i i . - - ! I v ' 'Ml 0 A '1 ,IW'l'XWIi'1..';'V " . . ' aia SBBWaBB gniroa a MtonurroR. :,Vf. rpnuti op TjiK.4rmrr: -"t-Ai. 4 , - La Am lAAAflifitfl M J I a4 $lft tr for Mir tnv w - " . - - . J . L i- ... r-fc ' Noli nf 71 1 Kir' lkani.' NulieM of 75 vorti of , wUI WMit 9 for tk flxt, f 1 ..r each JdiliowJ' pdblioaiioa, NotioM.of TELUGRAPHIO, iU f!liinAirU in wuieh rcloilrd witb y polilicl r diplirBJio fuoclwti. II bvi coiunKsrpiiiJ conjiota oordi wilb' s Wtnlutfo by tl ite nr v of (bi. utf.bji (rOf.Htklw.: .... ' .r jt ooum limi AVhiu ri fi U Xe OrUao. , ' i -jT Tb indicate fi?litio2 toinUer In uorib-- Ark t2bt irwupiotti i dJ witb irooj od-w irToU btterii 'left Morgaon for Wl.ii ritr. Tie Yk UuUhJ . v Bki ?Ur -fif ilv M: ini4 ta io4Ujriil 'la MJraw to bM wiivUr ouartermJ WbiU tre tbtr m f(.Trt of thrtn Eiiva 1hmi tiulin iroevoI the ottkfi bo (Mtruiltod it ar la U :.. ..U Ai;oiTA,yov. lir-Gov. Jlammond of S. C died at bia reaidence at IVecb landing, S. 0. on Sunday, aged 57 years. ACOC8T4, Nov. 14. Tbe large vara bonaa of Kernigtbaro and Co llarnbur; Cbarned wilb Content lbi morel 2 1 500 Met of cbttoc detrtyd. Loe over oae' million dollar, partlf inaared. Fire accidental. KUOM UICIIMOND. Uicuvokp, sNon liNew York pa jerand Jiaiuriiore An)erTcan, vahtntdi-. tiori,' of Saturday f ba i Wajraia from ChaUaboou'a, of l'" 1 1", whtch av. ou Vdn4iy ..tnoruio iba enemy ruade thfc attk on AUanU. tbe HeII ba- nr tLtown a far a llalliuf MiD. ' Maat dpfiaitlcl wemjAi 00 Roagb end ikady rod,eoiyVartniirr beioy witb ia 100 yard f our work, tbeir -ipfn.ry Hftd dwtnoatited cavalry ware Ubiti 200 yard. Our force ajpkty manned dofea aai drove tbrfuo.o&TYb'ulio: ed an io The iSwmjwa pert of Vouu outomind, wbicb finally RUaaiad toward Macon. : ,:'t'.; I . cT i ' - - . Telegrata from Lpuiaville, of tbe lOih, ay new tbeen rwiivad fioio Sber man1 army, important and of favorable diaracter bal i nol publitbed, being con sderl contraband . - UoodYexaut whoreabouU snknowla Fder!tl autborili JdovemeaU ill be bvolojH-d at the proper tuna nod wilt 3eo trifj the nation, ' . (. ' . IcOi.'l!an.ha reidguad hia eotntstMtoo in the army. Llnoola'a raaioritv in the army 8000;" . '4 A rrtioa of Gan. A. Kmilb com in and has arrfvttd at raducab. , v ... The Tnbnne r Trenton k ejected Goveraor of New ark by 8000 majority. IUcumokd, Nov. 14, According to the Tribune, New York ba gone for jUjttol by 8,5l)0. NewEiiglaaJ State. 150,000, .iacjudnig' fJla wUfctfHltltoHfte' nia twenty to thirty thoaal 4ncllIrig aold'iera' votei Maryland, 10,000; Obio, oO.OOd; 1wb,""50,00(; lH.ioia, 25,000 ; Watcooain, lCr000 e opposition to iit cola In Wet-rn Virynsa. Muaoari voted all for Lincoln. McCMlan'e majoritr if New Jemey 7000. II carried Delaware aad Kentucky. ' Tba lpablicina bava gained larilv Ifjbe Coetwaion! delaga tioa. a NbviUe Liocolii received 2000 and McUeUa 87. v - ., Lord Lyon very ill witk typhoid fe ver at Washington. , - J , . . . , . Eichmoxd, Nov. If. An ofSciI lele gram from the Valley aay Sheridan ar my b enlre&cbed between Newtown and KaroeystowB tw 4inioh of eaalry Uoaaer'a lOiU but were repalaed end were . -, - juCttwi,;.! mill.