53-- T':;V " i v yt :?, -A NEW GOOD 8, t , C3i wl Kral . oil Side at 1 action. fSl'JK Ce-pir'ncr-i ip hnemfoie exist - no under the nmie and stv h- of . . . : . i I... .1... .1 .1 I J,lIMg I'li'MiTfii -u in imi: i.t-uu"- I I tllj - , ;t? Illl'ICI'Slgned. :iJ Mil VIM' in! in - !!, will expose nf public vendue, in ., . i . juesdtty. ore inner ncxr, If fair, if not, the next fair day, tiii; KNTiuK stock of iVrcs 'Merchandize, Ftlonui''? ,hf' '1'he slock on , n.i i- eiteiisive, and embraces a good un':'t ot STAPLE AMD FANCY DiiV GOO OS, Hardware, Groct ries and CROCKERY. ,K. f,.I'.uvi.g in iy ,.e.irmer,tt,l as form : jti; a '; 1 1 of ihe Stock, viz: jiijif fiuf Cloths ami C.ib'mieit'S, of all i..irs. v;,i,-i ii.it? Li. ten, Lawn, ice funis nf every vainly and jn.il iv, (.riij e-. Ve-lings. Laces. Self Ribbons, II - iy. til -ves. &.. );.i:ni'e-, l"ii! y.ine, nnd "ircisia Laul ami writ selected i-.sorlnio.it of ;,i.!wU ami Hamlkei chi i, A;i txri lif.n isni im"iii of F'auin is and Il e Blankets. 1,1'iit 's ami buys Hals and Caps of en-rv ,!e-rripiiou, Uul.' fi iH calf and kip Shoe', i.-nlie-i L ather, morocco and prunella iw- aborted, I. ! . ra super kid &. niim 1 la Slippc i s ' "r co;,,'!,,' '''Ran Shoe, an fjlLT xci-1'enl arliele lor .ci ui s, mi' r . Calf skins, ice il.u.lrt.uv. Cutlery, Chi ia, Glass and Car tiifiirt are, ol every style and quality. finu.l assortment of Cotton Baggin-;, lugging J'wi nt; and hale Hope. Cast I loughs, 5 v-ips and Ani.-rican Iron, assorted, ; i ... t"a n.irn-ls prune cut lleriins, Airw eaks Mipeiior Madeira Wine, Akrt hai leU ( old apple iil.Hi.ly. IL g.ne will take p'ate on the premises i: I e Subscriber, hi tin st'neh uisi in I'll W. 6; J. Foienian cumliicieJ l.usi-Lf-. iuht miles alove (iieenville, on ih i.tai!.; 1 ar river in I 'il t county ..ml 1 if coiiiiuiifil from day to cl.iv until all i-i! l. Terms six months credit will he illutti-d on Jill 'iiiclias'-s that are e(un to r I'fed ten doLnr-, the ; niC' aser j;ivin'; :jiJ -Ailh approved security hel'oie the li.rry of tl.e ariKh-s on all pun liases ! tiaii trii 'idlns, cash w ill be l fj'lil -it. t coni.iietit p pret ist'ly at 10 oYi ck. A.M. e.ica day. .Mnel.ants, I'l n:ers, d . : tiers who desire good bargain- may fv1 it to tlieir iuieiest in attend. the tjjie s de. J h. Tor? num. S irciving Partner of IV. St- J. Foreman 1'itl Co'iiily , Oct. 12lh. Iti.X). 4U also, will in: sold, llttoie the ahove sale is close. I, Uiw Ttilnulile Hlnrlistnilk, And one pood anil new 7'7 hnlloni ttonl, l't!i an exceib nt air a-l to acconianv it, all !:iod and new, hvo Ou satv Collon Gins J. F L. Sale Postponed. The above Sale is post poned until Tuesday, Ihe of December next. J. h. F. William W. Grav's hrcnlunhie (liniment, FOR ULCERS, TUMOURS, &C. rC)i now be oht.i'uv d of Kit 1'itlentcc, al ihe ().i'ic: of lht Raleigh Il'izistcr, -a-Ie I,t, 1 d diar ine loj'.eu, y dollar. IVILLMM IV GIi.1V. Sleigh, October 4. lfc.'5. ttaidh, September 1. B3C. For five or -x years previous to the 5;iing of iy iu'.j.,.t m-,n 0f dne ha 1 'n mudi ;if,l cted with an u cerated arm j'' 'I IihikI, which render 1 him almost r';- Ihe nicer emiii.x ed that f.art of I. is "iii from the hov down, inclndiii'4 his l";"e hand, w hi li a liteta'lv a mass ol I' "flactiun A joint of one tinker, and a Nt f nnimb, peiiht