m' ' t k A s rT . . - . . . -.,.' sea i v-i 1 I , it V' , . i . . t ! . . a i. . J -' i , . . . V KBtTot'AVB raoMuxroe. UIaL Vrisained a 'defiant train bound for DaoviTUi from V'-or, f ft amrrMi an accomplish the duocticn of the Con federacy, nor exvc me euij rl kLjotl arul reuureL which, ni't t 1 rn ff tb track l bur thnw milec fr&m low a, n If iMiiiiftf and &fnL Ttl F 1TIKT6 $ f can be nooanot renzb of ouf la- I n eckL Tm M..f i,-rti""-fwf7!! oundna f-E eomt to ionuia our -j. wJi e i fi fti iW txM. mmd $1 . iu w,rkt wLtmsa Jerte : ol Dot ta b 1 : . " - - - - ' - - J Yn. m mJI aniu-iul flMI loativu win k IJ.lnul mUiMM. HtCIM'M r(f nil ia tk fri". .'v Ri.-mvoxiil XorlL Xer-;yorK necteJ rebel riidi from dnU.-- cltitcns trcre pirjurtpgJPl;defnc; A large i number of artne i9n pod to be rebel, r i an Island in the St, liwrenee rirer, belor OgJeiwborg. A sanicins ateam r haring M board fortjr armed men, uued alng tho rirer, near In the afternuoo, it ra reported that the Tallihajaee had entered the Delaarare break iter un the 3d, and dortrojed several e6eU at anchor there, and aheard4 landed at Lb ia, Delaware, and robbel tli cp!e of a Urge ainiunt of propertj. Foar teasel are in pursuit of the Tallahassee, Affair in the Shenandoah Valley remain quiet. Nothing from Sher man or Urant. I;x hu uued an order inatract inr VravnsX MATahali tO tMO all o in Mivnuii(in thai ituk-oiKiracaL... TUot2rijouiit of lUr ptibltc debt ouUm 1H October u one billion out tmodrea and tmnfv'tntCioo iltjllan. Na aUJlboCMj 4- proorMtioa fur aievung newisof Ue pabue m ii th lt J ulr. as tbtf ooexpeui 4 profttMioas exoeol eiiMrte for Uiut l ir- -ral rvwIutioM arare aWuttd. iBd r? ! foirea to appropriate eornmHtew ; ami the j;tajtra pal, twpa incltaljr I liaeiaaaL-: - A parpoa., waa ioeaa . i dopt aaMfiirea at aa early day. to prora(i payment ia tutor. . t .a IImim. n molUtode w propoi- tioe. Here', lutrodaced., FooM. TefiaUi .rad from lin.- JbSkin peak of tb. arrartW vixj Aav i "pbtTI IkxaaisiKK CIlBaasrsEBBa3inL BCaaxxaaaBaasaaBW, ..t ..... Aiorht' fcteaill tX)"W IlIU imJ" " . 0erfiineot ator were toarnoo ai .iou Col. 8am. Mcda7 d.e.1 on id- l"' -J- - , Tribora .y tl-- fir1 f"lrtl" m.fforLiiieDiii DNMUra of hW aoMMr wm wr.r- r-miir jw - the PrU.leaVaMVillJ litor and the ff-ry r-nTployeea " ' ' Ka IIAIIM 1111 ' K - - Iwalf ar am llllfl W I U- MJ.w " ...iL- iTi.t n iM !rtV hnvond thai 1 ""Tl . . .j.u.,- Gttcmibt to a iwort trow th SoretaHr mu wn reoognd n all free eonninea T.. r. . 1 " . . - I ' . 1 1 f ...I.IL l,kl, 'Tha (la- fimamilitar dutv tl neraOtM in awrtaiu MKJ- I iia inJttttnItftfca ' WOlll'I . n! - . t7 . ,irucw ."'