'IJQ3 V jVhole No. rj f;J. Tarborough, (Edgecombe County, N. C.J Saturday, .May 9, 1833. 4 1 I Thf "Turbo rough Vr-v.v," t pnHi'lifd weekly, at 7u D"llirs and y ' Cai'-i ,,r 'f pii'i "dv.mte , " IhUnrs, at tin expiration of the ,!,M iiniioii e.ir. ,' (r ,li,y Period l-s, un a vf;i', T i t nty five Ctiiti per month "',',. -ri!tM' are liberty n disroiitiuue i friii' on i:ivi' m i"'" theitof and r ;nr' us tli se ie-Mi" at a tu'it' e.int i 1 1 v a i ial)l v pay in tlvaurf , or MVt" i ii oiiit'l'' reference i' this vicinity. " Iwi tiMlll'llH, 1 1 l exreeilili;; 111 lint's. 1 l,e j.iM-Mi'il at f0 cents thr liot mscr- ti 'I' aii i -i i',,ilIS ' 'CI1 toinniiiaiitf. i.'Mig' .. . I, .r r itn f.r t.irv' 1 li lift...: ...r oik at i'"" j - ....... I ....I .. J .i VluTt (' 111 ' ' 111111 "r ill"" ftt u i'ir tunii' i wertions required, or they will hi l .. .. I tV,...-it,in nr.. ..A ,,.,.1 I m,m'. a.Mresed to the Kditor rnnt In- . t viti. or thrv may not lie attended to In.iLui Murders. We regrel t !r,n, says the Milledgevdle KwrMr of the lst i nst. that the C'eek Indians in the neighbor-J-d of Columbus, are again com r;lti'"'n aggressions upon the ul';i:s. They have recently -'jrtioreJ a citizen of Columbus, i-i iv.ed upon his companion, escaped this occurred a-- 17 miles from Columbus, l ev i.jve, a few days ago. inui , red a gentleman from Sooth (Voln.a. vvho was removing, and v ve wagons negroes, &lc. had viruvJ ahead of him. We un i rtarul that much excitement pva :!?, and that it is considered 1 -hlv dangerous for individual n travel between Columbus and M,-r.tgo:nery. fne Milledgeville Times stales v il the individual Inurdered by - e Ir.dians, was a Mr. Allen, w o was moving from Not lb C:iol.r.a. Cn rio u i Phenomenon. T h e Weekly Messenger (Indiana) isites that on S.iturddV, thelt!, i:.tarjf, as the Meambjat Pot t r,GU'.h was ascending the Ohio K ver from Louisville: "a l i:g' g:'-be of fire passing through the atmosphere, alighted on the top ol tne Mht pule, and continued therefor a considerable time the niht being unumlly dark, gave it more terrific appearance. The cmcer, crew, and passengers were much alarmed; and the (Jicers and crew, thinking it ominous of ome serious event, as s"e had been an unfortunate boat, deserted her." The hound ary Question a-! :nri, ant!, for the last time, we hope Tise Zanesville Republi-: Cj:.. ri the ISth instant, furnishes - tallowing agreeable inlorma ia regard to the dispute be-:,v-?" Ohio and Michigan: 'The war respecting the dispu t'Tiituiy between Ohio and Michigan is over without blood ' -d. The people went on to '"' ct their township officers on the mutant, in conformity with l t- lws of Ohio, withoul moles tjhon, and the Commissioners are tzreing with the .survey of l:5- line. The military move- ents on the part of Michigan ivebecn suspended, and the dis X will no doubt be settled by 1 l - next session of Congress." i;.I,ie in,'amus impostor, -'litthiu.s, charged with the mur ? of a Mr. Pierson, of Sing t v.X. in August last, wa I Mat While Plains, 3 fortnight ! and acquitted; but was lbund ' V y ra! assault on his own fn, a married JJy, with a . 'hide, brcause, she- would not ( ovvhrdge his ''divinity," and v j enced to three months im- 'rriv'fmt.it for the assault, and month for contempt of Court "UIJ- this monMer will not be let loose on society. His ;;u,rmrjus blasphemy and immor- "'tie UISC nseil un tri-il d,.,... t ill I If t U ... 1 t " lJ,n tie ought to be con 11 'n the cell of a mad-house, lor example, made bi 1 ? --'I able dupes believe that he I J ; the Father," had now- i , ,,, n" We d death," &c ; , :ed Pierson to make over to ,4tate, worth several thou- -anil dollars, and place himsell and familv undrr hi m as servants left bis own family, and took charge of "iers-on's; prevailed on a .Mrs. Folder, a lady of wealth and intelligence, to leave her bus b.uul and live with him, calling her the Molh i and himelf the Father of ihe Innilv, &e. &c. AT. Y. Mcr. jiu. . (jfWe were amused, a few evenings vjnce upon calling at a frieudN, and after having been told the familv were ?iof of home, to be answered by the boy, in answer to the injunction