Tariopoif-ft, fM-ccomic ronnr, .V. CJ Saturday, August 8, 1835. i It ' , .,',!. -Ii- I '''' J"',"" ",- , ,..,.' v . ' . if I' ' . ' j)uli ,,, ,lt.. rMI .Ml I t .- ' , ,,,, ''.m iiv !" !'- ' "( ' , '' ' 'V I"'1' ',....',, ill I'll II I . li-llltiMM' .11 "' .it, 2ivi.ir n.'i ''"" '" ' ? ' (' 4 i!i ni'!i"ir '" ,t inv.iliil1'!'' IMV it M,lv:mrf. ni r,.i-i.ui.i')! ' 1 " 1 "'tiitv. ? '' : . .,., - .'r. -.iin!T Im-v, ic.) .it " ' ''!.- t ft' -1 i-i ir i .'S.vMs :i-li roiililMi.i iCi'. I. 'li'--at dii' ' lM- rv 1 iiii , ... i".'t iintst l IM 11 I- r t'lf iliiiil : , :fM r'lMis muii !. '" l" ! . 1 nilifrwi!' or It'ii-'l, :iih! ... . i.-, M'llMV. ' , ..(. i I jr. '! t' ' ii',r ii'ii , .r l!itv hi ' V ii"' le ;IO In. j i; v us vs Ti Till' ansnw no. of n. c. ;; e-y " Co ireiiti m which ; ';.-. ?t City oflilU lgh, H s, tiie (itMtr;l Ass in v 1 1 ih (' n olin.i, hy ;in Art. . i . i 1 l a1 i x ih d n y uf Jumi;trf , ;; liiiniMinl t iiu Iiiiiiiim1 i,i iviivc, fiiiitli'il ''.in A el tun fniiii.: ;i l'uiiu'in'nii lo amt'ihj i C'l'.i'iiuuiuii ui" the Jit au," i - uu Ait supplemental erct', ;i the lav ol i ivtiirv, one thoinantl eiuht Imn dif.l tliirty-live, ti'ul direei ;t.i pulls vliou'd be (ieiiel in ! tvjrv t lection preeinrt ihnulioni ::ite, tor ttvj purpose ot as-J'- ortiiiiiiiiiX whether it was the will j j v tree men of North Carolina ; u there should be a Conventiou el '(it.lonates, lo consider of cer !;.::) amendments proposed to be .i t-!e i;i the Constitution of s;iid S i'i; andtiiJ farther direct that, ;; 1 majority uf all the votes polled L-v the freemen of North Carolina j i a!'i be in favor o( holding Mich 'naveiilio'.i, the Governor should, ;v proclamation, announce the ami thereupon the freemen : i "Ysfkl should elect delegates to ii)' t-t in Convention at the City 0. B ilt-igli, on the It Thursdav ;:i June, one thousand eight bun it 1 an.l tiiii ty-five lo consider of ''" jan! amendments: And where :'a ':i ijorilv of the freemen of A n'i Carolia 1 did, by their votes 'ni v.ii, so opened, declare p'i" will th.it a Convention 1 ic had l consider of the 1 'liuniis proposed, and the ' 1 1 -' i ) 1 r did, by proclamation, 1 1 " are the fact that their will !,i !!':ea mi d.-clarerl, and an ' ' !a ! t dt"!eate; to meet in ' ' : 1 i "u : t ;i al.res.iid u ; ;ic ' : ': 'ly had: Now, therefore, '"delegates of the good peo r''l N'iiiIj Caroiin-i, having !.a:.!eI in ( "om eniiou at the li.!fig':i, on thy iirt ; 1: -: lay ia .luiif, one thousand ''-"U iiiindred and thirty-live, and ' ;u '-'oaiiiiuetl in session from '! 'vtJihty iiii-il the eleventh ofJu- "'"'jiuiisaiid eight hundred and :,l'-ltve, for th(. more deliberate ' ' '"'iiitimi of said amendments, '),ivv suhiuit to the tletermina ;' ' 1 '.'! ;tl1 thy qaalified voters of the following amend ',' ill" Constitution thereof, Uu i5io sav: ABTICLB I. Section 1 . . ; ri'!iR Senate of this State ; i;'lin"M uf tiny Urpreseuta- Ijsfsufudly chosen by ballot, :" hl- elected by districts; '""I''trins s.hall be:" laid oil" by Z ;'l;"t'r;,i Ass-rmhly at its first 1 ''i alter the ear one thousand ;i'i' '"'"died and forty-one; and " 'i';ir,ls, :n its first session af ; 1'e year on. thousand eight "!y 'wfiy Ve;ll., ii,erPafierj j :;mir'li to the public taxes ,'U;( Inl' the 'J'reasury of the ' " " the titi.ens thereof; and ,v,!""'ge of the public taxes '' ,Jirh county into the ";''" of the State, for the five i-di!U the the .listiiets, shall lie considered; 30th district, Brunswick, BlatU asit, proportion of the public j ami Columbus; the ytstdistrit ; taxs, and constitute the basis of! Uobeson and Hu hmond; ivi2i ajip rtionment: Vo-iVcr, That district, Anson; the 33.1 distrie 110 county shall be dividi-d in the j Cabarrus; the 34th district, IM001 lorm ti..n of a Senatorial district, j and Montgomery; the 35th di And when there art one or more i trict, Caswt II; 3Gi"h district, Rovk comities hain- an exeess ofiaxa-1 in-ham; the 3?tl, district, Oranj-i : tion above the ratio to form a , llie JSlli distrii t. Kandtlph; iU. Senatorial iistrict, adj-nnini; a jibe 39th ilistrict, Guilford; tlx county or counties detirient in . -40th dit-iet, Stokes; the 41s Mich r:lh tlie eceses aforesaid district, Rowan; the 42nd district, shall be added to the taxation of Davidson; ibe 43d district, Snrrv; tiie county or counties delieient, ! the 4 1th district, Wilkes and and if, w ith such addition, the Ashe; ihe 45th district, Burke and county or counties receiving it Yaney; the 40ib district. Lincoln; shall base the requisite ratio, such the 47th district, Iredell; the 4Sth county and counties each shall ( district, Rutherford; the A9i dis constitn'e a Senatorial ilistrict. ! trict, !uuco:nbe, 1 1 a wood and 2. 