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HUMAN LOVE o;,! it there is one law above the t est Vniien in wisdom if there is a word Tint I could trace as with a pen of fire, L'pon the unstm'd temper of a child; h'there is any tiling that keeps the mind Open to angel's visits, and repels Tiie ministry of ills, 'tis Human Love! God has made nothing worthy of con tempt The smallest pebble .in the well of truth, lias its peculiar meaning, and will . stand lien man's best monuments wear fast away. The law of Heaven is Love; and though its name Has been usurp'd by passion, and profan'd LI'o its unholy uses through all time, f Mill the eternal principle is pure; A:iJ in these deep altections we teel Omnipotent within us we but see The lavish of his measures in which love is given; " And in the yearning tenderness of a child, For every bird that sings above his head, And every creature feeding on the hiljs, And every tree and flower and run ning brook, We see how every thing was made to Love; And how they err, who. in a worfd like this . '. find any thing to hate but human pride. TEXAS Declaration of Independence. The unanimous declaration of in dependence, made by the dele gates of the people of Texas in general convention, made al the town of Washington, on the -ddayof March, 1S36: When a government has ceased to protect the lives, liberty; and property, oftlieueonle from whom 'legitimate powers are derived, n tar the advancement of whose jappiness it was instituted, and so 'ar from being a guarantee for the e"joyment of those inestimable unalienable rights, becomes instrument in the hands of evil rulers for their oppression; when "ie federal republican constitution of their country, which they have s'orn to support, no longer has a bsiantial existence, and the vlole nature of their government ween forcibly changed, with out their consent, from a restrict-! federative republic, composed , soyertign states, to a consoli uattd central military despotism, "i which everv inlerest is disre garded. but that of the army and llle priesthood both the eternal Ernies of civil liberty, the ever y minions of power, and the Jal instruments of tyrants. lleniong after the spirit of the otistaution has departed, modera ..atJtngth, so far lost, by those puwtr, that even the semblance I 'retdom is removed, and the filers themselves, of the consti )rl,nn. discontinues, and so far "Uheir petitions and remon Jaces being regarded, the who bear them, are thrown uueons and mticeuarv ar mies sent forth, to force aiew go vernment upon them at the point of the b-.tyc)iieu . When, in conse quence of such acts of malfeasance, and abdication, on the part of the government, monarchy prevails, and civil -society is dissolved into its original elements: In such, a crisis the first law of nature, the right of self preservation, the in herent and inalienable. riht of the people to appeal to first principles and take their political affairs into their own hands, in extreme cases, enjoins it as a right towards them selves, and a sacred obligation to their posterity, to abolish such go vernment, and create another in its stead, calculated to rescue them from impending dangers, and to secure, their future welfare are happiness. Nations, as well as individuals, are amenable for their acts to the public opinion of mankind. A statement of a part of our grievan ces, is-therefore submitted to an impartial world, in justification of the hazardous, but unavoidable step; now taken, of severing our political connections with the Mexican people, and assuming an independent attitude among the nations of the earth. The Mexican government, by its colonization laws, invited and induced the Anglo-American pop ulation of Texas to colonize the wilderness, under' the pledged faith of a written constitution, that they should continue to enjoy that constitutional liberty and republi can government to which they had been habituated in the laud of their birth, the United States of America. -In this expectation they have been cruelly disappointed as the Mexican nation has acquies ced in the late changes made in the government by Genera"! Anto nio Lopez de Santa Anna; who having overturned the constitution of the "country, now offers.