Alartin Van Iiurcn, or NEW YORK, Hichitrd .M. Johnson, of kf.vitcky. aT lias f.dlen to the luimhle lot of the un der.-ii;ned t have presented m ihr- nieiican IV,. pi,., a third editiou of the liio grnhes of the two above named hiKhv distinguished patriot ir citizen, whose con stant devotion i th.; best interests of our tJovern.nent ha led to their designation, as a testimony f n. ,.stimatio.i in which the ir sen ices are regarded bv ihe Pi opi e Whom they have served, as ..r tie two fust otlires within lio gift of a 1UKK, HAPPY, and VI, V K1SH1NO NATION. "t liis token of respect gives to the world a Jt'.iti joal proof faithful serv ice shall not g unrewarded. The object ot this appeal to the republi can portion of our fe Ihm citizen, is to ob tain 1 1 1 p i r c operation in the circulation of Ml edition of lOi,(.K)d copies ol the joint Biotfiaphv of MAUIIN VAN BFliKiN i. MICH Mi!) M. JOHNSON, enlued. re vied and corrected, so as to he valuable to very lover of his country, and alike hoo ort bit" to t!i e distinguished cliz-tis whom M'e Tilt PEopi K. intend still further honor, by their elevation to ihe otliees of President and Vice P. evident of the United States, in the election of 1 Ct. 'rims we sImII perpetuate the principles of JeilVrson, whicn have been so signally nviv.d. no bly acted upon, and tku'mpji mlv car ried ou bv Andrfw Jackson, who, s;.ur ntn all flittery, knew nothing but the Veople. til- WHUK PtuFI.K. and their re spective rights. ie ardess ol tlieir fortunes, whether rich or poo ; thus rendering his namk. ami iiESotvs as durable as the evkk- 1. S TING till L." The arrangement of the volume will he ai follows: l'. Portrait of Andrew Jackson, 1 o w hom the volume will be inscribed, with an address by the Publisher. 2(1. Portrait of M. Van Euren, To be followed by hi Biography, enlar ed, including several valuable documents, illustrative of his public character, an I ex hibitiug the magical powers of his gigamic mind, which has ever been d. -voted to sus tain the lights of his country, and the glorv and prosperity of his tellow citizens. ad. Pot 'trait af H M Johnson, To be followed by his Biography, eitlai Ted. including aiioiu Speeches. Sunday ?I AIL lEHKT3,and other documents; illus trative of his lonj continued public life, which h is ever been devoted to the good of his country; including an authentic ac count of the fall of the renowned Indian warrior, Tecoiseh, on tiie cv r mm.. ta ble 5th of (Jcioier, IS 13 with an engra ved view of the battle field. The work will b. comj'ltte in one vol ume of about iWpagis. I tie piic- to be fUed at the moderate sum of Out- Dollar, neatly bound with cloth backs; or all and gilt, with the additional expense of bind, ing The work, Vich is now in a state of preparation, shall be such as to give entire sati-fac ion; as it is in l;e h.-nds of gentle men who have for nearly lorty vais been personally and iutim.Velv q -tainted with the private and public life of ihe above na med uistii'uished citizen-;. The olerraied addre-s of the Ilon Thomas II. Uenton. ot Missouri, bearin Te.ti.n-.ny to the high character ot Martin Van buren; and the loq ieut speech of the Hon. James Harbour, of Virginia, in tin- IJ. S. en,ite, portraying the chivalry of Col. Johnson on the field and in the councils of the nation, will be appended to the work. Ast'ure is among our republican citi zens, an extensive population of German origin, the work will appear simultaneous ly in both the F.nglUh and the ; lan guages. It will, theiefore, be necessary for subscribers who wi-h to have 'he work in the German, to signify the same on the subscription book. It will, in order to give prompt and ex tensive circulation to the ii'dis. pensab'e for al subscribers to pay at the time of subscribing all money to be at a proper time forwaidt d wiih the lists ol si. natures to the pu! lishing committee Vhich will dulv ma.le known by a no tice io the Washington G obe. O" Democratic editors disposed to en coinage the woik, w.'l ,,M,ier a favor, which will be gratefully acknowledge,! ,v the Subscriber, in giving publicity 1o the above and receiving st..