-1 7 fj I' iiT3 fx " t VOL: ... - .. . . - . . . a , , , ; ; ' . ' i - . ' . ! - - - - - - - - - - - -! ceiroe av reoranrea. . , HI - r 1 TCXlf r tTOTlOTC-S aVitoaVatie-ira a aee1 i Sec 4n TETiTlOT APTTTOL f ' . ... - - imm MlrMaiBnaaru Abot tfcjftj ili wlrk!i were rrkteL' Price Cre rrpurtoJ ' UrjnC . TbT aTt tle crKUttM ladeftetMleneo. Pi three frawiwi,, J VmiM soiu willi 20.000 aeern. Fijuag ountuiiie xciItB. ciai tUt tK Itlegnyhmni SUHtmml mm working ttf'AtUftU. . . . Uclwi Jtar-tlMMtet fw tr Vlii OHM at Petertharg, kitMckie r ten r t Wei re FvderaJ dull J. i( U aster aaiue4 ewiaa4 f lW lSth sruij p. Gcn!i4i are troeUuaiwe eC ail Wetter riree ' Tli eteamer Jjmpnt$ isk at 11 atMt 24, and u a total lw. '". ! A. lire, ccerre4 at JXSe tliie enenyr. and dcI rje4 mm '7 dred Wea vf CwCSM Wki?a, W tke GttTerfwetL: i; Acgcsta, Oct 3L A deatrectivw fire vccerreJ Iat stliiL A lare buiUIitiir m Cf bo j ttreet tyflter wita U cmteot4 bereei. Part T it n ccic4 m wjSeee aa4 rLe reuuueUex iUed witii eettiam. ' AWert five buitJm UaJfti iuf catta fcerawi and a large; number vffni. Uaaiarx te 4etrvre4. IUtl4ix wwtted ! L UTetcalt Tbe ifvem- tucot tZtfcw Laaflrfca tTar,f . 1'AKtti Tro Od. 3& a C-rJauh. 31 Ga. rrtet hwatheTeaaijawaeir; rr blockaded.1 ncfared at Ftt tlaaaa yuday a tia art wh'ich hail ie law aw ac4 Utdar cat M twe the at can! hVe, tk bweta dnUd dawa ew the a, faaAa aida. ae ete Uoegat eeet ay n am.aaai pat vff vf ber sixty wagwa Uaaketo aar hard Weed, boela came e abetted the ihc barfft waa deuwed. ItH thm ' - - her were eaed.': There warn le waa, pwru aad oae (eabaataheee FaiiaatVhat- radeceh acieaa the riaeraad hae h reaawf tea traatparta er day a eetOMoariSe oeaeily loadeil amb WnjuaoToy. Oct, L, ; received the Oarmada Advocate ef the 12lh aad Itih a!t4 eoataialag the wta aad re 1aaee vf Actta Btaator J. C Uraiae, C & Xa.y aad aaaoetaUa for hevsia; f the ateamer fioaaoka: They weae aehsaaaaaa (he IJlhaad art at hberty-iU charge egaia-t Uteea baneg beea wrtbgee by the Aueraey Gwaend. . Wujiweos,5ee l.-iAapaeial 4 pateh to the Stat Jearaal worn aear Pry toath Oct..llat ia Lockj llaeat. Sew. I. ap after three days hard ashlars; the aaemy paaaed ep middWmer aad eaaae down thelUmoke- Uda aaoruag. G-a, ower eemmaa Je4 the gmmoa ia and CmU naCl the eeeevjV geeWs tie' Grange Wptured bur pieces of prJ oy orBnrei4 Ilocni w-Jf to.l bed I! trt ! AMute4 tt '-tiller, spiked tee, iiAk w' Mti ' nm (odU of Uwir mvtio ia mt pmm tk itU At m.um m dradand .bitty primer. . Tbe rebel are JWT.1; Sherman will eoWiinac dtce aa&a. waJwv aecoase UaEieg. which retreating from Dmur, bat reported to lo Ix.U AtUnu tB bwrj. Krrt wkW fc irw hw Utfcm Mill k. k MT CiT Mk foil HHMtl ScJVs Ml 1 ca ! IimWkw MKWTMrit Ml m , . nwttinm tt Mart ' IP J,f:W I we leetet at eai' tkw t3tk k G. CiL Imb, I ne inr- taxliew aai ' Mxtj4tea afz eeas." nCJea IVc eatae eM Lined kAce the feLL TW tfa tie Stta f mtveVrO. A3 laj .i eafeaaV4. ae &odM', U aeTta a fiaee efamfete, j " He fmdm im eae ef the Vermoet taiaW ha ices weaif rreJ t MeatreaL el tia fnaeaiwaMa to that ftm. timfteactfeeaeaft wa rdaced im the U. Utoa hy fhe aSfCvd dkeaeMrc ai eleeliwa " Oefi aT lUX,. TSl &V afnece. . &w iai haa aea4 thaw ameeit ' aiiat toVaJUatoa i iaaaticte che Gail til. to the SOU haaw haea emtaad. ' ' Tae fmitaeti eew is eartaat ... Ctaiaataual f Jiaa im Eagtaad coatta axai aadtweat ljer-0ot ftnaa have fall- . Kmmmm - TWDakael-yawecte iaJUai r T7J" ? i ,, nauot fjilc haa irwd at 1 'u,r,,' Wgran of tlie 31l oootia IJawML Fm HUaeJltLl rv. dictothe reawr of the evaceatkn. uf At to - fmt9tmttA9mJ- ! UnU. ... J ar, Ibe Dlaua baa l ea aa the 20th, at fr for Meakc. See. I. A apeoal eVpatch to the AeetMer ataatoaw eSat, aeya J. Laaia papiia to the ttth he have receiv. 