Whole Xo. 020. Tarborough, (Edgecombe County, X. C.) Saturday, August 27, 1S3G Vol. XII J o. 34 . fhe "Turhnrough Press," jjY OEOROE HOWARD, iMilel weekly, at Tiro Dollars and r, VCtrts per vear. if pa'ul in advance Tee Dollars, M the expiration oTilie ,r; rriptio.. vrar. For any period less , year Twenty-fire Cents per month fwribcrs a e at liberty discontinue at "' time, o' S'vin2T notice thereof and "v, arrears those rending at u dis fi,y '"must invariably pay in advance, or ''!"! responsibiarfference in thisvVmity. f"',vel-,ispments, not exceeding 1( lines i'nMh. (or 8V'rO wii5 ,,e in'srted at m onts the first insertion Si '23 cents each .Snuanco- Longer ones at that rate y evrry square. Advertisements must I "market! the number o insertions requi 1 or they will he continued until other 'e ordered, and charged accordingly. Letters addressed to the Kditor must he 0i't p'J. r ,!ie-v may no1 be attended to. Miscellaneous, Qur University. The next session of Uie University of this tate will commence on the 5th of ,1,1s month, and as this is a seasoti when Parents ana Guardians are engaged in instituting comparisons between tlie merits offered by the different Public Seminaries which have been established in our countrv, v. e would most respect fully invite their attention, for a short time. to die superior advan tages enjoyed by our own. Wc lielieve that this Institution, at no period since the commencement ef its existence, ever presented fairer prospects to young gentle men for advancement in learning, than at the present. We farther believe, that there is no Institu tion, hi this country, the facilities uhvhich can lay a broader found ation for future usefulness. The Professors in this Institution have long been engaged in the instruc tion of youth they have done so ttith the most unceasing diligence ad with the most trembling soli citude for the happiness of those placed under their supervision. They are advantageously known to those best qualified to estimate their merits the literary and scientific men throughout the lountry. The result of their ef forts to train the youth of the Stale in the way in which they should walk, is another substan tia! evidence of their competency; fir most of those who adorn the Bar and the Legislative Councils f the State, were educated under their care; and we believe that there is one bright proof of the ability with which the affairs of the Institution have been manag ed, that tn;iy be found in the quie tude, regularity and repose which were witnessed in the walls of the Institution during its last session for with one or two exceptions, the College edifices were marked JJV all the stillness of n monastic cell. We are satisfied that no institution in the Union was dis turbed by fewer and more trifling infractions of its laws, as there vere but two young men punished the College authorities, and lat m a very mild form and for very slight offences. We believe the course of studies tare pursued is scarcely surpass pd in the comprehensiveness of its plan, by that of any College in l Union. The Philosophical i'-iid Chemical apparatus of the stitution is allowed, by the most competent judges, to possess a fare degree of excellence, whilst Library is furnished with ma ny of the most select works now Warn But there are other fa cilities for literary improvement "We provided, which should pre S(jl!t a strong mark of attraction to 3,1 ardent lovers of improvement; ?'id those are the splendidly furn ,sed Libraries belonging to the J,v Literary Societies, which ;ve been growing up under the luerality of theyouug gentlemen f the University for nearly half a cctury. These Libraries, it is Jau, contain about 10,000 vol l!"es There are two other co Pjus fountains of literary im . Movement the importance of which is not duly estimated by ucated here, but which are most highly prized by all who have participated in the benefits which they are capable of confering; we allude to the two Literary Socie ties connected with the Institution. Hut in scanning the precious ad vantages which will flow from the University to all who may seek refuge under its covert from the ills of intellectual mediocrity, we would be guilty of an unpardona ble degree of negligence were we not to mention the salubrity and healthfulness of its location. We believe there is hardly a situation on earth better adapted to the promotion and preservation of health than this; and as a practic al proof of it, we offer in evidence the fact, that only six students have died in their attendance here since the first commencement of i the University, which was more than forty years since. When it is recollected that the number of; from 100 to 150 persons can hard ly ever assemble at one point for three months at a time, without numbering several of the assem blage among the dead, this fact should fall with impressive weight on i!e minds of all persons soli citous to srure a safe theatre for the education tff their sons. It will be- recollected by all who have been familiar with our Le gislative incidents for some past, that the General Assembly ofi North Carolina scarcely ever ad journs without depositing one ofj its members in the grave-, and we know