Mi I' ! 77 ' Tarborough Pre ft , ' ' I ja" GBORGE HOWARD, i iiblislJ weekly. at Two Dollars and If Scents per yearif paid in a dvancr- C L cripio. ve.r. Kornny period le ; ,a v'-.'f"?rcCn,f,,er mu,ul1 ' rihersareat liherlvtodUcontinue i'1vSti.ne. on civi.iff nntirp thereof and ',; arrears ihoserefWii.? i ! I'' ce must hivariahlvpay in advance, or j 1,aresponibl' reference inthiviciHv. 'Advertisements not exceeding 16. lines ' nen'th(oras(V'arft) wiU I" inserted at -" cent the first insertion & 25cents ech Litinua.ice. Longer ones at that rate f, fery square. Advertisements must : "mil ked the miniberol insertions requi 5 j of ,,ev will be continued until other ; r9..'f oraered,and charged accordingly, j Letter addressed totheFditor must be poi piJ.r ,1,e-v ,,iav not h attended ,0- I Tew arrival of Spring $ Summer AT THE Cheap Cash store. James Wcddcll, HAju.t returned from llie Northern cities, where he has purchased at tuvediiigly Low Trices, a LARGE and Spltndid Assortment of FANCY AND STAPLE GROCEIUES, HATS, SHOES, i Hardware China, Glass and Earlhtn ware. Which he oilers at a very small advance on The New York Cost, And feels confident he can convince all who may favor hiai wi'h a call that his Stock not only comprises a most splendid ariety, but having p'irch-ased tliem in many instances at a great saciifke to the importer, he will offer them at such aston ishingly low prices as he Hatters himself will fully meet the views of those whoe object is to buy Fresh & fashionable Goods At very low Prices. TERMS Cash, or the uoal credit to punctual customers. TarLoro', April 3. 1P37. AT COST, CERTAIN. King SfEdmon dson Have now on hand a -ariety of Spring and Summer G003DS, Hardware, Groceries, &c- All of which Ihey are willing to dispose of At cost for Cash, Or at a very small advance on a crrdit to punctual customers. All persons wishing to avoid paying a large profit on Goads, should not fail to avail themselves of this Great Opportunity N e would further say to our customers, we do litis for the purpose of making room for ? larger Stock of Goods In the Fall. Call at the sign of II King, where the bargains may be found. King cf Edmondson. Tarboro', July 1st, 1836. State Bank Of North Carolina. .St- UlSUANT to a Resolution of the btockhohl pre Mh; Konli at their J" annual General Meeting, all persons Mvtng chiimg 0l, said Bank far Dividends -apital or Profits Depositee, or Notes issued by ihe p,inci,,ai uani4 or jts Iiran dcs.areeartiptitlv loii1 in nrcn! them ,n' payment to the Treasurer of the Bank, "ii or belore Be first Monday in De cember next, "nerwise, lliev will be barred, as the J'ocuholdert will theu make a final divi lend of ihe effects of the Bank. V. F. PJlTTEIlSONtPrcs't. JBh, lc. 23, 1836. 1 1 Fni- K:i1h I Wuhj young negro Girl, t A?P1 Dtwv... -t . - 1 1 c ","ul eiiu ears, is ottered tor saie i nuccommuiUti.r terms. 1 i . . . PROSPECTUS JF THE Tarboro9 Scatola. fi propose to publish in the town of Tarboro, Edgecombe County, N. C a weekly paper, enti tled, the Tarboro'' bcasvola, EDITED BY M. EDWARD MANNING, And printed byJ.fylV Manning. (We have adopted for the title of the paper; Scxvola, in honor ef Mucins Scxvola of ancient Rome, who was willing to lay down his life as a sacrifice for Republicanism, and did burn and torture the hand in fire, that missed Porsenna the invader of their Rights.) According to custom we proceed to lay before the publick an analysis upon which this paper will be conducted. Its col nmii'i will be devoted to Politics, Commerce, Agriculture, Internal Improvements, Mechanics, Medicine, Literature, and Science in general. It cannot fail of b'eing useful to the Politician, the Merchant, the Farmer, the Me chanic, the Physician, and Literary mtn who dislike to trouble them selves (entirely; with the plenitude of political strife. We are resolved to exert every nerve of our sensori- um to rendtr it useful and pleasing to the lauics; who, etuna-ltke are the arbitresses of the world. The principles of Democracy (the watch nwer of liberty,) will be defended with every talent we are master