vre?Mig. On Wednesday, Vin Jpnt White w;s capitally ar turned for Kidnapping a near, irirT, iv',h an intent to appi opt i.iie j er to his own use, ami on auid , i( liis trial was removed to Cr. ven, 1 which county, we are informed he belongs. Un the ime day, Reading Pearce, (a free black) was arraigned for the nusrder of hi brother, ?ome time ir.ce. On Thursday, Pearce was nut upon ht trial tor mansiaugn er, to which he plead guilty. Qa yesterday, he was sentenced ... ipK'p months' imprisonment. There has been little business of importance on the Livil Docket, bat our Slate Docket proves that the Millennium lias not yet ar r:ved. Washington IVhig. Accident. -We are informed by Capt. B. Robinson, of the Schr. Thomas Wynns, that on coming out of the narrows, on his parage from New York to this i)laceon Monday the 20th inst., Thomas Eldridge, one of the seamen of this vessel, fell from the boat at the stern, and sunk to r?e no more. ib. Banking operations. The Stockholders of the Bank of Cape fear held a meeting at Wilming ton, last week. A Dividend of five per cent, will be paid to the old Stockholders, leaving a con siderable surplus to go to the ben efit of the joint corporators, as the subscribers for the new stock will now come into the concern. ; is contemplated to open Books for an increase of the Capital Hock. Rat. Reg. Shocking Murder We learn from a friend who came passen ger by the Rail Road on Monday, that Capt. Silas Summered, of Southampton County, a most re spectable and worthy man, was shot down in cold blood on Sat crday last, by a man named Hit ter, who was apprehended on the spot. We regret to fay that Capt. S. died in a few minutes alter he fell, and th3l he has left a wife and several children to mourn the overwhelming calamity that has fallen so unexpectedly upon them. Norfolk Beacon. Convent. The Church of Rome has appropriated $60,000 for the establishment of a Catho lic Convent at Bertrand, Michi gan territory. Droll Taste. A person who advertises himself, in a western paper, to be a small farmer, and in want of a wife, offers a pre mium of $100 to any femalecan didate for matrimony who will become 'bone of his bone," and change labours with him; that is to say, she to take charge of the ploughing, the planting, the pigs, tt cetera, and he of the pies, the puddings, the babies, et cetera. It be should succeed in his ' search for a wife," under these conditions, the modus operandi of the experimentalist would be well worth witnessing. IMPORTANT IF TRUE. 03 A slip from the office of the New York Journal of Com merce, dated on Saturday, 10 M. contains the following: "Important rumor. An Ex l from the Office of the Boun ty Gazette, published at Calais, (Me.) and dated the 17th inst. ilates that the oris M un? had ar- riv'ed at St. Andrews from Liv erpool, bringing intelligence that lhe French Chambers had dis sIved without making any ap propriation for the American pms. The Mung is stated to ave brought Liverpool papers 10 he 29th March. ."We think there must be some Mistake nhrm in. r.. a-1 ach'ices from Paris, direct, ere as late within five or six jys as could have been contain lr the papers above mention , fJ At that date every thing in j efprd to the claims wore a favor- jle aspect. It was known that ie Committee would report . "an.mously in favor of the : ",rns and it was calculated, that would be sustained by a ma- , lly of not less than 100 in the . haoer. Still, all ihings are J possible, and thai is the most that can be said in behalf of ihe rn- mor The Report of the Com n.iiiee was to be made on the 2 1 st of March, but might be postponed till the 23rd, (Mon ti ay. j "In passing from Paris to Lon don, Irom London to Liverpool, Irom Liverpool to St. Andrews, from St. Andrews to Calais, from Calais here, there are a good ma ny chances of mistake, even sup posing the story was not a stock jobbing operation at the outset." A proof slip of the above tenor was also transmitted from the New York Mercantile Advertiser. The Boston Courier, in noticing the rumor says 'As our previous accounts from England, were only to March 24, people were rather excited on change, and speculations were for a moment suspended, but as peo pie began to look at the matter, it was considered a hoax, and every thing went on again as before." Oo the other hand, the Boston Atlas says of this report There are many reasons for be lieving it true. Our readers will remember that the 21st of March was the day assigned for the dis cussion of the American Indem nity Bill in the Chamber of Dep- uues. uur latest aovices Irom Paris, previous to the above, do not cover the proceedings of the 21st. The lat accounts stated that the bill would meet consider able opposition, but not enough, probably to cause its rejection.,. This