during ihe remainder details of numerous amend ments proposed by Mr. Ver- plnnck, from the committee of ways and means, but before they were disposed of, the com mittee rose, and the House ad journed. Saturdaytlth. Mr. HALL, of North Carolina, by consent, presented a memorial from in habitants of Washington coun ty, N. C. -praying that suitable fortifications, and a Marine Hos spital, may be erected on Beacon Island in that State. After the introduction Of several private bills, the report of the judiciary committee was again taken up, and Mr. Pearce concluded his remarks in favor of an investi gation by the Committee. Af ter the transaction of some fur ther business, the House went into the consideration of pri vate bills, in which it continued occupied of the sitting. Monday, 9th. Mr; Drayton, from the committee on military affairs, reported a bill for the establishment of a military board for the administration and government of the Ord nance Department, which was read twice and postponed till Thursday. Mr. Archer, from the committee on foreign af fairs, reported a bill providing for a deficit in the appropria tion therein named. It was read a first and second time and committed to a committee of the whole on the stale of the Union. Mr. Clay, of Alabama, submitted certain amendments to the bill for rechnrtcring the United States Bank; and they were ordered to be printed. The private bills committed on Saturday, were passed; alter which, the House went into a committee and took up the Re volutionary pensions bill, which was discussed until the House adjourned. different sections of this State, and without corresponding exertions on our part, we may not only fail to par ticipate in the advantages resulting from the proposed objects, but proba bly jeopardize the few that we now possess. By a reference to the map of this State, it will be seen that the Tarborough and Hamilton Rail Road will lie nearly in the directline which the great Central Rail Road must take to touch Raleigh and Salisbury thus presenting to our western brethren another point of attraction, which can: not fail to carry considerable weight with it when they find, as they un questionably must do on examination, that it will be more of a central and beneficial improvement than either of the others spoken of. In addition to which, we have heard it intimated that the contemplated Rail Road from Portsmouth to the Roanoke, will pro bably strike the same point with the Tarborough Rail Road. (QOn Saturday last, at Mr. Pet way's, in this county, Frederick Eth eridge stabbed Wiflie Flowra in the abdomen in such a manner as will probably cause his death. We un derstand there was no fight nor affray, the attack being made in consequence of a previous misunderstanding. Elh eridge is confined in jail. Mr. Van Bitren. The Naw York papers contain a letter from Mr. Van Buren, in reply to that addressed to him by the Tammany Hall Commit tee, in relation. to his rejection by the Senate. Mr. Van Buren expresses an intention of returning early in the summer in the interim he has busi ness of his own to attend to in Eng land, and designs making a visit to the Continent. We will publish the letter in our next. so have staled the fact, that afterwards I thanked you for your offer of a wil lingness to serve me, but declined all further application. This, too, was long before you ceased to be Secreta ry and as I had believed you sincere in VOUr niOnr5Pfl forwloi n C cnrvlnn for WaHens of said county the ensu ing three years. Com. (fcpTheRev. Wm. H. Wills will preach at the Old Church in this place on Tuesday evening, 24th inst. at cand e liffh!in and a so the fol- the matter had oassed from mv mind.Iowinir da v. ( Wednesday 25th.) at 11 . w . . . J 'I-.. J J ' revived bv vou throutrh the columns ft'PThe Rev. JohnJl. Miller will ot a newspaper. I was not your friend preach at Hardaway's meeting-house ior we sake of office, nor have my on Wednesday, the ISth April next, leelinsrs undergone anv phn and at earlv eundlp licrht in thp fihl wards you in consequence of your loss of it but from the miserable complaints you have made about it, and the open political tergiversation you have manifested in your aciive Seal against those whom you suspect ed to have been instrumental in de priving you of it. As I do not desire to add to the bitterness