0 i s cell a it c o us . iug been informed THK TOOK VOTER'S SONU. 'J' sons under this titU" w.is cir rni.itin with threat effect throughout Kns'aiid miring the elections going on for Pai li.r.m-nt. The following spirited verses ue taken from it. We do not wonder such poetry and such sentiments should l popular at such a time. A". Y. Jmericun. They knew that I was poor. And they thought that I was base, And would readily endure To he covered with disgrace; They judged me of their tribe, Who on dirty mammon dote, !So they ffered me a bribe For mv vote, boys, vote! shame upon my be tters. Who would my conscience buy! But shall 1'wear their fetters.' Not I, indeed, not 1 1 My vote? It is not mine Todo.with as 1 will; To e.t",.likc peat Is to swine, To these wallowers in ill. It is my country's due, And I'll give it while I can To the honest and the true, Like a man, boys, man! Oh, shame, Sec. No, no, I'll hold my vote As a treasure and a trust, My dishonor none shall quote While I'm mingled with the dust; And my children, when I'm gone. Shall" be strengthened oy the tho't, That their father was not one To be bought, boys, bought! Oh shame upon my betters, V h o w o u I d m y c o n c i e :i c e h u y i But shall I wear their fetters Not I, indeed, not 1! EPIGRAMS. Some men there arc two wives would crave, Their appetite is such; Not-so with me, but one I have, Vet find that one too much. Thev I'm dead; I says, they snys lies: I pukes, I bleeds, I sweats 'em; I takes their fees, and then they dies: Witli all mv heart- Dr. Lctsom. A Novel Adventure. On ihe complaint of a shipmaster from Norfolk, 'Va. two yellow girls, named Elizabeth George and Bet sy Ben, were last night arrested by Sparks, Homan and Mcrritt, and this morning examined on the charge of the shipmaster, who ac cused them with robbing him of 379 in cash, and his coat, vest and pantaloons. Elizabeth, on Tier examination, stated that on Saturday evening last, she was accosted by the complainant in Orange street, and he accompani ed her home, where he took lodg ings for the night, putting his clothes under his pillow. He had not been in bed long before Betsy Ben and a girl named Francis, came into the room, and insisted that the lodger should hang his clothes on the line. This he re fused to do, whereupon Betsy blew mit the light, snatched the clothes, in one of the pockets of winch the money was deposited, and ran down stairs with the booty. The lodger followed on after her, and cried for the watch, but the thief escaped out of the house. Eliza beth denied any further knowl edge of the money, and Betsy denied any knowledge whatever of the transaction; but the latter wa fully committed for trial on the charge, and the former was discharged. The ' officers above named succeeded in recovering the clothing, and in finding the money behind a coal box at a neighboring corner. JV- F. Paper. liiat Midi r . i . 1. course is necrssiry. I J imr.w of mo belter mode of giving the proper notice or caution than to lay before the reader a few pa-sage in the last week of my bio gr.iphy. The facts are, that on the eve ning of Friday last I found my self suddenly "in the custody of an officer by virtue of warrant, which set forth" and alleged among other things that 1 had in June last cul tivated too intimate an acquaint ance with one Martha M. B. Wes tern, a young ami vagrant spins ter. This young woman had visited a cousin of her at my house, once in March and once in October; between which times I had not seen her. On the fol lowing morning I was ordered by a magistrate to find security to the amount of 300, or to mar ry the damsel or go to jail. Now for n man with a house full of ba bies to convey away the bulk ol his property, was in my view a serious matter, and the jail is no joke, and to marry a woman a body dislikes is the least amusing of all I was in much perplexity, and instead of advising as I ought to have done with eleuer heads than mine, and getting a writhe vent insp. 1 did as Cato and ' 1 .iird llrmri:im liuvc flnni1 heforp me I drank and forgot my sorrow. What passed in the lat ter part of Saturday 1 cannot from my own recollections clearly state. But I learn from others that my