'I'be House nf Commons ; iMacon; and the 50ih district, shall be composeil of one hundred alecklenburL", each district lo be ;md twenty representatives, bien-. entitled t f one Senator, nially chosen by ballot, to be . Until the (irst session of the elecli-d by counties according lo (ieneral As-emblv after the year their f.-deral population, that is, eighteen bntiilred and forty-one, according to llu-ir respective mini- the House of Commons shall be tiers, which h iil be determined composed of members elected by adding to the whole number of from the counties in the following iree nersous. me lutiiuir those bouml to seivice for a term of years and excluding inoian?. not . lour members each. The coun laxed, three-tilths of all other per- j ties of Burke, Chatham, Gran son; and each county shall hae'ville, Guilford, Halifax, Iredell, at least one member in the I louse j Mecklenburg, Rowan, Kuther of Commons, although it mav not ! ford, Surry, Stokes and Wake contain the rt quiiie ralio of pop ulation. 3. This apportionment shall he made by the General Asemb'y, Craven, Caswell, l.)avi(lM,n, Dup at the respective times and periods lin, Edgecombe, Franklin, Johus- hen the districts lor the Senate aie herein before directed to be I aid olt; ant the ai apportion- nieiit shall he inane aceoiihuir to an enumeration to be ordered by the Cenor.il Assembly, or accord iug to the ( ei:ns wh'nh may be taken by order of '"ogress, next ' preceding lin period of making such apportionment. j 4. In making the apportion- m.'nt 111 the Mouse ot v ominous, j eau, .iioore, .Martin, iash, iJns-l ol hotli Houses ol the General As the ralio of repreM'jjtaliou shall be luw, Pasipiotank, Perquimons, semhl y. ascertained by tlividiug the j Tyrrell, Washington and Yaney! 4. Contested elections for Gov amouut of I'ederal population of shall elect (me member each. j ernor shall be determined by both llie i"Mate, niter deducting that comprehend.. i within those coun ties w hicb do not se er:dlv contain the one hundred and twentieth 1 part of the entire Federal popula- lion aforesaid, by the number ot representatives I. ss than the num- j oer assigned to the salt counties. , To each county contamrig the . said ratio, and not twice the said ratio, there shall be assigned one representative; to each county containing twice, but not three times the said ratio, there shall be aligned two Bepresentatives, and on progressively, and the re- m iming liepi eseutatives, shall be aligned severally to ihe counties : having the largest fractions. Section l2. 1. Until the fu st session of the General Assembly which shall be had after the year eighteen hun dred and forty-one, the Senate shnll he nimiiiivi'J oi' members to be elected from the several dis-1 tricts hereinafter named, that is to . .1 1 . r . . oi 11 t say; the 1st district shall consist c. . i t) ;..,..,.c lwi ol ihe counties ot l erquiinous and ; 11 , mi r. ! 1 as'juoiaiiK; me ihmuii, 01 1 Camden and Currituck; the 3d ilistrict, of Gates and Chowan; the 4th district, Washington and Tyrrell; the 5ih district, North ampton; the Gib district, Hertford; the 7th district, Bertie; the Sth district, Martin; the 9h district, Halifax; the 10th district, Nash; the 1 1th district, Wake; the 12th district, Franklin; 13th district. Johnston; the 14th district, War ren; the 1 .Oth district, Edgecombe; the lGth district, Wayne; the 17th district, Greene and Lenoir; the 18th district, Pitt; the I Oth dis trict, Beaufort and Hyde; the 20th district Carteret and Jones; the 21 st district, Craven; the22d dis trict, Chatham; the 