Whole No. 03 9. Tarboroiigh, (Edgecombe County, N. C.) Saturday, January 21, 1837. Vol. XIII No. The "Tarbnronxh Press," 15V GKORfiE IIOWAltD, N published weekly ,at TV Dollars and f'iftu Cents per year, if paid in advau'ee i", Tiirr eDollars, al the expiration of the subscription year. For any period lcs than a y vnv, Twe.nl y-ficeCe nt x M'r month Subscribers are at liberty todicout'mue at ny time, on giving nolire thereof and paying aric.irs those reiding at a dis tance must iuvariabl vpay in advanre, or jivo arespomible reference inthUvicinil v. Advertisements not exceeding 16 lines In length (or a square) will le inserted at 60 cents the tirxt in son ion &i25cents each continuance. Longer ones at that rate for every square. Advertisements must fce marked the numberot insertions requi red, or they will be continued until other wise ordered. and charged accordingly. I Letters addressed to theKditor must post piid.or they may not be attended to. I AT COT, CERTAIN. i King fyEdmondson Have now on hand a variety of ! Spring and Summer Hardware, Groceries, rc. All of which they are willing to dispose of At cost for Cash, Or at a very small advance on a credit to punctual customers. All persons wishin? to avoid paying a large profit on CjoU, should not fail to avail theinseU v.it of this I Great Opportunity i"Ve would further say to our customers, we : do this for the purpose of making room for A larger Stock of Goods In the Fall. Call at the sign of 11. King, pwliercthe bargains may . found. I Kins; & lidmondson. Tarboro', July J.st, 183G II. JOHNSTON, MERCHANT TAILOR, Is now receiving from New York, A Splendid Assortment of ; IN IIIS LINE OF ECSINKSS, I Suitable for the approaching Scn$on. jj Gentlemen wishing to pmrhase the most fasliionable ami best goods, at a sna'l ad ' vance on the cost, wid do wt-ll to call and examine his Stock, as l.e is determined In &( !! very low for Cah, Ir on a short credit ; to punctual customers. Among them are. Superfine blue, hlack.'tind brown Cloths, 1 2d quality do. of all ti e most fashionable ' colors, Sup'r corded and plaid fancy Cassimeres, j While corJed &i drab drills for pantaloons, 1 Crapt Cainblets and Bombazines for thin ! coats, : A superior assortment of Vesting, of eve ry description, Plain brown Linens for summer jackets and pantaloons, - Plain black and fancy Stocks, (a large as sortment,) Fancy silk Handkerchiefs, Black silk Cravats, linen Collars, Plain and ru filed linen Bosoms, a new and superior article Suspenders, f Silk Shirts for gentlemen, a new article, Also, most every other article comprising vf gentlemen' wear. ' He also keeps on hand (or Ins own make; a 6moll assortment of I Beady made Clothes. I He has on huid a few best white beaver Hats, wnicn will oe soia ai iew ioik cosi. i v loins can nave tnem mane anu inmmeu in the most fashionable manner, a.id at tlm cVinrtocI itnlki-o Tarboroiigh, April 14lh, 1836. State Bank Of North Carolina. PURSUANT to n Resolution of the Stockholders of this Bank, ut their last annual General Meeting, all person having claims on said Bank for Dividends of Capital or Profiig D-posites, or Notes issued by the Principal Bank or its Bran ches, are earnestly desired lo present them for payment to the Treasurer of the Bank, oti or before The first Monday in De cember next, Otherwise, they will be hatred, as the StocLholdeis will then make h final divi dend of i he effects of tlo Hank, S. F. PATTniiSONtPre$l. Kuleigh, Dec. 23, 1S3G. 1 Scotland Jeck Female Seminary. THE public are most respectfully in formed that the Examination of the nt.ove named Seminary will take place on r nilav, the Iblh i si. at the resilience of the subscriber, at which time Parents and 'tiiiardiaiis are particularly invited to at tend. The Exercises of the institution will recommence on Monday, the 1G4 of Janu ary UtVf, Under the direction- as heretofore of Miss lluwan, "of New York 31 its Hanks, of New York, will superintend the Music Department. ' he following will be the course of siu dies Heading, writing, geography, gram mar, spelling, composition, arithmetic, ancient mid modern history, history of the United States, rhetoric, Ioic, natural phi losophy, astronomy, mora! and intellectu al philosophy, natural theology, elements of criticism, chemistry. and botmy: For the above branches per session of live months, $10 Latin, - - 5 Drawing, - 5 Flower Painting, Painting in oil colors, French, Music, Board, tier month, 8 10 10 15 Lent. L. Varkti Dpc. 9. 183d 1 X MERCHANTS. ..;. i WE have irppoi 'ed by the ships Hark Away. Marmora, Geoige Wash ington, and Hibcruia, The heuviesl and best assorted STOCK OF EUROPEAN GOODS, Ever in our possei-slm. Our assortment of American Goud, Is very extensive and complete. These Goods we will sell WHOLESALE, we ve rily believe as low, and in some instances lower, than similar Goods can be bought in any Northern Market, and on as lii-en.l terms, thereby saving to the Country Mer chant, Insurance, Freight, and other inci dental expenses. l'aul, Mollan $ Co. Petersburg, V.i. Sept. 12. 