poiocr-of Conscience. A few wince, two letters were de nted in tbe post-office of this . ..ddrnssed to the partners "c firm which recently trans- ,,c,l business at omiuineK!, s.l!.,nt(in con nt v, but a dissblu- (in- 0f which has subsequently liC,i place, un opening tueui 'h envelope was found to ,,ltJ WIHKIIU 11 HWlli UJlllllil- Lr why 1,10 enclosure or from ;nl it came. There is littlo jjjubt however, out mat it pro- trotn some individual who ... nit uciiiiuuuu uiu linn iook i, iiietnou ui matting restitu- i . i r i llamgli Reg. firf. The store of W. W. cUHl;n;i UT Gates coun- ftj,h its content?, valued at gesefvA thousand dollars, was entity consumed by fire a few weeks since. There is no j abi of its having been the work if anincendiary. ib. ,jr row Europe. toy the ships President at New-York, and Nimrod 8t Charleston, we have Liverpool dates to the ISth June. We regret to find that the Cottou market was still in a depressed slate. Mr. McLane, late Minister at London, and now Secretary of the Treasury, returned with his family in the President. POLAND. The Poles and they now absorb the main interest of all European arrivals are still no blv hc'mg their foes. The movement of Skrzyneoki, which pd to the bloodv hat tin nf Os. trolenka, appears to have suc ceeded in its main object, that of Hiving support and virror to ... t 1 O the insurrectionary movements in Till hunm.'i. nn riflvantixm riit too dflirlv n:iid nprhnncs hv t ! r loss sustained by the Poles in that battle. On the very day of the combat at Ostrolenka, Gen. Chhinnivski in I .il linnniri obtained a victory over a Rus sian corps opposed to him. The head nu:irtr nf ttin Pnlitdi - j v . . ' vi j i UlVy 1 UllCii armv were at P divWInd only bv the Vistulaefrom War saw, with which a bridge con nects U. lien. Hie hifsr- i tno not seem to ha Ve m.'i dp ntiv fr- ward movements since the 25th of May. The Poles 100,'000 ni'-n, tunceniratea at 1'raga, de termined to save VV arsaw. or perish in the attempt. ine London Courier gives the following important article, on the authority of a respecta ble house in the city: iPlfnrs firm Tilsit mention that the Rus sians, under Gen. Sackcn, have been comnlntohr u i driven into Prussia. Great ap prehensions were entertained that the cholera would be intro- uucec into the Prussian territo ry by this corps of Russians. A It lkClin - I 1 "o,u voionei has arrived ajUarabunow with the military The main body of the Russian armv 3ii directing ru . .i Pole T l 1UM0Wen r)y inc aiio insurrection gains ground: and rh ; toi beaten and m.i ..u I ,uuil-ij vuuui I an- , ' a,Ki again at Garstin. insurrection i ... nib uroKcn out in l odohaand Kif)VV. T FRAISCE. in v r.nipo .. i-.r ti , WVj e)eomon 10 e Levant, to act in conjunc- 011 with the British expedition, seriously talked of. Paris atl again been disturbed by mmotions, which large bodies "Mho police and military were ecessary to suppress. Aeon dcrable fall n Ut livrl ,?nda. caused doubt! V, 1,f lurbance, had occur , cquale cause ia a? r " u"ouutedIy much rest . PORTUGAL. worse oil than ever. Advicos 'I'o 4.h June from LhS '"form us iiot tle French R rr;rd reprisais npiured seventeen sail of vea Sunder the Portuguese fta. In lielnriiim no. . bcn made to a settlement of and French Ambassadorshad left Brussels, an infallible sin tat the Congress had refused to comply with the terms which the Conference Of London had dictated; ITALY. Executions of the Italian pa triots had commenced at Mode na. The noble victims Manot ti and Borelli, (a barrister,) were hanged on the 2Glh May More than 1000 persons have been arrests! ntwl Jnno , Mini JUUWj IX least, are to be handed over to me courts. ENGLAND. ' j Pari lament Mint nn ttio Uli X-IIU June. It was opened by com-i M,,aaiu ms .uajesty not havin thought fit to appear in nersnr? Mr. Manners Suttnn. wn f- the sixth time, elected Speaker of the House of Commons, and his election was annmrofl hr i.i- majesty. No business of any importance had been taken up, as late as the 17th, nor was it expected much would be trans acted, with the exception of the Reform Bill. j We regret to learnt as we do from the