23d dis trict, Granville; the 24th district, 1 erson: the 25th district, Cum berland; 2Gth district, Sampson; the 27th district, New Hanover; the 28th district. Onslow; the manner, viz: The counties oij Lincoln and Orange shall elect 1 shall elect three members each. The counties of Anson, Beaufort, Bertie, Buncombe, Cumberland, ton, Montgomery, Aew Hanover. A orthan.pton, Person, Pitt, Uan- dolph, Bobeson, Bicbmond, Bot kingham, Sampson, Warren, oaue and i!ues shall elect! two memhers cacti. J lie counties j oi Asiie, Bladen. Brunswick, j Camden, Columbus, Chow an, ' Curriliu k, Carteret, Cabarrus,; Gates, Greene, Haywood, Hert-j lord, Hyde, .Jones, Lenoir, Ma-j Section 3. j Houses of the General Assembly, 1. Each member of the Senate such manner as shall be prtscri lail have usually resided in thei hed by law. district for w inch he is chosen for; ". The Governor elect shall one year immediately preceding! enter on the duties of the office on his election, and for the same 'the first day of January next after time, hall have possessed and his election, hav ing previously ta- continue to possess in the district I which he represents, not less than three hundred acres of land in fee., "I lbe General Assembly, or be '2. All free men of the age of, fore the Chief Justice of the Su-twenty-one years, (except as is ' preme Court, w ho in case the Go hereinafter declared) who have 'senior elect should be prevented been inhabitants of any one dis-j bom attendance before llie Gene trict waihiu the Slate, twelves ra Assembly by sickness or other months immediately preceding the day of any election, and possess-: d of a freehold within the samel district of fifty acres of laud for! six months next before and at the day of election, shall be entitled to vole for a member of the Senate, j T. No free negro, free mulatto, j or tree person tit mixed hiood, de scended from negro ancestors to ,''c ,();,rth "eration inclusive, (,,,0.,,I,, 0,10 a,ces,,r of vacU Z' eration may have been a white o , person,) shall vote lor members o ' the Senate or House ol Commons. tjtciion 'i. 1. In the election of all officers whose appointment is conferied on the General Assembly by the Constitution, the vole shall be viva voce. 2. The Central Assembly shall have power to pass laws regula ting the mode of appointing and removing Miliiia officers. 3. The General Assembly shall have power lo pass general laws regulating divorce and alimony, but shall not have power to grant a divorce or secure alimony in any individual case. 4. The General Assembly shall not have power to pass any pri vate law, to alter the name of any person, or to legitimate any per sons not born in lawful wedlock, or to restore to the rights of citi zenship any person convicted of an infamous crime: hut shall have lower to pass general laws regu - "imp; the same. 5. Tiie General Assembly shall ml pass any private law, unless ii isall 1h made to appear that thir y da is' notice of application to pass s:icli law shall have been pv en, untler such directions and in such manner as shall be provided hy law. 0. If vacancies shall occur by death, resignation or otherwise, before the meeting of the General Assembl y, writs may be issued by the Governor under such regula tions as may be prescribed by law. 7. The General Assembly shall meet biennially, and at such bi ennial session, shall elect by joint vote of the two Houses, a Secre tary of State, Treaurer and Coun cil of Stale, v. ho shall continue in ifiice lor the term of to years. A UTh Li; 11. 1. The Governor shall be cho sen by the tpialified voters for the members of the House of Com mons, at such times and places as members of the Gem ral Assembly are elected. 2. He shall hold his office for I the term of two ears from the time of his installation, and until another shall be elected and qua lified; but be shall not be eligible more than four years in any term of six years. ii. The returns of every t lec tion for Co ernor shall be sealed up and transmitted to the seat of Coeinment, by the returning of ficers, directed to the Speaker of the Senate, who shall open and publish them in the presence of a majority ol both Houses of the Ceneral Assembly. The person ha ing the highest number of otes, shall be Governor; but if two or more shall be equal and highest in Votes, one of them shall be chosen Governor by joint vote 'n tiie oaths ot othee in presence l the members of both branches unavoidable cause, is authorised; m administer the same, AB'l ICLE III. Stctioti 1. 