1 i I it t 1 !' i', - ! i .1 M i- :f- C j v-j fv Martin Van Burnt, or m:v yhk. HicU'ird .V. Johnson, OF KEMTCKY. V? l" has f.. ieo i t!,i- 1 lot of the Ji d.r i-ned . l.:we i i.-wnted lo l!x A nici'iMii IVoj .c, n it,;.! eiuti n t f the !'" ra '!ms of tin- too named liipli.lv distinguished p;:iio ir ci: r. n. w hose con stant devotiwn u il.e .'i hiicm'i of mir Government b. led ;. ; I ir .le.-i;n.ttiou. tli TofOUXTIlY MKJi. HINTS , 10() )o,ars Reward.! kliocs, and lit Uaxlingty Ceirec a? Co. WOULD now very r' nspei'.hdly in vile ail jjiiiH tho.; r ! r roh;j ;i f who am in i he habit and can will; convenience putrhaso their ooils in IVtorsbur"", lo call and examine their stock of Hoot. Shots, and Huts, ESCAPED from the Sub scrib'T, win encamped at Ihe house of Col. A Wall, in IWkingh mi county, (N. C.) on the it i; lit of 1 lit- lOlh Mat, IS'il, a negro tn a u numcd 9 He is about 31 years M, about 5 feet 11 inches high; no mai kg recollected; had mi h hoiiiesni'n jeans long coat, and common thread ami cotton .pantaloons. John was uii chatted from Archibald Forbes, in' Pill county, near Ci ccnville . and il is probable hii rndfjiur to get back to hie saint? neif-l.boi hcod. The above reward of One Hundred Dul ;n i... ....,.! .. .. i... .. ,ii n ... . i r i . " """ v " I iriiMi io puirnasuij; l h"VIHTP. I prebend and l.tle Iho a"u. Ncgio in any They Outer themselves tliey will1 j'il, st that the Subscriber ran get him he aide to accommodate and Jlre stnhborn things. The Cheap Cash Store io be con tinued in Txrboro'. -::- Jamcs Ifhlddl, flAVlNO ahandoned I he idea -of moving to the West, has fully determined on making Tar horo' his permanent plucc of resi dence, :ind is now at the Notlh laying in a Lurge Supply of Goods, Whifh he flitters himself will al together excel any of his furmer rjplIK Sulcriher, who Cor several years p:et h??hecn M.agiil '' The Gin .Making business. In Ki.T'i es-l blisliprt oi.it.veW IS GREKNVILMJ. Where he ean ieson tl.r aliove bu- all its vai mm branches. A GRP.AT VAIUI.IY fl, ' 'wl every !esn i.-utl ((, r '" 'il4i. Sold at half the JT V'1' 2'wit Fe.b. lft3-. IsU. rr'ii i .... 1 r, v j-.i;v lllHII l.i .. ... ?,"trib.;r by .,, hlVii r' quested to call il Sei!,,,lM.""!,"n . ly as convenient. eni.r (,; Mi"'... Tin? t:slt would ! j:i,.rr,.; C":'' cannoi be had, w,Hfrt' ;, J," 1 h.. as n lesii.nony of Ihe 's ti tii. - m letb ,(.as(, :,ltn(.st every one with both thir services ie rec.ixle. I I'i'iPl.K I . , . . ,-., .viiou; tUev h,ve a c.uuii.l,.,s io, i n t" 1 1 1 ! f mid pi ice. As a great ma- the tvo li st oili e whliiu th- ;l't of a . UtE, UVI'I'Y, ai.d KLm UllllSli N A I ION Thii t'lkfii of respect gives to thr w.trkl n Idilioniil ruooK that f.ulhfut K'l vice shall not ;o ii nre warded. The object of this appeal lo ihe republi can portion ol otic lelluvv citizens, is lo oh ny of itn ir gnods are manufactur ed n Iherr own Factory at the North, under the immediate cir cum'i'.rtinn of one of the part ners and the balance ol their tock' who i i. i i 1 1 i . .... tain their co operation io the cirtul.it. on of pui cnocu i .hiouht mimu an edition of lon.Uvh) copies ol (ho j. iot i Ii is p(Mit t v o months amongst S?u r.h,'nof "iliilSI; liUliKN .v I !n,nll!;,(.Im( f dilTerent sections IvICHAKl) 41 JUIliNsL)., f 1 1 1 . i r i. f I , re- . . . 