Iiand for Sale, 'ILL BK SOLD, before ilm Cmni I w niiiise niior in luiunio, on ittes d;iv Febmary four: nex', one Tract of Jand joining the l.i n l of John li. Daniel and others, and containing 1 1 48: Acres. I A credit f I welve month; will b civou. j bond and good security wi'l !; ! quired i beting interest from Ihe dale. Thomas J Incin. Dec. 9th 1S36. 4S Square the Yards, j Call and Settle. OrnilC Subscriber being about fo remove L1 from town, requests all persons in jebtad lo him to call and settle forthwith and all those buving claims against him will present them for adjustment. j 1. U. BRADY. Dec. 23.1, 1836. " Notice. If FOR SALE, a youn f Negro Woman, For cash. Apply to . J). llarL l December 9, 1S36. JYotice. WISH to rent or lease, within two inili-s and a half of Tarhornugh, on he road to Sparta, a very good ami will inished Dwelling House, 5 And necessary out house. There are f 725 or 30 Acres, Of cleared Land attached to it, besides a fchoice selection of fruit trees of different kinds. Should any person wish to renl or lease such a situation, I should be sla.l fr them to make it known by the 1st of January next. t J Villi am Foil hall. Nov. 15, 1836. 45 Last JYotice. ir II E subscriber intending to settle the JJ. estate ot the late tlenj. Weaver, detfd, At February Couit next, notifies all per sons having unsettled claims against said estate to present them before that time and all persons indebted, will pay forth with. James EM nor, Adm'r. December 7, 1836. Stale of .Voi Ih Carolina, EDGECOMBE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Session!, NOVEMBER TERM, 1836 Avey Dickinson 1 Petition vs. for Benjamin Wilkinson ai d otln- is. ) Dower. IX appearing to the sati-lartion of the Court, that .lam' S Brown and bis wife l'riscilla, defendants in this case, are non residents of this State; It is ordered that publication be made for six weeks in the Tarboiough Press, giving them notice to appear at the next Court of Pleis and Quarter Sessions to be held for the county aforesaid, at the Court House in Tarbo iough, on the fouith Monday of February next, then and there lo answer, plead or demur, or the petition will be heard ex arte as to them Witness, Michael Heani, Clerk of 6aid Court, at Tarboiough, the 4Hi Monday of November, A. I). 1836, and in the lx 1st of our independence. MICHL. HEJ1RN, C. C. Price adv 3 50. 37 List of Letters, Remaining in the Post Office at Tarbo mil trh ihp. 1st of Jan. 1837. ichich if not taken out before the st of Jipril next v ilt be sent "to the General Post OJfice as dead letters. Austin II h Son 8 Jones M Miss Adams Nancy J Irwin Dr Henry L Arquer Lewis Johnston Eliz Miss J Anderson George Lloyd Joseph II 6 i Armstrong Micajah Land Charles I Anthoxy M B Lavrence Rev J 2 Barlow Arthur K 4 Lewis John!) R:irlnw navi.l La w rencc &. Dancy tt.-itt: William Lodge Sec Concord 3 Bullock Joshua K Moieh. ad&Reynolds Bryan Drew Moore Edwin L " Brady Jos B Mercer John s Bennett ,.!ark Medirine Vender of j Best John Prindle P A B-ll Marmaduke II Peal John i B'dbry Nathaniel Phillips E Clerk Snp'r Ci-ni t Piipen William Daniel John I 5)r Snvir Rpdfli.iir O Mil Edmondson Joseph Staton Cecilia S Mrs England James Staton Ezekicl Eason Theophdus Sessoms V i'son Edinoiidson John Stalling Mary Mrs Foreman Ags S Spicer Josiah Garrett John 3 Sharpe Benjamin Clover Sarah Mrs Tryon SeMer Ilyrn tn &i Lawr'e 5 Thupen Dennis Ilinton William Worslev WilliHm Hushes John F W'aid Timothy W Howell Bi itain . Willerford U utwell Knight Charles C Waterman L L Knight J C Wilkins Willis Kinney Daniel Mc Whitfield Benjamin Jones V illiam Jus. M. lli dnwnd, V. M. VI $14 20J. Tarboro dcatlcmy JIHE Exercises of this JSj(ulion will a bH --sumed on Monday, Uie 2l of Ja nuary, unoer the continued supeiinten- dence ol Mjss J. 4V.vJae Die. 23d. 1836 . " 4 Female School - S will recom- w mnce the duties of their School the first day of February next, Jit (Irangeville, . One mile from Law ience's meeting house. Board thirty bdars per session of five in intlis I'm it ion from five lo nine doU I. u, according t llieir different Mudies The healthiness of the situation is well known, in evidem e of which there has not occurred one ca-e of sickness in the lauii ly during the present year. Dei:. 