,, )';' :v. J'-; lull !. 'ii. i y f Atlantic CU: Loudon, (At. 27. i. !. that the relation U iwtiu Austfia J I'mrti are na'uing a menacing character. T r,rfi MVt tbit the llussisa Oorrnineul is iat,ij.ji fur disintegrati of Au- , ' . I una, vau 94, -I VnA-a ubmiiled I' Franc aud Km i .. ilia niHinmn "" l"u . ...... i.h:....I. k. k..... ............. I - CI. ....... A Of Ab imvaf from CihiJU Mates that another ,bl took on !Mi1n.. Tli. .i tha Tuiki.b aimy wasra OfarK iijivi - . , ukL... . LlverpooT, Oct 27. Option ledy. Sale 8,000 bah. middling. I'!Juiol.80. FivesOSj. 'from n atnwywTf Washington, Oct 29. ti.. T.mminv Committee had noi!ier in ..vi with th l'riJnl tin afternoon, and ecive-f fioni Win T7 of Ml sent to May r Huffman, eiprw'" ;iXHJ treatment Hwatu risoner, "..-.. '. '" '.(, iuj L.I. . .'i j. M ji k. I ili in. NV Oilcans, Oct 31. Co'ton eier and quotaiiuiMi uiitliD"J. (iold IMS). , Carolina iUatcljman. WEEKLY:::::: MY J. J. BRUNEIV SALISBURY, X. C, NOV. fl, 18CC. desire lo procure convicted reman Litest Markets and Financial. fu-w York, Oct 3p, M. CoU tl 46 J. Exclmng 9J. Cotton dull. 3Ji40J. Flour .firm $75$I7. l'oik former, f?4 75. Mobi'e, Oct 29. Cotton sales, to-day. 1300 bales. Middling 35. Demand general am! market firm. New Orlean, Oct 29. Fiom Wash I nylon. Washington, Oct 30. Minuter Campbell lias left, here fur home in piitu, from whence, in a f-w day, li- will pro ud to Mexico, accredited lo ihe Juan gov- ruini'iil. Feiu'tntfi. New Yolk, Oct 30. Anolliei Inrjfi' F' lilin iin'iiiiij Ihki nilit in 1 il'.lu. 'lli U'nr ni ir I anioiiL' lic liiuli in ex- Lirsro mmtiiij; !) m Ciiiciiiinitii, atid . ... . "i . -. ",KlJ IIIHl IIM'lll'T -OlllirU'ftl. MaUi.it, in Out i.i hi. M..i.tr.-l. O.J..1I. ' At h ul lie dinner U: iiijtM, Sii J no M'lth'vl, mi nimiilt-r-ui i liii f, m i'lf a t". ci. iT.iin- t.ii)ill-r' )ir. I". Mil. I xlrnt tliHl I lie iulunli-rr i'it meiil Iw fStt'lidt-d over tin) lit'c-trr Htil i(i A'lierica. Hi.- limalinn ppr are Jis.-lta ' r 1'n finPrTatiit'TlnrrnRrt.f the mi-iicin ii'.nn on Jtiif F. ii inn trixU. Tlivy nut' llmt tlm tliri als LiwIp will dolLu iiriMiiu-ia inoru Lmni ll.an The Police Coiniiiissionern. IWtimore, Oct 31. Tlie trial of tlic C"nimitBionerii 4 -sittH-rc" 'fti2, and all itartirt ar anxious to iM ji-roiigh aitli it. - W. ftwann remarked tliat lie would net up mil miiJ-niglit to mccoiii morale ii counsel of j Colliiiiiiour if they dosired to ar-rue the '3T By the Atlantic TtUgrajh. Loudon Monday. Tie Uleil advice from Candia reirri-nl the 1'hlinir bi too the Turk and ciiritiiin a iotiud. " ' rragUc.Saturdty. An attempt waa road to altoot the Emitror ptici Joseph, on leavian tb theatre this even- g. J, tie culprit aimed a pistol at tiim, out be p be oould dre aa veiled by an Englishman a placed under arrest . . London, Tuedny. Tiia Tine again crge the reference of ibe S. claimt for property destroyed ,v the Ala- f toajoinicommWion. JtiLmU it would a ct ff policy, if , not juatice, . ; , Liverpool, fuedy. ICoUon. aleady. Sslea of lO.OOfl bali.iui4 ngat I8J. Biaadatuff firm. ' OoMol.a89J. Fim68f.! , r hv. Swann Aat Removed, the Pdice Commissioners, iExciietktrU tn Bal timore,, ... - ' r DMltimore, Nor. 1. po. Swann decided this morning to remove; Police CoituniUiooem. Il aaya ibnt. ff paaary tqenforcd tbe decision, be will call up lihe United Statea tir troopa ! - " ' -jTbera IsJreat excitement on thi at reels and I itian,oLtiv.Mi?TiV":Z. J-.7 rib t. Guard lan. also apper as a..party by reason of our partictpa-hfeel Rj kow (lint in What We did, WO did ll.tr. Ill L 1 11 . lllini.l. ..rum uuu v.... I wifl most nrobaWv he t tie' same in all of these Tsiat.