I Whole -. 03 Tarb orough,( Edgecombe County, X. C.) Saturday, January 14, 1837 Vol. XUi JV 2 I The " i ttrbimifrU rress. f IU' OEOnRK UOWAIIH, I T published weekly, n'Vo Dollars and 'FiftuCents prr vear. if pni-l i n.lviim'e or. Three Dollars, at ti xpiration olthe subscription year. I'"'" .v period l.-s than a yer,Tvent yfivtCenti ir mnnili Subscribers aret le 1 todirottoue ni nv time, mi sivimr !-' fuf and paying arrears tlinse re-id'mj: ;t a di tance must im -ariablypny in advance. r i voarespon-sible reference i nt hi vicinity. Advertisements nol exceeding 16 lines in length (or a square) will le inserted at r0 cent? the first insertion &2ocents eticb ji ontiiiiianci. Loner ones at that rate jfor every square. Advert isemeuts niul f be marked the numbprof insertions requi- Aise ordered. and charged arcordinRly. Letters addressed to theKditnr must be post piid.or they may not be attended to. AT COST, CERTAIN. King SfEdmondson Have now on hand a variety of Spring and Summer llanhvurc. Groceries, &c. All of which they are willing to dispose of At cost for Cash, Or at a very small advance on a credit to 1 punctual customers. All persons wishtnsr to avoid paying a large pre-fit on (;oil$, should not fail to avait themselves of this Great Opportunity We would further say to our customers, we do this for the purpose of making room for A larger Slack of Goods In the Fall. Call nt the sign of . Xing, where the bargains may bf found. Kins: C5 Edmondson. Tarboro', July 1st, 1836. II. JOHNSTON, MERCHANT TAILOR, Is now receiving from New York, 1 Splendid Assortment of IN HIS LINE OF BUSINESS, Suitable for the ajproichinz Srason. Gentlemen wishing to puirhxse the most fasliionuhle and hes? goodi at a nail ad vance on tile cosl, tvi l i.'n v eii ti call -nd examine, his Stork, as he is determined to sell very low for l'ah, or on a hurt credit to punctual customers. rfmow them are Superfine blue, black, and brown Cloths, 2d quality do. of all the most fashionable color, Stip'r corded and plaid fancy Cassimeres, White corded !sl drab drills for pantaloons. Crapt Catnbtets and Bombazines for thin j coat?, A superior assortment of Vestings, of eve ry description. ri aio bmwn Linens for summer jackets , and pantaloons, Plain black and fancy Stocks, (a large as- sr.. tmiot,) Fancy silk Handkerchiefs, Black silk Cravat, linen Collar, Plain and ruffled linen Bosoms, a new and superior article Suspender, Silk Shirts for gentlemen, a new article, Also, most every other articles comprising gentlemen's wear. He also keeps on hand (of his own make) a small assortment of Heady made Clothes. He has on hand a few best white beaver Hats, which will be sold al New York cost. (IjpGentleir.eii furnishing their own r'loths can have them made and trimmed in the most fashionable imnner, and at the shortest notice. Tarboroujh, April 14th. 1836 State Bank Of North Carolina. FURyIXNT to a resolution of the -toc'-Iders of this Bank, at their l ist annual (i,ri, Meeli(Jti tl pPrson -jv.ng claims m, S,H Bank fr Divio1, f Capital or 1 rofi.8D,p.siteg, or Ntes ied by the Principe Bailk or its Bran. hes, arc earnestly de.irH to present them t payment to the rreaSUrpr o (ht. g,,, i it or before The first Monday in e. c ember nexl, henvise, they m ill be barred, , ,jie '"cUholders ill then make n final divi '-tid of ihe eflVcis of the Rank. S. F. Ii TTERS0N Pseit. 'lideigh, Dec 23, 1S30. 1 wuiiana Jicci I em nh Seminary. TIIF. pub'ic ae most repctfully in formed that the Kxuuiiaiori of the l.ovo nauied Seminary vil take nlare on Friday, tiie itiili ii.gi. at the lesideuceof the Subscriber, at whii li lime Parents and Guardians arr particularly invited to at tfivl. 1 he Kxeri Ues of (he iustituti will recommence on Monday, Ike tfWj of Janu ary nc.vt, Under the direction as !.:retofoi e of Ming Rowan, of Kcv Voik Miss Hanks, of New Yrk, will superintend liie Mu-ic: Department. The fnilott ins w ill he (he course of stu dies Heading, writing, srrwerapby, graui mar, spelling, composition, arithmetic, ancien' ami modern history, history (,f the United 'tales, rhetoric, bi:i-, natural phi losophy, astronomv. moral an'd iiiteltcriM. al pliilosophy, n iiural theology, elements ot criticism, chemistry and bottinj: for the altove brant In s pel session of live months, I.alin, Drawing, Flower Painting, V liming in oil color, -French, Mnic, Board, per month, $10 8 10 10 15 7 I. em. L. Parke i I"C 9. 163o I '.i MERCHANTS. -::- WF. hae impor ed by the ships Hatk Away. Mumora, George Wash ington, and Hihernia, The heavies and best assorted STOCK OF EUROPEAN GO DBS, Ever in otir posse sion. Oir aortment of American Go.dx, Is verv extensive and ronmletc These Goods we will -ll WHOLES LK. we v rily (relieve as low, and in some in'slances' Inner ihan cimihir Cmuk run l, hninrkl ;,. any Northern .bnkei, and on ns liberal irrms, thereby savin? to the Country Mrr - .unta 1' a ult Moll an Co. Petersburg, Va. S. pt. 12. 