JUarlia Van IJurcn, or ii;v yckk. Richard Johnson, OF KF.NTITKY. al' n5 fallen to the humble lot of the un designed id lt;ir piese.ted In the A Tn.nic.iii People, .1 third edition of the lift pia,liirs t" the un above name i highly distinguished pAtiioti,- t iti.cns. vvhui' coi Stnnt devotion to I lie best inlei eU nt 0111 lioveio.uent has led id their designation, as h testimony I In- cstimuiio'i in which '.heir services aie icg.udcd by the Pi on e wl'oni they li j c s, i vi d, a t-.uiilil.it'." lui Se two fi"st o'.n-'cs .trlhin tin- i: t f f of a rill.t, ll.trFY, ami L Vt;l"III'i N A 1 I N . l In-, t keu of respect gies ft l.'.m m, i rnooK th u l.ulhbil mtvuc shall Tiot go unre wa drd. Tlx; object ol tins appeal to the republi can po lion of one tVlloa citizens, is to U-tni-i li it- o oper itinn in tin ciuul ition of fj edition of lOii.OtM copies of tin- j out r;o: .;iphv of MM. I I.N V AN lil'RFN TxIi llMU) M JOIIN.-ON. cnhr-i-il. r- i"d1 an J coi i "tit d. m as l In ahtahlc to Cor lover ol his cnuutiy, and Mike lion orabl to I lie distinguished fit i,ens w horn v k tiik r i.'TI K. intend slill further to I ou ir, by thru ei-'vation t. the offices of Pi otv1cnt and We 1 esident of me I'mied htalf-s. i.i lh clettion of ) s; . Tims we v. -II porprtn.it the pi incases of Jcf! ison, whict have been s ) signally ieivd, no My acted upon, and TtuvMrit tvri.v cir i ied tmt bv Aunnv J,i-usoN, who, spur ning ail llittery, knew nothing but tin 1'toi LX. th- wii ii I'K'ipl.K. and their re sptctice rights. leg -miles -l their fortum s. w:. ether joi or j-oor; thuj rendering his iamk ami nt.N iw.n as dm able as the tvtu- I 1 l S li IUI I.N." Th ni rHnciiit nt of tlr? vol nine lie i to. 1 1 1 t. Porfra 11 o J In drew Jackson , To hm the .!;rue vi!l b- inscribed. Wdh an aiMiss by the i-her. Portrait of A. I "an JJurcn, T bf tIlowrd bv his Hi craihy. tnlnr. I it llldili Wt'l'.li ;t!i.ttilr !.). o lin n t ilki.;ii ;tive of his ptibl o character, an.i tih.ii i'lo' marit al nowt-rs ot his jjantic in ml, uiiit'h has rv r Itet-n drv t f to sns lain tiit i ihis ol his ' oo''rj . ool i lie glorv aiui prosperity of his f-1.0v cii.o:;. 3J. Portrait of II. M Johnson, To be f..llowd by hi, Iiioraph-. rn'at f ed. in. l-.nliiiir hut us 5p 'cl.ev St'Mny Mail Kf.PoktS, aiol o!hoi di-cmncnU; ill .j tiat've of hi-s looj; rontinued public iifo, Which h is ever been devoted to the j...l of his country; including hh aufhp.ilu- ar count of ti.t- 1 ill of the renowned In lnn Tvan ior, I ECMSiH, on the i it ih. i.um ble Oih of Ocio i. r, Mo1 with an cnra Trd view of the battle fl. Id. Tin? w.ik will be comjlttt in one vol Mme of clout -J ; )0 j-ats I nc p ic- t. l.e fixed at the tiiodernte sn'n of Oe D.iJIhi,' neatly bound with cloth backs; or alt' and gilt, with die aildilioml eip:oSe of bimU ing The work, which is now io a st.it. .,f preparation, sha;l be sorb jtto uiv- fmire suti-fac ion; 4S it a in . e h ml of Kentlf jnen who have for i- at I v lo-ty v 31 . i, (.u Jiersonally and iiuimatelv ji q iaintel wiili ttie privatp and public I if- of tlie above nn jned distiojuishH citizen. J he celebrated addies of trip Hon Tiii inns II- Benton, nt .Misont i, b. aiin testimony tolh hih rhaiaclerof M,nti.i Van Umen; and I he loqnent spe ch of the Jloo. Jam-, i'.ai bom , (,f Virginia, in the t. b. benate, pnitrayinj the chivalry of Col. Johnson on ihe field and in the councils of the nation, will be appended to tiie work. Ak there is amoni; our republican ci'.i 2ens, an eitensive populaiion f G. rnian tniin, Ihe work will appear simultaneous ly in both the Kngluh and the German lan gimces. It will, theiclo.e. bf. necessary fm subscribers who wi.h tti have 'he uoik in the Uerman, to signify the tame on ihe snb'tription book. It will, in order to -rive prompt and ex tensive circnlfition to the work, be indis ji'usal.le for a'l subscriber), 1.1 yay ct f'te time of sulicribingn monev 10 be a a proper time forwarded with the" lists of m, natures to t'ie mtilihiii con.mittee--UiicU will W duly made known bv a no tice in the Washington ll'obe. HTDeinocralic editors .liposed In en couiasre iho work, x , r I ,,,.,. a favor which will be ?ratefullv ncUnole,lon bv the Subscriber, in eivin? ptiblic'nv'to the above and re criv i..g Snb. ripiions' at then respective otlicrs, to whom a leasonal lc jer centage will be al'owed. The re.'p!t''s obedient scrvanl WM. KMMOXS. Wasbtng'on City. June 1, 1S.." To (he . iniieted. 