f -- ' '' " ' " ! - ' ' 1 Q ilioc Xo. 6 is rrAoroui,Edcomie Connhj, J. C.) Saturday, August as, 1830 Tof. JVo. 32, fjlC Tarborough Press," U' GKOKGE HOWARD, ..nilT,iilied weekly, tTwo Dollars and r'f'i Cen!s per year, if paal in iKlvanre : Three Dollars, at the expiration ofthe f;. ,rimion vear. For any period es '.. car. TittnhhRtt Cents p?r month Oscribers are at liberty to discontinue hi " on rivinjr notice thereof and arrears those reJidmgr at n dis P'nce ""must invariably pay in advance, or ;TPa responsible reference in misviciniry. Advertisements, not exceeding 16 lines lenth, (or a square; win i-e mspriru hi Scents t',e rst i'crtion Si-25 cents each 'intinance. Longer ones at that rate c. .very eqiare. Advertisements must marked the number of insertions requ; rfJ nrthpy 'e continued until other- fie orjereii, ana cnargm accordingly . f esters a.Mresse J to the r'ditor must be ij?t paiJ, or lliey may not be attended to Miscellaneous INDIAN WAR. The summer campaign. The Floridian of July 1G, says Ar rangements arc in progress for an tipedition to the Withlacoochie, as soon as the requisite force can be assembled. It will he corn-man'- Jed by Gen. Call. The ob ject is to destroy the growing crops of the Indians. One thous and mounted men from Tennessee are expected to arrive here by the 25t!i instant, who will be joined fcy the regulars, and the militia and volunteers of Flordia. Col. Warren, of Duval county, lately surprised a party of Semi tes and killed seven, and woun ded another. Creek War. A friend has just handed us a letter from Columbus dated the 25th instant, by which it appears that the anticipations that ihe war was terminated, have been premature. Wc presume, buever, that this body of Indians emprises all the hostiles that now remain. The letter save "It appears that the war is not yet over in this section. An express arrived here this morning from Fort McCrnry, stating that a bat tle was fought near that place yes terday, between 93 men'of Major Word's command, and about 200 Indian;. The whites lost, G kill edand 15 to 20 wounded; the In 12 to 1 5 killed number of woun ded unknown. The whites stood their mround nobly until their am munition was exhausted, and then retreated. General Sandford, at the head ffJ or 7 companies of mounted ir.cn, are now parading and will off immediately for the scene faction." r S. The Herald, from Co :,nbos, just received, says that l'1' battle was fought at Qtiarlcs' P; station 22 miles below Colum bus. Tl iese Indians are undoubt ''''' on their way to Florida. I here also appears to be Indians re'naiuinq in the Chickasehatchee wamp. .(7C0 Messenger. Massacre. A correspondent of St. Louis piper gives the horri details of a massacre among ne half breed Indians near Fort l'on, at the mouth of the Yel jw Stone river in June. A half Wed family, named Dnchamp, 'ad murdered another half breed Jk Ham, for which the half breeds ofthe neighborhood and some French voyagers determined 1,1 eslerminate them, for which Ppase they attacked a block '10ue in which the Duchamps vere. The Duchamps under standing that no quarter would be R,Ven them, became desperate and reckless of consequences, and de eded themselves to the last with termination. A Frenchman con rived to set fire to the block Gt,5e and the wind being high, uames spread with great rapi-y- The yells of defiance of lj-e inmates could be heard amidst t-ie crackling of theflames, and Jley could be seen calmly and de ''irately watching an opportuni v through the smoke and flames, ,J bring down Mieir opponets with their rifle?, 0f whom they killed eight and wounded several. Ti.o Duchamps, with the exception of a tew small children, were com pletely exterminated. JY.Y.Star. 'Singular and sudden death. The Louisville City Gazette of a late date says: Air! White, of the linn of Woodruff & White, of this city, while examining a bee hive yesterday morning, was stunrr on the temple by a bee, and immedi ately expired. He was in the en joyment ol good health in the morning, and was buried in the evening. . ft?" A fellow who has been trav cum- mrougn tne eastern coun ail: . i i try, under the plea of doing busi ness atid making frequent depos- ites at the various! ImnL-c nA : o , utiu 111 the hours of business contrived to overdraw his account, has been arrested at Boston. Alreadv the following Banks have made char ges against him for the respective amounts to their names: Hancock Bank $440; Traders,' $300; Bunker Hill S150: Nahant. Lvnn. $250; Fairhaven, $250, which he at various times overdrew under the names of Charles AnSm! Samuel Drew, John Brown, John Brooks, Jas. Brooks, and Samuel lirooks. (?Count Constantine Bretos, who figured here a long time aero. is moving about Baltimore to the serious annoyance of boardincr louse keepers and tailors with whom, on the strength of his for midable mustachios he contrives to get up a bill, which thev can never contrive to get