Ill MM! ti. i.l tiiH I nf.n-ii' , ,i " ii y tlutV, 8'lJ I'-fpon'e to iIih flu mil ii'emt'lil you 1j a v a ivuo me, I fuel that I hiii iii h cou ditioo not lo bo arrofjmit, not lof-.-el imperious or supercilious. I feel thai I can afford to Jo right, and so fueling, lod beinj willing, I io- tcod to do right, and to far m in ma lie I in taod lo administer thii govern,nient - upon lLa principles tbat lie at tlie foundation of u. I ea inform ail aspirants, who are trying to form tbcir combination for Ilia future, who waot to maka ooa organisation for on purpose, and anotber tor another, tbat tliej ara not in tay way : I am not canJIdata for at position, and hence I repeal 1 can aaoru to do rigut, and and, being io that condition, I will do right. ! maka tbis announcement for the Tmrpose of t . . ! II I .1... ! L !. a . .L- letting ait imwioii in j won i io mra me government -not U make ?oinlinlioii with an j reference to any future cajdidaoy for the presidency of the United Stales. I have reach- . ed tlie Utmost round; my race it run, a far a tbat i concerned ; tnjr olj-et i to erforiti my duty, and that I will endeavor t do. Let u all, then join in this irreat work of rettoratiun ; and while we are restoring and re pairing the breaches that have been made, let u also unite in the work of making new sutei and populating them mith a people who are worthy of the government which protect them, and let those now stale governments le founded on principles in barmouy with the grist ma chinery devised by our own fathers. So far as regards any aid or assistance thitt can to given here in the progress and iu the consummation of this work of building up new states as well as in the restoration of all the former states, you will 6nd me a willing and cordial helper. Gentlemen, I did not exp-ct this demonstra tion, but roa will accept my ihnnks for the com pliment you have psid ineou lIiiorcHsiont and the ' encouragement you have given me in the discharge of my duty. All lean say in conclusion is to asm re you tbat any assistance you may need fiotn this quarter will be most cheerfully given to advance the interest f the community you represent. The gentlemen present were then introduced personally to the President. General Barrows submitted to the inspection of the President a large number. of specimens of gold bearing quartz, obtained in different portions of the ter ritory, which were examined with much inter est by the president, and the interview terminated. Carolina UJaRtjiitan. WfcEKLY I : by j. j. BKfNEB. 3? The Lincoln Manorial Ceremonies lion. George Bancroft's Address. Washington, Feb. 12. The two Houses of Congress met in joint session to-day at 12 o'clock, to listen to the oration of lion. George Baneioft (the historian,) in inemoriam of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States. Tlie Hall ol llepresetitatives was densely crowded, all having i........ ..'K.rr...i .villi 7-ti..,..ta i.. 19 1SG6 those who occupied seats on the lloor were the -BKwMimii iii uia iuieu oiuic-h, me meinoers of me Cwbmet, Justices el the ftapretne C-ourt, Diplomat-" IJT We deem no appolojry neceswy for the : io eorpv Senators hud Representatives of Conj,"rrss, large space occupied in the cobirnusof this paner I nJ1 '." ract P.ersons ? 'prominence and eminence . ;. .;, i ,, . ! in this city had appropriate seats assigned to them, by legislative proceed.ngm Ab.or nearly .whe - WM fl ranJ ul,d jing uck-. The cer- ' feel any interest in public matters, are anxiom to t.motiies were interspersed by appropriate uiusic see what the btate Assembly is doin', and lead lroru tlie Marine band. with uouSMal interest (lie report of proceed iriM frotft! "M.r: U'"'?: ih..raton' '?oke' amn l, llnmTd fit l. .nl lit mufrtt-iv itl ittu Iru.u'lh . f niiiu-. ui uiju i iiioiui j vs . tats tivn iii svi I it SALISBURY, X.C., FED. I'tT'.'iti 1 in a I"i', triii,!.', n I, 1 li!,)D.y u ir IoulMiI pnucipitiiy nilliiil lis own holders, jt people awake at its tlosj, as if from a hiJeous dream, to CuJ thai they have lost every issue staked upon the conflict ave honor alone. Slavery is gone; the doctiint of secession is gone; agricultural wealth and commercial pros perity ara gone, anJ, alas I how many of our