r S irioc .Vo. 341.. TarhorouSh, (Edgecombe County, X. C.) Saturday, March 7, 1835 Jo J. AT JVu. 10. 7'" 7'' rn;fh Vrvv," KV C.l'OKt; K HilU' AUI, l puhh-licd weekly, at Tir D iflurs nlid Fijtu Cut's p.-r year, it pail in .hUmucc or, Tunc Drflns, at Uu- expiration of r lie f nlici iption r.ir. For any period less (hail a year, T:rrntjf fire (' i;t per month. Sulix i ti'i s .in: at liberty i di-continue at any tone, on ivin iio'ice thereof ami paving :nrt'u i!iot' n:-idi.ig at a ijjs. tmice must iitv.wiuMv p.tv in Hdv:ni, i give a res pun i b 1 e ictci ence in this vcmitv. A'lvi l ! is. iil 'nls, lint exceeding lt; will lie ii-i-ited at cents tin- ti ' in,er tion, ami l'y cents each Ciiiiiin i;rnv. Lui. ger ones .it tliat rate for rwiy hi iins. Advertisements in u t beninked tiic num ber o i i-ei lions required, ur thev wid be continued until otherwise ordered, and charged ai i:i ii;n! v. Le'lers a ldre,,td to the Ed'.l r must Im post p -ill. r thev id iy ni he ..fend. I to .GOV. IiKAXCll'S Sl'KKCII, On the licsolutions to instruct Jlr. Jlangiun, dtlircrttt in the Semite of Worth Carolina, De cember, 1831. Mk. M-kakkk. The Senator from War ren, who has just resumed his seal, has as serted that our s i- a government ot "pitu lar Jr-Jing," and that this General Assem bly possesses "inherent powers,"' under which it may rightfully adopt the resolu tions now under consideration. In the morse of a long public life, I have never before he.ud s. ntiments like these advanced. Had they been deli vei ed to a promiscuous as inblage of al! cists they would have been, to s.iv ttie least ot them, ery objectionable. How much more rep rehensible are they, then, when earnestly pressed m a grave deliberation on ihe rep resentatives of an enlightened people?- Do we hold our liberties on so frail a ten ure as "popular feeling? ' If so. thru have I been laboring under a delusion all my life. I cannot, however, believe that te people f a State, which u.is the first to throw oil a foreign yoke, and among tin fust lo guard the lights which were asser ted on the -1th of July, 177f. by a written Constitution, will subsci ihe to stub dan gerous hei esics. 1 propose to examine these dogmas to test them by those fundamental piinciples to which our Bill of Eights e 'puns upon US often to recur; lor if eveT there was u time w in u a recuri euce to e-tablislied po litical maxims was necessary, this is the time. It cannot be disguised that ttie pres ent is u crisis of awful import; and it be-I boves us, therefore, to bring to our assis tance all the aid which inny be derived1 from the w.-doui and patriotism of those who have 'm eceded us. In December. I77t, when the fervor of a disin'erested love ot country was at its height, did the pure patriots ot the Uevo ltition in lh:s rotate, w hen th y assembled (at my native village) to lorm our State Constitution, deem it safe to rely on "pop ular feeling" for the protection of the lib erties tin y n i l recently asserted? .No, sir. JNo lliey we'l knew that political free dom, the cieatest boon ever bestowed bv Heaven on man, could be presived only by the erection of barriers cunstiluliuiiul barritrs against (he assaults ot tumultuous assemblages, or tde more insidious, but not b's dangerous, inroads of arch in trigiir. Ihe memorable epochs in the history ti e moth r countiy were fresh in tin ir ei oih-i iions, when the despots of the oh ( rhl were compelled to acknowl edge on parchment t ,c rights of man, and to swear to the observance oilhe funda ment. il 1'iiuciples of civil and religious freedom. Again: ;'f:rr the achievi inrnt of our lib erti' S, and the formal lecognitiou of our indepeu ieiu e by all nations, d you find oar sHg;icious i rei a' hers rely ing on this "popular teiiiug,' which you have heard SO in'j';h eiilogr-ed' No, sir, you find thoe very ri.en who had done, and suff r ed So much tor the cuse of human liberty, assembled in Convention to devise efficient, checks against the inioah of powei. Deeply conscious of ti e insufficiency of IhGM; guards, whicli had been hastily thrown around their rights by the articles of Confnlet ation. you find them, in a spirit of mutual concession, after delib erate discussmn, adopting ami presenting to the '-thirteen plantations ' (as the bena tor has thought proper to designate these soereign States) a Constitution or form of government, in which power is cautious ly distributed anion;; the various depart 'ments, and guarded in in exercise by the . most salutary checks and balances. So distrustful then was North Carolina of conferring power even under a written grant, that she was