of. The administration of Martin Van Huren, and R. M. Johnson; will be supported, and its Jackson-like course advocated with sanguine fervency. All the most important and interest ing proceedings of Congress, and the State Legislature, will be reported. Wc shall endeavor to obtain the la test commercial news from the North, and lay before our patn ns with despatch. UV intend to avail ourselves of the advantage of the best publications on the subjects of internal improvement, and agricul ture, and by that means will be able to select a number of essays, which cannot fail, of being useful to all who have the prosperity of their country at heart. We will procure all important and necessary information in Medicine, within our sphere, of country and hospital cases, and give their patho logy and trtatment publicity. A portion of the Scxvola will general ly be devoted to anecdotes, and polite literature; and whiggery blown sky high. Knowing the necessity of the publication of a truly democratic pe riodical in the town of Tarboro', we call on the good; people of Edge combe and adjoining counties, ami the inhabitants of the U S. to patron ise and sustain us in cat t ying out the principles of Democracy. TERMS. 1 he bcxvoia will ne printed on an imperial s-heet at $3 per annum or $3 50 at the end of the year. No subscription will be received for a less period than a year; and the paper will not be dis continued until orders are received to that effect, and all arrearages set tled. Advertising at the rate of one dollar ner sauare lor three inser tions, and 25 cents for each subse- niii-nt insertion. A liberal discount will be made to those wno auveruse bv the year. All letters to be ad i dressed to Tarboro, Edgecombe Co. N. Carolina. Dost paid. 1 he hrst No. will be issued the 10th ot May i next. All those holding subscription ! lists will forward them by the first ot May, and those that will obtain six responsible subscribers will be enti tVed to one paper gratis. ?rrmAll P. Masters in the State will Jdease act as Agents for the Tarboro Scavola. March 14, 1837. The Young Jack, EDGECOMBE, WILL STAND the ensuing season at my lable, on .the north side. of Tar Itiveron the road leading from Teat's bridge to the Falls Tar IUver, three miles above the bridge and will be let to mares at THREE DOLLARS the single leap, FIVE Dollars the season, and NINE Dol lars to insure a inare lo be in foal-with twenty-five cents to the Groom in every instance. A transler of property forfeits the insurance. The season will co"ienee the 10th of March and end Ihe 10th July. Every attention will be paid, but no res punsibility lor accidents, &c. Edgecombe, Is four vears old, and a tery large sized Jack to his age. His appearance is t.ie best recommendation that can be given. . I) fVimbertey. February 24, 1837 Tarborough, (Edgecombe County, N. C.) Saturday, Aprt1' iscelianeotfS CASH. Cash ! Cash ! for this we striveJc toil, From morning until night. Some plough the sea & some the soil, Some practice Coke & others Hoyle; On politics some writei And all who wish to cut a dash Must have their pockets crammed with Cash. I offer you my service sir, And my good wishes, too Pray how much are you worth a year? Your pocket is too short, 1 fear,' To help iny projects through: If so, your service is but trash; But I'm your man if you have Cash. Behold those interesting girls, VVho smile divinely sweet Quite good enough for lords or earls; W hose snowy teeth and raven curls Are very hard to beat Indeed the sweetest girls on earth Pray tell me how much Cash they're worth. And love is bargain'd for and sold By rules precise aud narrow: Changed from the god he was of old. His quiver is of burnish'd gold, And silver every arrow And now whene'er he bends his bow, He's apt to lay a fortune low. For Cash we sail the ocean o'er. And many a distant sea The want of Cash condemns the poor, And Cash unbars the prison door, And sets the captive free Stronger than learning of the schools, The destiny of earth, Cash rules. Without it, man but badly fares In all terrestrial things; And