Coflidd Ring, MERCHANT TAlLoU, TAKKS this opportunity ol informing hi customers and op public, that he has just receiv ed from New York, his supply of Spring Goods, Jn hi lineal business consisting in part ot: Superfine blue, black and green Cloths, uw and drab Cassi meres, Green and brown Camlet, for sum mer wear, l,inen drills and summer Cassimeres, yin black velvet ana figured es tinss, IKn bosoms and collars, li'luck patent bombazine St ks, Sec. Together with his former Stock, all of which he will dispose of on living terms for cash, it on a vhort credit to punctual customers. Those wishing to purchase will please to call, as they can have the omortunity to examine for them selves. Gentlemen furnishing their own Cloths, can have tbem made and trimmed in the most fashionable style and at the short . t notice. All orders from a dis tance will be thankfully received snd punctually attended to. Please io call at C. King's, three doors above the Planter's Hotel,- on Broadway, opposiie the Brick Siore, where he will be found daily at his pot. Tarboro,' 7th Mav, 1S35. JIasonic JYotice. ; rjiHR FUNERAL of Bro. Thomas Barron will be so : lemnized at his late residence by the members of Joseph Warren ! Lodge, No. 92, Slantonsburg, on Sunday, the 7th ,lune next. The Brethren of neighboring Lodges, and the Masonic fraternity gener ally are invited to attend. 13 v order, EDWIN BARNES, Sefxj. May 7. 1S35. 20 4 15,000 Dollars worth Of every description, For WHOLESALE or RETAIL at nearly Cost, by Knight. Garrett Co. No. 1, Broadway. Tarboro April 30, 1835. VERY BEST Cotton Yarn and Tzvine FOR SALE. TM1E Subscribers feel grateful tor the liberal patronage which they received the past year, and hope by assiduity and punctuality m business to merit a continuance past favors. lhey now have and expect to tetp constantly on hand the Vny best Cotton Yarns, From Nos. 2 to IS inclusive. Also, various sizes of the best Cotton Seine Twine its dura bility and strength has been fairly ( le$ted, and the Subscribers feel r'0 hesitation in pronouncing it :nlei ior to none, if not superior to y in market. Both the above wicles they expect to deliver to purchasers on as liberal terms as . articles of the same quality can procured elsewhpre. Thpnn. al charge for conveyance will be lerms of sale- fnr nil ninnli. t'CS of Yam over nnp thmisarwl pounds, six mnmU rori;i .n V If III Us 'lowed for any quantity under Onu tU 1 . ,l n J wiuusanu pounds, tour months Uie Purcha er p-ivino- nnlf fiuitK interest at ibo limp iho V delivered, payable at the above stated limes. I lie proprietors of fisheries will J0wtM to apply to the Subscri 'eis for twine for the future, as ; cry liberal crpdit will hp Mrs. Ilassel & Williams m act as agents for the Subscri ,ert Williamston-Mr. Bern. ,J.e11' at Greenville and Messrs. mons & Kure, at Halifax- Ya,n and Twine can b W on the same terms as at he factory. 'J BROTHERS. dl'S Iar Uivcr, Jan. 10. 1S35. AiiJ : -ZJSi NfcW AND FASHIONABLE MilUnary, Sfc. iVlUS' A' C" ,,0VTAKI) in forms her friends ard the public that she is now opening her Spring Supply of Goods, amon which mav be found al most every article applicable to uer business, viz: Plain and fancy colored pattern Silk Bonnets. Fancy Tuscan, plain and open straw no. Misses and children's do. Plain, watered and figured Silks and S uins for dresses. Plain and figured Iiobbinett, Swiss muslin, blond lauze, do. Fancy caps, capes, Shawls, neck Handkerchiefs Veils, and scarfs, Fluted Laces, edgings, inserting, 8cc. Puffs and Curls, in great variety, ilk and straw cords and tassels, Uibbons, Flowers, &c. &c. in great abundance, and at various prices. The above Goods having been purchased on very advantageous terms, and selected by herself, she can with confidence recom mend them, as being of excellent quality and also remarkably chean. She invites an examination of them, as they cannot fail to please. Tarboro, May 1, 1835. JYew MUUnary, AT ENFIELD. StSJS HATS I AV1NG opened a Shop at the above named place, is now receiving from New York, all the articles in her line, such as Leghorn