'vised ami corrected, mi hs Io be valuable to ! lf country, and lias euiieaVOf- verv lover of bis Ciuotry. and alike noo cra tU to the distinguished ctiz -ii- whom VE Tt!K PK.opiK, inlcnd till biilhei to honor, bv their elviition to 'he oilier s of t'residvMU and Vict lieiden( of tiip 1'iutc OUtes, i: tile elc- tion of lSiio Tl os ve wImII lerpeluate the principles of Jell't i "vhich have been so signally revived, no bly acted upo, mid thilmpiiwilv car rifd out by Ahurkw Ji hso.v, who, spur n;iv; ..!! llt'pry, knrw n Minns: but the 1'eopi.i:, Mi- vvu l Pk VLi.. and theii re sjjectU'e rlf fs. i e ardless ol their loitunes, w'teii.ef rich or poor; thus rendt rn Ins Samk an 1 kkn wn us d Hrtb'e as tlic k l s t it; nit !..." The ar'angenient of the oJume wi'l be ui follow.: 1 sf. 'ortwit cf.-?mrr?r.cisan. To u'hom the volume w ii h; inscsibed, "tvith an address bv tin- P.iii!il t r 'Jd. Pnrtrt'it nf M. '.'i Iinrrn, To he tnllnwcd ty I is ! rr.ip.i , enlr ed. i. i hiding several v.iiu.ti 1 document, illustrHiive of his i ddic chancier, an ! ex- ! i . Ii i i f i r the uia j cal i.iw bis g "an'ic moid vhieli )its-ei b en ' votod lo su lain i 'ie i i In s ol l is country , . .id ihe glor nod pri'tp, i ity cf h'S lei u iii ae:".4- Jd. Portrait of 11 M Johnson, To be followed by hi. Hioraphy . en!a !'e I .including' vari-i.s Jfpietlies, SinoaV M v II. Revokt. and oihr d .cuinents; i!lu. tratite of his lon continued ptddic life which has ever ln-ru devoted lo the ; -od of i.is (ountrs; including Hiiamheoiic ac ,(ini, ( of tiit- I ill nt ti e r now ned Iiiilim warrior, I k iMi:u, on ( tie er in int ra 'jb oihofOcto .t r, HKi -.viih a., ciigra v ed mc'a' -of the h ifk- ti I1. The woik will lie 'o.vr; ill our Vol :fvic of about 4'-af c. s I p.'v: to te tHe I t ll.e tnodf rate sum of O,: I hdlar, Heath booed Willi choli li.n U; o. all mid gtlt, wit.; the aJditnii il i-i(i''iis' of tnuu The w..ik. which is now in .i sl.it-- of pi t iai ti. n. shall be soch as to give i n ire iU lac ion; as it is io I e n ids . g.-m . no i v. ho have for n-ailv ! rl v viais b.-eu per-onaSly -'ml uilima'r iy -ipiaiuleu will, the pr v ate and p:. I ; life oi i;lt- above na rn d (iisii-ig ush. t ciii.ens. 'I hrt c I. Iraied a. idie-4 of the Hon Th m.s II. bent. :i ol Mis;oun, l...ini testi.;' .n t ihe I. , o ci.ai.tt tt i of .mi, Van liui n; Mod the : i nt -pe ch o i he Hon J-tmes li.ii boor, of V ii t. i-, ihe L t5. -entte, pn: l rrtj inn iii- t iit;rv ol I'ol. Jolinjioit on the firl : mid in I;..- councds ol the nation, wdl be ep ei d o in t .r ,1. As t eie is fitTio.i out i cpi.hl'cao ci'i- rt-fs, an ekteusite prpu.a:i f (ieruia orioi. tiie work wi.i aj i'v.tr -nnulianeous-' ly so b th Ihe L-iglisli rtild tn. Grniaii lan gn.i?e. It v ill, m-reio. e, be i:ecessarv for siibsriib-rs vai.j wiii io hate 'he woik in the Ger oii lo jjgiiuy tue same; on the Subset iotiou bo'.k. It wil'. in .r Jer to give prompt and ex tensive circuviliou to the woik, b indis p-nsable for a. I subset ibers lo pay at the Unit uf subscribing & money i ,- ni a proper time iot warded wiih the ho t msj- natuies to the publishing committee Which will be doty made known by a no lice in the Washington Gh.be uQ'iinocratic editors disposed lo en Courage the woik, will confer a favor, which will b gratefully acknowledged by the Subscribei, in giving publicity to the above and r. c. iviiig subscriptions at their l-esp Clive offices, to when a reasonable jier ceiitage will be abowe.l. Tlie People's obedient scivani, Hr M. EMMOSS. Washington City, June 1, lfc:r. d io make siirli a sebclion ol onods ;b we think cannot & hope will not fail to suit ami please ! I both