37 Notice. JUST RECEIVED, and for alc, njt Assortment of MOLASSES. ly wliolesalc or rt lnil A I PLY TO Isaac ft. Ititdy. .lulv 7th, 1836. Chinese Jtlulbcrry. HE subseriber has for disposal Seve rn! hundred rooted trees and en tiuri of the noted Moru3 Multicuules, or Jftw Chinese .Mulberry; Found doubly advantageous for silk cul ture, and one of the most beautiful orna mental trees, of mod-rate size, the eye cn rest upon. Of the ease of propaga ting this tree and its rapid growth the pnli lie may judge when inlormed that from a small rooted plant, for which a dollar was paid at Baltimore about four years since, the sub-criber has disposed of a large number, and has yet as above stated, anil that bis first propagated trees are near twenty feet high nd beautifully propor tioned. The leaf is a dark green color and often 16 inches long and 11 broad. The price, (now reduced) is 50 cents each for plants upwards of 5 leet high, and proportionate for those of a smaller size Si when a number are taken at a time. SIDNEY WELLE R. Crinklcyville, Halifax county, N. C Dec. 15, 1836. I P. S. Mr. Go. Howard is my Agent for vines and trees at Tarbough and vicini ty, and those desirous of any plants would do well to make early application, o that titey may be included in a box about to be sent to Mr. Howard. S W. Strayed, Tl stolen from the lot of the Subscri ber, on Thursday night, the 10th of November, !S6, A dark bay Mare, About 15 hands high, and blind ofan eye. Any information respecting her, given to the" Subscriber living near Tarborougb. v ill be thankfully received. Henry Shurley. Nov. 14th, 18SG. 43 Miscellaneous INAUGURAL ADDKKSS, Ok Gov. Dud lev;. Senators and Gentlemen of the House of Commons: Custom, Gt titletneii, and rny own views of propriety, demand of ni e some exposition of the prin ciples and motives which will ac tuate me during my Executive term; and as my preferences and predictions in Federal Politics ire no secrets to you. I shall con fute myself chiefly to our domes tic inlerests. The object of Government is to restrain the turbulent, protect the weak and promote the haoDiness of the many. The Constitutions of the State and of the Union (both but compromises of conflic - .... .-.r.t:Sl; ere uesignea to;ot his products. You enhance govern and direct the course of their administration, and as well as the laws enacted to exnlain and enlort e their provisions, should bei fairly and liberally construed and faithfully executed, to attain and secure the treat and b purposes for which they were iu stituled. The settled precedents of our country, established so soon after the formation of these charters, in many instances by the very law givers themselves, and in limes re markable for political honesty, are too sacred to be hastily or lightly disturbed. But where the provisions of the Constitution are clear and definite in their mean ing, evasions should be studiously guarded acainst ' B ll and violations ! resisted. . Tile Agricultural interest has lhp url claim to our attention, as the basis on which all our pros perity rests. No superstructure ! presents the appearanceof symme try and beauty, if its pedestal be neglected or defective. And it were folly to erect upon a ponder- otis, magnificent and costly bnseJ "") iiiapiiureui .uu cosiiy onse,! quirr, wht a cheap, insignificant and worth-! in our coin less work Kach part should ob-'ly restrict! Serve its relative nronortion. and as iu architecture so in politics, we must consider the correspond ing capacities, of the Slate the relative proportions which theag riculiural can be made to bear to jthe great and congenial interests il commerce, trade, manufactures and labour. As a State, we stand fifth in population, first in climate, equal to soil, minerals and ores, with superior advantages for manufac turing and with a hardy, industri ous and economical people. Yet, with such unequalled natural fa cilities, we are actually least in the scale of relative wealth and enter prize, and our condition daily be coming worse lands depressed in price, fallow and deserted manu facturing advantages unimproved our stores of mineral wealth un disturbed, and our Colleges and Schools languishing from neglect. It is a true, but melancholy pic ture, and it is our business to pre scribe the remedy. In the want of capital, and of that generous confidence which should exist be tween the government and the peo ple, mutually to asist and support each other, I think 1 find the evil, and the corrective is palpable.! .... ... i increase your circulating meuium give to industry and enterprize their proper incentives, and make interest the connecting lie be tween ourselves and our constitu ents, and we at once seize hold of their confidence and anec- ttons and arrest tnc torrent ot emigration which is desolating our State. At this period of enterprize and refinement, it would be worse than useless to enquire w hether man is most happy in a civilized or semi barbarous state. We enjoyed the comforts of civilization and must neither retrograde nor stand still. The Merchant must be sup- v.v means to purciiase at hill nripp: ilik r.r.,,1 r.i.. r full prices the produce of the Far mer: the Manufacturer and chanic to erect the necesiary works to supply the demands of