2Ulh, lb36. 6 (Ef The Halifax Advocate will insert the above tliree limes. La Vallec THE Exercises of the above li siitu lioii will recommence on the third Monday ( Mill) of JanUj The subscriber with much pleasme informs his friend:, that Mrs. Emma McLlvie con timies Principal in the Seminary. The followin will be the course of 5m die-: Reading, Wiiiiug, Spelling, Compo sition, Grammar, Elementary Geography, United Stales History, Arithmetic, An cient and Modem Hislorv. Universal Ge ography, including Ancient Geogr-piiv, American History, Rhetnnr, Logic, atu al Pii.l isooliv. Eik-IhI Al. hm Acr,.... mv, Moral and intellectual Philo-op'nv, ."Natural Theo..ry. Elements of Criticism. Chemistry and Botany; for the above bian- nes, p. r session ol five months, 10 00. Latin" - - $5 00 French - 7 50 Drawing - 5 00 Painting in Oil Colors 10 00 Music on the Piano Forte, - 15 00 Music on Guitar, 10 00 Hoard - - 40 00 H.ilf the Board in advance. Tippoo S. llrowidow. Halifax co N C. Dec 7. NASHVILLE Female Academy. THE entire control of this Institution for the ensuing vear has been com mitted by its Trustees to my superinten dence. It is my desire to place it upon an equal fooling with the Female Academies ot Tai borough and Louisburg. To do this I have engaged Miss Mary llasdale to take charge of the school. Miss Ragsdale has had the charge ol tins school the last session of the present year, and by her un wearied attention, together with the rapid advance of her pupils in iheir various stu dies have given entire satisfaction to her employers. I deem it unnecessary to sav more about her qualifications, tor she is so well known amoo; hu extensive acnuainl ance in Nash and Edgecombe, and parti cularly it Nash as an insti nct ess, that I feel justified in expressing the belief that those who commit their children to her management will have nothing 10 tear. I he first session will commence 011 Monday, lGi7, Jan'y, 1837, And end on Friday, !he 23 I of Jihv. The 2. id sesiou will commence on Moudat, the 3 1 ot July, and end on r rnlay i lie 8th of December. Tuepiiee of Tuition the same as at Tarborough, that is. Ten Dol lars per session for the lowi r classes, and Twelve Dollars per session for the higher. No student will be received for a less term than one session, unless providential acci dents should prevent their commencing with the session or ca I them off before it ends, and in such cases the Tuition will be charged only for the lime at school It is particularly request- d that the students should begin with the session and be per mitted to remain during the essioi., that the teacher may have an opportunity of doing justice to herself and her pupils; tor it is designed that an Lxaimeation sl a 1 1 be held at the end of each session. Board can be had in a few families upon ns cheap or cheaper terms than in Tarborough or Louisburg. (t is hoped that this school will be liberally patronized, for no pains will be spared to m ike it worthy of the confidence of the public. Jl. J. Battle. December 15th, 1836. 4'J WiLLlAMSliOUOUGH Female Seminury ::- fTTl H 1 5 Institution will be re opened for U the reception of Boarders and Pupils On Mouday, the 9th of January next. Mrs. Smith assures her friends that ev ery attention will be paid to their morals and their instruction, in the several bran ches which she proposes lo teach. Eighl or Ten Young Ladies can be accommoda ted with board in the family, at 40 per sei'n Terms for TUJTIOJV per session. Orthography, Heading, Writing and Arithmetic, - $6 00 Enidi'd Grammar, Geography, Chemistry, &c. - S 00 Prawing and Painting, - 5 00 Music. - - 15 00 Needle work no extra charge. Mary tmilh. (tTTianos tuned and repaired by the subscriber. JOHN IV. SMITH All orders in the country promptly at tended. pec. 10, 1836. 49 . STOXY 11 ILL Academy. THR Examination of ti.e Students in ihis Institution will lake place the -in) and 2.5th ii.st at which time Parents and Guardians are respectfully invited to attend. . 3 ihe Exercises will re-commence on Monday, 9th Jan .ary next, at 40 per ses sion lor Board, fee. Tuition ill varv from 10 to 15 d :a,s per session. Books and candles furnished at cost. STONY HILL Is ooi mile Irom Sims Cross Koads, in a high and healthy country; an evidence of which, but one case of sickness has occur red during the present session anions; 45 students. Communications directed to the Princi pal at Ransom's Bridge, Nash county. M t . UarrtU, I'rin Nov. 12ih. 1836. 