--.. ,. . . itMl ! OcfeuceabW in iheory Uwcnrtwo ami L y f MW; Tb iriny rml J not Re Uo.jI4 oeeteJ iath military autUriuos j , j i, far ttraiuif-he u, '- ""S"' " I - . . u, t win it faror. U aMHtiHM exert of timr pnrsuits or pro- pre, " "S1" . . . IMutia. That rxemptiona tVom aerrice of I ggverM aolfly kf puWic eon tH utm riinv . t nuj umw t tions. ; of Wa itTfMB n3 imimniL Atnoosl i .1 ..iL-t k. iWItmI U triuiBjl the ... " ' -rr - i- 7 , , -raenicM .. . , ...... htcfu t" Ue rrortviisaiuw and eotMoUO- J . ;,(l-r vr li.rtw of uun of mlwJ rwnuHii In rr4 to rri-IP. rru u air. . II" t-i l-.t av ach GOT- , , a ' . m. a ! I ernmrm vjm to be ailoweu 10 j Dtrj coraftjrB to ita eittaena bU ap- twr win. arm h alMWHsed at aenne bjngth. Tbe Pre ait ... i. fky. th."a wlia al vise a sea en J V-vj nJ anniny the alves for duty of Col: Sc. J'g-r Orenf rU tured al' a houe near; .wag 20 U-d wf inns and two earl loaoa oi The Democratic committee of p.wS ha. waued aa 'addrora. aJBrmtagtba be whole ffir a trick , of tW tejmNicawa fr plaoiu the polla under the mdttary to control " .jr Sherman aod-aporuoa were recently p.oied b eUMfi ioe, but recovered attder ire-iei. Gold 243 3arm snfl ICaTfn,iJLwgmtUadI of IStframMant-Ba. T!tKwrorlt Xiatm.& IDtnnRanm. " Xtes Earafd IBamHgcTsaTESL & EeraII cntroenmi auhBrnWeelfceitmiCc in1i!,,r H JWt aw Jer -"Tte" woa flajrmreo; o jr & . raja -'--- .iiuiaeanj' lite oiuco - , - rnowed rvSrwc- of the roluliow to the Militarf Committee. i : . . Foot wi"d!t etr-re-emj? f eonaideraMe Fn Rre1 T '"" a I I -..... put a fHtfwrffiBHreauiilciHW awrotW and anniny the elates for a,"y0l,ed into eecreleesiJ rcomm.-o4i the emjynetot J ,w JtCa it1""" b . ' A flmBnl ffiff ,RtofBnwmdsrs was PklCUMOXD, - No. -1 0 l .... I.k ftlka. TrAIlt lit Wfltt et i"-' , . ' t bV Yankee officer that afl the -aM gjSm m nfc, ftL-mbm ,H, a. heard Troo., hnd ff- " mmite CuCtTr Bar and Uncoia'. .Hty - "-SSrHj K The ffA UM ail I r" I 1 1 . ' . 1 v . - ...r. nuMUtuiiu til WlWMtn . . . 7 T f . J. l , II.. 1 RlCHMOKD. OV. . I ' I W Wl tohv"" --- - - in on & mar i t (iM amnbiricrn for puhiW aewoa, trie Kol dmurtera. frotn rotin vw. - Jar Kiif n imlhaTT force UIJt IKS stationed at or iu the vicinity oi tl je polling place, Botler haa arrieed in New Vork Vith order to report to lix f or da GREAT VWOUY FOREST AT WOR oN TJJE TENNESSEE' IUVER. Orroam jewnrwu, Tena Gen- Fewest raatla Wei ma 4Kher great eictory. a pjjct4 a Nattenr a tooee Jiinin 2r orl up arullwy frotn betWw, aad QMbtuJottaroaeiltetbrte lupaaeti, eo atmaen aad mbont twenty oarfea- -Ua fte4 ttls Urv-rie at pight, m4 opened ytrUj wjikeigrht pjea, aaJ iter ' jnarof iri aunuten the eua. awmla W er. (.al lunMmal The AaM I A.,t IfaiMUlil Urr,es,a M which -wene actoO Sreaodde- ettyed. The enwaent wai temhM. Toe eoeur 'amiMl wtth howiriers Irom fort O r jwboats. bat net man faltered onder two,Uetf dothee mod boots i oee but Suadsy tteol Forest bajcaptur J ajl destroyed "Sovrteea transports, bat ' luafcceXs, twty tejTVtbirty wo rtteoea of 'a-9Wr. orer cwectT tnoosaud too of freteht. s oTwrhTeeaJ'Hm doQars worth of stores. XohosjoeiDe aw burning, a&a tbeim moa.9 amount of treicU on aborr. coeerinc arTtral acrea,v.U be all consumed, as it is Baar-borniog. and the enemy caoaot extia gmh it as oar batteries eomtraod Ibe baaka York nod ' a,l.ic a fa datiea heretofore petlortnva ne " . . T , .i, .l .