"1 'at Jflartin Van Bureiu OF NEW YORK. liichard M Johnson, OF KENTUCKY. T lias fallen to thehnmMe lot of the un dersined to have presented to the A- men can People, a third edition of the Bio graphies of the two above named highlv distinguished pairiotir citizens, whose con stant devotion to the best interests of our Government has led to their designation, as n testimony of the estimation in which their services are regarded by the PkoPle whom they have served, as candidates for the two first offices within the gift of a FREE, HAFPY, and FLOURISHING NATION. This token of respect gives lo the. world additional pnoor that faithful service shall not go unrewarded. The object of this appeal to the republi can portion of our fellow citizens, is to ob tain ttvir co operation in the circulation of an edition of 100,000 copies of the joint Biography of MARTIN VAN BUREN & RICHARD M. JOHNSON, enlarged, re vised and corrected, so as to be valuable to every lover of his country, and alike hon rahle to the distinguished ciiis'ns whom we THE people, intend still further to honor, by their elevation to the offices of President and Vice President of the United States, in the election of IS'M. Thus we shall perpetuate the principles of Jefferson, which have been so signally revivd, no bly acted gpon, and triumphantly car ried out bv Audrew JacksoW, who, spur ning all flattery, knew nothing but the People, th whole People, and their re ipectire rights, regardless ol their fortunes, whether rich or poor; thus rendering his name am) renown as-durable as the ever lasting llll-LS." The arrangement of the volume will be as follows: 1st. Portrait of Andrew Jackson. To Whom the volume will be inscribed, with an address by the Publisher. 2d. Portrait of M. Van Buren. To be followed by hi- Biography, enlar ged, including several valuable document, illustrative of his public character, and ex hibiting the magical powers of his gigantic mind, w hich has ever been devoted to sn tain the rights of his country, and the glory and prosperity of his fellow citizens. 3d. Portrait of R M. Johnson. To be followed bv his Biusraphv, enlar fed, in l"di"g vari. us Speeches, Sunday Mail REPOKTS.and other documents; illus trative of his long continued public life, which has ever been devoted to the good of his country; including an authentic ac count of the fall of the renowned Indian warrior, I eccmseh, on the ever memora ble 5'h of Octotitr, 1313 with an engra ved view of li.e battle field The work will be complete in one volume- of about 4(H) pages The pi c to be fixed :t Ihe moderate sum of One Dollar, neatly bound with cl"th backs; or tall and gilt, with the additional expanse of bind ing The work, which is now in a state of preparation, shall be such as to eive entire satirfac ion; as it is in t-e h nd of gentle men who have for n-arlv forty yeais.been personall) and intimately quainted with the pi ivate and public life of tin above na med distinguished citizens. The celetiaied addrs of thp Hon Thomas II. Centon. ot Missouri, bearing testiuionv to the high character ( Martin Vat Buren; and the oqn nt speech of I he Hon. James iiarbour, of Virginia, in the U. b. enate, portraying the cliivalry of Col. Johnson on the fu l l and in the councils of the nation, v. ill t.e ; p i end-d to the work. As ti ere is anion; our republican cili eens, an extensive population of German origin, the work will appear siimiltanenu ly in both ti e English and the German Ian gu'. It will, therefoie, be necessary for subscribers who wih to hive Ihe work in Ihe Gei na.i, to signify the same on the subscription book. it wil;, io order to give prompt and ex tensive lin o': lion to the work, be indis pensable for a'l subscribers to pat at the time of subscribing all money to In a' a propei time lot "warded with the lists of sig natures to the publishing committee which will be did) made known by a no. tice in the Washington G -aim. O Democratic editors disposed to en C0ua.e the work, will confer a favor, which will be gratefully acknowledged ly the Subscriber, in giving publicity to tiic above a .d receiving subscriptions al their resp dive offices, to whom a reasonable per centage will be allowed. The People's obedient servant, WM. EMMONS. Washington City, June 1, 1835. Brandy, wanted. nnilE Subscribers wish to purchase 50 -IL barrels BRANDY, tor which the highest cash price wrl be given D. RICHARDS -y CO. Nov. 12. 