London Journal, that an order for 200,000 muskets for the Russians, had been tak en up by the consent of the go vernment in England, and that a part of this supply had actual ly been furnished from the 'Power! SCOTLAND. The Glasgow Chronicle states that the emigration from the Highlands this year is unprece dented. . From three parishes in Argyleshire there were about 2000 souls preparing to embark for America, and from Islay 1000. It was generally suppo sed that there would not be a sufficiency of shipping to take out all this season. IRELAND. The Attorney General for Ireland had given notice that the prosecution against Mr. Daniel O'Connell and others had been 'dropped, in conse quence of the expiration of an Act of Parliament under which it was instituted, by tdie sudden dissolution of the Parliament. Ireland is in a shocking state with no prospect of relief. The Dublin Evening Post says: There are not fewer than 150, 000 men, women, and children, in a state of actual starvation in the county of Mayo. This, we beg leave to say, is no exagge rated statement. A census has been taken of the parishes and townlands by competent and trustworthy persons, who cat) depose on oath, if necessary, to the accuracy of the returns. We have seen the frightful list in the hands of a ffcntleman, himself a i.nifiorl nrnnrietnr. and one of the most active and intelligent of the deputation now in Dub lin, Sir Francis Blosse. There is, therefore, no exaggeration. Famine, in the horrible and strict sense of the term, is de vouring in a part of the coun try alone, a population of 150, 090 human creatures. LATER STILL. The packet ship De Rham, nt-Nevv V rk from Havre, furnbhes Paris Papers to the 20th June. Hostilities n!,?u re"?Smenced between the UiUch and Belgians. And- The Journal du Havre of the -1st June says: "We learn by the way of Berlin, that Die p.itsch is no lunger commander n chief of the Russian army, laskewitch having taken his Place. And we are also infor- V.,a Ber,in' that lhe corps ot fcachen and Kerutz hag re ceived a complete check in the 1 alatinate of Augustowa. jETKlder G. Gunter is, by ap pointment, to preach at the old meeting-house in Tarborough, on Satur day, the 3d of September; the 4th, at Lawrence's meeting-house; 5th, at Shell Bank Com. MARRIED, In Halifax county, on Tuesday evening last,, by William R. Smith, Esq. Maj. Whilmcl II. Anthony to Miss Churity Barnes. DIED, In this county, on Sunday morning last, of tyt)hus fl'VPr. nu-l oU.t in years, Joseph Ward, only child of AT no I, fir 4 i'lia. vuuri()ue ward. In Halifax, on Saturday, the 30th ult. after a short hut severe illness, Mrs. Martha E 7) John R. J. Daniel, Esq. Price Current At Tarboro Norfolk b New-York. AUG. 2. Bacon, Beeswax, -Brandy, apple Coffee, -Corn, Cotton, Cotton buging Flour, supf. -Iron. Lard, - -Molasses, -Sugar, brown, per Jar'o. .Yor'tr. JV. Y'k lb 7 h 7 8 9 11 -r 20 25 20 21 19 21 all 60 80 56 60 37 43 lb 16 20 11 13 10 12 bu'l 40 45 62 64 62 65 lb 7h 7$ 7h 9 8 10 J'd 20 25 is 20 bbl S5 51 S4J 55 51 lb 5 6 4.J 5 4 6 7 S 9 10 9 10 gall 40 45 24 30 22 27 lb 10 U' 6 7 5 9 bu'l 80 100 50 56 46 48 70 80 90 93 gall 40 50 34 36 31 33 Salt, Turks I. Wheat, -VVhiskej, - rjHP publishers of the Saturday Courier grateful for the liberal patronage they have received, and anxious to improve, as far as the' pos sibly can, the character of American literature offer the following premium: ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS to the writer of the best Original Tale, prepared for the Saturday Cou rier, and presented under the follow ing restrictions and regulations. All Tales intended to compete for this premium, must be addressed to Woodward & Spragg, Philadelphia, free of postage, on or before the 1st day oi December, 1 S3 1 . Accompanying each Tale the wri ter must furnish his or her name, and address, in a separate sealed envelope, which will not be opened except in the case of the successful competitor. Early in December the Tales pre sented will be submitted to a commit tee consisting of the following gen tlemen, viz: David Paul Brown, Wm. M. Meredith, John Musgrave, Richard