Convention (uestioft. This agitating topic is now, we trusi, in a fair vv.iy I" beinir finally ad jnsied. Tiie Senate on Saturday last, afier having' been engaged the whole day in considering ihe bill li oin the 1 louse of C,'oininou on this subject, look the question about f o'clock in the evening and passed it bv a vole of 31 to 30. Three Senators were absent Messrs. liranch and Moore, who have gone home, and Mr. Klutts, (a friend of the measure) who is confined to his room by indisposi tion. Sundry amendments howev er, were made in the Sen ale to the bill, which must be coueurred in by the House of Commons, before it becomes a law. The bill, as it went to the Sen ate, provided that the Convention should limit the number of Repre sentatives in the Mouse of Com mons to not less thao 100, nor more than 1 07, including Borough member'. rl 'his was, stricken out by the Senate, and in lieu thereof, i.l Th mivM ('' owlrijf 'ie i veipl of riilvicc liom LiVrr ol by (Jeorge Washington, on! in coiieque ce of which, t h nrket veterdiiy was rather ex nlrd. The sales amount to 3100 bales, of which '2000 were Up land M IT) J to 17; 1000 New Orleans al 1 02 to 18$, ami J00 Kloi id.i :it I 5 J 10 1 7 i . LurdSw Northern ij In fair tlem;ml al 9 els. old at 8.'., and V st-i n in bat ls at 7. i 1 1 t kegs (i 7 J cents. ...Et -enimr Slur. Indian Trait Lies -Murders. We h'arn Irom the St. Louis Ie DuMiein, thai ihe Indians in ibe vicinity of Prairie do Chicn have been aaiu engeed in hostile n-i, and i hat. thee acts poi tend i serious termination. It appears the Sirs ami Foxes, a short mm since attacked some Menom iuees, whom ihey massncred; the muulerers were given up, but ine then, sme of the same tribe of Indians have made an attack upon soiue Winnebago women and children, ten of whom were kilh'd. It iss:iid that the Winne- his provided that the House of ; l'" inlend avenging Ibe wrong. Commons shall not contain less J ,,M1 in:M n, 's roxesare than IK), nor more than 1J0 mem-j )N P,r'ng lo receive them. If bcrs, exclusive of Horou-h repre-,hf W"-elagoes ailack them on seutation, which it is left c'iscre- , "lti M',('' ,I,'C 'UX W,n V"y tionarywith the Convention to ' 'V'1' ( uwn P'u them o,. the r . , , 1 . I other, ;is Iticy owt: 1 hem a tri udge, abolish, eiilier m whole or in part. . , - , . ,, rPl , 1 , and cousidor tiiemsflves Hie aloes I ins is the oulu amendment, e . . ... ... i ll 1 ' "r l';"'K'r the protectors ot ihe ........ 1 " inuehagoes. ine passage 01 me 0111. in. I S. It is with unmiiiglfd sat isfaction, that we announce ihe tattle of the Thoinpsonians and 1 nur, I, ml 11, nna n.iss.iire (d t he I onveiilion 1 . . . , . 1 lesi or uist ussion horderimr on tale that, so far from tins "being die truth, Mr. Avery has published 1 statement of the whole transac tion in relation to this business, in .vhich he reiterates his innocence. We have seen some extracts from ibis publication, and do not hes taleto say, that it entirely excul pates the gentleman from any sus picion of having been concerned in the crime alledged to have been committed by him. Halt. Gaz. Late from England and France. The packet ship Caledonia Blan der arrived in Hampton Roads on the 31st nit. making her trip to Liverpool and back in the short period of 72 days, iventv six of w Inch she was in port. The dates brought by this arrival, are from London to ihe 3d, and from Liv erpool to (he 'tlli December. For the d flails, we are indebted to ihe Norfolk Beacon. The Charlem ague arrived at New York from Havre, brings French papers to the 3d December. These advices inform us, that tlu law