) LOOO Dollars worth 1 100 Dollars Reward.! Bargains: uurgains.:: Martin Van liurcn, or NEW YORK. Jlichard M. Johnson, OF KENTUCKY. aT has f.illen to the humble lot nf die nn-drr-igned fa have presented to lf- A liiriicaii People, a third edition of the Bio graphies of t lie two alove named hijjhlv ib-ti'igtiished pat riot ic citizens, whose con stant devotion to the best interests of our Government has letl to their designation, as a testimony of the estimation in which iheir services are regarded by th Pt opi.k WMoirt they h'tve served, hs candidates f. li the two fust otlices within the a l"c of a IRtlE, IIAPrY. and FL'lUtUSUING NAI This token of respect gives to the world additional pkook that fa it Ida I service shall not go unrewarded. Tlie object of this appeal to tin republi can portiou of our tlkv citizens, is to ob tain thir co operation in the circuhttion of hn edition of 100,000 copies ot the joint Biosraphv of MAKI IN VAN MJKEN ic RICH Alii) M JOHNSON, cnhr-ed, re vised and corrected, foas to be valuable to everv lover of his country, ami alike hon oiahl to tl.e distinguished, citizens whom wk- T.IE rtoyLK, intent! still further to honor, bv their elevation to the olVu es of I'ies:.lent and Vice Piesideut of liie I'uited States, in thi- election of lSoti. Thus we Sti ill perpetuate the principles of Jell'ei .-on, whicti Imve been so signally rcviv-d, no bly actetl upon, and tkicm rn intlv car ried out bv Amki vv Jackson, who, spur ning all llit'erv, knfvv nothing but the l'torLK. tli Wii LK People, and their re fptct'ne rights, iegrdless ol their fortunes, vvhether rich or your; ll.'is remlei ing his vmk. and fenow.n a. durable as the eveu i. ISTING 1111 ls.' The ariangeiutnt of the volume will be as follow ?: 1 sl. Portrait of Andrew Jackson, To w horn the volume will be inscribed, with an gddrcss by the Publisher. d. Portrait of M. Van Baren, T be followed. tv his Biography, enlar fed, including several valuable document, illustrative of his public character, and ex hibiting tlie .n.igital powers ot his gigantic mind, which h is ever been devoted to sus tain the 'ignis of his country, and ihe glory and prospei i:y of his tcl o citizens. '3 J. Purl rait of R M. Johnson, To be followe l by his Ciograpii v. enlai ped. including various Speeches, SiiMv M 1L Reports, and other document-; illus trative of his long continued public life, which has ever bet n devoted lo the good of his countrv; i.icluding an authentic ac count of tile fall of Ihe renowned Indian warrior, I'eccmseh, on the ever menura Lle oih of Ocio! r, 1S13 with an engra ved view of the battle fi -Id The woik will be complete in one vol ume of about 4tMJ pages. the piic to be fixed at the moderate sum of One Dollar, neatly bound with cloth backs; or calf and gilt, with the additional eipense of bind ing The work which is now in a state of preparation, shall be such as lo give entire sati-ifac iu; as it is in t ie hands of gentle men who l.-tve for nearly toity years, been p r-.oi. 1 1 v and intimately a qiainled with t.jr pi . a:. and public life of itie above na i;ied d -guished citizens. '1 1 - lebrated address of the Hon Thomas II- Benton, ot Missouri, hearing te--iu)ofiv to the high character of Maitin Van Buren; and Ihe eloquent speech of the lo !. Janie- Barbour, of V irginia, in the U. f- Senate, portraying the cidvalry of Col Johnson on the field and in the councils of the nati-ui, will be ap, ended to tlie work. As t iere is among our republican citi fi.s, an ejtensive population of German oiigin, tlie work will appear simultaneous ly in both the English and the German lau y.uvi". It will, therefore, be necessary for subscribers who wish to have the work in the German, to signify the same on the subscription book. It will, in order to give prompt and px. ter.Mve circulation to the work, be indis j'MsaUe for a'l subscribers lo pay at the tint of subscribing all money iu be at a proper time forwarded with the lists of sig natures to the put-luhhig committee ... t . i. .. . j i . i , . which win nj uniy mane Known py no tice in the Washington G'nbe. ttyieinocratic editors di-posed to n courage tha woik, w iM confer a favor, which will be gratefully acknowledged lv the buuscriber, in giving publicitv lo the above and reeeiv ing snh-c i iptions at their resp etive otlic s, to whom a reasonable per centage will be al'owed. TJie People's obedient servant, II'M. J1MMGXS. Washington City, June 1, l8.v. Classical Institute. HP I IK iindersignetl, will open a Classical English School, Jll Sparta, .VV. c(t. On the 1st Oct. 1S35, in which will be taught orthography, read ing, penmanship, grammar, philo logy, geography, history, arithme tic, hook ket'ping, composition Hoard can he had in the vicini- tv on moderalc terms. Terms of tuition the same as in other insti tutions of eminence. J. F. HUGHES. N. H. I wi4 1 not only endeavor to tache "the young idea how to shoot," but will use my undivided ami indefatigable exertions, to make it blossom as the rose, and llounh with the magnificence of the most fragrant literary flower. J. P. II. July 1 5th, 1S35. 09 ya Of every description, Tor WHOLES A LH or RETAIL at nearly Cost, by Knight. Garrett Co. No. 1, Uroadway. Tar born,' April 30, LS35. ESCAPED from the Subscriber, while en camped at the houe ol Col. A. Watt, in Rock ingham county, (N. C.) on the night of the 1 0th of May, 1 S3 1, a negro man named Constables' blanks for sale AT THIS OFFICE. Jiacon and Lard. rPHE Subscriber is now receiv ing ami oflVr.s for ale, four hundred barrels prime Cut Herrings. A No, in store, a quantity of prime BACON and LARD. .. IV. COT TEN. Tarbnro,' l-4ih Ma v. IS35. NEW AND FASHION A 15 LE JUillinary, c. RS. A. C. HOWARD in forms her friends and the public that she is now opening her Spring Supply of (Joods, among wluch may t)e found al most every article applicable to her business. viz: Plain and fancy colored pattern Silk Hen m tts. Fancy Tuscan, plain and open straw do. Misses ami children's do. Plain, watered and figured Silks and Satins for dresses, Plain ami figured Bobbinctt, Swiss innsliii, blond CJauze,. do. Fancy caps, capes, Shawls, neck Handkerchiefs Veils, and scarfs. Fluted Laces, edgings, inserting-, &c. PufV-and Curls, in great variety, Silk and straw cords and tassels, Ribbons, Flowers, c.c. cC. in great abundance, and at various prices. The above Goods having been purchased on very ad v.intageous terms, and selected by herself, she can with confidence recom mend them, as being of excellent quality and aNo remarkably cheap. She invites an examination ol" them, as they cannot fail to please. TarboroMay 1. 1535. T52B RJEW Willi nary Store. MISS MITCHELL, 1 5 e g s leave to in lb i m her friends frWn anil the public, W:'30 lhal 'hc ,,as ,aken the Store House next door to Mr. fil W. Harris, for merly the Rank -where she opens the largest &, most splendid Assortment of .Willriiary ever brought to this market. She flitters herself, that from the knowlpdge of business acquired in seven years employment in the most extensive and fashionable establishmt nts in Ihe City of New York, ami being well ac quainted with most of the Miliin ary and Mercantile Establish ments in that city, she is enabled lo purchase goods low, and have her Millinary math? up in a supe rior style and on the mot rea sonable terms. A mong her assort ment will be found 3L50 Tuscan Hounds, (different sizes and patterns) at from up to the finest made. A handsome assortment of North ern made velvet, satin, and silk Bonnets. A v ariety of Caps, Capes and 'Fur- bans. Black, white, blue, pink and yellow Italian Lrapes. Black, white, blue, yellow and va riegated Ostrich l eathers. Artificial Flowers, feather and vel vet Flowers. Gold and silver do. black and white blond Edgings and r ootings. Hair Braids, PufTs and Culls, A few elegant painted lustring Shawl and Ketticules. A handsome assortment of Ribbons, with many other articlestwo nume rous to mention. MissM. respectfully invites the Indies ol ilalilax and the adjoin ing counties lo call and examine her stock before purchasing and assures them that she will st every article in her line, lower man any other establishment in this section of country. in. 1). Mie has purchased a new Apparatus lor cleaning and press n.g tustan, i.t'snornand Straw Uonnets, in the Northern svle. specimens ol her work, both in that ami the Dress Makino- mi, be seen at her Store, where Jl orders will be thankfully re ceived and punctually attended lo. Ilahlax, Feb. 25. 