1K35. BECKWITH'S Anti-dyspeptic i'iUs. THIS most valuable medicine for the cure of Dyspepsia, and the ptevention w. u. ...... s .c,ci, couc. tie. &ic is kept con Itantly on hand and for salt- by .. IV. V 07 TEN. Tarboro'. 24 Sept. 18. Jus J Published, 4nil lor sain at ibis Office, ran rvxousB, Trying to gnaw onl 0y tl CATHOLIC TRAP. lir JoshUA Lawrence Price 10 cents single, r $1 per dozen September, 183a. F OZfn' TO PRINTERS And Publishers. THE Subscribers have just completed their new Specimen Book of light faced bok and job flowers mid (Irmimtnts, The contents of which are herewith partial ly given. Diamond; pearl, io. 1 and 2; agate Nos. 1, i! and 3; ajrate on nonpareil body; non pareil Nos. 1.2, 3 and 4; minioiie le Nos. 1 and 2; minion Nos, 1, 2, 3nd 4; minion on brevier body; brevier on rninioii body; brevier Nos. 1,2, 3 and 4; bievier on bour geois body; brevier on long primer body, boureoi on brevier body; bourgeois Nos. 1, 2, '& and 4; bourgeois on long pr.iner; long primer Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4; long prim er on small pica body; small pica, Nos. 1 and 2; pica on small pica body; pica, Nos. 1, 2 and 3; p ca on English body; English Nos. I and 2; great piimer; paragon; dou ble English; double paragon; cannon; five lines pica to twenty ; eight line pica Gothic condensed, to twenty; five, seven line and ten line pica ornamental; six, seven, nine, twelve and fifteen line pica .'haded; eight, ten, twelve -ixteen lines antique, snaded. Also, a large and beautiful collection of Fr"m pearl to seven lines pica, many of which are not to be found in any other spe cimen; m new assortment of ornamental dashes, a variety of card borders; near TWO THOUSAND Metal Ornaments, Brass rule; leads of various thickness; as tronotnicrtl, mathematical and physical is; metal braces and dashes from three to thirty eun Ion;; great primer Si double pica sctipts on inclined body; diamond and nonpareil music of various kind-; antiques; light ami heavy fare two line letter; lull face Roman and Italic nonpareil, minion, brevier, lung pi iiner and small pica; min ion, brevier, long primer and other Macks; nonpareil, minion and bievier Greek, He brew and Saxon. A la- ge va: ietv of Ornaments, calculated particularly lor the Spanish and South A- mencan market-: Snai tsb. French and Portuguese accents furnished to order, to- g-thei with every other article made use f in the PritTlmg business, aU of which can be furnished at horl notice, of as good a quality and on as reasonable terms as any othr ettablishmr-nt. COXNEfi Sr COOKE, Corner of XassaH 4 Ann streets, Xtir York. To the Afflicted. ifi RAY'S invaluable Ointment for the JK cure of white swellings, scrofula am other tumour, sore lers ami ulcers, am fresh wounds, sprains, bruises, swellings ana intlainm.it ions, ate. &c. B ckwitliN nuti-dyspeptic pills. Row and'. genuine tonic mixture, a ner feet cure for ague nod fever. The above valuable medicines mav be had wholesale or retail on aoolication to J. n. Lotttn, Agent lor latboiough. Ib36. Ldook at This. William Claiborne. A BOUT W e year 1816 or 1817, remov Jjk. ed from the countv of Amelia, io the Slaie of Virginia, and settled in some nart ol Noith Carolina; since which lime, his mentis liave not heard fr m him or been able to uncertain ihe place of his residence. 