of your feel ings, or court the honor of a newspa per controversy with you, I shall here close a correspondence, from which I expect neither instruction or im provement. I have trie honor to be, &c. R. M. SAUNDERS. Hon. John Branch. Church at Tarborough. On Thurs day at Mount Shiloh. Co?n. MARRIED, In Martin county, on Tuesday eve- nmz last. Mr. David Uimlher of Washington county, to Miss Maria Taylor, daughter of Mr. Kinchen Taylor. In Sparta, (Georgia) on ihe 1st inst. Mr. Marshall Smith, of Illinois, to Miss Temperance Sorrel, daughter of Mr. James Sorrel, of this countv. TUESDAY, APRIL j, 1832. (jWe formerly received the Globe, via Richmond, three days af ter date for the last two or three weeks it has reached us, via Norfolk, seven days after date. We would respecifully suggest to the Editor the propriety ot former route. sending it again on the (jyrhe Editor expects to leave this place in a few days for Virginia, and will probably be absent about a week. Persons in the habit of call ing at the office for their papers, or having other business with the Edi tor, will please apply at his family re bidence during his absence. From the Raleigh Star. Letter from Gen. Saunders to Gov. Branch. Glmi. S. re- quests ot Messrs. Lawrence Letimy to insert in their next paper the following copy of a letter addressed by him to Gov. Branch: Raleigh, rfpril 1th, 1832. Sir, When I received your letter of the 2Sth of March, I did not for a moment think of your having forwar ded a copy of that for publication as forming a part of "ihe correspon dence which had passed between us." I can but consider your course in this business as vcrv extraordinary. You had called for an explanation of an allusion which 1 had made to you in an anonymous publication, which had been given, and received by you as "satisfactory." Yet by the same mail in which you forward your note and mv renlv. vou address to me a letter, a copy of which you also en close (without waiting ior on answer for nublication. 1 his mav be iajr i " flftilimr. and according to vour no- tions of honorable etiquette. If so, I have at least learnt something from this controversy. If my answer was as you had pronounced it, "so far sat- sfactorv as to relieve I youj irom me necessity of resorting to another mode of redress" which it seems you are so fond of intimating your willing ness to adopt why this appeal to the public? Was it to relieve your own Emigration. The tide emigration is flowing with un exampled rapidity to the West ern District of Tennessee. The Jackson Statesman says the emigration to the. District has, within the last four or five months, given to its population an increase of at least 20,000 souls! From the great number of movers we have seen pass through this city recently, we are induced to believe that a ve ry large proportion of this num ber went from this State. Raleigh Star. DIED, In this countT, on Tuesday last, leaving an infanta few days old, Mrs. Susan Garrett, wife of Mr. James of U. Garrett, and daughter of Mr. Jesse C. Knight. Also, a few days since, Mrs. flma- son, wite ot Jlr. 1 nomas Amason. Also, Mrs. Womble, wife of Mr. Warren Womble. Price Current Jit Tarboro9. Norfolk & New-York. ft?Thc citizens of Ports mouth, Va. at a meeting held on the 3d inst. authorised the Trustees of that town to sub scribe 850,000 to the capital stock of the Portsmouth and Roanoke Rail Road. ib. APR 10. per Tar'o. .Yor'k. JV. Y'k Bacon, - lb 7 8 7 9 9 10 Beeswax, - - 20 22 18 20 18 20 Brandy, apple gall 60 80 48 50 37 42 Coffee, - lb 13 16 12 15 11 13 Corn, - bu'l 40 45 40 44 46 Cotton, - lb 8 8f 7$ 9$ 8 11J Cotton baging yd 16 20 12 17 Flour, supf. bbl $5 5 1 $5 5$ 5 6$ Iron, - lb 564545 Lard, - - - 7 8 8 9$ 9 10 Molasses, - gall 40 45 24 30 27 32 Sugar, brown, lb 10 12 6 7$ 5 7 Salt, Turks I. bu'l 75 80 45 50 43 44 Wheat, - - 70 80 110 Whiskey, - gall 40 50 36 38 31 33 JVeu? Spring and Summer Presentation of Colors. The ele iraut standard procured for the Tar boro' Guards, bv the Ladies of this nlace. was presented to them on Wed ncsday last, accompanied with an elo quent and appropriate auuiess, uy Miss Maria T. Clark. It was re ceived bv the Captain, Jos. R.Lloyd, Esq. who, in be-half of the Guards, re turned their deep felt acknowledg ments for the munificent gift in an af feeling and patriotic reply. The in terest excited on