- us the cruel alternative, either to abandon our own homes, acquired by "so many privations, or submit to ihc'most intolerable of all tyr anny, the combined despotism of the sword and the priesthood. ' It iias sacrificed our welfare to llie state of Coahuila, by which our interests have been continually depressed through a jealous and partial course of legislation, car ried on at a far distant seat of gov ernment, by a hostile majority in an unknown tongue; and this'too, notwithstanding we have petition ed in the humblest terms for the establishment of a separate state government, and have in accord ance with the provisions of the na tional constitution, presented to the general congress a republican constitution, which was, without just caue, contemptuously re jected. It incarcerated in a dungeon lor a long time one of our citizens, for no cause but a zealous endeavor to procure the acceptance of our1 constitution and the establishment of a state government. .. It has failed and refused to se cure on a firm basis, the right of trial by jury; that palladium of civil liberty, and only safe guar antee for life, liberty and property of the citizen". It has failed to established any public system of education, al though possessed of means almost boundless the public domain and although if is an axiom in political science, that unless peo ple are educated and enlightened, it is Idle to'expect theconlhiuauce of civil liberty or the capacity for self-government. . , ' It has suffered the military com mandant stationed among us to exercise arbitrary acts of oppres sion and tyranny; thus trampling upon the most sacred nghts of the citizen, and-rendering the military superior to the civil power. It has dissolved by force of arms the state congress of Coaubila and Texas, aud obliged our represen- Tarborough, (Edgecombe County, V.J Sutiuday, Jlpnl 9, tatives to fly for their lives from the seat of government; thus de priving us of the fuudatnental po litical right of representation. It has demanded the surrender of a number of our citizens, and ordered military detachments to secure and carry them into the in terior for trial; in contempt of the civil authority and in defiance of the laws of the constitution. It has made piratical attacks upon our commerce, by commis sioning foreign desperadoes and authorizing them to seize our ves sels, and convey the property of our citizens to far distant ports for confiscation. It denies us the right of wor shipping the Almighty according to the dictates of our conscience by the support of a national reli gion, calculated to promote the temporal interests of its human functionaries, rather than the glo ry of the true and living God. It has demanded us to deliver np arms, which are essential to our defence, the rightful property offi eemen, and. formidable only to tyrannical goverments. It has iuvaded our country, both by sea and land, with intent to lay waste our territory, and drive us from bur homes and has now a large mercenary arnly advancing to carry on against us, a war of extermination. It has, through its emmissaries, incited the merciless savage, with the tomahawk and scalping knife, to massacre the inhabitants of our defenceless frontiers. It hath been, during the whole time of our connexion with it, the contemptible snort and victim of successive military revolutions; aud hath continually exhibited every characteristic of a weak, corrupt and tyrannical govern ment. These and other grievances were' patiently borne by the peo pie of Texas until they reached that point at which forbearance ceases to be a virtue. We then took up arms in defence of the: National Constitution' ' We ap pealed to our Mexican brethren for' assistance. Our appeal has i been made in vain: though mouths have elapsed, no sympathetic res ponse has yet been heard from the interior. We are therefore forced to tin melancholy conclusion, that the Mexican people have ac quiesced in the destruction of their liberty, and the substitution there for of a military government: that they are unfit to be freehand inca pable of self-government. . ' : The necessity of seif-preserva-tion therefore now decrees lis eter nal political separation. W'e; therefore, tlie delegates with plen ary powers of the people'of Texas, in solemn convention assembled, appealing to a candid world for the necessities of our condition, do hereby resolve and declare, that our political connexion with : the ! Mexican Nation,' has forever end ed, and that the people of Texas do now constitute :a free, sover eign, and independent republic, and are fully invested with all the rights and attributes which prop erly' belong to independent na tions. Signers Karnes. Richard Ellis, President. Mu nicipality 'of "Austin: C 13 Stew art, Thomas' Barret. Brazoria: Edwin Waller', James Collings worth, J. S. Byrum, Asa Brig ham. Bexar: Francisco llouis, Antonio Navarro, J. B. Bagger. Colerado: W. D. Lacy William MeUifoe. Gonzalez: J. Fisher M. Caldwell. Goliad: William Mode. Harrisburg: Lorenzo De Zavala. Jasper: S. H. Everett, Geo. W. Smith Jacksonr Elijah Stepp. Jefferson: Claborn West, Wm. B. Scales, M. Menard, A; R Hardin. Miua: JI W. Benton, r. J. Gazlavi R. M. Coleman. Matagorda: B. ilardman. Milam: L.CrKobertsonueorge v-u" dres. Nacogdoches: Robert Pot ter, Thos. J. Rusk. L'eacau Point: Rob. Hamilton, Collin M. King, Albert II. Latimore. Re fugio: James Power, S im. Hous ton, David Thomas, Edward Con rad: San Augustin: E. O. De gand, Martin Farme, S. , M. Bloun. Sabine: James .Gaines, Vm. Clarke, jr. Shelby: Sydney C. Penniugton, Wm.. C. Craw ford. San Patricio: John Tur ner, B. B. Goodrich, Jesse Grimes. J. G. Swisher, G. ;W. Bamett. . , Important from Texas. The