Miscellaneous VOll THE TARBORO' PRESS. "Wake np, snakes, June bugs craw ling, , MnmniVs out & the babv's bawling. (hint tit inn from Z'flfl C'OOH S love adventures. Through thy thoroughfares, T h, the mock sleichs are shcling, Thou the town of long dwindling art rising once more; In thy once noiseless alleys sweet sounds and sleigh riding, Have "used up" the dullness that reign'd there before. Of the nocturnal sounds that enliven the citv, . And draw to the lattice by enchant ment each maid; Zipp Coon carries the day, that most beautiful ditty, On fiddle and bass drum and triangle played. The horn and the whoop and the yell sounds extatic, Thr. h.irsf-shoe and tin nan and the d 1 knows what; And ever and anon like those gentry aquatic. A bellowing is heard, if I mistake it not. Sjich sounds, by the gods, are truly bewitching, Makes the hair on my head stand as straichtr as a poker; A damsel exclaim'd, as with delight she was itching, Tf twas'nt extatic she wish'd Satan might smoke her. In addition to these we have rcuts upon routs, And parties on parties, and balls up on balls; While the streets are cnlivcn'd by bacchanalian scouts, Joy, levity and laughter resounds in the halls. Sweet day of chivalry that has long since departed, Thou art returning again with beau tv ten fold; With thv onz train of love stricken knights noble hearted, Young Quixottes just kindled from a spark ot the old. Rise, immortal knight of the rue ful countenance, the days of chivalry are returning. Rise, gird on thy ar-' . .1 J I I I .1 4 !.. t mo , lily luuuo, uiy siutiu, ami uiv i barber's basin. Astride thy match- less Uozinante. nut thv snear in rest . , , ---J r - - and make a tilt at the windmills. and when the head of the Comet And thou, OiSanchalJanZa,cap.irison rearhes tie meridian, its tail will thy noble dapple and prepare tor the ; . . . ,, onset. JIM CROW. ! sweep the liomioii. i i i ' The author contends tliat the Muting and Re-Moving A ' electric and attractive power of singular and mournfully interest-; the comet will have very serious ing spectacle was exhibited in our elfects upon our atmosphere, in stieetson Saturday the 7lh inst. ' producing inundations earth Two companies of "movers" met j quakes, storms, tempests, volcanic on the Courthouse-hill, one seek- i eruptions, and epidemic diseases. ing a more eiigioie aweiiing i place in the south west, the other returning to the oki residence in this Slate, after having in vain sought a better in the "land of promise" in the west. The caval cade troine: west consisted of about a doz-eu carts, and a large number O of well dressed and hearty look iug men, women, and children, white and black conveying to j the spectator an idea of comfort I and independence while the one our principle of cometary inlln returning to the homes of their i ence, we venture to predict that youth counted oniy two poor old ; the summer of 1S35 will be re horses, upon one of which was marked for intense heat, which something that had apparently to! may be expected to destroy the perform the double duty of a bed 'harvest in some parts of the world, by night and a saddle by day, and '.That year will be noted for earth upon which were seated a woman! quakes and volcanoes, and other with two or three small children: the other horse carried the re-1 maining property ot this little band, and was also ridden by a woman. Une nan grown youth on foot, carrying an axe, appeared to be the sole protector of the journey, who, being questioned about the father of the family, replied that he died in 1 ennessee! mi . .!.. 1. 1 . 