paid. (CTWe learn by the Cincinnati Evening Post, that the abolition press of Mr. James u. liirney, was destroyed on the evening of the 12th July. The excitement was crreat, and a handbill was posted up in every part ofthe city. warning the incendiaries to desist. The handbill concludes thus: "Rvery kind of expostulation anu remonstrance has been resor ted to in vain: longer patience would be criminal. The plan is matured to eradicate an evil which every citizen feels is under mining his business and property." It is said that the business of Cin cinnati has received a vital stab, consequence of "the wicked anil misguided operations oi tne abolitionists." Interest, then, it would seem, is accomplishing that which principle should effect. Copper .Vines in Virginia. The Fredericksburg Arena says, in the county of Fauquier the Phenix Company have just com menced operations tinder the most flattering auspices; also, the United States Copper Mining Company in the county of Or ange, on the eastern side of the Blue Ridge. This vein is said to be 50 feet wide and 5 miles long. (XIf there are rogues in the South who put stones in their col ton bags, there are knaves in the North who make use of false weights in the purchase of their wool. An agent of a manufactur ing establishment in Augusta, in Maine, (not Georgia) who was strongly suspected of this ingen ious method of lightening the lnort oTtliP farmers, came near the other day being tarred and feathered. (T?ThP Sussex Register says .T Rrf.wM a native of Ireland, but for the last fifty years a cm zen of New Jersey, died in Mans fields. Warren county, on Wed i.. ,ua oo,,fi nit. aged one UCSUtlJ , MIC hundred and forty years. Galaxy says that on some ofthe land on which the speculators have been operat inir 1 LL1- l.. . uumme oees nave to get uuwn on iiie.r knees to get at the clover, and the grasshoppers get on a munen stock, and look over lorty acres with tears in their eyes. Ntw method of Printing. A new process is now in practice in the United States, to transfer the impression of common type from a printed sheet to a metallic plate. The printed sheet, well wetted, is placed between two smooth and polished iron dates, which are then heated and submitted to a sharp pressure, and the letters are mus re-produced on the metal. The plates are then wetted with nitric acid annlicd with water. ... which hollows the parts not im pregnated with ink, and leaves a mug oi stereotype, which has at i l ... . least the advantage of being ex tremely economical. 07Mr. William Dukehart. of Balti more, has invented a new' method of making harness. Sew ing is done away with, and copper rivets used. It is said to be more durable and economical. t?The New Orleans Adverti ser states that Mr. Caldwell has authorized his agent in Europe to olier Madame Malibran, the dis tinguished vocalist, ten thousand pounds sterling for one year, to play in the Italian and English Opera in the United States. Bois in Horses. A traveller in forms us that the stage drivers on the routes leading from Albany to the western parts of the State of New York, in civincr water to their horses on the road, mix a lit tle wood ashes with their drink. which they say, effectually pre- serves them against the bots. Chain suspension Bridge over the J'iagara. Acts of incorpora tion have been obtained from the Legislature of New York and Up per Canada, for the erection of a budge Irom Lewiston to Queens ton: books for subscription to the capital stock were opened in New York on the th nit. 1 hey will remain open for ten or twelve days. Able engineers have given ; their opinion that the work is not only practicable, but that it will be ultimately profitable. (XOur climate is hard enough. but ("anada must be intolerable. In winter, buried in snow and the mercury freezing; in summer, burnt up with droughts and the thermometer at the roasting heat of 98 degrees. Below Quebec. the crops are so ruined that the parishes are threatened with star vation. V. i. oar. Kncounter between a Bull and Locomotive. As a locomotive was passing along the track of rail road near Coalesville, Pcnn. bull that had broken from its pen, made a desperate onset on it. The concussion killed the bull on the spot, and his carcase pushed along some distance before the engine could De stopped. Ihe cars were thrown off the track but no one injuredi 1&. Black Hawk. Extract of a let ter from Lieut. B. S. Roberts, 1st Regiment of Dragoons, comman ding at Fort des Moines, jto the Secretary of V ar, dated 14lh Ju ly, 1836:- I see by reports in tne eastern papers that a letter has been recei ved at the War Department sta ting that Black Hawk has again become hostile, and has circulated the wampum belt amongst the western Indians, and consider it mv duty to inform the Department .J . .. :.u .i:t,. that tne repori is wunuui me U5 test foundation. Black Hawk and his family are at this time in ,u',r r.odo-e within two hundred (yards of my quarters, and have been, for the last year, encamped within five miles of this post. He has only been absent, durinrr this time, five or six weeks, on the Des Moines river, near Keokuck's town, raising corn. The old man is becoming verv infirm, and should he be disposed, would not be able to carry on another war against the whites. Me. however. is perfectly conquered, and knows too well the force of the whites, to involve his own or any other na tion in war with them. Globe. C?"The Cherokee Indians re siding within the chartered limits of North Carolina, and in Union county, Georgia, have, through their delegates formallv assem bled, published a declaration of peace. 