schr. W. A. Turner, , arrived yes terday in 7 days from Matagorda. Through the .politeness ofCapL Brookfield, we have obtained the particulars of the late siege by the Mexicans of San Antonio de Behar, as ascertained at Matagorda when the Turner left. - . The besieging army was com manded by generals Sesma and Coss It consisted of 40 Compa nies of infantry, numbering at an average of GO or 70 men each; and of about 1500 cavalry under Folisalos with 500 "mules and baggage of all kind. These were seen and numbered by Capt, Der- oit ol the lexian arm', previous to the engagement. The Texians in the fort were infantry and. some cavalry for foraging expeditions under the command of Colonels Bowie and Travers, numbering about 200. , i The assault on the fort of Ala mo in the town of San Antonio commenced about 3, P. M. on (he 2Slh of February, the Mexican army hoisting a black flag aloft as indicating no quarters. The gar rison being well. supplied with 18 pounders planted on the fort, made them ply with dreadful effect, sweeping companies of the assailants before the shot. The Mexicans surrounded the fort on all sides; but on all sides were they saluted " with . its artillery. This continued till 7, P. M.. when the Mexicans thought proper to evacuate the town, and retire to an encampment within two miles, after leaving 500 of their com rades slain before the fort. -The provisional government of Texas being informed of the con test, an immediate draft of one third of all Texians capable of bearing arms was ordered by the acting governor ; But . so eager were the Texians in': general for their prompt and certain triumph, that when the order reached Mala gora, not one-third only but all able bodied citizens volunteered. Numerous companies were immer diately on the march to San An tonio, to. drive the Mexicans -beyond the Rio Grande,' or leave them on the field of battle. L They act oh the offensive in their future operations. -JSew Orleans Dee. Little Rock (Ark. Y Feb. 1 9. We .are informed that the inhabit ants of that portion of this Terri tory south of Red 'river have, in fact, separated from the --Government of Arkansas and of the Uni ted States; and are taking "meas ures to incorporate themselves with Texas. Judge Ellis, James Clark, Esq. and Mr; Carson, late of North Carolina, are among the Delegates to the Texian Conven tion. We are sorry : for it for we look upon it as a most rash and unadvised step. Texas is at pres ent in a state of anarchy. She cannot be aided by the United States, unless in violation of so lemn treaties. If she become be come independent, she must either be attached to the United states, or become one of those little petty independencies, without either means, national sianamg, uigmiy, or power; never any thing more than nests of partie?. It ner citi zens have "any hopes of ultimate prosperity" and happiness, those hopes are "founded solely on the I83G prospect of hereafter becoming a part of these United States. The Republic of Texas, by itself, would be nothing among" nations. Why then leave our great Repub lic, and become a part of that Which is -no government, and where their only hopes will rest on again obtaining what they are now throwing away? Advocate. JSIethodisl Christian Sentinel. This paper has been transferred to the Virginian Conference, aud will hereafter be conducted, under the name of the "Virginia Con ference Sentinel," by the Rev. William A. Smith, Rev. Moses Brock and Rev. John Early, a committee appointed by the Con ference, and Edited by the Rev. Leroy M. Lee. The profits of the paper will be applied to the support of the deficient, superan nuated, and supernumerary mem bers of the Virginia Annual Con ference, and their families, and to the widows and orphans of preachers. lial. Star. Central Rail Road. WTe take pleasure in calling attention to the" proceedings of the Rail Road Convention which assembled at Trenton, Jone county, on the 15th, which will be found in ano ther partjof this paper. It was" resolved by that patriotic body to use all honorable means to pro mote the construction of a rail road from Beaufort to the West. A committee was "appointed to memorialize the Legislature, &:c. We have ever felt a deep interest in this project; we have repeatedly urged its importance, and nothing could afford us more satisfaction than to. see it carried into execu tion. ib. -: x Jlwful Disaster. The follow ing is an extract of a letter from a gentleman in MobiIe,'daied March 14"th: A- mostterrible accident happened- here yesterday. As the steamer Benjamin Franklin was starting for Montgomery her boilers. burst killing and wound ing thirty, as some accounts say others between twenty and thirty, passengers and boat hands. The ladv nassenirers. and others in ihp J 1 - Jr t' ..... r.,.i rl4 unci jii i ui un.