young men are gone to that bourn whence no traveler returns." TJi'.s is our greatest loss. V can give up slavery, many of us, cheerfully. The right of secession was always a disputed point wild us. Agricaltural wealth and com merciaj prosperity, may coma again, but what Promethean fisecao revivify the dead and bring back their strong, arm to labor, hi our fields, their intellects lo plan, and energies to accom plish, aud their bright faces 16 glad Jen our deso late households. Uul it is useless to repiue over the past. We can not remedy it. Let us turn to the future aud we shall find much to encouiage us. ihe great staple of tlieboulb cotton aud tobacco to which she owed so much of her former prosperity and greatness, are three or four times their former value. The cost of Isbor is but little greater than it ever whs; for the expense of keeping the unproductive slaves under the former system will now nearly, if not quite, pay the wauea of the laborer. It ia true that labor ia disorganized and difficult to control. liut if even one third or one fourth of a crop of our great staples is produced, the result in mon ey will be the same a formerly, owing lo the euhanced prices. Iu the best cotton growing regions the averaged yield to I lie band at pres ent prices would bring from l"0'0 lo (800 ; iu tobacco, from f 300 to 11700. buch prices will necessarily stimulate both industry. sod inven tion, and the result will be that in a lew years the -(South, now tlie poorest civilized nation, perhaps, on the globe, will regain her lost pros perity, and hold again the balance of trade in Iter hands. Finally, with a delightful climate; with a population whose intellects have been sharpened, and whose energies stimulated by four years of danger and toil, with vnl stores of undeveloped mineral wealth, and with a mon opoly of the great staple of export of this cimii nent. msy we not reasonably look forward to n brighter aud more prosperous future Dally Banner. n,. i,l n.ilh .!nu,.i;.'.. 'i'h 1Khi-o procreili'd ttf t'ao Coli Micliiat) contested flection cine. i !i'i,L,jii of t!.e Steamtr tlecapturtd. , Washington, Feb. 14. The svy Department has oflk-isi intelligence of the recaptuie of the steamer Belfast In tbe Tombig bce river, and a quantity of cotton which was re Cently taken by guerrillas, under command of Act ing Master Stanard. , Five of the guerrillas were captured. Tht SutptetedPrivatier. Kew York, Feb. . The case of the steamer Meteor, aoizod on suspi cion of being Chilean privateer, was to-day be- lure the United Mate District Lourt;.- aaawer to the claim was filed by F. Cvy, ! guilt fvr the owners, denying all the allegations. Shipurtck Boston, Feb, 14. The ship Hamlet, from Calcutta for Boston, with a csio of East India goods valued at $200,000, went ashore during a thick fo;j last night, on Nau sett Beach, aud will prove a total loss. Fully in sured here. XV. D,t:. 1 lion. John Minor Uotti arrived in town yesler- ,y, lisvinj; ween sumnionej io aieftr lielore llio day. bavin Iiecoaetruction Committee, VhronicU. Death of a Catholic Bithop. Boston, Feb. 14. Tlie Right Rev. Dr. John F. Fitzpatrick, Catho lic Bishop of Boston, died last night niter a linger ing illness, aged hi ty -three. Reported Assassituttuta in BrowiuviUe, Trxai. Galveston, Feb. 13. It is reported that threo officers, of llio Ninth Colored regiment, were assassinated in Brownsville recJiitiy. Execution of a Guerilla. ' Louisville, Feb. 13. The 'execution of Berry, the one armed guerilla, who Committed eleven desperate hjurders, has beeu lixed Jor March d. , . 1 Xew York Market. L New York, Fttiuarv 12. C.uton declining; sale Connecticut OJlckollcrt Alirmtd. A delegation of 1'a.publicsn offloe-hol Jen in Con Declicut have been on here for the purpose of per- mading tlie more impetumj members of Congress from that 6 UK to bold op somewhat in their course of opposition -to the President, bat their success was ouly partial. , Tit PrtMulaU$ Last JlJdrt. ' Tlie speech of the President to the Virginians, on O-. 