purchaser nod consumer. And now, after liaring hul sn with the inmost care, diieet from ihe manufacturer, and as cheap as the cheapest, a fresh ami extensive assortment of goods well adapted to the coming srason, we can as sure thoe merchants, one and all w!i i may favor us with a call, that tehi!l use our best endeavors to make it to their advantage. Wt ran and will sell them any goods in our. line quite as buv as they ca t ! purchased inNew York or any other prt of I he country by the same quantity; and our ac commodations for piyment skI I he as ernod ,is any We invite tleal'Ts indisciimin atelv to e;il in and ext'oine our shirk and prices, assuring thorn that we hnl t ike much pleasure in exhibiting our g-ods while to purchase will be.ai tiieir option. Hastings, Prirce cV Co. IVtersb'irg, Va. Sept. 22. ... .. . , . 1 1 ii . Letters aittde-seil to trie un'KT-ktin'ks 111 1)01111 OI iineti, at ii'iv rtore i . u nucKi:igii.tin county, (Va.) u id receive initnediate attention. JOHN L MORRIS. June IM, Ks:i5. 2d XT i (tinl'ily nnd Cheapness. His Iriends and the public in ge neral may rest assured thai every exertion on his part shall ho tied to insure a continuance of the ex tensive patronage he has hitherto CoMPKLllK.NsjlVh Commentary on the lli!:le. P. Subscriber having been requested to act ns Agent for thin highly inter esting work, informs the public that the ; rt'Cei Veil. brsl volume fn lie seen at his office where subscriptions .will be received The first volume a specimen of the exe cution of the work, editorial and mechan ical It is lo contain all thai is valuable in the writings of those great Tights in the (hiisliau Church, Henry, Scott, Dod tlndge, Cill. Adam Claik, Palritk. Pool. Lowth, Km der, and others. Ihe w hole tie- hy up ply i Ug t O signed to a d'gesl and combination of the '. j Jj J RJ1J) Y. ad vantages of the best Bible ommrntaries. I On the whole, it is believed all will admit Aug T' 183.J. Iliuf liio uiiiL iu udiut il baa livon mono .. I - cd ttt be a ciedit t the country; anl the publishers and editors pledge themselves and theii character's (and they can tin no niore iImI every eflort shall be put f rlh j In make il. both in Ihe literal v and tue-' chauicnl part-, lasti'igly useful, and wor- j thy a tibcial support. ut to sustain litem in so rxpensive an entt rnrir.e, the low I Saturday, 10th Oct. 18.15.. Bacon for Sale. 4 QU A N'iTTY of pri me Bacon 1 can he had on reasonable terni" September, J835. i'au, and vi.vn:u Ptools, Sh es and Paper. Piano Forte for sale. Il. VK a vi ry haodsome 11 A Nt ) for sale persons i-liing to jiutchase, would do. well to Call and examine it. J IV. COTTBX. May 2 1st, IS '35. Xs. 1 For publishing by subscription. The Debates in Tin: Convention of IS. Carolina, JVhich assembled at Raleigh, Jane 4, lJS 5, to atnend the Constitution. a consequence of the numerous nppli calions on the sv.l j cl, the Stibscribt rs Lave determined, if sufficient encourage ment be given, to pubbsh in a neat volume, tvitl) a i convenient dispatch The Dfbates in tlie Convention, Which recently nut in llvs city. For the purpose of asce tabling whether a sufficient number of .