il anddropt oft. p "eni dutne ii'j and hopele-s Case I i;cv( r b. held. It was abandoned by ' '' l,!'Mc;an as incurable, except lv am- KlfH.ll f . ;,;!. Iheh.Nt medical I rent in nt havij fail '''! relieve the ma, 1 placed him under ''I-rare f Mr. William W.Gray, i-i thi j'li,r', who, with his Ointment, ha effeclu cured the case, although the nero b'e'piPiuly absent, Ur weeks and "'"'tiis together. Hp h is been eutirtlv w" 'or the last ei;hi months, and I have ''Jii reason to believe will continue so. WILLIAM BOY LAN. Joticc. THE ARS Are now r m.hiii- daily on .he Portsmouth and Uoanolu Riiil Road. . J" K- B. Garv'g, within 10 miles of Jli!iUx. sha 1 run U ,,on . .in .1U! y . Owners of CoKmi, Vnr Ihe tvcf-smM-je f.o.n Halifax to G-.rv's vm.I l,e l c.-.s per l.a..,e Hai n i-ht Iron, f.arv s to !.,, tsniond, w j' .)e '-... perlom l.e,!. H,ck fl, . , Vf iln Maldax will be 10 Cents per i1Iih. died. lw&. M. T. Fen-all Will art a AGENTS AT HALIFAX, will eoiiMz Cotton to any lioases in Poi tiinouih an J Norfolk w i h i'iip .i:t- j patch as they would to .mi, selves. .i. t-V it. Harris. 'u Noiiolk, Oct. IT, 183ti. joticc. Tlie SalMi ih. t s emit lino to transact Commission tins.ints.'i IN NORFOLK. All produce left with their Agents, Messrs binwums &, luire, HALIFAX. Wi'l be forai!.l without if el iy ly tie vvajrons now- inaninc; from that place to i.ii's Depot t!, i result termi a! ion ol tiie PniMinoinli and Ko inoke I'ad Kond. lht vvaggoiiH-ie is 20 cents per baly on COT LJ$l TON. And ihe Rail Uo.id lieight from Gary's Depot to Norfolk is 25 t ents p.-r 100 lis" Janus nordon Sc Co. v. 7. Is."a jj i ! I.l.'t- ! I'.'it t.y the ver fir-t Mnsiciiii ihe I nit d State-, Ciiaklfs i. Hons. Iq. of New Yoik. The baiiicrilier loi- jost received i'li o i innns. Of very si.ptrior tone aiul finish. Th.v have bt-en cxamintd bv liv r six umsiciaiis, who proiio;nic- tl.rm fust iaie; S'-veral of th dd st and in st xpf ri n ced cO.inet m.ikers in thi piaee, ho ti ve tan fully examined t.ie exicii.n, it h t - it a tinjjl ileclaif tiieot I'ii hI I'.nlul' nn thin" l ;he Ivi.iil tl.'- have ever een in I'eier- bnr. For liit- qualiiv of thee Insliu-int-nts, I n f. r i 'hail. t, V.. Horn, i.q. Nw York; Dr. I hoiuas l itotioii. I'eii i loii ir; lr. Hob rl i'.onnei !! bmon, do; Win. M. HobinMin, V.'i , Kithii.ond; Charles lli, K.q. rr0Vr.or of Millie in this place luhrnrd V A'ash. BiiokscUer Petnrdiirr. Va. Aujt 2.'i. :17 Notice. A a nn e'ioc of the Merchants of the J.jA. Town leter!nirj;, held at the Ilea- line Hoeni on Siloiday ev nin-' the l.!'i inst.. for I li e t'Uipoe of f imiii a Cham bei of Commei c it was uiiauimouly re solved, tha tlie i ai of Com missions on the sale ol produce I all kin Is fumi and afiei the 1st day of November next, shall be 2 1 2 per rent. P Durkin. Chairman. . B Blame, S e'y. Oct. 22 Notice. J Jllin subscribers Im r leave lo say, that 11 IHl Y II sVi: SOT en:eil im the agreement recently made by most ol the merchants of this town, binding' them--elves to charge 2 1-2 per cent, cmini" siou on the sales of all produce sent to them fo' sale They wilt, as heretofore, charge on all collon they may s- II at the r il load depo', or Iron, waggon., oil cenis per b.'le, where uoaiUances are required. l iny aiclullv preareil to m ke advan. ce if ilesin tl, and refer with confnb uce to tiiei.