the country; water courses must he improved; water powers applied to useful purposes; Railways and other roads constructed to pene trate those sections of country to which navigation has been denied, and Common Schools established and cherished: Then, the resour ces of the State will be developed, ana. an impulse given to her ener gies and enterprise which would soon place her in the rank for which nature designed her. Ena ble the t armer to reach his mar ket with despatch and economy; bring it to his door, and you at nnn .imiun. Illlll iu IIHICUSCU j industry and a more watchful care stimulate him to increased the value of his labour and nf Ii c lands, and vnn mU rt,.t,,.i and liannv nith l,mo fi.: birth. Were the State enclosed by a wall, beyond which her citizens mi-ht loltl ins arms and withhold his aid and protection from all works of general improvement, permitting individual enterprize and energy to exhaust themselves by fruitless and abortive efforts. But we must remember that our younger sisters are presenting the most alluring temptations to our citi zens that daily, the bone and sinew of our strength are passing away from us and that, utdess prompt and efljeient means are ap plied to' remedy the evil, a few more years may find us hopelessly impoverished. W hilst it is admitted that we cannot safely wield the Banking capital which the superior com mercial advantages and facilities of trade render necessary to Mas sachusetts, Louisiana or New York, mav we not venture i nuirr. whether ih pre is tm ilit, m lition, which necessari- tricts us to the use of less than the third of the amount which is usefully employed in Georgia and South Carolina? Why should we apprehend overtrading and a factitious state of prosperity? Are our citizens less prudent and wise less capable of managing their individual interests or more easilv seduced into folly ami exravagance lliau tlieir neighbors? I tiiink not. One of the blessings of general prosperity and by no means the least, is the means itafiordsof gen eral education. Ignorance is the certain result of poverty. Sup ply the means and there are few parents who would deny their offspring the lights of science and the refinement of cultivation. From the observations I hare made, you perceive that 1 am an advocate for an increase of our banking capital as the surest and speediest means of arousing our State from the apathy that en thrals her. I believe that she requires but proper stimulants to bring her latent energies into action and 1 would submit to your wisdom whether the end would not he more effectually attained by increasing th mnitnU Cilrendv nnsspssinir th r,iht; ' J r-o I confidence) than by chartering numerous small ones, whose con flicting interests and jealousy musl abridge their public usefulness. You will be fostering your infant improvements (whether Railways or Factories) and insuring their projectors and effecting a general improvement by aiding vand en couraging individual enterprize. . The appropriation of the Pub lic treasure, or the devotion of the credit of the State, to the purpos es of trade, trafic or banking with the view of gain, is wrong in princ iple and dangerous in practice. U might be enough to say, that i the Constitution may be examined in vain for any authority for sucl . f purposes, to induce the Legislator to act on the subject with great caution. But it is due to the times to add, that the Slate cannot engage in the common pursuits of tiie people, without exciting their jealousy and dissatisfaction, and abstracting from the Government the respect and veneration which are necessary to arouse their pat riotism and command their ser vices in time of need. What in terest can a citizen feel jn the Go. yernment, which would rival him in trade, sell his properly and com mit his person to the loathsome walls of a prison for the satisfac tion of a debt? One of the foulest blots to be found in the laws of the State, altho' greatly mitigated in the present ace, is the nower granted to an individual to impris on ins honest, but unfortunate fel low man. for debt. H more odious then would such con duct appear iu the Government of a State? I cannot omit this occasion to congratulate my fellow-citizens, on the return of a oart of then- hard earnings by the Federal Go vernment, which has been drawn from them by the operation of one of the most oppressi ve and abom inable Revenue laws ever inflicted, in time of peace, on a free people, at a juncture so favorable to meet and aid the spirit of enterprize wnicn is now abroad. The unwillingness to imaose a Tax on the Deonle. has f i ' " mongst the most plausible reason heretofore assigned for withhold ing the aid and protection of the Stale in the prosecution of enter- .. prizes oi internal improvement, which all admitted to be necessary to the public prosperity. The funds which the State can now command, removes this difficulty. The amount to which we will probably be entitled under the deposit act of Congress will reach near two Millions of dollars. Large as this sum may appear, it would form the mere nucleus of