( ripiions" at their resp-cuve ofii. es, to whom a reasonable per centage will be allowed. Tlie People's obedient servnnf IVM. EMMoxs. Va?-liingtnn City. June 1, lS'-to. lo the .Ullictf il ,.WT. ,U t.ilA b invaluahle (V,n, for the cure of w c..,,. scrofula and other U, V sore legs and ulcers. ilnj frps, wounds, snrninc i,r..: . ''jsl-s, swell ings and nillammations, ILc. ice. B -ckwith's anti-dyspeptic pills. P.owand's genuine tonic mixture, a prr. feet cme for ague and fever. The above valuable medicines may be wholesale or retail on application to J- IV Coltcn, Agent for I ai borough 13'. ' Snv Months in n Convent IjL'SSELL, OHIORNK L CO. have i 0J press and wid publish in a few days a new work, with the above title, being t,p JS'arrative of Miss Rebecca Therein Kent w ho was under the influence of the Catholics about twoyears.and an inmatenf the 'Jouvent on Mount Benedict. Charles town, nearly six month- in Js31o. The bok furnishes a concise history of the rl, aod r gulations, the employments atid ceremonies of the Ur-ulme order; ;,,id s it is the fn vt account ever sivtn ii, Hi, country f Slinhr ills,i,lio he l.asronfn.p,, herself s,ric,v a nanatiou of facts .hat transpire,! ,1IUer her own ey, ami that were not..,t .! . J It w,ll rro lu " a,"'r hrr escape. It w.ll, a v,dme of 20,i pa-es manner. "A bom,d ' "' atest Boston, Mnrch 2, isrjo. ma I5,:UKj Dollars worth Of every dctscripliuu. For WHOLKSALKor RKTAlL ul tit-rtrly (,'of, by Knight. Garrett $ Co. No. 1, Mroailway. Tarhoro April 50, 1S35. liacon and. Lard. rI1IIK Stihsci ihtM-js now recejv. ing :ind oilers I'or .sale, Tour hundred barrels prime Cnt Herrings. ANo, in sfore, a qunutiiy of prime BACON and L ). .. IV. COTTEX. TaHmro,' Mib Ma v. 1SS5. NKW AND KASHIONABLK Mi Hi nary, fyc. YKS. A. C. 110 WARD in- forms hrr friends and t ho public that slm is now opening her Spring Supply of Goods, atnono; which may hp found al most fvery arlicle applicable lo her business, viz: Plain and fancy colored pattern Silk l'lOtllict'-. Fancy Tuscan, plain and open straw do. Misve.s and children's do. Plain, watered and figured Silks and Satins f r dresses, Plain and hVnrcd Uobbinett, Swiss muslin, blond Gauze, do. Fancy caps, capes, Shawls, neck Handkerchiefs Veils, and scarfs, Fluted Laces, edp;iiii;s, insert inis, cvO Puffs and Curhs, in threat variety, Silk and straw cords and tassels, lvi!)bous. Flowers, ike. cc. in great abundance, and at various prices. 'I he above Goods having been purchased on very advantageous terms, and selected by herself, she can will) confidence n com mend litem, as being of excellent quality ami also remarkably cheap. She invites an examination ol" them, as they cannot fail !o please. Tat boto,' Ma- 1. 1 N.'io. Jlillinary Star MISS MITCIIKLL, Bkc.s leave to inform her fi ientls "v- i .i nini ii the Sfore House next bor to Mr. W. Hart is. for. meily the B:ink where she opens ilie largest & most splendid Jssovtment of .MiUinnnj rver biought lo this niai ket. She 11 tilers herself. that from the knowledge of business acquired in evT. years employment in the moi extensive and la-hiotiahle f'olahlMiments in the City id' New York, and being well ac quainted with most of" the Millin :try and Mercantile Kstabli-'t-menfs in that city, site is enabled to piircb.'iM! goods low, and have her Millmnry made up in a supe rior style ami on the mo rea sonable terms. A mong her assort ment will fo fonml ISO 7 ttscftn Hon it els. (different sizes and patterns) at from $1.50 up to the