the last State but on. to come into the Union. Will she now he. the fii sl to break down these safeguards of public liberty, and to rest our nght3, not on a written Constitution, but on "pop ular feeling.'" With a sleepless vigilance you find thos'i who well knew what our liberties cost, jealous of power, although In the hands ot the father of his country, for even Washington erred undr a writ fen Constitution, in the recognition of the protective principle, and in assenting to the ch;.iter of the old United states liank in 171M. lint Mich was Ihe confidence justly reposed in Washington, that bis very errors fif such they wvtp) vere treated wilh great forbearance. Nut so, however, with the elder Adams. It camiet be denied that, under the ad oiihistt ation f Gen. Washington, two parties wtrc formed, alike patriotic, but essentially different in their political ten ets. Their ditVeiences, under his admin ilti ation. were not brought fully into pub lie view. IJut no sooner had the federal pHily unfurled their banners under his iieeessor, than the F-taie Rights Paity, tviib .K ilt rsi'it at their head, made a noble ann "ticces.-ful stand against Federal us llipaiion. The people were roused to a ju-t M-nsi- the danger to which their Tib et ties ere e.p;tcd, and the seal of con demnation was afVivd to the odious iaeBf ores of Federal misrule, tin Mr. Adams' overthrow, was established those princi ples which I then r cognised as orthodox, and which I have eer delighted to cherish as fundamental truths in mv political cie-.l I mean, sir, the exposition of our ' mis' itm ion w hich is contained in the ""iiui.i and Keniiuky Resolutions ol 1 7'S li. ami in Madison's report. Unde. the a lininisttalion ol .leffeison, these prin cip'e, were exhibited in full relief. 'I'll, same exposition of the Federal Constitu tion w:is f.iiihfullv observed under tin j Repobhtaii administration of Mr. Madi son: ami, as pM t of the history of this pe nod. 1 bg leave lo call the attention of this House to a proceeding in Ibis very .Weuiblv. (in which I had some .share J v i v pertinent to the siibp-ct of the present debate. 1 refer, sir, to certain resolutions touching the votes of Mr. tone, our then Senator in Congress, on the measures of Mr. Madison's adinini-tratiou in support ol the war, into which we had been driv en by the unjust policy of (heat Hritain 1 invself. sir, moved the resolutions 1 ye.tis ago, disapprot ing of the conduct of I '.r. Sioue. Permit me to present the! whole proceedings to the Senate, as they stand upon the Journal of that day.! Mere the report and resolutions were! lead. i'roin these it appears that Mr.; S. was elected to the United States' Sen- , in IS 12. a few months alter the decl t-' ration of war against (heat IJritain, with a distinct understanding, on the part of the Legislature and tiie people, that he I w as in favor of u vigorous prosecution ofj it. In the ses-ioti of Congress which en-j sued he was found voting against the sup plies t hat w ei e necessary to prosecute the j war with effect. His atuise of our confi j deuce was calculated to excile, and did, excite imligi u'ioii in every patriotic bo-; SvJin, and c'all-d in'o anion the energies of every in in who believed that the war was waged in delence of our ju-t rights. 1 ran never forget the feeling which pervaded this body when the votes of Mr. Stone cuii'" to our knowledge. Our rotintrv was in arms, with a fierce and powerful en- my at our doors. Our at mv under the command f (h-o. Hull had leeu surren der' d lip, it not Vinn perfi ly, from gross incapacity, and lb-- lew men we bad in Ihe fi. Id w ei e des' itute of tood and cloth-I ing- Our Irea-ii'v empty, and the coun try without the ability to borrow money.; "I hi desperate s'aie of our affairs w.is i- nj n-at degree nin; to tee i lu-al ol Cou-j gress either ro rai-e the n cessarv fund - ! or establish a basis I r national credit.! 1 he-e lids yon ti id nibodied in the r' - ! poll which I h.iv,. !!; trad. We th n ! b'lieved, what I stiU b. Iiec, that they' were sufficient i istilv us, be!oi- an ' enlightened commuiotv, lortiie it solu' ions ; wlin h were tin ii idopte.. Mil', sir, i-cni-1 pHt e our com se ih n. mi h t i n Ceding now under con-nb ration. l i io find' US doing moie than was in lip'oi-ahl y ne cessary to sustain out cunti ? Onti eoin i er baud, what aie o'i imw .iliout to do Pio-irate iiml lhl imm ihe rt.ii', and li-- , grace your cooiitrv, iiy orihiiug ohi ' Senator to dow l.ai no b oiorabi.- in ill i .iii ' lo. For what ptrpos.' i , ;dl this l:ue? I'o prove to rie p-np!.