vult, under the nt'W hill, should ii bec!M,? a l.iw, uoiilJ ooiii( t: Pennsylvania, Ne.v .Jorey air! el;uvu-p, am! Chiof Jusiit-e ill's circuit would consist ot Iar 1 111 1, Virginia and North Carolina. S nidi Carolina aod Georgia wo.iM constitute one cir cuit as here to lore, (to he tlit: fifth.) Alalmni, I Louisiana and Missis sippi wouM (Miistittile the sixth; Ohio, Tennesee and Kentucky, the seventh; and Indian i, Illinois and .Missouri, tiie eighth circuit. The bill passed by a vote of .3 1 yeas to f nays. .Vat. I. it. The PrcxhL-ncu. The follow In. Js the n ply of the Hon. Huli Whin-', I to a lette r auuresi-a to lunt )v Sc.v I eral of the iiu'inhcrs in Congress I'rmn Tennfseo, requesting to know what I would likely he his coarse shrmhl public opinion seem to require tin use o!hi ikuih as a candidate for the Presidency : Washington. Dec. 30, 183 1. Gentlemen Your note dated on yesterday was handed me a few minutes since. I am aware th;it for Mime time pist, my name h is been oee ion ally m-Miiioned, in toy own Sl;itc, and eUevvlu're, for the ofliee yon mention. I h id never nppued it tvouM be so fir acespi.ihle to the public as to render an uppli calion to me necessary to ascertain my wishes or determination. Not having taken any pains to ascertain public opinion upon that subject, I am perhaps less acquain ted with the sentiments ol even our own State than any of my colleagues. As to my own wish es and determinations, lean have no difficulty in giving you an an swer. I am not conscious that at anv moment ot my life I have ever ished to be President ot the j United States; I have never kuow-i jngly uttered a sentence, or done ; an act, lor the purpose of induc ing any person to think of me for that distinguished station. When the duties and responsibilities of the Oi'iice are considered, in mv opinion, it is an object more to U ..r;.l,wl (1,.. I 1 .L.,'1 UC 4IUIUIU HI til I UC'IILli. 1 Ml JO it while I ' have so l.tlle confnlenee in mv I :. . i- . .i own capacity oiscnarge ine ;u- lies of it, as" I now have. Those for whose L'-nelit it was created have a right to fill it with any citizen they may prefer, provided he is eligible by the Constitution; and the person who would refuse to accept such an office, if offered by tiie people of the United States, ouhi to have a much sJrongr hu!d upon public opin ion tiun I can ever hope lo pos sess. My most anxious wish is, that in any use you may think proper to make of my name, you may lose sight of every cjnsideralion except the public interest. 1 have not h id any agency in causing it to be used and d . not feel that I woull he justified in directing th" use of it to he discontinued. I can, however, with truth say that if those political friends who have used it thus fir shall have reason to believe, a further U'-e of it will be an injury, instead of a benefit, to tiie country, and may choose to w:thdraw it, they have my bea r ly co n c u r re n c e. I am, respectfully, Your obedient servant, HUGH L. WHITE. The Honorable Wm. M. Inge, Balie Peyton, James Standefer, John Blair, W. C. Dunlap, Saml. Bunch, John Bell, David Crock ett, John B. Forester, Luke Lea, and David W. Dickinson, Ksquires. JIv. Clay nat a candidate. The Washington correspondent of the Boston Atlas says be has it ..,..v.,it u ups, nidi ucias an excnse jjy trance lor the will not bea candidate for the! Presidency." The Vice J'residrncy. The Hon. JatTit -. Much man having heen nomi nated hy the citizens of Lancaster county, i'um. as a candidate for the Vice Presidency, he addressed the following note to the Lancaster Jour nal, in which it will be seen he de clines honor: Sir I have observed with pro found gratitude lhat my democrat ie fellow-citizens of the county of Lancaster, have brought my name before the public lor the office of Vice President. Permit roe, lutougii your paper, to ex- ' warmest Uowledirments lor this new tes timony ol their rvml. Under existing circumstances, I believe 1 should be-a promote he harmony and success of the 'bunocratie party throughout the Union, by declining to