-s. with the excention of New York. The Whig concludes thus: Let us, tu plain and homely language, paddle our own canoe, neither looking to the right nor ttie tell tor assistance. Firt at Charlottes. i vw Dr. M. II. Taylor'a Tan Yard, ono'of tho Urge.t in this State'th&Luaa cviuautuud by fir on Tucadn)- hlgfif. Ix)ea, $25,000; msaranco', $15,000. SnjipoHt-d to bo the work of nn incoudiarjk. ' r" " - ' $Th la reported hero that Hon. John A. Uilmore, is offering from the effects of a stroke of paralysis, bjr wliKtyi lie was attacked a few days sinci. Wo trust the report is uot true. Cundidutf far Ikt next I'rutJency. Tli N. Y. Uerald indulges in a spooulation as to the probable candidates for the next Presi.k-ncy. Ttailical nom inee, it thinks, either Chsse or Butler most pro bably Chase. Grant will be the Conservative can didate, and McClellan the Democratic, though it thinks this nomination tuay be compneeted by Gen Sherman's name. o , I OUR REDEMPTION 13 IN WORK. I Under this caption the Rii luii'imt Whig gives u terance to a few very truthful and practical ro msrks in regin-d to public ulTtirs and the relation which the Soathern people should bear to them, We ndopt llietii, and give them in lieu of our own thoughts on the same suiiject. Says that paper, it is gratifying to know that' the Southern people have ceased to regard political subjects with interest They liave at last become convinced that their true interest lies in another quarter. Wed had it beeu tor them if they bad learned this lesion sooner, and bad given up to industrial pursuits and the develop ment of their manifold resourties the time they de voted to'polihcs. It is not by voting or by repre sentation in Congress that their losses are to be re iiHirc.l : iKjr is it tin active narticiiiation in nolitical hfbiirs ilmt ttie recovery o! their lost franchises is t(o be In ought about. Not of their own will or nio iion, but Ht the instigation of thoe high in author ity, the Southern people have twice ap)eare'il upon the .olitical an-iia since thi-ir sot jiigntion was effect. ei. They held elections lor uieiuhers of Congress, mid fent thoe ch.sen tn ashrngton to be ready to take their siuts in ca.e I hey should be recogniz ed. This was their lirst political movement. Their e.iinl was lo send repiesentalHe to the I'hihdcl- i'ina (.'iiiiveii'ion. Uoth ol these moveiiieiits were inaiic ill enmphance with Miggcstioiis that ein.inat eil fi.iiti inft'ienMul -nuarters, and tlie'sst may almost be iiid to have U-en ngiiii.st the judgment ol the South. These iiioveincnts. tlion-'li well intended, have been bairen ol benefit to tin- South. Worse than rtitthi7'tiare--feeeH-"fr'd.rf L They Iavv iii(l.tnied'fie passions of the North to a white bent, and have nut it iti the "power ot ihe Reifeals ftia. that the South ts grasping at political power and is scekine to form combinations lo crusli ttie uominant Northern party. Let ns be admonished by these result to prudetioe in future. We leel and know that we have rights under the Constitution. They are denied. We do not intend to