not to forget our name, thai he would run up and tell the Indies at once. Cincinnati paper. Mobile correspondent of the Newbury port Herald un der date of March 31st, gives a roost llattering picture of Alabama. I It? snys: 4 The talk is here about cotton, land and n-'groes. This season has. been a golden harvest to the pi inters. Our friend s income, for instance, will be 10,000 Irom cotton alone. lie makes about 150 bales, ay 500 lbs. to the bale, at 1 f cents per lb. The etlt-ct of higher prices, has been to raise the value of land and no litoes. The fiist (prime) is selling at b'J; an acre ..ml the last at SlOOO cash. Mobile is going ahead linelv. Keal estate Has risen 1 50 per cent, within two years. IO.OOt) hales of cotton. worth Si -2,000.000 passes- through this market a pretty good export tor a town of tiooo inhabitant. Building is going on in every di reetion, rents are high and every thing pjt now. prosperous here. Tile goodness of the Alabama lands, tempts the planters in the Carolina and Georgia hut tin rise in the price induces many to go still lot t her. The consequence is, thai while a ttemendoti cmi gi ation is setting out of old states, only a part of it lingers in Ala bama, lo truth, Alahamian who wish to invest all their capital in negroes, and can .spate nothing for lands, go to Mississippi, Lou isiana and Te.3s. To this last land of promise, thousands are now wending their way. You have no idea of the extent of the emigration to and through Ala bama. People are suing by hun dreds of thousands in a season. The river towns in Alabama are increasing astonishingly. 13 Steamboats ply on the Alabama. The captain of out bought his last season for Si 2,000 arid has clear ed her. He is however, very popular. We brought down what amounted in freight and passage to Si, 700. He will carry up 3000, all thi in 1 5 days. (QThn Diamond lately found in Prince Kdwaid is said by the Kditor of the New York Eve ning Star, to be worth at least 515,000. The people of Michigan Terri tory are about to elect delegates to a Convention which is shortly to be held, to form a Constitution. Cotton seed oil The Mayor and City Council of New Or learns have resolved to light that city with Cotton Seed oil. The Baltimore Patriot remarks "that the extensive experiment that is about to be made of ihe utility of this oil in New Orleans, will test its value, and if it should be found lo possess the advantages ascribed to it, over the oil now in common use, it will, no doubt, enter large ly into the consumption of every family, and prove an immense source of profit to the cotton growing portion of our country. It will in fact, be an addition, to the full amount of the oil, to their wealth, the cotton seed being now almost a useless article.. Pet. Int. A Maniac A short time since, a woman of German de scent was found in the woods in Columbiana county, 0. a raving maniac, with her feet badly fro zen, and entirely naked. Sin was taken lo jail for safe keeping, and died a few davs after. The Cherohees. The Mill edgeville Recorder of Tuesday last says: We are gratified te learn, Irom various quarters en titled to credit, that there remains little doubt that the Cherokee's will sanction the late proceedings at Washington, relative to the te linquishment of their lauds. Jl Husband Wanted. Then i said to be now living at St. Mary's in one of the lower coun ties of Maryland a lady at the age ol 105 years, of whom the follow ing account is given: He men tal faculties ate unimpaired she is in excellent health and spirits rides on horseback as dexttously as a trooper laces in her cor sets attends the toilet punctual ly and what is yet mote sur prising, she is as willing to be married as she was 90 vears ago TJiere's a sweetheart lor u " (iettsburg Star. JVich Doctor. We arc in-j formed that a family by the name; ol ( ash, in the lower end ot thi- county or in the enl-re of Kockinr ham, who are sahj to have be n quite respectable, and in good cit cumstances, had conducted them- selves in so mysterious a manner: for several months, ;i to excite aj good deal of speculation and in-j tetest among their nejghoors During that