-Mibscr'bers can be obtained to justify the undei taking, tuese Proposals are issued. The volume, which will probably make from 3iX to 4uj paes, n i'l be printed w ill. a handsome type, on goo piiper, and will be furni:it,i to Subscribers, bound in boards, at Three Dollars a cpy, payable on delivery. JOS. GAI.es St SON. Raleigh, Aug. ut s35 Subscriptions to the above book received at thin 0icc. at ire. t.ive not been known to the !.ei;.le. and they have not h-en ;;cij,iinle'J with my woik, 1 iheie!Me will mak some ie mtik upon my business. persons having any lirick work or rinslerhix To do, or any kind ol brick work i .it wnatever, puueuiaiiv such as eiirk walls, cornices, fat i is, irait aiches cheme arches, hip-, anil valleys in lyling ami water onu ses, ail pieis, pilasters, rustic woik, &c. would (iidigi? liiem selves in employing me, as 1 hav? got a form or auhitect, (piloted in Knglain!,) sujx nor lo any that i V(" has been Men hetc; it is new lorm and the first ne that evr has bj n brought here. And with what 1 have learned here, ami with the assistance of my book, can execule any joh of work in a neater style than ever has been done, about here. As I am now capable ol carrying on the business, I would he very thank ful to the people to employ me and if my work does not prove to be better formed, stronger ami hi cer than any that has over been donf- hy any brick mason in this section, I will not charge any thing for my work, and will do it on as reasonable terms as cotih be expected. On any huge jol 1 would wish to make the bricks kr 1 know that I can make a smoother brick than ever has beet made any where here. . 1 will warrant my work from nursling, smoking, or any thing else that does not become lh i. woiiv, aim io he superior to any lhat has ever been done here. All orders from any distance may he senl to latborough Post Utiioe, or any person I i vino- not a distance may come or send won to Silas Kveritl's, near Littlo Co neto Creek meeting house, Kdc combe county. IV M. J. P. BROIVN. August 17, 1S35. 34 ROBINSON tS- NEfVSOM WOULD resp. ct r.,ii., :..r... m. . 'ill V I 1 1 I W I 1 1 1 on. ii i.iri st-ioss m All those who wish to supply themselves with Oina of the best quality, ate respectfully solicited to applv lo ihe Subscriber person ally or'by h"ir. AM orders for Oins will be promptly executed. From the Subscriber's long expe rience in his business and from the approbation which his work has hitherto met with, he hesitates not to promise entire satisfaction to all who may see fit to extend to him their palionage. Gins out r ..,;n i.e. ovrvf iliiinoslv re- - loth to abandon it iM.t.l Ui.r1" paired. I he Subscriber takes the . (.Airy lesleJ. e ..J?1 llteilV Ol CaillO" tllti lllltIIHUH UI ofev B...,...r.. ... .i,m V s those who wish to procure new Gins, or to have old Gins repair ed, to the expediency of applying to him in time. When all wait as is usually the case, until the work is wanted, it causes such a pressure- of business, that many are obliged of necessity to'submit to a longer delay than they wish. .. ti" ' v i i i j-n i. Tallinn.', No, Ca j;,h p,.,, iMIOl'OSALs For pjblisbintntlietoici.f .,' . A C. a weekly attc.;;,,,,; - . fVilminiunAdvtrii Xnilt: Subscriber is uni i,,e , ' lhat in ll.e. mM r in the State. nd u.a 11,11 ' ' - J o.l'lll CO.,, iNewspaptr cannot W i)..,:.r;v .... .1 U .. ...rr .....I I , . ' " ll'l"3 rillUrtlhtO 111 I III,.; Lockt r G nnstni Hi. business lie also makes tSfM Mill Boxes, i Pl ii. ed for the People's Prtss; bur. cealhom buuseli and iia,i,(, Mh. teal from the public, tl.ui iis,1,1" patronage will soon reuuVi a !e.,,t,, tion than will be expected hv '' capable of conducii ig a Ntw. ,,,'' less the list ol subset ihe rs i , . creased, (of which the p..;t ' .... . 