l - , ' j tj ' ' ' Tarboroiigh, (Edgecombe County, N. C.j Saturday, Siptembcr 19, ib35. 'I a Vol. XI JVb. 33. T'trhnnntt Ve?v." r' r.K'MU'.K l! V ,I!H, :' .1 . !'! : v V'-i i.'il lts a vrrr T'"i''l ftrr Cud "T nioUli , i1! i'i I j oil ...:,i.r -11 IT II' rh- i'liitjr ;il n di . II - I.' I' Ir'l Ifl'l" I "" HI I I 1 .. ;" I..' i ' .ii nits It'1! in''f- .,,. at ll.at ! I'" ' ! 1 -i:M-s.' ,,, ,. , I nmil othfi ivi, ot-.ti am! I iHV'i' !"-' v ' ,"ims a. Mi ! t l"litr mt l ,.i p ii . "' ,,,,v m' '"' 1'"T',U' '- Jmirrr""L'""""'llw',M"--t't John. I. .Murel. We give the additional extracts from Mr, Sit'wart's pamphlet, exhibit- ;or fVats of villany ol the M.rfMit e:tern laml I'irate. Wniie ruling together in Tennus-st-e, til- f.dlowing conversation ciwicd: nc. Coin-4, sir, title up, the li'uMt i col d and vvu have far to ro, and we had as well pass the lime as lively as possible; come up, audi will tell yon another it at of the elder brother, w hom 1 h;is (eli'mg you ol. irrui!;er. Yes, sir, with all inv heart, if it is as yood as the !,L-t. Morel. He U a d d likely iVi!"v, tall and w ell proportioned, ,-vkI i!ree rather in the metho tliit order, and w hen he is oil" on iia his scouts directing his men li'iw io proceed (for he never car sits off property himself he always In-; men for that purpose) he fre quently nukes appoiutineuis, and '.readies. Ue ts well versed in !:ip irrintnrp nrr'acllOS SOIlie t - r Fj!e:idid sermons, lie has fie- q imlv pieached at a place, and before he commenced, pointed o tt some line horse for Ins friend to steal; and w hile he was preach ing and praying lor them, his tneml would save the horse for lii ii. Ue always gives his rei d nee sosne other course than the ' nrect direction, to one ol those j t i u he called at the house of ".e .uh?, a mrlhndist, on Klk il'.vcr, in Middle Tennessee. Vi'us had heard him preach a vear '"I re thai iu the neighborhood "ml was much taken with him as i r,i on,.!,,,. u., i. ..a i.:. i'llULUCI lit. IHU fltll 1113 ; rt.MCt-nce in South Alabama and ! spoken a great deal of his 11 rri.es and farm; and of the per- i'.cmiv he had in rretiini? an over- fttr Ciat would do his duty, and j i:K abuse his slaves, and ail such as this, and lirotiier Nobs , ,:r'"k it all ,dowu; supper came : ,Jn- !id he got them all around Stable on their feet; he raised ';s hands in the mtist solemn banner, as though he was just go- open the w indow s ol heaven, a"d select its richest blessings for , ,jr"ier Nobs, his wife and latest .Parity, lie was lengthy in , li,s supplications at the table; but . v"ieu he came to use the books, .; ail,!go to duty, he was eloquent; ;,i!ti same service was rendered . wxt morning, in. . '"en atjuut to start, he wanted '"pay brother Nobs; but brother ! was almost hurt to think lie would suppose he would 'gi'liim-'Well, brother Nobs, W'l you iJVj so (),,( as lo glve nie ''""use for a twenty dollar bill? 1 I out. of chane an,j I do not ili,;oHVr a bill ot that size to i 1 changed w here I stay all n'mht. i lr world will say he is a j '''aclu -r and does not like to pay 1 ,,r laying all night at a tavern I l.p ii-..- i i i ,rb;:i t0 )e changed. Tliis is way of the world and I hope ""j his merry, will enable me ' 14 e in such a manner as never ' ' -''dionor the rause of the gos- !-r degrade the ministry." mother Nobs anxious to render the preacher, and as lie lliouglit a very rich man, a favour, answer (I hiin 've. brother, with pleas ure.' He ran to his wife mid go. the keys, took out his purse, am (imileil out SC VeillCeif dollars aii fifty cents wlifM his chanuegavr i (Kit. i nt !- Hrother Nobs ivas in -. of misery. 'Stay a little, ' will run over lo brother Parker'- ! and borrow the balance.' I)o i, you pleae, and 1 will stay with sister Nobs until you return." lirother Nobs was not long gone w in !) he returned, with as much pride at being able to accommo date his preacher as an East India Merchant would show at the ar rival of a rich cargo of goods. Preacher. 