SATURDAY, OCT. 10, 18.15. CyThe Washington Whig re plies as follows to our invitation to Join issue on t li e question, "Is Mr. Pettigrew a Jjckscn man, or an anti-Jackson man?" "We have already told the Edi tor of the "Tarboro' Press" hw far Mr. Pettigrew is a "Jackson man," viz: that lie will support General Jackson when he is right; but that he is opposed to all tiie prominent acts of his administra tion. His votes in the next Con gress will decide. As to the mer its of our ''songs" and his 'ser mons," we propose, that our brother come to Washington and preach one of thi-m--say the "M.mse Trap," and we will sing our "song1 and the public shall decide which is best. We leave the appointment to him, and we will ropy it in our paper." Wonderful ! this is the manner in which our direct and unequivo cal assertion that Mr. Pettigrew repeatedly declared himself to be "a Jackson man," is met by thrjse who ventured to charge us with practising manocuzres to convey the impression that he is a Jackson man. We were satisfied that the Editors of the Whig would not hazard a contrary assertion, and we therefore unhesitatingly bro't them to the rack. We believe that there is not now, and we trust there never will be, any person holding the dignified and import ant station of a member of Con gress, who will support this or any other Administration "right or wrong. " If Mr. Petligrew sup ports (Jen. Jackson when he is right, ve know we speak the sen timents of the Republicans in this part of the district when we say, J that is all they ask of him. j wo lo ! consummation. Gen- Rut it teems the Lditors of the, xWmcn f rapilal hereabouts, in u'i,: . it r.i i whose sound judgment and om it nig are as regardless ol the code . r if i . dent forecast, the public have the ot chiva by in tiieir c ha enges, as ... ri . i ' i utmost confidence, are determined they arc of truth in their flights ufl to emwk spiritedly in the enter fancy. Agreeably to modern j prise provided suitable amend usage, the challenged party has , ments in the charter can be rficct thc right to name time, place, and tM- an,l a up cannot permit weapons partially availing our-1 "rs,J,vt,s lo ,,ou,)l ll,at wis" selvts of this right, we will (le. '1' the Legislature w ill readi- . . . - . My grant the desired alterations, we signate the last doy of the present . . . i . mav venture to congratulate the year for them to meet us at the , cl7iUS of ,ie State and especial Court House in this place, and we Jy of this city, on the prospect of a as-ure them that after they have J sung one of their ''songs" in a happy style, we will pive them such a lecture upon the impropri PlV III fflitnrc iriiiim. tl...'. ... I I , , - . . ers lancy sketches for sober truths, as will probably induce them to ! j r. y wn.u itiui . turn over a new leaf the coming j year at any rate, it assuredly will be far more advantageous to them than auv sermon thev r.mlil elei-t. In the n.enn.I,,,,. , , ... ' ! " - - .... . ... ... luuinildll ing their "manu; avres, ... 1 Ul'l the Editors of the Whig a friend ly farewell ! C7This is the week for Wake Superior Court, but we regret to stale that his Honor, Judge Sea well, is so seriously indisposed, with a violent bilious attack, as to render it certain, that he w ill be unable lo hold the Term. There was no Court, last week, in Johns ton county, the Judge being too unwell to reach there. Ral. Rar. o Revenue of the State. We un derstand that every Sheriff in tlie settled his Public Accounts with the proper OTicers, the pres ent year, within the lime prescrib ed by Uw.