losdbsight ol them ; but all the hostile elements that exist in the North have combined to deprive us of them at the present moment, and it is useless, worse than use less, lot us to engage in a contest for their recove ry. There are liiends in the North who would aid rrs in imch a struggltrif they conM - but they can not. ' They are outnumbered and overwhelmed in all their, contests. One ot these coutests recently oecuried in the tour Slates of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. Our 'participation in the Phil adelphia Convention made us a party to that con test, and subiected us to the resentment and re vene of the victors. Another contest will soon lake i.lace in twelve other Statea to whicb we will I '.-n I tr ti.u . . . ! . iMV..! I'.rm t.. riot ami incenso tU-in r';w.f.t their i".r-rm-r mastery nJ it it our bnt imw thut tltc'ro lis not been a rajo, murder or ar -I on committed in tho cour;tjr, during all the c'.tuli of sntlir.rifjr and deinoraiiEstiou uWqnent to tbo surronder wf tho C n federate frcca, . v-Ji . True we have had somo fires hero that are believed to have been the work of incendiaries, but of thfa fact there la no positive evidence. h . Tlie Ilalelgh J&ntinel, epeftklng of neighborhoods where lawlessness, crime end disorder hare tmrrailed hrTtmsiter- able extent, recommends tho organiza tion of local police, not to supersede, but to act in co operation with tho luw and us ouicers. ... We iloabt the propriety of such or ganizations, but it is evident, that inticli depends upon the promptness and vigi lance of the law otHcers-rMagistrates Let conservators of the peace see to it that all violatious of the law is punuiJi- ed, and that to tho fullest extent, and the many evils now complained of will ecose. Salisbury Daily Banner'. ' I , ' .--. . t -. v ' ! . s. . i , i l.-r S-iiui-.', it i.i S . i.'uty id 'ir gov i iiiiu'tit l i c v" -'" t'" lllliti wl.U 18 ll.U J'ltxtJtit HCtivo I. tail id 'tle liberal pfirty, mid Jmina is dually tiiat mail." ' ..dm .!. V. N. tlivftd' Jlctirv A. Wisf. 'i h,lk, 'it., it Im. ilii'd last m fi k. Sitld. The old prison lot, known as the old factory lot, was sold by authority of the Lnited Stater, on jes'erd iy, In front of t lie Boyden llonae, for sixtt-en hundred dollars. Ti e lot comprises just hfteot) acres and was bid off by II. I Helper, Esq Banner of Friday. MAKftlKD: On Hi Hih October, by E. E. ITiilier, Eq ilr. Gtoaoi W, Eanxm art and Mi Ci.uoaH FmufcH, all ol this County. AU, on ihe 2tith, by the same,! air. iii.AirKi and iliss I.t'Kt Jumr, ilaujti ter of Mr. alartin Joary, fit this oouuty, ; r. : 0 r A (Sool Have. -At tho superior court of New Hanover, m buturilay laf, cays tho Wilmiiitou JJisjkitch, tne grand jn- rj retnrncu a memorial, wiHi.a request mat ma iionor, Jndife Morrlinon. wotiia endorse it favorably, arkin the leglela t tiro to establish a speciMl court wills Criminal jurisdiction lor lb cl' j uf Wil- niltigipn, ji g u.Mior smU liu would en- dorse tm inomorlul f.ivorublv wtih Dloaa tiro. We vrunt j'iet siicii a court In lUh ijfli U rW iHrtn-ktrtir-W-ilre-aapeTT'f anu eoiuitr courts id a mas of trivial eas es, and to save the c unity in icli expense in feeding priMxior en lined f(r trivial "ffencte. Wo trust it will be Im-ked af ter by oor rvprcroniatives. Hal. Jrog resi. rpLincALsQUins. A fi-idichl lutpor aa the l iyal.sts