for making the necessary appropriations to pay the live millions of dollars due by France to the U. States, would be acted on by the cham ber of Deputies immediately Sir Robert Feel had not arrived from Italy, and as the Duke of Welling ton was awaiting his presence, his Graee had not of course completed the formation of the New British Ministry. Liverpool Cotton Alarktt, )ec. I. The brisk demand for Cotton noticf (1 in our last, continued nil Bill, the House of Commons hav-: ill(,:,.mil, ,.. i,;.,- , abated till the close of Monday, inS acceded to the amendments fic Rl;timorc jVrellIli KlNW,lM1 j op to u hid. time an advance was of the Senate.-. ())t,M, ,W)) ner ;,f pr:iclililllierSf i realised of i-gd. on American, ulirl ,;,,.,. .d i.i ii.M ,l..r..-.t ro':;,,,,i Ptr I1'- tlier kinds; the xs lttornry general. Un 1 ties-1 fl.ivl:ist flip House of (Commons! . . . , 1 m-ioritv nit'ii 11 .1 111 ii 1 111 ...j. . . . neither i:art oeimr I that ibe office of Attorney (jeneral , , . ,'.tM MMii I been at a decline of i to 3-Sd. tier of this State is vacant. An Act . w . , lb. leaving the present prices Asseu.o.y, passed ... ,.uf uu..- ,,, usual form science a-ainst t 1'- n. niher we last (nmtetl. j 1 1 1 . . . 1 . 1 tl.eThomnsoioaus bv an immense ,m,OH,M" ,r,' "uever, tne ue ;t-itv M7 votes a-ainst 71 - ,ni,,", d experienced a check, and iiernii ,e(j j, v j lie little business since done has lain the following provision: j a,UlA ,.; :md ,n0J.o j 1 . , (V ; u! v pine s inleds auanisl nature Ht cue aial the same time, .mv cltu- j - J - of trust, profit, or ciimhimein nadc-i I and common sense; vegetable rein- the uuttiority of ihe United St. ites, j ed'ie agaiiisl chemical minerals, -and any office or .-authority, eithei , Qur ( (Mlim-v. by itsfVee civil, military, judicial or otherwise, . . . . , , J f, . ... j nisi tutione, brings every quesiion . under the authority of this Mte. . . r .. 1. . .1... ....I I G, . . 1 ii as ii ouuui, ueiuie me iiiunu.ti 01 eneral Saunders, while acting ! . .. & . . . . 1 . j .1 . : oubhc ooiniou. as the last and 011- as Attorney uenerai. acceptea uie . . isonry lormonism, , ... 1 r.i 1 I .AUrai lauiMii, r uu. monism, niusi acceptance, one branch ot the le- ' , 111 1 i. all come to this al last- 1 here is cisiauire nas oeciaren, is a paio i- 1 . ii-i.- r .1 ,.c ,s cfilamly, on the p; ble violation of the provisions oi J J . . r . , 1 1 hompouiaos, this ... V , j tlw: public opinion, as the last a Attorney General, accepted the. J . .r ' . nnnomtment of commissioner till- . r ' ' j.i rii . I- ,iiw,i! has submitted to it-M der the lreatv with I ranee: which : . . ..... J-lh-h;) I', ot tile Metho (lii Kpis;op:d C'harch, will jireach 111 the Old Cimrcli at Tai bro,' on Thursday, the lilliJaii. ntxt. C.jh. dii:i). Ia this county, on Wednesday last, a.i'ed ahout C-7 years, Mr. Richard Curit ij, leaving a wife and four chil dren to mourn then loss. art ot the much to be t'nvvs Cnnciil, .'It Tiirhnro (ttd Xeir York. I . : H.K lll. I . .."..I ... . ..1 it... il,w.lrin li....- . 0,1 .... j s.illl IO liioii "I nil uuiiir.i mi . i:.r,,srt ! 11 the day succeeding this vote ' ' ' ., ., - , v. .. alleci to protess: that hit aicine ' . "I'l' 1 oi the House, before tin; subject came up for consideration in the Senate, Gen. Saunders sent in his resignation as Attorney General the reason for which he assigns in another column. Mi. .1 -lrd.i. li ! n-nl a I""1 " " .1 . 1 of the oeoole ril ltu 11 1. 