)1'holc Vo. 552. Tarborough, (Edgecombe County, JC. C.) Saturday, May 2, 1835. Vol. XI JVb. is. The 'Tarbirmo'h Prvv," II V GEORGE HOWAKl), f, pnhli-tiet? weekly, at TV? Djllars and "''j Crn's pe' vear. if p:ii in advance fir ft Polhrs, at the eipiration o" tli( iiscr:pio vear. Kor any period log run n year, Twenty fice Cent pr inonili a Lribci'3 at I 'tert y ridicontimi; at unv tune, on srivin notice lliertof and na'vin? iirro rs those residing1 at dis ince"m ist invariably pay in advance, r ,nvi. a responsible reference in tins vicinity. " dvtttisem-iits, not firfilmp lines, i hr i i-i i'"d .it f cents the ti. t ,' ami -." cents each continuance. Lmij. f'ir 'mm "t that rate for every lf lines. (f rtUeme'it" ""t be marked the imni y ,'r ; insertions required, or tliey will be ,ntimied until otherwise ordered, and l.Rrc'd accordingly. 'lcVm a.llretil to the Kilitor must be .10t p.fiJ. iliey may not be attended to. 1?L.CKS & MULATTOES. During the recent session of the Lcci!ature of Ohio, a number of petitions were presented from va rious parts of the state, praying ihe repeal of all laws imposing dis abilities of restrictions on blacks, a mulatto persons. Tne subject was referred to the Standing Committee on the Judiciary, by whom a report was subsequently made, from which we extract the following: The relative standing of the white and colored population in a lae community like ours, so far as regards their civil right ami privileges, has been a subject of earnest, and at times, of angry dispute since onr State Govern ment was organized. Repeated applications have been made to the Legislature, for the last twenty years, seeking to place blacks and mulattoes on the same footing, as nearly as the provi sions cf the Constitution will al lo'.r. The interest manifested by petitions and memorials, so often presented, emanating from re rpectable sources, to ameliorate the condition of the colored popu lation of Ohio, demands respect ful attention. The committee have maturely considered the propositions con tained in the memorials, referred ta them, and have come to the conclusion, that it is inexpedient at this time, to recommend any Legislative action on the subject. For this, it is proper, they should submit a few reflections, and they ak for them an attentive consid eration. Theframers of the constitution foresaw that difficulties might arise by placing the whites and Macks upon an equality; and while t..ev declared that involuntary servitude should not exist in this s,aie, with certain exceptions, rt' withheld from the negro the felu of suffrage, and made him "capable, thereby, of holding any of trust or profit. The ob At of this disfranchisement was, lU presumed, to prevent the Ration of that uufortunate ; 'Mce; not from any callous or wreless feeling for their unhappy rfj:i(iition, but for the purpose o"f '' preservation, from evils h might arise by the intro S 11,0,, 0f a c,ass of p0puation leaded and debased in other i.'' aml which from the antipa . of nature and the prejudices ii fcUUCatlOu. OtlPrnfinrr irrninct :;e,n, would necessarily remain so ' Ihe same considerations ;floubt prompted the legislature ,,J tarry out as far as nractirablp k 'ews entertained by the Con- Itnt;'onof 1602. :iPerience 1,as sl,own lhat Til" Were not mlstaken veiws. ! , ecc, of crime in the free r ;; e.;'s"owafrigufu dispropor- , ijuu,e "umbers of white and I livin,?,r,ers' a,Kl most'espe- ; -p no j states where there i . ----o w t tan IV,IIUS ' ,mPosed upon the blacks. --acnusetts the blacks tlif . uisauuity or dis ,,t Caton whatever, under con- Jn... r ,vy are only one Th "fourth part ofthepopula- ' tion, yet they are in the propor tion of one sixth of the convicts in ihe state prison. In Connecticut the black popu lation is one thirty-fourth part of the whole. The blacks one third of the number in the penitentiary. The constitution of this state in regard to the qualifications of electors, is like that of Ohio, in excluding negroes from the right of suffrage. The committee, however, believe that the enact ments of the legislature have not plat ed upon them any additional disability. New York, by her constitution, has placed the whites and blacks upon an exact equality. The colored population is one thirty fifth of the whole. One fourth part of the conviets in her two penitentiaries are negroes. The one thirteenth part of the population of New Jersey is col ored, and one third of the con victs, in the penitentiary are blacks and mulattoes. In Pennsylvania one third of the conviets, in the two peniten tiaries are colored, while the blacks ar only one thirty-fifth part of the population. In Ohio, the hhick population, as compared with the white, is as one to one hundred and fifteen. In the penitentiary the number of black convicts as compared with the whites is in the propor tion of seven to one hundred. But the st alt prison of Ver mont illustrates, in its most. glar ing colors, the impolicy of giving to the black population the priv ileges and immunities of the whites. In that state the negroes are under no re-'riction that the white are not. By the census of 130, Vermont contained about 277,000 souls; 91S were negroes. In I S3 1 , there were 74 convicts in the prison, and of these, twenty four were negroes! The foregoing statistics have been gleaned from authentic sour ces, and principally from the an nual reports of the American Prison Discipline Society. When compared with what is re ported of the prisons of the slave holding state, it is shown that the proportion of negroes in the penitentiarif of the free states is in the ratio of more than ten to one, in favor of the blave holding states. To account for this dispropor tion the main argument is, that by the spirit of our institutions, the mind, the capacity of the negro is not developed, that no encour agement is given him to abstain from vice or to prompt him to in dustry. Without stopping to combat this proposition in detail, the committee deem il sufficient to say, thai the history ol the race has shown the causes to lie deeper. Nature has forbidden a general amalgamation of the two races; and misfortune, which can not be at once remedied, has made the black dependent upon and subservient to the white man. The free negroes in Ohio, in the aggregate are in no better condition, therefore than the slaves in Kentucky'. They are excluded from social intercourse with the white, and whatever of education you may give them, will not tend to elevate their standing, to any considerable ex tent. In those free stales where every right has been extended to the negro which the white man claims, it is proven by what is contained in the above statements, that his condition is still worse than in the states where he is un der restriction. This may appear singular, indeed, almost un accountable, but it is nevertheless true. There are considerations of a still graver character than any presented, which influence the committee, to ask the passage of the resolution appended, such as address themselves to the good sense of every man; challenging deep interest and solicitude, and requiring the calm but firm ac lion ol every one who has th. weal of his country near his hean The germ of a faction has sprung into Hie in the United States, which now but feeble in numer ical force, and not extraordinarily distinguished for character or ta lent, may, if its growth be nol checked by the friends of peace and good order, through the me dium of individual exertion, or legislative enactment, impair the siaouity ot our federative Union. It is well known that societies have been formed in different pans of the United States, for the avowed purpose of effecting the immediate emancipation of all the slaves. Any one who will reflect upon this, for a moment, must come to ihe conclusion, that their efforts contemplate revolution, and necessarily strike at the existence of the U. public. No respect is paid by them to the compact en tered into by the States, when the general government was formed. The perseverance which has marked the steps of these vision aries, the increasing establishment of newspapers and periodicals to promulgate their incendiary doc trines; the donations and be quests which ihese societies have received, from men of fortune, to aid them; ai;d heyur.d all this, the inculcation of their dangerous principles in the minds of youth in our schools and colleges, give loud warning Mhat the wolfis upon his walk." Jealousies, he.irl-burnings, and fears have been excited amongst our breth ren of the south, by the counte nance given to these societies by men ot respectable standing, and by the efforts made through their agents and emissaries, to inflame the slaws againit the masters, and thereby produce revolt and insur rection. Well may Virginia and the Carolina be indignant at the fanaticism, or the darker motive which prompts this mad inter ference in their internal concerns. The horrible massaVrc of South ampton is still fresh in recollec tion, ami the scenes which follow ed, when the innocent black was sacrificed to appease the manes of the murdered! Great Britain has been travers ed by these enthusiasts to gather funds to accelerate the objects de sired to be accomplished. These always met with encouragement, if the statements made by the English prints are to be relied on, from those who would exult in the dismemberment and destruc tion of our confederacy; or those who were most active in bringing about the manumission ot the slaves in the British West India Isles. Speculations have been indulged in, by men, eminent for wisdom, with what color facts have given them for such specula tions, the committee are unadvis ed, whether the measure spoken of is not an insidious blow at the commerce, the prosperity and the internal peace of the United States, in aid of the efforts of our own disorganizes. This, how ever, the committee will not descant upon, though greatly tempted to do so. From a principle of self de fence, then, from what experience ha3 taught us of the capacity of the tree blacks to elevate them selves above their present misera ble condition, from the enormous amount of crime perpetrated by them, as compared with the crimes committed by the whites or the slaves; and reflecting that there is an insurmountable barrier to their becoming useful or order ly citizens, which does not arise from casualty, but