when awhile he bravely bears Life's tempest, and its load of cares, And writhes beneath its strife Down to where Cash exerts no power, He sinks like a neglected flower. A PUZZLE. To be read aright. I Once hadon both I set great store and a Lent my and took his note there for to my Asked my and nought but word I got of my Lost my for sue him I would not and my money friend If I had as I had once before and a I'd keep my and play the fool no more and my From the Cumberland Advocate. HUMORED MUKDER. It is currently rumored about Cumberland, that a most diaboli cal murder was recently commit ted sonrewhere not far from Rains burg, Bedford county, Pa. Kut as the Bedford papers are silent upon the subject, there is room to doubt its correctness. The story runs thus: A gentleman from the West on his way to Philadelphia, with drove of horses, put up for ihe nigbt at a certain house (name not inown and stayed till morning. Heivas treated with respect and attention, and informed the land lord that on his return he would again stop with him. According to nromise. about three weeks since the stranger returned and asked for lodgings but was refu sed! The excuse alleged was, that there was sickness in the fam ily. He was recommended by the landlord to go on to the next house, situate about a mile dis tant. The stranger did so. He requested lodgings for the night, and at first was refused. He was informed that the man of the house was absent, and that there were none but females about the house, (being two daughters.) But up on insisting they at length con sented. Shortly after there were three girls from a neighboring house arrived, and concluded to stay for company that night with the two daughters of the absent landlord. On retiring to bed it appears that the stranger was shown a room up stairs and ow: of the strange girls and one of the daughters occupied the absent fa ther's room down stairs, and the other three girls another room up stairs. ' Thus situated and wrapt in .leep, at a late hour in the night the house was entered by three men. They entered the room of the two young women down stairs and murdered them bv cuttinn- their throats! Thev then nro- ceeded tip stairs to the room of the stranger supposing they had killed the two daughters of the absent parent but were met in a manner they little expected. The , stranger had been awakened bv the noise down stairs, and stood S prepared to meet the assassins. They came to the door, which he immediately opened and shot down the foremost mau. The second then fired at the stranger but missed his aim, and was im-rr mediately shot down himself. The ' third then approached, but seeing , the fate of the two first w as dispo- sed to retire, but the bold stranger followed him and with one or two blows inflicted with a small sword, lie brought him in the. rt The stranger then procured light called for the girls aud proceeded to examine what mis chief had been done. He found the three girls who slept upstairs safe and sound; but those two who slept on the lower floor with their throats cut from ear to ear. Up on examining the bodies of the murderers, it was ascertained that they consisted of the Father and two sons! landlords of the house at which he was refused lodg ings. It is thought that the murderers object was gain that they inten ded killing the girls aud stranger, take what they wanted aud then set fire to and burn the house and the dead bodies. Nosology. Dr. J. Mason War ren, of Boston, is mentioned in the papers ol that city as having performed a feat in the business of nose making, which will probably bring his services into great re quest among that portion of our fellow citizens who have sustained damages in that rather important feature of "facial landscape." Dr. Warren does not pursue the Tali cotian mode of repairing the han dles of people's countenances, but he puts on a man's nose with sin gular "neatness and despatch," nevertheless; and according to the Boston account of the matter, we are not very certain but it would be well enough to employ the Doctor to make new noses