re- iroseut the principle of tin- -'iul rijrlit of all men in social n l polric a! hborty,' liow much law, at the ii-tial price of the article, would it fuke t m.iko that fel low soii illy tniul to anytliin but him self! " " " - Maximilian sars a "tnu II-ipsbnrg" never degiirts bis ti hI in the hour of dan er. WeJI, the lute I'l U-siHtl war shows j'm'ngCounlii-s in the (lid North State, (whirl,, as that if I.e. .I. s.i't duaert it, be is ant to gel , . ' ' e , ' C' ' .0H,, ' ". u'rl" ,!u" ItllSWU I. Ill Ol I'. Brown Are now receiving and op-ii'nj; in Thn. H Uniwu'a new and elejraul atore room, a Uftje and batiuMime atock of DRY GOODS. ,s . .... , - w l,r nil died: la lliM I.., ib 9lib liial'., of HiiherB, Jka rhif.r. only . of Col. J.a A.aud Mn. V. Brad shaw, (! )..r mhI 19 lf. -- - Aallha nulr miA, llila I lihrl uf ifii M Vriiaril H' eeliarly dnarto ht prun and mim A ilia rr- Biforili Uiuily clu-lrrrJ r u.irt hiin wtilitmdi stT'etion. Art4ri.ini lemirrsiiieul, m.J Mmnel!" will, llHiuch Ut child, ha pwmi.d well nark-d ' slt les of eharneter, (inug und rrouud Ua Ium Umi with chrniion nurture )m auu'd br um-(hI und tnrtur ntial lu his ferriiiliin. Rut und. r tlir in-riui.L' itiHiril- auliou of a wian I'n.vitlraee, ! Nri.la rturn iheo hi.p of earthly wMruiMM nS influrc f.iLwii, J eunient tu Us. aiiril, and wiih i.H.hK' lu reciti iha ehennd 'itinb ihrlr l.ule Ik-a afely irp.ui iu lea buamn uf Ilia Sl.e.brJ i It North Plate f.mtt copy. elecitj by one of this oMtl buyer in (bit part of life State. Foi Ladies' Wear the latest and most fadiiuuabk SHESS SGODS. Dr. EDWARD SILL, Commission Merchant, T)KC3 I) I COLUMBIA, S. C, TO INFORM his manv old FriemN in Rowan, Cabarrus, Iredell. Davie and the aJ. Shawls, Cloaks, naliiwrnla, Hoopskirts, i'lintiet and Hats, Kiiibioderies, ' Hdk'a. Houiories, Gloves, Shoe, dcc, cVc, 'Frmn Washington. V Washington, NviV. l.! Secretary Sew.rd, wunj bjajfeuij e gone lo tathe remain f his daughter i AHi'urn. will be more apt to obtain assistance in this way than in any tHher. Eschewing politics and ppbti ciens, krt us devote all our thoughts and all our en ergies to our industrial redemption. With enough to eat and wear with lands to till and bouses to dwell in Wis can live without politics, without voting, without representation. .Let us try to de velop our resources and acquirejrealth. Wealth is power, aud will make itself fclt in every relation ..1 I. L' , , - n- In t . .r u. will Ka amioht (7r ilia. (ramdiisernent and 'ostracism cannot long continue in a jsountry whose boest is Ireedora. "To our friends in the North we are grateful for their good wishes. We believe they would help us if they could. Tliey cannot, aud we only injure ourselves by endeavoring to help them. . General Quitt.--Our city was never more quiet and peaceable, There is a total absence of the many, eorioua viola tions of law and good order from which portions of our State have Buffered, and with which the North seems to be spe cially cursed. Our people have more important matters which demand their timgaBdattenrionlhey ifre ttreggling for anTTdnesITIveMdod," tiictXnaeT the 0tfA-pHxsttrii of 'frrti iey thccar; citT of moner. and the ffencTal poverty tli..fr ounrrripo 1 1", is of tllO Huu give mem uo tune io muuigv THE CONFEDERATE CAUSJJ NOr lAjar. General Wise, of .Virginia, jn a recent speech ut W uidna'cr, m dedication of the "Stonewall Cemt-ttrj" in ide n'oo vf the tolbiwing, whicp, alihoug'i encuxttd in much of tiie (ieticr.ils iieuul xtrava gant talk, conveys ft truth which lias. never before been publicly promulgated that wc arc aware of : Hie cause which Stonewall Jackson fought for and did for is maligned by railing it a lost caus. If lost, that cause wan tal.