-ib. r.narc, Meiinps continue to '' hlthrnuuhout the State on the sullen of, he Norihern fana tics. Since our last We perceive that the people of Reaufoi t and Sampson counties have been mov ing. ib. Singular law casc. case was recently tried in the county court of Brooks, Virg. in which the parties were C Truesdell vs. R. M'Comu ll and wife: the defen dant resisted the payment of a note given by his wife previous to marriage, on the plea of lunacy; and the jury found a verdict in his favor, the evidence having gone to prove the lady a lunatic before marriage. The lawyers were unable, in all their research es, find any precedent, to meet this novel case. lial. Standard. Lewis Tappan has addressed ati insulting letter to the Commit tee of Vigilance at Charleston, S: C. in which he tells them that in July the Abolition Society issued 175,000 copies of their incendiary papers and pamphlets, only I- 175th part of which were des troyed at Charleston; and that "the rest are accomplishing the designs intended throughout the United Stall's;" that they will per severe at all hazards; and that the proceedings at Charleston and Richmond had produced such a great excitement in the centre of ev York, that there had been a great anti-slavery meeting held, to which the most influential per sons had united themselves; and that ineasures were on foot for establishing a gram! "New York Anti-Slavery SocietyRal. Star. Rail Roml from Raleigh to Roanoke. A charter for this en terprise it will be recollected, was granted by our Legislature two years ago but as it contained some features objectionable to capitalists, aud there being withal a great want of public spirit a mong us, it was treated with cold neglect. Rooks were not even opened to receive subscriptions aud lite charier has slept undis turbed to the present day. We are highly gratified to learn, how ever, that an effort will be made at the next Legislature to revive it by those too who have the ability the weight of character and purse to push forward the certain and speedy commencement of this important undertaking. 11 . . . in tlie mean time, the subject should be thoroughly examined by those most deeply interested rii, ii . . 1 ue ixcisier proposes a puhiic ,neeti, j(iring '(e ofV,ke Superior Court: and it affords us pleasure to learn that the people are becoming alive to the impor- 1 ta,ice ' sueli a movement. b. 1 ipwreckJme lives lost. The ship Jacob Perkins. Cant Sbool' which arrived this morn ; .""w lilt 1 iiitr frum I rniut:u I th-it.m lln. 22d inst. Cape Cod, Wr. S. VV. 55 miles, fell in with the wreck of the brig Washington, Rider, hence lor Cadiz, keel up, having been upset 111 a squall the night pre vious, 12 hours out took from the keel one of the crew, a Scotch, man, with an American protec txm, purporting to be Joseph HosKins, the only survivor. The names of the officers and cre'wj as P?r the Custom House list, were: Wm. Kider, master; Jacob M. G. louer mate, of Bedford, N. II. aged 2S; Abel Gould, 2d mate, of Lisbon, Me. 27; Josenh Online (the Scotchman, saved;) Uenj. S. I laven, Portsmouth, N. C. 17 Lnoch Freeman, Providence 0 Wm K. Uichardso,,, Pawtucket! 10; Henry Dennison, New York M; Kmanuel Lopes, (apprentice) Malaga; and Peter Smith. Tlie brig was a new vessel, 170 tons, on her first voyage, built at Wash- iugton, N. C. had a cargo of staves, and was owned by Messrs. Win. Gray, of this city, and Charles Moules, of Washington, N. C. Insured at the Warren office for $0,800, and at the Fish ing for $-1,000. Boston Trans. A producer. Co. Thos. II. Moachum, of Richland, Otsego co. in this state, made a cheese weighing fourteen hundred pounds, which he intends to pre sent lo the President of the United States, lie had also made sever al weighing eight hundred pounds each. jY. Y. Star. Counterfeit notes on the Rauk of the Valley are in circula tion. The Clarksburg paper states that a $20 counterfeit note on that Rank was lately received in that town. It purported to be payable at Winchester, letter H. anil was dated Nov. 23, 1633. It was badly executed. Pet. Inti Purchase oj Texas. We stated, some days ago, on the authority of a Nat hez paper, that a treaty between this country and Mexico was in progress, by which Texas would be annexed to the United States. In relation to tins sub- ipr. thp Alevnodria Gazette re-, marks, that "great curiosity ex ists throughout the country lo know the views of the Administra tion relative to the expediency of annexing Texas to the territory of the United States, and even, as to the fact, whether negotiations on the subject have not been com menced between Mexico aud our government. It is generally be lieved that the President is w irm ly in favor of the purchase and :t is thought he is desirous of arrang ing the matter during his. term of office." ib. fXThe celebrated horse -clipse Lightfool, which was re cently sold to Mr. Mark R. Cockrell, of Tenn. for .