1 t' r 110 'i . it must be discontinued tt ii.e7(rrj The editor may, indeed, uh , () tence and keep his esu Hsi,,,, , .,' it but hetxprcts more tii.iu (!,;$ ,J! foi his services, as he taunt t tl,,'Sti pur ue any. biiriiie-s so hdxjubn. d, plexin:, w'ithout the pr s.rCt (,f c , tence, within a reasonable ti,;. i these ciicuiiistauces i.,,- In connexion with this establishment, car rie-i on the these proposals for the Adurtinr, per tote devoted m Liteiauiufmp.,, Ajritulture anj the nem-ial i.u.. I Mill .., 1 ',.,,.,,. , f . .., - ....!-. - r . , ! ailll jilf inn., niu kj uuiicuiix, in iorui v-aiuiiua; so lai as tue Jan. r m -x ' rice lixed lor tin woik requires that it ! I.ouhl have an extensive sale, and no polo lislicr vould fi ll wiiranied in pros cntio ' ' the wirrk witliont a large sulisci ipiion hsi; , efcl" Friends, Customers, ami. however nni opul.ir stun a cours- inav i lrifc .1 ,,fi, be in reg.nd to ordinary woiks. 1,0 hesia-l ' ti n is felt in iesnio.'to ir in th s case, so rallv, that thev are now receiving manifesMv necessary and pioeer. Ihevlhc ll.p S.iIh.i. .l imes I.. Simmon ppeal in confident e to Ihe religions public, 1 1 01 . ndtoall, who wishtoseeittiuulaleJfor"i,nl l',:,I(,,,l0f,, . their names and patronage. ; S.j C41HCS Of ItOOlS O SllOCS, 1 here is a 1. post edition, dilfei ing in no . 1 , t 1 r ,1 r, I" respect fro,,, the gen, ral edition ex. ept on " "" the ordinance of Baptism, in 1 eference to I'eCl Irom the Manufactory; 3hd which Ihe Itev. Joseph A. Wame, Pdllor Vtv pledge tllCIDM-dveS to Sell ol thr Baptist edition, makes thr follow in? , " r . 1 1 icm oks, vir: a'I that waS p,.ised i .he ,hem -Coiiiitry merchants as low Bapli-t i-.lition, s such, was that whatever aslhey can be t)Ugilt 111 l illU-wa- toMnd in the woik as tmlilislied for .l1i;.. Vn... Vrl- 11, .!,,'.. ' u i if 1 1 1 , a - A 'i ui iniiiuii) on crdolotpn-t generally, which did not cor- 11. es, oi,. win, the lie', o, Bapl.Ms, sl.nnld ,,,t''Tr U"Ual CTCdltS. be iriiioved. and 1 lit? matuiest views of N l AISO, 0 large quatlt I ly 01 their own fust Wliters ll!Sltllted. It is lwit. Throoil sbn. Ur.ishos ..mil oint con- in.. , 1 I'll, rv 1 1 1 ii . consistent wnn the mtegiuv ol !::cl'., with which it is helieveiiihev vi.,j, accord. It is intended tu he,.t:r ty mllut-uct; ai.tt it is f a;.o-nl nti'it nny o. eeyeo o.ai ii'i point con nected with whit is peculiar lo the Bnp lil tb noininalion, has bt en 'eft uusuarded; and when i: is considered that mi no points but those do Baptists differ Irorn II . ... .1 11 1. i . 1 iieurv, ccou, iooorui"c. ivc. mere can retop.hurg, Va. Sepl. 10. 4,1 rv scarcely a doubt but that the denorni- 'A n.iii. mi in p' ii ini nin irei ton mm y nave now a Commentary, in tlie reading of hici they are sure to find what will tan theflmi- of love, unit satisfy the appetite or Until, a d this wnh ut that diminution of their en jo nient with which thev weif tccu-toim d to meet in rt itdinglhe author-, anting out ol tlitir tlib.itni views ofa ctit islian 01 ilinance. Printing FressJ'or Sale. St pr.R KOYAL Pii-.ting Press, on the dl mode ol construction, can be procured on reasonable terms. lpplij at this Office. January, ' Terms. The work will be comprised in Iivh voniiues, averaging not less than S0' pages per v linii". royal S vn b.ind somelv priiifetl i n li ie paper, ami well bound in sheep, and lettered with double titles, at ;i d.dl. us per volume. There will be several engrav.ngs, froutjspieres. t ignt tie titles, mid several neatly engraven mips, witli