Whole Xo. 0.32. Tarborough, ( Edgecombe CountyX. C.) Saturday, April 22, 1837. Vol AH .JV. 10. -Li I The "Tarbnrnngh Press," ' J nr okorgk howaud, f published weekly .at Tu-o Dollars and fiflut'ents per yar. if pnitt in advance itr, TlirreDollars, at the expiration ofthe subscription year. For any period ls tli;m ti year ,Twenl y-fireCt ntx per mom ii Suixc.ribers areat libciilodicoutinue at nv time, on ti v i i r notice I hereof and 'oat in-.; arrears those re-idinp at a t! is taiice must invariablypav in advance, or ViviiaresporHible reference iuthtvicinit v Advertisements not exreeding lo lines ; in length (or a square) will he inserted at fiil cen's the tirst insertion fc25cenls eacl jcmititniance. Longer ones at that rat for every square. Advertisements must he marked the numherot insertions requi .red, or they will he coin inoed until ot her Siwise ordered, and charped accordingly J Leiter-t addressed to theEditor musl he f .. :.! ... i.. . v . . . i .1 poi ii ii'j.ui nicy iiiav noi oe atienoei t NEW ARRIVAL OF Sj)ring Summer AT THE Cheap Cash stow. lames Wcddcll, JIT AS just returned from the Northern ML cities, where he lias purchased at exceedingly Low Prices, a LARGE and Splendid Assortment of FANCY AMD STAPLE GROCERIES, HATS, SHOES, I Hardware, Chin a, Glass and I! Earthen ivare, Which he offers at a very small advance on I The Jferv York Cost, And feels confident he can convince all J who may favor hitn with a call that his I Stock not only comprises a most splendid I variety, but having purchased them in many instances at a great sacrifice to the importer, he will offer them at 9uch a?(on- ishinly low prices as he flatters himself will fully meet the views of those whose object is to buy Fresh b fashionable Goods y At very low Prices. 1 TTftAJS Cash, or the usual -credit to punctual customers. J Tarboro', April 3. 1837. IT 4 rarttr? r? rr.xvA .rFirFi AT COST, CERTAIN. Ifjng SfEdmondson Have now on hand a variety of Spring and Summer Hardware, Groceries, &c. All of which they are willing to dispose of At cost for Cash, Or at a very small advance on n credit to punctual customers. All persons wishing to avoid paying a large profit on Gods, siiouid not fail to avail themselves of this Great Opportunity We would further say to our customers, we do this for the put pose of making room for A larger Stock of Goods in the Fall. Call at the sin of 11. King, where the bargains may tut found. King lidmondson. Tarboro', July 1st, 1636. State Hank OfjXorth Carolina. P-.:-URSUANT to a Resolution of the stockholders of this Lai.k, at their lust annual General Meeting, nil persons having claims on snid Bank for Dividends pf Capital or Profits Deposiles, or Notes issued by the Principal Bank or its Bran ches, are earnesily desired lo present I hem for payment to the Treasurer of the Bank, on or before The first Monday in De cember next. Otherwise, they will be barred, as the Stockholders will then make a jinal divi dend of i he effects of the Bank. V. F. P JITTER SON, Pres't. Raleigh. Dec. 23, 1S36 1 For Sale. 1 likely young negro Girl Aged about eight years, is offered for sale n accommodating terms. ; Apply at this Office. February 6th, 187. PKOSPKCTUS OF THE Tarboro' Sccevola. -:!:- E propose to publKh in the town of Taiboro', Etlgecomhe County, N. C a weekly paper, enti tled, the Tarboro'' tctvvolu, EDITED BY M. KDWAKD MANNINH, And printed by J cy IV Manning. (We have adopted for the title of the paper; Scxvola, in honor of Mucius Scxvola of ancient Rome, who was willing to lay down his life as a sacrifice for Republicanism , and did bin n and torture the hand in fire, that missed Porscnna the invader of their Rights. ) According to custom we proceed to lay before the publick an analysis upon which thi.s paper will be conducted. Its columns will be devoted to Politics, Commerce, Agriculture, Inteniirl Improvements, Mechanics, Medicine, Literature, and Science in general. It cannot fail of Deiti; Msetul to the Politician, the Merchant, the Farmer, the Me chanic, the Physician, and Literary mm wno tHslike to trouble them selves (entirely ; with the plenitude or political strut, we are resolved to exert every nerve -or our sensori um to rendtr it useful and pleasing to the Ladies; who, Veturia-like are the arbitresses of the world. The principles of Democracy (the watch tower of liberty,) will be defended with every talent we -are master of. riie administration of Murthi Van Huren, and R. M.Johnson; will be supported, and its Jackson-like course advocated with sanguine fervencv. All the most important and interest ing proceedings of Congress, ami the State Legislature, will be reported. We shall endeavor to obtain the la test commercial news from the North, and lay before our patrtns with despatch. VV intend to avail ourselves of the advantage of the best publications on the subjects of internal improvement, and agricul ture, and by that means will be able to select a number of essays, which cannot fail, of being useful to all who have the prosperity of their country at heart. We will procure all important and necessary