$12,000, died in Nashville on the lGih ult. Auful Shipwreck. The Lim erick Chronicle states that the .Monarch of Liverpool, on her way to New York, was recently wrecked when under the com maud of the mate, who nas in a siaieoi mroMLuuoii, .mu ui.u ui t- I l 1 rt r 'III iu soins on uoaro perisneo. IVooden Pavements. The sec tion of Broadway, near the corner of Chambers street, which his been experimentally paved by our cnterprisuifx corporation, with hexagonal blocks of hemlock wood, and then tarred and earth ed over, is now complete. To judge by the agreeable and elastic movement of the carriage and the absence of all rumbling, or jarring, or dust, w e should de cidedly give it a preference, if it prove practicable, to all other modes of paving. The blocks are about a foot in length, near half a foot diameter, set up per pendicularly, aud closely wedged together by solid curb stone, em bedded to the same depth, aud by median line of blocks running lengthways in the centre of the street, the whole structure resting on a mass of solid stone pavement beneath. As each block becomes worn another may be inserted in it's place, like the cubic plugs of stone used in the streets of Lon don and Paris. It is undoubted ly very expensive, but will not perhaps more so in the end than our present defective modes. The experimental mode in ques tion has been called Russian, on what authority precisely we are not accurately informed. A. Y.Star. Revolution at Para. On the night of the 14th August, the na tives made an attack on Para, a City of Brazil, ami succeeded in taking it on tlie 23d, and made a general massacre of all the w hite inhabitants they could get at, the majority of which had taken boats ami went lo the shipping on the lirst alarm. Magnificent. His Iajesty, William the Fourth, lately receiv ed, as presents from the King of Oude Vs. I. various articles to the value of S0,000. The principal articles are, a bedstead and table, of solid gold, and two chairs of solid silver, both richly caed and ornamented; two elephants, male and female, eleven years old; iwo Arabian horses, and two dwarf buffaloes of the size of the common pig, beautiful creatures, and as a curiosity unique. . Republican Xominulion. FOK PRESIDENT, MARTIN VAN liUUKN, of N. Y. TOR VICE -PRESIDENT, RICHARD M. JOHNSON, of Ky MARRIED, In this place, on Thursday rvenini; last, by Henry Austin, Mr Thomas Jenkins to Miss Eliza Eihc rulge. In this county, on Saturday even ing last, by Henry Austin, lwj. Mr. Cnlltn Milton, lale of Georgia, to Miss Milbrxj Cay, daughter ot" Mr. Richard (Jay. DIED, In tins county, on the 1st inst. iir. oron Cherry, Anaged and highly n-spectcd c it izt n. V rices Current, At Tarhnrif and New York. OCT. 5. i t , Tttrburo'. Xew York. Baco.i, lt. j 10 12 10 11 i;-esHi, lb. IS i!0 . VJ HO llrai ilv,t!.pW- fulfil 00 TO -10 4 CoilVc', Ib. li 10 lo V.i Coin, bosh. To 5 85 H7i Cut ion, Ib. li lO.j 10 1U ("open ta'g- yard. L'O ' 'J" 21 2S Flour, supf. " 1.11. ;u T5i 0oO C.V) Iron, .lb. -ti ; A I I.iii.l, lb. ! 10 Dj 11 Mnlasses, gnll" 4" r 1r, brown, lb. lo 7i I" Mill, T.I. .biiob CO 0" to 4'.S l nrpnliiif , lll . 2"o 27"i lil't liU ( l, i, i.iii.. bO lo lo. 125 V List . ' M. Ao r.o 27 2S Ire stubborn things. The. Cheap Cash Store lo be con tinned hi Tarlmro''. . ::- Jamcs Wcdddl, II.WJMJ abandoned I he idea ol mi.viiiir In ihft Wi'sl. hs flil, dc,lirmilied on makine Tar horo' his permanent place ot M deuce, and is now ai the xSorui laying in a hrrc Supply of Goods, W'hich he flatters himself will al together excel any of his former stocks in poi 11 1 ot VAIUETY, (indity and Cheapness. His Iriends and the public in gc netal may rest assured that every exertion on his part shall he used to insure a continuance of the ex tensive patronage he has hitherto recejved. Saturday, 10th Oct.