period, il stems, they had can fully secluded themselves Irom observation. No one was allowed to enter tin ir dwelling, nor could 'hey be seen attending to any of the business of the farm or ot the household. Things re mained in this state until about ten or twelve days ago, when a lew ol their neighbors determined to unravel the mystery. They went to the bouse, and admission being denied at the door, one ol the company was raised on the shoulders of another, so that he could look in tnrough the win-dow;--when a scene was presen ted which induced them at once to force an entrance into the house. A corpse was found lying on a bed in one corner ol the room in a most horrid and dis gusting state of putrefaction. It proved to be the body of Mrs. Cash, who had evidently been dead for weeks, if not mouths. The old man had a pallet in the middle of the floor, the daughter a bed in another corner of the same room; and the son (a young man,) was found up stairs. The stench was overpowering; and it is astonishing that human beings could have survived for so long a time in it. It va ascertained that the woman had died a'out Christmas, and that she had been kept by direction ol a Witch Doctor, (whose name we arc sor ry we have not heard,) tinder tin delusive expectation that she would come to life in a given pe riod. Il is not improbable, too, that a part of the villain's pie script ion was, that the family should not suffer any one to see them in the mean lime, lest his imposition might be discovered. We understand that about a year ago the family took up the notion they were bewitched. .-that their minds became somewhat unset tled, and they of course prepared lo become an easy prey to those scoundrels who designate them selves by Ihe infamous title of Witch Doctors. We believe this is a solution of the whole matter. The health of the family is said to have suffered considerably, and that their minds are in a wretched state. It is presumed that the family must have attended to the busi ness of the farm after night, as they were never seen by day, and their cattle were in fine order, and a large quantity of grain (say about 500 bushels,) was found thrashed out and cleaned up. Siau nl on Va. Spec. The supreme court of Massa chusetts have decided against tht town of Lowell, in ihe action brought against them by Mr. Currier, lor the- injury sustained by him some ti:.oe since, from the neglected state of she road, by which his chaise, in which was ;ilso a young lady, was thrown down a precipice. The verdict is J7000 a pretty round sum. New Enterprize. It will b seen by an advertisement in lb morning's paper, that the steam David Brown, will comment running on the 25 instant, betwee New York and this place, imikinj one trip a week. We learn iIk the D. H. is an excellent sea hoa and is commanded by a entlemaj in every respect qualified for h? office. The David lirown ha lately been fitted up with nev copper boilers, and her accorn modations are of the first order. The passage and fare to and from New York are $12, and it is sup posed that the run will be made in about 30 hou rs.. J orfull: Beacon. The great foot race. The great trial of human capabilities, in going ten miles within the hour for 1,000, to which o,00 was added, look place yesterday on the Union Course, Long- Island; and we are pleased to stale that the leal was accomplished 12 se conds within ihe time by a native born and bred American farmer, Henry Stannard, ol Killingworth. Connecticut. Two others went the 10 miles one (a Prussian) in half a minute over; the oilier (an Irishman) in 1 :-l over the time. N. Y. Courier. The Springfield Somnambulist. The Springfield Cattle states that Jane C. Ryder, the famous Somnambulist, formerly of that town, is now at Brattleboro' and again subject to paroxysms, ac companied by the same extraor- ilm:irv nnivprc :ic thrtco clio t i,;!;.,,!., , n rp, hibited al bpnngfield. Ihe same , ... .i i- r' getting ihe lady to Hoaton, or .i ii i J some other place, where she may be subjected extensively to the observations of learned and scien tfic men. iTT-Theshm fWimhn Intplv arrived at Baltimore from Liver- ' V1"' ,n