1 J f AY'S i ... lld Other t ?. sore legs and nl. ers. ad ,,.,,', sounds, sprains. brni.c c n laiTs an.1 innaininHlions, i;e. ic. JJ.-ck witb'. anti-dy speptic pilh. Ptowand's genuine tonic inlxture, a per. feet en e fyr ague and fever. The above valuable medicines may be J. ad wholesale or relhil on application to J. If. Cuttui, Agent for I at borough 1&3.V ' Si.v .Months in n Vtmvv.nl 5'OUSSELL, OOIORN!: h CO. have in W press and wt' pnbli.h i a few dv a new work, with the above title, b iiifrthe ISarrative cf Miss lltbecca Thirisa Rttd, who was under the influence of u.c tinman Catholics about I wo years, and an intnateof the Convt-ul on Mount Benedict, Charles, town, nearly kix months in 1S3J-2. The hook furnishes a concise history of the nil'-, ami regulation, the employments nd ceremonies of ihe UrM.hi.e erder; and s U i the first acco.,t ever given in this country of a MMUr imtilo.ion. the u ri.er of facts that transpirPl, tma nti.1 Ibat were noted do ,fll, ' It w,llc.,nt;tinu voluniIlf'7te' e5CaIP IS mo. finished and b0rVi n T manner. R,t ,n lh nr.atttl Btiston, March 2, 18P.5. l?id scrolnla j5,)00 Dollars Worth. TTI 1. ii W Vudi tcff Li& m Of every description For Y 1 1 0 LKS A L K or 11 ETA I L at m3rly Co-it. by Knight. Garrett Co. So. 1. 15nalvay. Tinhorn,' Ap'il 30, KS3fi. JJacou and f hard. fEMi Stilicrilir is now ncciv iti ;tml oH'iTs lor salt, four lititxli rl I'.trt ;N pi imo Cut Herrings, A No, iit store, a qunntilv of )timf !?AC:ON mid LAUD.' .. '. COTTRK. Tar'ioro,' M1I1 May, I SS.r. Ni:V AND FASI110NAHLK JilUlinanj, Spc. JVJKS. A. ('. HOWARD in- forms ht r fi it-mls and I lit pti!)lic 1 hat vhc now oponinrj; lur Xtrirg Xupp'ti of Hoods, :nnon v,ich may Ik fotltol y. most fvtry artirlc applicable lo lirr LiiMni-ss. viz: riain aiul fancy colored pattern Silk Hounds. Fancv 'l'uscan, plain ami open straw do. Mioses and children's do. Plain. waUTtd and figured Silks and Satins for dresses, Plain and figured lobbinett, Swis tnusliii, blond Gauze, do. Fancy caps, capes. Shawls, neck Handkerchiefs Veils, and scarfs. Fluted Lares, edgings, insertings, &c. Pull's arid ("ni ls, in great variety, Silk and straw cords and tassels. Ribbons, Flowers, cVc. in great abundance, and at various prirrs. 'Flu abve (ioods havinir bon I purchased on very m! v Hitarntjs j j tfrnis, and seloctt-d by h-r elf, she can with coiilidfocn refom mrnd them, a hrin of cxrcllrtit quality vn also roniar ka!!y cheap. She inviiMs an px 1min.1i ion of thnrt. as thy rjunoi fail to pkae. Tat hriro,' M av 1. 1 So.". MUUvanj Store. MISS MirCHKLL, li kgs leave to inform her friends sM0m at)d l,u" i,t,,,ic' hal she has taken HP KH" r ore mbc next doer to Mr. W. ll.li riv. fur- mrrly lle Hank where he op-Mis the laiiie-t Cs: mot spdendid Msnrlmrnt of .WiUinm ev r brought lo this market. She t!all'ts liei-M-lf. that fiom the Unowlrdt: ol business acquired in s(ver, y ars i-mploymenl in Ihe most, extensive and fahin.b!e esia!)lishm. nls in the City of New York, and hent; well ac qminted with moi of the Millin ery and Mercantile Ktabliv,. ments i:, that cily, she is enabled lo ptnchise otoimU low, and h ,v h-r Al 1 Jh nary made up in ; supe rior style and on ihe most tea sonahle terms. Among her assort ment will le found 2.5 Tuscan Hounds, (different sizes ami