-niini'-r.ti3 fiiencls and customer? for the manner in which their business has been ti ausacted A laigo supply of B;igginz and Rope, for sale low. , Dunn. McftiOfiiueSf Brownhy Petersburg, Va. Oct 22. Herrings! Herrings!! li-XRRF.LS Cut Herrings, just received and for snle Im lung & Edmondson. May 30 1 h, 1836. N APPRENTICE to (be Printit.e ilLA bimness is wanted nt this Onice. boy between the ages of 12 and i8 years, who can read tolerab'.y well, i'l met-' with good encouragement if ai'plicatiou is soon mde. October 1. 1 WT TV A of i t w Goods, new Goods. IIR Suhsciiber takeg great pleasure I!' nnimoili inir I.. h. tin. Pui r fs vusmnieis ana h Public in general, that he has just re "'""I Irom the North, with a complete hsovtmt nl of Fancy BUT GOODS, AND CROC I- ltlES, Which I e prop . ... to SeVi on nosl reason able tenns-a gt, at mam at least 25 pe cent cheaoei than w.i .!.l i,. j during the last season, such as Dale Hope, "jinn's;, LUruikeis, tie. The -ubsciiher basal o on hand, a great variety of heavy Jeadii Mule Clothing, Consi,,!,,.. of Cloaks, over Coatsdress Coat-, I'ar taloo. s ,! Vests, citable for the appmai hing season. The Mibscnber w ill i;ive in barler or in Cash for Cotton r ( rn ,s mc( as hij neighbors, as he wi-bes lo buv a lar"e qiiautil) of both. lsac 11 lirady. ' arboro-, 1st Oct. 1836. A MEW & FASHIONABLE FALL AND WINTER Millinery tc. a i o i. oo.i'ioei iiu.iiiiis tier cusiom- Ill C.i ;i :.. r . Jd. -rs -'iid tlo p blic. that she is now ipening her I'nll Supply t Fauci! ni tinery, Com'i'i-iiU an exien-i ve asm tnient of tl,e mo-t fashiunable and bira le article f i Labi' s w ear. whiih wiih ei former sto u renders her assm tun-d ( omplete. Anion.' tin articles w d be found Pattern ilk, velvet nod straw Hoiiiiets, Ladies he.tvt-r hai-. tlifTeien' colors, o-trith .lud fancy F'-at ' is. II Hd dresses. Cape Co laM, kc. "ufls 'lid oils I'l great varieiy. Plain and figured .lk and Latins, Mo'b', Crape-. Gauzes and Fhoeuces, Laces, FdiMn:, ln-eiin and Footings, A S(d ni'.id ass' rlmei.t of Ribbons, artifi cial Flowers, &r 'C These (ioo.'is were seh eted bv lier-elf. and l.avinir h d an Xv lit nt opporlu. Hi to li- come dCipi.tin'ed with the 1 i'e,l nrlh ei n tasliioii-, -he in-- ites tb i,e w ishint; ao at tit le in her line to give her a c ... C tlo7Vrd Tarborouchj N'v. 4. Caution. f 2f 1 1 1 V. subscriber cautious the public J3 against i a ceiving a .Vote of ltd d, Giv n by him to X hu Reed f r HP, dateil 1-t .1 uHiary la-t and payable 1st January next aiJ note having been given f r Ihe hiie of neg o boy Mu am, b longing to A. Mat hewson, and which I tlo u intend to pa as I have since hired him of his w ner. Jiisiah S-lUinor Or' .be, 14, y.iC 4! 9 'I'lW&JU ti hunt, it amy concern1 THE UNDERSIGNED, Having receh ed Ilis Sumnur Supply of GROG Eli IKS, Adopts this means of appiising his ' con stituents'' of !hi- iutpori..t and splendid accc-ion to his old st'ck It s ems nuue-ce-sarv to descant and but for one aiiicle only. I would !'