9 He is about 31 years old, about 5 feet 1 1 inches high; no marks rec ollected; had on a homespun jeans long coat, and common thread and colton pantaloons. John was purchased from Archibald Forbes, in Pill county, near Greenville, and it is probable he will endeavor to get back to the same neighborhood. The above reward of One. Hundred Dollars will be paid to any one who will apprehend and lodge the said Negro in any jiil, so that the Subscriber can get him again. Letters addressed to the undersigned, at New Store P. O. Buckingham county, (Va.) will receive immediate attention. JOHN I. MOIHUS. June 24, 1S35. 26 COMPREHENSIVE Commentary on the tVihlc. 'J1!!!. Snliscribpr having been rfquestrt to act as Afnt for this highly intrr-rsting- woik, iulorms the public that iLk first volume can bf- seen Ht his office, where Mitisci iptions will U received. The first vnlume is ft specimen of the exe cution of the w ork, eilitrial and mechan ical. It is to contain all thai is valuable in the writings of those preat lights in the Jfeiv Goods! Sew Goods!! Cheapest of the Circa p, or a teelte cheaper than the cheapest. 1fF presume lo inform the public generally (believing that we have an equal right with our neighbors so to do,) that wc have just returned from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, (and came very near going to Boston,) where we purchased the Most splendid Assortment of Spring and Summer That ever decorated the shelves of any establishment in the city of Tarborough, (none excepted,) and are now Selling off at nearly Cost, For Cash, ami at a very small ad vance on a credit. Knight, Garrett $ Co. No. 1, Broadway. Tarboro April 30, IS35. FAY FAY ' SHALL leave this State short - y all those indebted and CHOOSE TO VI Ir IMMEDIATELY, "t..:.:... i i. ii....,. t..t. i dridge, Gill, Ada,,'. Cla. Vatri. k', o.,iJWill nut have occasion to com f.owih, Bmder, and other: the w hole de-' plai n of pay ing a Constable, for signed to h d.gest nd combination of the st, vjres of HO advantage to them. advantage of the bet Bible commentaries On the win'1", it is believed all will Hdmit that the woik is what it has hren pionounc ed to be a credit to tlie country; and the publishers and editors pledge themselves and their characters fand I hey can do no more J thit every efl'ort jdiall be put f.rth to ni.xUe it, bth in the literary and me- JAMES WED DELL. May 23d, 1S35. VJ-U Yes! 0 YcsHtq VF.UY m.in or woman indebted lo the JtLl Subscriber bv open account, are re- chanical parts, lastingly useful, and wor. qUf.sted to call and settle the name as ear thy a liberal support. But to sustain them y MS convenient, either by csh or note in so expensive an enterprtze. Vie low r. . j,h u ould be nreferred. but if that price fixed for the work requires that it cannot be had, will lake a note. giiould ha e an extensive sale, and no pub- j wr- f fl '''J1 f,1 7 IMicrwmil.l fell wurratitet! in proscculinfjj J' ' . tLyW. the work w ithout a large subscription list; ! Tarboro', No. Ca. 17th Feb. IS.j. and, however unpopular such a cuirie lany T . be in regaid to ordinary works, no hesi'a- VlOVd I J IK ft ffi 1 11 V, ) . ti in i3 felt in tesorting to it in this cate, so manilestlv necessary and proper. J'hey Q)S1E Subscriber invites propositions to apeal in cuufideiu'e to the religious public, succeed him as printer and propiietor and to ail, who wish to see it circulate, for of the "Oxford Lx aminer," to take effect their names and patronage. ' not sooner than the 1st of next October. There is a Baptist edition, differing in no A