patterns) at from SL50 11) to the finest made. A handsome assortment of Not th en made vihtt, satin, and silk Ilonnets. A variety of Caps, Capes a,i( nr. bans. IMiick, white, blue, pink and yellow Italian Crapes. Hhick, white, blue, yellow and va riegated Ostrich Feathers. Artificial Flowers, feat htr and vel et Flowers. Gold and silver do. Hlack and white blond Ldvinv -ind r outings. Hair Hraids, Puffs and Cutis, A lew elegant painted lustring Shawls and lUtticules. A handsome assortment of Ribbons, with many oilier articlcstwo mime' rous to mention. MissM. lespectfully invites the Ladies of Halifax and the adjoin ing counties to call jmtl examine In r siock Lcfon; purchasing and asuies them thai she will m!1 every article in her line, lower ban any other e.tahlishmetit in Inaction of country. N. B. She has purchased a new Apparatus for cleaning and press n luscan, Lt-ehorr. and Straw lionnetMn the Northern Mye Specimens of her work, both in hat and the Dress Making may fe seen at her Store, w here all orders will be thankfully re. ceivrd and punctually attended to Halifax, Feb. 25, r!uillltA-iV7 i The Extra Globe. T'llC nndersipiied propose to ismi; the first number ol'a nuw scries ol the Kxtra Gloln-, on Monday, the 2"th of May next, ami to publir.li it weekly for six months, inakin- twenty-six nnni!). i .; ,,Ht (, contain an index to the whole. It will be printed on fin double-royal paper, made up in quarto form, like the I'x'ra and Con tiressional Globes published by us last vear. t he 6 numbers will make. 4 16 royal quar to pacs. It will contain Ihe piiucipnl original arti cles of Ihe Daily ami Semi-Weekly (tlobes foreign and tlomestic News notices of the pub'ic meetings the leclinns, and public proceedings in every lale bi the Union, in r laliou to the canvass for Ihe next I'res'depcy a contest which the indi cations of the present y eer will go far to decide. 'I hi' fiir.t number will contain the Pro ceedings of the Democratic National (.''in vention, to tie held at Italtimoie on Hie "Oil ter has already been ena- ed to reiiort the ' I'm. eedinqs of the Convention, ami the J tim,1!" hkh ,,,a-V lV l,,a,,e " t,,r oc We iiquect the fivir of those friends to whom this 1'ioqicf lus may bo sent, to cir culate if, for the purpose of obtamiii" sub scribers. A copy of the work w ill be sent to the newspapers thrift copy this lios pe cms. Subscribers should forward their names in time to reach us befoie the l2.rdi May. If they do n.it. we may no be able to ft r nish thrill with all the nutnber; localise Ihe work is put at so low a price, that we cannot alio i d lo reprint any number! that may be exhausted. TF.L'MS. One Dollar p r copy, in advance, r.levon copies will be fm ni Iit-tl for ! n dollars; Iweuly-two copies f i twenty tlol-1 lais. nod s on !: i oport i.oi. ; IFF t he pi i M-nf ii paper is sn low. that we cannot nffoid to open accounts wirlij those who s disci ihe for it. 't herefore no j atten'imi will be paid lo any older unleris . the money aceouipanies it. j PL. I Hi cV HIVES, j Wahin-'fMi, April Kith. lh.'. ! history of tin: I Kehnkee. . Issoeiation. j rjTST ITlilTSIir.D, m.l for ale at t! e i QJdr.(e ol (he la-bo, o' IVess, "A ton - j cise History of tin- K bukee iiaplit An-! ciatioti. fniu its 1 1 1 1 4 1 a I ri-e t the pre-1 sent t nie bv I'.lder Joo ph loj;s uinler' the sopervision of a commi'tee (tonsislinp of r.lde: s J.ot, tia i.awieote, V illiiin 1 1 v man, aad l.oki W anl. aod bietbn n Tu mas I5i;c,i. .bM pli D. I'i4s, ami ConIm.h L. I l.i I!.) apjioiut-d by the Woriatior:." t'riee i 1 i'ii. Ii, or $10 per dozen. j October. I:j. ruMPUlIHI.NSIYi; ! Vommcntaru Oil the. Hihle. " 'I'lIK Subsc.bcr havm, bet quested to atlas Arciii for this highly infer- etinc work, ii-f.