1 L I I.... al.. clause iu it which ifives satisfaction to tbe extrem ist is the- one wherein he awerta- that only loyal wen must b dailUd to Cviigrsea. The " Cop- psrheads, so callea, hail tbe speech with unalloyed j y, uccianng u io no jne ouirreni uose iuo rvw ilunt vet adiniuisteivd to his radical opponents. The more moderate among the latter will, how ever, use their best endeavors to prevent an open bit-ach, even going so far as to secure, if possible, a retention iu the hands of Congress of such bills as would be the signal for the inauguration of ctjfiflicr, were they to reach the Executive and be Vetoed by bun. lruA. Uor. I'hd. Ledger. 44it4oc. Flour of good qualities linn : poor, de clining, Southern $8 7oal5 50. Wheat dull Cors steady. Pork heavy ; mess $29. V'his:;y dull at $2 23a2 24. "Sugar dull. Naval Stoic declining. Gold 1J8 7-8. Baltimore Market. Vie Radicals aud tht President. It is several days now, nights also, since any one, has licard that cheerful cry o conUict between Congress and the Executive I I wish that Wilson, or some other non-conflicter, would poiut out a sin gle measure of importance in winch the President and the uadicals in Congress (or elsewlire) are in yiuson. Is, it the district negro suffrage bill I I lease to send it up for signature. Is it the general tuik- criinr and C'oiistitution-oobblinir business? Refer to the conversation with Senator Dixon, the mes- tngn itself, the speech to the Montana delegation, the President's open expression of opinion to every Senator who has approached him on the subject. Perhaps it is universal negro suffrage; well, ak vour bi others. Dowrlass and Downing. There Joes secirt lo be n slight conllict, and so far from the President's idcntilyimj himself in any way with tljost) Radicals, his address to tho Virginia Legisla tive delegation yesterday shows that ho regards these Radicals, as rebrls-J w4io are now-attempting to destroy the republic Cer. .V, Y. World. Baltimore, Feb. 12. Flour is heavy ; Western extra 0. Wheat steady. Corn dull ; rt hito 82a 83; yellow, 74a75. Seeds dull. Sugars active; refining grades Hall j. Provisions steady. WhU kev nominal at 22.23. - J 77k Markets. Galveston, Feb. 13. Thq markets here aro overstocked und gooJs are being re-sl.jppcd to yiw 1 ork Baltimore, Feb. 13. Flour quiet high grades firm. . Wheat firm Peuiifvlvania lied $1 35. Corn dull and lower White 80c. . Yellow T2c. Provisions dull and in active. Whisky dull. day to day. There is much of much lu.portauco to be done, and it is hoped the Legislature may per form it well. oo American Republic: of the territorial extent of the liepublic slaVery at home slavery in foreign"ro- lations oqnatter sovereignty the early life of Abraham Lincoln his education aud progress, his election to the Presidents! chair his inaugur ation and ussassination. He concluded as follows : As the sum of all, the hand of Lincoln raised the Lest Beginning last Wednesday, will be gene ral observed by the Episcopal and Catholic congre gations.. It is typical of the forty days fasting of flag; the American people was the hero of the war, our Saviour. ' The people of those churches which ' a"d therefore the result is a new era of 'Republican- observe the season are required to practice self-de- Latest News. nial, renounce public amusements, feasting, & and give more special attention to the "acred duties of religion. This will account for the frequent ring ing of the Episcopalian church bell for the next four or five weeks. ' " " The Governor of Georgia makes an appeal to " the women of Georgia to contribute to a fund for " the wife and children of Jefferson Davis. We do " not believe that Mrs. Davis js in want or that she is " likely to be, but if the Governor of Georgia and " his lady friends want to find reaPOt) ecis of chart " ty let them hunt up the widows and orphans of " union men who were dragged off and slaughtered " ia a war they abhorred, at the bidding of the se ' cessionistsof that state. These have much strong " er claims on the governor and women of Georgia " than Mrs. Jefferson Davis .and Iwtr children, whft "are no doubt living now as well and asjuxuriousj ly as tny evar Uiu. We regret to say that this extract is take from a paper published at the capitol of the State of North ; Carolina. We scarcely need to say, from Pening ton's Progress. Few will believe that it exhibits the tamper and the feeling of the gallant sons