From the Roanoke Advocate. TO AN ONLY FRIEND. Friend of my soul, before we part One tender tear is due, The offering of a grateful heart, That beats, alas! how true. Tho' tempests blow, and storms arise, And oceans roll between, Thy friendship fate and storm defies, Through this life's fitful scene. So true, so lasting and so pure, Like heaven's etherial ray, From fate and envy still secure, A friend, tho' far away. OH! may the blessed Powers above Protect both thee and thine; Then after this, in realms of bliss, May you forever shine. And when my wayward life is o'er, And death hath closed the scene, There, with my friend, may I adore Before the Throne Supreme. C. C. F. R. Gretna Green. STANZAS. By Mrs. Harriet Muzzy. Doubt, when radiant pearls are shining, Doubt, when clasping hands are twining, Doubt, when honied words are flowing, Doubt, when blushes warm are glowing, But never doubt that truth sincere That glistens in the starting tear. Doubt, when mirthful tones invite thee, Doubt, when gravest hopes delight thee, Doubt, whate'er is fondest, fairest, Doubt, whate'er is brightest, rarest, But never doubt that truth can live In hearts that suffer and forgive. The, Army. From the Re port of Gen. Macomb, comman der in chief of tho army, it ap pears that it numbers 546 com missioned officers, and 5642 non-commissioned officers and privates total 6,183. These are distribated at 43 stations. Durinsthe past year there were enlisted 1511, & 1251 deserted. The Pension List. The Re port from the Pension office states the number of Revolu tionary Pensioners on the rolls of the Department, on the 17th October, 1031, to be 11,376, and that of invalid pensioners to be 3,863 total 14,744. The amount of warrants issued du ring the year 1831, for the pay ment of revolutionary pension ers, is $1,005,632 78, and for invalid pensioners,S168,511 10 total $1,174,144 83. The number added to the list during the year is, of revolutionary pensioners 201, of invalid pen sioners 67 total 263. The number dropped from the list by death, and the operation of the act of March 3d, 1819, is, of revolutionary pensioners 375, of invalids 72 total 447. Census. The official returns of the United States, present the following results: White males, 5,358,759 do. females, 5,127,299 Mate Slaves, 1,014,353 Female Slaves, 996,284 Free Blacks, 359,567 Total number, 12,856,154 ?The following case we ,meet witn in the National In telligcncer: "lhe Legislature of Virgin passed a law in 1823, by whic ji was enacted that, tor certa offences, in addition tn nth punishments, free negroes an rouiattoes might be sold for slaves. A mulatto named Bat rIim was convicted of felony, and sold under the law. He passed into the hands of different mas ters, and was last purchased by a Mr. Slidele, in Tennessee. He filed his petition in a Circuit Court 0f tmt State, for a recog nition of his freedom, and the Court belt that he was entitled to i, as the section of the act in question was a violation not on- In of the bill of rights of Virgi - nia. but of that clause in the Constitution which prohibits the passage of bills Of attain der, &c. Kail Roads in Ncio- York.... Applications will be presentei to the next Legislature of New York for acts of incorporation for ticcntijive different Rail Roads, with an aggregate capi tal of forty-one millions of dollars! Canals. France in 200 years constructed 900 miles of cana England in 70 years, 2752 mi es and the United Stales, in 10 years, 2500 miles. Racing. The Charleston races take place on the 21st February, when the great match race, for $5,000 aside, between Col. W. R. Johnson's celebra ted mare Bonnets o' Blue and Col. Singleton s Clara IMslier, will be run over the Washing ton course. Discovery. Our neighbor, Mr. Curtis, who owns the dis tillery at Nail Creek, in this vil lage, in the process of distilla tion from corn, perceived an oil which rose upon the surface of the liquor. He took pains to collect it and make a trial of its properties. It has been deter mined by repeated experiments by various persons, that the oil answers as well for burning as the best spermaceti oil. It is equally pure and