Penn Smith, Morton McMi chael, and Charles Alexander, Esqrs. who will award prior to the 1st of January, 1832. As soon as the award shall be de termined, public information of the same will be given, and immediately thereafter the successful candidate may draw upon the publishers for the amount of the premium. Ths publication of the Tales will be commenced in January, 1S32, and continued at the discretion of the publishers. k Competitors for the premium are requested to use care in the prepara tion of their manuscripts, as it is very desirable that illegibility may be a-, voided. ; The Saturday Courier is published by " Woodward & Spragg,- No. 112 Chesnut-street, Philadelphia, at $2 per annum, half yearly in advance. July 12, 1S31. " , mHE Subscriber has purchased from A jyir S L. Hart, negro man Advertised in this paper as a runa wayand hereby gives notice, that if said runaway will surrender him self he can either go to work for me, or I will give him a permit to seek an- other MIES ELUNOn. April 9, 1SS1. 31 Land for Sale. nHE Subscriber, intending to re - move further South in the fall, offers for sale the Plantation on which he resides, consisting of SOO ACHZ2S9 Lying in the fork of White, Oak Swamp, about 19 miles from Tarbo rough, on the stage-road leading to Fayetteville. On the premises are several buildings about 175 acres of the land is cleared, producing good crops of cotton, corn, &c. It is a high, healthy situation, possessing an excellent and extensive range for stock. The Subscriber will take young Negroes, in payment for the land or, he will give a credit on part of the purchase, money, if requi red. The terms will be liberal. IVILLIAM KNIGHT. Aug. 1, 1S31. 50 Summer (Boons, AT THE CHEAP jYEJV 03 Opposite Mrs. Gregory's Hotel, Formerly occupied BY BELL & JOYNER. HAVE NOW OPENED Their assortment of desirable Which tor variety is not surpassed In Tarborough) And for CHEAPNESS has not been equalled in North-Carolina. Amongst their assortment will he found Rich 4-4 printed Muslin, an elegant arti cle for Ladles' summer dresses, Adelaide Elegantine, a new article, Adrianople de Persia, Crape d'Orleans and Crape de Lisse, French mandarines, Gauze de brocade, Gro de Portuguese and Gro de Berlin, Italian Lustring, Calicoes, most of a new style, some at 9 and 10 cents per yard, Belgium, English and French Ginghams, in great variety, extra cheap, Ladies Bolivar Leghorns and Straw Bon nets, extraordinary cheap, Ladies work baskets, very cheap, Rich Italian and Parisian neck shawls and scarfs, Extra rich belts, in endless variety, Thread andbobbinet Laces, extra low, Plain and tig'd book and Swiss muslins, a superb assortment, uncommonly cheap, Mull, medium, plain and check Jaconet mulins, extraordinary cheapr Bandanna and flag silk handkerchiefs, from 27 cents upwards, Extra super English Spitalfields hdkfs. a great bargain, Hosiery and gloves, very cheap, superb black Canton, rasnionable linen dnlline, Russia Janes, French bombazeen, Brown linen, London satin face drilling, French Rouen cassimere, Fawn col'd Orleans cord, Pittsburg cord and striped Janes, Black lastine. In great variety, a tonishin trlu ycheafi, for Gentle n s summer iv ear. Black Princetta, J Ladies and Gents SHOES, assorted wonderful low, Mink, beaver and roram HATS, Boys do. do. a great bargain, . Men's wool do. do. Broad cloths and super double mill'd cas si meres, extraordinary low, Bleach'd shirting, 8 and 9 cents, Best osnaburgs, 9 cents, Pepper and spice, 18 cents Shot, 6 cts. CUTLER Y, uucommonly cheap, CROCKERY GLJSS WARE, un precedentedly low, . - Freeborn PL OUGHS, spades, shovels, hoes, scythe blades, axes, &c. the greatest bargain ever known. RIFLES er G UJVS, flint and percus sion locks, at half what they are usual ly sold at in this section. With many other articles, which they of fer at the usual cheap rates. jyShipped middle of last month from New-York and daily expected, a few pieces fashionable plain Gro de Nap. which will be offer'd extra cheap. Also, momently expected on con signment, a supply of London TJaffle Blankets. To those who wish to lay in a supply for the ensuing winter, a favorable opportunity will then be afforded them of supplying themselves cheap!! WiirJ?SOM & CO. Return their sincere thanks to the ci tizens of Tarboro and Edgecombe county, for the flattering and very liberal encouragement they have ex perienced since they opened and beg leave to state, that every effort shall be used to please them, and to furnish them with goods as cheep, if not cheaper, than they can be found by retail in any part of the U. Slates. "Tarboro', 11th July, 1831. 