- tl.at yen are nun good .l,tClon ui' ii. a' d t;u it bv to cuabir some of y on to r nb- ml o office on t '' si i ong current of "ponnlai f: li g." wn-ch ihe' gentleman from Hairen eiv MMsmi-ilth i invoUes. lias be practi-ed a, a rcpi i:cu. talive of Ihe p'-opie U7 ; h- so eain-slv1 preaches? We s oill s'. bv ; id by. In the retro-pect 1 at;i pteseiiiing to the enate, j we find lit 'le to alt i act our .mention from the conclusion of the warm tiie end of, Mr. Madison's a1 tniiiisiia'i u, cave the j charlering of the United States' Rank in j 1 Id. I his r new ed u-ui'p.ttioii of Feder-j a! power was .submitted to from a c nvic tU'ii that so'iiethiitg of the ki d w is im-. perioiJsly culled for. to correct the deraug-! ed condition of ihe currency, resulting! fmni the abuse of the piper system by tlte Mate authorities. W h -n I fust took m seat in the Senate of the United States in' I's-l, I met with tiie gentleman from War re-i, then and lor some years previou a im mber of tiie House of Repieseniatives of the United Stairs. Did thi in-tituiioii j find favor with tiie gentleman at that timer Or was he then, as he is now, its iniplaca- ; ble opponent? We were then in the halm j of interchanging opinions, and I bad ,t full i kuwledge ol, and vell remember the course which he and his party then purstf tl; and. in order that it may In: seen who has been false to principle, I must be permitted to make a brief uai ration of tacts. At that time I was desirous that snuif statesman should be found, who, ;)s the successor ol Mr. Monroe, shnull carry out in his administration Ihe republican prin ciples I held and bring the Covei i,meut back to the good old doctrines of 'IM ami 'DU. In casting about for such a one, I found it was necessary to pass in review the pretensions of vai ions rival candidates. Mr. Clay was objectionable, among other reasons, because liis wild enthusiasm in the cause of liberty made him, in my opinion, unsafe 1 J is project f connecting our destinies with tho-e of the semi-barbarians of South America made me afraid ot bun. Mr. Calhoun was a laditudinai iau in his construction of the Federal Constitution, ii manifested by his reports while exercis ing a contioling inlluence over Mr. Mon roe' administration. Mr. Adams had for saken his old fi tends under circuinnUoices well calculated to excite distrust. Mr. Crawford was not merely in favor of the United States' Rank, but, in his adminis nation of the Treasury Department, he had aided the State Ranks in a way that I decidedly disapproved of at the time, and bv which the government lost upwards of ! ...I .1 . , . a million ot uoiiars. iu wuum men snouitl we look? Ihe Tennessee Legislature bail but recently presented the name of Ccu. Jackson as a candidate. On my first ac quaintance with him, early in December, 1623, I was pleased with the man. Before a general acquaintance, ( had most enthu siastically admired his military achieve ments. His political opinions were or thodox so far as I could learn them. In my daily interviews with the gentlemai from Warren and his colleagues, who now, forsooth, claim to be the exclusive friends of Oeneial Jackson, as his nvowetl and warm supporters, 1 was compelled In hear the most unmeasured vituperation ol Oen. Jackson. then stood alone in his support; and, sir, I can never forget the malignant hostility of the Senator from Warren, and tho.se who thought with him, to their present idol. He was then a cru el, vindictive, blood thirsty tyrant, not gilled with a single qualification that fitted him to Iih the President of Ihe United States. Unable to construe the plainest .aw in the Statute Hook; and, in fine, his election, it was asserted, would prove a "curse to tne country ." As to the victory ol Ae.v Orleans, it had been better, they said, thai Ihe city should have been in flames, ami the beauty and booty of tne place offVre i up lo a licentious soldiery, than the Coiistituiion sln-uld have been violated by the suspension of (he writ of habeas corou. (me ol the s'enllernaii's colleague. - I im-.i.. !: i..rK , k 1 piesent Attorney Ceneral in his public addresses to the people ol liis district, w nt so lar, as I inn informed and believe, as to ! supeiadd to his other charges against the j (i ueral Ih it of moral turpitude, mantles-j le t in the abduction i f his neighbor's wife. He piofessed to kilo bun well, having' lived iM I,;,; immediate neighborhood. ! Soon alter (he ine ting of Congress in i where do you find t'us present leader . ot the Jackson party? Coing info caucus , tor the purpose of controling that "popu- ! Iir feeling," he now ostensibly so much j reverences. Do you