1 hey slate that their con dition is entirely dissimilar to that of the hostile Creeks; that they have made considerable advance ment in the arts of civilized life; that dependence on the chase for a precarious subsistence is no more known among them; that their interests and predilections and institutions are all on the side of peace that they have no mili tary system, nor military supplies; and that they have no connexion with- the belligerent tribes. By war, they say, they have nothing to gain, and every thing to lose. Demand for labor. There ne ver has been a time, within our remembrance, when the demand for labor throughout the country was so great as at present; and, of consequence, there never was a lime when the price of labor was so high. The demand is not con fined to any one class of workmen, but extends to every class, farmers included. Although thousands of I laborers and artizans are import ed every year from foreign coun tries, they seem but as a drop in the bucket, and the demand goes on, unabated and increasing Journal of Com. Hiot in Boston. The New York Commercial of Tuesday afternoon says: From various letters receiv ed this morning, up Ipnm tlmt c , - u hile the examination of the two negro women, who had been enti ced away from their owners, now on a visit at Boston, was proceed ing yesterday before Judge Shaw, in that city, a mob, consisting of blacks and whiles, broke into the court room, knocked down the ofiicers, rescued the prisoners, and carried them off in triumph in a coach. The police officers are pursuing tne ringleaders, and a number will be arrested. The city is now in considerable excitement on the subject. TEXAS. New Orleans, Julu 18. By the schr. Julius Cesar, which arri ved yesterday from Texas, we have information that renders it very doubtful whether the Mexi can army will really prosecute fur ther operations for the present at least against 1 exas. From Texian spies sent for the purpose of reconnoitering the en emy, it is ascertained that the Mexican army has not advanced, and that its numbers are continu ally diminishing by desertion. Ihe lexians are in fine spirits, and have no lack of arms ammu nition and provisions, and with force sufficient to repulse the inva ders with great slaughter. Santa Anna had solicited by letter the amicable interposition of Gen. Jackson, and had conveyed to the Mexican Government his opinion, that the conquest of Texas was impossible, and that the Indepen dence of Texas should be recog nized. The schr. Brutus, Capt. Hurd, was at Matamoras, blockaded by the Mexican brig of war Vencedor del Ala mo, but would soon be re lieved by the schr. Invincible, Union, and other vessels, that hat proceeded there in tow of the steamboat Ocean, for the purpose - cp.uriug me orig. i he steam boat was ladened with volunteers, and for her protection there was raised a breastwork of cotton bales. The Mexican brig will in all probability fall a capture to the Texians. It seems that the Vencedor had been despatched from Vera Cruz, in order to protect the schooners Cumanches, Fanny Butler and Watchman, which were stored with provisions for the Mexicans. Finding that the Texians had al ready intercepted the said vessels. and appropriated their cargoes to their own use, she verv wielv proceeded to take if possible what Texian vessels might fall in her way. It may not however nrnve a judicious step. From all the information recei ved, and which W'e believe to h substantially correct, we are firm i f i IV of the opinion that the Mexi- wi , uspena active hostilities ruption, and but few workmen es agamst the Texians for the sum- caped. The pumps and engines mer, and we shall not prove very ! were set to work, but it. vain, bad prophets if it should not turn j Yesterday thev had recovered on- out, that their troops will be en tirely withdrawn from the limits of Texas, and the independence of this republic fully secured. foreign. Late from Europe. Liverpool papers to the 27th June, have been received at New York. The trial of Lord Melbourne, Prime Minister of England, for an alleged crim. con. with the Hon. j Mrs. Norton, resulted in his ac quittal. Reform of the Lords. Mr. O' Connell has placed the following notice of