1 X nese two parties uaiieu: anu me intense interest with which they I I - ! gazed on eacn omer, was distress- lute to the beholder; while the difi'erence in their appearance, pe- cuniary and personal, made him forget the loss which we encoun - tered in the removal of the one, by the strong feeling or svmDathv for the distresses of the other. It would require the pencil of a Hogarth to do justice to the scene: on the one hand, a large and pros perous family leaving their home, friends, and all the endearing con nections of childhood, and man hood, to seek a kindlier dwelling - .J s ft J rtmon strangerswhile, on the 1 stricken, woe-1 oilier, a poverty hecrone comoanv, reduced both 1 in numbers and energy, returning to spend the remainder of their miserable lives in the very homes which they had previously left in far happier and better days!! Is it to be always thus? Will nothing ever be done to avert the dire ne cessity which our citizens are un der of leaving the State with their substance: And will not the above picture have the effect to deter from a hasty movement those who desire to emigrate to unknown regions, and who, possibly, may have to retrace their steps in prov ertv and distress, and drag -out their days in their native State. IVestcrn Carolinian. Thc Banks. The Legislature of Alabama have passed a bill for arresting the circulation of bank notes under 5. The Senate of New York have also passed the bill prohibiting the circulation of small notes, ayes 25, noes 2. Thus we go We hope the next step will be to arrest the circula tion of all notes under $10 un til we reach the minimum of $20 notes. By prohibiting small notes, we lay a safe foundation for our cir culation in solid gold and silver. What time is more propitious for the Revolution? Twenty two millions of specie have been im ported into the U. S. in the last vear and four millions in gold have been coined in our own mint since the last Summer. Richmond Enq. "The approaching Comet. Lieut. R. Morrison of the Royal Navy has published a most inter esting work upon this magnificent phenomenon, which is expected to be seen in the course of the next year, 1S35, between the months of May and August, in the con stellation of Ursa .1 laj or. Lieu tenant Morrison states that it will be far more splendid than the one of 1S11: some 'writers affirm that :. .v:m afford a decree of light . c n ,L. t full moon, that its tail will extend over forty decrees, pp i " hjcimv uc iuus to the dillerent appearances ot this comet for the last six hundred years, showing that in the comet pears, these phenomena prevailed j to a great extent. The warmth of last w inter and the violent winds, as well as the great heat of the late summer, are attributed to the approach of the Comet. The author says: Mlelying on the correctness of similar phenomena the end of 1835, early, or early in 1S3G, 'may be expected to be remarka ble for some one or more very ex tensive earthquakes. 1 he winters of 1S3G or 1837, will bring a frost such as has not been equalled for at least twenty years. The parts of the earth which we anticipate will suiter most, are those situated 1' .1. k ' ; iu me ;orin oi Asia, and some ; parts of the southern hemisphere, I II . . sucn as i,nina. nut those parts , which are in the vicinity of volca- noes, such as Italy, Dalmatia, &,c. J are of course, always, subject to ; the electrical phenomena ofeartii- i quakesjjecause the frequent inter nal changes which the combustion ' continually in action creates, must necessarily produce a derange ment of electricity. And if, while the comet is near the earth, over charged with electricity, as at tht same time it was in perihelion in 145G, if there be any internal cav ity of the earth, by which combos tion of sulphur, he. is deficient of that fluid it will rush into the eartli at that spot. J.m to have been the case, at thai pen- od. near Naples, when the sud- den rending of the earth destroyed forty thousand human beings. English Paper. Reverend Rioters. -A late London paper says, "a true bill was found on Wednesday last, by the Grand Jury of Surry, against the Bishop of Winchester, and nine others, among whom are three Clergymen and two Magis trates, for assault committed on the Rev. Cornelious Griffin, at a public meeting recently held at Epsom, on behalf of the Society for the promotion of the Gospel in Foreign parts. New Sport. The following is a posting bill: To the lovers of Sport. On account of some heavy betting, 100 Live Rats will be let go in a room at Tompkins. Hall, No. GO Third st. on Thursday next, Feb 5th. The Pup, 9 months old, called General Jackson, is to kill the 100 Rats in GO minutes. The sport will take