find him and his par- j tv influenced by principle any more then . than now? tN.t. sir. Mr. Crawford re-; ccivetl th. caucus rioinin itioii the open ' ami arotced fritnd of tlte Unite A St alts' Hank that monster which the gentleman j and hi party now pritend to bate with sue i holy fervor. l.aily in lhj.1, I'ennsy 1 vanii r spoused toe cause of Cen. Jackson, ami his most foi midable rival in that State. Mr. Calhoun, was dropped: his friends joined our stan dard Inspired with renewed hopes bv such an acquisition of strength, we enter, ed the lists with .hese exrlusires. ami, in spite of their (. ofliu (land Rills and Benton pamphlets, circulated by thousands at a heavy expense to the party, we overcame tbcni in .North Carolina by a majority of inoie than five thousand votes. Do you . find Ihe gentleman fimn Warren y ieldiug j a ready ohed;ei,C" i, the will of the peo-I pie. -s thus tiu quivocally expressed, itndj .. k. nw lenging t.ie rtht of instruction . -ii: but. i;i the contiitry , In- openly re- J I ii se 1 t obey their wish. 1 1 is k now n I iiat Cem i-,. Jackson itceived a plurality of j eeitoinl voies, but ii"t a majority of the whole ii ii in If i . H i.ce lie election de- j solved on in." Hons - of" R, pi est ntai iv es. Ih.ic you li .1 the gem b man and his t Van bin n j,.n piiiuno iou-l y resisting; I o- 1 1 Ji, ol tie pt opje to ch'i .e I heir own ' Chi, I Migi-ti .'e. itn I viiiuilly o-opern- iing wi !i Mr i !.lv- who was charged with an iniptoper coalition with Mr. Adams. The i esiiir w as, the deiea'ed t,e well ass eeit, lined v islies ol I ne pe-.le ti lite elec tion of Mi. A .ot havii it leen able lo tliect ilteui liv tl,-ii caucus in niina I ion. thf-v contcnipiiiou-ly disregardetl the di- ( reel iii.sli in titois of tne pe ple, through the , ballot box. Uy ti e election of Mr. Ad- atns, a w,,.in l wris io!l: ted on ihe elective franchise, t i,e person oftieu. Jackson,? whieo ios a i.ly elic'.ted a I ihe paliiotic; feivor w.'iicli auiinated his early friends, ii:!. I prompted them, with one accord, to exeit every nerve to vindicate th vio ated r ghts of Iheii country. When Mr Clay! ("ho. like the gent leiirm from Warren, j had disieganh d the will of the people, in j voting for Mr. Adams) was nominated to the Sen ite, I felt it mv duty to oppose flu; nomination and lo denounce the coahfion. 1 1 1 was not, sir, until t ie gentleman ami bis parly discovered that they could no whet e fin. 1 safc'i; sav e under thr banners of our naiiourtl sinp, which again held her glorious coinse upon the deep, with the broid pendant of ihe Hero of New Or leans flying at her peak it was then, and j nor till then, tha! this party were wiping to enlist under her commander. They were g- neroa-ly taken c if the wreck of the Craw for.i boat; we pitied their distresses; ; and what is ihe return thev b-ive made ns? Tney have risen upon us, their liene.'actors. . and, seizing on Ihe ship, have turned us adrift as no longer woilhv of the service, j I rue, sir, we had but litlle confidence in the disinterestedness of some of their lead- ' er; but as the mass of" all partie aie lion ; est, wn lid not scruple to receive them in to full communion. I'o the original sin ot t Mr. Adams, in eoing into office in opposi- ; lion fo the wishes of a majority of the ieo-, file, be very soon superadded others, which j we attacked in their first inception. He ; asserted the right to act independently of the Senate, in the appointment of Ministers to Panama- As the humble organ of the patriotic band with which I had the honor of acting in the Senate of the United States, I forthwith submitted resolutions disapproving, in strong terms, the unlaw ful claims of power made by Mr. Adams. A most a' le and elaborate discussion en sued. The rights of the Senate were as serted and maintained in a most triumph ant manner. But, sir, we were in a minor ity then, as we are now. The argument, however, went firth to the? Am-'iiiau peo ple, and Mr. Adams stood rebuked befoie them. About this lime, some of our re cruits, anxious to signalize themselves in ll.eir new service, and willing to remove Ihe suspicions which properly attnehed to them, made an assault upon Mr. Clay, then Secretary of State. Genera! Saun ders, of hnni I have before made honora ble mention, led Ihe attack. Mr. Clay, he said, had removed some printers, who had been appointed bv his predecessors to publish the laws of Congress. This he censured as an insidious attempt lo control the freedom of Ihe press. The tocsin of alarm was sounded; the palladium of liber ty was proclaimed to be in danger, ami the patriots of the laud were summoned to the lescue. Retrenchment and reform were the or der of that day. The prodigality of Mr Adams's administration was loudly con, demned. A committee of retrenchment was Appointed; ami an elaborate report, reii'-cting on ttie lavish expenditure of Mr Aib.n.c'. : - . ... . " " ""oi'.Tii mion, spread on the journals of Cougres. 