)mimarmerm9i3r. mm Ljy mi LATE II VMOM KUKOPK. An arrival at loston ml one at New York, brings Kurnpean accounts as lute as the 14lh oi Au gnst. Accounts frrtni Madrid state that it had been resolved in a council of Ministers that the Gov ernment should publicly dispose of nine hundred convents, the proceeds to be applied to the re demption of the debt, without in terest. it is said the assassin Fiescbi, is the very same person recently employed by the Parisian police, to watch the movements ot the Duchess of Berri. The woman, Petit, lived with Fieschi, ha 5 been arrested and also other accomplices. It is supposed she can give the most valuable information, as she pass ed the night of the 27th with him, but there are no proofs of an ex tended conspiracy. The assassin himself is found to be not one of those moody and desperate spirits which bail been conjectured, but on the contrary hail taken every possible precaution to escape and avoid detection. Not a single scrap of paper was found in his trunk. He has acknowledged a little time before the King ar- ficed by the infuriated animal, who rushed upon him, but the bull's attention was distracted to so many points that he escaped unhurt. At length the bull was despatched, and was bound .with'. the rope which had been cut at the commencement. .Many of the orderlv spectators had retired, and now the rioters were permitted to proceed in their w ork of des truction. The principal seats were soon in pices, and property to the value of upwards of 7000 dollars was wantonly destroyed. The Lull, now in possession of the populace, was dragged in triumph through the stieets amid the shouts of assembled thousands. It was soon obvious that there was some ulterior plan in contempla tion, of the certainty of w hich wc were soon convinced. The cries of (A!s Convents, a S:in Francesch, als earmelites!' 'To the Convents, to St. Francis,' to the Carmelites! were soon heard; as also 'Death to the friars!1 and in less than halt an hour, as 1 proceeded with the multitude, 1 observed that they had set fire to one of the gates of the convent of St. Francis amidst shouts of 'Viva 1 1 Libertnd: murcan!' 'Long live Liberty: kill them' (the friars.) Hfie tlit-ir progress was interrupt ed, and the tire extinguished, on its being ascertained that there was a powdrr depot in the vicini- 1 he crowd rived, his heart failed him, but he went down into the shop below j ty ot the convent and drank some can dc vie, which ow separated into various divi gave him sufficient nerve for the J sioris, mnl ench headed by lead accomplishedment of his purpose. ers, with their features disguised, Carrel, the Editor of the Na- I proceeded tow ards other convents. tio:ial, and the other Editors who Those of the Augusiin friars of were arrested on the occasion of the order of the Trinity of Car t'ie attempted assassination, have j indites, both shod and barefooted Ji.mi cm :i! lilu-rtv. of the Minims and Dominicans At a silting August 4lh, of the , were soon in flames; ami attempts Chamber of Deputies the Presi- j wen made to bum various others, dent of the council ascen led the which did not prove ?.iceestul. tribune and demanded new and Most of those which I have just extraordinary powers to preserve the country. mentioned, but particularly the mairnilicent churches of St. Au- The accounts from Paris still I gustin and St Catherine, have rehte almost exclusively to the j nothing but thebaic walls stand late attempt to assassiuuate the j '"is and the splendid libraries and Kins. A violent commotion it valuable paiatiugs have be n re will be seen has taken place at Barcelona no other event of consequence has occurred in Spain. July 29. Barcelona has been, during the 25th and part of tiie 2Gthi:ist. the theatre of grcvious disasters. On Saturday last the populace at the Plaza-de Toros, at a bull fight, commenced early to evince symptoms of disorder. It so happened that the two first bulls were of a most pacific dispo sition, and consequently afforded very little diversion. It was soon remarked that they were of a different breed to that announced in the handbills, and this circum stance was noted with marked disapprobation. By law it is prohibited to throw any thing into duced to allies. Amidst the con fusion incidental to the circum stances, and the many temptations to robbery nothing could exceed the disinterestedness of the wretches employed in this horri ble work of destruction. No money or valuables of any des cription was appropriated by the incendiaries. Sacred vessels of gold and silver, and various other costly articles as soon as found were thrown into the fire, and one individual was nigh belaboured to death for baving secreted a silk pocket handkerchief. The most horrible part of my narrative is ytt to be related. The populace was not content with the destruction of property. The wretches thirsted for human the arena which may disturb the ! blood, and 1 regret to say they proceedings of the taureadores i obtained it. Nearly four-score or bull fighters, but when the third Lull was let loose, and it was ob served he would not rudi on the defenceless friars have been inhu manly butchered, and well it was that the rest