-1835. JYotice. rjMIR Trustees of the Nashville Male and Female Academies will continue lo receive proposi tions from such as are disposed to take charge ol those institutions for the ensuing year, until the 1st of December next. Communica tions addressed to the Secretary, post paid, will be promptly at tended to. This notice is directed to be published in the Warrenlon Re porter and 'Tarboro' Press for six vv eks. By order of the Board, II. -BLOUNT, Sec'ij. Nashville, No. ('a. 5th Oct. 1S35.S N. B. For the information of applicants the Secretary thinks proper to remark, that It is the wish ol the Truiees to avoid re sponsihilily desirous that the patronage of ihe Schools should depend solely on the merits of the Teachers,. Just Published, And for sale at this Oflice, MOUSE, Trying to gnaw out of the CATHOLIC TRAP. Kv Joshua Lawrence. Price 10 cents single, or Si per dozen. bept. 1S35. Dissolution. .. . i.:.. I i. C. exiim,r between the Suuscn hers, under the firm ol Mttrtin & Hragg, Ceases this day by limitation. Person having claims against s iid concern will present them ifor payment, and all those indebt ed are requested lo seme tneir acqounls by.Rond or otherwise without delay, as a speedy settle ment of the business is desirous. Either of the partners are au thorised to receive and gra'.t dis ebarges of the debts due the con cern. Ar M. MARTIN. D. IV. BRAGG. Petersburg, Oct.-5. 1835. 41 4 Copartnership. XT ATI PL iM. MARTIN hav L in0 assoeiated with him DA VID DONNA N, Jr. will contin ue the. Commission and Grocery business at the old Stand, under the firm of JV. .1. .Martin & Donnnn. Their best exertions will be used to give entire satisfaction to those wh may employ them. NATIVL M. MARTIN. DAVID DON NAN, Jr. Petersburg, Oct. G, 1S35. . Nnlh'l M. Martin returns bis thanks to his friend lor their ve ry liberal encouragement of Mar tin cS Tragr and hopes by nrnmnl nlteiilmn lo merit :i poi.- I 1 . . . tinuation of the sime in his new business. 4110 JYotice. ALL Cotton inten ded for the Subscri bers, will be if-ceivel by their Agents at. Hal i fa x. M essrs. llalliduy $ Mar shall. Tree of expense to the ow ners. Their arrangements for sending tlie proceeds of sales to their cos tomers, will insure the receipt of th same when sales are rendered. They will keep constantly on hand a supply of Cotton Dairging and Bale Rope, which will be sold as low as can bo afforded. Cotton consigned to Mr. IV. II. IVills, at Halifax, will be re ceived as above slated, free -of ex pense to the owners. A". M. Martin S Donnnn. PlMi.rJx.jrr, On. 7. ! M.T jf'Virc cents IZcward. K.N A WAY Iromthe Subscriber, on the 5lh inst. an indented mulatto hoy named IVhitmel Anderson. About 15 or 16 years old, very bright complexion, and has a htrge scar across the right hand. It is supposed that he is lurking about Col. Joshua Pentler's mill in Cq neloe, where his connexions le side. The above reward will he given for the apprehension and delivery cf said boy to me in Edgecombe county. All persons are" forbid harboring, employing, or carrying oil said boy under penalty of the law. IWRREL DUNN. . Oct. 7, 1S35. 41 em. T til VI LEFT my camp in Nash county, my ne gro boy DECATUR, About IS or 19 years old, about six feel high, strait and slender, and yellow complected, and one of his fore fingers is stiff, caused from a cut through the joint. This boy I purchased of Lewis Wilson, Pift county, and where he will probably make his way back where he was brought from. All persons are forewarned from harboring said boy, and all mas ters of vesseh, under the severest penally of the law, as I intend to 4 have him. His mother lives with said Wilson, and his father with his brother, as I am informed. Any person who will apprehend said boy and commit him to jail, o that 1 get him again, shall re' ceive the above reward and le?. me know at Warrenlon, North Carolina. JOHN G. YANCEY Sept. IS. 1S35. 