-iwd wnent etieaging to Uherate the rw-tro on ..joth, sav Sherman head quarirratOHlay tt. n4- avtkv aithfnllT render. I nvliill-' Hi armr n bet-a A K.-.lira ultMi ctf the country The Ptwideot cWsby wftentfinsr the wiV- -ro;(niL Xeh!?ram from XasliMlh) on the hngnras y pnwww "'T",; ih sava tht o tU 3J the rri4 attemp- . it m mannaiMl wiwwmw gumw i . . 1 - - , ... i ... .ma M lrDrwfl rirvr . i j w ak .a thta war ami a uis i . ..i, uaw Mf eeketniea win ur. tro au set rtaMly eWI 4y rn)f dtmn--Ustum on onr part of .mr a! -3rty and on-liai- as then. revhitrJT Cuunue to deoti oor wnited eoorfiea to the defence K our Domes, nar lift- sad our liberties! Thi the troe m ttith of Blue .Water.'' tie t wa repulsi d tefessram of the same dat- aar yesterday, at day Mil, tbe jronboat Ao.line.captO' edafew day ajfo by the rebel. pn Ihroutfh he-t at Beynoldshnrj' llaii u. N-e. lr A Wwnhlagtosi telegram of llielhtsaya officers from Chaw utnooga on mi t puruoo of hu army nave crossed tb- Tew- j i . .....I Ki Tanueesee. do- Iittsriel jed here to day on the oad to Athens j iu bea.l unn ou, ow . r Gross flanking aul iiwm- - Urm aimnint of jfbvernmeui -eJ'aideraow H-wy -At' swiiville, destroyed. rnnx:Trx mil front, snifi tmar neeorner at 41 atp'' u . Vaf itartrntany rcant-arw. fjryul an jew Quxftefl att 25q- bj the true ... . . ; BrtMi hftr to peoco. Let treat wUh coofldence W n- -rtMn. masaoreareMiJia. , mwLt rtf iu,B,ja1.- RimMin Nor. T.-TM lisitimore Aiwr- I , I i, i Urn J. Jinannville anJ c nt?a2 yl" .rurrtxV ait.-mo.in um tee StOTT OI I . J . , .-a.... :V oi .....m.la mtiiM Imt ihe Tallahassee in IVla ware 'bat, i proooonced a canard. The rt.w.a.nj.iKr.. m rJavine Lavoo with the xan- kee merchaatiaeo. She capMkred the barque ahiut LinMihir Sbootine Star, and two Ku h arr horned. The Con- federate aieaaier, uiivare, oat ucsuvcu u bsraiw aod two acnoooera. . Gold 23Si.J, . . . - 8GC0XD DISPATCH FROM d the rebel batteries with 24 p'-under parrotts Ganboat weredmen bCK bad y damaged at 2 o clock. Tl eneoy bstterw opposite,'aboe and below Johif sonriiieopenvd oo and tlisawea tne gun- " .. a s .i la!. boats. They responded until aramanuion wa exhausted and - wwe then blown np. n . '.m .1 Jnlinannvilla thia mominsf. " The rebela are crosaing five -miles; abovw firtt-ELQi wax iraotteeV tnftttiMt an wEkajflngBap Mam aamd. or- ... . .sW-ZS-aK.. - T- : dltgeetwsiaiuiirii-a.: aw- -rAana. tWriwsinwmasp-w- snaarmiLw&a. Ibws omctoiTira4ae- swa awwaffrsj-r-b Jlemrw'-SP;-,w,JW,n "litcMiojio;Sov.: lO.