as free from any offensive smell, and will burn as long, lumber experi ments arc making of its use in painting, and it is alleged (al though a fair trial has not yet been made) that it answers all the purposes of linseed oil. Mr. Curtis procures a little less than a quart from a bushel of corn, and from 9 to 12 gallons per day, from the quantity of corn he works up. '1 he oil is worth one dollar a gallon. It is also a clear profit to the distiller, as it does not diminish the quanti ty of liquor or whiskey. Utica N.Y.lnt. Unparalleled Feat. A late London paper contains the par ticulars of the greatest eques trian performance on record. Mr. Osbaldiston, who made se veral months since a match to ride 200 miles in 10 hours, per formed his match with great ease on Saturday, the 5th of November.. The day was very unfavorable, raining almost incessantly, notwithstanding which he completed the whole distance in exactly 8 hours and 42 minutes, including all stops! The number of horses used was 29 the average occupied in the changes was upwards of a min ute, making the pace about 25 miles an hour. He has wou immense sums of money on the result. Extravagance. A London paper, describing the dresses of some Junuiea on a public occa sion in that city, makes the following statements: "The duchess of Argyle, in a dress of massive gold tissue, her raven locks, and a prodi gious plume of feathers of the same color, produced a contrast with her diamonds, equalled only by "The duchess of Bedford, whose jewelry astonished all by its glitter and glare. The lat ter made a prodigious display indeed. Independently of the necklace, which cost fifty thou sand guineas, (8233,000) chains of diamonds, with amctbvsts 1 in the centre, decorated her Grace's dress, from the . thick velvet Spanish hat, to the girdle or cestus, below the stomach. "The Hon. Mrs. Hope was a meteor in the throng; that lady - . . . was a moving firmament, and it was said that the costs in bril liants alone in a dress of som bre magnificence (crimson,) ex ceeded seven hundred thousand pounds!"--(or, $3,108,000!) Augusta paper. CdCr'Whcre will the creative genius of man stop! At Chor lay, (England) a mechanic has invented a machine to thrash, winnow and grind it will also' churn and scrape potatoes- rock the cradle, and darn stockings! He calls it the good housewife7 At Hamilton. THE Subscribers having just com nTotort i lnrn-p nrul commodious WAREHOUSE at this place, on the Roanoke, which is the head of steam boat navigation, will receive and ship Cotton or any other articles wnicn may be sent to their care, agreeable to instructions. Those wishing to send produce to market by the way of Roanoke, will find it to their ad vantage to deposit it at this place, as the steamboat can come hcie at all seasons of the year. Every attention will be paid to the receiving and de- ivery ol such articles as may be lor- warded to their care. Storage oi Cotton, 125 cents all other articles n proportion. EXUM L. LOWE $ CO. Hamilton, 30 Sept. 1831. S Millinery fyc. nnHL Subscriber informs her inends and the public, that she has just received her Fall Supply of articles n her line of business, viz: 'attcrn Velvet and Silk bonnets, Lcehorn, Dunstable, and Navarino do. Superb white and black ostrich feathers, Head dresses, ornaments, &c. Feathered and velvet Flowers, A great variety of ribbons, &c. &c. The Subscriber still carries on the Millinery and Mantua-making busi ness, in all its variety. A. C. HOWARD. Nov. 5, 1S31. RJBW MUZiXiEXS. jQ BARRELS of New River Mul lets, just received and for sale by D. IUC HARDS $ CO. Tarboro', Nov. 12, 1831. Gins & Fanning Mills, THE Subscriber rcsocctfullv in- M 1 af forms the public, that he continues to manufacture at his shop in larbo rough, near the bridge, GINS FANNING MILLS, Of the latest and most approved con struction. He will make his work, as heretofore, in the best manner and as expeditiously as possible. Persons will please apply to Mr. Benj. M. Jackson, in my absence. JOHN WILSON. Tarboro', Nov. 2S, 1831. 