other illustrative wood cuts oc t.opns itounit in txlta cilt sniio'' backs, 551,"0; plain calf, s'.'t.T't. O BO UOlWdRB. March irtih. Is.li- 7V ihe .filicted. -VfZrv CP, S iuviiluable Ointmen! '."T the cure of w bite swell .n s. Til tcrniuia ami oilier himourv. I sole legs and ulcers, and fresh wounds, sprains, bruises, swell ings and inllainm it ions, ice. fsic. B'-ckwith'? nuti-dyspeptic pills. llowimd's genniiie tonic tiexiurc, a per fect cine for ague and lever. The above valuable medicines may b bad wholesale or retail on application to J. IV Colten, Agent lor Tai borough. 1 rt.v Aii tilhs in a Cutwent FHJSSELL. ODIORNF. k. CO. have in press and wi'l publish in a few davs a new work, wilii Ihe above title, being the Narrative of Miss Ilebaca Theresa Htul. w ho was under the influent e of the itoinnu Catholics about two years, and an inmate of tlie Convent on M 011111 Benedict, Charles town, nearly six mouths m ls31-2. The book furnishes a concise history of the rtib-s and regulations, the employments and ceremonies of Ihe Ur-ubne order; nd as it is the fust account ever given in this country of a similar institution, the wiht-r lias confined herself strictly to a mtriation of lacls that transpired under bei owe , and that were noted dow 11 after her escape. It will contain a volume of 200 pa"es, IS mo. finished and bound in the ueatesl manner. Boston, Match 2, 1835. history or tiii: Kehnkee Jlssociation. TJIHT PUBLISHED, and for sale at the QJ office of I be Tarboro Pres, " Co. cise History of the Kehnkee Baptist Association- from its original rise to the pre sent time by Cider Joseph Bigs under the supervision of a committee (cnnsistin of Elders Joshua Lawrence, Wjja,n jv. man, and Luke Ward, and brethren Tho mas Biggs, Joseph t). Biges, and Cushion B. llassell.) appointed by the Association." Price 1 each, or ijlO per dozen. October, 1S31. PROSPECTUS OF TIIK liisou iflfhcrliscr. 'JMIE subscriber proposes to publish in the Town til" Wadeshnrnugh, Anson County, No 1 th C.nolina, a weekly paper enti led. ''The Vinson Jldurrtiser." According to cutom, he proceeds lo lay before the public an analysis of the plan upon which bis paper wili be co'nducted. lis columns will be devoted lotheciuse of. Politics, Agriculture, Internal Jmprove meut, I.itcratui e and Science in general. l! is the intention of the E iitor diligent ly ami fairly lo report the passing political tfd other news of the day, and while lie c innot. consistently with his principles, advocate the cooise pursued by the pres nt administration, he assures Ihe 1 ublic I that he feels every disposition to do full justice to its merits. Th press will, be open to both parties the E bloi will . n (leaver to adhere sttictly to principle and to disregard all party influence. the editor intends to avail himself of the advantage of mny of the best publications on Ihe subjects of aericnltuie and interna,! improvement, he of course will lie able t select and lay before his readers, a lartre number of Essays which cannot fail of be iii interesting lo every one wiio has at heart the prosperity of his country . All the most important and interesting pro- o HHii'oi coiijitss ami 1 ne Mate ij gis latuie will be duly reported, and a portion of the paper will at alt times be devoted to polite Literature. The subscriber is aware of the many difficulties he most encounter in advancing to public favor; lie' rt lies greatly upon ti e liber dity always shown by an enlightened public