- uudi, wcic uui in jured. Mr. Isaac Williams, for merly of Cumberland county, . C.v and recently near' Portland, Wilcox county, Alabama, was blown- a .considerable distance from - the wn-ck into one of the slips, and fell a shockingly mutila ted corpse. His remains were decently interred, smd his watch and money, 552,500, were taken care of by his Factor. Seyera! persons sunk before they could be reached by the boats; most proba bly they were dead when they struck 4he water. The boat was carried into dock to prevent her from sinking." Deputation of Michigan In dians. A -deputation of twenty seven Oltowa & Chippewa Chiefs and delegates, are now at Wash ington' treating for the cession of their lands within the limitsOf Michigan. The Secretary of War has -charge of the negociaiion, and it is believed a result will- be'bb tained favorable to both them ab'd the United States. . Timoleon. This celebrated stallion and racer, died on the lSth ult. in Virginia. " ,.. (CTA fellow in M ississlppi pursued by Justice Lynch and his myrmidons, incontinently hanged himself lately, with a propriety that Jack Ketch might emulate. Before he turned himself off, he adopted the suggestion of Mike O'Flaherty, who quietly strung himself up. in his cell ou the. first day of his confinement, after wil ting with a coal on. the wall, "Imi'I. this better than bother ing a Jury?" : , 'efore exhibited in this - jr . -r ,-ied Jtmt purchased the. , ' Ot vn xcill?t!t -op . " v acquainted u i'li dii fasl. . io'lbe Millinery Jti .e, she f;et liei.f.:f iire.rn ire satisfTirlion to I r nfc :id lh jMbl'C in - human forh", fuud Ef-oi brute in wife, at a viliap mar!- ,unucts, England, in open tuat halter round her ileck, for C J Vti a quart of p ider. . HeJhrm"'lUe English ; i nals are discussing the jj. of abolishing the Prir- expediency of suba'' ti tive chief magistt ditary monarchy, discussion shows change In the afi'tira ol it heic ction of v CS'llHit and that The people arc lhroih a off the absurd and servile I: heietofore paid to bvtf ,r . claims. But reform in f . will never be completeii, i peily begun, till jhatboir ':-; a-s of the land, the establi !p him, b r is entirely' abroga;.. . . "1 and set-: can contemplate the spU .t or thry Iigacy of the English CIrl Jn the Nobility, and the cnendici.i . of the laboring classt i:. - ' Britain, without? feelings " ' der and contempt. For i matter of vvonder that, the jatui Bacon, Sidney Shakfspear". Newton, with all her v: stellalion of genius and . should for so many ages.' have, milled to the plain and palp h3rpocrisy of a licentious clergv -and that a hard), vajiaut and; in- ,, lelligent people, should .so' long have been held in poli tie I' "bond -age by the feeble gtasp of,njc( feminale and vicious nobility." Wilmington sldv., France. Extract .of a I Fetter from a privategewtlemau at Parisv dated January 23, 1836V"France has declared,, by her Chamber of. Deputies, that the nationality oi r Poland must be preserved; that the equilibrium of Europe must be restored; that they 'are pleased "at the close intimacy with England, and that they hope" the. mediation of England w ill be able to settle , . the affair with us, to the honor of the two great nations; all which means to say to the King, from atrV' offensive and defensive alliance i with Great Britain, demand from the Emperor of Russia the obser vance of the treaty of Vienna; if he refuses it, execute it by force of arms, and pay the - United Slates the money, and we are sat isfied. .That this will be the case, thai there 'will be a war with Rus1- ".'!'1!: pF .... "i . ... . 1 sia before the -year .expires, is just as sure; as that the world will last that lo'ng.' ' Religious Frenzy and Patriotic rCannibalism.-l is. "stated as a fact,;which, however; it is Scarcely possible to believe that "ill the late massacre at Barcelona, even some ladies of the highest rank ale froin, motives pfpalri- m, of the flesh-. oi me untort Colonel O'D mong the :. Chief ,0u j a- Iricre Macomb Senate, in ,r past ny. e Xiaes if not Uttet! Ished, as we . , ,i-al satisfaction L, 11 J, tion of that body, th their cisj- .'or ' . increase ol the crmy & -.Supply and-uen,Vv,'itho'it aJJ' J number ot j ' Seems lO , deu.ned to 1 low as nieji ofa ijei.1. Htixiou1? V" ut our forceps u ffk 3.1 ler to r- -1 fora ri UY I ' rtmei.t f,.. ... W pUDUC C; '-V,ubiicl! tTPCt.-Vtri rnUes the power ntljr loc? in Tarsoro for life, ment to seoky earthquake or blown vp fc.ceJOwe have ..itle apprehensio$ of t! i niiruntcv. kid we are nanny to r. V in Cjl it of ' former of these r.: n ? c;iiu ere ...ne it iA we are eo U- ver, and : . j loss properly ..ou!d have 1 :t1 Our immense frontier protected. General AIL f C O proposes t'.. t there 'TTT y I 1 regiment " -vtilU-UO Mied, nridnn- 4 at this Offic . a parajihlet en rV."b , - tiller . men: nine i E Ihnn linnlist Ch"TCmm- . each compriSi a right to w called""- V of.72 men; ni'one 'CHURCHES. ' dragoons coirprt'inci 71 b?"!'-' aggregate, it. ' idi: the noii- oms- - -missioned staff, will be -. p953. -men.-r Pennsyicaniazu t. IK s.t 1 1, V it il- meris -

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