37 Joticc. JUST RECEIVED, and for sale, ait Assortment of ly wholesale (v retail aitly io Isaac 1). Brady. Jul v 7th, 183f. Chinese Mulberry. THE subscriber has lor disposal seve ral hundred rooted trees and cnt tings of the noted Morns Mullicuules, or New Chinese .Mulberry; Found doubly advantageous for silk cul ture, and one of the trmst beautiful orna mental trees, of moderate size, the eye can rest upon. Of the ease of propaga ting this tree and its rapid growth the pub lic may judge when iidonued that from a small rooted plant, for w hich a dollar was paid at Baltimore about four years ioce, the subscriber has disposed of a large number, and has yet as above stated, and that his first propagated trees are near twenty feet high aud beautifully propor tioned. The leaf is a dark green color and often 10 inches long and 1 1 broad. The price, (now redm ed) is 50 cents each for plants upwards of 5 leet high, and proportionate for those of a smaller size &. whtn a number are taken at a time. SIDNEY IVELLER. Ci iuklevville, Halifax countv, N. C v Dec. 15, 1833. i P. S. Mr. Geo. Howard is my Agent for vines ami trees at Tarborough and vicini ty, and tbose desirous of any plants would do well to make early application, so that they may be included in a box about to be sent to Mr. Howard. 6' IV. Strayed, . Tt 6tolen from the lot of the Subscri ber, on Thursday night, the 10th of MOLASSES, w&mM November, 1S36, A dark bay Marj, About 15 hands high, and tdind of an eye. Any information respecting 'her, given to the Subscriber living near Tarborough. will be thankfully received. Henry Shurley. Nov. 14th, 18S6. 45 Miscellaneous;. Dreadful Shipwreck. The barque Mexico, C.ipt. Winslow, sailed from Liverpool on the 25th October last, having oit board a crew consisting of 12 men and 104 passengers, in nil 1 1 C souls. She made ihe Highland lights on Saturday night last at 1 1 o'clock, on Sunday morning was off the bar, with 30 or more square rig ged vessels all having signals living for pilots, but not a pilot was there in sight. The Mexico continued standing off and on the Hook till midnight, and at dark, she and the whole fleet of ships displayed lanterns from theiryards for pilots. Still no pilot came. At midnight the wind increased to a violent gale from the north west, the barque was no longer able to hold to windward and was blown off a distance of some GO miles At this lime, six of the crew were badly frost-bitten, and the cap lain, mate, and two seamen, were all that were left able in hand and reef the sails. On Monday mor ning, at 1 1 o'clock, standing in shore, they made the southern end of the woodlands, when she was wore round, and headed to the north under a close reefed main topsail, reefed foresail, two reefed trysail and forestay sail. At four o'clock ihe next morning, the mate took a cast of the lead, and reported to Cfipt. Winslow that he had 15 fathoms water. Sup posing from the soundings, as laid down on the chart, that with this depth of water, he could stand on two hours longer with safety, the captain gave orders to that effect, aud was the more induced to do it, as the crew were in so disabled a Mate, ana lite weather so intense-j ly coiu, mai it was impossible lor any one to remain on deck lon ger than hall an hour at a time. The event has shown thai the in formation given by the a ate, asj to the depth of water wa incoi-, reel: his error orobahlv arose : from the lead line being frozen at the lime it was cast. ; Fifteen minutes afterwards the ship struck tiie bottom, twenty-six miles east of Sandy Hook at Hempstead bech, and not more than a cable's length from the tthore. The scene that ensued on board, ue leave to the reader's imagination. For one hour and three quarters she continued thum ping heavily without making any water, the sea however breaking continually over her. Her rud der was now knocked ofl and the Captain ordered the mainmast to be cut away. The boats were (hell cleared, the long boat hoisted out, and veered away under her bows with a tout hawser, for the purpose of filli.f-g it with passen gers, letting it drift within reach of the peopie, who crowded the beach, then hauling her back a gain, and thus saving the unfortu nate people on board, but this in tention was frustrated by the par ting of the hawser, which snapped like a thread as soon as the boat was exposed to the heaving surf. The yawl was next got alongside, and stove to pieces almost instant ly. At 7 o'clock, the same mor ning, the ship bilged, and filled with water. Orders followed from the captain to cut away the foremast; and that every soul on board should come on deck. In inexpressible agony they thus re mained uatil four o'clock this af ternoon, when a boat was launch ed from the beach, and succeeded in getting under the wreck. This boat took off Capt. Winslow aud seven men, and succeeded in reach ing the shore with them in safety. The attempt, however, was atten ded with such imminent danger, that none could be