towards enterprise well conducted, a iid assurts bis patrons, that no pains shall be wanting oil his part to render his paper both a useful and interesti.ig publication. TERMS. The 'Anson 'Advertiser will he printed on an imperial sheet at S3 00 per annum in advance, or S3 50 at the end of the year; the first number to issue as soon as Sev en Hundred Subscribers are obtain ed; no subscription will be received for a less period than twelve months; and the paper will not be discontinu ed until orders are received to that tfltxt, and all arrearages paid up. Advertisements not exceeding 12 lines, inserted three- times for one dollar and 25 cents fur each subse quent insert ton . Communications addressed to the editor must be post paid. JVILLB7M E. BIRD. Feb. 21, 1S35. a' composition invented by Daniel Peck, of Raleigh Grist Mill Spiitdles, with 'Steel Collin's, (turned ) These articles equal to I position of this characte r vMUn., . c . 1 ii ir . i!'1' ur.sol.ed q.icslKui, it'ic'.i.ira i any manufactured in Ihe United . ' fa(1 be mmtHl , ; iaies. All letters ami orders must be tli reeled lo the Subscriber at Greenville. HENRY CHAMBERLAIN July 12, 1S3.4. Cotton Gins 'PllK Subscriber has established himself in the house formerly occupied by the late Joseph Lac key, tiee'd, near the river, and a short distance below Benjamin M. Jackson's store, where he carries on The making and repairing Cotton Gins. All those who wish to supply themselves with Gins of the best quality, are respectfully solicited to apply to the Subscriber person ally, or by . letter. All orders for Gins will be promptly executed. Gins out of order will be expedi tiously repaired. Blacksmithing, of every des cription, executed in the best style. EJTvo second hand Cotton Gins for sale low for cash. SAMUEL D. PROCTER. Tarboro,' 30th Sept. 1834. The ilk Cultut isL- I'HE Executive Committee of the Hart ford Count v Silk Society, have com- muced a monthly publication, called the iribiliou of the bible, et the 'it Silk Ctiliuiisi and Parmer's Manual. . ; Gocpel but nt do comit'itm i.ifU'v The object of the publication istodis-.0t prole-sors and iio.i-"i.tv'' ' . seminate a thorough knowledge of the cul-1 in in societies, ai.d thf u K'"-1 tivaiinn of ihe Mulberry Tree, in nil its of r Lgious m iiieis, iu even M'' varieties The rearing of Silk Woi ms f0i in whatsoever. . ,. : The production or Cocoons and ihe Reel-! Beli. ving th if Theo'ogital '''' '-;' ing oi ilk, io the most appr'ovVd method.1 b!e, Mi.-soo.ti , Ti act, , . The imp itancr of this knowledge will ap . Union Societies, are tiie "' "'. pear from tlie fact that the nelt profii of unset iplul tl favor tn ? "t ' Innd devoted to the culture of Jilk, is 1 than f 'txd w ill tinvanis n""i " tlouble. if not triple, to tlut derived from opposed to" them. , any other crop which can be put upon it. j Some of the children of Gi'l,iU ( It is also a fact, that every moderate Var ! uidi, and iulerspcisetl among?', ,rf mer can laise several hundred dolJai s j c.Ue i of Missionary and otl.