'Well brother io!s, you have a line young Jack did yon raise him? Hrothrr Nobs. He was foaled i mine, and I have raised him. j Preacher. Will you trade! him, brother Noh? Brother Nobs. I have raise 1 him for that purpose, but I cannot getj the worth of him in this country; Ii have never been nfiVivd more than one hundred and fifty dollars for him, and he is worth two hundred and fifty. Preacher. Yes, brother Nobs be is cheap at that price; and if Ii had the monev w ith me. 1 would j rid you ofaliy further trouble w itV him at that price. ! Hroiher Nobs. Well, brother, ! you can take him. You say that; you will be at our camp meeting, j Hring me the money then that is as soon as I will need it. j Preacher. Wt II brother Nobs;; I will take him I need him veryj much; I want him for my own! mare; I am a domestic fellow; Ij rais mv own mules for my farm. I The trade being-completed, thej preacher i;ol ready to start; all! the family gathered around him to! receive his parting blessing. Preacher. Bro. Nobs, n ay the Lord bless you, and save you in heaven farewell. Sister Nobs, may the trace of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, rest ami; remain upon you; farewell May! the Lord bless your little children,! farewell, my dcnr.babies.' The Preacher was soon gone frosn brother Nob;, but not to south Alabama; but the western district of Tennessee. That day! and nieht put the preacher along I ways oil as slow as his jack travelled; though he was an un-i common fine travelling j-ck. The preacher sold his Jack for four hundred dollar, and passed a twenty dollar counterfeit bill oni .brother Nobs Poor brother' Nobs can never hear of this yjHingj preacher since; but I have no doubt, but be is on a voyage ol soul saving, ami will visit brother! Nobs when he returns. On another occasion, the eon-j versalion turned on their future prospects of gain, and the profi ciency of Mure! in the execution of his plans; w hen, in order it) sat isfy his companion that be was not misrepresenting his powers in villainy, be proposed to decoy the the first negro they might meet with and make him agree to leave his master ami go with him. Shortly after, they obsered an old negro at a crib by the road side, preparing lo go to mill with a sack of corn. He was alone, and Murel thus accosted him: Murel. 'Well, old man, yon must have a d d hard master, or he would not send you to mill this cold day. Negro. Yes, master, all ov urn hard in this country. Murel. Why do yon stay with the da villain there? when he treats you like a ri d dog? Negro. I can't help urn, mas ter. Murel. Would you help tt il yoh could? Negro. 0! yes, master, dat I would. Murel. What is vour name, old man; IV iemo. My name, ditto, nasler. Murel. j Well ditto, would you like to be free and have plen-i liue."--7. ly of money lo buy land and; Morses, and every thing you want? j Something Had! The Greens- Chtto. O! yes, master thati borough Patriot of the 5th hist, t litto do so want Vm. i says, "A letter has been received Murel. If 1 will steal you. and by a gentleman iu this place, from arry you oil" and sell yon four his friend in Orange, from which or five times; and give you half of we have been permitted to make the money; and then leave you in the following extract. If" the a Iree Stale, w ill you go? ! statement be true, il augurs some ditto. O! yes master, Clilto thing mysterious and deadly, unci go quick. ; may well scatter alarm among the Murel. Well, ditto, don't you people, but if it should turn out wan't a dram! (taking out his to be false, we shall take the ear flask of liquor, and offering it to best opportunity to correct the Clitto.) impression it is so well calculated ditto. Thankey, master, after to make. For the present, "we von. ! tell it as 'twas told to us," and let Murel. 