for peo ple who happen to have ugly por ticos to the olfactory regions. Ladies with "two pretty black eyes" who are fobbed off by mad ame nature with nothing better than a pug nose, will, of course, employ him to fabricate a more becoming receptacle for rappee, in their declining years, and young fellows who are provided with a protuberance little more symmet rical than a warped shingle, ought by all means, to patronize the professor of nosological manipula tion. Whether Dr. Warren trims down noses happening to have too much amplitude, is a matter not touched upon in the Boston ac count to which we allude, but by that same account it is as clear as amber that he makes a new nose in cases where the necessary smelling machine has been demolished by an accident; for a young man who happened lo have his facial outworks "druv in," as Hackett has it of the dog's tail, employed the doctor lately to remedy the disaster, and if we are to credit the newspaper account of the af fair, the unfortunate sufferer by the dereliction is actually better off than before. He has been provided by Dr. Warren with a nose not only equal to all the calls made upon that organ, but really tn improvement upon the original proboscis. We of course congra tulate the patient and recommend Bacon and Lard ill!) THE Subscriber! haye just reee'ired a supply of best qualh'v CUT HERRINfiS. ALSO Bacon and La ri for .sale, by S. B. Colten &1 bon. Tarboro', Mav 24. NEW & FASHIONABLE FALL AND WINTER Millinery, ic. 4. It is more easily cleaned. 5. It. If the horse gets entangled he can,w be freed without cutting. G. It will admit of being ornamented to a higher degree than the old style "e. ot harness. It is exhibited at the American Museum for the inspec tion of the public. A. Y. Star. Patent Safety Harness. Wil liam street and Wall street were quite in a bustle yesterday in ex amining Beale's patent Harness, which dispenses with the use of swingle trees which by a single check rein unharnesses the horse, and costs only half the price of common harness. It was very much admired, and is an improve-1 mem so great and simple, that it! must be universally adopted. The ingenious inventor has some other j designs in progress, which we! think will startle the mechanical world when they are known ib. Off hats! The Lexington Ky.iJ Observer says that in the town of: Columbia, widow Rachel Dick-;'.' son is Clerk of the Common Pleas j fmrr on A id-it t...., r.,...,-i wuii, ui.u m VMic .'iai y . unci is nominated for the Legislature in McCracken county. ib. Fire from Ashes. The follow ing explanation of the cause of so many accidents resulting from ashes being placed in wooden vessels is by Professor Smith, of New Haven, Conn, and contains information which should be gen erally diffused. in Perhaps there are few people ne- did who are acquainted wiih the fact,Jc that ashes made by burning hardjJ! wood, such as oak, maple, &c. irmly a fire place, and taketi up dry, are! capable of producing spontaneous combustion, simply by receiving a degree of moisture, or by coming." II lUlllClll nun a Cl UUdlU Ulyny j slave, or being exposed lo a veryJon damp atmosphere, his general- I ly believed when fire is kindled by ashes, that it is caused by coals being put away with ihe ashes .j while on fire; but this is a mistake, ii The coals if they were on fire,! when buried in atmospheric air j would soon be extinguished; or ifL they were not, they could not kin-! die a fire when the air was exclu-' ded. The spontaneous combus-iad, lion of ashes proceeds from a very'ar different principle. nra. Hard wood ashes when firstr"g' made, and while they are kept drv. contain a metal called xioias- mm mi sium, which is the basis of potash L This metal is very combustible, and has so strong'an'affinily or at traci'ionfor oxygen, the suppor- ter and causes of combustion, that .. it takes the oxygen from water; the moment it touches ,it, and;j burns with a vivid flame; aud lhejnd product of ibis combustion is pot;; assium saturated with oxygen, or what may be called the oxydeolj .Ccorn potassium. It should be nolicec Chinese JHtdbcrrif THE subscriber has for disposal seve ra! hundred rooted trees and cut tings of the noted Moras Mult .cuulos, or Ntxv Chinese Mulberry; Found dowbly avnnlgeons for silk cul ture, and cne of the most beautiful orna mental treei, of moderate rrze, the eye can rest tiprm. 