Cqffield Ming, MKKC1IANT TAILOU. HAVING removed to li new estab lishment, nearly opposite the Court lliu respectfully informs hi fri'-uds and the p.iblic generally, that he h nww open ing a han-inome assortment of Stall anb Wntcr Of a beautiful and superior quality? which have been selected with much personal are in the northern cili8, an l will be tiia'le up to order at short notice and in Cie mo-t fashionable style such as: .Superfine blue and black. Cloths. , Invisible green and brown do. ,, Clarence brown and mulberry do. Olive and mixt do. Polaski ribbed Cassimere, Plain black and mixt do. do. t, Lavender, Zebra, Piaid Grecian do. ,, Striped ad corded do. uf various colors, Plain black and figured Velvet, I'-rocade Velvets, n superior article, Plain black am! figured silk V tiri, "mwu and drub Pters!iaui. ill.-ukaml brown goat hair Camblels, Also, a beautiful assortment of Stocks, some very superior, liosom, Collars, Gloves, Suspenders. &.c. lie? trusts by due attention to business, and his long exp'-iienee therein, t give vine satisfaction to those who may f.ivnr t im with their orders. He will keep ton ttttiitlyon hand an assortment of seasonable Heady made ClnUiing, Of the best quality, manufactured by him-t-elf and warranted. ALSO, thre or lour Join ney men Tailors uf the first class, wanted. Tarboro', Nov. 10th. 1836. Montague's Balm, . In Indian remedy for toothache "fcTTlC when applied according f J W v d recliens, has never failed to aiWd tmni.'oi'ite and permanent relief, just re- trived and lor stile by J. W. COTTEN. Hth Nov. 1835. Jflrs.Jl. C. Howard, MS just received a Fresh Sitpplu of G.. ds, and is now enabled to fur bish U?r customers and the public wi'h al most every article for ornament, service, or comfort in the Millinery Line. In her assortment will b- found : A variety of Paltern Bonnets, Tuscan and straw do. of nearly every shape and feature. Plain, figured, and watered Silks and Sat ins for dresses, Fancy Gauze, for do. Veils, Shawls. Scarfs, and Handkerchiefs, of different qualities and prices. Head ornaments, hair Nets, Puffs, Curls, A large quantity of Ribbons, artificial t Flowers, &,c. Sic. HTMrs. H. hag patterns of the latest fa-hions. She invites an inspection of her Goods. Mavlua making done as usual. Tarboro'. April 23. Look at This. -:$:- Mr. William Claiborne, ABOUT the year 1816 or 1317,'remov i d from the county of Amelia, in the State of Virginia, and settled in some part of North Carolina; since which time, his friends have not beard from him or been able to ascertain the place of his residence. Bequeathed to him by his wife Father, John Jiagby, Will became pajable the 1st of January, JS37, and the undersigned Executor of the - Estate is anxious tlat he honM come for ward and receive it; and thal j, ; ,h(, meantime, do advise the undersigned of the place oT his residence. If !lr. Clai borne i dead, or has removed Irom '-aro-lina, his surviving reunion or any ,Y . r person who can eiv. any information con cerning him, or his descendants, Con. fer a favor on the undersigned, .v commu nicating such information by letter direct cd to him at Kanawha Courthouse, Va. Tlws. Matthew :av. 1st June, 1836. Printing; Press for Sale APFPF.R ROYAL.Prir.tinff Press, on the old mode of c.-ustruction, can bf procured on reasonable terms. Apply at this Office, Tarborcugh, July 2-1. William V. Gray's Invaluable Ointment, FOR ULCERS, TUMOURS, &C. Can now be obtained of tht Patentee, al the Office of the Iiuleigh ftrgi.it er, Sih-Pot, 1 dollar Due dozen, 9 dollars. WILLIAM IV. GliAY. Raleigh, Oclober 4. 183.3. Ra.'eigh. September 1. 1836. For five or six years previous to the spring of 1834, a ner man of mine had been much aifll cted with an ulcerated arm ! and hand, which rendered him almost ue less. The nicer embraced that r.art of bis arm from the elbow down, including his entire hand, which was literally a mass of putrefaction. A joint of one fj"ner, and a part of the thumb, perished and dropt off. A more distressing and hopeless case 1 have never beheld. It was abandoned by his physician as incurable, except by am putation of the band. The best medical treatment bavin fail. ed to relieve the man, I placed him under the care of Mr. William W. firav. in this place, who, with his Ointment, has effectu ally cored t.