a" likelihood, be decul pool, brought out fourteen heifers ed ,U affirmative, as the pat anduvo bulls, of the full-blooded " nage of ihe Governor of ihat shorthorn breed. They are ill-j plate 18 a,Jmi"ed 0,1 3,1 hands 10 tended to be placed on the farms of R. D. Shetiherd. Rsn nt Shpn herdstown, V irginia. The Amer ican slates that they are as fine a parcel of catile as have ever been imported into this country. Cylinder Caution. Messrs. Al len and Hall, of Springfield, Mass. have invented what they call a cylinder cannon; upon the cylin der may be placed as many bar rels as is desired, each barrel ca pable of making two discharges a second. It was built for a com pany in Lowell, who have pro cured for it a patent in this coun try and France, and have now an agent in England for ihe purpose of getting it patented there. "It was lo u?," says the Hampden Whig, "altogether a novel piece of machinery, and the idea of a cannon being fired, gun after gun, by an operation like that of a boy turning a grindstone, struck us as strangely singular.'3 Distressing evint. An alarm of fire was given last night about half past 8, at the Eagle Hotel. The fire was in one of the upper rooms. When the apartment was entered, a young gentleman, nam ed Winston, said to be of Will iamsburg, was found lying dead on the floor, supposed to have been suffocated. It seems he had taken into his room a pan of charcoal, which he had permitted to burn, with the door closed, and from the effects of which he died. The fire had communicated l" the lloor, but was soon extinguish ed. Richmond Compiler. The Moravian Towns, Ohio Failure o f their experiment to civ ilize the Indians.hi 1785 Con gress granted 12,000 acres of land to this sect, which were laid off in 1795, embracing ihe settlements of Gnadenhutter, Schoenbrun, Economists will do well lo wait and examine a beautiful and rich assortment of Dry Goods, At the very Lowest Price, Before they determine to pur chase, as the same cheap system which has hitherto been so well sustained, will be uniformly ad hered to. JJ2S. JVEDDELL. 16th April, 1S35. uacK to the United Slates, and other provision was made for ihe Indians. The Moravians have left, and the lands have passed into ihe hands of purshasers. The "Colonization Herald" is the title of a new paper commenc ed at Philadelphia by the Young Men's Colonization Society of Pennsylvania. Its objects are to promote the civilization and chris tianization of Africa by colored emigrants from the United States, and to ameliorate, by all legal and constitutional means, the con dition of ihe African race. We fear their civilization and farther advancement in Africa, much as we applaud the scheme of coloni zation, will prove as abortive and destructive as the efforts of our puritan forefathers and modern missionaries to civilize and chris tianize ihe Aborigines of this country, who are a much superior and more intellectual race than the Ethiopians. N. Y. Star. Pcnnsylvania State Conven tion. 'The bill for taking the sense of the People of Pentisylva . , 1 ,. J nia, as 10 me expediency oi a Convention for amendmtr the Constitution, has passed the Le- gislature of the State. The ques tion is to be taken for or against a convention, by the qualified vo ters at the next general election on .l. i i . i "IL "UI,U 1 uesoay 1,1 ciooer. ul,,,"a,ll- fe .judi j. ruuu. v coruage merchant on Friday last, pur chased from a passenger on board one of our river steamboats eigh teen bbls. of far, for which he paid ihe cash; and on opening Ihem the same afternoon, discov ered thai one end of each contain ed a block of wood, tightly fitted in, and occupying nearly half the barrel. It is needless to say that the impostor was beyond the reach of pursuit. Wheeling Gaz. The Cincinnati JEronaut. The Cincinnati Gazette of the ISth inst., contains an account from Mr. Clayton (who made a balloon ascension from that city on ihe Sth) of his aerial excursion. He took his departure from the amphitheatre at five o'clock, P. M. The wind at first carried him a southeast direction. He rose, he says, to the altitude of two and a half miles, as indicated by his barometer. He