4. aad. Price i aipuetMl to he 29 autea Seech U Ciaia Cky, I ghtlaj aad mate rid haw ea aeah 'atJea aaaoeat to ao great aiaii p a na. hat at w aaypceed the ania hefe IVanaaeMiy iaae eavd. Toe Sl Lawaa BwalKeia aeya hat litite 6- e atawal a aamhaar from Sfecial dafwath lathe Dtaaaermt. from Wji 1 1 aah ex ef the- 214 aaye Priar ia aa hiaf hia wwr tlaaah Kaaaav aad Smith tMawiac. TW tatjjatweasa fdace htai be jeaj tW Scafla haw akh Jm ptoader of nreaiialmteyyied wahtog: api The fedcraSa Iwat ft at Keaaee Cky, aad A.-A1 amat. JC- iaeeery day to act aa irayme meatioaad aaotered tmmt Bar a'114 eiate aad! aot govern Taw ewatoaia atft oa TWy werei aaad to , Xaw. .U.fitieaaI to first Ceau If asedtte b 'maliaax- ar im aeajaaa at re- , L'aaaa aBajarity ia Peea, iacladlag aoh ar a '-. a e . . ai ajatiaa adaaaOie Xevad aa a SuU aato the IJatoaw f Aa etostiea riot 'occerr edatlUfphiaea tha S9lb.. 8eerai lieSJ ? aaach avjeead be aueaOaa threwa. Oaa aa waa LiBedJ a-d a a am ber of aitk aara aaj peSce aeeiaWy hart. 5eary lewarasatowBaada. The MXtary of aae avma ea taa eight ef tba h expacvag a rebel raid hoa Caeada. A.P.GaWaf the CaaJedarata Caa- gvees wees Art aa nt, is to d the vacancy ay taw a ret a at M. AiiieBeu.' TWUcUatarewaaia Xee. a. H ew Yerk papers Amancaa to the eveamar ef the Slat leceterd. Tthrrrama from Chat'. aa the Sdth, suie that Hood at Wcatmr hat eight aad this morn- tag aad waa laadaosaely rvpahed each ; Save Crowe! tlie Teaeeasee l Um iMOUUl " wwj n kjwmu e tereew lVtaay Ueaerafd arid llood are hoili with the rabai atie'r.-. Hood i ire ral grdr aaerd ttiaaiea fhat SWwi' ami j daca-aat exoawd r thirtjr Bve , tkoet- aa-L Lroeiavtlie uWram ur tba Jour aal laarot that partial from CliaiUaooj report Uiat. ebarmaa baa .'efaeaaUd Al- hata Tb report U crdjtad t . , :A PjcrtiascaoV Jfo. f-ft la riHad that the eaatar erse boot lft fibl abift iX lfQofex irai the JJpnb to the Suutli aide vf Jma nt, atd that tliaft, ia cus aldcrabla Wiit' in tbe aaeiiiy' eurpa. MotbiBr deffiuta aa to tbair futorf parjx jet ,aelepeaV- :i. '. Cold and rab j. , .t, --- -, t ' t- - - -ElCHMOHDjSon 1 Coi tV. H. ayoe of the 4th Ala. alr, and Lc Cot. G. M. borreUtlLoerttrvrtV Adjutaat Ucaeral ere Blade Brigadier. The (otmer aa ateed. to Um the (atter to WrigbU bn,jBdeL :; '- :. t TkrnuBuaa, Nor. t. The enemy algbt belor laat; drew la about one mile of tbeir aairy eickei.iHiwa thew eitreaie Jeft below Kearoa aUlioa, and at the atrnf tiaae, threw t eat Uteir picket line ie the rear of their-army ea tbta aide wf the ner a nile, aa if t aoet toioe ioorineui..'Alt quiet -doy, ia frpaU Iay rjiiu talliog a!! daT, aad ub aigiw yi mhj military move- OMilt ' tieuU C-l. I'ejrrain, of tb artillery pro noted to Brigadier tieii aad awigard 10 the command yf ArcherVbtigadea-i4ii ; NORrUEKN NEWS. - Ricmmoicd, Nov; M. S Vwk'T jpa pen of the. lat,rand the Aioerieao evemns editioe' reeeiml. Gold ia New York, on the lut, two haedred ' aad UiirtjKhrW "In Bahimore, tae naaere4aal UHrty-flr to aine; v" : i i ii. ir i . Deea la toe ii;aual. dnrf. 