opinion of matrimony seemed to grow brighter with every ghis; and that the justice and const.ible having exhausted their patience in waiting for mv decision, I stood up before the presiding magistrate and held Miss Weston's hand w hile the jus tice attempted to marry us, and while both the ladv and myself were uttering sentiments any thing but conjugal. On Sunday I found myself ra tional; I sought an interview with the lady and heard her full confession of what I knew from the beginning, that she hud com mittal perjury. She further ad mitted that her pressing calamities had all been feigned: that she had proceeded in her plot till frighten ed by its very success, she deter mined to tell the truth, a medical gentleman was able to confirm her confession, and w hat I had asserted in vain to the civil autho rity and all my other friends, was now clear as preaching, namely, that they had the wrong pig by the ear or rather that thev had no occasion to meddle with the ear of any pig at all. INow what 1 wish to have un derstood is this, that I maintain I am a single man. I have already been dunned for some of this wretched woman's debts, but 1 have not paid them, and 1 will not pay them. Lgt no one trust her on my account for she is not my wife. I will fight this question withnv last ninepence. " ALFRED HARRIS. Ikattleboro,' Dec. 11, 1834. llcmarhtllt hwcnlion. The following is taken from the Lou don Morning Chronicle of Janu ary 1, where it is published as an article of intelligence: Pemartcablc When the proper ties of steam and its power were first ascertained, it was supposed bunion genius could extend no further; still, since then we have had our streets and houses lighted by gas, and now we are to have mil rowldnrp; warmed ana our UUI I Ott.HW-' - - provisions dressed without the use of "fire, flame, smoke, steam-gas, oil, spirit, chemical preparation, or anv dangerous substance wnat soever." Incredible as this may appear, it is no less true, an m liavinsr invented - a machine by winch it may be ac complished. It is made of brass, is about 22 inches high, 12 inches wide, and six deep, has the ap pearance of a miniature chest ol drawers, and is surmounted by an inverted crescent, which is hoi low for the purpose ol containing water. It is called "Wenn's So lar Stove,' and is healed by "elementary heat," produced (ac cording to the words of the inven tor) by "separate and combinei elements." It may be used with the greatest safety in ships, am in manufactories and warehouses w here in consequence of the com bustible nature of the stock fires are prohibited. The process ol heating is so clean and simple The following members com 1 )0se the conference: Ministers- Alex. Albright, ics'dt. John Coe, John Moie, . Jones, Alex. Bobbins, .1. Gray, tf. Bobbins. J. dallimorr, Isaac Coe. J. F. Speight, W. Blair, W. McM asters, 0. L. Looly, A. Cray, W. Harris, James Hunt, Laswcn Drake, J. H. Cobb, I. Y. took, . Davidson, J. II. Christie, L. Al- en. YV. V. Hill. A. Jones, Wi Whilaker, v . Bellamy, aetn Speight, Joshua Swift, H. Tar. kinton, W. 11. wins, samuei o. larris and John Giles. that a lady having white glove on may perform it without soilini them, or a child three years ol age without injury. Yesterday its powers were ex hibited at the West India docks before Capt J'arish the dock mas ter; T. Sheldrake, Ksq. engineer Beck. Ki. and a number ol other irenllemen connected witl the Dock Company, and w ho ex Dressed the creates! astonishment at Mr Wenn's invaluable discov cry, and said they considered it would be of incalculable service to the navy, Sec. Heat was pro duced by invisible means in less than two minutes, and in three minutes afterwards, water which had been put cold in the crescent boiled with such force, that th windows of the room in which it was tried was compelled to b opened to let the steam escape There is a drawer in the machine in which a steak or chop can b cooked in its own gravy, but there not being one at hand, the experi ment was not tried. Three hours after it had been heated, from w hich time nothing had been done to it, it was found to be still so hot that it could scarcely be touch ed with the naked hand, althoug it