1. The Governor. Judges of the Supreme Court, and Judges of the Superior Courts, and all other otficersof this State, (except .justices 01 ine 1 eace anti iMiinia Officers) may be impeached for 1 r . . . ..r.i ri . . 1 jri-.- wilfully violating any Article of the Constitution, mal-administra-lion, or corruption. 2. Judgment, in cases of im peachment, shall not extend far ther than lo removal from office and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under this Stale; but the party convicted may, nevertheless, be liable lo indictment, trial, Judgment and punishment accord ing to law. 3. The House of Commons shall have the side power of Im peachment. The Senate shall have the side power to try all im peachments: no person shall be convicted upon any impeachment, unless two thirds of the Senators present shall concur in such con viction; and before the trial of any impeachment, the members of the Senate shall take an oath or affir mation truly and impartially to try and determine the charge in question according to evidence. Stction 2. 1. Any Judge of the Supreme . Court, or of the Snnerior Courts, mat- t. 1 c r. r ... ""j c iciimvfu 11 mil mine i mental or physical inability, upon a concurrent resolution of two thirds of both branches of the General Assembly. The Judge against whom the legislature may be about to proceed, shall receive notice thereof, accompanied by a copy of the calces alledged "for his removal, at least twenty davs before the day on which either branch of the General Assembly shall act thereon. 2. The salaries of the Judges of the Supreme Court, or of the Superior Court, shall not be diminished during their continu ance in office. Section 3. Upon the conviction of any Justice of the Peace of any infa mous crime, or of corruption and mat-practice in office, the commis sion of such Justice shall be there by vacated, and be shall be fore ver disqualified from holding such appointment. Section 4. The General Assembly, at its first Session after the ear one thousand icht hundred and thir ty-nine, and from time to time thereafter, shall appoint an At torney General, who shall be com missioned by the Governor, and shall hold his office for the term of four years; But if the General Assembly should h reafter extend the term during w hich Solicitors of tin Slate shall hold their ofiices, they shall have power to extend the term of office of the Attorney General to the same period. ARTICLE IV. Section 1 . 1. No Convention of the Peo ple shall be called by the General Assembly, unless by the concur rence of two thiids of all the members of each House of the General Assembly. 2. No part of the Constitution of this State shall be altered, un less a Bill to alter the same shall have been read three times in each House of the General Assembly, arid agreed to by three fifths of ihe w hole number of members of each House respectively; nor shall anv alteration take place until the Bill so agreed to, shall have been published six months previous to a new election of members to the General Assembly. If alter such publication, the alteration propos ed by the preceding General As sembly, shall be agreed to in the first session thereafter by two thirds of the w hole representation j in each House of the General As sembly, after the same shall have been read three times on three several days in each House, then the said General Assembly sb,all prescribe a mode by which the amendment or amendments may be submitted to the qualified vo ters of the House of Commons throughout the State; and ' if upon comparing the votes given in the w hole State, it shall appear that a majority of the voters have ap proved thereto, then and not oth erwise, the same shall become a part of ihe Constitution. Section 2. The thirty-second section of the Constitution shall be amended to read as follows: No person w ho shall deny the being of a God, or the truth of the Christian religion, or the divine authority of the Old or New Testament, or who shall hold religious principles incom patible with the freedom or safety of ihe State, shall be capable of holding any office or place of trust or profit in the civil depart ment within this State. Section 3. 