induced to, re peal it. And now, the horrors of the scene was indescribable. Al- readv had the suffer irtfTS of thp tin- " , d - - happy beings been such as to sur pass ueiiet. from the moment of the disaster, they iiad hung round the Captain, covered with their blankets thick set with ice, imploring his assistance and ask ing if hope was still left to them. When they perceived that no fur ther help came from the land, llteir piercing shrieks were distinct ly heard at a considerable distance, and continued through the night until they one by one perished. Ihe next morning the bodies of many of the unhappy,, creature were seen lashed lo different parts of the wreck, embedded in ice. None, it is believed were drowned, but all frozen to death. Of the one hundred and four passengers, two thirds were wo men and children. JV. Y. Coiirier. Commerce of North Carolina. An anonymous writer in the New bern Spectator, savs: "That 1149 sail of vessels, av eraging 100 tons each, passed out of the inlet at Ocracoke during the year ending 1st October last. The same writer estimates the value of their cargoes at more than four and a half millions of dollars, or nearly 4000 dollars per cargo. This we consider ra ther "over the mark." ttroad Convicted. The trial of Philander R. Broad, for lead ing on the attack of the Indians in the Creek Nation fast summer, upon the mail stages and their passengers, came on at the present tprm of the United States District Court now holden in this city, Judge Crawford presiding, and late on Thursday niuht, was ter minated liv the Jnrv's rpnHrlim a verdict ol guilty. Mobile Adv. Jlobile Monty Market. Let ters were received in this cily on Saturday, from Mobile of the 18th inst. by the Cxpress Mail, which state from twenty five to thirty mercantile houses had suspended payment, in that city, within two days A. Y. Aler. sldo. CyKxtract of a letter dated New Orleans, Dec. 20. "The Sugar market has improved, ow ing to the late heavy frosts that have entirely destroyed a large quantity of Canes, and now it is positively ascertained, that at least 30,000 hhds will be lost, which will leave the cropat about 70,000 hhds, and a great deal of the last made is bad suar." A Heavy Hall. The New York Express slates that H. M. Andrews Si Co., of that city, de manded the specie at the counter of the Phoenix Hank, on Wednes day last, for upwards of a quarter of a million of dollars, which that house had on deposit at that in stitution. The money was paid. Bribery of a Member of the Ohio Legislature. The direct and indirect steps by which our "grave and reverend signiors" of different legislative bodies from Congress downwards are ap proached by bribes are of such fre quent occurrence that it seems al most superfious to notice them. A Mr. Strong has been recently ar raigned at the bar of the Ohio House of Representatives for hav ing offered to Mr. Cushiug, one of the members, the sum of $1000, if he would individually promote the success of the contemplated improvements in the Muskingum river navigation with Lake Erie. The examination was going on at the last accounts and Mr. Strong disclaimed all improper motives. South Carolina. The Legis lature of this State adjourned on the 21st of December. During the session several measures of importance were adopted. A rnougst ihe m, was the subscription of one million of dollars to the stock of the Louisville, Cincinnati, and Charleston Rail Road Com pany, and the grant of banking, privileges to thatcompany. These acts place beyond doubt ihe ac complishment of thai stupendous undertaking. Nearly half a mil lion of dollars of money were ap propriated to various, objects (of which sixty thousand dollars lo the College,) still leaving a sur plus in the rich treasury of the Slate. Dreadful Calamity at Troy. Five persons killed. Avalanche of Clay. An avalanche of clay, similar to that which occurred at Troy on the same spot last year, fell Sunday evening at 7 o'clock, a distance of 500 feet from the high grounds in the suburbs, and after reaching the level plat of the city, continued from its impulse lo move 800 feet farther, covering op acres of ground. It was ac companied with a cataract of wa ter and sand, which kepi up a ter rible roar. The Troy Budget, from which we take the account says: The mass moved along with great rapidity, carrying with it two stables and three dwelling houses, and crushing them aud their contents in thousands of pie ces. The stables aud horses were moved to the distance of over 200 feet into an hollow on the corner of Washington and Fourth streets. In its way the avalanche also encountered a brick kiln, burying it partially over and crumbling it together, from which a few minutes alter ihe flames rushed forlh and lit up the city as with a great con flagration. The signal was the first intimation that was had of the catastrophe to those in the imme diate vicinity. The three dwelling houses de stroyed were of light structure, in two of which we are pained lo say, were Mr. John