State of North Carolina, EDGECOMBE C'UNTY. In Equity, MARCH TKRM, 1857. Henry Benson ami Patrick Boit aiuH wife Elizbboth, pfaintiit'-, j Ori vs. gilt at John TppI and wife Elizabeth ami j .Inihro fc!enn .defendants, j T pietriu.iT to 'he satisfaction of said Court, ( hat the said defendants are nonresidents: It is therefore undered, that publication he made for six weeks in the Tarboro' Pies-1, commanding them and each of them to appear at the next term of said Court, to be h-il for said county at the Court House in Tarborough, on the second Monday in September next, then and there to plead or demur to aid hill, or answer the same, otherwise judg ment will be taken pro confess, and the case heard ex parte as to tliem. Test, J. NO It FLEET, C.M.E. Price adv 53. List of Letters, Remaining in the Post Office at Tarbo rough the st of ,1prit, 1837, which if not taken out before the 1st of July next, vill be sent "to the General Post Office as dead letters. Adams Henry Hopkins IVm D Array Wm DP Hymaii John L Anderson Benj Hearn L H Anderson Jameg L Heart Robert D Anderson Andrew 3 Hicks Starling Arnold Francis Johnson William Andrews William Joyner Lucy Miss Beland John Jones Willey Boyakin Benj Doct Joyner Terapy Batts Joseph K night Wm or Jordan Bell R A & B R2 Bell Julia A Miss Burnitte Thomas Barrington J Bell Alexander Bryan Dempsey Blocker John B2 Bushall V. Miss Braddy Joseph B Benlon Rtifus Barrington Mrs Bell Sally Mrs Bennett Mark 20 Bell Olive Mrs Coker James King &l Cdmondsou3 KniJitb Co D 2 Killebrew Geo W Law rence Elder J , Lewis Knelin H Little Thomas J Moore Samuel 2 Mooring G M Mooring &, Staton Manning Ruben M Moore E S Miss Mitchell Reb'a Miss Norman A Rev Parker Arthur Jr 2 Peel James Pittnian Reddin Campbell F Miss Clerk of the Superior Porter k. Son E Court 2 Ruffio Lemmon Cherry James Roberts Wm J Deverson John F Scaevola Editor of Darden Mary A Miss Sassinett R' ddin Kliner Josiah Simmons William Elheredge Lewis Shff of Edgecombe Foreman Mr and Mrs Stalon Roderick A S Smith Thomas Fox hall Sarah Mrs Womble Enos Glanding Archibald Womble John W Garrett John 2 Gardner William Huguenin Chas A 3 Harrison Richard 2 Wilkins Willis Webb William Williams Lewis Wimberlv Robt D Jas. Ji Redmond, P. .11. 114 $16 56. Muckle John, WILL STAND the ensuing season at his stable in Edgecombe county, an i will be let to mares at TWELVE DOLLARS "the single leap, TWENTY Dollars the season, and FORTY Dollars to insure a mare to be in foal with twenty-five cents to the Groom in every in stance A transfer of property forfeits the insurance. The season will commence the 1st day of March, and end the 1st of July. A fair and liberal deduction will be made if any responsible person will make up a club of five mares. Every attention will be paid, but no responsibility for acci dents, Sic. Muckle John, Was got by old Harrod, he by old Sir Archie. Hai rod's dam by old Diomede, his grandam by old Bellair, his g. grandam by the imported Sir Harry. Muckle John's dam by oi l Collector, his grandam by the old imported Citizen, his g. grandam by the imported Union, hisg. g. grandam by the imported Buckskin. It is unnecessary to trace him further, as the above is suffi cient to give him a pedigree not surpassed by any horse in the country. REMARKS. 1( any unprejudiced indi vidua!, or one who is willing to do justice, , will examine particularly the many good crosses both of imported and American stock, with which MUCKLE JOHN is so deeply tinctured, they must arrive to the conclusion that the whole of the tngredt ents are perfectly compatible, and that he is in the whole entirely free or destitute of the least particle of adulteration. Hi3 pedigree alone is sufficient to eive him a character, without the high authorities of respectable sportsmen, or those who are well acquainted with the most genuine racing stock. Lapt. Harrison, of Virgi ma, who is well known throughout the tnion as one who has endeavored to im prove the stock of horses in this country, and who has owned and had in possession those of the greatest reputation, pronoun ces Muckle John to be made up of the best crosses of any horse now in America. The following are his words: "It is with much pleasure that I can say, and which I have tor some time believed, that Bulluck's Muckle John should not stand second to any horse in America, for never was one in possession of more of the genuine stuff, Jiz: Archie, Collector, Citizen, &c. oic" Biack Kite it is true bag been beaten and o has Southerner, they have also on the oiher hand as can be seen by an examina tion into the Turf Register, been successful- As evidence that they are valuable race horses, eight thousand dollars have Wen offered for them and refused. Muckle John has had but three colts carried to the Jurf and all have proven to be good race horses, possing both the essentials of speed nd game. If the people of this country should