a few instances in which two or tliree liave died in attend ance on their Legislative duties. This has been the uniform fate of the Congress of the United States, and that of most of the Legislatures of the States. No place is supplied with springs of water possessing greater purity and permanence; none is furnish ed with more comfortable facili ties for boarding the students, none presents more beautiful scen ery to refresh the minds after the exhaustion consequent on severe study, and none finer and more romantic walks to encourage that exercise which should be uniform ly blended with intellectual labor, than this. We will mention in addition to the facts already en umerated, that the Chair of Mod ern Languages has been recently filled by a gentleman of distin guished piety and morality, who graduated with the highest honors of this Institution a few years since who has been subsequently employed as a Tutor in the Uni versity, and as an Instructor in the Episcopal School, with a large increase of reputation to himself. We hope, therefore, that those who value the welfare of their children and the reputa tion of their native State, will pat ronize this rising Institution. Columbia Repository. The Kissers a new Sect in Religion. I went to Church last Sunday not the richly cushioned Trinity not the gorgeous Duane not the faslidrous Grace not the incense-burning St. Patrick's. I went to a private family church, which assembles in a private house at No. , Sullivan street, on the same indenendent principle on which Mr. Latourrette has creat ed his congregation in the Bowery. At half past ten I en tered a gateway mounted a stair oDened a door, and found myself in a small neat rectangu lar room, divided into two parts, with about a dozen of ladies, neatly pressed, sitting around a large table with green cloth, at the other end of the room. I al ways consider myself in civilized society, when I find myself in the presence of colored bonnets with feathers on one side, or a moss rose on the other. Around the table were arrang ed about a dozen bibles and hymn books. At the upper end, stood a silver cup with two handles and a slice of common bread on a salver also a small box within an aperture. Outside the enclo sure a number of pews w ere erect ed, each having also a bible or hymn book. Beyond this, was a stove to keep the apartment warm. The heathen, the unconverted, and the pretty young girls, about two to ten years of age, sat out side. I sat among the latter che rubs as eager, as curious,, as simple as the children themselves. At the proper hour, the chief of the congregation entered a tall, good-looking personage. He turned to the left, and after bes towing a kiss on one of the pret tiest girls present, (piety has al ways a natural attraction to pret ty faces) took his seat at the up per end of the table. He imme diately stood up read a chapter of the new testament and after wards said, "Men and brethren let us pray." A very good pray er was the consequence. After this closed, he began a sermon which was short and sweet. This done, lie read a passage from the new testament, authorizing the "breaking of bread" then taking up the slice of bread from before him, he broke off a small, piece put it into his mouth and handed the remainder to his left hand neighbor. The slice then went round the table in this way, each breaking off a small bit, as if it had been wedding cake, till it reached the Administrator, at the head of the table. Another pray er and another hymn. The chief (hen took up the cup, which was filled with wine re peated a text of scripture put the cup to his lips, lasted it and then handed it to his right hand man who did the same, going round the table precisely as the bread had done. The bread and wine, it will be observed, go a gainst the sun. Another prayeranother hymn another small discourse and then came the crowning glory of the whole ceremonies the "kiss! of chancery.'' The leader got up and said, "brethren and sisters, let us according to the Lord's ap pointment, greel rat h other withj the holy kiss of chancery. I his said, every person male aad fe male, arranged around the table, kissed each other right and left, men and women women and men. It was not a mere dry buss of the cheek but a regular steam-power smack, that struck home to the ear most charmingly a real meeting of lips. I almost said in voluntarily "I wish I were a communicant for one day, by par ticular desire I should take my stand right between those two pretty girls in white feathers and braided hair" but being only a heathen, I sat and mourned among the children, beyond the outer railing, as the ancestors of Major Noah did by the river of Babylon. After the kissing operation was closed, the whole church fell to work and sung a pretty psalm of praise for the mercies vouchsafert in that delichtful ceremony. It is remarkable that some of the prin cipal ceremonies in every religion are eating, drinking, kissing, em bracing, &c. The natural func tions of nature are invested with a divinity which do hedge them in for religiousness. I know not the name of this new sect, but they profess to reject all Protestant, all Catholic doctrines and practices with equal