had been carried from the docks .1 ii i ... to toe city. e understand it is the intention of the ingenious in ventor, who has expended all he was possessed of in bringing it to perfection, to exhibit it to the pub lic at the museum of arts and sciences, in Leicester square. arisen before, ihey will not aflei it is put on, and that one pojdlict is generally sufficient to tiled a cure. S f 0We take the following "Advertisement Extraordinary," as it was headed, from the Brattle bcro' Phoenix of Dec. 11th. I, Alfred Harris, of Bratlleho ro, yeoman, am, or, at any rate, was last .week a widower with seven children I am told that their Honors the Court of Chan cery are to decide whether I am still as I think, a widower or a married man. My means are rather limited, and the support of my family and performance of my domesiic duties having hitherto fully occupied my time, I have confined myself to the shades of private life. My present appear ance before the public is any thi'n'cr but desirable to myself but hav OWe have recorded a number of instances latel y of extreme old age in the south, but we believe the follow ing goes ahead of all. A colored woman, the propety of Win. T. Mason, of Loudoun coun ty, lately died at the advanced age of one hundred and thirty, retaining her bodily and mental faculties. A. Y. Star. From the Pacific Ocean. The editors of the New York Gazelle learn by the arrival ol the Vermont. Lieut. Davis, that the new constitution of Peru had been read and sworn to throughout the several Stales of the Republic and that the country was quiet. Gen. Gamarra had fled to Bolivia. Chili was tranquil, but an erup tion was feared at the close of the present administration The French Minister on account of some difficulty with the Govern ment had left Santiago and would hold no further intercourse with the authorities. The civil war continued to rage at Guayaquil in August, with little prospect of a reconciliation between the two parties. The city had been afflic ted with a sort of plague, which had carried off about 3,000 inhab itants. New Locomotive Engine. We learn that an experiment is making in England, to ascertain the character of a new locomotive power on land and water, which gives great promise of success. The Engine is moved by some gaseous agent connected with, or produced by Mercury, exposed to heat. A steamboat has actually been propelled by this new power with great velocity. We will endeav or to furnish our readers with the earliest information on tin subject. And by the way, if certain ex periments succeed, now making by one of our own citizens, with steam power applied directly lo arms upon a shaft carrving a wa ter wheel, and which is said to have been fully tried at Syracuse, the present form of Steam En gines for boats and rail ways, will be shortly abandoned. Jt is believed the New York Mechan ics' Magazine will ere long con tain some astounding facts on this subject.- Albany N. Y. Adv. Fr om the Oxtord Fxamincr. Extract trom the minute ol thc Annual Conference of the North Carolina District of the Metho dist Protestant Church, held at Rehoboth M. House, commenc ing 25th February, 1S35. Lay Delegates WT. Li ndsey . G. Beason, W. Gilbrealh, D. . Moore, F. W. Ogbuin, A. Wilson, W. Weathers, G. U. Jones, 11. C. Rankin, J. Bobbins, N. Albright, W. Lindse,y, 1'. ,Min, J. C. Wren, A. Paschal, . Jones, H. A. Burton, K. .lories; Ivey Harris, TV Wr.ght, J. W. Smith, W. B. Mann, W. Elling ton, W. C. Whilaker, L. H. B Whitaker, M. C. Whilaker, B Hunter, T. Nicholson, J. Dueson, J. S. Norman and A. Benton. J. F. Speight, W. H. Wills and S. J. Harris were n commen ded and elected to Kldcrsjorders. J. Holmes, J. Causey, J. G. Beason and J. II. Harris, were recommended and elected to Dea con's orders. Rev. Alex. Albright was re elected President lor the succeed ing year, and J. F. Speight, con ference airent. The committee of five, consist- inn oi mis Harris, i nomas Nicholson, A. Albright. A. G. Beason and N. Albright, appoin ted to station the ministers and preachers the ensuing year, made the following Report. There be nig no appeal taken the report was eoncurred in, viz: Guilford Circuit Alson Gray Superintendanl