finest made. A handsome assortment of North ern made velvet, satin, and silk Honnets. A variety of Caps, Capes and Tur bans. Hbck, white, blue, pink and yellow Italian Ciane. Black, white, blue, yellow and va riegated Ostrich Feathers. Artificial Flowers, feather and vel vet Flcwers. Gold and silver do. Black and white blond Edeines and r ootings. Hair Braids, Puffs and Cutis, A few elegant painted lustring Shawls and Hetticules. A handsome assortment of Ribbons, with many other articlestwo nume' reus to mention. MissJVJ. respectfully invites the Ladies of Hal. fax and the adjoin S counties to call ad examine h r stock before purchasing and sures them that she will sell every article in her line, lower than any other establishment in this section of country. N. B. She has ,,rchased a new Apparatus for cleaning and press MS luscan, Leghorn and Straw bonnets,, n Ihe Northern iv Specimens of her work, both in that and the I)ress Makiog, nnv be seen al her Store, where all orders will be thankfully re ceivetland punctually attended to Halifax, Feb. 25. PROSPECTUS OF The Extra Globe. 'J'HK tindi-rsigtied propose lo issue tlie first nuinltcr of a new .series ol the Kxtra (JIoIm. on Atonday, the 2 th of Mav next, aixl to publish it weekly for six months. nt;oii) twculy six niiinhers; the Ust to Cont;i n 8n in.lex to th' nhole. It will he printed on line dutihl:-royal paper, made up in quarto form, like tht- Kxira and 'ou s:ressional t;iohes puhlislied hy u last year. The t nuuiht is will make41G royal (jnar to paes. It will contain the principal original arti cles of tlie Daily and St mi-'e.-kly tilohes foreign ami domestic News notices of the public meetings the elections, and puhlic proceedings in r-very State in the Union, in relation to the canvass for the next I'res'deiicy a contest which the indi cations of the present yewr will go far to decide. The fust number w ill contain the Pro ceedings of the Democratic National Con vention, to be held at ii.iltimore on Ihe l20(h of next mouth. An excellent Impor ter has already been engaged to report tiie Proceedings of the Convention, and the speeches which may be made on the oc casion. We request the fivor of those friends to whom this I'lo-pectiis may be sent, to cir culate it, fur the purpose of obtaining sub-I scriters. A copy of the work will be sent ' to th newspapers that copy this I'ros-i pectus. Subscribers should forward their names in time to reach us before the ".oihMay. If they do we may not be able to fur nish them with all tlie numbers; because the work is put at so low a price, that we' cannot ati"ud lo reprint any numbers that may be exhausted. 77: VMS. One Dollar per copy, in advunce. Kleven copies will be furnMu-l for tfii dollars; twenty-two cepies f r twenty dol lars, and so on in proportion. UJ'The piicfof this paper is so low, that we cann-'t afford to open accounts with those who subscribe for it. Therefore no attention will be paid to any order unless the money accompanies it. null II Sr PxIVES. Washington, April 10th. lS.V. history or Tin: Kelt nlcee dissociation. HINT ITKiJSHF.D, and for sale at the L office ol the Tarboro' Pre?, "A con cise History of the Kchukee baptist Asso ciation, tioni its original rie to the pre sent time by Klder .loseph H i ifS ler the Min i vision of a committee (consivtin of Khlei s Jos ina Lawrence, H illi.on lly man, an, l.nke Want, and bietbren Tbo mas Jo,eph D. Ibi:s, and Cushion H. Has. ell.) appointed by tlie sso i.ition." Pric- 1 . iii h, or 10 pei dozen. Octob-r, lsXI. COMPRKIIKNSIVK Commentary on the llible. 