-'r ff";,r woi th of Silk without interfering with his j denied the happiness of oi", ordinary pgr cultural operations.. But in j those of the same judm order M avail himself of this facility to ' graved with behohb"? c,r",,;,7 r.r obtain competency and wealth, wbic'iouri tiospel, are not able to sjva. : soil and climate have given him, he must selves. This, is designed. """r possess himself of information on ilid.,i. ri;.r H p shall aim 'ol '. iect for without it his attempts will be I please the fancy, as to inform thfj'. Ii unless. It is, therefore, the object of the j more to afford matier tor tiniuse tins information as I ing comfort, than, to fi!VL i c,! possible, and at the cheaps gluw to the feeling. .w,eCJ"' ','. publication will contain a the cause of truth and ol " , sup-ported to "i tinii ll sullicieiit p-d i filicide is o Jl " ; f first of itceinber n xt, lite 111,.: -Advertiser will coinmeine mi ti. January lollowiiig. ll -n.it, .,,,! v ;, Peuplts Vf ts lecwive in i.iii... port il will be leibn eil b .mi :4 1 , j ; uuind, and conliiiiietl a iirrtiuii.ic. The Adverti-er will he the s.un- ?: . ihe People's Puss, at per a: i,u!.i,ji able in advance. No pap.-r discotiiiuiied un'.i1 hi! arin.-- ges are paid utiles at ti.e i;:! i'.u; editor. 'I hose wlit fait to g:v mtufci; to discoiitiue tin ir paper, l.e!u year comin Mices, ill he co.iilcM i., for that year, and by the si nt me:, succeeding vears. (O3 Per? ons holding stibci iplion hr. arerequesled to forward t!. em oi'.iq ton, by the 1st of December, 16" THOMAS LOUm. Sept. 11, 133". PitOPOSiiiS, for pu Wishing in Ihe turn of Tafi X. C a stmi-monVtly ptytr, ad'd The Primitive EDI LED HY M AliK BTNEU Printed and PullWud ly b'cs Unc. 'THIS publication i jriiic;p-'!!v ui to Offend the old scIm I L'oi.eJ from ti e many aspessi'-ns ci?' i!"'": bv d hided persons -ro t-i-m f'r-' faith; because they cawl cmou ly engage in. the vaiioos wj" Sell, mes of the day, osten.-i it H'l"' promote Ci ilsliainiy, h'Jt evi,!'i"v :! inn to les!rov tee gieat atui v,ui': pii.,cipl-s upon which il ba.eo. !;i h- ,.,r a .am oi sfodb.'fss. WtrHl' jit distinctly underst-.od. 'di.it - ' 1 1 11 1 111 l rti "J 'i"1 1 Committee to extensive.lv as est rate. The complete manual or directory from sow ing seen 10 leeuug me oiik, together with such facts and experiments, as will enable farmer to raise Silk and prepare it for market, wi'hout further knowledge or as sistance. It will also contain interestiiv matter on agricultural subjects in generaf TERMS -The Culturist will be publish, ed in monthly numbers of Eight Quarto Pae-, at Ftfty Cents a Year. No sub scription will be received unless paid in Advance, and fir trot less than a year. Subscribers rereived by F. G. Const ock Secretary, Hartford, Conn., lo whom, also' Communications may be addressed, which' if post paid, will be attended to. ' ' Hartford, April. 18.15 Published andor Sale at this OJJice. s Patriotic discourse ht North Carolina Whi-'s Anobw r the KehuUee Association and, A Basket of Fragments, by the Uev. Joshua Lawrence Also, A ltevievv of Clark's defence and jus t.ficalion to the Kehnkee Association w rit ten by a lay member of the Association and. Occurrences .n the Life of Elder J i seph Bij!-s, wrote by him?s!f. v Taiboiouh, Aug. 9. . 1 i s si " is our cause. "T'.V ""' ' f .. !, " belief that the b'essi.i? f veo ' ., f is of the Head of tlie Ciim cn, , ,, selves upon Him. " ;' rr, ' abroad, praying the Lord to c some joy to those who are and alidle rest to. hose ivhoi TEUM. . , ... . ... ... nhtht Wl-l,f' . The I'runuivc i. i-ctaf 16 pages, on the second .J Saturdays m eacn 'QrJi, cing in January next - t per year, payable first number. Six cor . rifl- to one Post-Office or bcib1 Five Dollars. ,f pf Comnninicationsni;.; e and directed to ike , l:r, Tj-Editcrs a favor by giving two insertions. rrP Persons hvU VLj- tion PP'r'vlU Fta to Geo. Howard, the middle of Decani