Bonnets, Straw and silk do. a choice se lection of Ribbons, &c. (JLadies Dresses made in the neatest and latest fashions. Enfield, N. C. April 22, 1S35. THE itffEflj JU ill i nary Store. MISS MITCHELL, Bugs leave to inform her friends anil the public, that she has taken the Store House next door to Mr. W. Harris, for merly the Bank where she opens the largest & most splendid assortment of MUUnary ever brought to this market. She flatters herself, that from the knowledge of business acquired in sever, years employment in the most extensive and fashionable establishments in tbe City of New York, and being well ac quainted with most of the Millin- ary and Mercantile Establish ments in that city, she is enabled to purchase goods low, and have! her Millinary made up in a supe rior style and on the most rea sonable terms. Amonjr her assort ment will be found 150 Tuscan Bonnets, (different sizes and patterns) at from 1,50 up to the finest made. A handsome assortment of North em made velvet, satin, and silk Bonnets. A variety of Caps, Capes and Tur bans. Black, white, blue, pink and yellow Italian Crapes. Black, white, blue, yellow and va riegated Ostrich Feathers. Artificial Flowers, feather and vel vet Flcwers. Gold and silver do. Black, and white blond Edgings and Footings. Hair Braids, Puffs and Curls, A few elegant painted lustring Shawls and Retticules. A handsome assortment of Ribbons, with many otber articlestwo nume rous to mention. Miss M. respectfully invites the Ladies of Halifax and the adjoin ing counties to call and examine her stock before purchasing and assures them that she will sell every article in her line, lower than any other establishment in this section of country. N. B. She has purchased a new Apparatus for cleaning and press ing Tuscan, Leghorn and Straw Bonnets, in the Northern style. Specimens of her work, both in that and the Dress Making, may be seen at her Store, where all orders will be thankfully re ceived and punctually attended to. Halifax, Feb. 25. Remnants. Remnants! GREAT VARIETY of Remnants of every description of Goods, will ht Sold at half their value. J. WEDBELL. 0m 20th Feb. 1S. Bargains! Bargains!! JVfexr Goods! JVfe?o Goods!! Cheapest of he Cheap, or a leetle cheaper than the cheapest. presume to inform the public sre n f mllir (Up . 0 j v that we have an equal right with our neighbors so to do,) that we have just returned from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, (and came very near going to Boston,) where we purchased the MM . " sjosc spienaid Assort men f of Spring and bummer That ever decorated the shelves of any establishment in the city ot Tarborough, (none excepted,) and are now Selling off ai nearly Cost, For Cash, and at a very small ad vance on a credit. Among our assorlment may be found The most beautiful Prints in the world, French Muslins, Ginghams, (new , t.vle, ) t rench Calicoes, printed Jaconets, Figured chintz Calicoes, French Bonibazetts, Bombazines, Circassians of various colors and qualities. Crape Camlets, colored satin doe skins, bird eye London do. Silks of eveiV disrritifinn ii!L- Shawls, silk dress Handkerchiefs. Gro de Naps, Gro de Berlin, Pink and blue Satin, watered. Gro de Swiss, Poi de Soi, figured piaid l.iro de Map, White Satin, blue black do. Parasols, Fans, Bead bairs. Jaconet and mull muslins, checked muslins, swiss and book muslin. Robes, corded skirts, Ladies and gentlemen's Gloves, Cotton and silk Hose, Broad Cloths, blue, black, claret. brown, drab and green, Cassimeres, fancy plaid, striped, di agonal, drab, ring-streaked and speckled, Stocks, of various qualities, Rouen Cassimeres, cotton Cassi meres, Bcavertincs. nlaid Linens, ribbed Linen, for summer wear, Furniture prints, birds eye Diaper, Drapery, brown Holland, Oznaburgs. 