'J'HK Subscriber having hern requested to act as Agent fur this highly inter esting work, informs the public that the first volume can be seen at bis otlice, where Mil.sci ij'lions will be received, the first volume is a specimen of the exe cution of tlie w ork, editorial and mechan ical. It is to contain all that is valuable in the writings of those great lights 1:1 the Christian Church, Henry, Scott, Dod diidge, Cill, Adam Clark Patrick. Pool, l.owth, liurder, ;nd others; the whole de signed to a digest and combination of the advantages of ihe best Uible commnitariec. On the whole, it is believed all will admit thnt the woik is what it has been pronounc ed to be a credit to the countrv; and the publishers and editors pledge themselves and th eir characters f and they can do no more; that every effort shall beputfuth to make it, both in the literary and me chanical parts, lastingly useful, and wor thy a libenil support. Hut to sustain them in so expensive an entcrprize, the low price fixed for the work requires that it should have an extensive sale, and no pub lislur would fell warranted in prosecuiiu" tlie work without a large subscription list"; and. however unpopular such a course ma be in regard lo ordinary works, no hesita tion is felt in resorting to it in this case, so nianilestly necessary and proper. Ihe appeal in confidence to the religions public anil to all, who w ish to see it circulate f i their names and patronage. There is a Hnplist edition. differing in m respect from the general eoiilon except 01, the ordinance of Baptism, in reference to which Ihe ev. Joseph A. U arne, Kditor of the Baptist edition, makes the follow ing retnaiks, viz: AH that was promised in the Baptist edition, as such, was that whatever was found in the woik as published for Pcedobapti-ts generally, which did not cor respond with the views of Baptists, should I; removed, and the maturest views of their own nest writers substituted. It is confidently believed that no point con nected with what is peculiar to the B-ip list denomination, has been 'eft unguarded; and when it is considered that on no point s but those do Baptists differ from Henry, Scott, Doddridge, kc. there can be scarcely a doubt but that the denomi nation in general will feel that they have now a Commentary, in the reading of which they are sure to find what will (an the ll.une of love, and satisfy Ihe appetite for truth, and this without that diminution of tlieir enjoyment with which they weie accustomed to meet in reading the authors, arising out of their different views of a christian ordinance. Terms. The work will be comprised in five volumes, averaging not less than 800 pages per volume, rnyal 8 vo hand somely printed on fine paper, an,! well bound in sheep, and lettered with double titles, at ii dollars per vt.looie. There will be several engravings, frontispieces, vignette titles, and several neatly engraved maps, with other illustrative wood cuts, &.c. Copies bound in extra gilt sprin" backs, Sb; I11" calf, 3,75. GEO. llUirAHD. Printing Press for Sate. SUPKK ItOYAL Pricing Prffss, on 4wl the old mode of construction, tan be procured on reasonable terms. Apply at this Office. January, 1831. Bargains! Bargains!! Nezv Goods! Jmew Good!! Cheapest of the Cheap, or a leetle cheaper than Ihe cheapest. W K presume lo inform the public generally (believing that we have an equal right wiih our neighbors so to do,) that we have just returned from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, (and came very near going to Uoston,) where we purchased ihe Most splendid Assortment of Spring and summer That ever decorated the shelves of any establishment in the ci'y of Tarborotigh, (none excepted,) and are now Selling off at nearly Coat, For Cash, ami at a very small ad vance on a credit. Knight, Garrett Co. No. 1, Broadway. Tarboro April 30, 1.S35. J7d O C3 O T SMAIJ leave ibis State short- - ly all those indebted and ciioosi: to PAY IMMKHIATELY, Will not have occasion it) com plain of paying a Constable, for services of no advantage lo them. JAMES IVEDDELL. May li'M, 1S35. OTy Yes! 0 Yes!.'8 1 M VF.RY man or w oman indebtej to ihe Subscriber by open account, are re quested to call ami settle the same as ear ly as convenient, either by osh or note The cash would be preferred, but if that cannot be had, will take a note. .. r. COTTEX. Tarboro', No. Ca. ITih Feb. 18X.j. Oxford Examiner. STjJIK Subscriber invites propositions to SmL. succeed him as printer and proprietor of the "Oxfotd Lxaminrr," to take ell'.