escaped, owing to the horses as is customary, the assem- : powerful exertions of the artillery bly became outrageous. A few corps and to some well-intentioned missiles were hurled into the are- j amongst the volunteers, for many na, and the universal cry was to of these, disguised, co-operated have the bull sent away. This with the populace. Various were was complied with by the presid- j the manners in w hich they des ing authorities, but when the next patched the unfortunate wretches, bull proved equally pacific, the Few, very few, met instant death, fury of the populace broke out in Some were burnt in the convents, a most fearful manner. Such i some poinarded and many beaten dreadful yells and deafening hoot- ! to death with slicks and stones, ings have seldom been heard, as Of the few that still linger in the there must have been at least 10,- hospitals there are some with 000 person present. , morc l,,1 lnjrlv UOuuds of vari- In a moment, and as if by en- ' ous descriptions. The rage of cliantment, llie uencnes were lorn : the populace was excessive on up, ihe balustrades forced out, ' Sunday morning tn find that sev and the enormously massive rope I eral hundreds of Friars had still which forms a barrier between the; escaped, and many were stabbed inner ring oi me arena ami we ; even whilst under the protection front seats was cut in various pla ces. Chairs, benches, and parts of the balustrades were now hurl ed from all parts into the plaza. The Governor immediately ap peared and endeavoured to soothe the assembled multitude, but in vain; the soldiers who accompa nied him were ordered to withdraw by the people and at once obeyed. Meanwhile the plaza was filled by ihe multitude, who set upon the unfortunate bull in every di rection. By the w ay, the "Gov ernor was very near being sacri- I 1 1. e military torce. Une poor wretch, the first victim, appealed to me and another person in whose company I was, for protection, and we used all our endeavours in his behalf, but in vain. We suc ceeded in having ,im carried to the theatre, where there was a guard of forty volunteers, but they would not protect him. He re ceived soon afterwards more than twenty wounds, and soon ceased to exist. The night of Saturday was truly dreadful- six convents on fire at the same time, the mili tary parading the streets, but per fectly passive, and with orders not to fii cou the populace; the inmates of ihe house adjoining the con vents rushing out ami removing their valuables; the villanous as sassins working the bloody deeds, the deafening vivas, as an unhap py victim fell into the fire, or perished by the knife, all formed a scene w hich battles description. There are nearly 300 frairs in the castle of Moujuck, and as ma ny more Fn the citadel and Atara zana barracks. The greater part of the Fanciscan friars made their escape through a sewer which led from the convent to .the sea, and were received by the military sta tioned at the barracks which 1 have just mentioned. The town is now somewhat tranquil, but will not, 1 fear, long continue so, as the garrison is verv weak. General hlauder arrived yes terday evening, has again left Barcelona with all his family. Canada.-h will be seen from the following remarks of the Montreal Vindicator, that already are the Canadians talking of separation from England, and an union w ilh the United Stales: ' 'Since ihe Tory newspapers dis cuss, and Tory coleries talk so freely of separation from England, and connection with the United Slates, the Vindicator may notice the subject without being charged with sedition. 'Wc have alrea'dy said that a foreign yoke, although lined with velvet, sits not easy on the necks of native born Americans, and that European bondage will be endured in America no longer linn it is convenient. We now add that the Western hemisphere is too far advanced in civilization, wealth, and population, to owe obedience to the dictates " of the antiquated Eastern world. Our spirits are roused at the thought, and we experience a feeling of de basement in reflecting thai we are the last anion-: the inhabitants of ibis continent, to declare our ca pability of governing ourselves, disenthralled from the clumsy op erations of foreign direction. The lime worn principles of an cient kingdoms correspond not with the 'fresh, the fair, the ever free? principles, that govern and control men in this bright and beautiful w orld of ihe West. E ven the emigrant of yesterday finds the vallies of the West as green, the bills as wild, and the skies as bright as those that adorn ed his native land. An affection for Europe has in a great measure ceased to be natural feeling. Why indeed should the children of A merica regard the soil or the flags of Europe with anymore affection ihat the children of Eu rope regard ihe soil of ihe eastern most parts of Asia. The march of the world is Westward. 