01 no, Clitto, after it pass for w hat it is worth. Here yon (ditto drinks, and then Mur- , is the extract el after him.y j , letter has just been received Murel.. Well, Clitto. have you ' in this neighborhood, from a cor uo boys, that you would like to respondent in the Western district e free? j t)f a deep laid plot, by the Western Clitto. O? yes master. insurrectionists. The writer Murel. Now, ( litto, if you ; states, that a steamboat came up" was to hear a pistol fire at the the Mississippi river very recent head of the - lane some' night, do y, ;,n,l inquired of some of the in you think you will be sure to habitants of Tipton county, if they come to me, and bring three or might c permitted to bury some four boys w ith you? . fifty persons, who died on board ( litto. O! yes, master, (TittOjwith the cholera. Leave beiiig come dis night. Murel. I am C'litlo, and cannot carry you off ; ed somewhat surprised at the sin at this time; but you have the gnlar appearance of the coffins; boys ready; and yon shall not be and alter the boat had left, it be wiihyour d d oh! task master came a matter of much talk and much longer, be cuffed about like speculation. Filially, they de a dog. lam a tzreat liimd ' in . termined lo diinter and examine black people. I hae carried oil, them. Accordingly, an examiua a M,vat unuy , and they are doing il, took place, when, lo! instead well, all got houses of their own,; of finding bodies of dead men and making property; you look : in the coffins, or boxes, they were out and and when you hear the filled with arms and ammunition! pistol fire come w ith the boys, ami N doubt they were intended to I will have horses ready to push be used in some contemplated in you. Good by, I litto until 1 see surreclion, or. oilier bad cause. you again. . f . il i r .!. ..;cai.,or:-v.;ne o,iueiew,most jlarm arrJ c0fusi aml oik papers published a lew days ha ,,iev ,,ave determined to ago an ingenious ami wen written article, purporting to have been extracted from the Fdiuburg Journal of Science, giving an ac count of sundry marvellous dis- . i .1 r'iil'tirlnc 111 Mm rvwMtn riini-ncnlilon . ... ,.,..,., 'r "v" adopted the following resolution 'may not be true. 1 he instan to have been made by I rofessor al )(.ir llie,.ting "liesolved ' taneous death which is supposed llerscliel, wnicn obtained great rreou among ,ne goou peop.e o (,ft,,i5 Synod, Abolition Societies ! the neck, may only be in facta the City, and excited a great deal an(j jip prjlla-jpes (m which they j suspension of animation, produced of attention and remark. It are formed in the United States,' by a pressure upon the spinal stated that he had constrocied a nre incousisietit wilh the best in-1 marrow, which if speedily remov Telescope which brought .the ; ertsls of ,he s,aVljt le H ,lls ofj e,!f may not be'fataL At all moon down within nail a me earn., aim enaoieu mm not only to discover land and water, ( but clouds, trees, verdure, rocks and even animals, mil into animals. Hut like' Lobinson Crusoe, Gullivers Travels, and the Kueker Caucus, lt turns out to he a consummate out to be a consummate humbug. Such an attempt to m()nt,s, ml unforeseen circum-! person had been engaged through impose upon the credulity ol the stancPS prevented his return until j the day in distributing papers fa-public--such a prostitution of the lc 4l,, of jnlv ,S35. During! vorabfe to the abolition cause, press merit ine seveiesa lepre- liension. halflSrh Star. ivT . i f ' v c IV 1 1 r-lio'7 1 iu(innil I nuripr nt . the 14th ultimo' furnishes lhe f0j. !nwW intelligence relative to the lowing intelligence relative to the purchase of Texas by United States Government. Is it true: Cannot the Washington papers give us some light upon the sub- jectr "We mentioned a few weeks ago, that there was a rumour a- broad ihat a treaty was in Wash ington, between the United Slates and Mexico, by which Texas w as ceded lo the former. Our infor mation now is such as to leave us but little doubt of the fact. To avoid all constitutional questions as to the right to purchase, the following plan, we understand, has been adopted: as the line be tween Mexico and the United States, has never been run by the authority of the two governments, and, of course is still unsettled, to avoid ail expense and controversy hereafter, for a certain payment in money lo be made to the Mexi- can government, by the Unite States, it is agreed that the Ki del Norte shall be the dividing granted, they proceeded and bu in a hurry now ried tln-w. Theinhabitanls seem- Our correspondent says, the neo- ! pie in that section are in the ut- SPat(.,1 t,xerv 6ral-waid otl the M:,susimii; CTThe Presln terian Clergy of South Carolina and Georgia! - ....... unanimousl v, That in the opinion ,le holders, and the preat princi-! . ofom. po!ilica institutions." (TTlnJan. 