9 Bequeathed to him by his wife's Father, John Hag by, Will been me payable the 1st of January 1S37, and the undersigned Executor of the Estate is anxious that he ehould come lor ward and receive ii; and that he, in the meantime, do advise the undersigned ol the place of his residence. If Mr. Clai borne is dead, or has removed from 'Caro lina, his surviving relations or any other person who can ive any information con crnin him, or his descendants, will con ler a fttvor on the undersigned, by commu nicating s,,ch information bv letter direct ed to him at Kanawha Courthouse, Va. Thos. Mallheivs, E&r. 1st June, 1836. Just Published, And for sale at this Office, a pamphlet en titled, Aro other than Baptist Churches Have n right Io be called CHRISTIAN CHURCHES. By Joshua Lawbenc. Price lOcents singlco, $l per dozen. j January, isou. fipii Ims1'. I i4l Vim Land for Sale. HAVING more land than 1 can cul tivate, I offer for sale my Mill Plantation, In the county of Edgecombe, Adjoining the lands of Reuben Taylor Henry Adams and others containing Mout 200 Acres, On which is a good Mill, Apple and Peach Orchard, and meny other advantages. ANOTHER SMALL TRACT, of very valuable Land, In the county of Nash, Lying on the north side of Swifi Creek, ad joining the lands of Jacob Ing, John Hit- hard and others. Apply to the Subscriber, at his resi dence in the countv of Nash. WILLIAM BELLAMY. Oak Forest, January, 1836. 4 Notice. THE Subscriber has on hand a first-rate Ptuggy (tnd Sulky, Manufactured in the latest Newark style AZiSO, A small light Carryall, Which he will sell CHEAP for Cash, or on a short credit. Isaac . rady. July 7th. 1836. JYotice. THE Subscriber notifies the public that he has purchase from Mr Red ding Sugg his inter at in ihe indentures of CAIX HAMMONDS, A man of color, who had encacred tn ipr Mr. Suse for a term often vears train Sen. tember letm 183.), ot Kdgecombe Superi or Court. I therefore forbid all peisons from employing or crediting said Ham- moods without iny permission. James EUinor. September 29. 33 Stale of North Carolina, EDGKCOMBE COUNTY". Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, AUGL'6T TERM, 1636. Benjamin Williams ) v- Original Attach- Dempsey Webb, SenV. ) mtnl Levied on one tract of land, adjoining the lands of James Barron and others, 26ih May, 1836, containing 600 acres more or less. ITT appearing to the satisfaction of ihe Jt court, mat the tHIendant in this cate ha removed himself out of the Sti nr in absconds or conceal himself that the or dinary process of law cannot be served on him: It is therefore ordered, that publica tion be made in the Tarborough Press for six w eeks, that unless he appear before the Justices of our County Court of Pleas and Quarter es-ions, at the neat Court to be held f r th-- county of Edgecombe, at the Court Mouse in Tarhorouh, on the fourth Monday in November next, then and there to replevy and plend to issue, final jud tnent will be entered up against him, ami the land levied upon condemned subject to the pl.iiutiff's recovery. Witness, Miehael tlearn, Clerk of said Court, at Tarboro-gh, Ihe 4lh Monday in August, A I) 1836. MICfL. HEAliN. C C Price adv 3 50 37 Mate ofjforth Carolina, EDGECOMBE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, AUGUST I ERM, 1836. Daniel Knight b Co. ) vs. Original Attach- Benjamin Hart. ) ment - Lfvied on Ihe defendant's land, juining i tie lands ol L,amon Kithu, William Worsley and others, lying in Ihe county of Edgecombe 11th Aug 1826. 1 appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that (he defendant has removed himself out of the State, or so absconds or conceals himself that the ordinary process or ine law cannot ue served on him: It is therefore ordered, that publication be made in the Tarborough Press for six weeks, that unless he appear before Ihe Justices of our County Cort of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, at the nett Court to be held for the county of Edgecombe, nt the Court House in Tarborough, on the fourth Monday in November next, then and there io replevy anu plead lo issue, final judg ment will be entered up against him, and the laud levied upon condemned subject to Ihe plaintiffs' recoverv. Witnrss, Michael Heam, Clerk of said Court, at larboio.igh,the 4th Monday in August, A. I). 1836. MICfL. HEAliN, C. C. Price adv $3 60. 