-rms the public that the nrt olnme mi ri lie seen at hi Oihce, w here subset i:ilious will be received. The first volume is a specimen of the exe cution of the w ork. editorial and mechan ical It is to contain all that is valuable in the wi iti.igs of those great lights in the t'hiUran Chinch, Henry, ?cotf, )(,d-4iridp-, Oil!, Attain Claik. ralrick, I'md, l.owtb, Huiibr, and nthei s: the wboletlo- Mned to a tbpel and combiuat ion of t he uvauiaea 01 ine nest none conmif nlai ie n toe wbol.. ,t ,s l.elieved all w ill admit , Should an application be made which tint ti e woik is what it lias been piono.mc- woold lik. lv p.ove a-reeable to the public, ed to be-a cred.t lo the country; and the bai-uiii "maybe bad. The eMablM, publ.shers and ed.lors pledge themel es ; m. ,,, isdtemed a permanent one, as the and their charnclers f and Ihey can do no ; people have manilVsipd a determination to ...or, ; ,n u every euori snail to put lorth 1. .. 1. :...!... 1 ...... 1 i- ni.ii.- 11, onui 1.1 toe ineiary anu ine c!ia: ical part-, lastingly useful, and wor thy a liberal sn. port. lint to uslain lle-ni in so expensive an enterprize, the low priee fixed for the work requires that it sl ould have an extensive sale, and no pub lisher would fll v. qrrauiei! in pinsecutiwj; the work without a l.irge subsri ipl ion list; and. however on; opular such a course ia) be in repaid to ordinary works, no besi a ti m is felt in resorting to it in this case, s manifestly neeesary nod pioper. 1 hev appeal in confidence to the religious public and to all, who wish to see it circulate, bo their ..anu s and patronage. There is a 15.ii. list edition, differing in n rran.i'l Oi.nt ll.r r,niit.r:il .'.iti.... .... ..... .1 i- .11 ' the ordinance ol Hanosin. in refi-reo. h i. which Ihe Jlev. Joseph A. Wame, Kdilor of ihe Baptist edition, makes the following reinaiks, viz: A'l that was promised in ihe Baptist edition, as such, was that whales ei wax found in ihe woik as published for redolr;.pti-ts generally, which did not cor respond with the views of Baptists, should be removed, and the inatnri-st views of thei"- own nest w liters substituted. It is confidently believed that no point con nected with what is peculiar to the U-ip-tist denomination, has been 'eft unguarded; and when it is considered that on no points but those tin Baptists differ from Henry, 5cott, toddridi;e, there can be scarcely a doubt but that the denomi nation in general will feel tliHt Ihey have now a ('ounni ntarv, in th reading of which they are pure to find what w ill fan the flame of love, and .atifv the appetite for truth, and this without that diminution of their enjoyment with which Ihev weie accustomed lo n"el in reading the authors, arising out of their different iews of a chiistian ordinance. Terms. Ihe work will tie comprised in five volumes, averaging not less than BtHl pages per volume, toyal 8 vo hand somely printed on line paper, and well bound in sheep, and lettered with double titles, at 3 dollars per volume. There will be several engravings, frontispieces, vignette titles, and several neatly engraved maps, with other illustrative wood cuts, &.C. Copies bound in extra gilt, spring backs, 4,50; plain calf, ,s,'3.7;. 6V;0. IIUlV.dRD. March 13'h. 1S3 Printing Press for Sate, A St'PKIt KOYAL Printing Press, on the old mode of construction, can be procured on reasonable lei ms. jlpply at this Office. January, 1831. Bargains! Bargains!! jXew Goods! New (Jood!! Cheapest bf the Cheap, or a lectle cheaper than the cheapest. VV'K presume to inform the public generally (helievinp; that we have an equal ria;ht with our neighbors so to do,) that wc have just returned from New York, Philadelphia, lialti more, (ami came very near fin; to Jiostoti,) where we jiurchased the Afost splendid .Assort went of Spring and bummer GGOBS, i-er decorated the : 'Yva CVCT (IfCOrated the shelves of any establishment in the ci'y of Tarboroogh, (none excepted,) ami are now Selling off at nearly Cos, For Cash, and at a very small ail vanee on a credit. Knight, Garrett cy Co. Nt). 