information in Medicine, within cur sphere, of country and linsnitnt ravPk unit r i t . logv and trtatment publicity. A portion of the Scxvola will general ly be devoted tu anecdotes, and polite literature; and whiggery blown sky high. Knowing the necessity of the publication of a truly democratic pe- call on the good people of Edge- , muicai in me town 01 i arooro . we combe and adjoining counties, and ! the inhabitants of the U h. to patron- a Special Court in this county, a ise and sustain us m carrying out the i . . . principles of Democracy - - TEH MS The Scavola printed on an imperial pe, annum or f,j au at ine e u oi I he vmp N r . . vn'mrrmt inn will hr I lectivetLfor a less period than a year; and the paper will not be dis continued until orders are received to that effect, and all arrearages set tled. Advertising at the rate of one dollar per square for three inser tions, and 25 cents for each subse quent insertion. A liberal discount will be made to those who advertise Kv tlia . ...r. All ..- tr K o,t- dressed to Tarboro. Edgecombe Co. i N. Carolina, post paid. The first j No. will be issued the 10th of May ! May, and those that will obtain six responsible subscribers will be emi tted to one paper gratis. XT-MI P. Masters in the State will fikase act as 1genls far the Tarboro Sc&vola. March 14, lS3r. The Young Jack, EDGECOMBE, TITKHLL STAND the ensuing season at V y my stable, on the north side of Tar Kiver, on the road leading from Teat's hridjje to the Fall Tar liiver, three miles above ihe bridge and will be let to mares at THREE DOLLARS th single leap, FIVE Dollars the season, and MNE Dol lars to insure a mare to be in foal with twenty-five cents to the Groom in every instance. A transfer of property forfeits the insurance. The season will commence ihe 10th of March and end the lOih July. Every attention will be paid, but no res ponsibility for accidents, &c. Edgecombe, Is four years old, and a ery large sized Jack to his age. His appearance is the best recommendation that can be given. Ii I). JFdnberley. February 24, 1S37 NIGHT. Night is the time for fun, When old folks art in bed; When day's dark cares are done. And prayers are duly said; To gather round the social fire,' And crack stale jests that never tire Night is the time to fix Our hearts in union meet; With skilful hand to mix The potent and the sweet; 1 o set our watering mouths agog, And taste the glories of egg-nog! N'ght is the time to feel Life's joys without a pain; Apples to take and peel, And cut and come again, Ana romping much, before we rest, Feel very sure that they'll digest. Night is the time for those, Who, when they take their wine, By redness of the nose, Or any other sien, Give evidence, whence we conclude, i nat tncy re unquestionably slew'd! Night is the time to pour In beauty's listening ear, The story, known before, Nor rendered thus less dear: Of feelings, which the modest light Of day, leaves for the shades of night. Night is the time to sing, beneath the casement high, Those mellow notes that ring, With Love's sweet melody; While the bright maiden pokes her heatl Out of the casement aforesaid! Night is the time to do A thousand glorious things; And there are very few. When covered by her wing??, Who do not feel a freshen'd flood Of mischief brewing in their blod. Special (,ourts.--e copied a ! Tew weeks since an article on this subject from the Milton Spectator. The following remarks from the I Wnrrpntnn lnnno, ;n MA.nM to those Courts, are also present ed for the consideration of our magistrates and citizens. From the JVarrenton Reporter. We have understood that at May County Court, a motion will be made for the establishment of jgreeauiy to me provisions ot a re- ola will be i cent ac Assembly. Uur read heet at 3 ers will find below a very sensible arl;(.e on the sub eel of Special ' r Courts from the Milton Specla tor. We invite the attention of the public and particularly of the magistrates to this artit le, and we entirely and cordially concur in the views of the writer as to the utility of Special Courts, and 'their decided superiority over the ,d systems. A Special Court in Warren would be productive of many advantages. The most in- iiiuisii aics hi uic tuuiiiv vvuuiu probably be selected as members of the Court, and these men being chosen by a majority of their fel low Justices for their superior qualifications, and receiving a compensation for their daily servi- ces, would consider themselves J bound by the rules of common honesty to be punctually at their posts and to devote their best abi lities to the public service. They would not say to the Sheriff, as is now too often said, go to Justice such a one, he h at leisure, I am too busy at this time to go upon the bench. In counties where Special Courts are established, we believe that the magistrates are almost invariably on the bench by 12 o'clock on Monday, and by 10 on each succeeding day of the term, and that they generally sit until at least 4 o'clock in the after noon when there is business enough before them to require it. The consequence has been that