1 . Capitation lax shall be equal throughout thf. State upon all in dividuals suhject to the same. ' Z. All tree males over the age ot twei'ty-one years, and undei the age of forty-five years, and a'd slaves over the nge of twelve ytars, and under the age of fifty years, shall be subject capita tion tax; and no other person shall be subject to such tax; pro vided that nothing herein contain ed shall prevent exemptions of taxable polls as heretofore pres cribed by law in cases of bodily infirmity. Section 4. No person who shall hold anv office or place of trust or profit un drr the United States, or any oth er State or government, shall hold or exercise anv other office oc place of trust or proGt under the authority of this State, or be eligi ble to a seat in either House of the G eneral Assembly: Providfd, that nothing herein contained shall extend to officers in the Rlililia or Justices of the Peace. Ratified in Convention, the 1 1 til day of July, A D. 1835. NATHANIEL MACON, President. Ed musd B. Fkeeman, Secre tary of the Convention. Jo. D. Ward, Assistant Sec'v. Important from Mississippi. It will be seen, by the subjoined extract of a letter, from Mississip pi, to a gentleman in this place, that a servile Insurrection, head ed, and doubtless instigated by villainous white men, was recently extensively organized in ihat State, and detected just on the eve ol the period fixed for its com mencement. Are these whites emissaries of the Northern Aboli tionists? If they are, and the fact can be established, would not the Governor uf that State have a right to demand the incendiary employers of these emissaries, and arraign them before, the courts as accessaries before the fact? Whe ther, however, it shall turn out that these white wretches, (whose summary punishment not eeti Merry can deplore.) were emis saries of the Northern abolition ists or not, it is not at all impro bable that the Emancipation So- j cieties have sent and will continue ' to send this description of persons j throughout the Slave holding States, disguised as steam doctors, j ppdlars, and even preachers for ! religion, now, as . 111 other days. engenders fanaticism and bigotry, and is made the convenient cloak o f c r i me. Lynchb u rg Virgin ian . Extract of a. letter from, a gentle man in Clintonl Mississippi; to a gentleman in this place, dated Cth of July. IS35. Uur community is in a state of excitement on the subject of an insurrection of the slaves. It seems probable that they contem plated it pretty generally, and that last night was the time fixed on for the purpose. In Madison county, they have hung two white men (both Steam doctors) and seven negroes at least. A bout Livingston, the excitement was greatest the summary jus tice, however, of Mississippi, his probably quieted the spirit for years. Acting on the principle of 'salus populi suprema est lex the good people ofvthat place and its vicini ty appointed a committee to pass on the guilt or innocence of the accused, and they acted accord- 'ugly. I lie two whites were pro nounced guilty on yesterday, and after the sentence was announced, an hour was al lowed - them for preparation, when they swung orT. One of them, under the gallows, ac knowledged the justice of his fate, and slated the plan was for a ieneral rising- tl ;t night, from Beatie's Bluff in Madison, to Natchez; that the discovery there would probably d - at it as to this part of the State, but that there would be a rising that might so sure as the night should i ome, &c. The whites appear to have been at the head of it, and with the foolish hope of gelling and carrying (T plunder.

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