1 en or twelve millions of dollars were required by him to meet ihe annual expenditures of the (jov- ernment, and tins was stigmatised a an extravagant demand on the Treasury. H was further accused of retaining officers to 1' iiwiiii nominal mines, at a Heavy ex pense to the nation; ami. on this head. specifications were made among others, the 3d Auditor. The freedom of our elections was pro nounced in imminent peril from the pat ronage ol the (jeueral Oov eminent' be ing brought m conflict" with them. To this charge great plausibility was given hy . .1 . , , . . ,, mi. Miriins s Having piaceu iVtr. '.lay in the line of saft precedents: and the impru dent m inner in which Mr. Clay had ex cused himself for voting for Mr. Adams, in opposition to the instructions of his Le gislature, was stir.ed upon, and produced a powerful effect on the public mind. The bare idea of Mr Adams's employing the patronage of the Covernment to control, in any way, the right of ihe people to choose a successor, was made the basis of a most violent assault, both upon him and Mi. Cl.iy. Ami here I must pause to ren der an act of sheer justice to those dislin guished statesman. If ever the patronage of the Government w as con tiptly employed to carry out the coalition with which they were charged, no instance has ever come to my knowledge. In fine, we pledged ourselves, in c-veiy possible manner, to hiing bark the Government In its piisliue purity. All these pledge were, from time to lime, assumed by General Jackson, but more especially in his Inaugural Address, on the Jib of Maich, Jb2'.; to which 1 beg permission to call the attention of Ihe Senate. 'The management ( the public revenue that searching operation in all governments is among the most delicate and important mints in ours; and it will, cf course, demand no in considerable share of my official soli citude. Under every aspect in which it can be conside' etl, it would appear th;it advantage must result from the observance of a strict and faithful economy." ' The recent demonstration of pub lic sentiment inscribes on the list of executive duties, in characters too legible to be overlooked, the task oi rtform which will require, particu larly, the correction ot those abuses, that have brought the patronage of the Federal Government into con flict with the freedom of elections, and : counteraction of thoic causes which have disturbed the rightful course of appointment, and have pla ced, or continued power in, unfaith ful or incompetent hands." Sufficient In say, the people triumphed in Ihe election of General Jackson, in Ijs'2.; and no person, Mr. Speaker partici pated in this triumph more sincerely than 1 did, under a firm belief that the princi ples I had been advocating all my life would form the basis of General Jacuson's administration. In addition to w hid), I en tertained towards I Ln a most ardent per sonal bliachuK nt; ami in the fullness of my heart, I believed him to be one of the greule-t and best of men, and in a festive hour, said so. For this idolatry, I have been often taunted, ami. perhaps, justly. Diil any one, however, doubt my sincerity Iheii? No. sn: mv acts sm-ke louder than my words. Hot's any person doubt my sincerity now? No, sir. Can t lie parasites and sycophants, who surroun Jhim, say as much? When powerless, they opposed him w ilh the most in..!ignant hate; wheji he is ilothed wi:h power and patronage, and able lo reward them, they fawn and flatter, and, for their fawning and flatter-' ing. expect their pay with sis much cer tainty iis the laborer does his hire. A j that time 1 had a strong bold on the affec tions and loufidence of my fellow citizens1 ot Morth Carolina. As an ev idence of it, I had during the pn-vious winter, been i e elected to the Senate of the I'nited tates for six years from the dth of March, lSiI'J, without opposition. On the ai rival of Gen. Jackson in Wash ington in February, Ib'jy, 1 met him with an affection almost filial, and as much alive to the success of his administration as any man living. I was perfectly satisfied that the solicitude of his friends should be di rected lo the preservation of his well-earned laurel-, ami that this could be effected only by a strict and faithful adherence to the principles which