1 1 O u I'i I rii iM 1 1 it ft 1 1 1 1 i.l ' ty of Halifax in the Legislature. wa elected to till the vacancy by following vote: Daniel 103, .las. Iredell OS, Clanks and Scattering U....U. Case of Rohert Potter. -Ou Fri day last, the House of Commons, by a vole of C2 to 52, expelled Robert Potter, one of its mem bers, from his seat iu the Legisla ture. It appears from the Report of the Committee, appointed to in vestigate the facts, that Potter lost a considerable sum of money at Cards, and then snatched the same (lying at the time on the ta ble between the parties) and made olT with it, after drawing weapons to intimidate his adversary, and thereby make good his retreat. Ab Supreme Court This tribunal commenced its Winter Term, in this City, 011 Monday last; all the Judges present 7. Caution. A colored bov, while . . 1 amusing himself with a mm, a few days ago, in this place, deliberate ly, though we believe sportively, shot his companion with a icaf, because he would not permit him to rest the gun on his shoulder. The unfortunate boy died of the Wound on the day following. Jeivbern !Sj)ect. f iVeir York Mai kef, l)e. 27.... Cotton... A fair business ha been transacted since our last review, and prices have advanced to 3 lihe every science, should,.." ' ' 7 1 ci 11, be thrown open to the observation C .u.mi, and study of all. li should, iu I 0,,,", . . . j r lour, xuj.J. lact, liPveJ aw, and every other 1111- ; jr portant practical science, be made t-oct t tht Hospitals, medie- ii . 1 1 1 al colleges, anatomical scnoois, chemical laboratories, should not 1 u.i'v be as they now are, close monopo lies, but made, as in Fram e, gra- j I ! liil UUC primary education . ' Snit, I I I in uiiii, lir .1. I" 1 H. I'j j n .i iu. i.Ml. l!. Vio.l I.I.I. It,. Hi. C.oi'.t !. -h- iu, lo 120 To 17 ti; 8 Is (in 14 ."o I :io o.-o j.- i 5 lo 3 Jo lo Jii 00 f.r j tili. j ITo ISO I i.u.l..' 7o m) I l.l.l -4(1 .'.o 1 lo I: ri i: 17 iVo r,3:l A 4' t ; -" :io .i lo 3; li 1 04 '-'7 . ti, ICC. .,."......r .,...1 t, ll.L. M.I. ' luiiuus .lint a..v3o..v. in. ui,sciilKM has .,vt or inislf i.l a We should at once explode! "i- i Hani vs. Jr;:;- Lani.v, f..i lie the whole machinery of mystifica- 0111 ii-r-n Sonars iiiKl s"in.: cents, p.nsibl. Oil ill 1:1. 111(1 uill. iiiIvii... .1... ' I..., 1 1.. -li ... ""r lion ana couceaimeoi wigs, giio am mioi,s ar- i.i-nbv c;ii.tio..i.l H-amst caller, and the gibberish of pres- , Uii ''"o fu,' e;til1 .m.;..i;ik ni.h ii itvhis hut uc :i ', C. C. KNIG IT. ' . 11 1 . 1 j Jan u ry 7, IS1". cioaiv 10 ignorauee aou icgiineu murder! We should then know, as llickunj Grow. Academy. all OU"ht tO IvIlOW, what We are FOi: School Ht Uii nl;u, s.ilimto.1 unhii, 0 . . , 'i 1 ...:i.. . m u . ... .In.. ..r-. l n n f I imarroHiifn. : "2 "'"r" K" 1 orouCii, w 111 roinm, Ce ... 1 l . . on Monday, 5t!i ol J;in'iary, 1"3", ii.mJ. i bly Ignorant of, the anatomy and care ol ihe Pnliscrioer.'al his farmer construction of our own bodies, i,r,,"e "f l) ll-s for a session f eve i ...! liiiiiniei in 'tuns, lor eac i scholar im mi the nature and symptoms ol dis- . der hig CHrPe ' 1 ease, the virtues of medical reme- I N scholar will be ailiniifed fr a short dies, and their true effect. 15ut j J1;' ,ion, ....less o.hcr- for the darkness which has shroud- I fioanl can bJ had on the premises for 6 ed this vital subject, and the feu- i or h students. ... . . . . 