37 HISTORY OF THE JCehukee Association. TTUST PUBLISHED, and for sale at the &? office of Ihe Tarboro' Prest. . rise History of theKehukee Baptist Asso ciation, trom its original rise to Ihe pre sent time by Elder Joseph Biggs under the supervision of a committee (consisting of Elders Joshua Lawrence, William Hv. mtn, and Luke Ward, and brethren Tho. mas Biggs.Joseph D. Biggs, and Cushion B Hassell,) appointed by the Association." Price $ 1 each, or $ 10 per doxeo. H. JOHNSTON, MERCHANT TAILOR, Is now receiving from New York, A Splendid Assortment of (U OIQ)Si IN HIS LINE OP BUSINESS, Suitable for the approaching Season. Gentlemen wishing to purchase the most fashionable and best goods, at a small ad vance nn the cost, will do well to call and examine his Stock, as he is determined In sell very low for Cash, or on a short credit to punctual customers. Among them are Superfine blue, black, find brown Cloths, 2d quality do. of all Die most fashionable colors, Sup'r corded and plaid fancy Cassimeres, White corded &i drab drills for pantaloons. Crape Camblets and Bombazi-ies for thin coats, A superior assortment of Vesiings, of eve ry description, Plain brown Linens for summer jackets and pantaloons, Plain black and fancy Stocks, (a large as- soriuvnt ,) Fancy silk Handkerchiefs, Black silk Cravat, linen Collars, Plain and ruffl-d linen Bosoms, a new and superior article Suspenders, Silk Shirts for gentlemen, a new article, Also, most every other article comprising geu'lemen's wear. He also keeps on hand (of his own make) a small assortment of Heady made Clothes. He has on hand a few best white beaver Hals, which will be sold at New York cost. O'Geiitlemeu furnishing their own Cloths tan have them made and trimmed in the most fashionable manner, and at the shortest notice. Tarborough, April 14th, 1836 Vine Culture. THE Subscriber has more than twenty kinds and fifty varieties of the Vine. Some of these are generally known as ex. fllii frr littkt tia r r uri.iA flip Sii.k Pefong, the Halifax, Isabella, Catawba, Herbeaut s Madeira, ic The price for a well rooted sinele vine is a Quarter of a C7 I dollar but where a dozen, fifty, ene bun jdred or more are taken at once, or boxed , and sent the same direction to one respon sible person, a handsome deduction is made. For further particulars inquire of the Editor of the 1 arboro Press, or SIDNEY I TELLER. Brinkleyville, N. C. Oct. 4. Montague's Balm, An Indian remedy for toothach, WHICH when applied according to d rcdii iis, has never failed to afford immediate and permanent relief, just re- reived and for sale by J. IV. COTTEN. lltb Nor. 1835. -::- White $' Ilagnr, TTJ ESPECTFULLY inform the Printers MM of the United States, to whom they have ben long known as establi-hed TYPE FOUNDEBS, That they h ive now formeu a CO-PARTNERSHIP In said business and hope from their united kill and experience to be able to give sal ltarlion tn nil u l.rt mav I'avnr ihom uilli J their orders. The introduction of machin ery in place of the unhealthy process of casting type by hand, a desideratum by the American and European founders, was by American ingenuity and heavy expenditure of time and money on the part of the senior partner, first successfully accomplished. Extensive use of Ihe machine to cast let ters has fully tested and established its superiority overlh.it cast by the old process. The letter foundry business, will hereafter be carried on by the parlies above named, under the firm of WHITE, HAGUR & CO. The specimen exhibits a complete series from diamond to seventeen line pica. The book and news type being io the most modern light and .shade. WHITE, H AGUR U CO. are agents fr the sale of Smith and Rust PRINTING PRESSES, w hich I hey furnish to t heir customers at the manufacturers' prices. Chases, cases, composing sticks, ink, and every article used in the printing business, kept for sale and furnished at short notice. Old type taken in exchange for new, at nine cents per pound. ttjrNewspaper proprietors, whowill give the above advertisement three insertion, will be entitled to $5 in such articles as they may select from our specimens. New York, 1836. E. WHITE. IV. HAGUR. Published and for Vae at this Office. A PATRIOTIC DISCOURSE tht North Carolina Whir's Annl tliv Kehukee Association and, A Basket of t ragments, by the Kev. Joshua Lawrence. Also, A Review of Clark's defence nn.l ;,,. t fication to the Kehukee Association, writ ten by a lay member of the Association and. Occurrences in the Life of F.IH.r