.i'b ar. The one alluded lo is (.11 - Mf'AIGNF rare stuff, indeed quite exhilarating a sovereign remnlv fn de spoiidencv : or, lo he a-, brief as pos sible, it has never entered the hearts of those who have not tried it, to conceive the excellencies of my a brand t h nup- igur " s much initht be said in behalf of many other tlio gs anions my -tock, which con sists of the lollaw ing at lii les: A jreat variety of Candies, Muscaiel and bunch Ra sins, Apples, Oranses and Lemons, F.nglish walnuts, Palm nuts, Butter and wat r Crackery, Sugar Crat ke s. Pine apjde Cheese, .Scutch Herrings, be.-t inn p ugar, Principe and Spanish egars, CHAMPAIGM', very superior quality, Champaigne brandy. French br dy, Holland Gin, Jamaica Rum Port wine, Irish wi iskey, New England Rum, r.pauish smoking Tobacco, Lemon Syrup, London Poller, Cider in im iles, Scotch snuff, lallow Can'lles, sea Bread, l.oco foco Matches, Playing cards, Mar bles, kc. kc. !l which may be had for the considera tion of twenty-five per cent, oc their origi nal cost. Joseph IL Bruddy. July 12ih, 183f. f ) : .. a. , l " CI5RTAIN. King Sf Edmondson Have now on hand a variety of &prv g a; d Summer T'ardwure, Gr cn-ies, tvr. All of which they are willing lo dispose of At cost for Cash, J Or at a very smalt advance on a credit to i punctual customers All to avoid paying a large profn on (Jo-d, should not fail f avail themselves of his . Great Opportunity We would further say to our cus.'fuiers,.we do this for the puiposeof making room for ' larger Slock of f.oads In the Fall Call at the -ign of . King. where the bargains may be found. Ki'tg : lidmontison . Taiboro', July 1st, 13G. Xew Go ds! Jmiv Goods! To Ihe Vnhiic -:. 1 1 V. Subscribe i s tender tln ir crate fu! ackiiowledgm. nis to heir former cn-- tomers .ttid the public generally, fa l ei lib ral pa ron.ige and hop- tomeiit a en tinuaace ot ihe -aim- by I heir sirici atte i lion to business We are o'w in possession of o'iro.iog supply f STM'LL ASD FAXCY limb acing eveiy useful as well as new and fasli-onable article in "itr line cheap l)td civ ttpt v thnn ivev. N-. w is y m chance Cnrg n-, good bar ga its, no mistake W h ve a large as--orlment ol staple ami ft cy Dry Goods, VWVU FH0M iVew York and PhUmhlpfiui. Seeetel with dir-ci reference to vi.ur bet ter judgments. V.nW ami el us s.nivv oti on; van lies of spiing Goods, which were purchased on the most favorable terms in tin s,- cities We feel assured that we will be abl' to aceommo la'e the public, with as 'ib ral bargains as they can buy else here. The. proots are in trvi-.g call and see. A very large assortment of Hoots nnd Shot s, cheap Also, a few Drugs. c-mprisinr Land -num. l-'.ss. Peppermint, Baleman's Drops. British Oil. Ca-tof Od, Slonghtou's BiHei s. Copal Van.ih, 0po ifldov, Gum Foetid, ('iimpbor, N'ltmees, Indigo. Olive Oil, and Lemon Syiup. S Pender & Son. Tarboro', Apt il 29 joticc. JUST RF.CF.IVK1), n...l lor jalf, u .Issovlmciil of MOIi ASSES. ly ivhoivtnic or retail AT PLY TO saac B. ViYady. July 7th, lh.36 Slate of Worth Carolina, EDGLCOM'JL C UNTY. Court of Pitas and Quarter Sessions, AUGUST t J.RM. Ib3(. Martha Bruce ., r .... c J.inies Bi uce ii r Spencer Hruc , ) 1 tntwn jur t arm tun vj the Land of Jordan Bruce, dect. Ul appearing to the selislac'i"ii of the C uit, that the de eetlanls (heirs nt law 01' t.:e aid .loidan Bruce, dt c '),) nre not inhabitants ol this Sta: it i-therefore or dered, tnat pni liclion be mailt in the Tar boroiigh Piess for six uerks successively ,' for Ihe said James Biuce find Spencer Uriice to appear at o :rti- xl Court ol P.eas and Quarter Sussions, to be held f ir said County at the Court House in I at borough on the fourth Monday in .November next, then ami there to plead, nn-wt-r or demur to said petition, ot erwise th same will lie taken pro conf sso and be heard ex parte as t them. Witue-s, M.cha d Ilortrn, Clerk of out said-Court, at office, the fourth Monday of Angut, A. D 1SL'6. MICIIL. UEARN, C. C. Price ad v 3 50. 