and devoted daughters of the State. They have no sneers tesaake nor scorn to cherish towards those who exerted every proper effort to give success toi ihe Confederate cause none, except for those who were foremost, loudest and hotest iu tlie beginning ot me lira, &ut meanly slunk out of the red arena when the hour of trial came. The Governor of Georgia knows, we doubt not, what he is doing and is not ashamed it shall be Knows to the world. The interest he takes in Mm v iw-reduced rrom ainuence to poverty is no evidence of bis lack of those enlarged and liberal sentiments of the heart which recognize duty to dis fellow man in whatever station. Let him alone, help him, if you can, and let those snarl and fret whoeat like H. The are sort-headed and must oe anowed to reat themselves. urn. lue iImui nances in the country grew not out of anything republican, but out ot slavery, which is part of the system of hereditary wrong; and the expulsion of this domestic anomaly opens to the renervated nation a career of uuthoughtdignity and glory. Henceforth our country has a moral unity as tbe land of free labor. The party for slavery and the party against slavery are no "more,' and are merged in the party of Union and freedom. Tho States which would have left us aro not brought back as conquered States, for then we should hold thenrooly so long as that eontest could be- main tained. They come to their rightful place under the Constitution as original, uccessary and insepa rable members of the Union. We build monuments to the dead, but no monu ments of victory ; we respect the example pf the Kotnans who never, even on conquered hinds, rais ed emblems of triumph, And our generals are not to be classed in the-herd w vulgar conquerors: out are ol the school ol limeou and Hilliain ot Ur angc, Tana wasniii"ton. rrrernBve usea mewora only to give jH;ace to their country and res tore per io ner piace in me great, assemoiy oi uauons. uur meeting closes 1n hope, now that a people begin to I ' 1 . . I t I 1 ! live accoruinir io lue msi oi reason, auu reuuon- camsm is entrenched in a continent , Notwithstanding it was impossible to obtain an entrance to the Capitol building without the requi- site caru oi aomission, munituaes were present in tlie vain attempt to witness the ceremonies. When the Senators in a body had retired to the Senate Chamber at the conclusion of the oration, tbe Ma rine. band stationed ia tbe rotunda, performed Na tional airs. "I wish ta say to ahVdoji'k,sWear, djaj't visit low imuw wuu Kniuuie, uon uo anyining wrong. If you take waruing by roe you will lit CI IUCTI 111 1SLC. Mr Fessenden, from the Rt const ruction Com mittee, renorted an amendment to the Constitution Who-ssidUaf; aJd wtaTtmtetrTateT you I . It 1 Ml about eigbtees ysra of age-, named Xi war. - IU Was ander the gallows, in company with three oth- r vaullta tt Kswt ih. i.iud:ii'.iii1 T inn nori utile speecb to the uwusatuleot spectators icrgwdjBgartun4 4mSMfliim&4 was lan.jing, w wie tut rseeuuouer ,was nairig tlie rope around hie neek. The other three had nothing to say, ao'UoIr perhaps had not thecouraje tosoeak, Re, are yog young man in the habit of swesnng t uojxt visit low bouses r eamolef get upsey, and do other wrong th'mg ? Take tlie warning of young KaionT, speaking to you frsro the fallows scaffold in Nashville. . There ar some youths in Salisbury who have need to take this warning. There sits tome in almost every town and neif boyhood, fleed the melauoholy voice from thegaCows; forthetc i better test i'mony than that tha as man soweth so shall be reap. Tat Pcatic Dear. The statement of tlie public debt on tbe 1st of February show tint the h-bt beariuf coid ioterest amouuts. to f I,lC7,149,74t ; ad kat bearing cvrreoey Interest to $I,137,2Ui, 881. The matured debt aot preaeotnl Tor partoest, s 1109,933,035; debt. Wing no interi $453,. t4,547. Total debt, $2,824,391,500. The amount of eoia ia tbe Traure is 151,443,151, curwicy In the Treasurr 156,050,196; amotint of debt, les saah io tbe Treaswy, 2,ritf,89P,152. Denial of a Report Washington, Feb. 12. The Spanisji Minister here denies the truth of the Congressional and newspaper statements that tbe freedmen are cap tured and then sold as slaves