r- seph Bigg, wrote by himself. Cotton (Bins THE Subscriber, who for setrernl years past has been engaged in The Gin Making business, In Kinston, has established himself IN GREENVILLE, Where he carries on the above business in all its various branches. All those who wish to supply themselves with Gins of the best quality, are respectfully solicited to apply to the Subscriber personally or by letter. All orders for Gins will be prompt ly executed. From the Subscriber's long experience in his business, and from the approbation which his work has hitherto met with, he hesitates not to promise entire satisfaction to all who may see fit to extend to him their patronage. Gins out of order will be expeditiously repaired. The Subscriber takes the liberty of call ing the attention o those who wish to pro cure new Gins, or to have old Gins repair ed, to the expediency of applying to him in time. When all wait as is usually the case, until the work is wanted, it causes such a pressure of business, that many are obliged of necessity to submit to a longer delay than they wish. AIsIiGFJ TZSOB?, In connexion with this establishment, car ries on the Lock& Gunsmith business He also makes Saw Mill Boxes, and Mill Inks, and Gudgeons, of a composition in vented by Daniel Peck, of Raleigh Grist Mill Spindles, with Steel Collars, (turned.) These articles qual to any manufactured in the United States All letters and orders must be directed to Ihe Subscriber at Greenville HENRY CHAMBERLAIN July 12, 1635. Cotton Gins. fTTI 1 1 E subscriber has established himself J in the houses formerly occupied by the late Joseph Lackey, dee'd, near the river, and a short distance below Mr. Benjamin M. Jackson's store, where he carries on The making and repairing Cotton Gins All those who wish to supply themselves with Gins of the bes quality, are respect fully solicited to apply to the Subset iber personally, or by letter. All rIer for Gins will be promptly exeeuted. Gins out of order will be expeditiously repaired. Blarksmilhing, of every description, ei ecuted in the best style. O Two second hand Cotton Gins for sale low for cash. SAMUEL D. PROCTER. Tarboro', 30 h Sept. 1835. VERY BEST Collon Yarn and Twine FOR SALE. THE Subscribers feel grateful for the liberal patronage which they received the past year, and hope by assiduity and punctuality in business to merit a continu ance of past favors. They now have and expect to keep con stantly on hand, the Very best Cotton Yarns, Front Nos. 2 to 18 inclusive. Also various sizes of the best Cotton Seine Twine. Its durability and strength has been fairly tested, and ihe 5ubscribers feel no hesita tion in pronouncing it inferior to none, if not superior to any in market Both the above articles they expect to deliver to purchasers on as liberal terms as articles of the same quality can be procured else where. The usual charge for conveyance will be made. Terms of Sale for all quantities of Yarn over one thousand pounds, four months cre dit will be allowed for any quantity under one thousand pounds, three months, Ihe purchaser giving note (without interest) at the time the Yarn i. delivered, payable at the above stated times. The proprietors of fisheries will do well to apply to the Subscribers for Twine for the future, as a very liberal credit will be given. BATTLE & BROTHERS. Falls Tar River, Jan 10, 1S36. 100 barrels Flour, Of superior q-ialify, for sale by D. RICHARDS S? CO. Dec. 4th, 1835. $100 Reward. RANAWAY from the Subscriber, on Ihe nighi of 20th September last, my negro man named DANIEL. 20 or 21 years of age, 6 feet high, black complexion, has a pleasing countenance, inclined to be knock-kneed, his feet some what turned out, particularly his left font, h clothing not recollected. He whs for merly the property oT As ihel Farmer, his mother, brothers and sisters belonging to said Farmer his father is in, the same neighborhood working about as a black smith, nearly as a free man. It is believed he is lurking about in the neighborhood of sai.l l armer, also in Wash county. The above reward will be paid to any person that will apprehend said negro, and deliver him to me or secure him in any jail so that I get him again. I forewarn any person from harboring said negro, or enrrving him off, under the strict penalty of the law. Any information respecting him vil b- thankfully received by the Subscriber, ai Oak Grove, Edgecombe county. WILLIAM BARNES. 