-ct not sooner than the 1st of next October. A practical Printer could invest a snnll sum to considerable advantage in this Kslablishment. Any gentleman possess ing a few hours leizure each day might devote them with the certainty of profit to the conducting of a paper in this place. The income has enabled the present Kditor to live comfortably f jr more than five years, although he commenced ami has all along labored under embarrassing dis advantages. But little exertion would ensure a more extended pat innate. Should an application be made which would likely prove agreeable tu Ihe public, a bargain may te bad. The establish ment is (Itemed a permanent one :is ihe people have manifested a determination to sustain a Press in their county Town. It. J. YAXCEY, jr. Oxford, April 23. Type Foundry. SJQ "iT purchased the I ype Foundry established by the late J. Howe, have en tered into partnership, for ihe purpose of earning on the Manufactotv of Tvpes. under tlie firm of S. F.cklin isZ Co. We intend keeping on hand a latge as sortment f tvpe, especially those kinds nost used, which will enable us to supply orders with the least possible delav n7l tluve now for sale a large quantity of the nrsi quality, stocK purchased from the etate of J. floue.J and intend to make immediate additions to it. S. Kcklin Co. Pre now prepared to receive ord-rs for founts of every de scription, from Peailto 22 lines Pica in cluding a variety of Ornamental Letter. U'e offer for sale also, an assortment, of Cuts, Dashes, Brass Kule, and other or naments, of which specimens will be for warded to printers, as soon as they can be prepared. Such improvements as the wants of the trade and taste may require, wji receive the earliest attention at tnis establishment. Piintiug Presses of every description. Printing Ink of thy most approved quali ties. Composing biirks, Brass and Com mon (Wiley's Chases. Imposing Ston- s Paper iiud Press Boards, Standing Press' es, Furniture, together with a complete of all articles used in h Pi in. ling OHice, will be kept constantly on baud. Small founts, suitable for Book binders m a great variety, ,ay be had when called lor. Orders from all nans of b I7..:.. . be promptly and most carefully attended d in supplying sorts for all founts furnished by our predecessor. e respectfully solicit a share of public patronage- To the former patrons of this foundry, we deem it sufficient to av that they will be 3S well a, .a I ' served as heretofore, shn,,ld they be dis posed to favor us with their orders I he bus.nPssof the Foundry will be conducted under the following firm, and by the same person who was intact the type founder III Mr. hlWo'c Imn.rlr., S. ECKLfX r. rn C0T,r ?f,C.r?W,,e 3,1,1 c'hM st, Jets. 1 hdadelphia, Spt. 134. Constables' Blanks for sale AT THIS OFFICJE. i vi ih. i' a i i.i ! 