assess;!. SATURDAY, AI'KIIj 22, 07Tlie Washington Whig of Tuesday last, contains a detailed statement of the proceedings of the District Convention which as sembled in tiiat town on the 10th inst. for the purpose of nomina ting a candidate for Congress, in place of E. Pettigrew, Esq. 're signed. Gen. J. O. K. Williams was tailed to the chair, and Win. IVJ. Marsh appointed Secretary. The Convention consisted of 1 delegate from Tyrrell county, 2 from Washington,6 from Pitt, and 12 from Beaufort Edgecombe and-Hyde were not represented. On ballotting, it appeared that Josiah Collins and Henry Toole alone were voted for, Mr. Collins having the majority of ballots; i i ubereunon he was unanimously 1 J . A r.,;,.A).. icl aga,n , the commercial world, to represent this drMrict in the and prices of Cotton and Tobac next Congress of the U. States, j cn, if not so great as they were A committee was appointed to cor respond with Mr. Collins, &:c. The Whicr savs. "We learn that Mr. Toole had previously express- I ,i . r-r.: ., I.:,-.- iu a iiuiiiuci wi niriius ins mil- i .... r uiu.y, iu, , caseins 01 a private aim prudential character, to accept a nomination if tendered to him.M (ITSamuel T. Sawyer is announ ced as a candidate to represent the 1st Congressional district, in place of W. B. Shepard, Esq. Money. The pecuniary em barrassments appear to be rapid ly on the increase, and spreading in every direction. To heighten the distress and confusion, a gene ral distrust in regard to papeT money is beginning to manifest itsplf whirh if nm immorli-,..),, checked must inevitably evemiJ l J ate in another general suspension of specie payments. The notes of the best banks in the country cannot now be passed at a dis- tance from the banks, unless at a ruinous discount the Philadel-i2!ore t,:, k.. .l, .:n . 'v v . . ... auiiv uuurv inni's diiu ine ooai- men and traders on the great riv ers in the west, it is said, will take nothing but specie, refusing bank paper altogether. If this state of things should continue but a short time, it is impossible to foresee . .. . '" - the evils that will be produced. The NewYork Express says: the distress has now reached the Iabo- rer and mechanic, and full 5000 of them have been discharged within the last ten days. Some c c . t m . . , of our first builders and largest clothing establishments have gone down, by which a vast number of people are thrown out of employ, This falls particularly hard on females who were employed in making up clothing, &c. The Natch z Herald in speak- ing of the late failures in New Or- j leans, says, tint the mercantile j and agricultural community of Mississippi, have been much alar med. The banks have contract ed their accommodations; the planter finds himself deprived of his usual facilities to carry on his farming operations; the specula tor cannot sell his lauds to meet the payments due; the brokers who have any mone', sell it in Natchez at seven per cent, per roanth, and business men have to choose between being ruined by a failure or by exorbitant interest. Otitis stated that the notes of the Virginia banks are refused in the New lrork market, at 10 per cent, discount. Virginia paper is is good as that of the Bank of the United States; why it should be so much utKJei par we are at a loss to divine. Our banks are not likely to be serious sufferers from late failures, and we adi?e holders of Virginia paper at the north, not to submit to being sha ved upon it. We desire oor friends in New York particularly, to rely upon the accuracy of our statement. Pet. Con. -Balance of Trade. It appears from oCicial statements that the balance of trade against this coun try for the fiscal year enditig on the oOlh September last, was no less than $G1, 316,995; the 4 im ports being $ IS9,9S0,03S, and the exports, only $12S,G63,040. This taken in connection with the system of wild speculation thro' out the Union for two or three years past, very satisfactorily 'ac counts for the pecuniary embar rassments of the country. ib. Low Prices. We take the re sponsibility of advising our coun try friends not to sell, if they can help it, their produce, at the pre- sent low prices. Thin irs are at J this moment unnaturally depress- nils iijuiiit.