33 lor Hire, A Gig and Harness, Apply ut this Office. October 20. mi.mm Mi fifi Bacon and Lara. THC Subscribers have jut received a SUJip'v of bet qnalif v CUT HERRINGS. ALSO B.ieo'i and I aid f.,r sale, by J. 0 alien ban Tarhoro', Ma v 21. NT e v d vc r t isiMii v. n t iHR Subscribers offer f.-i sale a good ei second handed 'tirri g- and s:iulc Gig, On terms to suit the purchaser. Justin t Son N- B. The subscribers want to purchase r? irl en hares the Ihin 'k nf (he Stole stock. PJtli Octob- r I83c. 41 Cojjieid liLing) MERCHANT TAILOR, WING i turned to hi- new estnb Iishnient, mailv nop she ihe Conri H -.--, lespectlully inlonu hi- iiinuis and the public geneially, that he is now open ing a hand unw as-ot tmetit of Full and in'cr Of a b autiiul and superior q-ialit- which have been si leeted with much personal care in the noiiheiii.cii.fi, aii'S vv;ll tie made up to rder at short notice anil in tee mo t iashionalde sty le such a: Superfine blue and M ck Cloths ,, lnvi-ibl- green and brown do. ., Clan-nee brown and mulberry do. Olive .iid niixt do. ,. Pol iski ritibed Cassimerr, plain black atyl mix: do do Laveud I , Zebra. Plaid .Grecian do. ,, Striped and corded do. of larioiis colors, Plain black ai d figured Velvets, i.rocade V tt$ superior ..iticle, Plain black and figuii d si.k V-slins, Brow n and drab P, tersbHtn Black and iirowe. goat hair Cambiels. " ..w ...... v.., Also.a beauiltnl a-sortmenlof rtocks, some erv sunettoi Bosoms, Cti lars, Gloves, S'ispndeis. Sic tlu mule I,. .if,,.,,;.... ... 1;...: a V.... fl (,..,. 1OSI.IVSS, and his long experience tl ere'n. I- es do satisfaction to lln.se who may favi r hir: with their ordeis. . He will keep ton- st, ntly on band an a-sort men! ol seasonable Itf'dy made I Hung, Of the best quddy. manufactured by him selt and Wiiriin.li.il .......... ... T L?0, tbre or loui Join neymeri Tniloi 3 ul Mi' Ijrst c!as, w ante'!. Tarboro', Nov. I0ih, 1636. Jlwful Disclosures, 'liY MALM .M()NK, Of the Hotel Die'u Nunnery. iM'lNTSEAL. MEVI3F.D, ith an ' ppendix. con la ning Part I. Reception of the first eoilion. Part If. Si-qur-l ot her Nar rative. Par' ID. Review of the case. Also; a Supplement giving moi. particu lars of the .Nunnery and ki omuls Illus trate! by a plan of the Nunnery. f or sale by i li Oct 10. 1 Crudy. Coach, House Landscape, and Ornamental TilE Subscriber lespecifully informs theciiizens of F.dec nde county that he has located him-U In 'I arboro :igh, Where he is prepared to execute all orders in his line of business. Those wishing Gigs, sideboards, sitting chairs fire screens and the like p-a-inted, will hi ing them to the coach shop of Mr! Terrell. He will leave town and go info the conn ry. when house painting is required. All orders in brs line of business will be thankfully received and faithfully executed on reasonable terms. Lewis de 2rquer. Tarboro' 26th Feb 1836. 