-Ia the Senate .i ..; ..ir.JuMlMietf nwurc, a- (ue ikii i.i7 '.. . . ... ... fi4 l.miult:aUi-re pr.ee. Kwin-r, rt. i vuiiMitsraia c-" ciiiaeiw " v i j ttsy penafcw-rd' fbem-4 miU.of-tte Jtidwary .w In C:w.nt arfam-5-.Jl-i iaWltldBs aaeu Hbad tfotta, retauve to s--.- Coeoia. m groea Um armj, W:12aiol.a- tribe policy, Fom aert btained e- .' ."" r,- tbeflo Uoese then went mtocmt ina am u u is- HjcaMOnnriSo. lO.-Tba Ksw Tori Tiroes of Ue 8U has a letecram iro- Th rebels are crow, nff five mile af)OV Airoes o r - , tMmae vo-4-. w- s st-r 7. -O-. ... i l . - .i-aMtar IVachtMelH. Ida, capioreu wy - of the crew, and oiucct- - - were captured witheut tha torn of 1 . .u-i Hmra Tbe Hmee eoniiowea ' , , rsoM RicoMoxa v ' 00XGEE3S imsrorSLT S MESSAGE, . - - a,-- r1- I- ... ki La, ?t iSa1FerTSnct toyolf osm W6orb7 r Bit lie iaen lh m lVesiJent waa received aad read. It befkrs wnththere- - etewet M.fctary oui'Jej since fM a.oarn aoeot of Cirtst eae'od reooyfiuusstEie protection prorided in enstlng ns'sucoeWvd Jyto witWaod the ewat atreooua JtM tor ' -oor aobjiigatMO. ITe Iksveteeotrered Texas from the aaemy.'and ArkatM. with the ex rptioe wf a lew-fcrelV4 post; eHy the wtKe oThorthert aid weera Mpi; jaanhM Alabama, acd western Tenoesste ' .afsm ieoitr pnmyeian. ' AO attempt to pea - MhtM tks r,At Lara bm ISaSt!. .- lit ' t mi i ni.. a T"n ,nii iftnatii a mi i li a been routed, and a pdrtkm of Ert Trtneseee . teeoeqaered by oar tfeope ; sod the main army, e$er a aarie of constant repobes and . trtmxi.i aaaanlta. is atJ engaged ia the effort so eeetare IVtersbwrg. The army of Sher- r ansa succeeded m obUmm; AUanU, bat a a A a anaue o secors say oramaw auraaue trom tisii a r.M ha.! uvl had era been aoameSad a eeaeoate RicbaaoJ aa weO aa Atlanta, tbe . I aaa 1M thmL RJCB-05D, 1SOT. Tth. " . j ; , 'Mm1 n( VmL U C.lnnl.v aitrht MwfM 11 and 12oclock. I . .. T1iij., atntM that j a40SOGS If VUl mw m. iv..vw - Geo. Graoe attacked and captured the ene- - Uom,, gliy tj, 0: Ori Mill holU. bil Ih. W koot IK w P J . . , m ii . .. v i I o T.i.-.w -nf "Ann', each lloajombs lesioa oi wwmti pngww w on . L : .1 . vj; nti.i., :.U .ntt..n anH il.k.nm vera Cl- front of Crstor. takme about a dozen prison- T ,aMt off Wilminirtoa last week. m. Tim line th.-v hfkl tor atxmt two boat I n..M-r haa iasuad sa onler staUnsr. b' and a half in the tare of a furious bombard-1; f .k. Pr-.iaeal that he aasnmed and pref ent aed ponnish ioeuraiona into the border and insure euo and qawtuae. .ill'aiin i.. Atlanta. audv ioMOifdrate an i.aa;.aa.nnaitni from that ttrtiat Uavitu' TSm rt-irimenrs reiruisrt arneea ia new i if.