01 Hie ease of prnpaga' ting this tree and its rapid growib the pub lie may j'ide when into me. tftat from a soroll ro-.ifd ptau-t, for which dollar was paid M Baltimore aboirt four yearrs cilice, the yi-erihrr has disposed of a large iiuml'r, a-nd arts yet as above stated, and that hi first propagated trees are near " .twenty leef hrh and beautifully proKr tif, 'ied. The feaf is a dark given color and often 16 infWeslong and 11 broad. The? price, (ntfw reduced) is 60 cent! each for" plants upwards of 5 teet Ugh, and proportions' for those-of a smaller sire St when a nnmbrr are laken at a time. SIDKEY 1VEI.LER. teriiikievviUY, Halifax county, N. C Dec. 15,lfer. P. S. Mr. Geo. Howrard is my Agent for ines and trees at Tarborough and vicini ty, and those desirous of any plants moult) do well to make early application, so that they may be included in a box abnttt o be sent to Mr, Howard. . S. H JYotice. THE Subscribers will in a few days be in receipt of their Fall purchase in New York and In Petersburg of, a general Assortment of Groceries, And the important articles to the FUnter ;.t this season of the year. We also intend to keep three waj-ong employed in the transportation of Cotton from this to Halifax, and will at all times give the highest prices for baled Cotton delivered in this place. D. RICHARDS CO. Tarboro', Oct. 14. r Petit Gulph Cotton Seed. THE subscribers have recti veil from New Orleans, 250 bushels- Petit Gulph Cotton Seed. They have also on hand and are now re ceiving a general assortment of GROCERIES. All of wliicli they offer for ste on reason able terms. N. M. Martin 4 Domian. Petersburg, Va. Feb. 18. 8 6 Jack Wil t STAND the present season which hat coinmeucfd. He wi t be hi J C. Knight' store on the 18th and lyth of tlwi pf-rM-nt month, and longer tf necexsary then home and May heven day, then t;tck to knight's store so on till the 1st d.iy of July, when the .eaon will expire. He will be let lo mares at FOUIt DOLLARS the leap, SIX Dollar the season, aud TEN Dollars to insure a mnre io be in foal, with 25 Cents to th Groom in every instance. The season and leap money to be due at the end o the season the insurance from tl.e firsti day of January next. Marts put if act mentioned othrrwUc at ti e time they ar rir?t put, will be charged by the statou, and when charged no alteration wiil be. made. Great care will be taken to. pre vent accidents, but no liability if anv should occur. Any r-erson putting-a.mare by ihe insurance and fails to. attend. tiic stand, w ill be held bound tor the insu rance money whether h gets in foal or not. Altaosftrnl property before it u ascertained whetlier in foalos uot, forfeits the insurance tnuev. ZV. G. BaJ:e 13ih March, 1SS7. BZTI bave a Jinny coi low . which 1 will el? D. G. R. LEANDEK, ILL me essoin season nt hi wable fous mile it of Col. Shrpe.V seven -jiiVs east of Upper Town Crk mefctir house He will be let to wares at I'lVE DOLLARS ih leap, SIX Dillrvthe season, and EIGHT Dolhu-s to iosv.rea runre to be in feat, witjrt 25 Cents, to thft trooin in evy in, stance. The season will commmr fh I Cub of March and end the ISO of Jury next. The leap and season way witi be due tit the end of the teon aud- tbt wilfc interest the inmraare weney will be due I he 1st of January oxt, or as soon as the fact is ascertained or the property changed. Any person putting by the in surance and fails to -tieud the stand, for. feitsthe. insurance moury . All cue will 'e taken to preveut accidents, but no liu tUity fvC any that may happen. itaader, K te years old thisprivp b mule at well calculated to dra( the attmniion, oCuiy person that wants, tig-top mu&, John 41. P'UK 13th March, 1837. - t i ' 1 Vn"y at tins 1fj)ice. Khruary 6th, 1637. ,1 i

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