had borne him into office. I often told him he would have less excuse in disregarding these principles than any President since the days of Gen. Washington: that he was sustained by an overwhelming majority of ihe American people, and had it in his power always to do t ight, without regard to expediency. V ithout solicitation on my part, be de' sired me to become a member of his Cab inet, and take charge of ihe Navy Depart ment. 1 returned bun my wannest acknowledgment for so distinguished an evidence of his confidence; but remarked, that I doubled my ability to discharge the duties of thai Department, either lo my own satisfaction or that of my country, and that I must ask lime to consult with my friend?. To this he consented, and I promised to call and give him an answer next evening. The fust person I asked counsel of was my friend and colleague, Gov. Iredell, now perhaps within the bear ingof my voice, a gentleman whose high claims to confidence are universally acknowledged, ami (to borrow a figure of the gentleman from Warren,) whose in herent v. riues ami talents rendered him peculiarly lit to peifortu so delicate an of lice. He unhesitatingly said, that, inas much as it was the first appointment of tha' grade ever tendered to a cfizen of North Carolina, ami as it was an honor intended to be conferred on the Stale inrougb rn 1 was not at dberty to decline. The next friend with whom I consulted, was the Sen ator from Burke, then a member ol the House of Representatives of the United States ;i fiiend indeed 1 may call him a friend while in favor, but still more a It lend when in adversity. His merits ami just claims on the Stafe l will speak ofelse where. His counsels were substantial! v the same as those of Gov. Iredell. 1 then sought interviews with manv others, ami finding there was but one opinion unions my friends as to the course proper for me to pursue, I, indue time, signified mv ac ceptance of the trust. ThU was some ten or fifteen days befoie the inauguration of Gen. Jackson. In the mean lime, the Ca binel arrangements were announced, bv authority, in the Telegraph. Among 'th" memoers was Major F.aton, my petsona friend, a gentleman for whom 1 entertain ed Ihe kindest feelings, ami whom 1 would have gone fuither lo serve than any oilier member of the proposed Cabinet. We were brought up in the same neighbor hood But as 9oon as his name was an nounced, many of the best friends of Gen. Jackson expressed their decided disappro baiion of bis appointment, fust one, and then another remonstrating against it. A- mong the objections urged, were the circumstances connected with Lis recent marriage. Finally, or. the urgent repres entation of one of the President's friends, he consented that Major Eaton should nol go into the Cabinet, as originally design, ed; but should be transpired to the Post Office Department, which was not at that lime considered a Cabinet appointment. I liis was communicated to tne in a few minutes, afterwiiids, and, in order to ena hle the President to accomplish his object without wounding the feelings of Major Eaton, I immediately waited on Gen. Jack son, and proposed lo him, in Ihe presence ol Major Ea.tou, that inasmuch as Jude Ml jrtin's friends bad uiauiicsted some anxiety for his promotion, Major E. ami myself might be permitted to tender him the choice of the three Depntmenls in bis (Gen. Jackson's) name, remarking at Ihe same time, that it would give strength to the Admimsfi ation; adding also, that if he prefened ihe Navy Department, which had been assigned to me, I would go into the Post Office Department; and if, uu the con trary, be preferred the War Department, ihe Major should go into the Post Office Department. Gen. Jackson not only con sented to my proposition, but t xpi ?ssed a high sense of what he was pleased to con sider my magnanimity. Some of tin se facts are now for the first time, made known, and they will doubtless surprise both Ceii. Jackson ami Major Eaton. If necessary, however, they can be establish ed in a court of justice, and, w hen taken j hi connexion with a movement made a few days afterwards, which 1 will not weary the Senate by narrating, If.ey will convince, if nut convict Gen. Jackou or Major l.aton, or both, of their ingratitude. As a statesman, Mr. Van Buren. in mv opinton, stoo l pre-eminent; and hence, as I you may imagine, I heartily concurred j tue President lo harmonize the-c r-lations . with Gen. Jackson in his selection of this He added, that the President had come to individual for the State Department. It is j the conclusion that Mr. Eaton must be known to many of