a system of Internal Improvement, commensurate with tiie necessities and capabilities of the State and far below the amount advanta geously employed in such works, in other Slates of the Union. In fine, after giving this subject all the consideration which its im portance demands, I entertain the opinion thai the principal should be devoted to Internal Improve ments, and the income arising therefrom, to the establishment of Common Schools, in obedience to the injunctions of the Constitution. To have been elected, gentle men, to the high office, upon the dulies of which I am now to enter, by ihe immediate suffrages of a virtuous and intelligent peoole. at the first instance in which, under the provisions of the Amended Constitution, the election of Gov ernor has been committed to their hands, should be a source of suffi cient pride and gratification to any man. Dut to me, havinir so little claim to this distinguished honor, the kindness with which it lias been conferred, exciles emo tions which I am utterly unable to frxpres. Permit me gentlemen, as the only return, which it is now in ray power to ma Up in tn,l.r through you to our constituents, the people of North Carolina, the assurauces of sincere- and endu ring gratitude. This, gentlemen, is my native Stale, and here are centered all my worldly interests and all the best affections of my heart. If patriotism, self-interest and a deep sense of gratitude are no sufficient guarantees of zeal and probity in the discharge of my official "du ties, it were vain to lender yon empty promises. In conclusion, gentlemen, allow me to say, that although ihe ex travagant expenditures and gross abuses of the Federal Govern ment, have driven me into opposi tion to the coming Administra tion, (pledged to carry out the same course of policy, thus pre venting me from judging the tree by its fruit,) yet I shall endeav our to divest myself of all preju dice and partiality iu the discharge of my dulies, and to become the officer of the STATE and not of a PARTY. Permit me, gentlemen, to ten der to you the assurance of my great anxiety, t unite with you in any and all measures, which may be calculated to advance ihe gen eral properity of the State, to promote the improvement of the rising generation and secure the happiness of all. AorcZ Revolution. We area boot having in France, and after wards iu England, a revolution of a most extraordinary character. The discovery of a most simple preparation by which the writing with all sorts of ink (except Indi an ink, used for drawing) can be effaced. The discoveries nf this terrible secrt i have already played off some most extraordinary tricks on the Government, and on the merchants and bankers of this city in order not to defraud them, but simply to open their eyes to the appalling situation in which this discovery places the whole Of society. The discoverers of this liquid are the inventors of a paper called papier de surete, which is very lit tle dearer than the ordinary pa per, and which, if w ritten on can not possibly be washed without changing the color of tiie paper, so that the fact of its having been washed would be at nisre detected. The ink can be washed off this paper, as well as effotner paper but when so washed, all must be washed off or none, for the fa tNof the washing is instantly evident. The French Government has at once ordered it lo be ued in the Government officers. In conse quence of this discovers, the French Government lias lost near ly a million of francs iu the o!e article of stamps during the past year; for persons wash old bills of exchange and promissory notes which have been paid and done with, at so much per dozen, and make them look so completely the same as when new, that instead of purchasing new stamps for bills and notes, and even for deeds, Ihe old ones are used, after the paper is washed over and over again. The French Government, to pre vent the continuance of this fraud, will be obliged to pass a law that the stamps shall always bear the date of the months and year in which they are purchased, and must be used in the same month and year. Letter from Paris. To muJce Rice Bread (a break Jast dish ) Boil a half pint of the coarser part (or whole Rico) as for table use when hot, put a spoonful of butter or lard, and when cooler, an Egg add to it a pint of fine Flour, thin it with either water or milk, to the con sistency of Buckwheat takes, (milk will give it a prellier browii than water) Bake it iu a spider with a top, and yon have 2 phtes of Muffins such as Wheat Flour can never equal. The enormous price of Wheat Flour has induced the bakers in New York to use superfine Rice h lour as a partial substitute. They make their bread of one fourth p;irt Ritv with three fourths Wheat, and the article is said to be far more palatable ard whole some than tht which is made of Wheal exclusively. Rice is proba bly the most nutritious o ail far inaceous substances it is the ft:od of half of Asia, and is in gen tral use throughont our Southern country. Wilmington Ad e.

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