4 icklenburgs, brown Linen and white do. Drills, Lasting, patent Thread, Tur key red. Ladies, Misses, and children's Shoes of every description, dirt cheap. French kid slippers, spring heel'd Pumps, prunellas, morocco, leath er, seal skin, &c. &c. Gt. ntlemen's boots and shoes of eve ry description, buck skin, calf skin, seal skin, horse skin, cow skin, and what not, Major Down ing's, David Crockett's, Jim Crow's, 'ipp Coon's, Gen. Jack son's, Van Burcn's, Nullifiers, Union, consolidation, and amalga mation, About '200 Ladies and misses straw and Tuscan Bonnets, Straw cords and tassels, Palm leaf Hats, from IS cents to S3, colored and white, spotted and speckled, &c. fee. HARDWARE & CUTLERY, of every description. Guns, Rifles, l'isiols, Farming uten sils, Castings, Iron, Nails, Salt, and Steel, 100 bbls. Whiskey and Rum, Brandy and Wine, Sugar, Coffee and Molasses, Upper and under Leather, Harness 2l an DKirung L.ea- tlier, riHuaies ana Bridles, Saddle bags, travelling trunks, travelling bags, harness, bri dle bits, spurs, and riding and gig whips. About 2000 shell, horn, and brass tuck, and side Combs, Head Pins, guard beads, bead guards, Gentlemen's and youths fine fur Hats, cloth caps, hair caps and chil dren's fancy caps, Drugs, medicines, paints, oil white lead, putty, window glass, candles, Earthenware, china, jugs, jars, stone pitchers, tin ware, flax, Jina daily expected, A quantity cf prime Pork, corned Beef, Flour, Herrings, Alligators, snapping turkles, sea sarients, and the whole generation of vipers. The above Goods were pur chased with cash up and no grum bling, which enables us to sell them a leetle cheaper than the cheapest and as such we are determined to do so, net caring to make any thing more than sufficient to keep us from starv ing, having no heirs nor poor kin to provide for. We particu larly invite the Ladies to call and examine our splendid assortment of fancy Goods, and see if we Wave nothing th3t will please them. Should we be so fortunate as to have an article that will strike their fancy, they shall have it at their own price, provided it a - n t I be within the bounds of reason. We especially for the Ladies and we most sincerely and religiously hope to please, them in some things at least. In conclusion we will add that we have no sea sar pents, snapping tu'rkles, noralli gators for the Ladies we shall reserve them for our own special tooth, for an occasional snack be tween meals. Onr friends and the public generally will recollect that we are selling off at nearlv cost for cash, &c. We shall do likewise at our establishment on 'Cokey," at the residence oi J. C. Knight, Ksq. Knight, Garrett $ Co. No. 1, Broadway. Tarboro. April 30, 1R35. Again!!! A S USUAL. I . . . V 1 "'"r " in the cities of New York and Philadelphia, an extensive assort ment of Spring and Summer It is almost unnecessary to say that the slock will combine the two MOST IMPORTANT ATTRACTIONS, Fashion and Cheapness. Economists will do well to wait and examine a beautiful and rich assortment cf Dry Goods, At the very Lowest Prices, Before they determine to pur chase, as the same cheap system which has hitherto been so well sustained, will be uniformly ad hered to. MS. IVEDDELL. 16th April, IS35. Notice. fpilE Subscribers are now removing from their old stand to th Store for merly occupied by Messrs. Hvman &i Law rence, and directly opposite to John W. Cotten's. They will in a tev days oflVr for sale, a quantity of Salt, Molasses, au gur and CoflVe Bagging, Rope, and all Ihe heavy articles which are important to fa i mers at thif season of tbevear. CASH, and the highest price, will be paid lor baled Cotton. D. RICHARDS $ CO. Tarborough, Nov. 27ih, 1834. To the Afflicted. G KAY'S invaluable Ointment for the cure of white swellings, scrofula tuid other tumours, sore legs and ulcers, and fresh wounds, sprains, bruises, swell- iugft and inflammations, &.c. &.C Beckwith's anti-dyspeptic pills. Rowand's genuine tonic mixture, a per fect ctne for ague and fever. The above valuable medicines may be had wholesale or retail on application to . W. Cotten, Agent for Tarborough. 1633. Bacon, Bacon. IJUOM 12 to 14,000 weight of prime BACON, at 10 to 12 cents per pound, can be had on application to the Subscriber, 11 miles east of Tarborough, if ap plied for shortly, otherwise it will be shipped northwardly. JOHN EDM ONDSON. April 16, 1S:5. 