practical I'rinter could invest a small respect from the general coition except on sum to considerable advantage in this the ordinance of Baptism, in reference to Establishment. Aoy gentleman possess whicb the lev. Joseph A. Warne, Kditor ing a few hours lei.ure each day might of the Baptist edition, makes the following devote them with the certainly of profit lo rcm;nks, viz: AH that was promised in the die conducting of a paper in this place. Baptist edition, as such, was that whatever The income has enabled the present Kditor was found in the work as published for to live comfortably f r more than five rudobaptit gene -rally , which did not cor- years, although he, commenced and has all respond with the views of Baptists, should along labored under embarrassing dis be leinnved. and the matiirest views of advantages. But little exertion would their own best wt iters substituted. It is ensure a more extended palionage. confidently believed that no point con- Should an application be made which nected with what is peculiar to the Bap- , would likely prove agreeable to the public, list denomination, has been -ft uncuardeti; a bargain may be had. The establish and when it is considered that on no mut is dtemed n per.nanent one, as the points but those do Baptists dilTer from j people have manifested a determination to sustain a Press in their county lown. It. J. YANCEY, jr. Henry, ccotf, Uouurirtge, 6ic mere can be scarcely a doubt but that the denomi nation in general will feel that they have now a Commentary, in the reading of whicii they are sure to find what will fan the llr.uv of love, and satisfy the appetite for truth, aixl this without that diminution of their enjoyment with w hich they weie accustomed to meet in reading the authors. anting out ot their uitterent views ol a chiistian ordinance. Terms. The work will c comprised in five volumes, averaging not less thai 800 pages per volume, royal 8 vo hanii somelv printed on fire pauer, and we I bound in sheep, and lettered with doul' till s, at o dollars per volume. Thin will be several engravings, frontispieces, vignette titles, and several neatly engraved maps, with other illustrative wood cuts, k.c Copits bound in extra gilt- spring backs, S-l,o0; plain calf, 3.75. GEO. UOlVAIiD. March 13:h, 1833 Oxford, April 23. To the Jijjlicted. (iK W S invaluable Ointment for the cure of w hite swellings, scrofula and other tumours, sore legs and ulcers, and fresh wounds, sprains, bruises, swell ings and inflammations, &.c. &.c. Bfckwith's anti-dyspeptic pills. Rowand's genuine tonic mixture, a per fect cine for agu ami fever. The above valuable medicines may be had wholesale or retail on application to J. IV. Cotlen, Agent for Tai borough. 1835. Six? Months in a Convent flfUSSELL, ODIOR.NE -CO. have in WW press and will publish in a few days, a new work, with the above title, being the Narrative of Miss Rebecca Theresa Heed, who was under the influence of the Boman Catholics about two years, and an inmateof the Convent on Mount Benedict, Charles town, nearly six months in 13 12. The book furnishes a concise history of the ruls and regulations, the employments and ceremonies of the Ursuline erder; and as it is the first account ever given in this country of i. similar institution, the w riter has confined herself strictly to a narration of facts that transpired under her own eye, and that were noted dow n after her escape. It will contain a volume of 200 pages, 18 mo. finished and bound in the neatest manner. Boston, March 2, 1835. Printing neatly executed, AT THIS OFFICE. Virginia & North Carolina COUNTRY MERCHANTS. Edwin James Co. TETEliSiWh G, VIRGINIA, VV0ULD respectfully inform " the Merchants of Virginia and North Carolina, that thy have made arrangements to offer for sale the ensuing Fall, An unusually large Supply OF FOUKIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, A large portion of which will have heen bought for money. Their importations both from France and England are now a float; also, a large portion of their Domestic Goods, From New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore All of which having been bought in the different markets very ear ly in the season, ami many at a profit below what they are now commanding. Early in Septem ber their enlir supply will be open, (of which due notice will be given,) which shall not be inferior to any ever offered South of the Polomac. They are content on ly to remark, that Oiey will not be undersold by any jobber in the United States. J ill v 21. IS35. 