Grace and wife, and Mrs. Leavenworth aud two children, whose lifeless bodies, with theexception of Mrs. Leaven worth, were taken from the ruins. A liltle boy, child of Mr. Grace, was taken out alive, bare-looted j aim udi e-iieaueu, aim very nine n..A U I i..,J 1 Hurt. 1 his escape is miraculous, as the building! were shattered into a thousand pieces. Another body was found, name unknown, which make five killed. Mrs. Leavenworth was barely alive al ihe last accounts. The Budget edd: The avalanche passed over ka public highway which leads lo the mill and nail factory, and might have carried along with it some straggling traveller. The city is piled up in masses to the depth of from 10 to 40 feel over a large surface. It must have moved with great rapidity, aud it is fortu nate that it had not happened at the lime when the laborers were employed in digging from the hill. Al the lime it was snowing freely, and this morning the scene was en tirely covered with a w hite veil. The scene that presented itself in the early part of the evening was awful in the highest degree. The horrors of an earthquake could not have presented a more dreadful spactacle. In ihe midst of a mass of convulsed earth, a multitude of human beings were moving lo and fro some carrying torches and others digging a mong the ruins, r and dragging from the midst the remains of some lifeless body, or were rescu ing some one in whom life had not yet become extinct some were crying 'ho! ropes, ropes!' 'help,' 'shovels,' Jkc. While ihe scene was dimly illuminated by the flames from the burniug brick kiln, which, is yet smouldering like an almost exhausted volcano. The scene must have, been wit nessed to be realized we can give but a faint description ol it. Five large trees were precipi tated froiii the hill, some of which are now standing erect at die bot tom, and others in a sliuhilv in clined posture. The whole is considered a singular phenome un, and its immediate cause is the result of much speculation. A. Y. Star. Expansive, power cf water in freezing A remarkable evidence of the expansive power of water during the process of congelation, was lately offered in Cincinnati. -Ue learn from the Whip of that city, that a large iron anvil, weigh ing upwards of three inns, was left lying near . the door of the iron foundry of Messrs. Haikness, Vorhees k. Co. exposal to i,e weather. It was perfectly solid and sound, with the exception oT a very narrow fissure in the cen tre of one side about five inches in length, and reaching in lo near ihe same depth. During ihe re cent rain this crevice became fill ed with water, holding perhaps, not mare than half a gill. During the Severe cold of the night of the 20th inst. this water became fro zen, and its expansive force' "du ring the process completely' sever ed this huge mass of iron into tw o parts! A more striking instance of llie tremendous power thus exer ted by water, has perhaps rarely if ever occurred. The Florida llrar. The Jack sonville Courier says, "From the present prospect ihe war is not likely soou t terminate. The enemy is apparently as far from being subdued and removed, as they were a year since. By dri ving them South, the war is pro tracted. More time is necessary to reach them, and greater ob stacles lo be surmounted, in tran sporting provisions to the points at which they are required, and all the difficulties of the present campaign increased. Until some different plan is pursued than the one of spending one w eek in pur suit of the enemy and the next in returning for provisions, Osceola will find no difficulty in making good his five years. For the cre dit of our Government, he has been able too long to set at de fience ihe whole power of the United States." Cuba. State of the forces em ployed to put doicn the rebels. By the New Orleans correspondent of the Courier, we learn, through an arrival al that place from Havain, that the Constitutionalists at San tiago de Cuba had been for some time blockaded by the frigate Can tivo and a brig. The frigate Hes tauracion left Havana on ihe 9lh, with two transports, carrying war like stores to Trinidad, and a corvette left the I Ith, to join the Caniivo. " The military chest, with $300,000 for the service of the army, leftthe J 2th for Kosario, three days passage from Trinidad, where about 3000 troops are be ing concentrated. Among the troops embarked are the two fine elite columns of chasseurs and grenadiers, 2600 strong, together with the artillery. The cavalry, 500 strong, arrived al Bayamo by land, and was joined by the 2d squadron of the Trinadad lancers, and lhat of las Villas. The w hole force employed in this expedition may amount lo 7000 infantry, 1000 horses and 0 field pieces. The troops are all highly discip lined, well paid and provided for, aud devoted to the cause, which indeed every one advocates who ha; common smse and anything to lose iu the island. Lorenzo, the chief of the rebel forces, has but 2000 regular troops, and the population of the towu is against him.