASON, M. D., DENTIST. IXTM'LO rrvrrtf!ljr ar?-( lo fk-r IT al a 4)M4iiCr ahSiff tin .(.,f. rtiv U.t .iiirmj uf frtt wtiilns la bim ! f I kuir, Id i.lr thai be aiay aratil a liatt aarv hr ran . i on th-m aa Sana after arrival aa aV,ira!a; an4 iiu rrquaaUy eaaa IIbm aatl aUaapeotaiawnl. S. B. All Irticrs el toutrjr prea'ill7 n-rr' Um if -I nv("f Innlly . Jaaelkt.liaU. ; UwMSI puUl N slice. OITICECIMKf CMMINARV. i 5r 1IST(ICT CBfllJt. Mahahury. Juri--; r. I'fi-t ) fHRR EBT f i a "j?Z&!z!23i&J&h XisxWlgrd tu pMrVttir fi'T h t ...ruuSi;t a"X .lato, flour, or oit.rr pr',,-."n, is iha Ctwntiesof 5nrry, Ji l.s. Yrf.:l.,Jul""riyihe. Irr.lrll, t)nU. n. 111". Kan, t nbarrua. Irtiaoly, Mul''itirv, Anat ii e'ml Km hnnitid. etjrripTTai'rij thv Itiiirici ni:- r mj rl n''-.rriit Tegalariv appouilnl ri,i . f thr on.mieaarj Department ahcauahi th. r -i.utl.orit)' tioan . me. A V Y Klo. M .j'.r Slid' Chief Coniinirry, fl . Jutt tttrivtd and for So't. Span Cntw N... , 9, l. 1 1 . 12 X ail aeeoued 4, 6, B , 1 U t 1 2. Rifle Powder. Rotas. .toila. Saijar. , . t - . Halt. 'Graeallas MICHAEL BRUWX. airebery, Jaty 3, itfW. wirt A O TICK . AN persoaa having claims afaiuat the eetale ef James W. Jieely, Uie of Javie eoaaty, de eeaard, are hereby requested to preeeat tbein tut paymeat, or this a. lice will be plead ia bar of loeif rmy. AaJal tboso ittdebtad U the estate will eoBie lore aid and suaks set tlement. D.M.CREXSItAVT, Adm'rofJ. W.Xeely.dee', Jaly 25,1664.

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