the occasion was much heightened by the presence of Col. Carter Jones, with his excellent hand of music. Several patriotic airs were performed during the ceremo liies, which closed with the firing o a salute by the Guards. (f-rnVe invite the particular atten tion of our readers to the Report and accompanying documents of the Nor folk Committee, on the contemplated Hail Road from this place to Hamil ton. They should bear in mind the old adage, that "a stitch in time saves nine." The spirit of internal im . provement has been resuscitated in Georgia. We learn from he Milledgcvillc Journal, of the 5th inst. that Mr. Chester, one of the counsel for the Missiona ries, and bearer of the Mandate of the Supreme Court, was then in Milledgcvillc, and had hand ed to the Governor, a copy of the decision, and a petition from t lie Missionaries for their re ease. The result of this op plication is not staled. . . . I he same naner states that Are receiving this day, direct from New York, a splendid and beautiful assortment of SPUING A?iD SUMMER Purchased personally by the resident partner in New rork, which for va riety, quality and elegance of style, they hesitate not in saying will com mand the attention of all those desi rous of purchasing: Rich and Fash ionable Goods. Tarboro', April 17,1832. the 96 Surveyors chosen for the EJ D lUSfSilP purpose, assemoieu in luiueue- mfrpii mvt tati or villeonthe 2d inst. in pursu- n AS just received from New York f his business bein p placed nnco of the Governor's procla- U a pJart of his Spring Suppfy o( under ihe con ro! of Mr. S. D, Cot- Dover Selection. A LARGE supply of Dover Selec lion of Hymns, just received and for sale by the subscribers, who will sell them by the hundred, dozen, or single one, at the publisher's prices. Persons in want of these Hymn Books in large quantities are inform ed that they can be supplied at any moment. Orders from the country will be punctually attended to. E. P. NiSH $ CO. March 16. Rook Sellers, Norfolk. BJOTICB. - fyHE Subscribers have this day en tered into Copartnership under the firm of ROY & G WATHMEY, and beg leave to tender to their friends and to the public their services for the transaction of Commission Business, IN ITS VARIOUS BRANCHES. Reference.... & S. D. Cotten, Tar borough, N. C. JOHN R. ROY, H. B. GIVATHMEY. Norfolk, Va. Oct. 31, IS31. 33 " R. HINES, Attorney at Law, has opened an office at the cor ner opposite Mrs. Howard's milline ry store, near the State Bank, and re spectfully offers his professional ser vices to the public. Tarboro', March 26, 1S32. 32 THE Subscriber informs the pul lie, that he has fully authorised Mr. Gray Little to transact all his official business, during his absence. All persons indebted to the Sub scriber will make payment as soon as possible they will find their papers in hands of Messrs. P. P.Lawrence or B. M. Jackson, in my absence. JOHN PARKER, Sheriff. March t8, 1832. 33-4 Notice. THE Subscriber informs his friends STand the nublic. that "'!gB&,having his two fbr- tpc nornin in nnpr.ltion. and Ofl an im- &v.w, -1 7 ... proved plan, he is now enabled to ex ecute all orders in the Coach and Gig making BUSINESS, Not inferior to any in this market and at the shortest notice. Repair ing done in the neatest and most ex peditious manner, rayments tor me above can be made as accommodating as can be procured in this vicinity. In consequence of his misfortunes he respectfully solicits such a portion of public patronage as he may merit. The Subscriber feels under tne ne cessity of correcting an erroneous im- uression nrevailinc, that in conse- mation, to proceed to tne sur vey of the territory now in the the occupancy of the Cherokee Indians. Fay. Obs. feelings, or to lacerate mine, by an allusion to a matter, which, when un derstood, will leflect as little credit on you for its disclosure, as injury to me by being made thus puuncr iou sav mv answer contained -expres sions which might be susceptible of an offensive construction;" yet in vn:ir letter vou make no allusion to these "expression," but content your self with insinuating that my change nf feelinf towards you had arose trom ihe fact, that it was no longer in your nnwpr to serve me with those who now wield the patronage of the Gen eral Government and that I had been "a suitor for office" through "your favor" whilst Secretary of the Navy. A Simple Maiemvm i" case will sufficiently repel the pitiful motives you have here ascribed to me, as well as show the conduct of one who exhibits so much sensitive ness at being charged with a breach of private confidence. 