304 Printing Tress for Sale. J SUPER ROYAL Printing Press, on iSiA the old mode of construction, can be procured on reasonable terms. Apply at this Office. January, ls3i. Henry Johm() MERCHANT TAl.tJI: " York, a sj,le,,du ol Goods in hi ln,e ,;f t, superior to aiy thing t! been brought to i,u nike" !;5 would pariicnlai ly iitvjie ,r J men thai waul v' ! Fashionable and Cjittl To call ami Jh U f; rpHK Subscriber, who for several years past lias been engaged in The Gin Making business. In Ki.iston, has established himself IN GREEN VILLKf Where he carries on the above bu siness in all it various branches. All tbose who wish to supply themselves with Oins of the best quality, are respectfully solicited to apply to the Subscriber person ally or'hy letler. All orders for Gins will be promptly executed. From the Subscriber's long expe rience in his business, and from the approbation which ins woik has hitherto met with, he hesitates not to promise entire satisfaction to all who may see fit to extend to him their patronage. Ginsout of order will be expeditiously re paired. The Subscriber takes the liberty of calling the attention of those who wish to procure new Gins, or to have old Gins repair- i r i - i w t . . ed, to the expediency oi applying siik umbrellas, which to him in time. When all waitasjsell very low. He :i!0 is usually the case, until. the work: hand ami intends kttpinr a rl1 is wanted, it causes sucn a pres- assoitment of h 0-0 sure of business, that many are obliged of necessity to submit to a longer delay than they wish. In connexion with this establishment, car lies on the Loch & Guns m ith b u s in ess. examine ilf., is confident he can p,.Hv. both in quality Hh, p,;' nas a large awirimeut Cloths of all the colors, which h will low for cash, or on He will also i-eiail Vut . ,n ,;!- 1 ' u.. wih tr. i. garment ma.-le t-U,.-," as he intends turning ,js ai!t!. ' to mat as we as m.! king, to those that their has on hand black beaver tiiaivii,. Inst rate I I K ' ""'I 1 t lie win has Heady made Vlrth Maile antl irimnn-d by - .i . ... uenuemen lui 'tii? utiT il clollis, can have irimmeu in tne most l.ihi(l,i' manner, and at tl.e shf-np.- ! tice. A fine assortment ,.r ... ir o;vn mem marL He a No makes Saw A fill Boxes, and Mill Inks, and Gudgeons, a composition invented by Daniel Peck, of Ilaleigh Grist Mill Spindles, with Steel Collats, (turned I These articles equal to any manufactured iu ihe United Stales. All letters and orders must he directed fo the Subscriber at Greenville. II EN BY CHAMBERLAIN Jul v 12, 1S34. tlemen s Mocks i, all kinds Call at 11. j.'8 n.xuoy, Brick store. Tarborough, Aptil 22, lsr Cojjicld Ring MF.KCUANT TAI LOU, SPARES this opjjoi tuniiv a informing his cuioniHs jnj the public, that he has j-M (n.u ! ed from New York, lii upp!vo! spring uoodi, In his line of business consMb in part of: Superfine blue, black and g:ec:; Cloths, Iilue and drab Cashmeres, Grten and brown Camlet, ft .iso mer wear. Linen chills and summer Cli nic res, Plain black velvet and figure Vrs tings, Linen bosoms and collars, Black patent bombazine Stocks, fee. Together with his former Stock, Cotton Gins fPHK Subscriber has established himself in ihe house- formerly occupietl by the late Joseph Lac key, decM, near tlie river, and a short distance below Benjamin M. Jackson's store, where he carries on The making and repairing Cotton Gins. All those who wish to supply themselves with Gins of the best quality, are respectfully solicited to apply to the Subscriber person ally, or by letter. All orders for Gins will be promptly executed. Gins out of order will be expedi tiously repaired. Blaeksmithing, of every des cription, executed in the best style. ftfj" Two second hand Cotton Gins for sale low for cash. SAMUEL D. PROCTER. Tarboro,' 30th Sept. 1834. The Silk CulturisL fltE Executive Committee of the Hart ford County Silk Society, Lhv e com- .menred a monthly publication, railed the Silk Culturist and Farmer's .Manual. The ohject of the publication is to dis geminate u thorough knowledge of the cul .:...: ir.li..