passed over Lit tle Miami river, keeping the Ohio river a little at his right. A litlle before six he passed over liatayia. He says he experienced no disagreeable sensation; but has no doubt that al an altitude of three and a half or four miles, owing to the rarety of (he at mosphere, a difficulty in breath ing, and a swelling in the head, is experienced. At twenty-five minutes after six, he had a view of the setting sun; thirty minutes after six he passed over Williams- burg; at seven o'clock over Georgetown; a little before eight, over West Union. The wind now changed a little to ihe south. s At about nine o'clock, he passed a il I tie to ihe lett ot Portsmouth, was enabled to sre, by the light of the moon, Sciota liver, and the different places over which be passed. A litlle beyond Ports mouth, he had a fine view of the iron forge and furnaces, whose JJHF. Subscriber offers folr sale her of Land Ivin in Edgecombe coul.,,ei commonly catted tUe d Ilunge Orchard Plantation Containing 321) acres, with art apple on' chard on it capable of niakinp 25 or 30i barrels of Brandy. This land lies one mil below the Great Falls Tar River, and ad joins the lands of Charles Harrison, Rob" ert Soiey and others, and has on it the neO cessary nero houses, barns, kc. A parj2 oft his Land U of an excellent quality, ant! if application is soon made, ps,esii,n vvila be given immediately and long credit giv1, en if preferred. A further description ii, a few minutes was earned ov"r the furnaces of the Kanawha salt works, and in sight of the fork formed by Gauly and New tivers. Soon after this he approached the earlh, and finding his ballast was nearly exhausted, prepared for a descent; he threw his anchor over, which caught firmly in a tree, but finding, contrary lo his cfir.st im pression, " thai he was over a dense forest he cut the cable, and again ascended to his former alti tude. It now being very cold, he says he wrapt himself comforta ble and highly delighted with his novel trip, laid down in the bot tom of the car, and in that situa tion di opt to sleep. He was awakened al last by his car strik ing. He landed ai half after two o'clock, in safety, on a mountain 3000 feel above the level of the sea, (according to his barometer) called'Stinson's Knob, in Monroe county, Virginia, from 350 to 4b0 miles from Cincinnati. A pretty good distance to be travelled in nine and a half hours! Of really intrepid -Eronauls, Clayton sure ly bears, the palm! Duraiit him self has been outdone. Reunion of Flesh offer complete Separation. The Observatore Medico contains a curious and what it affirms to be a well au thenticated case of reunion of the nose, after complete separation. The patient, a woman of ihe tjovrn, had the whole of the soft part of the nose bitten off, by a man. She was immediately carried be fore ihe commissary of police, when ihe nose was dressed. In three hours afterwards, Dr. Car Iizze, who happened to come in,, saw ihe paiient, and entreated that search might be made for the lost nose. This was done, and, two and a half hours afterwards, the mutilated portion was found, contracted, and all covered with j filth. The Doctor, however, washed ihe parts clean, and ap plied the piece, putting in a few paints of suture. The dressings were not removed before the seventh day', when the witnesses obsercd, with great satisfaction, that complete union had taken place. In thirty-seven days, the cicatrix was perfectly consolida ted. The aspect of the nose, how ever, was most disagreeable, from' the color of its tip which presented a livid unhealthy appearance. A solution of nilraie of silver (mod erately strong) was applied to this part, and after the fall of the char, in five days the nose resumed its natural color. ..Boston Med. Jour. American Coffee. It has been estimated that the annual con sumption of coffee in the United States, is not less than 80,000,000 lbs. Now, supposing ihat the average price is 12 1-2 cents per lb., this quantity cost $10, 000,000. CTThere are now five of the Circuit Judges of Kentucky, ar raigned before the Legislature of that State on trial, and two others have resigned. t i "