- Ionic 200 prisoners oil a number of horn., UoV com-, ansnd" bchsved root awdaosnelt, partio atarlr LontaxV brigade, Bsder, frl. Payne sod 'WiekLouM .brigade: (l ruler LtwCol, ... - it ' .ma time, another , j?. V ' " . Tl umaafiJ t ut tinman ha Cll) ff)f I ods tauirma oi bk" l.Luifioln,teceived ol. otorul volt. KlCHMOKD, Nov. J 4. T!ie .VuhIb -ad a bill aatbommg cxclin of 6 pr teat coupon boaJa tur 78U I rcuiy ikjUm. : IlotuaU in aecrcl hiui. f AcorstA, Kcv. 14. A . IUr to , ite CucouicU' and $anlinl, uusa tbat a fi,jbi occurnid 'atRdfljftr and. lieady betwwir Iba State Uoop and ykaki yankeet Jrivanback. Tbra if 80.00 in Atlan ta from abpearaneaa. Tba place It bring vacbted. Train running from the city ara loadtd ; nd rttura miy. Two ho drad muU ra caplorou iy aur acuoia Thai Yaukea bava baro- d lb rauU of Canton, Cherokee coanty, in rtuliaUoo for Mo banj tons. Lataal rumor from Aliaula ataUa tbat tba city avacuaUtl on Saturday. . LKUWII !! . - 1 I . . f I. L tlrovf lbe enemy irom iach vree nuU'iGap,and next nioroinj; forced tbn tuck una iriita, andcapturatl tbvir line of. work, bat a onabla w exiwithem frotff tb Gap. U nroccnpied( tli loUion bi)i in tha lourting whbout nioleUtion. Uar loa ngi va ue niut ,wi u" Mar. Tool alUekad lbeoeiny near MoM -y- .- . . - . -t riatoara and cape wiy prwooers, , .1 . uatn mtb conaaary atom. . . I -. I Xsar MabJlKT. via fiTAtJTO. Nov. 14. Tbeiarmt retorned to to daj afUsr an ad vanoa of Jive day. Tba eueiuy are picketing between Newtown and Middletowa. ttiCU0XD, Nov. 15.-Tbe Chicago j Tie of the SUb aat-a Sher.uaa only ma,ie i hax fi hniftilv eoimired rtirinir It:froa4 - ' a r D a.ew , and aeeauiulattiiif cutblie for thsvf too J uienta uf tbe groau-ftl' imporianM Ahet alhing nicKt aupp1" H witk ttvei Corp on a winter (oar tbrougti .nt til ruUtm SlbI. lawviaff 1 A!licinl I - . ry ) force to bold Chattanooga and lok after llool.. ; ll w probable, the coming . wa LwiU.wilaee tbe tarun-r of ihi espedi- Tb WasbipgtoB correapondent of e erarNorthcrn Journal assert tbat jflort are being made to induce Liucoln to wnd CJintnbiotter to ISichtnond to sound ibe attlboritie apon t&e abject of Ptc. ( -.- lomuc. Not.' 15. A special difpateb to Ibe Advertiser, via Senatobia of tle 14th, aayatbe Memphis Aru)tfmte l2tb baa Si. Leuis date of. the 7th ami 8;h, and Ibe Mempliis Ueiietie of the 13tb bas St. Louie dalea of tbe 10th and 12 th. Ke publican papers have discovered a trefuea doua eoMpirAcy to destroy Chicago, and reia Camp Cbaae and Douglas prison era. Large qnanUlie of arm were fouud in house of Soatbera sympalbiaer. Sever al . buhdred citizen were arrested inclu ding Gen. Martuaduke'a brother. New York and New Orleans paper publisb al leal eicht V-U CHtitun d bt Confi'd- lerate croisers. fi, u. tnl. v is reported mArLall wmiiuW !v iruerriilas while cending White river on tbe Kun boat Crock et.: Tbe gtin boat returntd to Vicksburj. Tiie Waahimrtof Government bas received information that Capt. Semme ba frone B.an tv 1 to tKe command 01 we sea rung, a large and staunch tore stearovr, built at Glasa mw. in lft63. Tbe Yankee bjw of, cov eranwit tsre at JbewrrBa y esdmatecM at e.000.000. 