become a candidate for this distinguished honor. My determination thus o act has heen freely communi cated to all my friends, whthave consulted me on the subject and 1 am glad that the nomination m LuieeMer county alfords me an opportunity of making that de termination public. Yours, very respectful I v, .IA.MKS HUC I IAN AN. Wahington Cily,5 Feb. ltJ5. Nat lo mil ( o nvention. T 1 1 e Republican members of the Le gislature of AVtu York have made arrangements for appointing Del egates to the Convention, to meet at laltimore on the 20th of May. The State Committee of Ver mont have also invited the Demo- cratic Republicans of that Slate, to hold meetings in their respec tive towns, to appoint one or more Delegates to attend a State Con- J vention at Montpelier, on the 4th of March, for the purpose of appointing seven Delegates to attend the National Convention. The great Republican Party of Pennsylvania will meet in Con vention at Uarrisburg, on the dth of March, for this and for other purposes. U ich rn u n d En q . Our relations with France The Ship Sully arrived at New ! lorli on Saturday, bringing Paris dates to the 17th January. The intelligence bv this arrival, furn ihes gooil grounds for the belief' that the difficulties between our Government and Franc- will be amicabiy adjusted. Tin; indem nity bill was brought forward in the Chamber of Deputies on the f:h ultimo, and il would appear from the Sp--rh of the Minister i I V I 1 ' i f i oi j mance in.u ine l rencu .Min isters are dejermined, notwith- landing the objectionable light in tbev iev the Messafe of t i (,e-Jackson, to tm in ijood faith, and to endeavor to fulfil the slip- j uiatious ol the lieatv. c trust that this expectation may be rea lized. WbiLt we have admitted the patriotic tone of tin; Presi dent's Message, we have alvavsi regarded the implied threat which il held forth, as not only unwise, but as calculated to retard, if not entirely prevent the settlement of the controversy between the two countries. The Kxecutive should have carefully abstained from placing France in ihe altitude of ful filing its engagements to us un der a threat of war or reprisals. We are however pleased to find that the French Cabinet, regard ing the message "as an act of the Government as yet incomplete," have resolved, without waiting for the aclion of the American Congress, lo urge upon the Chambers the necessity of main taining the "good faith'' of ihe nation by the immediate passage of ihe bill. If the Ministry are sincere (as we believe) in their efforts to fulfil the stipulations of the treaty, there is every ground to believe that they wiil succeed. But should they not be acting in good faith, or should their efforts fail of success, there w ill be but one opinion among the people of this country as to the stand to be taken by our Government. How ever much we may regret and condemn the hasty and ill judged action of our Chief Magistrate, wj,;r, m;iv have been seized unnn non-fulfilment of the treaty, no one will be found to recognise the validity of that excuse, or to with hold his aid from any judicious plan for obtaining redress for the wrongs inflicted upon our citizens. We have, however, no reason to doubt ihe sincerity of the French Ministry, and, from the fact that Mr. Livingston had not applied for his passports but had deter mined to await the action ofth Chambers in reference to the in demnity bill, there is every proba bility that our relations with on ancient ally will be restored anti iced on their former amicable footing. eL inL Shameful. The New York Commercial Advertiser say.s.