-.e case, although the negro was frequently absent, for weeks and mouths together. He has been entirely well for the last eight months, and 1 have good reason to believe will continue so. WILL MM BOY LAN. B randy, wanted. HF. Subscribers wish to purchase 50 JB- barrels Bit ANDY, for which the highest cash price wiil t.e given. i IMPORTANT. Treasury Order. This wise and salutary measure, requiring P specie payments for public lands, is to be continued by Mr. Van Bu ' ren. It is daily becoming more evident, that llie repeal of the Or der would only have a tendency to remove the present pecuniary embarrassments from the commer cial and stock-jobbing communi ty to the banks, and thus by ena bling the former to relieve them selves by a heavy exportation of specie, inevitably compel the lat ter to suspend specie payments, and thus throw the whole country into confusion. We copy from the Petersburg Constellation the following remarks on this high ly interesting subject: The New York 'indav Morning News, of the 2d inst. contains the following important Postscript item from Washington. We have no doubt of its accuracy. Nothing could be more ruinous at this moment to the best interests of the country, than the repeal of the Treasury Order. Mr. Van Buren deserves, ll a thousand fold, the thanks of the y American people for his inflexible determination to carry out one of the wisest, as it is destined in its J eventual results, to be, one of the most beneficial measures of his il lustrious predecessor's adminis tration. The Federal Whigs will jabuse timid friends censure, and enweak ones probably desert him, ffor this act; bur the bone and sin ew of the land, the great body of the people, those whose votes pla ced Mr. Van Buren in. the Presi dential Chair, will applaud the firmness with which he devotes himself to his country's welfare, J disregarded alike of the vehement it clamor of powerful enemies, and ": Li, . tt i,,c itiiiuiisuances auu aisappro- bation of, no doubt, very zealous and very honest, but very weak- headed and narrow-sighted politi- nl cal Inenus. J, Postscript Important from Washington Treasury Order. r-'By the express mail of yesterday, pf we received a letter from a gentle geman of this city, now in Washing ton, informing us that Air. Van qJ Buren has at length determined to revoke or relax the Treasu l ry Order of the 11th July. The Cabinet held several meetings on the subject, during the last week A,Qt which each member gave his opinions in full, on the policy of revoking the Order. Mr. Van . Buren, aiter hearing the views of , all, decided to continue the order n full force, upon the reasons sug Igested by Mr. Butler, the Attor-i ney General. Mr. Butler repre- .1 . . U akI Ar mac m nit senteci tnai, 11 me umu repealed, the western and souoi ivct,m hanks would not be ablv jto keep their specie, and, while ' they parted with that, they would, at "the same time, increase their issues, and other facilities, to a ;. vast ' extent. The sDecie would flow to New York in payment of ( debts due to the merchants and jobbers of that city, for last year's importations, and would be im c mediately shipped to England, to nav the fortv or fiftv millions i'".' j 1 which we owe her, on account of H those importations. In a few months, our stock of specie, which gnow exceeds seventy millions, j would thus be reduced to less than r, thirty millions, while at the same time, the bank issues of paper I would be greatly increased. The t' consequence, he argued, would be J a general crash of all the banks, s and the total loss to the govern - ment of its revenues which have "accumulated in the deposit banks, u He represented that the deposit ''banks will not, even under the most favorable circumstances, be able to pay the next quarter's in stalment of the surplus ordered to be distributed among the States, ; without greatly distressing their debtors; and that, if the small spe cie basis, which now barely sus- i tains their circulation and engage- i u i. l .ir :... infills, suuuiu ue mucn uiiiiiuimi ed, it would be idle to expect them to pay one dollar of what they owe to the government. He also urged that, by the revo cation ot the order, the specula tions in public lands would be vastly increased, and the whole national domain, so far as it is now subject to entry, would be immediately bought up by specu lators, with deposit bank notes, not worth a farthing. The peo ple, he further argued, who had long been passive under all the fluctuations of the currency were becoming uneasy, and upon the first explosion of a government deposit bank, would demand the