1, lirondway. Tarhoro April SO, 1 Js35. Pi,Y SHALL leave, this State short ly all those indebted and cnoosn to PAY 1MME1)IATETA Will not have occasion to com plain of payinje a Constable, for services of no advantage to them. JjIMPS irPDDPLL. May U.iil, LS.'IS. Yen 0 YesIJj) y"fjjt VEHY man or woman indebted to the 1 111 subscriber by opfii hccouui, are re queued to oall and settle ihe same as ear Iv as convenient, either bv cash or note The cash would be preferred, but if that cannoi be had, will take 3 n'ofe. j. iv. copt:x TarlKiro', No. Ca. 17th Feb. 1S35. flt.,l TP .... 11 --J.LlimillLI . lAflHr. ZuiiscrWnr invites proprlsitions to sJL Muce l him as printer and pr ni ietor of the "Oxford Kxaimer." lo take rff.ct not oner than tb It of next October. a ..r.ri;. ,1 l'ri..tr t ;.v.ct 11 Liim tit considerable iilv;inlHf in it.ic Kstabliihment. Any gentleman possess ing a few hours leiuie t'ch day m j;ht devote them with the trrtainty of profit to tiie conducting of a paper in this place. The income has f-naled the present Kditnr to live comfortably fir more than five year, nlihouoh be commenced and has all alon- lahoie'd under emb.ti rassiii'r dis- ndvantes Hut little exertion would ensure a more extended talrnae. sustain a Press in th'ir county 'I own. J n. j. v.pci:y,jr. Oxford, April 2S. Type Foundry. (So IIF.R.MAN L S. FXKI IN. bav ; purchased the type I'nundrv established ly the late J. Howe, have en tered into partnership, for the pui pose of arriugou the .Manufactory of Types. 11. dei Ihe firm f S. I'.t klin ('o. W e intend keeping- om hand a large as sortment -f type, especially thn.se. kinds i.ost used, which will enable us to supplv nders with the least possible drlav;auil 1 !hvh now for sale a large quant it v of the s . 1 1 lnr best quality, (stock pure based from the etate of J. Ilmie.) am intend to make immediate a iditi'ins to it. S. lOcklin i Co. re now prepared lo receive ord-rs for founts of every de Riription, fiom Peailtn 22 lines Pica in cluding avatiett of (trnanient.il Leller. We offer for iale also, an assortment, of (Juts, )ash-s, Brass Rule, and other or naments, of which specimens will be for waided to printers, as soon a-s they can be pre paVed. Such improvements as the wants of the trade an. I taste may require, will receive Ihe earliest attention at this establishrr ent. Printing Presses of ev.-ry des riplion. Printing Ink of thy most approved quali ties. Composing Slicks, Brass and Com mon (iitllev's Chases, Impo-ing S'on-s, Paper ami Press Boards. Standing Press es, Furniture, together w ith a complete assortment of nil articles used in a Prin ting Office, will be kept constantly on hand. Small founts, suitable for Bookbinders, in a great variety, mav be had when called' lor. Orders from all parts of the Union will be promptly and most carefully attended 'o, and particularly in supplying sorts for all founts lu.nished by our predecessor. We respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. To the former patrons of this foundry, we deem it sufficient to av that they w.ll be as well and promptly served as heretofore, should they be dis" posed to favor us with their orders. The busmessof the Foundry will be conducted under the following firm, and by the same person who was in fact the ly'pe lounder in Mr. Howe s foundry. S. EC KLIN & CO. Corner of Crown and Callowhill sircet Philadelphia, Spt. Is3t. Constables' RUnks for salt AT THIS OFFICE. pIIK Subscriber, who for seveial years past has been engaged in The Gin .Making business. In Kbiston, has t.iblilied himself IN GUKENVILLK, Where he carries on ihe above bu siness in all its various branches. All those who wish to supply themselves with (lins of the best quality, are respectfully solicited to apply to the Subscriber person