46 7 FEMALE Boarding School THE duties of the chool at ! ochiel, near Hillsborough, Will be resumed on the23i January. The Subscriber intend- affording to hi PupiU every faeility of acquiring an Edu cation ot the hihe-t character, both so'id and uefu, as well as ornamental. The bele" so acc t plish this object, his num ber will be'tiicllv limbe.i: and he also designs !M: ui iug the services of an able female Asis nt from he North The Pupils of the School are tr-ated in every respect a members of a private family, and wluli- heir intellectual i im provement is sedulously attended to, a hi ah regad is paid to the cultivation of their muials and their manners. Having now had some years experience in Teach niU, ihe Subscriber leels confident of be- . in:; abl to plice his School on a fooling with the b--t Institutions for Female Ed ucation in the country. The situation ol Ihe School, a mile from Hillsborough, is one comtinin e ey advantage ol retire ment and heal h. TE?ti3 are $S5 Per Sessmn; which includes B-'Htil, Tuition and Books- Mu sic and Painting are epraU- charges. Hillsboro',Dec 1, ?S36. 48 6 IlERRiNUS, Bacon and Lard. THE Subscribers liav ju-t received a supply of bel quality CUT HERRINGS. ALSO Bacon and Lard for sale, by J) Cotten & hon Tarboro', May 24. VALUABLE Newspaper ICsta hiishment FOK SALE. -si--- THE subscribers having determined to engage in a difiYrmt puisui', the spectator Establishment v offered for Safe. The Ofiice is well provided with the ne cessarv materials, and notwithstanding that no effort have been made, beyond the mere n iiusmi-sion of the paper to those who volunlardj ordered it. the patronage is such that there is no other branch of business known to the subscribers in which the same amount of capital produces grea ter profrs As the sale i merely a matter of conve nience to the subset ibers, no one need ap ply xs a purchaser who i il not sustain ihe political principles whico the Spectator lias advocated. Fnsleur & Moore. Newborn, 4ih Nov. 1836. Jlwfid Disclosures, BY MARIA MONK, Of the Hotel Dien Nunnery. MONTREAL. MEVISED, with an Appendix, con taining Part I. Reception of the first edition. Part II. Sequel o her Nar rative. Part III. Review of the case. Also, a Supplement giving more particu lars of the Nunnery and grounds. Illus trated by a plan of 'he .Nunnery. rV I. li Hrady. EiBXvEirsrS, AND NORTH CJiLOLlNA ;r rS For sale at this Offic at the Raleigh p. ires, viz: 10 cents each, 75 cents a dozen 4 dollars for half a groce, $1 a groce, kc. October, 1836. JYotice. The Subscribers continue to transact Co mini it a ion rlnsiness IN NORFOLK. All produce left with iheir Agents, Messrs Simmons &, Eure, HALIFAX, Will be forwarded without r?elay by the wagons now lunnin? from thai place to Gary's Depot, the present termination of the Portsmouth anil iloanuke Rail Koad, The waggonage is 20 cents per bale on "5 COT TON, And the Rail Road freight from Gary's Depot to Norfolk is 25 cents per 100 ibs. James iiordon Co. Nov. 7, 1836. 44 KLECiED ty lle ery first Musician o ihe Unit il State.-, Charles E. Hoiin, Esq. of New York. The Subscriber has just received Two Pianos. Of very superior tone and finish. Th.y have been examined by five or six musicians, who pronounce them first late; several of the oldest and most ptuprien i:ed cabinet makers in this piaee, w ho h .ve carefully examined tne exteiior, unhesita- linoli. turlai-u ihcm fnr ulivnrl .f am l;..i o - . " . ........... g ot the kind they have ever seen in Peters burg For the quality ol these Instru ments, i reu r io Charles E. Horn, Esq. New York; Dr. Thomas Robinson, Petersburg; Dr. Robert Emmet Robinson, do ; Win. M. Robinson, Eaq , Richmond; Charles Berg, Esq., Professor of Music in this place. Edward P Nash, Bookseller. Petersburg, Va. Aug 23. 