place between two and three o'clock on that day. Admittance 25 cents each. N. Y. Star. $SA woolly headed ebony ad junct of the abolitionists, and amalgamationists, recently at tempted to abduct a white female in Albany. At a late hour of the night he seized one of two white females walking in the streets, and attempted to drag her in a sleigh which he had in readiness. Her screams alarming one of the watch, he came up, and with his little bit stick which he carries, he tapped thick lips gently on the head, who fell down, when he was seized by the collar and carried to the watch house. He justified himself by saying, he thought turn-about was fair play, and he had as much right to kidnap a white woman as white people to steal black. The reason of the dark philosopher, not being suffi ciently cogent, he was sent to pri son to scan over his conduct, and if possible, to arrive at a some what different conclusion. ib. Harvard College, Mass. has lately come into the possession ol SJljOOO, for any pmpo-cs that may be desirable, left by Gov. Gore; and when certain persons who draw annuities under his will are dead, J$2S,000 more will go to the college. The colhge has aKo within a year received i50,- 000 kit bv Dr. Fieher. of Hever- ly, for a professorship of natural history, and $20,000 left by J. McLean for a professorship o! history and also $1,000 h it by Dr. K. Porter for theological pur posesmaking SS5.000 of dona tions received in one year. Fur ther certain gentlemen of Bos ton have also pud in 10,000 lor the endowment of a professor ship of bolany. (J A friend just from Indi anopolis, Indiana, has shown us a copy of a bill now before the Sen ate of that Slate, having passed the lower House, the object ol which is to provide for ihe con struction of a moving penitentia ry, cr cage, in which the convicts are to be transported from county to county, to labor as necessity may require. Cin. Courier. Qmicc Match. Says I, 'Stik eyr and I winked. Says she, 'Why John!' 'But says i'I mean something, Sukey, 'The deuce John, you dont! what do you mean.?, 'I mean to ask if you will have me! 1 here, dang it, it's all out at last.' 'Have you? yes John, and be glad to,' says Sukey, and so we started olf and had the knot tied about the quickest and if I didn't fell kindie funny then I hope 1 may be shot. Yankee. 4Do you like novels!1 said a Miss Languish to her up country lover. 'I can't say,' answered he, 'for I never ate any; but I tell you hat. I'm tremendous at a youn 'possum!' Bait. Visiter. Coaches, Gigs, fyc. Till- Subscriber wishes to return his sincere thanks to his numerous custom ers, lor the very lib era! encouragement which he lias here of,,.... ,U,VH,I AU so to inform them that he lias just retun.nl from New York, with a more general and fashionable assortment of . . WW Silver Plated ami mass FURNITURE, c:ioU fnr Coaches. Barouches. Gi:rs and Sulkies, than has ever before been brought to this place- He aNo would inform his friends and the public generally, that he has associated himself with one of the mcst large and extensive establishments at the North, where he can at the shortest notice have sent on jobs of every description to suit those who may favor him with their orders or like northern in preference to domestic manufacture. He has shipped and now daily expects, one r two first rate light one horse Ua rouches, ami a half dozen of one horse Wagon, at extraordinary !w prices for cash, or to punctual customer- on a short credit. KEPA1HS done with neatness and de spatch contract must be made before the work is undertaken. He has Hrses, Gigs, and Sulkies to let, also one comfortable four wheeled accom modation establishment. ISAAC B. BRADY. Dec. 4. lS3t. ' NEW Coach & Gig Slunnfu clary. 