- VVe cannot forbear mentioning, though with very deep mortifica tion, an incident of Saturday, which reflects great discredit up on a portion of our population the constituency, par excellence, of our present representatives in the National and State Legisla tures, h was this: On the laud ing of the French officers from ihe ship, at Castle Garden, be tween one and two o'clock, a mob assembled at the gate of the bridge, to oppose their coming shore. It was a base ragamuffin crew of boys and universal suffrage voters, who threw themselves in the way of the officers, and assail ed them with insulting exclama tionscrying "Down with the Frenchmen!" "Don't let them come! "Drown them!" &c. &c. The officers were on their way to the of the Consul-General, who resides at the Battery, and tiV mob accompanied them thith er, to the number of seven or eight hundred. M. Le Forest was at the office of the Consulate at the time, tu which place a par' of the mob continued their course Their rude and ruffian cries were continued at his house lor a time, and M. Le Forest represented llu cise to the Mayor, whose depot I menf on the occasion was such as might have been expected from that officer, who is alike a gentle man in his feelings and conduct. The feelings of these Mranis gentlemen themselves, ami at tached to a most honorable service were of course deeply injured at snob a reception from the old friends and ..Hies of their own country. They knew not what to make of Mich a popular out breaking in a time of peace and in a country boasting so much of its intelligence and orderly character. But the most Mili-ltieiory repre sentations have been made to them, and the Mibj'-ct is now, as we h ive reason to believe, uuder slood in its true linht. liattle bttwern the Indians and Poles. It appears from a letter received this week from a respect able Polish emigrant, at New Orleans, that about 20 of bis countrymen, not meeting with any means of support, and lotallv w ithout funds, departed from New Orleans for Mexico, by land, through the Texas cotmtrv. Having no guide, nor knowledge of the w ilderness route, they be came utterly lost, when they were fiercely attacked by a numerous body of Indians. The Poles had but few guns, but maintained a long and bloody conflict, until they had killed a large number of their enemy. They, however, suffered severely, having bail two of their number slain, and the re mainder wounded. Only one Pole w as able to reach New Or leans. Louisville Journal. Xeiv York Market, Feb. 21. Colon - The sales of ihe week extend to about 2500 bales, ot which 1250 were Upland, at 15-5 to 500 New Orleans yi 10 to 181; 450 Florida al HI to 17j; and 200 Mobile at 17 to IS ets. The last advices from Knland ami France have had the effect to unsettle our market, and generally holders are unwilling to name lower prices and purchasers lo come forward with offers at ihe present prices. Since Ihe ac counts were received very liitle has been done, part of which was at a reduction from previous rates. Naval Stores Tuipenline is dull and can ire obtained at less than our quotations. In Tar there is not much doing. Star. (I?"The Hon. William Gaston, of North Carolina, will deliver the annual oration before the Whig and Cleosophic Societies of ' nnceton College, at the next commencement, and Nicholas Middle, h -sq. will address the klunini. Halt. Pat. Frost-bitten Vegetables. We .bserve from the Favetleville na- ers, lhat a physician of that tow n recommends the citizens to be cautious in making use of frost bitten vegetables, particularly Cabbage, which was nearly ail frozen during the late extremely cold weather, and is now, in its decayed state, very detrimental to health. It is recommended to gather all the old cabbage, and bury it. Raleigh Standard. OCr'The ship Hark Away, which lately arrived at Peters burg, brought from Liverpool the celebrated English horse Tranby and Wheale, inported by Messrs. Avery Co. of Greensville coun ty, Va. Ral. Star. The Chesvpeuke Bay. One of the Pilots, who had come up from below says the Baltimore Chronicle states, that on Mon day last, the whole Bay was frozen over to Capes Henry and Charles, and that the Pilot boats had great difficulty in getting in from sea ice two and a half inches thick. This may be regarded as a most remarkable circumstance,' not happening perhaps once in fifty years. The distance from Balti more to the Capes, is estimated at about 200 miles. Distressing Casualty. D r. Samuel S. Pool, a physician of our town, while skating on Little River on