pertinaci ty. They avow themselves to be actuated as the early Christians were before Christianity became associated with politics, states men, emperors, kings, or worldly ambition. They deny any author ity from heaven to build churches nr pxoend monev in endowing clergymen. Religion is a matter of domestic use. Every man's house ought to be his church, as it is his castle every man, ought to be his own clergyman, every man, every head of a family, has a right to take the Bible and form his own creed and to construct his own ceremonies. Religion, ac cording to this sect, is not a mon opoly, to be confined to a particu lar set of men called clergy. They are mere intruders upon the natural rights of society, and their conduct too frequently show the effect of bad association. For some time past, this independent system of religious association has been making great progress among us. It is going ahead like steam power. It is a return to original purity. , In the first years of Christianity every man's house was his church, and the head of the family the priest thereof. What do parsons and priests by profession know more than we? We have the Bible can't we read as well as they? Such are the opinions of the amiable Kissers, and we are not sure but they are half right. Would Mr. Lalourettc introduce this interesting ceremony of kiss ing into his family church? JV. Y. Herald. Discovery of America. It is announced in a recent Paris pa per that the Royal Society of Northern Antiquarians, at Copen hagen, are about to publish a work relative to the discovery of America, which will throw some new light upon the subject. It will be entitled, "Aiuiqnatee A mericance," and will contain the accounts extant in Icelandic and other Scandinavian manuscripts, relative to voyages of discovery made to North America by the Scandinavians in the 10th and following centuries. It will com prise most authentic and indispu table testimony that they discov ered North America towards the close of the 10th century, and repeatedly visited it the 1 1th, 12th, 13:h, and 1 llh centuries, and some settlements were made in the 12th by them as colonists. It is said, moreover, that this work will show, with great appa rent probability, amounting al most to certainty, that it was a knowledge of these facts which prompted Columbus to undertake his memorable expedition. Boston Sentinel. From the Wilmington Advertiser. : EXTRACTS FROM THE ! REPORT Of Jf'alter Givynn, Esq., Engi neer, To the President and Di rectors of the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road Company. Gentlemen: I have the honor to submit the results of the recon noissances and surveys, necessary for a selection of the route of the contemplated Rail Road between Wilmington and Halifax. A careful examination of the country led to the adoption of the following lines for survey: IVestern Route. This route commences at the "Drv Pond." in the South East suburbs of Wilmington, thence runniner nearly due North to the , head of Market street, it takes an Easterly direction to a favorable site for crossing Smith's Creek at "Love Grove." After crossing Smith's creek, the route passes over a level plain, only broken by Prince George's creek, which it crosses between Mr. Burgwin's dwelling and mill-house, to life North-East branch of the Uape Fear river, near the old bridge. The graduation on this portion of the route, consists ot slight exca vations and embankments in clean sand, and will be extremely easy of execution. From the Cape Fear, it may be run straight forty ,seven miles to Hackleberry poco- sin, at the head of Bear swamp. Within this distance, the route will cross Rockfish and Stewart creeks. With the exception of the bridges and embankments a cross these streams, the surface of the ground is so very level, that the ciief work in the road-way formation, will consist of slight cuts no where greater than ten feet in depth, and embankments from two to three feet in height. The route traverses the ridge dividing the waters of Long Creek from those of the "North-East," and passes about two miles and a half to the West of South Washington; and about seven miles to the West nf Kenansville. From the head of Bear swamp, the country con tinues unbroken, until the route reaches Goshen; which is one of the head branches of the North East. Here the first undulation in the plane of the road worthy of notice occurs, a descent and im mediately an ascent of 30 feet to the mile is unavoidable, and some comparatively deep cutting, and heavy embankments are encoun tered. Immediately on ascend ing from the valley of Goshen, the route reaches a dry, level, open woods through which it pas ses to Brook's branch. The for mation of the Rail Road on this portion of the route will consist, chiefly, in cutting down the large trees which overspread the track, and hewing and preparing them for the reception of the iron rails. After making a slight undulation in crossing Brook's branch, which is a very inconsiderable stream, it arrives at the same level, on which it continues to the head of Yellow Marsh; along the margin of which, jt descends to the valley of the Neuse River, encountering in its descent, some heavy