1 1 1 1. Subscrib r re spectfully informs his friends and the public in scnera!, that he has commenced business Pn .vivJTT3lor himself on his lot in Tarboroujh, near the Ilridge, where he will be prepared to . arry on the above business in at' its vari ou brunch-. He served a regular ap prenticeship under .Mr. Thos. Cobhs, of Italeigh. who carried on the business very extensively, and kept in his employ regu lar northern woikmcn. If several years acquaint ance with the btisines in one of the most extensive estaMihin"n(s in the State could "nsuie his success, he feels con fident he should meet it; but he is perfectly aware that attention is equally necessary, and this attention he is determined to ren- ler. He hopes, therefore, that ail persons who may favor him with their patronage, will never become dissatisfied or disap pointed. I lis work shall bo faitlifo.il y exe cuted and of the best materials. Hp ex pects to have in a short lime a general a'J sortrncnt of materials from New York, which will enable him to do his woik not inferior 'o any done in this section of coun try. Repairing done with neatness and despatch. Nathaniel M Terrell. Tnrborough, J.m. lt, ls.'i. 1 To the Afflicted. GHAY'S invaluable Ointment, for the cure of white swelling, sciotula and other 'uuhmiis, sore legs and ulcers, anil fresh wound, sprains, bruises, swell ing ami inflammations, k.c. S:c. H' ckwith'i Jn ti dysj eptic pills. Iloand'j genuine t"uic mixture, a per feci cure for ague and fever. The above valuable medicines may be had whnleale or retail on application to J. IV. Coltrn, Agent for Tarbrough. 183",. Removal. mks. now ahd has removed her Mil linary ctablishmcrt to Ihe corner house recently occupied bv Messrs. D. Richards U. Co. Sh- has now mi hand an extensive as sortment ot articles in ft her line of business, which w ill b- dipoed of on her usual moderate and accommoda ting terms. Hnnnnets cleaned or dyed and Man tua making continued as usual. Tarb-.ro. .! n I. 1S3- VERY BEST Cotton Yarn and Twine FOR SALE. ajiHK Subscribers feel grateful for the CI liberal pa nonage which thfy received the past year, and hope by assiduity and punctuality in business to merit a continu ance of past favors. They now have and expect to keep con Stantly on ham). The very best Cotton Yarns, Fr .m Nos. 2 to IS inclusive. Also, various, sizes of the very best Cotton Heine Twine in durability and strength has been lairlv tested, and the- feel no hesitation in pronouncing it inferior u none, ii not superior to any in market. Both the above articles they expect to de liver to puicharcrs on as liberal tP.rr, . articles of the same quality can be procu- re.i eisewnore. i i,e Uli,al charge for con veyancevvill be made. Terms of sale for all quantities of Yarn over one thousand pounds, six months credit will be allowed for any quantity .; inousanu poumls, four months, the purchaser givingnote (without interest) at the lime the Yarn is delivered, payable at Ihe above stated times. 1 he proprietors of fisheries will do well io ip,uy to the Subscribers lor twine lor the future, as a very liberal credit will be given. Messrs. Hassell h Williams will act as agents (orthe .Subscribers at WiHiamslon Mr. Benja. Bell, at Greenville and Mr. Warren Harris, at Halifax where Yam and Twine can be bought on ihe same e rin s as at the Factory. JM TTLE $ BRO TUERS. FaUs lar itiver. Jan 10th, 1885 Printing Press for Sale J SUPER FIOYAL Printing Press, on the obi mode of construction, can be procured on reasonable terms. Jlpply at this Office. January, 1831. Great Bargains, IN WOOLLUNS, At the Cheap Casn Store. PIECES superfine uroad Cloths, from 1 50 to $7, astonishingly cheip, 6 pieces Satiinetts, from 40 cents to 1, 40 pair rose Blanketts, from 2 to $o, 550 negro Blankets, from t0 cents to 1, .J5 pieces white and red Flanneh, from! cents to the finest made, 20 p's negro clothing, from 20 cts to37J. J. IV ED I) ELL. 21st Nov. 1834. (JJJiargaiiis.J a HAVE resolved on selling off my pre sent Stock of (ioods at very reduced prices in order that I may lay in a more extensive one early the ensuing spi in?, but rather different in its nature from the pre sent. Therefore all persons wishing to buy The best and newest of GOODS, At the lowest prices, can do so "by calling at my well known stand. The cheapness of mv Goods are unknown I have for in stance staple and fancy Dry Goods, fur and wool Hats, lane size nejjro fJIankets, exct llent goods for neio winter clothing ALSO, Ihe very best Shoes for do. Turks Island Salt Sugar, Coflee