re-establishment of a national bank. The utmost prudence and precaution would be necessary to avoid that result. Letters were also produced from our minister at London, from our consul at Liverpool, and oihers, suggesting that every prac ticable method should be resorted to by the government, to retain the specie now in the country. They state that England is on the brink of a great financial and po litical convulsion, and that the Bank of England will be obliged to suspend specie payments, un less .the efforts then making (or procuring a supply from the Uni ted States, should succeed; and that the question, in fact, was, whether the banks on this side of the water, or on that, should first blow up. The political distur bances of England, says Mr. Ste venson, are greatly promoted by her financial embarrassments; and if the latter continue, the former must soon come to a crisis. If the money power is crippled and em barrassed, the democracy of the country will triumph, and Ireland will be emancipated. To send our specie to England, at this cri sis, would, therefore, destroy our selves and aid the British lories in their present bank struggle with the people. Air. Woodbury did not coincide in all the above views. This is the substance of the in formation communicated to us from a most unquestionable source, and for the substantial correctness of the whole things we freely pledge ourselves to our readers. Increase of Banks. Mr. Sec retary Woodbury, in his Treasury Report states that in 1830, the number of banks in the United States was 330and that on the 1st of January 1837, the number of banks was 813 making an in crease of 493 banks. In 1830, the banking capital in the United States was $145,192,208; in 1837, the banking capital is $378,421,168, making an in crease of banking capital to the amount of $233,228,900. The Surplus. By the notice from the Treasury Department of the receipts and expenditures in January and February, which we published on Mosii lay, it will be seen that the surplus increased in those two months only about one million of dollars. Should it continue to increase at that rati through the year, though in truth it will probably diminish, the whole accumulation in 1837, would be only six millions. Yet the wise financiers of the New York Express have magni fied it to sixty millions, and the Raleigh Star to forty millions Globe, April 5. flThe accounts winch we pub lish to day of the state of the mo ney market at the North are still of a gloomy cast. Auother ex plosion has occurred in New York: the great house of St. John has stopped paymeuf, carrying with it a dozen others. Nearly ninety houses in the city of New York, have followed "tJie Jo sephs," their liabilities amounting to some sixty millions of dollars! We need not expect to hear of the end of these troubles for wo months to comet Norfolk Her. G?-Mr. H. Haines, Editor of the Petersburg Constellation, has determined to commence the pub lication of the Constellation week ly on the Cth of May, in addition to his present tri-weeklv paper. The weekly Constellation, with the exception of new advenise- . mi u rn i i i ments, will be filled entirely with ' J rpnrllllfT miller. onI -- I-, c-.it. b i 8U"; scribers who remit the money in advance, or give a responsible town or country reference, at the low price of $2 50 per annum. The Constellation is printed on a mammoth sheet, and its Editor is one of the most talented, spirited, and fearless advocates of Democ racy in the country. He has oyr best wishes for his success, per sonally and politically. We will with pleasure forward the names of such of our political friends, as may feel disposed to patronise the proposed undertaking. C7The Committee appointed to receive contributions for the re lief of the sufferers by the late fire. take particular pleasure in ac- knowiedgmg the receipt of Five Hundred Dollars from the citi zens of Tarborouch. h is hicrhl v creditable to their liberality, and is to us particularly gratifying, ns an evidence of good feeling to ward our citizens. Washington Whig. GyGen. Jackson has reached the Hermitage in safety and with much improved health... Pet. Con. From the Army. An official communication has been received trom Gen. Jesup, dated Fort Dade, March 18th, in which he states that the principal chief of the Seminoles, Micanoov. has been with them since the evening ui uie iom, ana lias approved the convention entered into b the second, third and