-ni iiiiiiuiiii an v uFijress- I . . .... .. . 1 . , ; ed; hi a little tune all will be right lately, will certainly be better than at present. ib. jYw 0,Iea Market, April 5. ' roduce is retreating slowly but . i .... , 7 , . - surely. 1 hree hundred bales of ooc ona!itv Cotton hoihl for remittance to Liverpool on 1 j O " Tuesday for 7 cents. To-day we hear of several lots being offered at 6 cents. This same quality would have readily brought 15 cents a few weeks since. For tunes can now be made by those who have capital. At present prices buyers can afford to store and wait the issue of the present limes. That the revulsion is just begun every indication proves. In Hinds county, Mississippi, more than a thousand suits have been brought. The citizens in self defence petitioned the Gover- nor !o convene the Legislature for the P.,rP of passing a relief or replevin law. Hp nut Imuinn. 'lone so, they have called upon the Sheriff to resign just before the April term commences, threat ening vengeance against any one ! wl, ai11 accePl l,'e office pro tern- Vhen ,nen are lriven to i desperation, law is but a weak bar- r,er. He question is now salva- lion or destruction. There is no medium. Cotton lands will now come down to their real value, and henceforward we shall no more see the pennyless buying plantations and negroes, simply ! because a rntfnn hrnk-pr will oo f,,.. . r . iteptlor the Inst payment predi- cated on the crop not yet soun. i We are pleased to announce, j however, that nearly all the banks ',:)ve come ml(1 lne arrangement f l Clly Bankl, postpone i v l,lIem ,m ,5l, November next, less 10 per cent, j every 6o Uavs This J, reli j t!ie community, and restore confi- j dence in a great measure. Tues- jday was a hard day with us, but t Su r ns 4ve can learn, all went off smoothk'. Little doing in regular busi ness. Sugar brings from 6 to 6i Ceil'.S. Mnlccpc ift 1A Flour is at $8. Lard, 81 cents! Whiskey, 35 a 37. Coffee has declined; a sale of 100 bacs at 12 cents. Kite is slow at 4 cents, and corn at 63 cents. The sales are all small. ttT'It is estimated that 250,000 slaves were carried into Mississip pi, Alabama, Louisiana, and Ar kansas, during the past year. In for a penny in for a pound... The time has not long passed when to fail for $100,000 was thought to be a great matter: but latterly the process of expansion has been carried to so great a length, that a million failure scarcely excites a remark in the great Babel of money changers. Dishing comes from dashing, as Tom Shufileton says, and it is not always sate to trust the man whose credit every body says is unquestionable, simply because he does business to the amount ol millions instead of thousands: as a proof of which let all prudent men bear in mind the New Or leans failures, viz: Hermann, Briggs h Co. $0,500,000; Tho mas Barrett & Co. $3,500,000; Samuel Hermann &Son, $3,000, 000; Branda, McKenna h Co. $3,500,000. Only 165 millions among four houses! Norfolk Her. CyThe number of failures in the city of New York are said to exceed 120 unsatisfied responsi bilities upwards of fifty millions of dollars?" Our Rail Road. We announ ced the arrival of an additional Locomotive for the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road a week or two since, we are now pleased to add that the Contractor for put ting down the rails, arrived a few days ago, and has already com menced this part of the work. He is represented as an efficient and energetic constructor, and from the promptitude already manifested by him, we doubt not, correctly. Thirty additional hands have thus been placed upon the road within a few days, swell ing the whole number if we be ac curately informed, to upwards of 1200, now engaged in working therefor. We think the Company have every reason to flatter them selves for the ability and untiring zeal manifested by all the agents employed in the construction of this wojrk, and they may now look confidently forward to the period, when their investment must yield a handsome dividend. Wilmington Adv. dThe Steamboat announced in our last as expected, has arri ved. She is called the K. D. McNair, and is intended to run between Limestone and Wilming ton. She was purchased at North Washington by Mr. Southerland, lor this trade. to. tt?"It