7 II U . 1 said tbe ore of jt or rett'a batterte was terrific. - A number of heavy Iron clad are north of Memphis bat tbe low water prevent tbm going Coaeocrasta baa anpertceded Meade. Six go a boats below Johusouvtlle are an ab4a to proceed p Owing- to Forrest bat- inM nonamaMdinir tbe uraam. No caa boats or tranaporu above Green Bottom h.r. The New York correapondent of Octo- ber 29lh aay Uacknereapured Moganza oa tbe 25th ball tbe pott seven boar, oaptared niaeteen bnndred priponer and earned oaau tneaeio aruiiery, ueinTiwg art VUm wed war material. . Prioa ia rrportrd al FayeUeviQe, At Ua 1 sappoaea to Have eroasea .. . ? .. a , r T. tU : ArkaaMU rir. eoodaiM id lb $'wtv tbo budiwbav )fi wilb budiea . bava Jvft wilb . J'rwa.. . tMU.H . f DllsiQt"u - " . . , . r I UicHMOXD, Nov. 15. T1e folio wil,g of 1 8chI disjwtcb wai rwrHl to nigblS ; !. ; : To the Secretary of War 1 Geo." Breckinridjja r-porta ibat on iba tAght'U tba 18tb ba lurad IivtU' P, b4b epyiUippUKito rstrt About ona oldocjt .oibHtb, lb 'PaugbWu'a and Duka'i cotuiuand b alruck tbeir column and routed it. Srvtrml boo dred priaonerft, ten Uad of caiora, i pia C arti;i-7 witb caiwo and bnw eoftv ptelo. Fifty loaded w2oi, tfara, ambo-' iancca, witb medical itor. tc c-pinid. .Jj-. . 1 BAVAJ.5AH. ov. .,iu.-.w EU. hundred and .igbl i i.t .r. Atiuut 30 Derct. oi mein -aa.. are tick or otherwna ditabled. ' ilia wbola norober ecaived litila over 3,100. Tba delivery -of Yk pruonar oom- inenca Tburaday. vt x' v.V- ' . ;,CHM05D -u .lli-J-J iJKtUIUUlv f-l"- -it... U-.-l.l any aufHcieBt return (rou .; tl.ui l.inf.tl ruetit tb.u uncom ua oer lut . U,ouud in tU popular vou, audba car. lit bare a majority mow: nnnjreu auo nitM-ty two in toe itscunil coijee. Tiie Yaukwes crow luliy ov-r i!w recent uc cm at Cjdon and claim tbe cp tura of to cannon and one baudred and J t(. hut acknowledge weir io " V r- -7- 77- .. Aav;nrrnf to be coua,derab e. They aj notbtng of th..l lUIwlL JB.L IUUIVW . - tnelr ueiek - , . 01 - . .--Mna 4 Uu-r in reierence 10 Dutrpnu ; labW Jncob. Lientenanx Gomnort TZ. 1, 'v. I..J afr.aled bv the , ..-"'v , : .... ... ffovernmeni nu now vu u " .7; , t. . Xtrton. Tbe WacbuaeU .rrived at 1 vey mounded by .harp boo er i Soo uaabtnnuw.. ........ LUri ,kf LaveriKwi date to the 5th Forlra MvHToe hi rrnia ' da in tow. v A leleguuu Uu. Cairo mj tbo rebel. Gold lb New k'ork .Monday 244 rL JfUiitUi M..N.ENV iv Jitcuiioso, No. 18.