J. Coe, ,1. Moore, T. Jones, A. Rohbins, N. Robbins, J. Gallimoie, J. Gray, Laac Coe and Jesse G. Baon. assistants. Or tnge Circuit J. F. Speight, Sun.rintendant W . McMas- ter, C L. Cooley, J. H. Chris lie, C. Allen and J. Causey, assistants. Granville Circuit Joseph Hol mes, Superintendanl J. Hunt, C. Drake, .1. H. Cobb, T. Y Cook, R. Davidson and J. H Han is, assistants. Roanoke Circuit Samuel J Harris, upenntenlant A. Jones, assistant; W. 11. Will and . Bell unr unstationed at their ow n request. Albemarle Circuit Superinten dant to be supplied Joshua Swift and II. Tarkinton, assis tants. Tabernacle St. Selh Speight. MatamuskvelSt.- John Gibs. Willis Harris, Conference Mis sionary. IM I 1 -I J. inosemaiKeu inns' removed beyond the limits of the District I lie next annual conference to be held al Sandy Ridge M. II Guill.-td county, N. C. commenc mg the last Friday in March, 1S3G. WILLIS HARRIS, S. J. HARRIS, Publishing committee. Missionaries From a state ment in the Missionary Herald lor January, it appears that ihe American Board of Missions have under their care in foreign conn tries and among the Indians of our own country, 30 mis-ions, (iG stations, 10S preachers, 5 of whom are natives, 7 physicians, 5S teachers, 32 of whom are natives, S printers, 11 farmers, and arti zans, &c. comprising an aggregate of 1958 members. They have also 474 schools, comprising nn aggregate of 27,GG4 scholars. Ol these 20,184 are at the Sandwich Islarfds, and those only included who are able to read in the New Testament. for intolerable h c rit cy Tyler from Mr. anni' Married, on .Monday 2., i j 1835, Mr. Samuel 'I viej.Jv Nancy Tyler. Jr Jteceipts for Ihe ein(-(,j . ous Compains, iiriiii,, , It. a ' 11 I t.lt'v n., it It the llumcputhiv I)uviun grand principle, in nun. (l j plaints, is lo aggiavaie toms; or, in otlu r won!, tr duce symptom of a ii!,,,,. valed nature I l..ui il.o,,. , del take lo remove; ,1 o course, th" lirM se n being swallowed s it ijuut.itu Jsigni. a person in i.ondnii. pursuing ihe princi pies ot rrotessor Faraday, has constructed a machine, quite sim ple in form, which produces an instantaneous light, without the use of gas or acid. IVonders of Chemistry. Aquafortis and the air which we bieathe are made ol the same ma terials. Linen, and suar, and spirits of wine, are so much alike in their chemical composition, that an old shirt can be converted into its own weight in sugar, and the sujrar into spirits of wine. Water is made ol two substances, one ol which is me, cause oi al most all combustion or binning, and the other will burn with more rapidity than almost any thing in nature. The famous Peruvian bark, so much used to strengthen tomachs, and the poisonous prin ciple of opium, are formed of the same materials. N. Y. Farmer. Colonization Society. From the African Repository it appears that the American Colonization Society have conveyed lo Liberia 2S8G colored emigrants of these 1187 were from Virginia, fS2 from North Carolina, 3b7 from Maryland, 201 from South Car olina, 10G from Georgia, 103 from Kentucky, 70 from New York, G5 from Pennsylvania, 55 from Tennessee, 40 from the Dis trict of Columbia, 32 from Rhode Island, 21 from Louisiana, 10 from Mississippi, 8 from other states, and 2 native Africans. "I' ri u by the second, w j ,,,,, ,' To cure the ItlwutnutLf Drink wine and lining,. V( "' in high living, iiS',0 f, the gout; and, teiv n,r(1 ;, when this last oi.cf.' ,-Ml screws upon yen, you w feel the rhcum-iiiom. To cure a Flea A?. s-,;. i'we wounrled part to the u, .,j , bed-bug, which will 322rav;,;e symptoms so that ti.e fl, will be no longer felt. To cure the Turdh-Ach yourself afflicted with ii,c;, loteux, and then you rr;9y ; ( at the Tooth ache, even you .-hould laugh mu 0j w'" side of your mouth. To cure Sujfucntin j swallowing a Jui,uto. ,) a pumpkin. Tin- iV stretch your aesophajjus y i; , potato will go down; or, , v. aggravate the symptom. ii,li!t will no longer trouble yuul, ' all about the potato. To gel a Grain r of your Eye. Vu , a,,...' The itrason ol the cine i (, To gt-t a Fly out if mr I'ui in a hornet. To get your self out small Sc'(fje.-(lri nuo one. A ltd so, in any cae of ; ' difficulty, lake Mich iiif,.