4iif !g&r mm rW1l) Subscriber, who for several years past has been engaged in The Gin Making business. In Kioston, has established himself IN CKEH.WILLti, Where he carries on the above bu ! ... . .i siness in all 1 1 -J vaiKMis hranches. All lhoe who uish lo supply themselves wiih dins of Ihe lies! quality, are respectfully solicited o apply to the Subscriber person ally or by leller. All orders for (lins will be promptly executed. From the Subscriber's long expe rience in bis business, ami from the approbation which his work has hitherto met with, he hesitates not io promise entire satisfaction h i r. . .... . . i o an who mav see ut to rxwim to him their patronage. Gins out of order ivill be expeditiously re pairetl. '!.e Subscriber takes the liberty of calling 1 lie attention ol those who wish to procure new Gins, or to have old Gins repair ed, to the expediency of applying to him in time. When all wait as is usually the case, until the work is wanted, it causes such a pres sure of business, that many are obliged of necessity in submit to a longer delay than they wih. In connexion with this establishment, car lies on the TaicU & Gnnsm ith b u siness lie a I -o makes Saiv Mill Boxes and Mill Inks, and Gudgeo?is,if a composition invented by Daniel Peck, of Raleigh Grist Milt Spindles, with Stt-el Collats. (turned ) These articles equ:d io any manufactured in the, United Slates. All letters and orders miisd be directed to the Subscriber Gr(eV,IK, .lulv 12, 1S31. Cotton &im flIIF. Subscriber has established ' Cloths, ' 4'1"1 himself in the house formerly ' B!uc and (1,ab Cassi neros, occupied bv the late Josenh Lac-!0'0 aml b,CW11 .Ut, for , i i " . . 1 ! met wear, key, dee d, near in river, and a Linen drills r.nd C short c.itance below Benjamin! meres, M. .lacksoirs siore, where be ! llain ,,lack vehet and fguied Ves carries on tings, ,,,, j . , . . Linen bosoms and collars, J he making and repairing Black patent bombazine Stocks fee. Cotton Gins. j Together with his former Slock, All those who wish to "suppi j ! !H f which he will dispose of en Ibemselves wiih Gins of the best 'lv'rin lr'is for cash, or cn a quality, are respectfully solicited j l0' t credit to punctual cusforr.trs. to apply to the Subscriber person-! Those wishing to purchase wiii ally, or by leller. All eiders for P'ease 10 C-'1,I as ibev cm have the Gins will be promptly executed. ! opportunit y lo examine lor t hero Gins out of order will be expedi-' se' v's- tienlletnen fuiniMiir.; ttotisly repaired. j their own Cloths, ran have thea IJJacksmithing, of every des- ma,'e aru' trimmed in the n-M criplion. executed in the best" sly le. fashionable stle and at the hir- (Jj Two second hami Cotton 'l esX noiie. All ortb f s from ,id (iins for sale low for cah. ! lance will be Ihankl'ullc ncive, SAMUEL I). PliOCTER. Tarboro,' 30th Sent. 1S34. I'he Silk Cull urist. rlfc r.xecntive Commitlee of the Hart ford County Silk Society, have com menced a monthly publication, called the Silk Ctiltnrist and Farmer's .Manual. The object of the publication is to dis seminate a morons.-! know ldj;e of the cu! Ovation ion of the Mulberry Tree, in all ?tie The rearintr ,f jj Worms The nnnliiciion of Cocoons and tho nl in of Silk, in the mr4t approved method. The importance of this knowledge will ap pear from the fact that the nett profit 0f land devoted to the culture of silb double, if not triple, to that derived from any other crop which can be put upon It is also a fact, that everv t'ly moderate iar i I i .ii. mer can taise several ho.i.lm.i ,i..n wot th of Silk without interfei in - " '"'ii with ordinary a?r:cultui al oipruii,.,.c i... : JO - ........ 1)111 111 - order to avail himself of this facility to ' ,er ,n ll,e st- 'e ,hp 'a,, st l-lll l,c;'n iT'v obtain competency and wealth, which onr ! c'mr,,s wrn r.alcnhted for soil and climate have gjven lum, he must l "mfM1R or tasteful display, atr.l possess himself of information on the sub-! Ineir "Ssortment of PRISTIXG TiFi--ject for without it his attempts will ,p j unrivalled in beauty, exl a', and va.v? fruitless. It is, theiefore, the object of ihe l)0ok Prcimens may le obtainei. at Committee to diffuse this information as ,,,R l'',1,1(y. Xo. 13, Chamber street r ,r extensively as po-sible, and at the cheap ! Chlt,,;m street, or