will be seen by the ad vertisement of the General Post Office, in another column, that the Post Master General proposes to establish a daily mail between Philadelphia and Halifax, (N. C.) via the Portsmouth and Roanoke Rail Road proposals to be re ceived till the first of June. Such an arrangement, while it will add greatly to the facilities of business and correspondence, will at the same time promote the travel on this route. From Halifax to Wil mington, (until the Rail Road is finished,) there will be a line of stages; and from Wilmington to Charleston, a line of steamboats; both of which, we learn, will be ready to go into operation by the time contemplated to commence the daily arrangement of the mail. The eligibility of this route in point ol comfort and expedition, will not escape the attention of travellers going North and South. Norfolk Her. Connecticut Election. The en tire Democratic ticket has suc ceeded in Connecticut. The ma jority of Edwartls over EUsworth, lor Uovernor, will be upwards of 1800 votes. C?Aaron Clark, the Whig candidate for Mayor of the city of lew iork is said to be elected by 4500 majority and out of 17 wards the Whigs have carried 14. Bank of Cape Fear. A Branch of this institution is to be located immediately in this city. The President of the Bank, Col. John D. Jones, was in Raleigh last week, and made the preliminary arrangements for a speedy com mencement of business. By tje first of May, it will probably com mence operations; and never was the relief, which it will bring to the community, more needed than now. Mr. Aaron L. Rivera, of Wilmington, has received the ap pointment of Cashier. The other officers have not, we btlieve, been yet elected. The amount of Stock subscri bed by individuals, to the extend ed Capital of this institution, on the books opened in this city, is .$60,000. Besides this, the Slate subscribed $300,000, and the Lit erary Fund, 20,000. Raleigh Register. Washington Market, April 18. Turpentine, new dip, $2 10; Old $2 00. Tar,$l 20. Whig. Disasters. The schooner James G. Stdcey, owned by Mr. Samuel R. Fowle, of this place, Davis, master, bound from this port to the West Indies, loaded with lumber, was recently abandoned at sea iu lat 23 deg. 57 m. Crew saved. Schooner Alhambra, Darden, master, bound from New York to this port, was run foul of, off the Hook, by a brig, and sustained damage in rigging, spars and hull, returned, being unable to proceed on the voyage. ib. Petersburg Market, April 1 5. Cotton the market continues ve ry dull, the slock increasing, and but few sales making, prices from 8 to 11 cents. -Con. The Riot in Baltimore. A disgraceful riot was got up a few days ago at a fire in Baltimore, by persons professing to belong to the engine companies of that city. Much personal injury was inflict ed and even life, it is stated, was lost. Before the riot could be quelled the military had to be called out. Their presence dis persed the mob iu a tw iukling...i'6. The Frederick Rolleru. An exchange paper states that an ex- am,na..on the c.rcumstnnces of the robbery of Gen. Edwards, the cashier of the Leesburg Bank, at Frederick, Md. of $25,000, a few days since, has led to the im plication of Edward B. McPher son as the thief, who has been held to bail in the sum of $5,000. Mr. McP. is a wealthy farmer, of nigtiiy respectable connections. and son-in-law of Mr. Talbot, at whose hotel the robbery was per petrated. ib. From the Petersburg Intelligencer. The Editor of this Paper tainir anxious to resume the practice of the L,aw, would dispose of the Establishment of the Petersburg Intelligencer to any gentleman disposed to purchase. To any such, on application either in per son or by letter, full information will be promptly given in refer ence to the circulation of the pa per, its advertising and job pat ronage, its supply of Type, Press es, Office Furniture, &c, and also as to the terms on which it may be purchased. Without descending to the indelicacy of puffing off the Establishment, the Editor will say that it possesses advantages and holds out inducements well wor thy the attention of any gentle man who has the talents and the means , to conduct a newspaper with energy and spirit. Abolition Resolutions of Jlas sachusetts. The