from fate; your committee recommend the adoplion of the following resolu tion: Resolved, That it is inexpe dient, at this time, to take any legislative action on the subject matter of the memorials, and that the committee be discharged from the further consideration of the same. The trial of Luwrence Com wenced at 9 1-2 o'clock on Sat urday morning, and lasted until G o'cock, P. M. Mr. Key made a speech of fifteen or twenty min utes; the balance of the day was consumed in examining witnesses, principally as to the sanity of the prisoner. The jury returned at G P. M., and returned the follow ing verdict in about ten minutes! "Not guilty; beinc of the opinion that he was under the influence of insanity at the time the act was committed." -The Court then re manded the prisoner to jail. We will publish thewhole trial as soon as itcan be prepared. Globe. (TpWe are happy in being- able to announce that ih authorities ol the States of Vir ginia, Mary land, and Pennsylva nia, have signified their accenl- ance of the portions of the Cum- beiland Koad vvilhin those Slates respectively, agreeably to the provisions of an act of Congress ot the last session, authorizing the expenditure of the sum of S340, SV) for ils completion. The road is thus surrendered to the Stale Governments, and fur ther appropriations by ihe United States will become unnecessary. It will be kept in repair by mo derate tolls, established and col lected under tho authority of the Slates. The above sum will put the road in complete repair, and render il equal to any road in our country. This information will be gratifying to many of our readers who are interested in the condition of that great work. We understand that arrangements are already making for the com pletion of the road. ib. The Secretary of the Treasury has issued a Circular to all the Collectors and Receiving officers of the U. States, directing them not to receive in payment for public does, Bank notes under the denomination of $5, after the 30th of September next. JS'ew Jersey. The legislature of this state has passed a law abolishing public Executions. The bill for dividing the Church property of the society of Friends, was defeated by its rejection in one of the branches of that body. tt7A curious scene occurred upon the steam boat deck at Al bany, when the De Witt Clinton was about to start. A man who had been married for seven months, had madearrangement3to leave his wife and come to this ci ty. The good dame was not, however, disposed to allow such a thing to occur, without some exerlion on her part to stop it, so attending him to the dock, as the last bell of the boat sounded for her departure, and the last cry of 'all aboard echoed along the decks, he prepared to walk on board, when his resolute wife col lared him, dragged him ashore, carried him to the Police Office, and had him sent for thirty days to prison. JY. 1 . biar. C7A furious tornado took place at Columbia, Tenn. on the 21st ult. -lasted but a few min utes, but tore up trees, fences, houses &c, killing 8 persons and Wounding 15. A negro girl Was blown into a fire and there con fined by a beam until nearly roast ed. She was however still Iivincr. Enormous Consumption of Silk. A Philadelphia paper states, on the authority of a dis course before the American In stitute, that there ''annually con sumed in the United Slates more silk than all the wheat, corn, rye, oats, flaxseed, biscuit, potatoes and hops, which are exported, will pay for, by nearly two mill ions of dollars. Think of this. ladies, and beware how you ex- tend the dimensions of your sleeves, or we shall be compelled to add cotton to the appalling list. Newark Adv. G7"The case of the Common wealth vs. Dr. Henry C. Worsh am, for killing Dr. W. C. Jack son, came on in the Superior Court of Nottoway ou Saturday last, and after a minute examina tion of the evidence, was submitted to the Jrry without argument from the bar upon a charge as to the law of the case from the Court, and in a short time the Jury re turned a verdict,uthat the act was done in self-defence, and therefore me prisoner was not guilty. Petersburg Lit. Late advices have been receiv ed from the British. West Indies, the dates from St. Vincent being to-the 2d, and irom Trinidad to the 1 1th March. The 6rst crops since the emancipation of the Ne groes, had been taken in, and the falling off in quality had been so great, as to realize the worst ap prehensions of those, who had least faith in the Apprentice sys tem. JY. Y. Jour, of Cork. . A Delightful Climate: The Quebec Gazette of March 30, says "the season is still cold, and we have experienced repeated snow falls within the last ten days. The snow in the woods is 5 feet deep, and about houses and on the roads has driven sometimes 15 or 20 and even 30 feet deep. As soon as the milder weather commences the roads will be im passable, and the rivers swell and overflow their banks." Louisiana Legislature. -This body have passed a bill imposing a lax oj all passengers arriving in that city by ships or steamboats coming from beyond the limits of the State every cabin passenger to pay one dollar, and every deck and steerage half a dollar. To levy this