8 i() 7 FT 5 t SA. "JTF. Iiave iirponeil.by Jhe i.hips IJai kt w Away. Mnrmora, George V rtsh--tnu, and Hibernia, Phc heaviest am ot;s: nsstt'ricH STOCK OF EUROPEAN GOODS, .cr in our .possession Our assortment of (ni icnn Go d, Is very extensive ami complete. These J ...d we will sell U i iOLKS LK, we ve- !v ielieve as low, ami in some instances lowei limn siinil .r Good can I e bought id noy Noithe'ii Maiket, and on as literal erms. thereby savin-; to ihe Ci imnt Mer- haul, lusniance, Ft t ighf , and oiht r inci- eutal expenses. I'linl, Moll a a (Jo. - P - r.' ut ; V ....Spf. 12. 37. MEMMINQS. l:vT iO. i. I Villi, a supply f best fpi liiy Cm Hi rrings, taken in Albe- mar'e Sound b --.w th I'tti g Pan which will be sold al 7 pei hantl S Render tif roil. Tarhoro'. Mat 3;. Police. T'C Sub-cribers will in a few days be in ecei.t of their Fall t nichas s in Nen. York and in Feteisburg,of a -ieneral Assortment of Groceries, Vnd the important articles to the Planler rd thisseason of il.e v ar. Uea'so inli ti- to keft tliree wagons enioloy il hi ihe tran.-poi tatt-m of C'-tton from this- ,( 1 1 Hi i; a S , and will at all times give the hit; est prices for baled Cotton delivered in this place. D fUCFjARDSCO. Tarboro , Oci. 14, 1S3-3. IMPUISTAIST To the Public. Having on hand a very large and extensive STOCK OF Winter Goods, I now offer them At a reduction ff 10 per cent. On last in.oi.ihs prices 'hose. ! sirnus of obtainin Goods at a trill;,. g advai.ee on New Yo.k CoNt, will most S-ni e. ! v find it to .their imer. st t . Cali and learn "my pri. ces lieloi- port t'asing. In my Assortment lci!l befouizd: N--nest style dark and l.ghi Caitcocg, from 10 Cent i 30, v ii. osraos every rntnt, '(. to )! Cents, j JBlack and col-red Silks, in great variety CircMf.si-.ins everv color. 20 to r,r 35 rents to SJi 2). A -.'real hurgaiu in men's and womeu'R I " .F..F jpQ, ' S"pefine Br .! loths, from ?2 fo ?7 Cloaks, troni $.t to i Sattiuetts, fiom 40 cents to 25, J hite and red FlannHs. 25 cents to 1, j Rose Blank' is, ?2 to $6 pr pair, Point Llankrts, CO cems to 1 Negro loth, a!i Wool, six quaileri wide, only (iO reu's, do. do. Ihiet quarters w i'. 35 centr, Cloth and blanket Ov. rcoata, t J to 8, ' Ladles lawn uiol-r; rves, Laditvs and gentleuu-n's si.'k Handker o -nnei. cap an 1 belt Ribbon, gift C-.eap, Mens and !..? H ATS and Caps of very tlesc. ijition. The largest and cheapest Assortment of hoots and shoes. Ever exhibited in Tiirhoro, Uoicit:) Men's R rts, ff, 3 Men's li td and bound i,j;h quartered -l oes. 87J to 51 12J, HLm and low quartered boys Shoes, 25 to 75 f enls. G:iT ei.ei shoes, 50 cents, U'omen leather .shoes, 40 to 90 cents, Women's father and m ..cco Boors 75 cent to 51, Women's morocco and prunella shoes, cei ts to 51 25, F.xlra fine kid & pnotetla Slippers, 1 25 Necroes coarse high and low quartered shoes, 4( cents to 3l, Men's morocco and seal skin Pumps, 7o rents t 1 51 25. Sole Lea'hev, 15 I 1 17 cent. With crery olhtr Article in the J'al and Slme -hie. ALSO, a large and well selected slock of GlKJCBIilES. Ilirdware. Cutlery. China, Glass Earthenware, All of which are now offered at the Cheap Cash blare For c ' nrler, A. ... Or on the us. a . 1 . :rio,f Extraordi nary Low Prices. JAS. IVEDDELL. Tarboro', Jan. 14, 1836. 1 j 1 1 il v i 4 f

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