fourth chiefs off the nation, of the Cth of March. xJicanopy requested that Capt. sand- a,,d corned for five dollars Page may be allowed to acenm. And frrsh pany his people to the West. The several Alicasauky Indians had "IC ,,uo caf"P o tne i8th, antl iuiranopy nas heard from tlir chief of that band Al.i-n.ra Jones, also from Os-ce-ola. Those chiefs are between Apoke and the 01. jonns, and .Micanopy and Al ligator have no doubt of bringing lucui in eany next month, perhaps sooner. Gen. Jesup believes the war to be at an end. Globe. A few straggling Indians in the Creek country, it seems, still keep up hostilities. CTAt Wake Superior Pnnr held last week, Dr. Richard Har num was tried on an indictment for the murder of his wife, Tabi tha Barntim, by poison. The high standing of the parties con cerned, (savs ,ile Reg;sler,) thr peculiar heinousness of the alle ged charge, the eminent cotmse. employed, the large number rf resDectablt? witnesses in attend mice many of them ladies a! co.ispirea to give to the case sr. conspired to ctve Absorbing character. After tn? examination of the witnesses for. - r, ru inr.. uiiuei 'Signed re,,,. ,, , the State was concluded, the ('Otia- JI forms the p.nni-r ,,. -u 11 sel for the Stale abandoned this "' Nnh LWii: ,M ;rgtf,ty. ... , ... imblio generally, th.n ',J prosecution, remarking that the prosecution, remarking that the' evidence was sotlicient to snow that the deceased had not died by i .i.. .. i.i u poison, Hiiu iii.il ii uuuiu uc mi- i i r j i just to the defendant to press the! matter lumier. Hie jury course, forthwith returned a ver- diet of of guilty. Petersburg Market, April 1 0. Cotton, 8 to 1 1 cents; little offered for sale, and no demand. Int. iforeicm. . 'V rt Late from Eurove. Liverpool?! papers to the 13th March, have been received at Philadelphia. The gloomy state of a flairs still continued. Money, however, was a trifle easier. We regret to find a farther de cline in the Cotton market. The bill for the abolition of church rates had been introduced by Lord Melbourne, in the Brit ish House of Lords. Attempts at royal assassination are becoming every day more fre quent. Prince Ferdinand, the German husband of the young Queen of Portugal, came irear being assas sinated near Lisbon, by a French man named Merrier, late ensign i ,u Iyil 1,1 l,,e -tueen s service, I, .. m. . .u i who threw a stone at the prince 1 of foot in the -Queen's service. while the latter was mummer from a steeple chace at Adjudo Park. The queen's former hus- band, Maximilian, was said to ,,ave beeri poisoned. ouiian manmooa aoout the (same time, while riding out from his winter palace al Constantino ple, was shot at by a Janissary with an air gun, and escaped only by the movement of his horse. The Janissary, with nine others, was bagged and consigned to the Bosphorus. (C?"Elder James Osbourn, of Baltimore, will preach at Conetoe M. H. on Tuesday, 1 1th of April; on Wednesday, 12th, at Tarboro'; Thursday, 13th, ot Lawrence's M. H.; Saturday and Sunday, 1 5th and iGth, at Williams's; Monday, 17th, at Old Town Creek; Tues day, 18th, at Autrey's Creek; Wednesday, 19th, at White Oak; Thursday, 20th, at Union; Satur day and Sunday, 22d and 23d, at Pleasant Hill. Com. GEIderG. W. Carrowan will preach May 1st at Log Chapel; 2d, at Cross Roads; 3d, at Tar boro1; 4th, at Conetoe; 5th, at Gum Swamp; Cth, at Great Swamp; 7th. at Greenville Pih fat Red Banks. Com. JYoticc. Ill HE subscriber at the Sleimrt F;,L,,. i II nn ha If . t: ia,,ove Plymouth, will sell ' 7 " iMTer, seven miles Fvt&h Herrings For fw dolhw and fiftv Z rrr thftll. ! For seven doff. , I shad 'gbt-ii other fishi proportion. Jienneth U. Slatoti. April !0tb. 1837. State of JSorlh Carolina, EDGECOMBE COUXTr. Court f Pleas and Quarter Scssims, FEBRUARY TERM, 187. Moses Spicer n Original Attarhmtvt Benjamin Hart, Letied .n Lands. IT appearing to the satisfaction ot the Conn, that Benjamin llan, te delei,. dant m this case, is not an inhabitant nf this State: It is therefore ordend, thai publication be made in ihe Tarbwough t ress for si( weeks succew-ely, that mi. es lie said Benjamin Hart appear at ihe next Court, to beheld on the fourth Mo- y in may next, and replevies the prop, f rty Ujvied on, and pleads lo issue, that judgment by default will be rendered againt him. Witness, Micliael Hearn, Clerk of ?sid V ..' mi .,wce in i a. borough, the fourth Monday of Frbruarv, 1837. MICHL.'ilEARX. C.C. Price adv 2 75. Constables' Blanks for salt AT THIS OFFICE. "--s05W!. GASTOX. m A,.t .... 