ally or by letter. All orders for (Jins'wilj be promptly executed. From the Subscriber's long expe rience in his business, and liom Ihe approbation which his work has hitherto met with, he hesitates not 10 promise entire satisfaction to all who miy see fit to extend lo him their patronage. Ginsoui of order till b expeditiously re paired. The Subscriber takes the liberty of calling the attention of those who wish to procure new (..ins or to have old bins repair ed, to the expediency of applying In him in timf Wlion nil tv-iit ns is usually the case, unto the work is wanted, it causes such a pres sure of business-, that many are obliged of necessity to submit to a longer delay than they wish. In connexion with this establishment, car riei on the Lock f G unsm ilk b us in ess lie also makes Saw Mill Boxes, ami Alill Inks, and Gudgeons, of a composition invented by Daniel Peek, of Kaleigh Grist Alill Spindles, with St fed Coltas, (turned ) These articles equal to any manufactured in the United Slates. All Jelters ami orders must be directed to the Subscriber at Greenville. IIIIXH Y CIL1A1BEIIL.1IN Jul v 12, 1 S31. Cotton Gins fVHK Subscriber has established himself in the house formerly ccupie.i ny uie late Joserih lac- ; key, dee'd, near the river, and a j short distance below Henjamin 1 1 I .b kfiJw ...i. . 1 I " L . JjCk " "lr( ' WheI'e lW carries on The. making and repairing Cotton Gins, All those who wish to snm.lv themselves with (iins of the best',v'nS lerms for cash, or on 2 quality, are respectfully solicited iorl credit to punctual cuslo.Ttrj. to apply to the Subscriber person-j I'l'ose wishing to purchase wiii ally, or by letter. All orders for j please to call, as they can have the Gins will be promptly executed, i opportunity to examine for then Gins out of order will be txpedi-! se'ves Gentlemen fjrni-hin; tiou-dy repaired. j their own Cloth, can have ihei Elacksmithingf of everv des- j made and trimmed in ihe rrM cription, executed in the best'style. j fashionable style and at ihe OrVTw-n secontl hand Cotton notice. All ordu s from a il.v Gins for sale low for cash. S.1MUEL D. PROCTER. Tarboro,' 30lh Sept. 1834. The Silk Cuhurist. rP'l' F.xecutive Committee of :he Hart ford County Silk Society, have com menced a monthly publication, called the Silk Cultuiist and Farmer's Manual. The objei t of the publication is to dis- semwiatp a thorough knowledge of the cul-l tivation of the Mulberry Tree, in all its varieties the rearing of Silk Worms The production of Cocoons and the Keel-1 ing of rsilk, in the roos approved method.! The importance of this knowledge will ap- 1 pear from the fact that the nett profit of ;nd devoted to the culture of Silk, is ; double, if not triple, to that derived from ! any other crop w hich can be put upon it. j J'W? York TviW FoWlfoll. It is also a faci, that every moderate far- , -S ' . , '' mer can laise several hundred dol'arnP,,K Subscribers respectfully m- 131 worthofSilk without interfeting with his the Printers that they Imve W"" ordinary agricultural operations. But in i Co,aPle,,d a variety of .New founts of I order t avail himself of this facilitv t obtain comDetenrv and wealth, uhirhn..,! cimens, well calcula e.l soil and climate have given him. he must possess himself of information on the sub ject for without it his attempts will be fruitless. It is, therefore, the object of the Committee to diilose this information as extensively as possible, and at the cheap. est rate. The publication will contain a! complete manual or directory from sowing the sed to reeling the Silk, together with such facts and experiments, as will enable farmers to raise Silk and prepare it for market, without further knowledge or as sistance. It will also contain interesting matter on agricultural subjects in general TERMS The Culturist w ill be publish ed in monthly numbers of Fight Quarto Pages, at Fifty Cents a Year, sub scription will be received unless paid in Advance, and for not less than a vear. Subscribers received by F. G. Comstock Secretary, Hartford, Conn., lo whom, also' Connnunications may be addressed, which' if post paid, will be attended to. ' Hartford. April. 