'We speak of this subject not as one connected with the present politic:, of the day but as an event that appears approaching iu the course of human affairs.' Come, "stand up to the rack, fod-1 der, or no fodder," as your menu Davy Crockett would say, and let usjoin isue on the question, "Is Mr. Petiigrew "a Jackson man, or an anti-Jackson man?" W e un hesitatingly affirm that he repeat edly declared himself during the canvass, to be "a Jackson man." No marucucres take the other part of the question, if ycu please, but treat it fairly. As to the "challenge" to men tion .the members of the above Convention, we think it perfectly ridiculous the Editors of the Whig say it was held in Wash ington and have begged pardon for staling that we were a-member of it, yet they challenge us to mention the members surely, the fumes of the great Whig feast, cannot yet have entirely evaporated. With regard to the important matter whether we "peddle" books, or the Whig Editors songs, we think the public would not view it either "contemptible" in us to deliver books to subscribers, nor for them to sell songs, or even to sing them through the streets, as the ballad singers of old at any rate, we have no objection to iheir trying the experiment. We underhand that no lit tie excitement and" speculation h i been produced, in the vicinity of Mr. Dcmsey Bryan's in this county, in consequence of its be ing di-ci.vered (hat several graves on bis plantation, (formerly called ihe Philips' plantation,) had been violated. The graves were those of Mr. West, an Aged lady, Polly Parmenter aged about 12 years, and John Philips aged a bout 22 the two former had been buried about ten year, the latter about six years. The remains of John Philips bad been entirely removed, excepting two small bones supposed to be of the fin gers, some of bis hair, part of the j winding sheet, and one of the stockings in which he was buired. A square hole was dug at the head of Polly Parmcnteis grave, about laige enough to gi ihe head alone of the corpse, and partly filled up and a napkin, re cognized as the one hound round her head at her death, was found at the grave. Mrs. West's grave was only paitly filled up but neither Iter's, nor Polly Parmen ter's were examined. No clue has as yet been discovered, as to ihe perpetrator of this outrage. Appointment by ihe President. John S. Horner, of Virginia, Secretary of the Territory of Michigan, Charles Shaler having declined the appointment. We learn that Mr. Horner has accepted the above mentioned ap pointment, and that he is now on his way to Detroit. Globe. SATURDAY, SEPT. 26, 1335. CTOur neighbors of the Wash ington Whig, have made the amende honorable in regard to their misrepresentation that we were a member of the Van Buren Convention, said to have been held in that town but refer us "to the articles which have ap peared in this paper since the elec tion, where Mr. Petiigrew is rep resented as a Jackson man," for proof that we have practiced "ma nojuvres" to cover our defeat. Now, if we mistake not, we can dissipate the visions of "glory," which have of late disturbed the imaginations of the worthy Edi tors of the Whig, as readily as we checked their flights of fancy. are subject to all the penalties o' the Ijw en icted by ihe Southern . i . ... . i . : . Mates to prevent jne cucuiauon of papers inciting the daves to in surn clioii, if they dull, knowing their .contents hand them ou.. Such, at least, is the opinion ol some, if not all, of the soundest lawyer and best statesmen of ihU quarter." The Cotton Crop. A gentle man from Marion District, S. C. informs us that the Cotton Crops were never more 'promising than at piemen'. In ili&dssippi, it is estimated ihat the crops will amount to 250,000 bales. In Alabama, though there are apprehensions of injury to the crop--, it is said that ihe cultiva tion has extended so much, that ihe crop will be 50,000 bales mote than last year. The country .is very sickly this summer. Fevers very prevalent and of an ajrgrava ted'eharacter. Fayelleville Obs. UepubUcmi umiinmi,,n FOR 1hKmiHXt MAUTIN VAN' iUJiUix',,., FOR VICK PUKMDl-vr UIOIIAKD M. JOUXsox ''(i . Prices CimTuT .7 Tarhonr and AV. , fcKl'T. HI. lincon, .r It.. Ohio and Michigan. The Na tional Intelligencer, of Saturday says: "It gives us great pleasure to be able to state that the crisis which seemed so lately to threaten actual bloodshed between the cit izens of Ohio and those of Michi gan, has passed off peaceably, and I that all fears of collision between them may be dismissed, for the present at least, and we hope for ever. Letters were received in this city yesterday, stating that the troops of Michigan, (about 2000 strong,) after remaining at Toledo, in the disputed territory, for two days, without meeting with any adverse force from Ohio, or any attempt on the part of the functionaries of that State to exer cise oflicial authority, departed on the 9th inst. on their return to Detroit; and before any fresh ex citement could lead to hostilities, the new Secretary for Michigan would have arrived at Detroit, with such instructions doubtless as will prevent any further hostile movement before ihe dispute shall be adjusted by the authority of Congress or of the Judiciary." ra"'lv,njipl-.rII t-oni, linsltJ Comm, Coiion t'ajr'g y;il. Flour, siipf. I.I.I, j Iron. ! Laid, j Moliis.ees, jga It'll Sunr. brown Salt.T.t. !.tih Turpentine, J ll. Wheat, ImiI). Wliiskev, ' 1-1,1 rl H i CO 11 To ii i.) It Ml H 3 to 60 45 f,o hi. " 40 i2 f.5 r. i 31 ?j In ' IS Km