16 Henry Johnston, MERCHANT TAILOR, TTAS just ivceived from New - York, a splendid assortment of Goods in his line of business, superior to any thin that has been brought to this market. He would particularly invite gentle men that want Fashionable and Cheap GOODS, To call and examine them, as he is confident he can please all such both in quality and price. He has a large assortment of fine Cloths of all the most fashionable colors, which he will sell very low for cash, or on a short credit. He will also retail without ma king, to those that wish to have their garments made elsewhere, as he intends turning his attention to that as well as making. He has on hand first rate white and black heaver HATS; and fine silk Umbrellas, which he will sell very low. He also has on hand and intends keeping a good assortment ol Ready made Clothes, Made and trimmed by himself. Gentlemen furnishing their own cloths, can have them made and trimmed in the most fashionable manner, and at the shortest no tice. A fine assortment of gen tlemen's Stocks of all kinds. (jCall at H. Jvf next to the Brick store. Tarborough, April 22, 1835. hand for Sale. THE Subscriber is anxious J . I r" 1115 J'iltl Ul Ijnil", Mil ..II k: t - r l ... llfvl Toinniff the one on which Jip now lives. It contains 53( acrs, some ol vUiich h low erounds. the balance piney woods. Thi Tract has a good 'dwelling ho'ie on it. nearly new, with 4 room' below and 2 up stairs, and other out houses. Persons des'tous of buying Land low. ar requited to call and examine for themselves, as the Subscriber may at al, times be found at h'mie, and is determined to sell if be cau get any thing over half the value. CH HARRISON. Oct. 23th, 1834. Land for Sale. JJH K Subscriber offers for sale her Tract of L.ind lying in Edgecombe county, commonly called the llunge Orchard Plantation, Containing 329 acres, with an apple or chard on it capable of making 25 or 30 barrels of Brandy. This land lies one mile below the Great Falls Tar River, and ad joins the lands of Charles Harrison, Rob ert Sorey and others, and has on it the ne cessary negro houses, barns, kc. A part of Ibis Land is of an excellent quality, and it application is soon inade, possession will be given immediately and long credit piv et if preferred. A further descriotion i deemed unnecessary, as no person will buy without first viewing the Land. , Terms made knoun on application to Joo. J. Bunn RACHEL BUNN Dec. 19th, 1834. 65 VALUABLK Plantation and Town Lots FOR SALE. T WILL SELL, on terms to suit the purchasers, thp Planta tion situate on the north side of 1 Tar River, known as the iPORIE LAND. Adjoining the lands of Fred. Bell, Benj. Batts and others, five miles from Tarborough and immediate ly on the river. Also, LOTS No. 93 and 94, in the town of Tarborough, now oc cupied hy Mrs. Stilman. Those wishing to purchase will make application to Benj. AI. Jackson, Esqr. JOSIAH COLLINS, SenW. 20th April, 1835. 17 Thomas L. B. Gregory, PORTRAIT PAINTER, ILL remain in Tarborough three or four weeks, and can be consulted at Mrs. Gregory's Hotel, when not professionally engaged. April 3, 1835. . Horse for Sale. THE Subscriber oflers for sale a good work horse, Apply to JOSEPH B. BRADDY. Tarhoro' Mav 7. 1835. 19. Barouches. .IUST RE CEIVED, di rect from the manufactory at the North, sev eral lieht BA ROUCHES, intended for one or two horses. They are of . differ ent qualities and prices, and will be sold on accommodating terms. These Barouches were manufac tured expressly to order, and the work can be warranted. ISAAC B. BRADY. Tarboro,' Alay 1. 