11 P? dal barbarism which created phy sicians into a particular caste or clique, masked under the antiqua ted costume of an unintelligible dialect, and a pompous mysterious deportment, as unworthy of so no ble a science as the incantations of necromancy, the light of truth would have long since broken in upon it from all quarters, and its advances would have been com mensurate with those of steam, of printing, or any other branch of philosophy. Ar. Y. Star. E. K. Jlvcry A communica tion has been going the rounds of the different papers, slating that this gentleman had confessed him self guilty of ihe crime of murder, of which he had been charged We have been requested to FliEDK. PHILIPS. Per. 31. si, 183. -i Tar bar o' Female Jlcademtj. 'MIK Kxercisesnf the TarlmlV Female Academy will i e-commence. mi I lie. lid Monday in .January, under the. bUj i imu n deuce of Mins A. M. llagsdale. The skill and experience of thp Snperin tendanl, and her peculiar faculty for im pailing instruction and disciplining botn ihe mind and mani.ers of yoiinr ladies, present the highest chums for patronage; and the great success which has hitherto attended her efforts, under which the insti tution has flourished, is the best recommen dation we can otter for the School. Board and Tuition on in. ulrt ale terms, liy order of THE TIWSTEES. Tarboro', Jan. 1st, lt3.". 1-4 Notice. LL ppr?ons bavin? claims against the estate ttf the laie Geraldus 'J'oole are requested to present them to Elizabeth Toole, or lo HENRY T. CLJPK. Tarboro, Jan. Itt, I STAXTONSCURG Female Institute. Vfl -IONES ling the pleasure uf in wl lorming her ti lends and the public ener.iily, that she ha now opened A School, At the house formerly occupied liy Or. Morn. Youii Ladies and small Hoys will be received on the following TERMS. Spelling and Ktadinp. per session, 6 (Ki riling, Ai ithfn-tit;, Ci ammar, and Needle work, witli lh-above, 8 00 Geogrnphy, lUieioric, Loic, History &i Astronomy, including Ihe above. 10 00 Drawing;, Painting, with the above, I'J 00 French Language, - 10 OO N. li. Young Ladies can be accommoda ted with Board by Mrs. Jones on moderate terms. This would be advantageous to the young Ladies, as they will always be un der the superintendence of Mis. Join s. Nov. 28ili. 1834 T4 Female School. HE MISSF.S JENKINS will reopen their S hool for the reception of young Ladies on the thud M'ndy of January next It nii of tuition for S elling, Head ing, and Writing, three dollars perquatter of twelve weeks, or four dollars for Ihe ad ditioiiat slndien of Grammar, Geogi aphy, Arithmetic, Lace, Tambour, tr Needle woik. Boird, thirteen dollars. Theabove having removed to a large and rommodi .cis House in a healthy Miuation, about one mile north of their former residence, tan accommodate twenty Boarders. Parents and Guardians may rest assured the utmost attention shall be paid lo the cd 'Mtiou 2nd comfort of their children and ward-;. Grang. ville, 9th Dec. 1834, ? f4 fi Edgecombe Count v. Stony Hill Academy. tJHK txetcisesof this Institution will re commence on Monday , li!ih J.moary, tS.'io. Terms as formerly for Board Hud tuition of all under I'i yais f ne, above that age, 45 prT se,i(.n. II ooks, Stationary , and Candles fninislieil at cost. In this Institution are t.uighi Ihe Lmin and (ireck langunges, and the varioux branches of an English education. It is sitiiati d me and half milt s from Mr. IJ. Sims', ami nine from Milliards!. ni. in a neighborhood surpiis.ed by none for ti.illh, ami Iree Irom ilie p. ioi(iua inll.i-t-ncs of vice nod immorality. Jmniiiunii ations diiecltd to 3nbsctiber at Hansom's Bridge, Nash umiiiv. M. II. GARRETT. Dec. fill-. 13. - Edgecombe Carulry! ATTENTION ! ! "vVOl' will paratle in I arbnrongli, on Monday, the 2tU January n' .vt. .A full attendance is expected, as business of importance will be transacted. Bv order, C. C. K SIGHT. st Sert. Dec. 17. ls:u Vi2''s' ST Si's. Jlll Subset ib-r wi-he to purchase a Urge ipianlitv !' Etsr. fur which Ihe highest ui.irket pi ice will b jiaitl io Cash. JOSEPH ERJUIJY. Tarboro', Dec. 17. 