in Cuba. In the only instances brought to tlie knowledge of his Govern ment, such persons have been brought or introduc ed into the country by Americans, they have been promptly delivered up and sent back to - their homes. '" ' , CONGRESSIONAL. r Washington, Feb. 14. Senate, . Tle Ri-nate resumed the consideration of the constitutional basis of representation amendment. Mr. Henderson concluded his speech begun yester day. Mi. Clark alio, Radical, made a speech. No roto was taken. House. A resolution of enquiry was adop'cd, having in view an ad valorem duty on all kinds of tobacco, in order to equalize the tax and descriptions of that article. The Mouse had under consideration the Senate bill providing for the sale of postage stamps by those who cannot take oath,' but who can give necessary security. Jht Cholera Conference." '"' ' 7 1 WashingtcjUj Feb. 14. A message was received by Congress to-day from tho President, enclosing a communication from the French Minister, in relation to a proposed Interna tional Conference at Uonstant.nople, upon the sub ject, of cholera. Congress will consider the propo sition.'1 " " " ' Changes among Foreign Ministers. The United Sfates 'Minister ' to 'Ehglaiia; "Mr." C. F. Adams, it is saiil, is nnxious to return home, and his wish, shoul I it be jiei-sisted in as it lias oil for some time past will bo reluctantly as "1 to. In that event, it is supposed that his 1 .. ill be filled either by Mr. Motley now Mm uw Vienna, or Mr. Marsh, Minister to Italy.--Whii ver of lliese posts shall be left Vacant' will fb? filled, it i3 surniised, by Governor Curtin, of Pennsylvania,; and as lie would-prefer to go to It aly, it is supposed that the choice for Minister of the Cour t ol St. James will fall npoa Mr. Maish. X Y. Tribune. The Freedmen's Bureau Bill. Yesterday President Johnson.reccived from Sen ator Nye1, of the j rint committee on engrossed bills the Freedmen's Bureau bill, which was not signed by-the President proteinpare of the Senate until yesterday morning. .Vat. Jul, UtA. -; o-S- A "gentleman who has just returned to Mobile from a trip umoiig lha planters iii the river coun ties in Central Alabama, reports to since the 1st of January negroes have been anxious to- contract, nnd have been taken by planters at fair prices, aud that the demand lor labor is so great through IbaM scttioMhat he did not see or hear of a single uu employed IWvdniaii during his trip. Numbers of tieg,rues have voluntarily left Mobile for the por-M.-e of going to woik upon phViTratieos in the cot ton raising districts' of the State. - ' - - A Tho Southern Editors are to hold a Convention on the Mth inst, at Montgomery, Ala. . A fire alarm and police telegraph has been com pleted and put in operation in Cincinnati, the conlectioners in fans now put religious ex tracts in the bons-bons instead of love mottoes. rc ju ctfully reiio: t Ctl. Cilloy toiiiu'iiii tia upon, because there havo been so many cliangca m.vlo in tho laws, when wo were not cxactl under them, that wo coufesa iaoranco. Can a IVeedman tako a contract for carrying tho maila f Wo hopo thoj can, for this will Ijolp us out of a tad dilemma. Tliero are uianj reliable ' colored men about hero, and tlioy would beglad of the job. v Daly Banner. t- - ' THE BROKEN JIEAinr Jk.ftlyl " Site Is lying . I Wi b her lips apart. - Softly t 1 Elie nT dying of a broken heart Whinjierl She is going To her Qual tost. Whisper f Life is growing dim within her breast. , Gently ! She is sleeping; 'She has breathed her last ; Gently I While you're weeping, She to Heaven has passed. Cuarlu G. ElSTMl. TUE DIFFEUENCE. The geutleman visits the gay saloon, Willi its gilded glass and luring light ; Tinkles the delicate, tinted glass, And sjps the wine, to mre sdJ bright . But tho loafer goes to the " old Slush Gulp," With its rickety ehair and broken stool ; Calls for s :no Whisky, Brandy and Rum, Aud strives with fire, the brain to cooL Alas I one ihir, when I wanted to see My genthiikin friend, '" he could not come;" I sought iii in and found him where7 oh! where? Loafing'y drunk iu the." old Slush Gum." 1-t. P I it C E'S 1 P CUR It 12 IV T , SALISBURY, Feb. ID, lSGfJ. CODttCCTEO WEEKLY DY BPIUOCE'st BROS. 4 '.e I tit if t'.is 'i in f : To pre;i;ire Voting Hh'ii fir Col'iV'. 