--Kun.ptan new to tbe 4th received. leJur-4 v a wreck ed otf Mersey on ber last trip. Capt Mor ri of tbe Florid tciegraped the A-aplare of tbat veaeei to tle Coakd.ra e jguis 10 koadon. jT.w Timesjiaj!. ib M-uun- wa u act of piracy. . ,.Ammr.ri4 mH inariUiaia .'bowers to inlerv fete, if tbel'lorida i not given up. It w .1 tlijit tha steamer Laurel from Liver uool bad transferred a rw, arms ana mmODitioD to tbe new ; -Alabama oH Ma deira. TteCz.ralUjran interview - wiu NaWiedn ai i Nice went to visit the King ut Vrttaaia at rotedam..,- CoW Rf rcs.gnntwu te.uirt.ated lue .ao uej t n at Vienna. John Leech tne well known AHkl H UHU. BUHiw.s .... .c. i.-J v I -t T rnttn Oa. 5tb, one hundred ed ni'ly one hundred e"d ni'y vwels . were dnveu irotn tiir iih.xjik's-' - r . it. ... ... ..-..( at .1 hii.l ' Uranded. Twelve thooud pvrsona wre drowned. The loss is estimated ai two bo udred million francs. Richmond. Nov. 17. The lialtimore Aiueiicau of Saturday even.nsj leceived. GeoiCanby while aaceuJiug White riv--r vi the 6th inU 00 the Juuloat Crick et waa ebol by guerilla Iroiu shore, aud wounded in the groin.. 11 rewei; oubtfuL 1 Tbe boiler of tbe gnnboat Tulip explod ed on the Potomac river rridy, jamng all on board except ten. iv,y bve lo.u A. VTaiM.WjJUJU vriU' ha lHnTor invert! day bryoiid coinma nicatio. with tb.eapiu.1. bot V tUga-Flirq itieatioa with the capihd, boi wotbing 1 the expedition. SUtrmau m Mter u the President of the sanitary cotnunssioh, Ailed Gaylviile, Al. UiK ibauks him fjt prompt tulbnuttnu auu retuv w Hind certain arUcle for Union prisoner at Aadersonsillss; aud add, uey uave cnaag ed since, and I niay have u. go in person to deliver these articles to jrisouer. ' Gold in New York, TueedajJ 240. j - Nsw Masut, Nov. 1. Lieut. Baylor of the 12tb cavalry with t-elveuen, cap tured ten priaonera.aud seventeen horse wtlhia Ibree mile of Harper Ferry and brought ibem safely, to tbi pbce.. Tbey report tbe Railroad in ruoomg order to Summit Point- fifteen miles below Win cb-tef ' 4 ' 1 " l .-1 . a .. F tjMNh lb, mia j offered Motion rua-tiotf lb a ASL nt tojurarmlba . . . . i . Tit..... :..f .-i.'..f in Rial nf iIim Ufiiied " T ? "'T.T7 7r7: it! .11 1 .1 ' f tMilIiAirn a til era Into ? nvul (eptraHttative of Alabama.. Ibe tui luto tX aeaaion.' iiiruvoHDL NoV. 17. ("ant llilft HS uhiIbJ ta ir!l (li-tnila tftiD'"l bv CfHini - "Tr" . - - . iuner Quid jn rgird to u pj.ly prinen on eacbrt Jek yitbjjdotMnjr far On lhondndBi'ol'' "cion will bV'slnpf" fnm MwHet ions ana ina .,.TU.,1 i,ia.r diriof clolbtn.r for oar -fr-.-. UIirHMOXP. Nov; Id The Baltimore American of the AtToooo of tba 16tb Id ia Ne York 138. : . , "A u-Wmin frotn-NaiAvuiaavallood'a armv tlitl enewupel iu the vicinity of Klfn.! with one ownaon the N rt awe J., u.. . .Tha ceodttion of ibe mada" rtvrnteS ncUve military MpmUofw. lbelarmv remain coinparanvwy . quasv,, .. --""" " of the lhub-1 0H,r r.v, br Mnhinr tba best nietliod off 4. ar.T.r . v t, " " .Tu. r Aiibi. fWrtiiiiH-.' Adopter tort "JIT J" f V-1 Seromea'tirtfoduced a bitf ailendia tin ( were captured, baidea lie dead aud woun . ... . . . I .ll iJ7 .'p. I'.Ht.'l.l lll'i'.' ' ; 1... ' . lima- for rttuaogw old 1 reatury m ?rj ded kfl on tba field. Our Josa one killed, UeWAu. ! V'bonlWunded:4 '.tM :'f ' " i.Irt tba ilouae, a roiu'.ioo w unaui- j .ji'-t '.: ;- , ; , v . . ' i t ti it. v . ' " r.JuJoiAede.Uiiiv.ii. vowu,, . r, mUGRESSirjy Al . .. . .t ... i.. i.... i - -- -- lloU.