'Ibere' la bltle doabt of tte (act that llood'a army waa a day or two aioee, uvar tbe Teaaea aee river, but tbe rebel leader hcMtated to attempt rroiDjf. Go. Carney, of Kae Ma, tea Mud a proclamatiou appointing a day of thaiktgninje, that State bariaj been apared from 4eatieg raid. ! . , FROM 8AVAXXAII. Sataxvao, Nov. t.'-A ,fii(1rea took pleee to-day aa aptooled. Tl ateamer Beaaregard, with CehWaddy, met tbe Yankee ateamer, Iajaud City, with Col. Beaaeu. Boiea far Confederal priaonera j were laroeo over, ana a huge namtier el aoiea tor Xankee pruooerv received. No ex'vuanged prtaonerV aot prelemin ariea were arraogd for the exchange of tea tJioeaaad hick, wounded and con vaW ceatj who have arrived at Hilton Dead, ia the ateantore, iBakie, Atlantio. aad twentyfiva tranaporta. Another flag f trace take place at the aarae point, Sua day UWtth iaat. FROU TENNESSEE. Paua, Twe, OcC 31st, r ia Curiat Sd. Forrest baa blockaded llie Teoa, riv er. All erjmmanications; between Fade eah aad Jobasonvitle Lave been caioff, and the railroad to Nashville is of ao esa to tbe enemy. Forrest's batteries were engaged aQ day yesterday. Two gaa boats aad 1 1 roar traaaporu were eaptared or deatroyed One of the gnnboaU's'td twe of the irsMporU. beUig uee.1 by Forrert and wUl be ofreat advsuUgem the improve meat' now oa foot. One gaabaat aad three Uatsportaare still ap the river aad will be captured. ; Eicaxoxa, Nov. 4. Baltimore Aroeri. eaa of tbe Sd with telegrams from Louis ville td the 1st mentions a rumor that Heod with 30.000 meta enae4 tbe Tana, river foing Northward oa tbe 1st iaa. ' Paruculsrs unknown nnd unattainable at present. BaUroad and telegraph lines to Atlanta bao win good order. A telegram from Nashville of the 1st. jays since bin repdbe at Decatur Hood has moved farther west along the south side of Tean, river and are, believetL to have crossed noma infantry near Bainbridge, but ao part of his lorce has 'been - moved further North. His purpose is difficult for them to aaoarUia ia this ate but are pre- lr)jl JtMuUle4 elttre their are Urge aua tituii or jtHfnroot atom. " Tee a. i ek StaUagenU hare , beta eoerlctod boCirt Diliurj vwiniaiawoe electWO k ri ne I'M tpe aeaeooMi imprwoa rmnt life.UTha KatbeillaUpiiy the 28th MJi 8Leraat had aot raoved UjUd Gaytaaville at hat aAcoom. Gold epeaed ea the Sd at M, at aooe 215. , J ' U 'tASiKH Niws. RiCBMOVD. Nov ft. The IWti 4meioa of the aFteraooa of the hd, un Uhe Talhtbaatea cabtared 'aed acattled r laaaen vo. tMoca iinu. wibitig from iluod and Sherman.; A Wtr of rebela from Caaada attempt' ad to aurprjee the Water oetlerira at P m- line, iLtiae,' bat were' drove off by tbe garruou; 'AM1 '.' Seward aai jnformcd tbe alayor eUuf- faio that ia&moaiioa baa beea t ecetved at the Slate Oapartmeat that the rtbek ia Canada hare aeoMaptracy-ee dot to art fire to tbe principal wOea ea tbe border the day of the rrvaideatial eiectioa.. y f Governor , peraiovjr baa iaaaed a mag 1 prodamaUoa, nrinag thc ( eSurta of all to diaeounteeaiMse Uif ,aaJ thaatdaff M tba coming elective . (, XXSuen t wboae . daty it ia to keeu tbe peace will uke care that every voter abali bale a free lullof; and aee CuaV no iutli tary wr etberergaamail force halt, ne attoeed.iuvtua aiciaiiy of the 4a. oaf wnere tbe etocUooa are new, wtia a view of uxjuaciug' wr lutimidaliiig votara. Agaioat aucb iuurfei-uce tbey liiuat excr- oae the fellfurow vf 4brir dwuicW v i A geueral Hteeliase will be, uM at Uli- ea on looday kt prajer tnat tue At- mighty way uirvct the people of the bud ia axerciaieg the elective fraacbtae, and re atraia tbeir paiutem, Utat tber way be de livered from violence, and bteaaed by tbe COHaaaaee vf tlteir liberties. Similar prayer lueeliug will be held ia utlier citiea. i flk T 'm.mm V A Uoia IB BNlumere wm xu. Aew ivra quotations are not repot led. FEQM MOBILE. , . Mobiuc, Nov. 5lk A Spacwd diapatch to tba Advertiser, via Senalobia lo the 4th sura Uewiidii papeia of tba Id aav aNb hi abvul irioe. . The Chioaeo Tm of tbe 29Ui proNoaocea dapatbea claiming f victory over nce bje, aad gvuW up fut alectioeeeriag parve,, Aid aaya the blivaaudoab VaJley laid ia Ues ahade by tlie liiaaoari telegraina. Noibto iiupvr taut bom utber ioiU. GaenUa opera- Ikmji voaUawe active oa the Maaiaaippl. FKOSI UALEIGIt .: :v: Kalciqb, Nwv. ih. The Edeeatioaal AmimtlmIuib t iLa Cuoftlarale Sietea will meet ie Charlotte, N. C, Wedoaaday, Nov. lb. Jiedroads wdl graatT retata tickets free to LMeeaiea. . . , , .,t fr. FROMBIOIIMOND. IUcHitoui, Nov. Aib forepeae advi ces to the 23d alu, received. The Bexar at Liverpool in aid of Souiaera priaoacra of war, proved a great a wore, four davS receipts aiaoeated to 1UJUU0 poead ater ug. A boat 900 addiUoaal aabacriw- tivua. Tba strike among the CoIJiera ef Soutb CMaaordsbire was becoming alaras- iog. A sarioua eoliattoa with tbe poll had occurred. i Palmeatoa has coiepleted hia 8Qib year. Tbe depreaaion in inanobd aad eommer eial crisis snowed utile or ao improvemeel. Failures are daily announced,: Tbe Emperor and Empress of Rasaia pMd through , llAnailea cereals .tor I 2 we. Twas eoasidered eertaie aa later tiw would tike place at Nice between Alettpder d N-f-ffleoa, Buach, rx eaa. sal at Cbarlestoa is gaitetted aa Coaeal to Cuba. ,.: --4FaWPBTERSBURG;-"u PvrKESBOaa, Nov Clh. Gee. Graat captured tbe Yankee picket line leal eight. A number of pnaouere were taken. ' The Yankee battel lee opened aad kept ep a heavy fire all Bight. . All quiet today. - Where tbe fleet which threatened an attack oa Wilmington baa gone it more titan we arc able ervn te guest. It raaj coiiie here j butu oo the whole, we di not thiuk it will. For the present, at least, we think tb town of Yilrain jtoo is compari- j ti rely free from im mediate attack, j We tliinti that for some time tlie Yau-! kee fleet will give os tlie g-bje. ! ITti VtttrmaL ' j ... ' -- - r ADTUEU GOOD. 11 ADIe ;v , i 7e t-ara from the 'tUrthihn Diplck that a batcb of thirty per-: -of ditlojnllti were'forVArdfJ " te tliet plaet from Wythenlle anl : iDCarceraied ia Cattle TbttDdef eno 1 dajlaat weekj TbeMmwe wertr1 -; captured in boatbweateiM yt:, whtlw trying tw-tnak -tMHrajhreirgli otrlineetd tha jrankeee. Ao rjc COrreoca of thie character weald ot : ' ' ordmaril - excite especial ' ioterett,' r ' bat la looking erer tbe banece et the ' oartr caDCaradJ wa nd that thaw are pan Jj from thie eoaatj at Veil at frvnr aotnw of ilia df rjajeweoon tica, mad eonttitated a portioa of the mrt that deat raped from rid f. " turn of tbe State a few treeli if nee, ' aod eiliote :leafo we 'htlcflp re-"'i ferrol to week itofoflatt..i-.'