was the condition of the question. Between that time and the 26th allowing, three davs for the transmission of intelli gence from Paris to Liverpool; the House might well have acted on the Bill, rejected it, and have been in consequence dissolved. Th is is made more probable from the fact that Mr. Living ston's letter to ihe President prob ably reached France at this precise period. this would alone have been sufficient to lead to the re jection of the Bill. This result was anticipated on the first pro mulgation of that letter in this country. Latest from Mexico another insurrection. By the packet ship Congress, we have received Vera Cruz papers to the Oth inst. They bring us intelligence of a new revolutionary movement in the South, headed by General Alvarez, which has for its object the deposition of Santa Anna from the Presidency, the dissolution of the present Congress, and the restoration of the late Vice Presi dent, Don Gomez Farias, to the Executive Chair. A passenger in the Congress informs us that four States, viz. Zaciifecas, San Luis, Morelia, and Durango, had already seconded the movement. It will be recollected that some months since, the New Mexican Congress, which was itself very summarily constituted, contrived to get rid of Farias by abolishing the office of Vice President which he held. Farias was a great friend to Reform; and the present movement appears to be an effort of the Reform Party to struggle back into power. Apart from the evils of revolution, we should cordially wish them success. JV. Y. Jour, Com. Troubles in Brazil. The brig Baltimore, at Salem in 2G days from Para, brings the following intelligence. On the 19th and 21st February, another revolution took place, in which Melcher, the President, and some others were killed. Vinagre, Melcher's ac complice in the revolution of the 7th January, is now at the head of affairs, but not likely to remain. A report says 500 men are now preparing, in the country, for an attack on the town in a day or two. Letters from Maranham, of of the 20th of March, state that a frigate and three small vessels, with several hundred men, were going to Para to restore tranquili ty. This has given umbrage to the President, and, at an assem blage of citizens, they determin ed on giving fight to the Maran ham expedition. H. M. B. ship Despatch had been ordered up from Barbadoes to protect Eng lish residents. ib. Prices Current, fit Turboro' and New York. MAY 4. Bacon, Beeswax per 2 urboro'. wYew York. lb. 8 lt Hi 9 lb. 18 20 ID 2l) gall' ii 60 70 35 38 lb. 13 16 In 13 bush. 50 55 61 70 lb. 15 16 16 18 yard. 20 25 '8 22 bbl. feOO 625 500 537 lb- 5 3 4 lb. 3 9 7 94 gall'n 35 40 21 30 lb. K) 2i tfj i bush 60 65 3 37 J bbl. 175 180 275 312 bush. 70 80 80 88 bbl. 38 40 27 28 Brandy, apple Coffee, Corn, Cotton, Cotton bag'g. Flour, supf. Iron, Lard, Molasses, Sugar, brown, Salt, T.I. Turpentine, Wheat, Whiskey; Horse for Sale. THE Subscriber offers for sale a good work horse rtppiy to JOSEPH B. BRADDY. Tarboro May 7, 1835. 19 Oxford Examiner. rjMIE Subscriber invites propo sitions to succeed him as prin ter and proprietor of the "Oxford Examiner," to take effect not sooner than the 1st of next Octo- ber. A practical Printer could invest a small sum to considerable this Establishment. Any gentleman possessing a few hours leizure each day might de vote them wilh the certaintv of profit to Ihe conducting of a pa per in this place. The income has enabled the present Editor to live comfortably for more than five years, although he commeuc- ..i ii iii eu anu nas an aioi2 labored wnaYr i embarrassing disadvantages. But little exertion would enui" a more extended patronac?. Should ' an application be made which ' u.nnl.l 'vuuiu nuciy jjiuvc ai ffiiuie io the public, a bargain nAy be had. The establishment is deemed a permanent one, as the people have manifested a determination to sus tain a Press in their countv Town. R. J. YANCEY, jr. Oxford, April 23. .1 Still for sale. 4 GOOD STILL, holding 120 v gallons, may be purchased cheap by applying to GEORGE COLMER, Greenville, Pitt Co. April 22d, 1835. IS 3 PROSPECTUS OF THE flnson Advertiser. 