-e; it true, it was tint lost. It was not font. W victories Could w in a causr. then the Confederate cause wjig won." Hero is an important irnili in fact llio moral of the war, as touching oiip MjK'jd. It might vietindly be claitiit'il that c achieved Iho liysical triutiijili in the struggle. 1'ut ve n. oil not, should not depend on that lot bio i-sue. Aliovi and before n', the eainie f t!i South was one of moral rig'if, bated on an al eol.ute legal c-ontraci. Ttte Smith assorted and " liitTlled' f 'T truth, bnniir, honesty of tutentio'i an I a.s lion. Thoue high motives, which alone nerved the Southern aim wore but tin better instincts and Fentiments of nil mankind, not outy Hppertaitjing to South erners which have ever existed and will always exist in defiance of sword, bayo net, or law. Although they tuny meet with more or less success at different epochs in tho history of mon, it is absurd j to snppoio that they can be I s' ; ihev are like the situ which is oft obscured by a cloud, but which alwara remnins the centre of light, of illumination. Hence, as Gov. Wise remarks, it U untrue to call our assertion of truth Wild right a "Lost Vaiise;" it is as Wll a '.contradiction in ter iHaol'-ottr inertn'isr orvietiori- for Tetincec, bv dicfi anchiMiig civ lit i thotis'iiid i f tier citizens, obtained ndm s- sion into he, Union, l'loportioiiately to the extent of llie'r rebellion, tno other States can havo representatives in Gn gress by allowing New Eug'and to elect them. At, ap;randJidichl procession a ban ner whs carriffd with the inscription 'We nave no 'ear or nogio eijnainy! 1 1 1 cy needn't fear f' ; but may not tno negro fear their eq ialiiy ? U-idii-nl iNoito n,t a Iladiciil' procession iu Citiwinnaii : "There nniKt ou a boll for traitors." The inimls of thefoliadi- cuts run very much un be I ! ' ' Tlio Ciiiclnnati Coinmen-iul sat 8 -the Constitutional aiiiumlniciit is not I lie U.hI- i ical plan.. Mo, it is only oiio of thin. There is no single iniijuity gtea oi.ougb to satiety ail 1 1. e'V wfckoTiinsn ; but ih .l goes prytty far tu their ditection. The Unire I Statop, it U ieiorte.l, -is' bargaining fir an inland in( fie M'jtlitcr fane in. Wtll, wo lia e as imieli- right (o ii an European nat oils have ti isla'idt Hi th 1 gulf ul M ..:co, and on our co.ts. "A Yankee name, John Loper, being iiskid bv colored in'au to whom lie owed a debt to liquidate, did it liy t' r w trig him overhoai'd and diowni ig li'in. A true phihtnfhropui. Tho Io6ton Transcript (intense radical paper,) s-iyk "Wendell l'hij.lipa' coursb toWarus 1 reaideut Lincoln, aud bis re oent coquetry with the eight hour move meut, have lost him the letjit'Ct of mauy inouus, ilreadlully sciHiigiNt by the caiallles l the l.iti I . L i . . war. nj win oe inippy io servo ilieui in tl-.e uijwiri ly of a Commission Merchant, in thrf SnU- ol nny I cotiitnountes wuatever, silcli as Monr, Uitooa l.aa f .. , I,. '.. .' n. . miner, uini, iikkv, Uoiton lain, lYjUaeco, Ve. w hich they may be pleaded to entrust