1SM-1. " " I t lb m Iiand for Sale. jHV. Subscriber t lTi is for sale her Tract of Lund lyi"T in Edgecombe: county, coinitluiily exiled tint Gauge Orchard Vlualalinn, Containing 32i .'icWs. wit li n apple or chard on it capable of making '25 or 30 bai re!s of Brandy. This land lies one mile below ihe (i'i . it Fals I .ii Biver. nod atl j"iii ihe lands of Clnirbs llarii-ou, Hub ert Sorey and others, and has on it the ne cessary nearo houes, barns, k.c. A jiart of this Land is of an tx client quality, and it application is soon matle, possession will be given immediately and long credit giv en it pielcrretl. A Jurlhcr description is deemed unnecessary, as no person will buy without first viewing the Land. Terms made knot u on application to Jno. J. Bonn. RACHEL BUX Dec. 19th, 18.4. C5 Land jar Sale. THE Subscriber is anxious to sell bis Tract of Lntt, ad joining the one on which he now lives. It contains fifll) acres, some ot wlncli is low rounds, the balanc piney woods. This liact has airootl dwellioe hou-e on it. i M fill yyK Coaches, Gigs, Sfe. IHE Sutiscril.ei w ishes in retui n bi sifcore thanks to his iiucneions custom ers lor the verv Lb eral encouragement which be has here tofore received A1 so to inform Vru lial he has just returned from New York, wjih a more general and fasb.touable assortmt.H( ,if silver Fluid and Frass FUliNIlORE, Suitable for Coache, Baiuches, Gigs ami Sulkies, than has ever before been brought lo this place. He alo wonU infotm Irs friends and the public geiieraiv. that lie has assn ia'ed himself with one ottie in large and extensive establishments a, tl0 North, where be can at the shortest iti, ei have sent on jobs of eve y description (i suit those who may favor him witll lhe,. j orders, or like n otheni in preleiente to'( uouiesuc 111111111. it mi iv He has shipped and now daily exfects, one or two first fate light one hoise Ba rouches, and a half of one hors Wagons, at eiiraordinni y I w prices for cash, or to punctual customer-- on a short credii. KEPAIRS done with neatness ami de spatch contract must be. matle before the work is undertaken. He has Horses, Gigs, and Sulkies to let, WA1VREN Fi tn tle School. JJHE Exetcisv-s of Ibis J.istitnti n wi'l Commence again on the secoiui .Mou tlay in Jauu-oy Mis. llnr'nt 1. Alii it letuins hi r grateful acUnowl. dginei is her fiiends ami patron; Ihe lib. ral en couragement she has received, and hopes by her urnveaiied exertion to merit a run. tinuanc'T' of .t. Sin; also begs leave to in form them 'hat she has employed Mi.s Aiiigir as a Music Teacher, who is believed to be vety competent, pm'it'ularly t'1 principles of that science. Boa i d Tuition, per session, "0 00 Music, di'to 'JO i'i French dioo 7 5o It is expected ch vounir lady will fm. nisb her own bed cloOiing ami towels. Dec Is, KU. 1-5 lltniipcul. MKS. HOWAHD ba removed her Mil linary esiahlishmert to Hie corner house teeenily ot copied bv Messrs. I). Ricbaids tt2. Co. She has few tn hand an exteiivive as- soi tiuent ol arO.'li s in lier line of busii. 9S. which will be disposed of on her usual moderate and accoinmotla. tins' 'erm. TrrJonnets cleaned or lived and Man also one comfortable four w heeled accom- I tua making continued as usual Tarboro', Jim 1, lKJ . modalion establishrHent. ISAAC Ii. BRADY. Dec. 4 134. H3 Coach & Gig Manufactory l HE Subset ib.