ever feel disposed to improve their stock of horses, particularly thee of the racing character, they ran never bate the privilege of go doing at a more propitious period than that of accepting the present tavorable opportunity. JOHN J. DANIEL, JOSHUA K. BUI, LUCK, IVM. G. BULLUCK. Feb. 27, 1837. JYotiee. THE subscriber at the Stewart Fishery n the Roanoke River, seven miles above Plymouth, will sell Fresh Herrings For four dollars and fifty cents per thou sand, and corned for five dollars And fresh Shad T ... , .1 For seven dollars per hundred, corned j shad for e.ght-ii other fish in proportion, j henneth C. btaton. April 10th, 1837: JYotiee. HAVING positively decided on remo ving from Tarboro' on the 1st June, we respectfully invite all our friends who have unsettled accounts of any description with us to call and settle the same at the earliest possible day their convenience will admit. Our business has been of long standing, and our uniform disposition to be accommodating to our customers, we hope will be a sufficient stimulus to insure a punctual acquiescence to our request, that we may be enabled to close our busi ness by May Court, (the longest time we think of residing in Tarborough.) This appeal is made w ith a confident expecta lion that all concerned will call at our store as desired. Any claims on us will be promptly paid when presented. We also offer i Any Goods in our Store AT COST. The stock is large, variety very general, quality superior, and bought lU to 15 per cent under prices generally paid for Goods ttie last .year. Real Estate, Store house, ware houses, and Lot, Large and extensive, the most pleasantly located and arranged for business of an' in (tie place. indeed it is not inferior to any in the State, for comfort and extended mercantile operations. A large Dwelling, And out houses of all descriptions, plea santly located in good condition for a large family or boarding house, dining room 40 feet long with two Lots of Land attached. Two Lots of Land, With a gin and screw house, a first rate iron screw, and 60 saw gin, with room to bold 100,000 lbs seed cotion.und 50 bales when packed a large stable, granary, fodder loft, and carriage houses, work shop, &ic. not inferior to any in the State. About 200 acres of Land, One and a half miles from tow n a conve nient privilege for any resident in Tarboro. Also, a plantation on Fish- ing Creek, 750 acris. 15 miles above Tarboro', with a large and comfortable dwelling house, ail necessary out houses, large garden well enclosed, grape vines, selected trnit trees, tec- sur rounded by a large and handsome grove, and as good water as any below the mountains comprising one of the hand somest and healthiest locations in this part of the county. The dwelling is in the pine woods, 1 j miles from the Creek, or main plantation; on which is a good overseer's house, cotton house, negro houses, &c with a large barn and stabl'S, and the best farm yard in the county for raising man ure, all well enclosed cleared land suffi cient to make 600 barrels corn, 40 to 50,000 lbs seed coHon. small grain, pota toes, &c. &c. well divided, with good gates, fences, &ic. and will insure to the purcha ser as profitable investment as any larm in the county of the same extent. Any person residing down tne country would find this one of the most healthy and delightful residences in the State. All or any of the above property will be sold at a great sacrifice. R. $ S D. GOTTEN. S. D.COTTENfy SON. Feb. 24, 1S37. Coach, House, Landscape and Ornamental ITU HE Subscriber respectfully inform li the Citizens of Edgecombe county that he has located himself In Tarborough, Where he is prepared to execute all orders in his line of business, Those wishine Gigs, sideboards, sittin chairs, fire screens and the like painted will bring them to the coach shop of M Terrell. M will leave town and go into th .iii country, wheu house painting is required. All orders in his line of business will be thankfully received and faithfully executed on reasonable terms. Lewis de Arquer. Tarboro' 26th Feb-1836. 8 RC22S3S3 Doct. John A. Minnis, Thomsonian Botan ic Physician, LATELY OP RALEIGH, N C WOULD respectfully inform the pub lic that he has located At the Falls of Tar River, And offers his professional services to the community, and hopes that his own indi vidual attention to the practice; with the ttn' ivalled success, that has ever attended, th ThnilKAlliail aiiCnm it. k.. r nri.m.ln oiguui, " lieu nv iciiv administered, will secure to him the public confidence and patronage. Rocky Mount, N. C. Feb. 20th, 1837. Yotice. holders in the WILMINGTON AND RALEIGH Hail Hoad Company, Residing in the county of Edgecombe, that he has: been appointed Collector f the instalments due and tha1 may here- fter be due from them. All those in rrears will therefore call and nay up, as soon as practicable. Jas. M. Rrdmond. Tarboro', March 14, 