to his cue, Any information as to I he stale ol the in.nket. either in selling or buying, will Iw proinpilv ami clieerjully given. fcDW AKU tI I.L. Columbia, Oct. 23, 1800. Gt Ti NOTICE. HE NOTES AVI) ACCOUNTS fi' M. sera MeNeely A Yfung, and T. C. McNei ll A A. L. Young. h'e been placid Hi Our ban Is f .r collection. Turtle liidebltsl, will pica".' eul upon .Mr. Hniler arid settle. ltOYDEN d- ItAILEY. Al(irin . Oct. 12, 160a, 6 d 107 w2m WESTBROOK ! CO FOR CENTS. WEAR we have a splendid uvirtmont of Cloths, Cat. ainerea, Jeans, Satimila, vary larg and tUutul slock of Rcdy Mado Clothing, Hats and Caps, and a very choice stock of BOOTS AND SHOES. In a ldition wu have a cood stock of GROCERIES, Crockery, Sold Lenther. balf and Lining Skins'. V,k)I and Oil Carpels, Tiunki apd Valiaca, Ac. It it uurdcU-riniiialiou to sell our goods for CASH OR BARTER, and as low a they can be bought in Western iXurtlr Lurolina. a - We invite Wholesale and Ilolail buyers lb give ns a call before puichn.sing elsewhere, as we are dep.ruiined to kUI, and all we want is a trial. All orders from a distance promptly atend- ed to. Salisbury, N. C, Oct. 6, 1806. dIm-104 COUUT WEEK. YoB'erdiiy was occupied with the Crlm Inal Docket. Several minor cases were disposed of. Tbo State vs. John Stowe, for stealing mules, created the most in, terost. The prisoner was ablv defended Lby Gen.' Uarringerand A. C. 'Williamson, and Air. Solicitor Uald well assisted by Gov. Vance. The mules were stolen fr an the stable of Gn. J. A.NYenng on the night f( the 19th of last April, and woie seen in- tli ueigtiborlioou of Jieattie s Purd tho next morning; tho 20th, in pe sessioh of the defendant. After a vigor ous defense, the jury retired and soon re turned a. verdict ot guilty. . Tuo Judge sentenced the prifouer to 39 lashes, and to be discharged upon payment of costs, lie had already Uen irt jail s x months. The day was bPantifnl and a c nsidera ble nnmber of peraons were in town; Wo learned in conversation wit', the planters from various sections tljat ample prep arations are making tor reeding a lull crop of whear. The corn crop is Ujng hoticod and is turning out much better than was anticipated. I has done moelf -for tlte "clwftaiea," ly by enabling it to bo picked out clean aweHn" good - cwndition. - -No inncVHfcw 1 1 , . j Mr. Botry. th aeV Commiio . "w'eBanet, even were it a prooiepoamon lairs, assumed the dulie of kit ofBce (o-day. Senator1 Wright, of New Jersey, died at New k tbia aoorning. From Cuha. ' . ""feVTolCKdTlT Tbe steamship Eagle, with Havana dales to 27lb, has arrived, with welbauthfcoticated mors of Jbe laoding, the past Week, o- ar Io r sod Cardenas, of a cargo of negroes. The Pernor General seat officers lo investigat''tbe ttw. ,- . " . ; Tie government ag-nt to boy two of tie U. (. tors rrirej by ibe faffs. on the part of onr people to do au, liowan county baa bven fortunate, in having, had no capital offense committed within her borders, during a long period wufu Lbe cbai-ged aiid unset iTed coiiditiou of aociety teemed to- license violeaso and give countenance to crime. Whe&v the negro population waa torued loose opon the commtnitj lieedloss and onad vised with respect to tbe r'dutTci required of ihein under tbe law, it was. natural that w A Girdle oj Steam Around the World. A Ph l.nlelphia paper calls nttviiilioti to tho fact that