2d. t" To give thorough instriiclioii in thehu biani hes mid sckmh'cs, with a view to making practical busine w. : -... We are aware that too inUcli lime ranunt Well bo spent upon the ('husics, but we are also award that too little attention is commonly given to those branches of learning which are of more immediate and practical amr. It not utifretpitnily hsppens that boys and young men attend school without any definite aim, and ara advanced in the Classics to the neglect of Spell ing, Reading, Writing, Book-Keeping, and other branches which are .of practical importance iu e . cry occupation. , We roioso then that, while the Classics shall not be ueglected, those wlo attend this lustittMio) shall be thoroughly instructed in those brandies which ' win'cortaiiilyle "useful lo matter what their afocniion may be."" ' " The facilities at our command are such aa but few Institutions of the kind possess. We liafo charge of the buildings and property of Catawba College, including Surveying Instruments, Philoso phical Apparatus, and Libraries, to all of which students will have access. Location is a iiniet country town healthr. aud presenting almost as few temptations to young men as rural life. Being surrounded by an agi icul- jple, famil facilities for prefer. We bespeak a liberal patronage, and thiuk that our facilriie, and our experience in teaching justify us in promisiug that our patrons shall not be disap pointed. Boys who can read will be received. Pupils will be received at any titno during the session, and charged from the time of entering un til tbe close of the section, except that no deduction will be made in favor of those who were members of the School during the previous session, and do not , return promptly after vacation. The picscnt session commenced the 9th of Janu ary; and will end tlie 25th of May. The next sesf sion will commence tho Uth of July and end the 23d of No ember. Tfirtox, per session of twenty weeks, from $10 to $18, at specie rales ui the currency of the coun try. " . Instruction will be given iu German and French, if desired. Special attention will be yiyen to Ma thematics in all its branches, if desired ; and Survey ing will be taught theoretically and practically. 3. C. CLA PP, A. B. S. M. FINGER. A. B. Newton, N. C, Feb. 6, IS0G. It J X SIJMMERELL, M. D. Office at his residence, West WarJ, tural people, Boarding can be obtained cheaply, in private families; or 11 desirable; there are atnplo 1 messing, which many young men Apple green, per bfisli .$2.00 I. . . . ; ..... ification, providing that Omgrsw alwR have pow er to make Jail law j whicli gliallbg, hecessarf and iBftrssow-ttir ilti,am,lrl,riiSyeTif ' 'SlaTes equal protection to life, liberty and property, ported the om to fir the peace, esiabjishmentol the Lnited states army,' with amendments. As re- porjpil. it omihuhe Vtteran-erTr-CSfpg.etgSr The Texas Convention. Galveston, Feb. 14, Resolutions were offered in the Coivention de claring the secession of, the State to ba null and void, and denying that any State has the right to secede. , ' The motion to lay on the table was defeated yeas 4'3; nays B8. ' - Kentucky. Cincinnati, Feb. 14. The Kentucky Legislature has rejected the con stitutional amendment, and passed resolutions ask ing the removal of troops from the State, the re storation of the privilege of the writ of habeas cor pus, and condemning the Freedmen's Bureau.. Captain Semmes. ' Washington, Feb. 14. Captain Semmes has been allowed the privilege of exercise in the yard of tlie Marine Barracks. lie appears to be lu excelleut health. ' ' - Tennessee. Knoxville, Feb. 14. A nejrro was yesterday bung by a mob; for shoot iog Lt CoL -a.jiray.tifc tho Firs Tatnwsrfw Caviky. The Small Pox . Aqais. have itt last fonnd out something abont the small pox. Uttr clever, Thomas I. Wood, itiibrui'a us that there are. now about one hundred and ht'ty cases in thu town aud suburbs, and about three fourths of them are confined to ret ugeo freedmen. But few of tho .resi dents proper, whether whites or negroes, have had the disease, he former being almost entirely pxempf, II u. JiJijHifcn Mean. Beeswax, per lb. Bacon, hog rounil, ' do hams & sides, " ' do shoulJecs, " " Coffee, " tC Corn, per bush, of 50 " da Meal, " of 40 ".