1817, Harry Rock- tln rc,i.w !v:t.ic. .. .... al ,:asl , am()lo; ronn , ISj(J ,ot.U.0j st;iiu,(j for sa vau ... ...j;.,,. . lllU,mrm,r , i,e crme G ! 11(111, lllll lining js absencej hU wife obtained a ' and was attending a meeting of Li:... .r..t h.nrnml mwl . lwJP.!n,.Lcm C.,K..rl,cnril.K i'iln.p I I I I v i . . , ,"1 im itv-n, iiiivi H - ! husband died in IS.jI: On the arrival i . nu' nc i. aaer an absence of more than 1 0 years, he! fwunl ,,,s u ,le m ,,,e sa,ne l,ol'se! where he left her: And in a few days after he was formally re married to her. TAn aged lady of the interior of the State of New York, has been prosecuted for knocking' down the village parson. The Amci7m5;ni nml the Laredemon- ian were engaged in a "free dis cussion," about the literal inter pretation of the 1st chap. Romans, and as they could not agree, they went at it "hammer and tongs." The parson was floored, and the matron was put in the bilboes. So much for "free discussion." CCr'Mademoiselle Celeste is a gain attracting brilliant ami over flowing houses at the Tremont Theatre, Boston. In less than eight mouths, she has received for her services over thirty-five housaud dollars. This, with her coming engagements in New Vork, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, and New Orleans, ill most probably yield her, in one year, the extraordinary sum of fifty thousand dollars. All. her five thousand dollars cash, and two half clear benefits, lor four successive weeks. Important. The newly invent ed portable rail .road, by Mr. Lewis Gomperts, makes some sen sation. It consists of eight straight bars tnovablyjoiutea by an axis to each other to as to envelope the wheel, forming a polygon around it, the wheel roll ing within, while each comes suc cessively to the ground, the poly gon constantly cuanging its shape as it goes, il miiM lluielore be a little longer to contain the wheel properly, so that il can admit three feel at a time to touch the ground. Jigt of Improvement Cvre.for a broken JStck!! Dr. Harrison, of London, has published a letter iu the Lancet, in vihich he states, that 'more than 30 years since, on taking my evening walk, 1 heard cries of help, at a short dis tance. I ran to the spot, and saw a man lying on "the ground. A horse was standing near, and the by-standers said the man had just fallen and broken his neck. He was, apparently, quite dead. 1 placed my knees against his shoulders, and grasping his chine and the back of the head firmly between my hands, proceeded to stretch his neck with all my strength. The patient immedi ately moved his bmb; in two or three minutes raised himself from the ground, stared vacantly, re- j mounted his horse and rode home, i a distance of nine miles." The j Doctor mentions two i Glances, in which life has other in- been re- stored by the same means, under ! similar circumstances. In on of ; the cases meniioned, dislocation ! was produced by a lady. We can see no reason why thi- I . .. to occur upon the dislocation of events, the experiment is worthy of a trial, which any one should have presence of mind enough to give, if occasion offer. Princeton. JY. J. Aug. 28. Our town last evening: was some- what Meiterf bv the renort that a l,ll(l.IJiniln,OVJUUIyJulnn - "J'ilAv. .at that time. About 7 o'clock a collection of persons proceeded lo the House " here the meeting was held, and requested the person (who calls himself Silas Tripp,) lo come out, which, after