and the best Teas, from 7.5 cents tol per lb. Hard ware, Cutlery, &ic. Apple Brandy, Hum and Whiskey and mnuy other osefii' arti cles, anv part or all of which car. and shall be offered and 6o!d to persons wishing to buy, for Cadi or barter, lower than can be bad in this place. Ho not view this notice as a mere act of delusion, but call and con vince yourselves of the fact. Its but a short walk from one end of the town to the oilier, and I warrant if you will come down you shall be amply i enumerated for your trouble. N. II ROUXTREE. Tai borough, Dec I Dili. 134. Just received and fur ue, kO HDDS. Poito Rico Sugr, very ilvL) good quality 4 do. St. Croix, !.." baijs Laguira Coffee, f bbls Loaf Sugar, 2 boxes white Havana, A large stock of Snal U Upper Leather, INK) lbs Shoe Thread, 12 reams wrapping Paper, 12 do. writing do. & boxes Segars, Allspice, Pepper, Ginger, Axes, Cotton Bagging, Bale Hope, 'I allow and Sperm Candles, Cotton Yarn?, Coffee Mills, Stc And am constantly supplied with Siwrg of best and common quality, made by a faithful workman in ibi town -I warrant them to be just what 1 say they are well made- Gentlemen wishing to purchase would do wejl lo examine theui. I arn determined t sell ruy Goods at small profits when the cash is paid. In ev ery instance I shall sell produce lor the re gular customers lo my Grocery free of commission charges. JOHN D. IVILLL1MS. Petersburg. Va. Sept.l. 5plli: Subscriber, who tor several years LL past has been engaged in the Gin Making business, In Kinslon, has established himself in gi:ei:nvilll Where he carries on t lie above business in all its variou branches. All those who wish to supply themselves with Gins of the best quality, are respectfully solicited to apply lo the Sutscri!er personally, or by letter. All or !i rs for Gins wi! be prompt ly executed. From rrte Subscriber's long experience in his business, and from the ap probation which his work has hitherto met with, he hesitates not to promise entire sa tisfaction to all who may see fit to extend to him their patronage. Gins out of order will he expeditiously repaired. Ihe Sub scriber takes the liberty ofca'lmo it a. I 'on of those who wish to procure new 'ins, or io nave old Gins repaired, to the expedience of applying to him in time. W hen all wait as is usually the case, until the work is wanted, it causes such a pres sure of business, that many are obliged of necessity to submit lo a longer delay than they wish. AZiZiSN TZSON, In connexion with this establishment, car ries on the Lock frr Gunsmith business. He also makes Saw Mill Boxes, and Mill Inks, and dudgeons, of a composition in WW'1 hy "i''1 Peck' of Kleigh Urht Mttl Spmples, with Steel Collars, (turned.) These articles equal to any manufactured n the United States. All letters and orders must be directed to the Subscriber, at Greenville. HENRY CHAMBERLAIN Jlv 12. 183-4. 46 Cotton Gins TIHE Subscriber has established himself in the houses formerly occupied bv the lale Joseph Lackey, dee'd, near the ri ver, and a short distance below Kenjamin M. Jackson's store, where he carries on The making and repairing Cotton Gins. All those Who wish to cnnnlir iK.m.J w ith Gins of the best qualitv, are respect fully solicited to apply to the Subscriber riprAnnll.. ... ,-y..nuyt ur oy lener. All orders for Gins will be promptly executed, (.ins out oiuer will he expeditiously repaired. Rlacksmilhing. of every description ex ecute.l the heat m :i 1 1 n r lEPTwo second hand Cotton Gins for -wr low tor Cash. SAMUEL D. PROCTER. Tarborough. 30th Sept 1834. ?AIYIFHI,SSS, Published and for Sale at this nm PATRIOTIC DISCOURSK the North Carolina Whig's Apology for llie Kehukee Association and X R,.V-. r r, , -" J rv l u ragments, by the Kev. Joshua Lawlem.e. so, a ueview ot Clark's defence and jus t'fication to the Kehukee As-oriatio, ten by a lay member of the Association anu, iiccurretsces in the Life of Elder Jo seph Biggs, wrote by himself, I at borough, Aug. 9. Henry Johnu MKROIIA.Vr T.Ui.op, ( jfpAKKS Hps opp..n,m,,v , ' 11 the public, th..t he ;u( l: from New Y ork, a general J Assortment of U (Huh In his line of bu-iness, i-noufi,,,, Supeifine Cloths and (.'