impost, two Collectors are appointed, at a per cent-age salary not exceeding S3000 each per annum. They are empower ed to sweir every captain or owner of vessels and steamboats, to give a faithful return of the number, names, ages and appa rantages and sex, fee. of their passengers to have a lien on the boats or vessels, or institute a suit for recovery of the actual or pre sumed amount of the tax; and to hold the consignees as well as the owners amenable to its being paid. The revenue so levied is to be equally divided one-half to be ap propriated to the charity hospital: and the other half to be equally distributed to the male orphan asylum, the female ditto, and the primary schools of New Orleans -that is, after the 36000 are deducted to pay the collectors, and the amount of all expenaes incurred in suits, &c. Another section of the bill lad ing the tax on passengers imposes a tax on Keepers ol taverns and grop-shops, coffee-houses, and billiard tables, of $ 100 a vear. the like sum on exchange brokers, and $250 on negro traders, and $25 on all . retailers; to collect which an oflicer is to be appointed with a salary of $300t) a vear Another section imposes a tax of 100 annually on the agents in the city of all foreign insurance offices, and enacts that all real estate becoming the property of a foreigner shall be subject to a tax of 10 per cent. (I?The citizens of Mecklen burg county, North Carolina, are making extensive arranffempnt for celebrating the anniversary of u,c declaration ot Independence which was adopted by the people of the county, in public assembly, in the town of Charlotte, on the 20ih ofMav. 1775 more than j i a year prior to the declaration by Congress in July, 1776. Canals in 2ffinpis. bil! passed both branches ol the legis lature of this State, for the con struction ot a canal frun the Illi nois river to Lake Miciigan. The improvement, when completed, will be 115 miles in length, and will open a direct corrimunicaiiou between the Lake anJ New Or leans, and the river St. Lawrence and ibe Gulf of Mexico. The es timated cost of this work is 33,000,000. (00 n'e of the most successful rail roads in this country is the South Carolina, running from Charleston across the souther part of the State to Hamburg, on the Savannah river opposite to Augusta', a distance of one hun dred and thirty-five miles. To gether with its fixtures, locomo tive engine?, burfhen cars, &c. it has cost one million two hundred thousand dollars, nine hundred thousand being in slock and three hundred thousand of debt. At a recent meeting of the Directors it was resolved to create three thou sand additional shares of stock at one hundred dollars each, so as to pay off the debt. The commit tee on accounts, in a report mad to the board, express the opinion that the whole capital thus aug mented will yield eight per cent. The'v give an estimate, founded on good data, according to which the gross receipts of trie year be ginning on the 15th of October next, will be two hundred and seventy five thousand dollars. Current expenses they set down at one hundred and thirty thou sand, fifteen fur embankment, and thirty thousand for new machinery leaving a balance of nett profits of one hundred thousand.. Ball. Am. '03 We understand that Gov. Dunlap has received a letter from Lord Aylmer, the Governor Gen. of British America, at Quebec", stating in substance that he and his government are ready to meet ours in a survey of the route for the proposed Rail Road from our Atlantic sea bdard to Quebec whenever our government shall appoint the necessary Surveyors and Engineers. The Report in our Legislature on this subject, we are informed, has attracted the attention of ihe Quebec and Montreal papers, who have re published it, and commented upon it at some length. The Montreal people feel but little interest in it as they have comparatively' au easy communieaiion with the Atlantic via New York. But the Quebec people look to this ciiy as their grand outlet and inlet par ticularly in the winter and spring and the months of October and November. The republication of Ihe report in our Legislature in the Quebec newspapers with the interest felt by the Quebec public in the establishment nf suoh a communication, induced Lord Aylmer to enter upon the subject with zeal, and therefore, he has tended a co-operation in a surveys to Ihe Governor of Maine. Prob ably Lord Aylmer as Governor of Lower Canada, has under com mand a corps of Engineers at tached to the army stationed at Quebec or, has the power of de fraying the expense out of the. income arising from the sale of ihe crowfi lands, for it seems that he has the potver to make the Canada part of the surtey without an appropriation by the Colonial Legislature. Portland Adv. C7The "Pee Dee Gazette, and Cheraw Advertiser," pub lished at Cheraw, S. C. by Math ew Lyon, is no more. It breathed its last on Friday morn ing, April 3, aged 1 1 year, and aooui mutiius. mis is me se cond public Journal which has been permitted to perish at the' hands of the people of South Car olina, during the Dreserit monthv and both for the leant of patronagtt ! ) . - u I "

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