Tuesday last, was sud denly precipitated into a hole through the ice and before assis tance could be rendered him, sunk to rise no more. His body was recovered the next day and inter red. Dr. P. was quite a younj man, amiable and affable in his manners, and for several years a member of ihe Methodist Church. His sudden and untimely death is a severe blow to his fond pa rents and other relatives. Herald of the Times. Foreign. A vessel arrived at Philadelphia, bringing Liverpool ('ales of Jan'y 20. The Paris dates are of the 1 7th. It was considered ur.n rtain w hether the Ministry would carry the Indem nity Bill through the Chambers. The account of" Mr. Livingston's d termination to retain his place at Paris, until his passports were forced upon him, is confirmed. The Cotton Market at Liver pool, Jan. 20, was more firm, and spinners were expected soon to resume operations, which had been suspended by the elections. The ireneral result of the elec tions in England is not yet ascer tained. IHKI). On Sunday last, aged about 5 years, Ca.'rin, son of Mr. John Sherrod. of Martin countv. He was burnt se- crely about three weeks previous, and lingered until mortification took place inwardlv. IMMMtWMB.l.LMUIMWBraWRCaMl Prices Current, sit Tarboro and New York. M.X ll. '2. p-r Turburo'. Aew Yurk. Bacon, li. i 8 IO Sj 9 BeesvMix, II,. j H i!0 l 20 BraiMlv,HIe .ll n' 00 70 Ij. 38 C'oiT.-.-', i;j lt io l.i t'orn, ImisIi.I oO 5." 64 70 Cotton, II). j 13 14 15 17 lotion Na'g. vaid.j 20 25 IS 22 rinnr, sujif. il)ll. . 600 62.3 500 537 lion. M. 4$ 5 3 4 L:imI, !!. 8 9 IV Molasses, gall'n 33 40 21 30 Mi:;iii . brown, lb. 10 12 U l tnU, T 1. l.uli 60 6.3 3"" 37 'I in pmtine, hb!. 175 18U 275 312 (Vheat, 'bush. I 70 iiO 80 8S Whiskey, I I. ti ' 3S 40 27 28 Jim Cvoiv, WILL ST AM) the cnsiiiiiT season. (wliicli will commence on t tie lot Marcli,) fnir ilays at my Malile, at llonry Shirley's, ami three at Win. .Moor ing's. ft Mr. Haywood's plantation, so as to be at his stands every Iw. Ilih day. Persons putting mares to Jim Crow, are rrqucstril to le pat in sending' on evfty twelfth day from the lime thev are put, and they w ill nol be disappointed in finding the Jack at liis stands. He will be at to v stable until Wednesday evening, 4th March then ?ro to Mr." fhiiley's where he will remain until Sunday eve ning, 8di March then to Mr. Mooring', where tie wiil remain until Wednesday evening, lilh Alan h then to his foime'r tand. He will be let to mares at Three Do'.liirs Ibe single leap Five Dollars the season, and Kight Dollars to insure a ur.ue to be iu f al with 23 cents t the (iroom in every instance. A transfer of property forfeits lie insurant e. Mares wiil i.e entered by the season, unless I tttn ollu r.vie inform, d w hen they nte lirsl put to the Jack, and when charged no al teration will be made. Great caie will be taken to avoid accidents, but no liability for any- IV AL S. BAKER. Febraarv 28ih, 1835. 10 3 Mule uml Female e'5, JACKSON, Northampton County, JV. C. MR. ROBERT A. EZELL, TA5 ilplprmiiieil 1(1 make lllis his iiri'ini. ii herit place of residence, and will take charge of the Academy at this place, the Exercises of which will commence on the second day of March next Mr. Ezell's superior qualifications as a teacher in all the various branches, preparatory lo Col. lege, are too well known in this section of lhe country, to require comment. The female Department Will be under the charge of a competent Lady, under the immediate superinten dence of Mr. Ezell. BOA III) ran be had with the Principal, or in respectable families in the vicinity or neighborhood, at $60 far the scholas tic year. TERMS OF TUITION. For the lower branches iu English, per session, - . 