Senate of Massa chusetts, have receded from their abolition movements. We were astonished, says the N. Y. Ga lette, to hear that the Senate had adopted such thorough-going re solutions. We now heartily re joice that they have seen their er ror and backed out as soon as possible. The following are the resolu tions: the first was adopted unani mously, the second with one dis senting vote: Resolved, that Congress having exclusive legislation in the District ol Columbia, possesses the right to abolish slavery and the slave trade therein; and that the early exercise of such right is demand ed by the enlightened sentiment of the civilized world, by the prin ciples of the Revolution, and by humanity. J Resolved, that slavery, hp'mrr an admitted moral and political evil, whose continuance, wherever it exists, is vindicated mainly on the ground of necessity, it should be circumscribed within the lim its of the States where it has beei. already established; and thai no new Slate should hereafter be ad mitted into the Union whose Con stitution nf government shall sanc tion or permit the existence of do mestic slavery. The resolutions were voted down "ui the House of Representa tives by the overwhelming major ity of four to one. Subsequently the Senate itself receded from its owu resolutions, by a unanimous vole. Latest from Europe. Advices from France to the 11th ult. and from England to the loih, have' been received at New York. j 1 he money market was very u-res ted h?nt io M!fd i(l n;r tight in France, the cotton market! inU7t,s a'"1 i.ihe ot .. - i it i ... i- . . condiiiwn in which l.naimen ,,(( "'' ivai nun. arm nan nerunen iwn centimes per Ib. The English papers are said to contain no news of general in terest, and not a word about the cotton mnrkPt. There is much force in the fol lowing suggestions extracted from the Loudon Courier: "The truth is, that the great evil which has infected and still deeply infects the American trade, has nothing to do with the conduct of the A merican government, but has its source in this country, having ori ginated in the too great and im prudent, we may almost say ab surd credits, given by so many English houses to their correspon dents in America. These credits or advances have extended the trade beyond all reasonable bounds; and will no doubt in the end prove injurious alike to all parties." (I7Elder James Osbnurn. of Baltimore, is expected to preach ' ,e 0M in this olare on Sunday night next, the 23d inst. at early candle light Com. 0?ElderG. W. Carrowan will preach May 1st at Log Chapel; 2d. at Cross Roads; 3d, at Tar boro'; 4th, at Conetoe; 5th, at Gum Swamp; 6th, at Great Swamp; 7tb, at Greenville; 8th, at Red Banks. Cow. 1 " 1ft f HT niliw ii DIED, In this county, on Monday last, Airs. Ann Sharpe, wife of Col. Benjamin Sharpe. Look at this. THE firm of S. Pender Son having ueeu dissolved by mutual couuT the hnsinrss ill be continued at the same stand by the subscribers under the fit in of render & Pope. tf. PENDER. IV. ?. POPE. !ITA11 those indebted to 5. Pender Son by note or account, are requested lo come forward and settle, as indulgence cannot be given. fc' Femhr & Sou. 7Vbnro April ?0, 1S37. Escaped, ROM the Jail of Edgecombe county, who said his name was And that he belonged to Mr. IVter Lewis I eacock, of Wayne county, al out 15 .nil trom stantonsburg sHi.1 )0v i, ab-.nt 18 v .i a m igc, t let-1 to or 11 inches lii"h. ..... complexion; be was barefooted, had on a checked homes,.,.,, coat and white pantaloons, and an old Iat--be will no doubt attempt to pass as a freeman, as .eoid when taken up. Any inf, nMtion ejecting him will be thankfully received iienj. Williams, Jailer. larboro', April 19, 1S37. JYoticc. Fin HE subscriber at the Slctcart Fishery JL on the Roanoke River, sevt n miles above Plymouth, will sell Fresh Herrings For four dollars and li'ty centg ver tnoll. sand, and corned for live dollar. Jlnd fresh Shad, For seven dollars per hundred, corned shad lor eight-k other fi.,h in pioprtiol). Kenneth C. Stolon. April Hub, 137. Roanoke Tr(ul? WSJM,. raim, imiirr!i!!iif( Ji. forms th "is ai: '"'CI; puMic generally, U.t t lilil. wild Grceii'villc and .,, ' RAIL R0Af I? now complied, and ;n SUCr(., rnli.tu, and that he iH lo,;;.te, V: Gmioi, tlie to.m'ui;ii0 of ,aij y"'" the puipose of !ransciin k,,i,i,. Jl Commission, r -. .; Jurwtmluiz busing 4 And is now pri-paixl i, ejVf. afl .. all cott'ignuiriii. ' . ,!,, coiwiiemin bnsineF i (;.