.'.r5r;-,, ronawayi.! TmeiiieO(ioricd in tho finl pa'afTirph' artt telleved to be all frutn thit coaotj ; the othert are 4 rapoae4.t? be 'Bioetly frtora Qoil-' ford. .Tlijsy t are v now ; tectire, not " " withio: - the - y ankee IraetCtot lu Cast 1 Thunder, where they will rth- ' staia wtttil triad by eoatt -tnartiaJ. V"'-'- DaweJ BLiobh J a Red. J rownter m JCiwa.WE8paezkvA,il Moateev J U Idol, John D Uoldeq B F BaaaV, W.fl Campbell.' Fmak ICcky. It Mb.. A A ;l- Sufford. J 8mub, f doh JBmitkv Beod 'r Smith Smith Fraxierv j P Beid. ,:.-i(rs." ri Q A . Conner; J qjrrodtdUv .ya, J H SicpW, XU (laWl J PwplevTT f Georee Freddy Wm WratL T C ilVatt. i i r LMoencr. eonn Otaaora, J alnder., ... - tr-Ul. a. t.t v. :- a II .j. , W mi a a' waf r ' v ... wj pmow aaaaawa vwajpimji, aarau gV WCtC with it lia bflhoae eaptdred ia this mi- ace, J F Harvey, Tboa Wikou, P High ie?J. IbcaPriea. B Lfee. P V lewis V 'f F LiavilU, U L Eayle' Fraaktla Rayhi, H 1 CummiiJamea.aIyars,.Jeisea McMh chael, Jota Arafiehi. L Lamb,. David Oakley, N S fbora, Jessee Hyatt, Phfl lip dean, B flay worth, A Gardoer. ITMtera StMtmtl FROM THE FAR WEST. Mr. Wajpter. ejoeerhoieht mesten ger, arrived trora -ShrereporV on Friday, the 81tf,witlv the most fbv. portantdesatdiesererbrouj-ht from ' theTraneUissiasIppI: This we learn from the Mobile fieguterl1 of the 22d,'wliicliaddtlt ; I Altboexh wa eta give no partic alara of whtl U passing on tlte Went-' era bank of thr Miaaitaibpi, tUilt we are at liberty to assert that the newer ia ef tba most encooiaeiDir ajad im- " 1 portent 'nature: ' ; tve are pieatea to learn that the . rooTemenlt ia the Trana-lXississippi aieVcairied on with ttrict tecrecy, ! the detpatcu4 .all beinjr in: cipher, ami the "powers that be? as silent at ' tba enrtwnt of tbe mighty stream Uiat ' devidee tbe devoted portion of th Confeilrrmcy from1 their Eastern brethren1' v.-;.-iter. i Gen. Price it in IHaoari with ft fery strong force, 'receirinff daily acqaititioaeof the best fighting men in the world. - - Shelby It near the Arkansas line, ptarinf YoH Jahd ' destrofinc Sreel reinforcements and sup- tdiee. Uagrnder It ia Arkantas, opera- livg in tba most rigorooa manner, and s wears, with ' bit etaal ' rebe riieiiee, (aad be la one of these bark lag; dog that bite,) that Steele and U -cannot UyJgi f aama State.''- '...Ct It is a pity tht memorable more- - mentcoald not bare beert began eooaer; bat that it owing to tbe dlf ficalty of tnaaportatioBi lt&, and . we can not cvmpaia- it f : ' T Let ao one be tiirpriaedf if .tbe Tiaue-MiaaiswDbi, nuder the' sidea- did eenaralshiu '-.of Kirbr Smith. slioeld yet act tlie most signal part ia the liberation ef ' oar glorioat eoaatry. ; ; : " ' There are now building for tbo throagh .LrosJ-gsoge-routes from, . New Tork, t6L Xoei,' (1200. miles) one bttodred and, fiftj iocotoo- . Uret, fiy thouMod .freight cars, tad elegant . passenger csrt in pro-portfon. "4 r 2 . .. ! IS -4 t 4 4 "it

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