15 For publishing by Subscription a concise history of the Kehukcc liaptist Association, From its original rise to the present time. BY ELDER JOSEPH BIGGS, Under the supervision of a Commit tee appointed by theKehu cee Associalio?i. nPIlIS work will be divided into two parts Part 1st, will contain the History of the Jtehukee Association from its firstl organization until the year 1S03, asj compiled by Elders Bukkitt and 'Read, (omitting such parts of it as are considered superflu ous.) Part 2d, will embrace a con tinuation of the History of the Asso ciation, until the present period, by Elder Joseph Biggs, &c. CONDITIONS. The work will be printed on pood pa per, with a fair type, and will make about 300 pages, duodecimo. It will be fur nished to subscribers, neatly bound and lettered, st $1 per single copy, or 10 per d2en. Nov.r, 1831. fjZTPcrsons holding Subscription papers will please send them, on or before the 1st of April next, to El der Joseph Biggs, Williamston or, f Geo. Howard, Tarboro' N, C. I rnHE Subscribers are. now opening X at their Old Stand, a general ASSORTMENT OF Seasonable Goods, Which they will sell at their usual low prices for Cash or Country rrouuee D. RICHARDS $ CO. Tarborough, Oct. 20, 1S31. Anderson fyElwood DRAPERS AND TAILORS, BEG leave to inform their custom ers and the public in general, that they have just received, a small as sortment of superfine Cloths, Cassimeres & Veslings Also, a general assortment of the best TRIMMINGS that could be purcha sed in New-York, which tney win dispose of on the most reasonable terms. All those who may favor them with their custom, may expect their garments made in the best man ner and at ine snonesi notice, ye hope by continued exertion to merit a share of public patronage. (tTThosc residing at a distance mav nave a sun oi uiuuics uiauc sending their height, size of breast, and waist. Tarboro', Dec. 12, 1831. MERCHANT TAILORS, TM7iSH to inform their friends and customers, that they have just received from New-York, their Fall Supply of Goods, In their line of business consisting in part of the following articles, viz: Superfine blue, black, brown, green, and claret Cloths -2d quality do. do. Superfine blue, black, and fancy Cassi meres 2d quality do. do. Satinetts, superior article, Superfine goats-hair Camblet, for cloaks 2d quality do. Petersham, for overcoats, a sup'r article, Bang-up cord, flannel shirts and draws, A splendid assortment of Vesting, to wit: plain black and fig'd Velvets, dark and light color'd Valencias, in great varie ty of patterns, A splendid assort't of Marseilles vesting. Also, a handsome assortment of stocks, besoms, and collars, Also, a handsome assortment of pocket handkerchiefs, black and white cra vats, cravat stiffeners, gloves and sus pendevs, 1st and 2d quality Together with a comfilete assortment of All of which will be sold low for cash, or on a short credit to punctual customers. They also embrace this opportuni ty of informing their friends and cus tomers, that they will make and trim gentlemen's clothing as low as it can be done in this place, and in the most fashionable and approved style. Tarboro', Oct. 8, 1831. Merchant Tailor, "IRISHES to inform his friends and T the public, that he has just re ceived Irom JSew-York his Of Fashionable Goods, In his line of business, superior to any he has ever brought to this market consisting in part of the followin articles: Superfine blue, black, and brown Cloths, 2d quality do. do. Fine green, drab and steel Mixtures, Superfine blue, black and brown Cassi meres, Fine drab and light Mixtures, latest fashion, Superfine mix'd Sattinetts, beautiful ar tide. Brown Petshara, for overcoats, superior Goats hair Camb"let, for cloaks, Fine Ladies' Camblets, for cloaks, Plain and fancy Velvets for vestings, Plain and fancy Valencias, for do. Plain white and fancv Ma rseilles. rirv Suspenders, cravat sthTeners, linen collars White and black cravats, fancy do. Best quality buckskin Gloves,worsted do. o u.i ..wot, aujjcuur quality, 1 ockct handkerchiefs. snnerim nn!.!. Canton flannel for drawers, Fine beaver Hats, best quality, Black and fancy stocks, T ogetherwith a general assortment of TRSXVZXVZSNGS. Those goods were purchased at re duced prices, and will be sold low