37 JYotice. .Miss Frau' es Campbell. t FTEK tender'n.i; her unfeigned JSA thanks to her pations for past favors begs leave lo announce to the public, that she. hat just returned from New Yoik. with her Fall ai.d winter supply of Fashion Lie Millinery, itid Mantuamaking Materials, Where she spent several weeks foe the purpose uf iuiMrmHtion, hviog had a va riety ,t work executed in her line, became acquainted with several of the most fash i nable and experienced Mantau Makers in the city from h she gained instrne- lion of great importance in the business, such as will enable her o exhibit to the fancy of the ladies something new and equally pleasing. Her stock of 'ilV rfS Are far superior to any of her former pur chases, having had the assistance of a Connoisseur in Iter selections, ihe si.me was therefore made with great care and exemplary task. Her Stock consist in part of Ihe following articles (to wic) Kig'd Silks ad Satins, Thread and Bobbinet laces, Bloml lace and Edging, fdoud Capes and wasli blond, French woiked muslin, lace Capes, Infant Caps. Bobbinet &, muslin inserting, Long silk and kid Gloves, Velvet and oil si k Aprons, Puffs and curls. hH and silver Combs, Wax and alabaster dolls, Toys of in my kinds, fruits, nuts, he. Florence, Leghorn, satin, silk, velvet, bea ver and straw lionn-ts, hi great variety. Together with many other things too te dious to enumerate, All of which she offers on moderate terms. All orders from a distance will be prompt ly attended to, and she hopes by strict at tention to her business to merit a liberal patronage. larboro', 17th Nov. 1830. Coach, House Landscape, and Orna mental fTJl'iE Subscnber respectfully informs tl the citizens of Edec..mbe county that he has locted himself In ' Car borough, Where he is prepared to execute all orders in his line of busim ss. Those wishing Gigs, sideboards, sitting chairs, fire screeus and Ihe like painted ill bring them o he coach shop of Mr 1 err II. He will leave town and go into the roun ry, when house painting is requited AH orders in his line of business will In thaukful'v received aud faithfully executed on reasonable lenns Lewis Jt ftrqner. Tarboro' 2Cth Feb 1836. 8 1TD7T A WjTKCS f NEW tiOODS, ' ew Goods, new Goods. :J:- THE Subscriber takes great plea-ure -in announcing to his cusiomets and the Public n general, that he has just re turned Irom the North, with a complete Assortment n Fancy DRY GOODS, AND OR0CKR1KS, Which he prop -t s io sell on most reason able terms a great many at least 25 per cent cheaper than was sold in thi- market during ihe last season, such as Bale Rope, Bagging, Blankets, Sic. The subscriber has al o on hand, a great variety of heavy Heady Made Clothing, Consisting of Cloaks, over Coats, dress Coats Pantaloons Mid Vests suitable for the approaching season. The Subscriber will give in barter or in Cash for Cotton or Corn as much as his neighbors, as he wi-hes lo buy a large quantity of both. Isaac li. Hrady. Trborn 1st Oct. 1836. mimn NEW & FASHIONABLE FALL AND WINTER Millinery, fyc. THE Subscriber informs her custom ers and Ih' public, lhat she is now opening her Fall Supply of Fancy Millinery, Comprising an extensive assortment of the most fashionable and durable article- for Ladies wear, which with i ei former stock renders her assortment complete. Among the articles will be found Pa'tem silk, velvet ami straw Bonnets, Ladies beaver hai. different colors. O-trich and fancy Feathers, H.-ad dresses. Capes, Co'lars, &c. puffs and ( urls.,io great variety, Plain and figured Silks and Satins, Mode, Crapes, Gauzes and Florences, Laces, Edgings. Inettings ar d Footings, A splendid assortment of Ribbons, artifi cial Flowers. &c. tc These Goods were selected hv hrr-elf, and having hd an excellent oppo.Mii iiy lo become acquainted with the iiert North ern fashion-, she in ites th-se wishing any article in her line to give her a call. J. c Tarborongh, Nov. 4. Howard Herrings! Herrings!! Tl Ifhlfh BARRELS Cut He. rings, , M V just received and for sale by King ir' Edmondson. May 30i h, 1836. TO THOSE IVhoni it may concent' THE UNDERSIGNED, Having received His Summer hupply of j GROCERIES, A.lonis ihis means of apprising his "con stituents" of this important and splendid acces.