-' liiel: do... t.Kr.i brings aW p-e. ,Tf i - V . . Ilutler .0 a rch .,t N.w York Mof h PV" u vlbcjaj report of operate day ev,aiu2, .a d .1 t-overwnt :feht J te ;Wtn.eulof the Nortb-weal, Ay now nrofter tin, ot,ve bra.--.h to the rlk J ertlllng a peace wiUi tbe Indwnahe in ,n.Jr,n, .m.t. w tbe rehU mid their lendatoo nwar.tk treaties ll plan' lender, until the 8tb of Janoarj-.. If tbey oat be would fvor an nnsbnrltaff- pr i ntinn nf IriA war. -- . . . -McCHdlanV remgnatwt,- h wpti Sb.nnau appe.nied to poMf. m. Gen. F .f .L rmv of tbe PotomiHt was se- -i .. . . . if.!iM:iutiL to 7 ler cent. . c..r. L-nt rThimntniu to lVru. If fall n fsftclion not given tW Sj.anih aquadrVm ill seize the republic. Hiid do- .'!'' ' Mivy 1 iie nei. . .. LrsciiBCRQ, N.tv. 1". The I... .ufiiMtti ' i.itellf.'fiice ihHt TirglniftU Li. Col. Wnehr ..w tue 6l uL, ajiiirrd ' nml burui to nriiied U oiled Sui- .Hijanior i ..... -K-.-nmll nll4 V W u" W ' til H tiUHHUtV i n -tli,, i-mm? dav be caMur- Sah.r ritM.i.ntlutiiday lie captur ed a bujfe ainount, ,t iiiiutary Btorea atr lilowsburg. v r , . f j r selntion reoneal- rntt f.ireKW Affaire , ; , tVr ean.-He kdtiaid. relative-1.. tne law few eiiar Um a S. Roritla, P what action ahotfd Kt Uken by the Govern. oetit to redress toe ootrntje. . t ' . Mr Henry, of, Teime introduced resolution decbuvg delerraiuaUou of Coiiffres and. tbe people of the Conieder ate 6utes to proaet ut- ihe war until their indtjendeiice i acknowledge.!. The 3J resolution proclaims the eadiness'nf the iJovertinteiil to 6peo ii'.in-tioiw fo tbe trstftblisbment'ot'a peniLiHtut and lunor-' able peace. Bill pHS5evl extendini; r.nv .-xchatie of old i.u Treasufy u nc ualil 1st Juiy. 'Nothiug of iulervt.1 in. the Houm? iu Oputl session. liicHUOKD, Nov. 18.--13!iltiinore paer ..ir.u r-wved. lo-msriil couiudetable Lfd Vt tbC -. - - 9- J k . ..I itir I nrtfV.'i Ilermnda advic v CliK Kamang arrived with the fatbeiu" hole for rejmir on ihe 17th, had desiroyed ue Uk two Mhooners, in' a,idition to those previously retried. The trial of lh Alburn iHid4rs postponed until the 13llt Devmler. Later arrivals from Euroiw brings tvu K...i.-.n ili dtiurturc tifSeiomtrs-fjotn .... . . Uiuinw....... t I I.' B.y Kurtcli-d iu a armed vtel' ca!!eJ the new Ababvna. Gold 220. 'awaiawaM - Macos. Nov. 18. Exc.!enrat iu.town maai nbsidd. No d.mte inform f thA whereabonts of the eeemn ..nnMt L be tiH in tbe neizbborbood of linuin, DOrniug erjuiuS -. k Hire will meet witb a warm re- a ! i.il.ihM an llieit ceplioa if Uy alemKt to come here. -rm- .'