my fi iends that I did j invited to our targe parties, and that our not hesitate, on all proper occasions, to i seats in the Cabinet would tie vacated, un express the opinion that he would be the j -ess these terms were submitted lo. Ha most fit person we could select as the sue-j then proceeded lo reason the matter with, cessor of Gen. iacksou. Mr. Calhoun ami j us, iu a persuasive manner, ivmai king, as I his friends were not ignorant of these facts, well recollect, that "the terms could not ami hence I was by no means a favorite in j their estimation As soon as Gen. Jackson was inaugura ted, and our nominations were confirmed, by the Senate, each member took charge of the Department assigned to him, par ticularity anxious, 1 doubt not, to ej.e eclat to the Administration, by a diligent and faithful discharge of tiie Irust commit ted to him. 1 can speak for in) self, at all events: never did I labor more assiduously. About the last of May, mv family came on, to mingle with a society to which :luy t were stiancers. 1 ney tonne! Ihe lady of and eutere'i upon the .subject with the en the Secretary of W ar, a native of the City, ' ergy a conscious lettiiuile of purpose m excluded from this society, and did not 'spued 1 told bun, among oiiit things deem it their duty or right to endeavor to i tint all the poweis (ui earth should not control or counteract the decisions ff the ( coerce me to submit lo tuch terms; he ladies of Washington; nor did they consid- ini-ht s;nke as suun as he p. eased; 1 had er themselves al liberty to enquire whether not supported him from servile tear, or the-e decisions were correct or otherwise i tiie hope of reward; that, falling in the Engaged, as I was continually, with the niaintaiuauce ot my honor and that of my all engrossing affairs of the Ntvy Depart-j State, 1 should only rue the stronger tor ment, I did not know at niih w horn my j tne knocking- dowu. ihe results of this family hail visited in the day. nor whom 1 session ot tne General Assembly have I hey had not; and thus the time passed ; convinced me that I was in t rior, and without; I can confidently assert the least ' dttply do I lament that I did err. tht interference, on my part, with mailers that i estimate I then mrdt of ihe inti ll.gence and belonged exclusively to them. At length, ciivulry of tnu naiict Slate. General however, a fi iend of ours, with his family, j Jackson, with s,Jme contusion in his man came on from Nashville a gentleman of ner, ohseived thai he had nol authorised high character, and a particular friend ol ! Col. Johnson to make such a coinmunica the President. Alter having taken one of; turn to us, and proposed lo semi for him. my daughters on an excursion to PhiladeU j I remarked that 1 surely aid not require phia and New York and returned, my fam- him to prove what he had smd, that Ins ily, for the first time during their residence j word was suflicmu!, and here closed il,,a in the City, determined, on Ihe eve of his j unpleasant interview. departure for home, to invite a few ac-! A lew days afterwards Col. Johuson cal quamtances to spend the evening with our j led at the Department on busint-ss, and, as guest and his family. U hom they had in-, he entered the room, offered me i. con viled, I knew not, and accordingly met gratnlations on the pacific aspect oi affairs. wiin many iaa.es ami gem.ernen; and of, Ihis meeting, unimportant in itself, I should not have thought gain, but for a singular communication, a few days afterwards, from Gen. Jackson, touching it; bv which I was informed that IVlaJ. Eaton was dis pleased, because Mr. Campbell and Doc tor Ely were at my house, on such an oc casion. 1 hail heaidof many things con nected with this delicate subject before: but this was the first time any thing in a tangible form had presented itself. As you will readily imagine, my feelings were excited, and I instantly demanded of Gen. Jackson, by what authority Maj Eaton or any one else, q iestioned'niy iioht lo in! vite whom I pleased to my house. "By no authority (he replied.) but Maj. Eaton considers it very unkind in you to give an invitation to these gentlemen, inasmuch as they have been talking about Mr. Eaton " Mr. Campbell was the pa-tor of a church, in the city, in which Gen. Jackson had a pew, and winch he had regularly attended up to this time. Three of U'n Cabir.et ministers, myself included, likewise hid pews in the same church, and were gener ally iu attendance on Sundays. This gen tletnan was, so far as I knew or believe. t, one of the most exemplary persons in the place, and, withal, a most eloquent di- vine. Doctor Ely was a mini-ter of the Gospel, a resident of Phil nit Iphia, then on a visit io the City of Washington, and was invited by Mr. Campbell o accompany him to my lions. 