- t1 ..11 varieties ine rearmff ol SI.K W orms fS orv Ac ,.:,: l)f GoodS,i The production of Cocoons and the Reel-l bold at nmj meir J. ivEimii 20th Feb. lS3o. all of which he will dispose of ca living terms for cash, cr 01 1 short credit to punctual cuslcir.eri Those wishing; to purchase ;i please to call, as they can have l.1! opportunity to examine for thtrr selves. Gentlemen furnihiri their own Clothe, can have ii made and trimmed in the ti.A fashionable style and at the dri est noticr. All orders from ail lance will be thankfully leceift and punctually attended lo. 1' to cull at C. Ki u's, Ihi-f-c tlutf above tbe Planter's Ili!e', Broadway, opposite the Store, where he will ue iu daily at his pot. Tarboro 7th Mav, 1S35. Hemnants, iiemnnnh! GREAT VARIETY f R-inn-K ing of Silk, in the most approved method. The importance of this knowleo'e will ap pear from the tact that the nett profit of hind devoted to tlie culture of Silk, is uouuie. ii not inpie, 10 mat aeriveu Ironi dnv other crop which can he put upon it. It is also a fact, that every moderate far mer can taise several hundred dollars wim th of Silk without interfering with his ordinary agricultural operations. Rutin order to avail himself of this facility to ohtain competency and wealth, which our soil and climate have given him, he must possess himself of information on the sub ject for without it his attempts will be fruitless. It is, therefore, the object of the Committee to diffuse this information as extensively as posible, and at the cheap est rate. The publication will contain a complete manual or directory from sowing the seed to reeling the Silk, together with such facts and experiments, as will enable farmers to raise Silk and prepare it for market, without further knowledge or as sistance. It will also contain interesting matter on agricultural subjects in general. TERMS - i he Culturist will be publish ed in monthly numbers of Eight Quarto Pages, at Fifty Cents a Year. No sub scription will be received unless paid in Advance, and for not less than a year. Subscribers received by F. G. Comstock, Secretary, Hartford, Conn., to whom, also Communications may be addressed, which if post paid, will be attended to. Hartford, April, 1835 PAXVlPSiZiBTS, Published and for Hale at this Ofjice. fi PATRIOTIC DISCOURSE rht North Carolina Vhi's Apoloyv fr the Kehukee Association and, A Basket of Fragments, by the Rev. Joshua Lawience. Also, A Review of Clark's defence and jus tification to the Kehukee Association writ ten by a lay member of the Association and. Occurrences in the Life of Elder Jo seph Biggs, wrote by himself. Tarboiough, Aug. 9. PROPOSALS, For publishing by sufocripto The Debates IN THE Convention of N.Carol0 TTfiirth (iron) hied fit Which assembled ci June 4, 1835, to amen Constitution. IN consequence of the numer applications on the ': Subscribers have determine sufficient encouragement be to publish in a neat volurre. all convenient dispatch, bates in the Convention recently met in ihi- city the purpose of ascertain'"? ther a sufficient number ot scribers can be obiainel to . the undertaking, these W' are issued. ... ff The volume, which "'i Uiy iIlrliC II tiin will be printed with haM t: on- :" type, on goou papti, ;j furnished to .sunscrmriN tl boards, at Three Dollars payable on delivery. JOS. GALES f fealei-h, Aug. (Subscripting10 book received at this Oft" i 4 IS x

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