8 00 Higher brauches in English, 10 On Lauaunses, - 12 50 Music, (in addition,) - 15 00 From the commencement to 1st June counted only as half session. SVlillUEL CALVERT. R1CIFD II. WEAVER. .Tick-on, 22d Feb. 1835 9-3 Notice. XnilE Subscriber commenced teaching L School Ihe present year on the Smith fi 1.1 road, in the neighboi hood of Mr. Willie Atkinson's, James Barron's, and Jo. V. Pitt's The Students will be taught Spelling, Reading, U riling, and Arithme tic, at 6 per s-ssion. The situation is hii;li and healthy board convenient at 10 cents per d;:y for children 5 cents for tuition. The experience of 28 years' tea cui'ig, and known attention always paid lo ihihlren committed to my care, induce me to hope I may receive a liberal share of public patronage. E. BULLOCK. Febrmry i!7rh, 1835. 2 Vine 1 1 it I J cade my. 'J1! IF. Male Department of tins School is now open, under Ihe direction of Mr. j James S. Letch, of Uarrisburg, Penusyl- i vania. Board can be had at the Academy, and w'uh other families in the vicinity, at Six Dollars a month. Scotland iNeck. 9di Feb. 135. 7.3 Soiice. yf BALL will be tiveii at the residence dTtLnfCiM. B. 1J. BELL, on Thursday evening, the 19th of Match next. Fern nary 27th, 1835. 9-2 Htm uants, Htmnanls! CHEAT VARIETY of Henmants of &c every description of Goods, w id be Sold (it half I heir value. J. IV ED DELL. 2 te Feb. 1835. Just Heceived, NEW SUPPLY of Turks Island Salt. Sugar, CotlVe, Molasses, Ruin, uud Whiskey. ALSO, some best stone Lime, Freeborn's No. 12 and II Ploughs, with and without stocks extra points. And, a fi-w fresh Harden Seeds all of which are offered at mv usual low prices. N. II. ROUNTREE. 19'h Feb 1S35 Lianil for Sale. pHF. Subscriber rflers for sale her Trat of Land lying in Edgecoinbe county, cominunly called the I lunge Orchard Plantation, Containing 329 acres, with an apple or chard on it capable of making 25 or 30 barrels of Brandy. This land lies one mile below the Gieat FaVs Tar RivT, and ad joins the lands of Charles Harrison, Rob ert Sorey and others, and has on it the ne cessary negro houses, barns, kc- A part of this Laud is of an excellent qiwilily,and if application ig soon made, possession will be given immediately and long credit giv en if preferred. A further desciiption is deemed unnecessary, ft no person will buy without first viewing the Land. Terms made know 11 onapplication to Jno.J. Bunn. RACHEL BUNN Dec. 19th, 1834. f5 Land for Sale. J?., THE Suhscriher is anxious ' M to 80,1 l,is l ri'Ct f LnnU a1' ! i'Svd joining the one on which he .ii&K'Al. now' lives. It contains 530 acres, some of which is low grounds, the balance piney woods. This Tract has a good dwelling house on it, nearly new, with 4 rooms below and 2 up stairs, and other out houses. Persons desiious of buying Land low, are requested to call am! examine for themselves, as the Subscriber may at all times be found al h iirwe, and is determined to sell it he can get any thing over hull" the value. CIL HARRISON. Oct. 2Sth, 1834. ft il fill 1 WW 5?f I QJ Cloaks and lionnru.pj NOW OPENING AT THE Cheap Cash Store. ((T LADIES and Girls merino, 4j$JJ silk, camblet. and Cii Caspian Cloaks, from I 50 to 9. 120 ineii'g CloHks. with and without sleeves frotu C-t, and upwards, ALSO, 200 women's Leghorns, from 50 ce..ts to the finest made, 250 Straw and Tuscan Bonnets, from 50 cents each. JAS. WENDELL. Nov. Hi:h, 153E Slate of North Caroling MAHitN COUNTY. Court of I'leu-t nn.d Quarter Sessions, JANUARY TERM..1KJ3. Jam. s B. Slade ) Atlndimtn'kvU vs. pan tli fee A'groe John H. Purrington, ) Dawson. Andrew if S'Wi. H. W. Bagley, AUaclimtntltrUd v. 71 three Xfrots 1 he Same. j DaiTMn. Andrew $, on in. j Atlni fimcnt hvied. .'On three AVgro-a -j Di.wson. Andrew fy' Bagley U Hyman, vs. 1 he Same. ' Hum TI appearing to the satisfaction of the Conn, that the defendant, John H. Purrington, hath removed himself out of this County: It is ord. ted, that p .bli. atit.n be made in the I arboro' l'tes, fur six weeks. iMvinz notice to tile d tVmtant that unless he appear at the next teim of thi Court and plead or replevy, judgment fond will be en'ered against him lor the auunnt of the plaintiff' demand, and thi negioea levied on condemned subject to pav the plaintiff' debt and cost, and ordered lo be sold. 