47 pHE Subscriber takes this method of informing his friends and the public generally, that he hai just re turned from New-York with a splen did assortment of Well adapted to the Spring & Summer seasons, together with a large supply of Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery and Glas8ivare,&c. Which he is disposed to sell low for cash or barter. He will give tho highest market prices for COTTON, baled or seeded. ..Corn, beeswax, tal low, &c. in exchange for .goods at cish prices, or in payment of debts. Those wishing to purchase goods at low prices, would do well - to call on the Subscriber at the Post-office, one door below the store of R. & S. D. Cotten, and next door to Mrs. Gre gory's Hotel. N. II. ROUNTREE. Tarboro', May 2,1831. .1500 Bushels CORN, 20,000 lbs BACON, For Sale by EVANS ANDREWS. Sparta, N.C. 17 May, 1831. 40 MERCHANT TAILORS, T11SH to inform their friends and customers, that they have just received from New-York, a new and handsome assortment of Goods in their line of business, suitable for the season. ...such as.... Superfine blue and black cloths, Brown, olive and steel mixtures, An assortment of Casimeres, Bang-up cord suitable for riding panta loons, Plain black and fig'd velvets for vests, Plain black and fancy silks for do. Dark and light col'd valencias, Plain white and fig'd quiltings, Cotton flannel for draws and shirts, ' Patent suspenders, pocket handker chiefs, White and fancy cravats, black silk do. Buckskin gloves, cravat stiffeners. Together with a complete assortment or TRIMMINGS, all of which they are disposed to sell low. 03 Gentlemen's clothing made up at the shortest notice, and in the neatest and "most fashionable style. Tarboro', Oct. 13, 1830. Mrs. A. C.Hoivavdj TS now opening her spring supply of Goods, in her line of business, and respectfully solicits her customers and friends to call and examine them amongst her assortment will be found: Pattern Satin-straw, Silk, & Battcse bon nets, latest fashions, Diamond straw Dunstables, plain do. Children's dunstables and straw hats, Leghorn and straw bonnets, An assortment of Puffs and Curls, Gauze 2c barege scarfs & handkerchiefs, Brown and yellow barege, Bobinet caps, capes, veils, &c. Silks, satins, and florences, Straw and fancy flowers, A great variety of ribbons, &c. &c. Ladies' pelisses, cloaks, dresses, &c made to order, in the latest and most approved fashions. Leghorn and straw bonnets bleach ed, dyed, or trimmed. Tarborough,-May 5, 1 S3 1. List of Lqtters, Remaining in the Post-Ojjicc at Tarborough, on the 1st day of July, 1S31, which if not called for and taken out before the 1st. c day of October next, will be sent to the General Post-Office as dead letters. -Abington Pen'e Miss Mariner D B Barnes David McWilliams Geo Bell Marmaduke Mayo Cullen Bullock Orren- Owens Alphcus Barnes MalialaMrs Proctor-Jacob Brown NK Pitt J Barlow David Pender David Bryant James: Parker Archilus Biyan Dempsey Parker Ama'a Mi:;s Bembry Miles Randolph MH Mis Coffield Benjamin Staton Harvey Chacc Peter. Shurley Pen'a Miss Collins Patrick Sugg Reading Clerk of Sup'r Court StatonAlavana Miss Deanes Daniel 2 Sparkman John Gardner William Smith William Harper-stepnen lavage Adalme Miss Hohane Mrs Sessums Nathan Jenkins John ' Tison Louisa Miss Jones James Thigpen James King Augustus Vann Thomas . Lackey John Webb William Sr Lackey Nancy Whitley Jesse Little W Mrs Williams Robert Lee Wm C Esq Williams P E Miss 2 Marks Thos or H'y Wiggins Lawrence McKcnzie John Dr Wilson John Mathewson N Cl'k Williams NancyIrs Mayo Martha Mis 59 J. E. LLOYD, P. M.

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