-,t. will produce an asiavy'.c the case, and the cine h c.n ted. Mr. E. C. Delavan, of Albany, N. Y. the great temperance advo cate, has been prosecuted by some of the brewers of that tily for hav ing asserted that filthy, pulrid wa ter is used in making ale. The damages are laid at $300,000. It seems the brewers are determin ed there shall be no small beer in this case. Bank Robbery. The Farmers and Me hanit s' Bank at New Brunswick, (N. J.) was robbtd last Saturday or Sunday night, of notes amounting to $G000, of which $1400 were in $100 notes, and $400 in $50 no'tes, ofthat bank, and about $3000 in notes of the Trenton and Princeton banks. One thousand dollars are offered for the recovery of the money and conviction of the rob ber or robbers. U.S. Gas. ISth inst. Shnple cure for Hheumatism. Hoil a small pot full of potatoes, and bathe Ihe parts affected with the water in which the potatoes are ooiled, as hot as it can be ap plied, immediately before getting iimi oeu. i re pains will be re moved, or at least greatly allevia trwl I yj mi.ai illuming. i ne most obstinate rheumatic pains are known to have been cured by one .ijjpneaiion oi mis novel and sim pie remedy. Scotsman. This, ai an events, is a simple and ap parently safe remedy. Cure for Hums ami Child. blains. A. liritnxnn ,.i m...i ville, Pa. says from 15 years ex perience, he hnds that an Indian meal poultice, covered over with Young Hyson Tea softened will, hot water, and laid over burns or frozen flesh as hot as it can be borne, will relieve the pain in 5 minutes; that if blisters have not Disgraceful Tarring and Feathering a Female. A corres pondent at Jamesville writes us as follows: A most disgraceful cir cumstance recently occurred at Orville, Onondaga county. A bout twenty persons assembled at the house of Mrs. Tyler, (whose husband is in the stale prison) be tween 8 and 9 o'clock in the eve ning, broke open the door, enter ed her XPd-room, gagged and took her off about a mile and a half to a barn, stripped her, and men tarred and feathered her all Encouragement to Li tors. iMarnage is held in high repute at the n mole ment of the Galena load n. that the young men have lo.: themselves into an II yn en eiely, and rstablMicd aioi' miurns to the first member enter into the bonds of uiw A suit of clothes, value jv! Ihe first; anoiluar,o0, lo lit ond, and 45 to the U;ird. Horrid. Hy ;iccoihn Cnunpore. we h-.trn thai ir.r of children have bt-come ve: tensive in Upper 1 ndia, u.: dreds hive Leen eaten ty staiving parent! CTA small paper, califs Chamelion, has been tsU in Jersey, to aid in raising a t.o be bestowed on j ainv damsels about to marrv. objects of the paper will let" ed as rapidly as the colon animal uhose name it lif.'M-?.' the editor becomes an, with the numerous appin'2 that will be made f r ul they say in fhe legislature also incurs some risU from of the fairer sex, whose p'ri are their only stock in tratf a matrimonial bargain, au may, in a phrenzitd n otiiei' minister to him a potion r;' unpalatable, but pori'u d'' i; tin w a rr a n ta b 1 e inter fei ente. The Quaker bill. dividing ihe property of i' ety of Friends, without consent, passed ihe Htn?e i1 over. She was found in this stale - V 8 Z- ? in the barn, nn tl, fll ! 3 Vote ot 2S to 21. '1 M1' ..j v. lunun iiiir ; , , irmutes the property n" according lo immemorial u?" bv the Society's Trustees, i: defined and inviolable coi among all the individi' both parties. Men, nomflV I children share alike. V. UUIlli U I lilt- II nU inn morning, and assisted to return to her dwelling. It is said the 'ause of such disgraceful proceed ings was the fact that Mrs TV 'er's fame was considered doubtful n the neighborhood. I!n?t nC ..." 'he olienders are bound $15000 each oer in to appear and answer. Y. Paper. OCr'The Green Mountain Dem ocrat says the following article of intelligence may be relied on: Divorced, by ihe Stinn-mn Court on Friday, 20th Feb. 1835 Newark N. J- ! h tic lpsf;'. m (fj'You young r? don't you spell as well nf when you were in the old htf' "I can't exthactly git the a of this new school house." then I'll soon learn voo the1 of it." qu

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