- Copjieras, " Candles, Tallow, do. Adamantine, " Cotton, , do Yarn, per bunch, Eggs, per dozen, Feathers, per lb. Flouts. " " Fish-, Mackerel, No. I, " do " II, " do "III, Fruit, dried, Apples, pl'd. " " do unpl'd. 1. 00 25 20 20 IS 35 1.10 1.10 10 25 30 30 3.50 20 40' to - 6i-to ... to ... to ... to 4 to 2 to to 2.50 to 1.50 to 30 to 22 to 23 to 20 to 40 to 1.12, to l.lo to 10 to 30 to 40 to 35 to 3.75 to 25 Peaches, pl'd 12$ to teen regiments of which were provided for origi nally. 11 places tne number ol uilantrj. reeiments at fifty. Discussion was resumed on tlie constitutional amendment in regard to representation. House. Mr. Whaley offered a resolution, which was re ferred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, re-as- serting the Monroe Doctrine, and re-declaring the resolution passed at a former session against French interference in Mexico, and furthei, that ja Presi dent commence proceedings for as aUianoe with all the Republic on this continent to resist aggression. (M motion of Mr. Latham, tbe CommtsNoaer of Publk; Building was directed to have (tainted tbe escutcheons of the States ol West Virginia and Ne- - vada oa tiro of the square glass panels 1n the ceil- ing of tbe Hall of Representative. A reaoiu'joo tbat txA James, si. Johnson, claim ing seat as a member from Arkriasi be admitted i -TjinctnnahV Ftfe. 14. Tbe Ohio Legislature bu passed a bill fixing .ighi'Hars for-day'hibori M-ii-c Tht Markets. New YorkFeb. 14. Flour has declined 10 a 20 cents; Wheat 1 a 2 cents. Beef steady. Pork heavy ; Mess, 828 25 a 28 37f Lard steady at 15J a 18 cents. Cotton steady-sales if 1,400 bales at 45 cents. CoO'ee steady, Molasses quiet Gold 138. Baltimore. Feb. 'Flour and Wheal ileady. Corn dull with down ward tendency: fellow, -71 cents ; white, 78 a 79 cents. Seeds quiet Provisions dull ; Bacoo Shoul ders, 141 ceirts; Side 171 cent. Sugars firm. 1 wtusitf 4luUatfi-2i ' In this connection wacalL-Jhe atten tion of the Physiciart of tho city to a pamphlet on our table, from Roxbury, Ma88., issued by Dr. II. A. Martfn,"on the subject of vaccine vims. Papers in different paijtaof tho State mention the appearance of tho malady in tliqir respective localities, and we had better be prepared for it here. Banner. liie iloble people ot Ualhmore are abqut to hold a great Soothern Relief Fair. Many' of t he merchants ot that citj- have already tendered large quanti ties ot articles tor tho purpose, and both the great Express companies Adams and the National offer to carry packa ges free of charge. Xotfulk Paper. do unpl'd G Leather, upper, per lb. -90 "'-. sole, " " 45 Iron, bar, " " ... " castings, " " ... Nails, cut, " " Molasses, sorgoro, per gal. ........ . 40 West India, ' " . . . . 75 Syrup, to ' 1.00 Onions, per bush. .-. 1.00 Pork, per lb. ......... 10 Potatoes, Irish, per bush 1.00 Sweet, ' " 75 Suo-ar, Brown, 18 " Clarified. 25 " Cruslied PuK-'d 33 Salt, Coast, .. ........ . "' Liverpool, per sack 5.50 .Table, - . ... Tobacco, Leaf, " . tr . . " Manufactured, - 20 " -Smoking, ,,: ..a." .50 Gold, ' ........ .... Sii,vert Trr.TT. 777- 50 5 3 15 7 95 50, to to to to .-. . to ... to to 50 to 1. 00 to 1.50 to 1.50 to 12t to 1.10 to 1.00 to 2' to 3 to 35 to to GUO to .. to . . to 90 to 1.50 to 1.35 IoT3 SALlSDUrtJ. I AUG TIO N COMMISSION HOUSE IN SALISBUEY, N. C. BUEKE & HAEBISON, AT 8. ft. HABRISOa's. OLD STAXD. SAM L. R. HARRISON, Proprietor. JOSEPH K. BURKE, Auctioneer. MAR ill ED! In this county, on the 14th instant, at tbe resk dehce of the brides' father, by lie v. Mr. Brackett, Mr., WM. O. WATSON and Miss AMANDA A. LAWRENCE. ' United States DIRECT TAX. :ails ATSIIALL V E FOiyj . , The want of regular mail com man jea ns very maJeiially ul a butttnes point ffixicyr, and ta our gre3 3iiadvantagS Our merchant nro being terjonsly injur- WASHlNpTON ITEMS. ; ' Tirgihia Regulations. Commanding officers of posts in tbe Department of Virginia not included in any military district are prohibited from leasing their porta withoct permis sion from headquarters. that hare the. . a t ry the man, ed here and their customers in the interior are discommoded and perplexed not