'piIK subscriber proposes to publish in Ihe Town of Wadeiborough, Anson County, North Carolina, a weekly paper entrltd. "The Anson Advertiser.1 According to custom, he proceeds to lav belore the public an analv sis of the plan upon which his paper will be conducted. Its columns will be devoted to Ihe cause of Politics, Agriculture, Internal Improve ment, Literature and Science in general. Ili the intention .f the Editor diligent ly and fairly to report the passing polilical and other news of the day, and while he cannot, consistently with his principles, advocate the course pursued by the pres ent administration, he asiun s the public that he feels every disposition to do full justice to its merits. Th press will be open to both parties the Editor will en deavor to adhere strictly to principle and to disregard all party influence. The editor intends to avail himself of the advantagenf many of the best publications on the subjects of aericultuie ai.d internal improvement, he of course will be able to select and lay before hi readers, a large number of Essays which cannot fail of be ing interesting to every one who has at heart the prosperity of his country. All the most important and interesting pro ceedings of Congress and the Mate Legis lature will be duly reported, and a portion of the paper will at all times be devoted to polite Literature. The subscriber is aware of the many difficulties he must encounter in advancing to public favor; he relics greatly upon the liberality always shown by an enlightened public tvwards enterprise well conducted, and asstrres his patrons, that no pains shall be wanting on his part to render his paper both a useful and interesiing publication. TERMS. The Anson Advertiser will be printed on an imperial sheet at $3 00 per annum in advance, or $3 50 at the end of the year; the first number to issue as soon as Sev en Hundred Subscribers are obtain ed; no subscription will be received for a less period than twelve months; and the paper will not be discontinu ed until orders are received to that efFect, and all arrearages paid up. Advertisements not exceeding 12 lines, inserted three times for one dollar, and 25 cents for each subse quent insertion. Communications addressed to the editor rnust be post paid. WILLIAM E. BIRD. Feb. 21, 1835. Printing neatly executed) AT THIS OFEfCE. ASST. tno: SPF.rrriTs nc The Extra Glohe. TK- undermined propone to issue the nr8t number of a new series of the Kxtra Oloue, on Monday, the 25th of May next, and to puMigi, lt weekly for six months, making twenty-six numbers; the last to contain an index to the whole. It will be printed on fine double-roval paper, made up in quarto form, like tlie'Extra and Con gressioual Globes published by us last year. The 26 numbers will make 416 royal quar to pages. It will contain the principal original arti cles of the Daily and Semi-Weekly Globes foreign and domestic News notices of the public meetings the elections, and public proceedings in every State in the Union, in relation to the canvass for the next Presidency a contest which the indi cations of the present year will go far to decide. The first number will contain the Pro ceedings of the Democratic National Con vention, to be held at Baltimore on the 20ih of next month. An excellt nt Repor ter has already been engaged to report the Proceedings of the Conveution, and the Speeches which mav be made on the oc casion. We request the favor of those friends to Whom this Prosnectus m:iv h conl tn. rlr. culate it, for the purpose of obtaining sub. aiuuris. a copy ot the work will be sent to the newspapers that copythis Prospectus. Subscribers should forward their names in time to reach us before the 25th May. If they do not, we may not be able to fur. nish them with all the numbers; because the work is put at so low a nrire. that cannot afford to reprint any numbers that cxuausieu. TERMS. One Dollar per copy, j advance. Kleven copies will be f..r..;.H. dollars; twenty-two conia f.ir iM.nlu a. lars. Ri d so on in nrnnAri; -" I'lVVIIIVII. ETThe pi ice of thu naoer i cnlnw that we cannot afford to open accounts with those who subscribe for it. Therefore no atteniion will be paid to any order unless the money accompanies it. BLAIR cy RIVES. Washington, April 10ih. 1835. VALUABLE Plantation and Town Lots FOR SALE. T WlLL SELL, on terms to suit the purchasers, the Planta tion situate on the north side of Tar River, known as the PORIE LAND, Adjoining ihe lands of Fred. Bell, Benj. Baits and others, five miles Irom Tatborotigh and immediate ly on the river. Also, LOTS No. 93 and 94, in the town of Tarborough, now oc cupied by Mrs. Stilman. Those wishing to purchase will make application lo Benj. M. Jackson, Esqr. JO SI A II COLLINS, Sen'r. 20th April, 1835. 