some altercation, he did, and gaye up his papers, Sic. ' they offered him no violence escorted him through a part of the town, with various expressions j in reference to Lynch Law, tar and feathers. &C. Thev cmirr ana learners, occ. cc. i nev con ducted him to the west end of the town, and upon his earnest solicit ation not to injure him, and pro mises not to be engaged here iu the like business again, they let him go without inflicting any in jury on him. He stated that he was an agent for the Philanthropist, Liberator, he. copies of which he had in his possession, together w ilh copies of the "Anti-Slavery Record," with Arthur Tappan's name written r on the cover. We rejoice for the credit of our borough that nothing more seiiou?; was attempted, this btiug i lie iirst ebullition of publick fteling on this subject. There was so little noise mafic, thai though our office is vtry near where they passed, we heaio noth ing of the ti abaction until itwas ovtr.- IVlng. Shocking Murder We Iim c various veibal at counts ol a iik si fiendish outrage committee jn Randolph, in Orange county,, a few days since, all of which concur substantially in the follow ing par ticulars: A Mr. Peake, between twenty and thirty years, of age, who resided with his father, an elderly gentlemen, in low circum stances, was engaged to a young lady in the vicinity, and was to have been married in a few days. His mother-in-law was oppoied lo the union, and the contemplated residence of the couple widi the young man's parents. One morn ing last week the old lady got breakfast for the family, the prin cipal dish of. which consisted of "hash." Her husband, hi s son and two daughters, eat of it, the son quite freely; and soon after they all became sick. The young man complained first, when the old lady, anxious to ensure the work of destruction, advised, hint to take some pearlash and water, which she prepared for him. On taking the tumbler, be raised it to his nose, and told her it had the same smell as the "hash" he had just eat, and he suspected it was poisonous. Refusing to drink the infernal decoction, she asked for the tumbler; but he was deter mined to hold on to it, and sent for a physician. On his arrival it was soon ascertained that the hash and water in the tumbler, were highly charged with arsenic. The young man grew worse rap idly , and finding that he could not be relieved, made his will, be queathing all his property (about $"1500) to his intended wife, and lied before night. It is said that the old gentleman has since -died, and the recovery of one of the girls was considered doubtful. On beitig arrested and examined, Mrs. P. confessed her crime, and w as committed to jail for trial in December. Such horrible atro cities occur but rarely in our. state. fVordstocc Vt.) Courier. Poughheepsie. Horrible by a gentleman just from Fishkill, we learn that Mr. Chancey Weeks and family, (six iu all) have been poisoned. Two of the children are dead. Mr. Weeks and two females are not expected to sur vive, borne hopes are entertain ed that one of the children may recover. Our informant states that ar senic was detected in the tea ot which the family partook on Wed nesday, and that a colored man in the employ of Mr. Weeks, has been arrested as the perpetrator of the cr ime. JY. 1". Branch. Trouble in Haverhill. Last evening (Sunday) Mr. May, th abolitionist lecturer, attempted to hold forth in Haverhill, Mass. At the hour of assembling, the meeting house was filled with numbers of both sexes, and the lecturer commenced his discourse when a volley of stones and light ed fire crackers were showered through the windows into the pul pit and upon the congregation, who immediately dispersed. A piece of ordinance w as bought upon the spot, probably to. fright en the congregation. Hriggs's Bulletin. Warlike preparation. The le gislature of Ohio has voted $300, 000 for the exnense of war. The territorial council of Michigan I o i rv rrf

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