in considerably. There are very few men conveniences to car that can take the "oath" prescribed by law, or if they can take it, time lias proven that they will not. The prospect for the repeal of tho oath by Congress is not a bright one by any means. Then what are wo to do I We can suggest several plans orjrayB hy which these mailiincs may be. re-es tablished: the first is by letting the con tracts to-6ome oftfe"e Federal exolBceiv of sordicrslbat . have been living here; ROWAN COUNTY, N, C, V Office U. S. Direct Tax Comy.issionert, For tlie Slate of North Carolina. Salubury, N. C. Feb'y 15, 18G6. Notice is hereby given to the owner of Real EataiAUt the coonty ofRoWan, that the Direct Tui laid upon all lindi in the United Slates by -ait AoT Coiigrenof August 6, 18fil,ii now being collected iu the Slate of North CaroliuS, in, Burtuunee of an Ael appfeTed Jane 7, 16C3, and an amendment of Mi4 Ait sjiprorr d iV It 03, 4 . AMthe amendment of jiicf " Act approTed Ma'relr 3V 86 sad outw MXt)Hf ''Itreii Ja Ht aid Tks WE respectfully call the attention of the people of Salisbury and tlie surrounding country to tbe fact that we have opened S new AUCTION and COMMISSION HOUSE in this city, and arc pre pared to sell, on the most favorable terms, any and every thing, from a big plantation to a brass pin." Having had soiue experience in tbe business, we believe that we can make it to the advantage of persons having. Goods, Wares and Merchandise, or lteal Estate, Llonsehojd, or any species of proierty, for sale, to give us a call, as we intend to do our best to give entire satisfaction. & UAUKISON. Feb. 14, 1SG6. . 000 . would say. to my old friends and the public gen- ' erally, that I am still carrying on the Furniture, VnacMakmg ana Lojjin JJusmus at my olu stand. I hare now. on hand, Bureaus, Tables, Chairs, Bed steads, &a Also, a full assortment of Metalic, Rosewood, and common Collins arid Trimmings, whicli will be sold on the most reasonable terms. 7:5t S.Il HARRISON, . THE MANSION HOUSE, REEVES & COGHENOUK, PROPRIETORS. -'-V7-This famous old public House i now iu new hands. -The proprietor! are aniliiiious to render it one of the bet places in the Southern country. Indeed, they have already had the most fl itteripg assurance from rarellers North and South, that ilitir efforts to please were more than suceorsful. Wben you come to Salisbury, call, at the ' MANSION IIOUS-' - Polite atteution from laudbrdi and aervauia, with " all the comforts of a welt-ordeied and richly ippplied home, av ait every visitor. S. REEVES, Jr. COUGH ENOUR. Jan. 8. 1666. - - tf. ' . 11 , . ...a, j ,jun.H,, .in, mi, un UIIKI in Hahtbtiry. is said toanty. ilt be one a on l1i 01 mo 1 sb. STANDARD -KEEPER'S , LL persons using weights and measures, either I. in svUi hg or buying, are hereby notified that having been re-appointed Standard-Keeper for the f&unty of Rowan, it is my duty to inspect and seal all the wetghtsand measures in hse ; and all per sons using them must, without delay, bnncr them to me for tlie above purpose, or Subject themselves 4to-tto-;pr . . n ii s. i;u, gtirltBEgwSt St ftngard: Keepeft As the lew of the. United State eaei aliou, lioinesiaai!. to the vaia of Uollar, when the owoera acliNy reside thereon at the date of tba fixing of the Tax, each owneri and uccaaul are sotifiad to appear al oar office doling said aistv day, and ho eh fart. IT UHic at the reMdeace of II. II. Helper, South Ward, Salisbsry. JOHN R. FRENCH, HIRAM POT! ER.Ja., t E. II. SEARS, Unitti SttUs Tmm CsmsMissiamer ff If. C. Feb IJ dlt-w9 . NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY. OOSSCS MJLIS AKB Atatsoir rrairrs, SALISBURY. N. C. PnOTOGIUPHS, CARTE Dt TISITIS. Tig netts, Ambrotypes andTrptypes, at reasona ble price. GiVe toe a call aad ju?g for soui-sclves.. 7:5t ntlUr o. KENNEDT. J-iv Huudred t. ... yi:w STAND, MclKely's Brick Row. j SALISBUlil, N. C. Jaa 80, 1666 3md 3mw Tailoring Dusiucss. c.K Mice, RESPECTFULLY inform his old frieads aad patrou that b baa removed h'm Taylor Shoo two door abor hwoU Maad. ciffpoaii 8,v( d Brother Mora, and boW prrjrt to do J work eat fasted lo bias ia'th UtrM and ; meet approved tyle. Toaalry - fiodaeo take ia exehn( f.?r JaBBsr) .66 . " - : I mod-1 la I - -