cuttings which consist, however, entirely of st id. It crosses the Neuse at a very favorable placejjust below the bridge on the stage road from Halifax to Fayetteville, thence passing near Waynesborough, the country wearing the same level aspect, with the exception ofthe breaks occasioned by the Nau hunta, Acock, and Black, creeks, the surface being almost perfectly smooth. It reaches Contentuea Creek about half way between Woodward's and Rountree's bridges. After crossing the Con tentnea, until the route reaches Enfield, the country may be char acterized as bold, compared with the uniform level aspect hereto fore presented. The soil also undergoes some change, r rom sand, to a sub stratum of clay, mixed w ith snnd, which will be encountered in some! ofthe excavations. On this por tion ofthe route, Tossnot, Town, and Cokey Swamps, the Tar riv er, and Swift and Fishing creeks, are crossed. These occasion a multiplicity of low summits, and an unauiatory pronie. ine grades are, however, gentle, and the cuttings and fillings nowhere exceed fifteen feet. After leaving Enfield, the route gradually des cends to a favorable site for cross ing Beach swamp, just below the mouth of Bear swamp, along the borders of which, with very little variation from a level grade, and no other expense in the formation of the road-way, than the raising of a bank two or three feet in height, the route runs until it rea ches Quankey creek. Here oc curs the highest embankment on the line of the road. It is howe ver, very short. From Quankey, which is only a mile from the ter mination ofthe road, the route as cends very gradually until it unites with the Halifax and Wel don Rail Road, about half a mile from Halifax, and seven miles from Weldon. At Weldon, the Portsmouth and Roanoke Rail Road crosses the Roanoke by a bridge it also crosses the Peters burg Rail Road about two and a half miles from Weldon, where the two roads can be easily united; and thus a connexion of your road may be formed with the Pe tersburg Rail Road, or by the Steam Boats which now daily ply between Weldon and Blakely, they may be connected. In any event I can see no difiiei.hy in the way of both passengers ai d goods, destined for Petersburg, passing from your road to the Pe tersburg Rail Road, wtih as tittle delay and inconvenience, as to the Portsmouth Hail Road. A description of the line which was run on ihe West i-idff of Long creek to Bear Swamp, and which will be brought into comparison with that portion of the Western route, from Wilmington to the same point, will appropriately precede the estimates of the "Western route," and will tome in here. This line commences at the Timber pens, and urns up wards along the margin of tfse river about a mile; dunce it cros ses over and passes along the di viding ground between the Cape Fear and its North-East branch, to nearly the head of Long Creek. The road-bed in this distance will be formed of alternate excava tions and embankments, consist ing entirely of sand. Thence the line will pass on the dividing ground between Long Creek and Moore's Creek; and between Moore's and Rockfish Creek, and throughout to the head of Bear Swamp, the ground is extremely favorable. Stewart and Tuikey creeks are the only streams that are crossed. Summary of the excavatioi., em bankments and Superstructure: 69 miles, 1 191 feet at 433, 815 97. From this, there should be de ducted the cost of six n.i'es of su perstructure, at $3,500 per mile, this being the reduction which will occur in the actual locatios; which leaves $411,015 97, the cost of this line. I bis, compared with the first three items in the following estimate ofthe Western route, and tlie results in favor of the route on the East side of Long creek to Bear Swamp will be in the first cost, $49,593 09; and in distance upon the probable line of location, 4950 feet. A com parison of the grades and curva tures, results in favor of the line on the East side of Long Creek. I have, therefore, based my esti mates for the Western route on this line, supposing that the same reasons which have influenced me in the selection, may also operate with the Board in according it the preference. I have now to proceed with the estimate ofthe Western Route. Summary ofthe cost of excava tions, embankments, super structure, Locomotive Engines, Coaches, Cars, Water stations, Wharves, Shops, Contingencies, and Steam boats: 1GI miles, 318!) feet of Rail Road, and 150 milts of Steam Boat communication, $1,500 000. Careful and minute enquiries, with the view of ascertaining the practicability of a route through Uockyrnount, and also through Kena isville, by Rockford, result ed in the conviction of their being less eligible than either of the routes selected. It now remains to describe the character of the Eastern Route. This route pursues the trace of the western route to station No. 17G; thence it takes a more east erly direction, and traverses the ridge dividing the waters cf the North-east branch of the Cape Fear River from those ofthe New and Neuse Rivers, until it reaches the Neuse at Rockford. On this portion of the route, we cross Smith's and Prince George's creeks, and several small streams, which make into the North East.