the beginning of the new year will witness the inauguration uf nn broken steam .communication around the globe, to bo thenceforth prosecuted as regularly as tho arrival and departure of rjiiropeai eitunsm pa aixnir wimrtg. i lie s'eatusbip Henry Cliatiucey will sail on tho 11th of December forv the li'thmua; will connect there with the Golden City for Sah Fraticidco : and from Sxu Fran cisco, on the ti rot day of January, the bteuniship Colorado, will sail for Yokoha ma, in Japan, and Hong Kong, in Cninn. If, arrived .Alike iatter port, tho passen gef wishes still to journey westward he can proceed by tho boats of the l'etiinau Jar'and, Oriental Company t liombay, aud onward tbroiigh tlie Ued eea to the Isthmus o Suez, wliich, cro.se I by rati, conduct to tbe Biiu'sli lino of Mid iter- ratieau steamers touebintr at -Malta and Gibraltar, aud arrive in KntJyiiti a few hours ot railway will enable to take passage in one of a d 'Uon lino of steamships f6(r this country, the mij puoed point of ilejrartule. -. . . ,l,,, At a towiriametil held latoly iti Tne cuttibiN, Aa., the prize, u pair ot silver stars, was awarded to a competitor who hid tieeii a reateral othcer, (ieneral i?or root beingbne i f the judges. The victor as soon as bo had teceivid tlie prize, n lionnccd that Jt was offered in a pr sent to rite- Association for the' Sepulchre of The clear dry fall ! Confederate-dead. This act wiis highly JWOULD Respectfully call the sllenlion of Kru.it Qfmvers to their l:ii j;e and well selected stuck of FRUIT TREES, GRAPE VINES, &C. TO THE 1 ' i FA RII1ERS O Ii ITIIK UN Uaunlilv von ma v wish toouv fc j j , r IV wi.'TnnnAL- a..;. i.. r.t... Nurseries, has had fourteen years extierieiice in the I U it a lato " West-Onn Nurseries," ami is fully prepared lo give ample witislitction to purchasers. -iT -send for a Catalogue. , Address, WUSTDP.OllIC Si Co., 34:2: Orefnabarongh, A. C. PERUVIAN GUANO, BLUM'S For 1807, For SALE at the BOOK SffORE, by J. K. Ut IIKE, Oct 20, (34tfj The thnli-SWUr., 400 BUSHELS SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, HONE DUST, - X AMMONI I'lIOSriIATE, V HOSril ATE PERU V. QUANO, LIME, RED CLOVER SEED. Willi proper application of the above to wheat... Lands yuu can reasonably expect next August $3 lor every $1 you now invest in these Kertilizers. Ivki-eombe; County, in 1804, used over 1200 tons Giiaiio tliis Fiiirit'witl ''galhef'WmSTl!;000'' Ifciles Lotion. StialUtowan, make oO,UOUi Jibls. Flour lur the market next Summer ? Tarlwro' 'S.rCTKSSII, 18C6. Mwsasi E. Nt IJtJToftiKsow ACo., - 1 nave just recervea an order irom oee ot our A rpHERE will bo sold on the premise of the anh- X scriber, on Hie first day of November next, 400 Uvrmers. who used .10 tons Faeifla Guano' on Cot. ousnws goou corn, aisu, a iiumuer or uogs, jows, ton last .Spriiiff for 15 Tons for wheat this Fall. 1 ours, dec, Sltecp, and other, property. .'