-ion to his oul stock ii seems unne cessary to descant, and but for one article only, I would forbear. The one alluded to is CHAMPAIGNE rare stun", indeeJ quite exhilaiating a sovereign remtdy . . . i u i . r lor uesponueiiiy . ui, u nc .is in in pus sible, it has never enleied the hearts -f those who have not tried it, to conceive the excellencies ol my i ox brand Chnmpaigne." As much might be said in behalf of many other thin? amon? mv -lock, which con sists of the iollow ing arti Its: A great variety of Caialies, Muscatel and bunch Rasins. Annies. Oranges and Lemons, English walnuts, Palm nuts, lluller ami watr Cracker?, Suar Crackers. Pine apple Cheese, Scotch Herring, nesi ininp ?ugart Principe and Spanish .egars, CHAMPAIGNE, very superior quality, Champagne brandy, r rencli branny. Holland uiu, Jamana Hum roit wine, Irish w'' iskey, New Ettiand Rum, I Spanish smoking Tobcco, Lemon Syrup, London Porter, Cider in bottles, Scotch snuff, tallow Candles, sea Bread, Loco foco Matches, Playing cards, Mar- bles, &c. Sic. All which majr be had for the consider" tion of twenty-five per cent, oo their origi nal cost. Joseph B. Hraddy. July 12th, 1836. mIIIBHBHBW Valuable Land FOK SALE. THE Snh-ii-ri'-ei it.lemling to remov to ihe State ol Mississippi, ffeis for sale on very accommodating leim- that Valuable Tract of Cand, Whereon he now reside containing About 800 Veres. It is admitted to be inferior to no farm in the cou ,ty of Greene to th quan'-ity of acres. It lies on the noi ih side of Great Contentitea creek, five miles below Stan lonsburg. There are on the prenii-.es J good UiveUing House, And out houses and attached to it A valuable Grist Mill. Between 3 and 4n0 acipnf cleared Land, well adapted lo ihe culiivaib.it of the sta ple production ot ihe c oitry. particular ly cotton- The terms will be made vrv accommodating, and likely youi.r egroeg taken in payment al case, price. For further particulars those who wish to pur chase can come and judge for themselves. J. tpeizht. November 29, 1836 47 Notice. TilE Subscribers w ill in a few days be in receipt of their Full purchases in New York and in Petersburg, of a general Assortment of Groccriesr And the important articles to the Planter at this season of Ihe year. We also iut. nd to keen three waiona employed in the transportation of C"tton from this io Halifax, ami will at all limes give ihe highest prices for baled Cotton delivered in ihi place. D MC HJiHDS $ CO. Tarboro', Oct. 14, 1835. (P IMP iiri A ST To the Public. -::- Having on hand a very large and extensive STOCK OP Winter (oods, I now offer them Jit a reduction of 10 per cent. On last months prices 'hose desirous of obtaining Goods at a trifling ad vat re on New YoikCosl, will mosi gut'.!y find ic to Iheir in'ei't-st to call and learn my prt ces belo.r pun basing In my Assortment xcill be found:- Newest si li d.n k and Lghi t'aiu oe, fron 10 cent- lo 30, Circassians, every color, 20 lo 5 cenl Black and colored SiUs, in great vrkty, 35 i i'iui lo 5l 25, A great bargain in men'- ami woiueaV Clonks, from 3 to $8, Sopeifiue Brt aU lot i.s, from $ 10 7, Saliineils, 1mm 40 rents lo 1 25, White and ted Flannels. 25 -eiuio gf Rose Blank, is. $2 to $6 per pur, Point Blankets, 60 eitis 10 5 .Negro ' loth, all wool, six qu itters wide, only 60 cents, do. do. ihiee quarters wide, 35 renti Cloth and blanket O' reo-u-, 56J t. 8, Ladies lawn uml-ri-eve. Ladies and getnletneti' .if k H;r.lker chiefs, 25 cents tofl S10, BontiPi, cap and bli Rilihon, coeap. Men's and boys HATS and Caps of - very description. Hit largest aivl cheapest Assortment of Hoots and Shoes, Ever exhibited in Tarboro1, (foui;) Men's Boots, $1 7 lo 3. Men's lined and bound hi,;h quartered Mtoes, 87J to 1 12$. Hiah and low quartered boys Shoes, 25 to 40 t enls. Girl's leather shoes, 50 cents, Women s leather shoes, 40 lo 90 cents, Women's leather and moiocco Boots, 75 centi- to 51, Women's morocco and prunella shoes. cents lo 51 Extra fine kid ii prunella Slipper, 1 25, Negroes coarse high and low quartered shoes, 40 c nls to 1, Men's morocco and sea skin Pumps, 75 cents t si 2j. Sole Lea'hM-, 15 lo 17 cents. IVilh every other Article iv the Hat and Shoe lint. ALSO, a large and well selected stock oC GIWCEKIES. Hardware. Cuflert. China, Glass Earl fan ware. All of v hich are now offered at the Cheap Cash Store For Cash or barter, mi XLttmscv. at ,)r on the nsiml ndn, at most Extraortti i-.ary Low Price J.iS IVEDDELL. Tarboro', Jan. 14, 1S3. V