ir, WW m The Post Master General sanctioned at Head Quarters. We ate glad to observe the fob lowing in ihe Washington Globe, defending Mr. Kendall from the assaults of the New York Even ing Post. It shews Ihat the President is decided in his stand for Southern rights. Hal. llr. "In justice to Mr. Kendall's views, and the propriety of the course he has adopted, as deline ated in his abused letters, there is, we believe, but one opinion here, and that is one of unqualified ap probation. It is wonderful tlui the Pom should be so far deluded as to suppose ihat Mr. Kendall would proceed, on a question of high concern to the Administra tion to take ground and express umciaiiy important opinions, without consulting his associates in the Government, and ascer taining that his course would be approved by the President. . "The only doubt here, is, since the question has been inves tigated or discussed, whet hoc he might not have srone further, an. i aid to the Post Musters that they ' Garrison and Thompson. The Boston Dailv Advertiser of Satur day says: We understand that a will not fail to Sliiht ebullition of ll,P nnnnlnrl bUl pUhascr , o - - r-r leelmg towards these reformers was exhibited in this city on Thursday night. Mr. Thompson arrived in town in the evening, and lodged at the house of Air. Garrison, in Brighton st. On the next day it was found that a gal lows had been erected during the night, opposite the door of the house, with two ropes suspended therefrom. On the cross bar was an inscription, Judge Lynch's Law. When the fact came to the know ledge of the municipal au thorities, it was ordered to be tak en dow n. We hope that the au thors of this proceeding will con tent themselves with this hint, and that they will not attempt to rival the acts of violence which have been witnessed in some other parts of the country. Duels A gentleman who has just arrived from Rio Janeiro, in forms us ihat while the Peacock lay there, no less than three duels were fought between the Midship men attached to her. One of the lads was shot through the lungs and killed, another had a leg fractured. All this among friends. One of the battles had its origin in a pea jacket. One said goodna turedly, "Tom that is my pea jacket you have on." The other replied with equal good nature "you lie, it is my pea jacket.'' The jokes were pushed on until the parties became angry, and then upon the honor of gentlemen, iney must light, and one of them inconsequence was dressed in a winding sheet instead of a nei jacket. An awful responibilitv rests on those superior officers who permit the boys placed under their guardianship to murder each other thus. JST . Y. Jour. Commerce. COMMUNICATED. ;I7-The Rev. Messrs. Jdams and Holland are expected to preach in the Old Church in this plaCe on Thursday nexMhe 1st of October on Friday, the 2d, at Cross Roaxls Toi.OUNTUY MKIiillAMs Boots, Shoes, and I'eivce cj Co WOULD now respectfully j,,viie those Mtieb;i;is W,a a if in ilw l,i i i "' "i JHU I'll, with convenience purchase iliv goods in Peterui- t0 culU; examine their oek of Hoots, SJwl's, ami i,,.J( Previous to purchasing elseivl.er, They fluter ihemxdv'es t tn v w now be able to accummtidaie anj pleae almot every one with both article' and price. As ;i .r!e;lt ,,, ny of their guodsare manuljeb. rd in their own Factory aitrjt North, under the immediate cir cumspection ot one of the par. net ?, and the balance of theirici purchased by another parintrw!;o has pent two mouths auior:-: manufactures of diflereiit seetiuV of ihe country, and has endeavci ed to make such a selection ; ! goods'as we think cannot and here nit and picas and consumer. And now, after bavins; bid it with the utmo-jt care, direct Irocj the manufacturer, and :s cheap i the cheapest, a fieh :u;d extern: assortment of goods well adap' to the coming season, ueon as sure these mtichan?, eneands. who may favor us iviih a e.iil.i.V: we shall ue cur best endearc to make it to their aiJiMnt.??. Wt can and will sell tlem x) goods in our line quite : low i theyc an be purchased inN'ju W or any other put rl '.In: ron:,' by the ame quantity; nr3 commodalioiis for juynut.l J be as good as any. We invite dealer iuiivi;n:; alcly to call in and exai:iim,f stock and prices, asnriesT ''K that wc ?hall take much pipp in exhibiting our goods, while '- purchase will heal iSierr p-o Hustings, I'circe k l Petersburg, Va. Sep;. 2;'. e l- 825 Reward. LKFT mjcjs? Nah co u niy i my gro boy About IS or 19 years rW.; l'uui ii.rh vimit and if',,c IU I IMpl'f and yellow complected. 81 of bis fore finger i 1"" from a cut thrmig'i This boy I purcha" Wilson. Pitt county. be will probably nke nacl; where he ua tuny All persons are harboring said boy, a. tprs f vpspIs. under ihe tf1-' penalty of the law, 1 ,n'i have him. JIis rooinei , v;i, on. I his Wl'?r hi Tu-nlhpr. .IS I Wl 1 Any person who will "!.' ?nid bov :ind c ommit lit"1 .so that I get hi m ?!,"1,f'J:;: ecive Ihe above rewarl-'v me Know at Warrento". Carolina. ,vrf jnnx G. Sept. IS. 1S35. hi-' II) '' ' it :i9 i . iif-V Constables' lUmf at tu i s err-1. N tl w hs m in 1 X an tin am for inr an; lie am att i vvh 7? rail by abd 28 feet the3 ther t J u delp tbei is Sho HU. I P :