1S3.V Published and for Sale at this Office. y PATRIOTIC DISCOURSE i North Carolina AVhig's Apoloyv tiie Kehukee Association and, A Basket of Fragmenis, by the Rev. Joshua Law -rente. Also, A Review of Clark's defence and ius- iit... iiou to me rveuuivre AS ociation writ ten by a lay member of the Association an t, Occurrences in the Life of Klde.r Jo seph Biggs, wrote by himself. Tarborough, Aug. . .!... ..... i- ..... . . . -1 Henry JohnsUn, M KUCHANT TAII (,- IT AS just received York, a s)lemlid 'x 'n .,lv 01 Uooits 111 Ins Hie id 1-,, : stipprior to any ihit, - (;,, ' been brought 10 this n.Atk ? would particularly invito ,r't .'!; men that want Fashionable and ChC: GOODS. To call and examine the- is confident he can plt-iw, both in quality and piitv" v' has a large assortment f r" Cloths of all the most (rla , ;p colors, which he vm'M (.' low for cash, or on a shc, t'C 17 He will alsc, ,r:5;,ij u-i'l.t-np"4'''" king, to those thai '' :u their garments made el.p as he intends turning his a 1 1 e 1 ' ' to that as well ' tn;tkiili:, has on hand first rat,. l" - black hearer MATS .silk Umbrellas, which oll -n..r I,.... I T . h ' f: Ire has , hand and intetds kee'j; n a assortment of Ready made Clothes. Mde and lritnm"d bv hirr.sf ir (Jentlemen furnishing ' t Leir c cloth?, can have thtm rr.adc an! inirjioru in me most !ahioi manner, and at the sh Cr"-M nr. tice. rine assor t mutt (); Vb ilemen's Stocks of all JiintC (O Call at ILJnexilou, Brick stoie. Tarborough, April 22, 3- Cojfield Kin M KUCHA. NT TAlloi;, rjAKKS this oppotiuniiy cf i.miuiiii" nls Clst(lolt,,s Ihe public, that he hasps' "Ct'' eu irom iNew York. bisUr bpnng Goods, In his line of bu-iness ccr.;.,; in part of: Superfine blue, black ai.J Cloths, fc Blue and drab Cassia eres, Green ;-md brown Camlet, fcr y:i- mer wear, Linen drills r.d s,unsir.er Ck. meres, Tlairi black velvet ar.d fijuteu Ve tings, Linen bosoms and collars, black patent bombazine scck, kz. Together with his former Slock, ' f which he will diriose ofcr. tance will he thankfully I ece.vr.i and punctually attended U. to call at C. King's three (io: above the Planter.' Mote-. Broadway, opposite ihe Ihicii Store, where he will be W daily at his post. Tarboro,' 7lh May, 1335. Remnants, UtmnnnU! y GRKAT V A KITTY . frm 7w eveiy description of Guoils, m 1 -lf Sold at half their value. J. IVEDDELL 20ih Feb. 1?3 ). I ,eri ll,e st e e -te!!t l u,0l'r ' . for oruainen - P,imi"S or tasteful display, and ,v. and i112"- their assortment of I'llXTISG 7T unrivalled in benntv. extent, and vi"lf .f A book of Specimens may be oliiai'eji' . I the Foundry, ."o. 13, Chnib.T street. iff ; Chatham strrrl, or al o. IS. C'1'.' Place. It contains specimens frunu"'' Line Pica to Pearl, comprising 45 founts Roman Caps, wiili lower a Jtti.C CO Title Raman do Title Italic do Shaded ltom.de Antique do Black do Open Black do Script Caps do German Tex! do fir,,.,, T..TI d. 1,0 O 5 17 12 5 d3 da dJ dJ do 2-line Rom. ChDs-, with fij"5' 11 10 6 7 2-line Italic Capitals- Shaded Cap, various ; kinds- Open do Ao Italian Caps, and Vifures- Besides Ornamental Leliei's( Mu ic. Lottery Figure. Piece 1 rac Superiors, Asironomical toid "l'pr;:jl Space Rules, Brass Rules. Dashes. Long Braces, more than ( of Borders, and more than I-" l u,s "nd Ornaraents f.r fi:!"". '. r r new spapers, and scientific ''0,'' for any f which, or for Cnmp'111"'' ,. Cases. Chases, Lc will befXtcu ; ( the utmost promptitude, a large tlways on bund. rCi GEO. BRUCE March 25, 183u.

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