1 in-se things, you may be assured, created some emotion; they weie of so contemptible a character, ' that I persuaded myself ihe President (,f ihe Foiled States would soon become ashamed of them. I therefore endeavored to repress my teeins. Not so, however, with the President, lie became more and more petulant, and soon af-er .quitted Mr. Campbell's church, pressing me to do so likewise. As for Maj Eaton, he scaicely returned the ordinary sanitations whilst wj wer? in tiie discharge of our official duties. There was. however, an alteration in his manner jusl about the meeting of Congress, in 1829; and, on one occasion, I was ap proached bv him with apparent kindness. The caue whicli led to this, 1 may or may not, at some future peiiod, lay before t ho public When this is done, if ever, ther will see that I have acted w ith great foi -bearauce, both towards Gen. Jackson and Mai. Eaton. Mr. Van Btircn, it must be borne in mind, was a w idovver, without daughters; and he adroitly availed himself ot all his privileges as such, liis attentions to ,V!r. Eaton were of the most ma iked character. Polite and assiduous on alt occasions, he was particularly so ;n the presence of Geu. Jackson or Maj- Eaion His influence, iu eveiy variety of form, both official and unofficial, was exerted to make it apparent to those gentlemen thht he entered deeply into their feelings; not, in fact, that he Cared any thing about them; but he fore saw the power to be acquired by pursuing such a course, and had no scruples to re strain him. Knowing me to be his fiiend, he made an effort to detach me from the line of conduct I considered it my duty lo purue. At length Gen. Jackson, after the meet ing of Congress in Dec. S2(J, fouling the ladies of N Hshington to tie impracticable determined that the families ol his Cabinet should submit to terms or be dismissed. Accordingly, Col. Johnson, of Kentucky, duly authorised, as he said, by the Presi dent, notified the Secretary of the Treasu ry, the Attorney General and myself, that he had a communication to make to us. We, theiefoie, assembled at Judge Ber rien's House, and, in a few minutes, the Hon. IC M Johnson v as announced Ihe ordinary courtesi passed; we awaittd with profound attention, ttie anticipated terms of submission. Judge Berrien and niVsttl bavini: oreviousiy received intimation of the ciiai acler of the fioiu Mr Ingham, who had had an inter view with Col. Johnson in lhe course of the da v, w-re not taken by surpiise Col. Johnson coiiMiiemed by descanting at large on the dehcate relttioi-s subsi-ting between the families d'tm? Heads of De- oin tments, and the great anxir tv fdtbv be considered bard, as every bodv was in vited to the large parties in Washington. ' We answered, in suusiatue, that such terms Could not he submitted lo by us, ami that lie was authorized to to iulorm the President. Here, sir, without pursuing the detail, our interview closed. In the morning, alter breakfast, 1 waited on the President, confidently expecting to di solve our official tela, ions forthwith. As it was highly probable this wouid pi ov e the List ; oppoi iniiity afforded me of speaking freely to Geu. Jackson, 1 Cnew oil an lesttaint, observed to him that tine President lf.nit..K having given him authority to make the communication tie had done to Mi. Ing ham, Mr. beriieu and mvstU. ' Lt I tiint pass, ' said he "l represented ii to you iu the most fa vol able light ' Other indications very soon convinced me that the ni.dignai.it influences which at mis lime were strong, were d len ei tioin consummating tiie.r fell purposes. Con gress was in session; Ike. l,idus ot the members from Tennessee, even, i.eni no intercooice w ith Mrs. l.aton: nor, infect, the Frttidtnt's oict famil. The ft lends ot the Aomiuisiraiioii ix.came alarmed, lest the txeici-e of such despotic powr should overwhelm litem all. and, doubt lesily interposing warded ffthe impend ing blow. The situation of Mrs. Cxtou, however, eurossetl the President's whole soul, and he continued be ,,ticl ot copied it collecting c tttfu ates, princip ally from offio-seekers, u, i,sii,iii u r. These wre piled one up.-n another, ajul ids friends pressed to read them, ofin. I aia pursuaded, to Iheir annovai.ee. This hook ol ceitiuVates. tor a folio' did it soo(t Income, was that on which office-seekers frst qualified fur ojlict lu the mean tiii,, .vlr. Vn Buren, who (had art luliy, coutiibuied iw luflttuie live