1835. Coach & Gig Manufactory. THK. Subscriber re spectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he has commenced business lor himself on his Int ... uiuviuuu, near the Bridge, where he will be prepared ro carry on the above business in al' its vari ous branches. He strved a regular ap prenticeship under Mr. Thos- Cobbs, of Raleigh, who cartied on the business very extensively; and kept in his employ regu lar northern workmen. If several years acquaintance witb the business in one of the most extensive establuhments in the State could en&ure his success, he feels con fident he should meet it; but he is perfectly a are that attention is equally necessary", and this attention he is determined to ren der. He hopes, therefore, that all persons who may favor him with their patronage, will never become dissatisfied or disap poiated. His work shall be faithfully exe cuted and of the best materials. He ex pect to have in a short time a general as sortment of materials from New York, which will enable him to do his work not inferior to any done in this ectin of coun try. Repairing done with nearness and despatch. Nathaniel M Terrell. Taiborotifh, Jan. isi,rtS35. 1 ill 'lrl.......U MM III! tgifSIiiiti) HHHE Subscriber, who forseveta! years j,at has been engaged id The Gin .Making business. In Kiastou, has established l;ini-!f IN fiREE.NVILLE, Where he carrier on the ahove h siness in all its various hranehes. All thoe who Wish to supply themselves with Gins of the hpt quality, are respectfully solicited lo apply to the Subseriher person ally or hy letter. AU orders lor (5 ins will he promptly executed From the Subscriber's long expe rience in his business, and from the approbation which his work has hitherto met with, he hesitates not to promise entire satisfaction to all who may see fit to exlend to him their patronage. Gins out of order will be expeditiously re paired. The Subscriber takes the liberty of calling the attention of those who wish to procure new Gins, or to have old Gins repair ed, to the expediency of applying to him in time. When all wait as Is 0sUilJLv the ease, until the work is wanted, it causes such a pres sure of business, ihal many aie obliged of necessity to submit to a longer delay than they wish. In connexion with this establishment, car ries on the Lock&G tinsmith business. He also. makes Saw Mill Boxe and Mill Inks, and Gudgeonsni a composition invented by Daniel Peck, of Raleigh Grist Mill Spindles, with Steel Collate, (turned.) These articles equal lr" any manufactured in the United Stales. All letters and orders must be directed to the Subscriber at Greenville. IIENR Y CHAMBERLAIN. July 12, 1834. : , a Cotton Gins. rgMIE Subscriber has established JL himself in the houses formerlv occupied by the late Joseph Lae key, dee'd, near the river, and ai short distance below Benjamin M. Jackson's store, where he carries on The 'making and repairing Cotton Gins. All those who wish to supply themselves wiih Gins of the best qualily, are respectfully solicited lo apply to the Subscriber person ally, or by fetter. All orders; for1 Gins will be promptly executed. Gins out of order will be expedi tiously repaired. Blacksmithing, of every des cription, executed in the best style: (JjpTwo second hand Cotton Gins lor sale low for eah. SAMUEL D. PROCTER. Tarhoro. f.30.'h.S;pi J 34, At the I heap Cash Store, WlLL be shown an extriasive assort incut of seasonable Goods. Those that wish to see a handsome Stock of Merchandise, with eceeding!y Low Price's attached, will do well to call ami ei amme, as I am determined lo sell out aijr VViuier stock to toake room for Spring and Summer Supply. J. IVEDDELL, Feb. l&th, 18o5. Young Ilarrod, ZK W1LL STAND T6gJthe present season IuLLXvX at my stable at the Falls of Tar River at Col. Benj. Wilkinson's, and at Jordan Joiner; SenVs, alternately and will be let to mares at the reduced price of Five Dollars the Season, with twenty-five cents to the Groom in every instance. The season has already commenc ed and will end the first of Au gust. Good seed cotton will be taken in payment at the highest cash pric s. Those who wish to improve their stock of horses may never have a more favorable op portunity. PEDIGREE. As to his pedigiee il is deemecf necessary Only to observe that he is of the Archie and: Collector Stock. The horse anrr his get are so well known in this vicinity that it is considered useless to give any further particulars. Ev ery care and attention will he pai(i,bu no liability for accidents -DDSSEY BATTLE. March 19th, 1S35.. 13-

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