-r re- Cxten s spectfully informs his friends and the public in EM-ncrai, tliHt be lias recommenced business j&f1g&&?53lor himself on his lot iu Tai borough, near the Bridge, where, he will be prepared to! wtrry on the above business in al1 its vaii ! on branches. He served a regular ai-i prenticeship under Mr. Thos. Cobbs, of J .P olice. Ktleigb, who carried tm the business verv I -fl ... . ' extet.s.velv. and kept in his employ regu- T11 rc"r of ,he H amnion Nat lar noriherti workmen. l everhl I years L. Jr'"le' ' commeiia- on the ?..c..wt acmiainlance with the Ihuimc. in i.,. lf i.eX(. i union varies Ihe most extensive establishments iu the State could ensure big success, he feels con fident be should nieel it; but tie ii peifectlv aware that attention is equally necessary, and this attention be is determined lo ren tier. He hope, theielorc, that all persons who may lavor him with thir patronage, will never become dissatisfied or disap pointed. His work shall be faithfully exe cuied anil of the best materials. He ex pects to ban- iu a short lime a general as sortment of materials from New York, which will enable him to do his vvoik not interior to any done iu this section of coun try. It pairing done wuh ue.itncss and despatch . X:ianitd M Terret. Tarboroiigh, Jan. 1st, ls35. 1 A'otice. JHE Subset ibor wants an Apprentice (white or b'ack) to the brlcklay it g and plastering business. For two years some t wages can be paid. Apply to JESSE STALLING S Dec. 17, ls31. 55-3 olice. 'pilE Subscribers are now removing irom tin-ir old stand lo ihe Stme f. I inerly occupied by Messrs. Hymank La-7 : fence, and directly opposite to Join, V. They will in a le.v days oflV r for sale, a quality .,f Safr, Molasses, -,t-gar ami Colfee Bagging. Rope, and all Ihe heavy articles which are important to farmers al this season of ibe verrr. CASH, ami Ihe highest price, will ln paid for baled Cotton. RICHARDS CO r.u borough, N'v. 27th, lh34. Irom ;eu to fifteen dollars. Board can be obiaoied iu goml private families fiomg.jt to eight dollnis. Solomon Lea. Principal. II- cumber oih. l-34. vt 3 lints! UulJ " f& DOZEN Hack JV) whiV fur and sil'i Hau, from !jl 25 to the finest quality made. IV dozen wo:l Hats, from '2!i centi u, wards, 8 d.z n men's and boys fur, hafr and seu. Cajis. just received ami for sale, A: the Cheap Cash Store. JAS. IV EDO ELL 2f"h Nov. 18f:4. List of Letters, 1 uwtatntHg' in the J'ost Office ai Tttrburoufi ! i.i r. ki-, .,.. ..... ... ..' out before the 1st ij April next. Kill be J f r I .,. , iu . t it.' i nr... ,. . Wi lowuo jr III IU IHH KIf.lit.IUl I UHt. JJjHC US UttlU Liters. Hals and Caps JftOW OPF.MNfJ, a handsome asso.f, -NJ ment of beaver and ilk Hats cUub j and hair Caps, w hich u ill be sold as cheap us can be desired. I .. IV. C0TTEN. j 14th Oct. ?34. To the Public myself in thp ol j-ct of this ii Andrews tiray Ba.h-V Jonathan Baits' U ill 2 Bandy u-ainiah B.ady S .lo Biggs Jas Bryan Dempsey Biibrv Naihl Bootit Dorothy Mrs iinllui k Etiu in Barron Jas Barnes Willie Capt linriie- J is Bond Lewis B iker Moses ( I :rk mith G Cheiiy Blount v'utrhcon Elijah ClaikWill Dicken ('hrist L D iuiel Do ct J J Dicken VV ill Sen Dnrtch Isaac F Dew hos Eq Datifoi tli Jas M Dougherty Hugh A Ellinor Jas Edwards Kinchen Enson Martha Flowers Hardy G Fountaiii Timo 2 Foik Will Freeman Josiali Gay Mary Harrison Charles Hines Richard 2 Hunlei Chas (i Esq Hopkins Whilint 1 HalK'v Jas Hopkins Will Hopkins Jarrot JotinsUoi Will Johnston Heuben nearly new, with 4 rooms below and 2 up stairs, ami other out houses. Jynes Fred'k il Persons ties tons ot buying Land low, Jones Allen are requested to call and examine for ' Knight Jno themselves, as the Subscriber may al all ! Knight Jas times be found al Iron., and is