24th Aug. 1835. 35 CTPeach ilrmuhjfjx I WISH to purchase 10 barrel, i . Pch BRAN DY. for which he w' price will be paid in cash. ghes J IV. COTTEV Tarboro', Nov. 23d. 1835, Mrs.A.C.IIowanl nish her customers and the public iV?L most every article for ornament, 8 ,vi, or comfort in the ,useiviCe, Millinery Line. In her assortment will be found. A variety of Pattern Bonnets, Tuscan and straw do. of ,',,! shape and feature. y fre0 Plain, figured, and watered Silks and Sv ins tor dresses, a'1' Fancy Gauze-, lor do. Veils Shawls, Scarfs, and Han-lk-rchief. ol different qualities ami price, 5' Head ornaments, hair Nets, Puffs', fcrvt, AFSrrScf Ribb"" QCTMrs. H. has also an elegant Pan Dress, and other pattern, f ,e J fa-h,ons. -he invi.es iiw . Goods. Mivtua makimr ... er 1 arboro', April 23. Buggy for Sale. X N excellent .Newark made Bl'GGY for 8a,e' Apply at this Office. " November 9, 1835. Whom it may concern. THE Subscriber requests all those in debted to him to call and settle their accounts. rj T'ryn Jannarv 13. 1836. A.l. Piano Forte for Sale. IH VE a very handsome PIANO for sale persons wishing to purchase, would do well to call and examine it. J. IV. COTTEN. May 21st, 1835. PROPOSALS, For publishing in the toicn of Tarborough, N. C. a semi-monthly paper, enlitltd THE PRIMITIVE BAPTIST, EDITED BY MRK BENNETT, Printed and Published by Geo- Howard. TH IS publication isprinciMl!yin(Pnded todefend theold school CniieJ Baptists from the many aspersions cast upon them bv deluded persons proiessitti; their own faith, because they cannot cmisci'-ntioui-Iv engage in the various inoiiey-makinj schemes of the day, ostensit-ly intended to promote Christianity, hut evidently land ing to destroy tne great and fundamental principles upon which it is based, by mak ing a gain of godliness. We w ish " hne it distinctly understood, that we are not inimical to Masonry, Temperance, me dis tribution of the Bible, or Ihe spread of the Gospelbut we do condemn the mingling of professors and non-professors of reli gion in societies, and the aiakinz a "craft of religious matters, in every sliajw and form whatsoever. Believing that 'Theological Schools, Bi ble. Missionary, Tract, ami Sunday School 111 fill Sneieiies. ;ire the same in principle unscriptural savor more, of "lucre' than of 'good will towards men," we are fmnnepil tn them. Some of the children of God, surrounded with, and interspersed amongst, the advo cates of Missionary and other societies. are denied the happiness of conversing witb those of Ihe same judgment. Oilers, while grieved with behohlng corruptions of lie Gospel, are not able to speak fr them selves. I his is designed, under God, for their relief. We shaK aim not so much to please the fancy, as to inform the judgment more to afford mat'er for solid and last ing comfort, than to pi a momentary glow to the feelings. We ennsi ler that ihe cause of tnrh and of Christian s -lace, is our cause. Deeply impressed with Ihe belief that the blessing even of truth itself is of the Head of the Church, we caM our selves upon Him, and send our little paper abroad, praying Ihe Lord to carry with it some joy to those who are in tribu'a'ion, and a little rest t those who are troubled. TERMS. The Primitive Baptist is published i super-roval octavo lorm of lo pa?eS 3J--the second and fuurlh Saturdays in.each month at 0e Dollar per year, payable on receipt of the first number. S;x cui? will sent lo one Post Office or. neighbor, hood for Five Dollars. . Communications must he post- paid ana directed to the Publisher. XT Persons holding Sjbxcriplion paptrs will please tend themor, the names o' to Geo. Hawant, Tarbaoiuh, Printing Press for Sale. -:$- A SUPER ROYAL Printing Pre. j the old mode of onstru tion, caa bt ..rocured on reasonable terms. Apply at this Ofla. Tarhorouj!', Jvi'.v

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