17 dt Ueduced Prices. G1 ILL'S COMMENTARY on the Bible, in nineoctnvo vnl. umes and Botta's History of the War of the Revolution, in two octavo volumes, elegantly bound, can he had at reduced pri ces on application At this Office. April 9, 1S35. Type Foundry. (f SHERMAN k S. ECKLIN, hav xL0 ng purchased the Type Foundry established by the late J. Howe, have en tered into partnership, for the purpose of carrying on the Manufactory of Types, under the firm of S. Ecklin k Co. We intend keeping on band a Urge as sortment of type, especially those kinds most used, which will enable us to supply orders with the least possible delay; and have now for sale a large quantity of the best quality, (stock purchased from the estate of J. Howe J and intend to make immediate additions to it. S. Kcklin h Co. are now prepared to receive orders for founts of every de siription, from Peailto 22 lines Pica in cluding a variety of Ornamental Letter. We offer for sale also, an assortment, of Cuts, Dashes, Brass Rule, and other or naments, of which specimens will be for warded to printers, soon as they can be prepared. Such improvements as the wants of the trade anJ taste may require, will receive the earliest attention at this establishment. Printing Presses of every description. Printing Ink of thy most approved quali ties. Composing Sticks, Brass and Com mon Galley's Chases, Imputing Stones, Paper and Press Boards, Standing Press es, Furniture, together with a complete assortment of all articles used in a Prin ting Office, will be kept constantly on hand. Small founts, suitable for Book-binders, in a great variety, may be bad when called lor. Orders from all parts of the Union will be promptly and most carefully attended to, and particularly in supplying sorts for all founts furnished by our predecessor. We respectfully solicit a share of public patronage- To the former patrons of this foundry, we deem it sufficient t say, that they will be as well and promptly served as heretofore, should they be dis posed to favor us with their orders. '1 he business of the Foundry w ill be conducted under the following firm, and by the same person who was in fact the type founder in Mr. Howe's foundry. S. ECKLIN Sr CO. Corner of Crown and Caliowhill streets. Philadelphia, Spt. 1834. Printers of English Papers, by giving the above three insertions and forwarding one with the advertisement, will be enti tled to articles to the amount of thre-dolUrs. J 5,000 Dollars worth Of every description. For WHOLESALE or RETAIL at nearly Cost, by Knight. Garrett Co. No. 1, Broadway. Tar-boro, April 30, 1533. Again!!! AS USUAL, I am purchasing in the cities of New York and Philadelphia, an extensive assorl menl of Spring and Summer BEIY GOOBS. It is almost unnecessary to say that the stock will combine the two MOST IMPORTANT ATTRACTIONS, Fashion and Cheapness Economists will do well to wail and examine a beautiful and rich assortment of Dry Goods, M the very Lowest Prices, Before they determine to pur chase, as the same cheap system which has hitherto been so well sustained, will be uniformly ad hered to. JAS. IVEDDELL. 16th April, 1S35. Thomas L. B. Gregory, j PORTRAIT PAINTER, yflLL remain in Tarborough three or four weeks, and can be consulted at Mrs. Gregory's Hotel, when not professionally engaged. April 3, 1S35. Martin Van Burcn OF NEW YORK. TpROPOSALS for publishing the fifo graphvofthis distinguished citizen. whose early habits of study, perseverance ana application, unitd with ins upright ness as a man, and his unwavering demo cratic principles have propelled him on ward, from the humblest walks, to fill ma ny important stations in his native state, as well as in the general government. By his adhering to the cause of the people, they have raised bim to Ihe second office in their gift; and if I mistake not the Amer ican character, he is destined still further to receive their confidence, by being pla ced by them in that chair now filled by the illustrious Jackson, wilh so much honor to himself. The work will make a neat volume of more than 100 pages, from the most authentic sources, including his SPifccH on the Revolutionary claims ofthe war worn soldiers, whose toil and sufferings se cured the independence of our country. 17" The Books will be ready lor delivery prior lo the adjournment of Congrs; bound after the manner of the Biography of R. M. Johnson, published b me. The price to be 5 dollars for 12 copies, or 50 cents single. The various democratic friends into whose hands this prospectus may fall, will give additional circulation to the work by ob'aining such subscriptions as may be offered, 6i return the same to the publisher. JVM. EMMONS. . Washington City, 1835. VERY BEST Cotton Yam and Twine for sale. npHE Subscribers feel grateftl A for the liberal patronage which they received the past year, and hope by assiduity and punctuality in business to merit a continuance of past favors. They now have and expect to keep constantly on hand the Very best Cotton Yarns From Nos. 2 to 18 inclusive. Also, various sizes of the best Cotton Seine Tioinei$ dura bility and strength has been fairly tested, and the Subscribers feel no hesitation in pronouncing it inferior to none, if not superior to any in market. Both the above articles they expect to deliver to purchasers on as iibaral terms as articles of the same quality can be procured elsewhere. The usu al charge for conveyance will be