motion on the order book of the House of Commons for Monday, the 27th instant: "To move that it be referred to a com mittee to inquire and report whe ther it be not necessary for the public weal of this realm to reform the House of Lords, by extending the principle of representation in the peerage, and altering the qua lity of electors and the mode of election." Nothing decisive from the con tending parties in Spain. The Cotton markets continued dull, without any material varia tion in prices. Abolition in France. On the 25th of May there was a very ani mated discussion in the Chamber of Deputies, upon the subject of Slavery, in the West India Islands, Guadaloupe, Martinique, and the Isle of Bourbon. Some of the speakers were in favor of immedi ate and unconditional enmnrina. tion, without paying the slightest regard to the rights of the propri etor or to the fitness of the slave for freedom. Others were in fa vor of understanding the subject Deiore they acted, and of doing nothing precipitately. The spee ches of the first were dogmatical and inflammatory, and in all re spects mischievous. The other speakers, though not hostile to emancipation, were hostile to the absurd and ridiculous views of those who, under the mask of phi lanthropy and religion, would in volve the colonies and the colo nists, white and black, in one com mon rum. Suppression of Gambling Hou ses in Paris. The French Cham ber of Deputies have passed an important vote, suppressing all the gambling houses of the capital, from January, 1838. The com pany which had farmed these es tablishments, had hoped to parry the menaced blow by volunteering to suppress such gambling houses as were frequented by artisans, and where the stake ws as lew as a franc. The Home and Finance Ministers deprecated the loss to the revenue, and proposed a more gradual suppression. But the Chamber decided upon adopting the motion of M. Gaetan de la Ro chefoucauld, which fixed the com mencement of 1 838, as the term of permission to such houses. Co'ftstitutionnd. Drowning of a Oca I JJine in France. A frightful disaster oc curred recently at the coal mine of Gresocnil, near Franneres. The miners had observed for some time that the coal was unusually tnoist. The observation was made to a director, who paid but little atten tion to it, and ordered the work to be continued. A few days af ter the miners were at work "to the number of 180 or 200, when, all at at once, a blow of a pickaxe made an opening for an impetuous torrent, which rushed out like a river 120 metres (136 yards) a bove the floor of the galleries and 1 ,J,,tv- ill ail IIJMtllll. rtll illU Uvas unavailing against such an ir- c.ua , : . ah : i ly the dead body of a voting wo man. W hole families have been engulphed in this catastrophe. A father, who was working with his three sons, endeavored to push lhe-oungest upon a ladder, ho escaped; but he could do no more; the torrent rushed in with such rapidity, that he could neither save himself nor his other sons. Paris National, Surgical. Dor-tor Duval, or thopedal practitioner in tin civil hospitals of Paris, has performed frequently of late, and always with success, an operation by which club-feet, the most deform ed, and which the machines could not cure, are set perfectly straight at the end of thirty or forty days. This operation, which had not been performed before at Parh, is not painful. Among those cured by Doctor Duval, are some who had been lame thirty years. The Academy of Sciences, and the Royal Academy of Medicine, have appointed committees for the pur pose ol examining the excellent results obtained by this physician. Journal du Havre. Troubles in Palestine. The Austrian Observer of the 14tli June has intelligence from Svria ofthe 17lh. A mutiny broke out few days before in Jerusalem, and some tumultuous excesses were committed. It was sup pressed with difficulty, and the German papers say that the pros pects of ihe Egyptians are gloo my. Vagabonds, criminals, de serters, and refractory conscript? from all Palestine have erathered at Karak, beyond the Dead Sea. They are supported by the Be douin Arabs, and the company assembled at Karak resembles that which haunted the cave of Adul lum during the flight of David, in drawing to itself all that is discon tented or distressed throughout Palestine. Their number is esti mated at from 13,000 to 15,000 men. They have a sufficient sup ply of arms, ammunition, provi sions, and horses, and it is thought that it will be impossible to dis lodge them. Anarchy, robbery. and murder, appear to prevail in all of byria. Red Ants. It is said green or dry sage leaves, scattered plenti fully about places infested with red ants, and permitted to remain during the season, will completely extirpate these troublesome in sects. As the proposed remedy is a simple one, it is certainly worth trying. if i f! 1 1 f 9 1 1 :

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