'le t. JOS. D. BIGGS, Clk. Pi ice adv $3: '0 5-6 State of JS'orth Carolinu MARTIN COUNTY. SCPL1UUP, COURT OF LAW. Fall Ttrm,lS3l. Sarah Swauuer, ) X:" Petition for Divorce. John Swanner, S aN this case subpoena having been issu ed a cot ding to law, and returned not to lie found, and proclamation having bieii made for said defendant, and hi default recorded: Oideied bv the Court, that pub lic ation tie made in the Rait ih Star and Tut borough Free Press, two public jour nals of this State, for three months, for the said John Swanner to appear at our next Superior Court, to be held at the Court House in VVi!iiaiTiton, the last MnJ.iy in February next, then and thre to answer, plead, or demur to the petition of said Sa rah, and cause shew if any he hath, why the prayer of said petition shall not be granted otherw ie the cause will betaken up and ned ex parte, and judgment rendered as to John Swanner pro coidesso. IV. MARTIN Clk. Price a lv sf.5 'J5 63 rO t ea! U I'esHjx VERY man or woman iudebttd to the su!-scriber by open ticcotinf, ate re quested to call and serie the same as ear Iv as conve tii-r.t, either bv osh or note. The cash would be preferr tl, but if thai, cannot be had, w ill take a note. i IV. COTTEN. Tarboro', No. Ca. 17th Feb. 1835. At the Cheap Cash More, '"ILL be shown an extensive assort. t menl of seasonable Dvy Goods.- Those that wish to see a hauuouie Stock of Merchandize, with exceedingly Low Prices attached, will do well t call and ex a.mwe, as I am determined to srll oul iiv Winter stock to make room for Spring and Summer Suppli. J. IVEDDELL. Feb. 19th, 1S35. Conetoe Jack, ILL STAND the enduing season Bt the stable of G. M. Mom in?, ten miles from Tarbornugh, near the 'licen v lie road and at Ezekiel Sinton's, ight miles from Tarborough, n-ar the Cross Roads meeting house and will be let ti marcs at Three Dollars the single leap, Five Dollars the season, and Eight Dollar to insure a mare lo be iu foal with twenty five cents to the Groom in every instance. A transfer of t lie prop.-rty forfeits trie in suiance- The season w ill commence at . M Moorings stable on the 1st f March, ween: In will continue "ne week IhCnce to E. Staton's one week, ami so on until the 1st of July, when the season will end. CON'EIOE JACK is five years old this spring ol" large size and good form, and has proved himself to be a sure foal jretter. G. M. MOORING. E. STAT ON. Feb. 19th, lt35. 8-3 WILL STAND ihe present season at my Stable, (Marion's oiti siaud,) two miles fronis the town of Halifax, N. C. and w ill render service at Ten Dollar the Leap, Fifteen Dollars the Sea;un, pay able at its expiration, ami Twenty five Dollars to lihine, payable when 'he fact is ascertained, or Ihe mate parted with. Fif ty Cents cash to the Groom in every in stance. Any gentleman making ip a class of five, shall have the sixth gratis. Ihe senpon will commence the ) t of March and end the 15th of Jn!y. Mares sent 10 remain wiiti the hoist; will be grain fed at tweuiv five cents per day when required. Every attention will be paid to prevent ar cideuts or escapes, but no responsibility for either. DESCRIPTION GLAFCUS is a b-a:uiftil hermit sorrel, full five feet one and a half inches high. For beauty, leganre, symmetry ot lorm, and purity of Mood, he is surpassed by none and equalled by but few, being des cended Loin the very best sti ckof horses for the Turf, both if this country and Eng land, as his Pedigree will show. PEDIGREE. GLAUCUS, five years oid ti'i prin, was sired by the celebrated Horse ami geiter of race Horses, old Sii Archie; his dam by the renowned old inipoifed Citizen, his g. dam by imported Seagull, his g. g. dam by old imported Janus. Seaeull wa sired by Woodpecker, l is dam by Snap. Woodpecker was sired by King Iterod, hi dam, Miss Kamsdeii. by old Cad.-, Lons dale' Bay Arnhian, Bay Botioo. Darlii 5 Arabian, Place's U h'tteTuik.'J atlolet Barb. Natuial Barb Mar. (See T. R. vol. 2d, No. 8, P. H'l, l"r Wm dpt cker'- pedigree.) Soap by Snip, Marlboreogn sire of Vi a gr, and ol the dams of Florizel. 'J op Gal lant, Maid of the Oak, ami Hamilloniati, (See T. R. vtd. 2d, No. 1. t. 19 ) John IVi IlepL nst all. Feb. 7, lfc35- 7 3

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