..Oct 18,Il8CC ' - 42:3t J.CRIM, Corn, &c, For Sale, A T tli same time and place of Revr J, Oi im's IX. sale, to wit: at Ins residence on the lirst dav of November-' will be Sold Two Hundred Bushels of CORN, 18 pr 20 busliels WHEAT, and a quan tify of &rgtitn'i-'propTty of the beiiw f Alfred A. him KMiller. v. MlLLKlt, unardian. out 29. It ad R. NORFLEET. Ajrent. K If YE HUTCHISON At CO., Cowan'a Brick Row, .. Salisbury, N. C. Sept. 21, Ca ; . dw2m. REMOVAL. GBAWOIID &BBO J . ....... . v-j ; LAND FOR SALE! OFFER FOR SALE 300 ACRES OF Land, within two miles of Salisbury, located on the left hand side of the N C. R. R., i lending to the Yadkin river, w f.l.. l-4 t ... . d w jjiiroiijr kuuu iniiu anowu as jian tho Spring Hill Tract. llICHAEL -DROWN, Agt Oct. 13, 1866. lmd-108 NEW STOCK UF FALL AND WINTER GOODS. of ID! Tho lisfon piper complain- that "the! II Hub is infesterf witu FtrolTii g women been inado in this section, but what there ,,,, .,iMMI : ,,u;pa j,Mtua i., . ;.....,.! to the eii.irajaaMair.y and viciuitv. ;. i. -r' .I... I,.... I;,.. ' 'Z 7. T . f : X '. . . rtJr'V7e. i n..r....t. UOJt l"Wy'Mlrlott and the other collcctMicr moceV from .the and the bstited' State. V! sneonies who a'co t liatii. The bf izeu . - IT a 1 . GItOVE.STEi: &, CO; Mexico publish elsewhere from the JNow 1 ork msies visit iho business tif et--, and by Post, an article on the present condition sheer f rre ot i jTr m'ery hticceod .-d in ol.- nu pnTjiKiis ei iui Aiw. " a'-! j laiiung cousiouraoie aiims oi money.- i tied to find ii stated, semi officially, that . . r ,. . V - , ,i . .i i An txprea train earr ed . the twenty wnaieveriiiay " .o ... . .-'Hwr - ,.-.. f fi,ttf-M .f()rill ,1, nP , . Turn naxoa ta w.-w a a I ' ' .... bet Imv r-MDeelfuny to nnlirv oor erolomr. and th trid Bmerny, that w huve mnorU from oar rMtnl jAwtm butne, Ocwan' BHrk Row. la more emmndiotj stnH rth trmif Kvtt premlwis Min Plrrrt, COTHIC FrTOWT. vherv w are prrpavetl to vxhittit tk Full Stock Of Staple and Fanry Goods CunstrtJnr of - r Di'Caa floods, Jjleeched tfe Dtown Sheetinr; . -I!rillinr. Wbfl On.l mzzmR&rt. md i ' onw inri January L. 18(J. Ciud-tt w Caps, lilasa X . - ". , Uroctery Ware. ke. Piano Forte manufacturers, :ir.a:.w,B,ttw,"""rt", je II A S7 B sgngf fe .tbewrylye tn the pMctu-e o! Ul'ffElTrCfffri'mnS ttWi'T TKeir jifjleS.iolial .i i k i i 449 Bridwiy. Neva Yuri. . ii.ilwiiiri.te -A lliilriu iinit..u v Tt iimIm. TIim G.rMD,. tl rttlmrf Hr Yrk. eWil.-lvki.. Hlt.m.rr .r.U Otutes rccogrraes "ine i.i-ociai puveriiioeni ' , , , .'"'i; i.. I a; fhf tit Ol S-IJ1 . 1 rti ITI hirtlware ad Cutlery, wliolc--moiiiit was p na in silver. It WHSjBcnvk scxvkssivi tkakor in. .... There" ' ff" : hiaded bv tho tuuand took tweiHv men - '.II !gg.g 'ST'Tf H,r- r a! aniiiArif B a Iiiiiit riiiatiru rumnni inaiiA . ir . . .1... six days to count it. Kn c iatheiixoil piirpfs fhiar.Ha: It.rLa. tii'idin W4aaara Viva .a. U. liiri 'I:. a .1 IT I . . .. . it. -a . I DIA U o w 1 v V' ' t - HD.It'L'Jrt rv i . ' . ... i py tne waa...gion v"-mcs c. .. - tl,irty BOn,1irrtiei a,.CyU1 SSS eTLT' TV ! ALL 1 H- NOTES . ACCOUNTS Won is then I el iiirifa ot ine nornmisira ' . , . . - pmw f.waa. o.ietitiw t anaicariii tH-. fc. - , a. .. II.1l.llM I1IC ll'II. ., liMtalnnMllria llui k la Ik.. .r Int tion. "At present, Juarez n i.-ieoni-y re , "cua. . af' 1 eozniaed hoad of that government. But Four hundred and thirty Ciiformaj : - sJ.Wld fee! main an,.ral.cnsion forthoi nevarthelesa, it is true that opon inyer- wild hoVes hav arrived at Denver. Uload UfUers for a'e at this OitKV. ing h tt o Or.varm tVfBa and Much is mv hnd fr to!iciiiui anil aJJ ptnte indebted la Iha &ria will plaa rail e me, l my nffiev, and art. ii xtKEat.4Cai.Mrn, , l Jr' ll.k. t '; l.vw I " i1 -!-' I'! . i ,1 ... . J '1! ' - I . ' .1. - " a - - . i ": -".""!'-- '''"'Tr'T'.