for asn or on a short credit to punctual customers. Gentlemen wishing to purchase the above articles, will do well to call and examine for themselves as ho is con fidenthe can please such. Those gentlemen that furnish their own cloths, can have them made in he most fashionable manner, and as low as they can be made in this place. Jarbom Snrvi n- ' Copartnorsliip. IN consequence of Mr. Bennett B. Bell having entered into Co partnership with mc, in the estab lishmeht V At Stantonsbur Which will be superintended by him in future, under the name of N H ROUNTUEE & CO. I have return' ed to my old stand in Tarborou where I intend to carry on a general' GROCERY BUSINESS, And will constantly keep a supply 0f Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Brandy Rum and Whiskey Oils, Paints $c. Iron, Nails, Hardware Cut lery, ec. Some few Dry Goods, Hals, Shoe? and Boois, together with many other articles not here named all or any part of which I am disposed to sell as low or lower for cash, bar ter, or credit, than any house in the place; and will give the highest piices for baled or seed Cotton, in payment of debts or in exchange for goods and hope by steady attention to busi. ness, together with my high -prices for produce, and low prices for goods to merit a liberal share of the public confidence and patronage. N. II. ROUNTREE. Tarboro', 20th Dec. 1S31. Notice, rriHE Sale of Lands conveyed to me in trust by R. Hines, Sen. and advertised to take place on the 19th of this month, has been poslpc ned till the 31st of January nexr, when the sale will take place before the Court-house door in Tarboro'. C. W. KNIGHT, Truster. Dec. 19th, 1S31. 19-5 Stale of North-Carolina, EDGECOMBE COUNTY. IN EQUITY. September Term, 1831. Margaret Brake, Dorris Brake, Barbara Brake, Wesley Brake, Willie Ricks and Polly his wife, formerly Polly Brake, and Henry Austin and Daniel Brake, of full age of Mary Shirley, in fant, by her guardian Nathan Shirley of Dorsey Griffin, infant, by her guar dian pro hac vice James Griffin Eliza, Matilda and Martha Brake, in fants, by their guardian Dorris Brake, plaintiffs, vs. William Holland, de fendants. Petition for sale of Land. TT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant in this case is not a resident of this State: is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be made for six weeks, giving notice to the said de fendant to appear at our next Superior Court of Law and Equity to be held for said county, at the Court-house in Tarborough, on the second Monday of March next, and plead, answer, or demur, or the petition will be taken pro confesso and set for hearing ex parte. Witness, Isaac Norfleet, Clerk and Master of our said Court, at of fice, the second Monday of Septem ber, Anno Domini, 1831. . NORFLEET, C. M. E. Price adv S3: 50. 17 - -. m List of Letters, Remaining in the Posl-Ofice of Tarborough, on the 1 si' day of January, 1S32, which if not called for and taken out before the 1st day of April next, will be sent to the General Post-Office as dead letters. Alvis Joshua Anderson Cullen Backus Henry R Batts John Bell Bennet B Bell Fred'k Bell Robert A Binum Turner Booth Mrs Bryan Miss Mary Bryan Henry Dancy Wm Esq Daniel Doct John Little Gray Mabry Charles Mayo David 2 Mixt Mr Mhoon Mary Moody Robert II Parker Dr John H Parkes B J Peele William Pender Drew Purvis Dread Phillips Geo S Pippin Elisha Davenport Fed Pittman Miss Emily Devereaux John Jr Ravnnr R'mnMh Donaldson Mr manf Robbins Stephen Downing ; James Ruffiu John r Dugger Daniel A Scarborough James r Etlicdred Sessums Blake T l-armer Mrs widow Sh'ff Edgecombe Co of Joseph Farmer Sherrod Randal Flowers Hardy Esq Simmons James Sr Gatlen Bryan B Smith Moses Ulover Sarah Stalions Jesse griffin John Stilman Rachel Haroy James ot Sa- Stuart Charles bra Hardy Sumner Wiley Hicks Sterling Tompkins Mrs H C Hunter Asia McG TTrhn Johnson Miss Betsv w9i t t Johnston Henrv 2 Wach.'no-tnnTniahG- Jones Fred'k Win; Mrs M M Kelly Joseph .William Whitmel KnightJesseC2 Wilson Lewis D Lawrence John 2 Wiic,. f;cc ufarv Lawson Mr Womhi Hp F 74 J. R. LLOYD, P. m

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