- -w-ww j-ww SB.r tilWMlll ... . H IT JkcoAdam $ ot. IP.Ap official. tele ! at. tbt Waf! AntarunaDl W JUab t .1. - h.i a. r ll. .i.na'.'mt.i Iixa Uicanoxo. Nor: 10. Tba Hcaeta oaks- edtbe' bill tw Mtbru tbaexebaucra of je- giured bond of tba fitteen fuiiiioa loan fo cvupoa uvikU. vAlao, paened tba bill upadtAr jU aixty day, to DkcU of lb V-gapuaoj tba'forcua Jo.aerya during iLa f a'aa provkba ibal perWn tnanUon- td ibareio atutU not be rejaird to pet form biiliucjr aervice out of the bute in wbicb jliey ickJt. . Tba bill Jaat mentioned Sraa oBjoauirfi.icaid to tba Uolaa aad pasaed. I - TlfUoum aiau adopiad iba resolution fvf. lb appoialjaant ot a joint comnjittee lo'malMaaHippel to tbe respective State govaraioenta to - red nee the' ntmibei of 6uu ofbeera exempted froar military aer- vic. ' -4.' . i' ' ;' , A'nri. of the afternoon of tbe 17tb, ..... ,;, ke tbe IsdiaM-beh. w u! ny w.w tuem. o nuiia i uci isiiij mui luctu.1 Gh. Burtiside arrived at Fortress Moo. foe on the1; Wtbj and'proceededlmmeoTw' ateiy to tbe front, , t '"' The official -vote of Maryland was for Liincoin, a,duu; lor Aicuieiian iJZ,4UU. RicHMoKD, Nov. 20. Tbe Philadelphia Enquirer, of the 18th received. It i bar ren of new. Information j believed to bo correct, bad reacbed Memphis, tbat Geu. Can by died from tbe effect of bis wound. GoU $!oeedt Steady. . 1 ' PETKRSBrjRG, Nor. 20th.- Deserters re present 00 usual activity "in the' yankee camp. J Order to cook ration for move, but 11 probable heavy raid tbe last few days will prevent immediate active operation, i wrty-lwo bead of fine beef cattle deserted uid entered our" line yesterday; morning v Btrawberriea areao called from a cjustota Ipog Ago prevalent 10 xng lajid of children. atrioging the hex ries ou straw aud selliugao. ux&nj etrjug9 for "Apennjf." ., j. . . Fifteen Uioneaud dollars worth of lacy waa sold by a retail drjr goods Uwie, jn New York, on, the most ptuiickj" days of the season. '., Hio. French gentleman, who at tcmlod the Hippophadic banquet at Lyons, and ate horses, fried, roasted aud stewed declares the feast to have Imtcm a aaccesa. Ccvnril SttttT 6 Satterthwahe, Pitt Kohart P Dick,' Ooiirore"; Di Jma Gadoeray, Wilkes; L Eldrcdge, Jwaaawo; J R IiantravV, Abkob; Jease R Stabbs, Martin. . ' Liieutrrf Beard. IJta Ezeelleney, GoTernor Vanc freaiont E OJHew, RtrWmE Pell. W ka, aad Profoaaor Richaid Sterkiqr. Guilford; D VVm SloJ,of Gastoa; Richard- a Battle, it, Seereiary. ll Battle, Jr. Secretary. ... . . ,u .... . . ; . . batoa, U 4 ' arraa, a itaoaar, .w tl5oer; sad MoWtbrg 9Kltbv6i": KicbM a Battle, Jr. Secretary. " . rTMuiiaaiawrra mt Sintinf Jkaat-Haw Tbonvaa, Raffia, AUssaaca, Ila WeUoa H Edwrdj Warrea, aad Hoa rParid L eveia Orange. -' ' Tbe ITBtvenhy of North Carodaa W Chapel "Hut Hob David h Swaia, rreaUaaS. r Rtf Caivia tt w'ey u 2aperuaaS m the Cotnntoa Schools of the State. Wilbe J ralmer, A M, i mnetpwl of the X C lesutaiioa&rlhe Deaf, Dumb aad tbe fiitad ai'UakuzB.. . " Or Edwanl Cluhtr Soperiatedut et the Insane Asy lam. 5 lite following comprbea the members elect to tbe next General Assembly, as far as heard frora i " XH1BACCO t)K SALE 1U0 boxe Maa ..Biaetaiad Tebaeco. Cad ow - . - . 7 ; 4: JNO.F. FORD. Saiisbery.v. f3. ltH2L t tdj55 .-, 1:1 J. . v -'t-.'i; '