.iii,Jt , ,J most fashionable cnlms, 'J Fancy velvet and silk Wst'n.r; A handsome assortment f lrtI,Cv Bosoms, Collars, liles, , ' Umbrellas, Lc. """i : He particularly invites all ,os? u, the above, Goods to call and H " themselves, as be is cn.ii U'i,t . t " ' such, bulb in quality an ,,,c,. d'(; men lurni-hin; their own cloii,s ",. them made J'ud tiiuuned in ti,r n ' iouahle manner and at 'lie si, up, ' All orders from a distance will M . ' ally attended 10. " Tarboro'. Oct. Itih, !&:. MIIIICHANT T Allot, i l ,''orr'1'1 OLLY in n, i, " ami e.n-lr.ru pi w Kc i... , 'Ml. ,.lal ,,c ( t. I !...,. V.... ... v.. ....... iuih, WUlTln sel his 'I- Supply of Fall G00lit In his line of bnine-s, viz: SuperGne blue and biaik C luthjv ry and mixt do. Clarence brown, eage arrl Iavpniifrf meres Drab, black, anil Ori,.;,,,, Drab Petersham Gnais hair Cami,',''' Striped and figured vehet Veti-,- J l Mat k do. Plain black and figureJ mIW Wsiin Figured Marseilles and Valencia d-'' Linen Bosomb and Collar, black satin Stocks Centlf rum' Gloves Umbr l!s, ic. All of which he wiil tell low f rrd.-, r h short credit to punctual c;.t,',ri Those wishing to purchase. v,i; , (. call and examine lor themselves. i,t men's clothing made and trinnuKl r . mot fashionable stvle and at ti,e .' notice. All orders horn a l;siaui thankfully received aiM punttiu lv ed to. Tai borough, Oct. 23. ls:;i. To the Citizens of EdHLl. and the adjacent County. Jlndrcw Jlmkrm DKAIi;U A Mi TAILOR, JlVlAS just returned from .New YnrU iJL a splendid nsfcortinnit ,f G ,j. his line of business, consititig of Cassimeres. Vesting is Superfine black and bUie Cloths. Second quality do. do. Superfine green do. . Second quality do. (to. Superfine Ad.ilade do. Hrowij, do. Claret Jrab and inixf, Peter.-ham and goats hair Ciimbi?',' over coats, A handsome assortment r Cww such as Ilibbe.,ot dif.Vrent color agnal Buckin Carded Bi.i- White and Drab, The handsomest assortment 'of Ve that has ever been brought totlp consitiug of figured Velvet, la-t:; Meiino, blark Satin, IT-rentiue, : Marseilles and black silk Velvt Jnany other articles for lieutVr: wear, such as Collars, Stocks, r! and Gloves, w hich he promise f . pose of on very leasouable t rr;v casli or on a shoit crtdit. I flatter myself that 1 have a lv assortment as was eer Inonu' t i. place all t tut t i necessary to he c ced, is to give me a call and lhy fail to please. IS. B. Grateful for the paf fnor' ; encouragement that I hnve receive! my friends and the community at !sr- hope to merit a continuance ot jmi! in- ronage. I promise to use my best e: vors to please. Tarboroi'gh. Dpc c otice. 'JHE Subscribers are now re:i' ' from their old stand to ihe r-t i merly occupicxl bv Messrs. HymantL' rence, an. I directly (. jn.site lo ' Cotten's. They wid in a lVv il:!1 for sale, a quaniitv .f Salt, Molat'-v gar and CoflVe Baegiiu', Ihe heavy anich s which ure iii.jioru farmers at this reason of the year. CASH, ami the highest price, ' paid for baled Cotton. D. RICHARDS Tarborough, Nov. 27th. lSiH. Hoots and Shoe THE largest audi;1 est slock of roOf?fc -g ever exhibited in rough, ay4iv dies black andcoU"'. nella Shoes, from 50 cents, 500 pair w omen's morocco do. f 1 3o0 seal and kid Shoes, cheap. 800 women's leather Shoes. iroj TOO roen'i lined and bound Sh terel Shoes, fiom clsii'' dirt cheap, 150 men's Boots, from 51 50. 100 negroes' coarse hi ;h l'V tered Shoes, from dOclsto Boys, girls, and children's Boofsand:1 of every description, cheap. The above were bought at auction1' tip more than onehalf their valuf. 1 shall be sold on a moderate profit b)1' Subscriber At the Cheap Cash Sto J. IVEDDKLl 21st Nov. 1834. IIISTOUY OF THE Kehukee Association . TIITST PUBLISHED, and for sale ";. J ofijce o( Ihe Tarbnro Press. 'AC cise History of the Kehukee Baptist -s ciatiou. from its original rnetouirt sent time by Elder Joseph BigSs"li"' the supervision of a committee (consis oT Elders Jos'uta Lawrence, William' man, and Luke Ward, and brethn-n mas liiggs. Joseph D. Biggs, Hn".-.t B. Hassell,) appointed by theAssoci"" Price 1 eah, or $10 pet -dozen.