the Courts in these counties adjourn so much sooner than they do in counties having no Special Courts, that enough is saved from the ex- penses of the Jury to pay the sp cial Justices and more beside Special Courts are in our opinio recommended on the score of eco nomy itself, and we are decidedly of the opinion that a Special Court in Warren would, by cans ing an earlier discharge of the ju ry, diminish in some degree our county taxes. Let no man be a larmed because the Special Justi ces are to be paid. Their num ber will hot exceed five, and their compensation under the act of As sembly, cannot exceed three dol lars a day for their services during the sessions of the County Court. A special Court would adjourn much sooner than our County Court now does and thereby not only save expense, but would also save time. An early adjournment 01 our ( ountv Courts, whii hi - i sometimes sit during busy seasons! to the planter, would very materi- ally promote the convenience ofi jurors, suitors, witnesses, officers, and other persons, and earlier ad- journments would certainly follow the establishment of a Special Court, if we may safely judge from the experience of other counties. CJxMr. Roane, the new U. S. Senator from Virginia, is son of Judge Spencer Roane, and grand son ol Patrick Henry. Fatal Crim. Con. There is a rumor in town that a gentleman of the highest respectability, on en tering his bed room, found his wife in the embraces of another, and stabbed the adulterer to the heait. If the rumor be well founded, and we have some rea son to thing it is, the names of the individuals cannot long remain in secret. Looperstown JV. Y. Jour. Divorces. We were infinitely amused with a story that was told us the other day; a story unques tionably true. All our readers inow with what extreme readiness and with how little examination the Legislature granted divorces during its late session. Certain wags at Frankfort, it appears, took advantage of this easy dispo sition of the General Assembly, and played off a practical joke upon that honorable body. They landed in an application for the divorce of a certain couple and the bill, as usual, was passed with out particular enquiry. Some days afterwards, a gen tleman in a distant part of the State, having read the columns of the Frankfort Commonwealth, closed the paper in surprise and hurried off to his neighbor, a ve nerable old citizen, and exclaim ed "Why, neighbor, 1 am aston ished; I never heard of any quar rel between ou and your wife! i am lost in amazement! 'A quar rel between me and my wife," ejaculated the old man- "who do you mean?" 'T mean no of fence, Sir," replied the first, "but 1 read your divorce in my paper and was puzzled to account for it. I supposed of course that you and Aunt Betsey had quarreled. "Hark ye, Sir," responded the old man, "I am seventy years old and my wife is sixty-eight we have lived together forty-nine years and raised thirteen children and there has never been the first ill natured word between us in all our lives. Divorce! divorce! I divor ced from my old woman? Why what the devil has sent you here with such a story?" The neighbor made no reply, but coolly took the paper from his hat and handed it to the old man, who, with the aid of his spectacles, then and there read to his utter dismay, an official state ment of the actual dissolution ol the matrimonial bonds of hitnseh and his wife by the sovereign au thority of the Stale. The ago nies of the poor old Couple, at finding themselves two, can readi v be imagined. That night thev vept on separate pillows; early on the follow ing day, the good old souls trudged off for a tnarriac iicense, paid the fee, went before the nearest magistrate, and were duly joined a Second time togeth er, each fervently praying thai the Legislature would never again in terfere with their connubial ties. Louisville K.y. Jour. Steam Engine. A miniature steam engine has been constructed in Philadelphia weighing only four pounds, of a one rat power. In five minutes the steam was rai sed so that it was going at the rate of 1000 revolutions the min ute. The boiler will sustain a pressure of 160 lbs. to the square inrh. We expect shortly, to see the boys coastiner about the streets with engines from one to two do? power. Blessed be the day, savs Slam Bang, when wheelbarrows and handcarts can go alone. JV. Y. Star. Remarkable Invention. They have got a shingle machine in Mo bile, that only requires to be wound up once in a w hile, to ena ble it to walk into the woods, pro vide itself with shingles, and com pletely cover the roof of a house in twenty four hours. Psha! they are always boasting in other cities about their inven tions, whilst we quiet Pennsylva niaus say 'nothing about it. A machine has been invented in this city, which, being wound up monthly, goes into a ship yard, selects the timber, hews, fits, and joints it, puts it into a ship, puts on all the planking, sheating, eve ry thing, even to the copper, caulks and pays the ship, and launches it. Philadelphia Ledg. That's nothing! We've got a machine in