at .No. IS, C'ty est rate. The publication will contain a ! P,aCr ' contains specimpns fnun lt(' complete manual or directory from sou in ttie seed to reeling the Silk, toretber wiii. such facts and experiments, as will enable farmers to raise Silk and prepare it for uiaikei, without further knowledge or as stance. It will also contain inTerestin matter on agricultural subjects in generaf TERMS 'I he Culturist will be publish ed in monthly numbers of KiHit Quarto Paves, at Fifty Cents a Year? No sub scription will be received unless paid in Advance, and for riot less than a venr. Subscribers received by F. G. Cdmstoctc Secretary, Haitford, Conn., to whom, also' Coinmun'n-ations maybe addressed, which' if post paid, will be attended to. ' Hartford. April, 1W35- Published and for Sale at this OJJice. J PATRIOTIC DISCOUK3H th, iSlX North Carotin!! Wl,:-'. " ... . ... , rtHIV lot the KehuUee Association and, A Basket of Fragments, by the Itev. Joshua Lawrence n urTir.T s ueieiue anj jns. t fication to the Kehukee Association, writ ten by a lay tuember of the Association and, (Vcurrences in the Life of Elder Jo seph Bijjgs, wrote by himself. Tarboroggh, Aug-. 0. Henry Jaw MERUIAVr, ' I HAS just nct-,vnl , York, a spl,.,l(!ll ;iJr;V- ol Oooils in bis lino ()f siJpoiKW to any thii.-r ,i heen brought 1 1, i i,.;i,k J" t.l ..... I... I.. I:-. would partieulaily ii,vnti men thai want -" ' Fashionable ami r;r GOODS,"" To call and examine iH..n i eoiiipieni ne can ()0tll in quality ami .,,,0,. lias a large aortn,-it , Cloths of ail the f:x.;' ctdors, which ho win ,'. low for cash, or on -i h,' V- I .. ... . Clt . e wi nbn ti;i king, to lhoe thai Ul.t ,() ' u their garments mad iIm;-,' as he intends turning his to that as well as ' fri. k it,- 1 jj" b;is on hand tirl i;lfe wj black beaver 11 ATS, atl(1 silk Umbrellas which ,e sell very low. He ;ds0 ha'' hand and intends kee;m al' assortment of " " Heady made Cl,)lhcs Made and tiimmd bv ,jsr!. (entlemen furnishing v , , ' cloths, can have I hem tr,;),!! trimmed in the mot fashir,,' manner, and at the shot,t ',7 tire. A fine asorlmpt.i tlemen's Mocks of ai jjri,j (CTCallat II. J.N, m:xu();:!: Brick stote. Tarboroogh, April 22. ls;- Cojjicld Ii:ilCllANT TAlLo SPARKS this oppoithnily'r; al the public, thai he has j ed from New York. hLu,Tv7 I ."5 -"ii.", In bis line of bij-inrss coni r- io part of: I Snmivrmo 1,'.... 1.1 .1. 1 UIHjLIJlil 1JIL1L. 1)1.! k 1M and punctually attended ta. to call at C. King's time .')! above the I'lanter's IIu ,!. r,:i Hroadway, opposite the Store, where lie will be foJ t daily at his post. Tarboro,' 7h May, 1S.15. ii emit ants, ii emu unit! its RKAT VARI KTY ..f Rhhumi every description ot tiooils. i i i Sold at half their value. J. IVEDDELL 20th Feb. 13 . it. ! . YVr lrn. 'J,w Vnuh'.'.. . ., lA kill V. Snhi-rilw.ra rcnfd 'nil V lliri'-1 ! 1 llMF. Subscribers resnecthiilv his1 the Printers that t!;ey Ihvp teem ? iii . cotnoleied a v;.i iet v of New founts i'l c -1,,e 'ca to Pearl, comprising .'''""'"o . 45 founts Homan Caps, with lower ca Iiahc do 00 '1 i!e Italic d Shaded Horn. lo do (I) (ill 1 (1 17 12 Ant que Hlack do do Open Black do Script Caps do '' (lerman Text ! " ' Ojien Text d 1,1 2-line Kom. Ceps, with fifrt5' U 10 1! line Italic Capitals. Shaded Caps, various k ; kinds- o " Open do i 7 Iaiian Caps, ami Fi?on'5 r, Besides Ornamental Let'ers, r'a,"k' ri;' Mu-ic, Lottery Figures, Piece riatj Superior., Astronomical ami other ? 9 Space Kule-, Brass Utiles. Or.i Dashes, Lin Hraces.uiore thn .f of Borders, and more than I0W ui"ii:n, null lliuie umii ' - Cufs ani1 Ornaments f r scii"'l b"')(,. ! newspapers, and scientific works: r ' .... v. IUI,1I wm ; - Cases, Cha-es, sNc. will be ex-o" " : tbeutuiost prompiituile.a large si"0" il w avs on hand. rn ' GEO. BRUCE b LU March 25, 1S3.