- ,,t . - - YcVtSawrdayand-arier DiU i of the cllf. UeO. I'evUas e toi T . , t - rT" .. - - . .7 . I nnunon. Vov. 9. I ankee picketaat tha Canauiaa irontier. in excitement i . . , - ... . ' uoead other border town, con-1 tb. front today that a ram T. a. .i an.u I .u;tJ at Uesd"i aartef announciec tiaaes. w urieaae 'JSies ot ma io s - v . ... rwosieL Several ordara are p.bli.hed. capture ot Ui r.or.o. ou .... - one previdiBif for fnral enrollmeol on J San SaJTador. the lU Ali twrsons not reporwn j to v AH ainet Vo-i IlinHMoxBKoe'ber . AWasbiofftoa rV....l- .J ika filh vrt ' Gold cloS- sa!ifa'elta ''t tk.L-au.1 lr MiilKAM,aramtf: SOT tUrvrns, wvt VUI ww uuimm. t-j... Three rt-utments regulars arnrea is new .t Anhnm. ilouday. Ue ay 1CTVW , - , .sr must "coaunue until we or tbeetny :. .. a.'ih- flict. lie wapi no nu tmJ cessation of bosuht, ih ret s ia arm. He eliarae tori, the IXmocrau as a pusiUBimoH- facxious minority of the Merita. SATASS4K. Nor. 16.-Tbe flag j l ...;. of iio teSHU m Mt wt Cit Haieh, oor - change, nm veo - - ford Wt rorire-s ja- v expected daily. The excuange w mence til after Tuesday on. - arraatatl and tHiaishad. Another cora- tnanda tbe City asthontie to el Rav Wing oouaa. j amblers wim pi y dusi aaaa aLar du November, to be aasisrned tn- ar&iv rammeot aa teamsters an nrvkal LaJr Sterling, with m eanrO of Nov. 9. Yankee riJette report that Warren 5th corps Voted over wbelmingly for McCleltaa onjuaytand that tba annr of the Potomac was thoobt fsre voted tbeiame way.-r- -- Htw lore city gave tony inousaouin Wilmlngtoa oil tU nth, .Net a word tone for hmby a. r tromSbtrman. . f V , . v t ; Lmcol. officer, ta the army, are ev rrf .. 4. r dentlytieemy. K Caaairteoao. Noer-Tbe erentngj AU jeii bare. Richmokd, No. 11.-At aactioa 0 Mifederat 6 per reeuU "eopo, long dates, commamled 127. Sew r "..i.io- R..ndn of 15000 ha with counpooa, ISO; ditto .Twenty and a hSOfaontasid.febona.lki, ThmPPneertintea .. - Md a half 4 percent cenmcaie. - 'ith interest added. Afco e-Boa tw- a L.nai mft llAiL . Specie 27 St 23 for one at .prnrsSe a cv.. um lhonaand aiirbt per ceaxl eo pea bond, kmg data, 122 and aaxt l.WTOssxcbsn ixpBrrJBiMtii DMt-9aTe "ww-ndaen froaa. t&em. - .... at. n .. hn.tTiiii! ar iVm ai3Sce-Wi aiHaw. a- tia-icni ixtaMauauyi uiiaai.Eii,nar rrml.f JitawigemnraCT tnata only : t rt tfinaeotT glamnUwas actm wem TttOfefi5wSB wadtaesvttsws mghtaeinca Gas-xea Tnieiili . M i! fv-: l laaisa.lBkw. watte cioscin.. Jsw-t, Ehkueeaw awf i&m icay. 0nyiAwi5ri3!wijM r-rsv Iljwi! enpnrir tiiai3mtb Cwims xtksTeJUba arfhbad: batsaaehl w stma,sl",s:ffir d-fctn.-: jb-wiihiiisi ffiwisefc; ? lawiwaij' smwijiiHi Federal be ij jasSaaer insslnBav and j-jS ImiwjwjrJ fclrrid n wtsilacoa for a line sjmjWW&ebag be Ca- ad mat LaWibawI avowsaat xlxwsja and awdi ttniamar rr r'L en T - .raflkattittelhes .wuaar- garaa,caBxeiejwJgaa alOTeiiwa. : Jiiitlaarrae Vssshnwa juiaiawl est f Fort Ea aa llnsesShBuaaxt war ataamem tas Htcsnoan. Nor. 11. Sotbmg l . - I

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