-... ''H' ' r.r th iuipri-s-iofi th;it u, t i - " J (UB'ict, iii.ll ll ttflVITS o (m.i! 'Mr; the co-.nlrv and tt.wu t I.i-.-" . I Hi-fi u, would tiixi it riiMVPini.,,1 i ; , , anani-ir, lOIIHVPM l-ffii ar rnn-.c, I 'ft r.,,.;- ... :.. '! ton, from hihI to the Hi ;0il(1 p0 and pitic;ularly ii prof tiling 60,', icagoni, for tin' immediate . I, Cr' C.ti I'riH. ... ' merchandize, &c. to ils j.lace of ' ti.Jn. Under tin lielief I.e. ..ti'm h ."5t . u"neri f ,i,,"'.''eotieri, bii ces Vr.r!!w?'StoHt - . 0 ... .nil OAf.r .....A I ft. und assuring litem that lit will iiis(i ' the trust which tuav lie reuKi.i ,. Tf: $ inii iiiiii mi' u;y. Ti iiiw1frsiriiiil iii nlTu.-;.,., l- . i vi i- - "'"".I. to lite public, I." to ii.f,,,,,,; that he has, for the last tw.i m ,rt.v v', detoteil hi time in an ''xien-ive hi"j u, kerage and romniivon '' i.ips u , town of lJHersbur, and fl nM, .i,ls.' that the knowledge liiere oUmi,,,) j t branch of business, wilj enable l.imi,,, satislaciion to those who may ilVor with iheir bnsine.- His rl-ar$ w;;j "J very moderate; niei. Iv sntlicicn; i 4 for the the.-e otm.-s will', big hands. -0- .., iX SMW , bVML. IV PUG II Rales of charges on .sv;yn of Hit mod p - nt at arUcln: Tobacco, merchatnJi.t;, &c j-er Mid. 2.')r:; Cotton, per bale, v 6 Merchandise, per peck, i, Hour, per barrel, jn , Maiiufact'd tohatro, r box k kr;, fiie, Sail, per sack, 5 REFERENCES. Peler.'.hnrcr. Chas. 1". (Kbomp. hi, dent Petersburg Rul !,,a. ('on.p;,.,,, Mi-Si.M. Rowlelt. II.. per to '.lile. L L Mftinhack, Son U 'o. INnmiH k U, Jrirtus M. McCiiliodi k Co. Ihl.lll. waiivi Browiitey. Hurt, I'aticisoii s Wills, llold. rhy it cl'lu ti rs. Utiion.W. W. W.tkiis. F.-. Mecklenburg Dr. Usual. Kmcs. Ctarksrille,' Va. .Messrs, A. W. Vena'.! h. Co. J. I.. TI10 Milton, N. C. Walking k Farler, Genrgv W. Johnson Si Co. Danville, Va Geo. White, T. D- Ned1, To the Ladies. -:S: THE Subscriber i now opening uttis Cheap Cash Stoie, the f'ollmwnj .X'eiv Goads, Which lie reppertfully ?o!irit thr La.i ei to call and examine, (to wit:) Extra rich plain and figured Sil, 5nic;, and Poplins, A great variety of painted .W slin ' Cambrics, ol ihu moil beauiilul pallirm both small and large, Elegant printed Bishop Lawns, some ni'" filk stripes, Small pattern Belts to march. Beautiful small pattern Clt-illvs, A splendid asoi tn.eitt of nfeile moil1' lace and muslin Cape, ami Coll-uV ' greatest bargains and richest Goi.ib'- er 0 ire red, Dunstabl:, Beilin, Swiss and fanry Bonnets, newest and most lashioiin: shapes, in great variety, Cap borders wiih ll wers, a newart.df. Artificial spiigs fur caps and wtea'l.s'.-: the hair, Bonnett, rap and belt Ribbons, to Miilff ery taste, Very handsome bpJt Bnrklrs ?c Vrw !et: iMegant aesortment ol lam v neck ??' roiichtf ind embroidered hire tc-i'- entirelv new, Laities and tr,Ues Corseff, of the "' epfiroved make, in reat vaii'tv. A large a.ssortmenl of Ladies ami n"' Parasols, ot eerv size, qtjntity s';le' Extra rich velvet and bead Bag, Lice k. gauze Veil, of every descMj'l'0"'. Hem siitch'd lim n tarn!. ric 'ilau.ikricii'i3 Klastic head Bands. Chi.ielle con!, Mohair Caps. Fans, hair Ringlets, l-ipht kid and fancy silk Gloves. White, black, and i'ancy cl'retl plait n ' embroidered si!k and cotton Hc. J giet variety. Muslin Edgings and Inserting. Thread wnd In-bbinett Laces, Ednp" Inft-rtii g, Plain and figured Bfi.bbine't, An elegant assortment ol Laoies ?i"' pt ses French, kid, satin, velvet, pia''; ?eal and ni.rorQ. Slippers and ibrr' (' the newe-l Mle and very best q"11"1' most of which Were espK'sJ order, J?M7F 'ng which are a gretit i"" ny elegant pattern., (rout HMoWt!l per yanl, 50 pieces Ginghams, roid and rbpap. Plain, stiip-d, cl.eck'd :' dresses, from 25 rent and nparil" Corded ?kiit. arinu qu ilnies. ' The above wi'h eei v other s.rtttl in THE FANCY AND STAPLE Dry Goods Line, Can be hdd in the gieale1 variety ILvlruordiuavij low iVf'5 For Cash or on tb in:d credit. A I tilC ipUvnp Cash Slvlf MS. IVEDDEl-l" Tarboro', tril I, T.

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