made. Terms of sale for all quanti ties of Yarn over one thousand pounds, six months credit will be allowed for any quantity under one thousand pounds, four months, Ihe purchaser giving note (with out interest) at the time the .Yarn is delivered, payable at the above stated times. The proprietors of fisheries will do well to apply to the Subscri bers for twine for the future, as a very liberal credit will be given. Messrs. Hassel & Williams will act as agents for the Subscri befsat Williamston Mr. Benj. Bell, at Greenville and Messrs Simmons & Eure, at Halifax where Yarn and Twine can be bought ori the same terms as at the Factory. BA TTLE 4- BROTHERS. Falls Tar River, Jan. 10, 1835. Bacon, Bacon. T?ROM 12 to 14,000 weight nf A prime BACON, at 10 to 1'i cents per pound, can be had on application to the Subscriber, 11 miles east of Tarborough, if ap plied for shortly, otherwise it will be shipped northwardly. JOHN EDMONDSON. April 16, 1635. 16 17-The Okford Examiner will in sert the above four times, and for ward acc't to this office. Ijand for Sale. JJHE Subscriber offers (ot sale her Tract of Land Iving in Edgecombe county, commonly called the Iluuge Orchard Plantation, Containing 32j acres, wilh art apple ori chard on it capable of" making 25 or SO barrels of Brandy. This land lies one mile below tlie Great Falls Tar River, Bnd ad joins the lands of Charles Harron, Rob ert Sorey and others, and has on it the ne-. cessary negro houses, barns, kc. A part of this Land is of an excellent quality, and if application is soon made, possession will be given immediately and long credit giv en if preferred. A further description is deemed unnecessary, as no person will buy without first viewing the Land. Tei rug made known onapplicationto Jno.J. ounn. RACHEL BUNN bc. 19th, 1834. 65 Land for Sale. JAvvflL THE Subscriber is anxiouj ffj'ffr io sell his Tract of Land, ad I tl j0'n'rtff be One on which he IHJIj f now lives. It contains 530 acres, sonie of which is low- grounds, the balance pitiey woods. This Tract has a good dwelling house on it, nearly new, with 4 rooms below and 2 up stairs, and other out houses. Persons desirous ot buying Land low, are requested to call and examine foir themselves, as the Subscriber may at all times be found at home, and is determined to sell if he can get anjr thing over half the value. CH. HARRISON. Oct. 28th, 1834. - ; - i ' j. To the Afflicted. GRAY'S invaluable Ointment for the cure of white swellin?, scrofula arid other tumour?, sore legs and ulcers, and fresh wounds. BDrain hruUes. ings and infeammmions, Sic. &c. Beckwith's anti-dyspeptic pill. . Rowand's genuine tonic mixture, a per. feet cure for ague and fever. The above valuable medicines may be had wholesale ok retail oh application lei J. W. Cotteh, Agent for Tarborough. 1635. Notice. rjMlE Subscribers are now removing" from tb ir old stand to the Store for merly occupied by Messrs. Hyman L Law rente, . and directly opposite to John iV. Cotten'g. They will in a fev days offet for sale, a quantity of Salt, Molasses, Su gar and Coffee- Bagging, Rope, and alt the heavy article which are important to farmers at this season. of tbeyear. CASH, and the highest price, will be paid for bated Cotton. D. RICHARDS CO. Tarborough. Nov. 27h, 1834. Barouches JUST &E--CEIVEb; di rect from thfc manufactory at the North, sev tral lteht BA- ROUCHESj intended loroheor two horses. They are of differ ent qualities and prices and wilt be sold on accommodating terms. Th ese Barouche were manulao lured expressly to order, and the work can be warranted. ISAAC B. BRADY. Tarboro,' May 1. 1835. Coach & Gig Manufactory THE Subscriber re spect fully informs hia friends and the public in general, that he has commenced business for himself oh his lot in TarborouVh. r.pnr the Bridge, where he will be prepaied to carry on the above business in al' its vari ous branches. He served a regular ap prenticeship under Mr. Thos. Cobbs, of Kaleigh, who carried on the business very extensively, and kept in his employ regu lar northern workmen. 1 1 several years acquaintance with the business in One of the most extensive establishments in the State could nsu7e his success, he feels con fident lie should meet it; but he is perfect!? aware that atteitlion is equally necessary, and this attention 'he is determined to ren der. He hopes threiore, that all persona who may far him their patronage, will n ver become dissatisfied or disap pointed. His work shall be faithfully exe cuted and of the best materials. He ex pects to have in a short lime a general sortm'n of materials from New York, which will enable him io do his wjyk not inferior to any done in this section of coun try. Repairing done with neatness and despatch. Nathaniel M Terrell. Tarboroujh, jttn. 1st, 1835. 1