3rtii .:'7 1 ii RAIL ROAD . - nj now' completeil. arwt , rnli.,llf ,, ,h ,lMl "" OI (.iHtoi, the termination of ..i u ''' (he nurrmse of lraii:i.-r. A Commission, receiving 0 , forward in t; busi,ml- ' An.l in ow prepare.! to gilP a ' nil cyiisi'Miiiionls. 't,b .m.....:. n! coinuiriicnif l.us.nesi t Gasioii . " Produce, ami rceiveruf G.M.u'f '"I the CM'titry and town 9f would find il convenient m a.Iva,,,,!""" to huve a regular r.n-i-i...-:.-. . . - -iriu atn,., tei ested agent to tieml to ifc.;, ' uteres, and espwiaHj Vt or( ( condition in which IVnaitiirn ard-P ""' receive and deliver llvir car joe, ton, from and to He l;il H0;ii! Cu,, pud particularly in procuring bo'l? ) fcagons, for ihe immediate ilisv.. meichandize, fcc. tn in place of ,'ip,,'- '1 fwii. Under this h lief. he nfiVrg h. vices to the public, promising fa ft,," lime and services to their 5psi in,e!. k' and mulling tht:ni tliat lie will the trust which may be reposcti m '"' with cn're and fid -lily. " ' Tl-e undersigned, in offering liijur,; lo Ihe public. Leg leave ! i.f(,n iv lhat he has, tor the Ut lu or tliri." devntrd his lime in an extensive -Ih" keiae and cninmiion Ini iLt-sc ; 1 I town t)f Pi lersburg, anl flujers .;Tl' lhat the knowledge there olitainc;) itt -branch of business, will enable him to-' satlp-fuciion to llioie who may hu,r with their bnsinesk His chaivi iil" very moderate: merely sufficient 'V' for the lime tliee dutit-s w ill reqiiri", his hands. SAML. W. PUGB. Rales of charges on some of the nasi p-cK netti articles: Tobacco, merchandise, per iiiul n Cotton, per bale, Oj i'. Merchandise, jer peel;, jn t Fluur. per barrel, n MaviufactM tobacco, p-r hoi Jc Uf" 0 1, Sal:, per sack, 5" jr REFEREfiCES. Petersburg. Chap. F. (n!otn. Vm-. ileut Petersl.ur 1V, Messrs. Kowlett, IIp.-r ii .Nnl.i", L. L Stainback, Son fi Co. Paimiil t U James M. iMcCulloch & Co. Dunn, Mi'i wain k Crownley, Hurt, Fiitteu.u A Wil's, Holderby ;Mcrietcis Gaston W. V. Wilkins. Hiq. Mecklenburg Dr. f,i?ual.T Vlarksrille, Vu. .Messrs, A. W.Vei.a V. ti Co. J. L. Thomas, Ksij. Milton. A". C Uatkins Si Fai'ev, George W. Johnson Si Co. Dxnville, r.Goo. White, T. D-.Vj! Eq. To the Liadics. -:$:- THE Subscriber is now opening "! Ki Cheap Cash Store, the following Aeiv Goods, Which he respectfully solicits the Ladei to call and examine, (to wit:) Extra rich plain and figured Si!, Suiint and Poplins, A great vaikty of painted Muslins ar.l Cambiire.ol the mo.t beaniiiul jirtl'.fiu both small an. I large, Elegant printed Biihop Lav;.s, soinc silk stripes, Small pattern Celts 1 match. Beautiful suiall pattern Ciinlly. A splendid asoritneiit of i.eede woikt lace and muslin Capes and ColI.r.n greatest bargains ami richest tionik e' er offered, Dunstable, Beilin, Swiss and fancy st af Bonnets, newest and niort facial'"' Shanes, in ereK vnrii tv. Cap borders wiih fl wers, a rrwnriiilf, Artilicial Spnsg for caps and wrpmW Hie hair, Bonnett, cap and belt Ribbons, to suite ery tasie, Very handsome belt Buckles Llltmcrhtt. KIceant asgoriment rf lann ir-k. rliaw ' i Fouchetis and euiLroidertd lace rem:-- entirely now, Ladies and misses Corsett, rf the ni' approved umke, in jreat variety, A large assortment of Ladir and mif Parasols, of every size, quality Liy F.Jtra rich velvet and bend Bacs, Lice it gauze Veils, of eeeiy descrii'nl''. Hem stilch'd linu cambric 'Hamlkerch Elastic head Bands. Chinelle cor.!, Mohair Caps, Fans, hair Kinglet, Light kid and fancy silk Glow. Whde, black, nnd fancy colored p!i";; embroidered siik and cotton I luff,1' great variety, Muslin Cdgings and Inserting, Thread and bt.bbinett Laces, Ling""' Inserting, Plain and fjrrt l?,,!.;.,:. 7f AWlltiOUC jt jy. An elegant asKonmeni of .alies es French, kid, satin, velvet. pu"'ii?: SPfll and morocco Slippers iitnUli'"i th newest ?iyle and vt-rv best q,li,ll!-' most of which uese uiode expitsV order, Slfhjfk pces tifw pivle Calicoes " Vy mong whirh are a pr-I ny elegant patterns, Iruin lOloSOct-" feryaid, GO pieces Ginghams, pood nnd cheap, Plain, striped, and cl.eck'd Mnl ns'ir drees, frMn 5 rent and upward, Corded Skirts, rarion- pjalities. The above with every other article i" THE FANCY AND STAPLE JDry Goods Line, Can be hud in the gieatest variety at Extraordinary low PrM For Cah or 011 the tun il creo. At the Clump Ciijsh Sjoro. jaw wp:ddell TaboTo ril 7, y,i7

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