Franklin, that, without being wound up, goes to the post office, selects our exchange papers, w ithout the assistance of the post masler, cuts up the copy, sets up the type, makes up the form, works off the paper, folds up the exchanges, carries them to the post office; and in short, does ev ery thing but collect our debts which have hitherto set machine ry at defiance. Franklin Rep. Indian marriage promise. A young Indian failed in his atten tion to a young squaw. She made complaint to an old chief, who appointed a hearing or trial. The lady laid the case before the judge, and explained the nature of the promise made to her. It con sisted of sundry visits to her wig warn, many little undefinable at tentions,' and presents, a bunch of feathers and several yards of red flannel. This was the charge. The faithless swain denied the 'undefinable attentions' in toto. He had visited her father's wig warn for the purpose ol passing away time, when it was not con venient to hunt; and had given the leathers and flannel from friendly motives, and nothing fur ther. During the latter part of the delence, the young squaw fainted. The plea was consider ed invalid, and the offender sen tenced to give the lady "a yellow feather, a broach that was then langling from his nose, and a do- zen ot coon skins. Ihe sen tence was no sooner concluded. than the squaw sprung upon her feet, and clapping her hands, ex claimed with joy, "Now me ready to be courted again. Spontaneous Combustion. A case of spontaneous combustion occurred at Philadelphia last week, which may be cited to put Housekeepers on their guard. The National Gazette gives the follow ing account of the phenomeua: "On Sunday morning last, a bout one o'clock, a lady living iu Arch near Eleventh street, in Philadelphia, who was sitting up with her sick husband, was sur prised by the sudden bursting out "f a flame ou the dressing table, on which lay half a quire of letter paper, and on the top of it a news paper. The reflection of the flame from the looking glass made the whole table at fust appear to be iu a blaze. Although very much alarmed at so unexpected and unaccountable an orcurrence, she had the presence of mind to take up the burning mass of pa per on the shovel and throw it in to a tub of water which stood near. With the same instrument she smothered the blaze which had communicated to the dimity table cover and the varnish of the table. The only light iu the room at the time was a small floating ta per, which stood on u stand seve ral feet from the dressing case. When she had sufficiently recov ered from her surprise to investi gate the cause of this singular oc currence, she recollected that on the Thursday before, she had spread a rag with sweet oil for a blister, and had left it for a few moments on the dressing table, which had occasioned a grease spot on the cover. The papers lay on or near this spot. At 9 o'clock on Saturday night, a pe culiar empyreumatic smell had been perceived in the room, but the source f it had not been sus pected. No doubt the process of combustion had been going on slowly for some time in the cloth and lelier paper, until reaching the air, it burst into a flame in the newspaper. May not many fires, which have been considered the work of incendiaries, have origin ated from a similar cause. From the Gtorgetown Metropoli tan. An interesting trial tonk place on Tuesday tae 4th inst. in our Circuit Court, in a case in which the celebrated Mrs. Royal was a party concerned. Mr. Barney Parsons was indicted by the Grand Jury for taking summary satisfaction on the fair lady, for sundry caustic applications of the pen editorial, in the Paul Pry, a paper conducted lately by Mrs. Hoyal. Mr. Barney not having the fear of the press before his eyes and being somewhat intoxi cated, did, with most ungallant stlye, approach the sacred person of the Kditress and did, not hav ing the fear of the costs of suit and various other legal liabilities before his twinkling orbs, raise an article of. blueish hue pliant and body, denominated a cowskin, for the purpose bought, over the head of fair Ann, and apply in the most scientific manner, the aforesaid weapon to her shoulders. The learned counsel for the plaintiff remarked, uiih philoso phical precision, that Mr. Barney Parsons should for the future, becir in mind that excellent old English ballad, sung by old peo ple to children: "Barney leave the girls alone.' This interesting and important trial was not coudia ted .uiuusi the tears of the audience, and Mrs. Roval sat apart, perfectly uncon cerned; and like tier mother Eve, ate apples, whil Barney Parsons, who in vain endenored to make an eloquent speech had to under go, like Adam of old, the punish ment of the law of the land. Bar ney was sentenced to nnv a (Lie of five dollars, but we learn that he will be recommended to mercy. Vagueness oj color.- A native of the land of potato and bog, asked a neighbor if he had ever seen a red black-berry ? "To be jure I have, said Par, "all black berries are red when they are green.

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