39 Post Offln, 1 t) enable me i0 ,.., , y a lite refpisition cf u. p ' v' ler Gem-ral, 1 hall COUNT FOR POTAGKalV, tj ' of October, e.rccptf,ir A,t depusite al ltc commence "" of each fjuarler, I he pr1 mount of jmlase VQCn' therein. Thus,; w;l() (Ji) comply with the Mun invini cuiiiu i j i upiirc't with money; lor in no C3l' rii viation be expcc.'ed. 'if J. R. LLOYD, pm J7i Truboro,' Si pt. .o, ix;- " List of Ltliri's . . at Tar borough I hi , l o JO, ICUiCll 1J nfjf f(lJ. mil be sent in ,,. Cei,(rc'i ost OJice as thud letters. Anderson .lo-L Hani H iz.j, Anderson Thos Lawrence iiV J Allen Itandal Lawrenci-&brJ Hoag Win Kniht Jessef" liradley David Kea John Hyuum Tur?r ii Mooring Vm Bryant Demspy Norcroj. l)n'n Bullock Jos K 3 Owens Bullock Ed win Pet way U'm I) Brooks II VV Petwny Mir.j,!, Be.lford S M Pin Joab p ' Callehnm Y Pncc V,,i ChiipeatiwK Mrs Paiku- J(,h Child Samuel KiclianU I) 2 Cobb William Iia trier Vm Cosway Oreen'y Singlelary Ilvj Clark Wm Sen Staton Siin J ChealhnmVmK2ShirK Carney li Mrs S:aion IawcIh, r . M ....nw n- i j '.'"".....Mioum,ltl un,y j i7o wiling ,jas oen runty I'enins Dugirin John Slae Ant Evans Peter 'I lumpen Wm Everitt Sihis Ta lot Keni.tiii Garrett John Taylor Klc Garrett .las .J Y;m Tliom.i Garrett William Warren U)Am Green Enos Word Iloseni Gregory .M Mr "2 Wilkinson Ilrj Gardner Davit! Whitley SC Harper Stephen Wall I)orev Hines Richards Woodman. MM- Heart Robt I) Wims Vr, ! Hicks Zachaiiab WilerlWd Ibnl Howard WiNon Wilkins Willis Ilyman William Watkin-Law'e Hammonds K G Weddell R. LLOYD, P.M. S3 Si 6: 50. PROPOSALS, For publishing in the tnmi of'Tarhm;'. j X. C. a semi-monthly payer, enli'.hi The Primitive KapHtl EDITtD BY MA UK BKSNETT. Printed and Published ly Ceo. llxvl 'IHIS Diiblicalion h nrmcipiilly lo !pl'eiul llieolil sriiooM'ni'etl Bapnv1 from llieman imperii' u c-i up by .1.1'i.lcd persons pronging faith, because they earnim onsfi-n'i Iv etiqiige in Ue various nitMifv-mai schemes of Ihe lay, osieti'-tv ii.!fii' promote Cl.risiiaiiiiv. hut evi'l''"lv 1 5 ing to destroy tiie C-at ami limda"'1 principles upon whkh it is IjasnJ. Iyn . in? a gain of godl'mf ss. W' i'' 10 ut' f it ilistincilv iin.l-i stood, !h;il e a'f y inimical lo'Masonrv, IVmperancp. I-' trib.ition of the Bible, .r ihe snrraii (;o-nl but we do cominnn ihf m 01 proiesois alio imn-' gion insocielies. and the inskinsa" of n ligious maiters, in every sN " form whatsoever. ; Believing that Tliro'ogicat Siby bte. Miionarv, Tract, a..l Sumwy 5- ... . - " ..... in Pf'lf . Union Societies, are me " ' ivor nmre than of "good will towards opposed to 'hem. i Some of the children of C.o.l.'i" with, and iiite npersrd aiimn?-11-.1 ,, cates of 1 isMonary and ot'.in ofie'f; denied the happiness of conw", those of Ihe same judgment. Di''''' grieved with beholding coirnp""'1" J Gospel, are not able to speak ' r selves. This is designed. . their relief. We shill ai"' '10' ,".B,; please the fancy, as to inf-"i" ,i,,J J ',. more to afford innMer I t s"1"".., ing comfort than to givr- a "l0 ' ; glow to the feelioss. We r' .. the cause of truth and of ( ll,,""f" - . T-v I., .mm P??" is our caue. nrrpi i belief that the blessm? even l f. tloa.l il tllP (.'lllllCll, r(". spIvpc iinnn flim. and send ,, . abroad, praying Ihe Lo. d t cr some joy 10 ino - -and aliittereslioihosettlae f The Primitive flaitixt h j1l , lished in super-royal ocW'O A , 16 pages, on the second ( Saturdays in each niont I), ... j cing in january nrxt at ,?'t cf ; J per year, payable on rcffV 1 first number. Six coM )s " 1 ' to ont? Post-OIBce or ndgu JW" Five Dollars. , f,yf.-'l Communications must , f and directed to the Pt!''" ,,;'. srEditorsintheSad'",.t; n favor by giving tla' a J" two insertions. Kf Persons holding li 1 itl . lib to Geo. Howard, the middle of December October 3, 1 Sii-

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