1 freely admit that I did write to you &uwc iu.i..i after your appointment as Secretary, expressing a desire to change my sit uation; and as I was unwilling to place my name before the Executive, left the matter with you to act as your own sense of duly to the public and justice to me might dictate. But, sir, your memory should have re mi&ded vou; and your candor should FORS2G&J. Prom Europe. By the Caledo nia, at New York, Liverpool dates to the 1st March have been received. Goods in his line.of business, viz: hunerhne blue, black, brown ana invi sible creen Cloths. Fine blue and brown Camblets, for thin coats and pantaloons, Black bombazeen. do. do. Fancy striped Drills for pantaloons, la test fashion, Fancy Velvets and Silks, for vesting, White and fancy Marseilles, do. Fine linen shirt bosoms, linen collars, Fancy silk and velvet tennant Stocks, &c. These goods will be sold very low They are said to contain but little in telligence in addition to our previous for cash, or on a short credit to punc- advices. the London unoiera nas changed from a subject of alarm to one of controversy up to tne abin, 104 cases and 69 deaths had occurred. Grand total in the kingdom, 5,460 ; cases, 1,609 deaths. The news from other parts of Eu rope is ;flat, stale and unprofitable. Sheriffalty. We understand that the following persons are candidates for the office of Sheriff of this county: IVhitmel K. Bulluck, Spencer L. Hart, Benjamin JVilkinson, William D. Pet way, Morrison Thomas. "Rlprtion to be held on the fourth Thursday in July next. To the Freemen of the County of Edgecombe. As there is an elec lion to take place for WARDENS ni? THE POOR, on Easter Mon dav. the 23d inst. and seeing no pel son nominated, we take the liberty of recommending the following persons: John Mercer, Turner Bynum, Wil liam Barnes, John W. Barnes, Henry Shirley, Willis Knight and James George, as suitable person? tual customers. He also has on hand a few fine HATS, which he will sell at New York cost. Tarboro', April 13, 1832. Iff OTICEU . BY virtue of a Power of Attorney given by David C. Ward, of Tennessee, I the following am authorised to of sell Lying in Edgecombe County. Tract the 1st, known as the Mat- theiv Philips Land, lying on the north side of Falling Run, adjoining the lands of Sherwood Haywood s heirs and others, containing about 500 acres. 2d. Known as the Price 7'ract, containing about 36 acres, on the south side of Beech Run, adjoining the lands of Jas. S. Battle and others. JJ2S. J. PHILIPS. April, 1S32. 35 CASH paid for Wool, by D. RICHARDS $ Tarboro', March 30,1832. CO. ten, the work may not be executed as faithfully as heretofore he pledg es himself for the faithful and punctu al performance of his work, and con ceives it immaterial whether A,orn, is paid for it the question for the purchaser simply being the price and quality. GEO. McWILLlMMS. Tarboro', April 2, 1832. 33-4 Sports of the Pit. THERE will be a Main of 21 Cocks 2. Powell, four miles from Hamilton, on the road leading from Hamilton to Halifax.... commencing on Wednes day, the 18th April next, and conti nue three days, for fc20 a light ana S200 the odd. Good accommoda tions will be provided for visitors. March 26, 1S32. 32-4 The "North-Carolina Free Press,99 BY GEORGE HOWARD, Is published weekly, at Tivo Dollars and Fifty Cents per year, if paid in ad vance or, J Arte Dollars, at the expira tion of the year. For any period less than a year, Twenty-five Cents per month. J Subscribers are at liberty to dis continue at any time, on giving notice thereof and paying arrears those resi ding at a distance must invariably pay in advance, or give a responsible reierence m this vicinity. Advertisements.not exceeding 10 lines will be inserted at 50 cents the first in- - . I sertion, and 25 cents eacu coiumuance. Longer ones at that rate lor every 16 lines. Advertisements must be marKea the number of insertions required, or they will be continued until otherwise ordered. JTLetters addressed to the Editor must be post paid, or they may not be attended to.

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