determined Little Harriet Mrs I.avin Levi Lodge Sec'y Concord Lodge Sec Ml Monah Law rence Joshua Manning Eaou Moore Saimi'd Mooriui; John Moore Elijah Morris Li w s Mrs Noilv Dav id Noi vet ( hapinan Owens Will Peck John Philips Doct E Price John Proctor Jacob Pai ker Ann Mrs Porter Elishn Feele Miles PittJo '2 Patterson G"o C Pender Drew Pender James Roscow 1 hos V Suinnierrel Will Sorey Robert Scai bioiigh Isaac Stalon W I) 2 Savage Will 2 Shtf of Edgecombe Maton R Sfssums B Miss Thigpen Will Taylor Stephen Taylor Will Taylor Will or Benj Grantham U ilkius Willi 3 Win ren Joshua Webb David W eaver Jonathan Williford Edwin or Britain established f Halifax, th : to say that I bavejusl purchased A Large M archonsf, Viul mad- every necessary airaiigemeiit lor ihe Sior ig . ir---.v v'&f.wid hioping of CO 'TON' I $8g$2?& f""Io''1 Fn .).... e, lop. ters j " " burg, Noi folk or New York, j This house is situaii'd very hi-h find a I bove the danger of the. ri-e of vai-r, to which some ot 'tin aiehoue are -object, j Should s ny of my EdeC'iube a, quaint -anres, and of the adjoining romilies, b disposed to send Produce this wav their j former knowledge of me will be sufficient i for them to know that their business viiU be faithfully attended to. ' IV ILL. II IVJLLS: JHauYax, 22d Nov. 1834. tig j ELCCJAiNT While Satin Shoes. DOZEN PAIR elegsnit v hiti: "hoes, late-t New Yoi k fashion n ceived and lor sa'e by the Cheapest of the Cheap. J. JV. GOTTEN. Tarborough, i3d Nov. 1834. salin j NOW OPENING, At the Cheap Cash Store, J (t)fl PIECES of the newest and mont ;. ff -sl- jHShioiiHble Silks, Iroin 35 cent to the very best made, ' 25 pieces of th" mot splendid Challys, en I tirely new, both light ami dark, colors warranted fast, frnQ),75 cen's to'? I, j yOO pieces newest ami iuot btsbionable style Calicoes, from rj to 35 cents per j yard astonishingly cheap, I f0 p's fuiiiituie Calicties. frtoi 7 toCOcl lb .. best Frenco miii h'.nulih Merinoes. Johuslon Rachel Mrs Whitehead Augnsrinl most bishinnahle eolors. W ard Bosa j 75 piec- s Citcassians, fioin 20 cents to the alnPi SusaniialKMrs j finest made, to sell it he can get any thing over halt the value. CH. HARRISON. Oct. iiHih. 1W-I. - 1 t QJ Clunks and Gonnet.p) NW OPKNrNO AT THE Cheap (?asli Store. TijSv LADIES and Girls merino, $JJ silk, cauildt't. ami Ciitas iau Cloaks, from 1 50 t 9 120 men's Clo.k, with and without sleeves from 54, and up aids," ALSO, 2i KJ women's Leghorns, from 50 Cents lo the finest matle. 250 Straw and Tuscan Bonnets, from 50 cents each. JAS. IV ED DELL. Nov. 19th, 1834. Lancaster Joseph Little Gray Ward Dorl F Williams Elijah Wilson Mr Wes: 1 y T P Esq .. R.LL0YD, P. M. 1 1 1 Si 7: 92$. For Sale excellent edition of Gill's Exposi tion of Ihe Old and Mew Testaments. innine quarto volumes. A s0. Fleetwood's Lifrt of Chiist, in one Po volume and, Bulla's History of the War of Indepen dence of the U. Slates of America, iu two ovo volumes. J hese valuable books wi p be sold rcmaikbly low, if application is soon made. Jlpply al this Office. January 1. 1k35. l'viuting ntatty executed, AT THIS OFFICII. Meilno. silk, ami gauze Shawls and Hant kerchiefs, in endless varietv. Bonnet, cap ami belt Ribbons, of every style and quality . cheap. 20 dozen ladies corded Skirts, from 50 tents to $1. 60 piece Irish Linens, decidedly the great est bargain ever o(T're. .. IVEDDET.L. NovvJJlst, 1S34- Lawrence & Leinav's And CALKS' " NORTH CAROLINA ALMANACKS, FOB &S35, For Ste at this Office f t he' Ralriehv prices. vtz:. 10 cents i-aih. To cents a doa-v en, 4 for hall a toce; $7 a tocr.&c Uctobe., 1S34.