1837. Notice. THE subscriber having recently dis posed of his Grin making Establishment IN GREENVILLE, r N. TVER, requests all those indebted to him to make earlv payment. From is long acquaintance wiih Mr. Tyer (who as for several vearg past been in his em ploy) he respecttully recommends his Tor ner customers to him, ard is confident that all who may favor him with their cus tom will be satisfied. Henry Chamberlain. Cotton (Bins THE subcriber having purchased the Establishment of Henry Chamber ain, in Greenville, N. C. for making Steel Saw Gii s, Respectfully informs the public that he will continue the business at the same place. Having an extensive assortment of ma rials on hand, he assures those w ho may favor him with their custom, that their or ders shall be promptly executed. Gins will be repaired. Of the best materials, and at the shortest notice. Persons when ordering will please state whether they prefer the German, or polish ed cast steel plates. AXaXisra tjson, Still remains connected with this establish ment, and carries on the Lock and Gunsmith business, He also makes Saw Mill Boxes, and Mill Inks, of a r--niposition inverted by Daniel Peck, of Raleigh Mill Spindles, with Steel Collars, (turned,) and Gudgeons. manufactured equal to any in the Uuited Slates. All orders must be directed to the Sub sciiber, at Greenville Nnjleel Tyer. January 30, 1837. Stale of North Carolina, EDGECOMBE COUNTY. Superior Court of Equity. MARCH TERM, 1837. John Batts and others, ) Petition for sale ex parte, $ of real Lslate URSUANT to a decree ol said Court in the above case. I shall offer for sale to the highest bidder, on the premis es, on Monday the 1st day of May next, A Tract of Land, Of which the late William Batts died seiz ed and possessed, situate lying and being n Fishing Creek, in said county, ana aa ioinins; the lands of Wilkinson VJabry, Solomon T. Braddy, and Joshua Law rence, and containing by actual survey 207 Acres The terms of sale will be seventy-five dollar cash, and a credit of twelve months for the balance of the purchase mnnpv. the mirchaser mving bond with good security, bearing interest from dale for the payment tnereoi. NOR FLEET, C.M.E. March 29th, 1837 Price adv $2 50. State of North Carolina, EDGECOMBE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, FEBRUARY TERM, 1837. Moses Snicer ) vs. Original Attachment Benjamin Hart, ) Lened tn Lands. TTT appearing to the satisfaction of the JL Court, that Benjamin nan, me ueien dant in this case, is not an inhabitant o this State: It is therefore ordered, tha publication be made in the Tarborough Pr. for six weeks successively, that un less the said Benjamin Hart appears at the next Court, to be held on me tourtn ftion Hav in Mav next, and replevies the prop erly levied on, and pleads to issue, that judgment by detauu m ue renat araiiut him. Witness, Michael Hearn, Clerk of said Court, at oiice in Tarborough, Jhe fourth Monday ot r ebruary, MICHL. HEARN. C.C. Price adv $2 75. WHOLESALE GROCERY. E have this day formed a nership under the firm of Copart- Warren Harris Co. For the purpose of carrying on a Whole sale Grocery. WARREN HARRIS, BENJ A. HARRIS. HENRY HARRIS. Portsmouth, Va. 21st March, 1S37. .:- WARREN HARRIS & CO. Are now receiving A large general Assortment oJ Groceries, fye. Which will be .-old on accommodating terms. 227 bags Rio, Lagoira Si Java Coffee, 42 bbls Porto Rico Sugar, 20 bhds do do 20 hhdg New Orleans do 5 hhds St Croix do 40 bbls Loaf do 10 boxes do do very superior 125 bbls family and extra sop'r Flour, 45 " Baltimore Whiskey, 30 hhds " do 20 tierces New Orleans Molasses, 60 baskets Champaigne Wine 10 half pipes Cognac Brandy, 5 Holland Gin, 10 qr casks sweet Malaga Wine, 10 Pale Sherry do 2 hhds Madeira do 5 qr casks do do very sup'r, 75000 Havanna Segars, 40 boxes ??perm and patent Candles, 40 " No 1 Soap, 20 ' Starch, 50 " bunch Raisins, t 50 five gallon Oemijohns( 150 kegs cut Nails, assorted, 20000 lbs Iron, assorted, 1000 " Steel, do Imperial 5 Gunpowder TEAS, Spice, Pepper, Nutmeg? Ginger, loO pieces cotton Bag, ,ig, 100 sacks Liverpool Salt, 200 reams wrapping Paper. Ail orders for goods will be punctually attended to, and will be put up at the Lowest Wholesale Prices. Goods sent to our care will be forwarded with despatch. Further arrivals . daily expected. Warren Harris & Co Portsmouth, March 21st, 1837. CARD. To the Ladies. THE Subscriber is now opening at his Cheap Cash Store, th following .Seiv Goods, U hich he respectfully solicits the Ladies to call and examine, (io wit:) Extra rich plain and figured Silks, Saiins, and Poplins, A great variety of painted Muslins and Cambrics, ot the most beautiful patterns both small and large, Elegant printed Bishop Lawns, some wi'h silk stripes, Small pattern Belts to march, Beautiful small pattern Challys, A splendid assortment of needle worked lace and muslin Capes and Collars, the greatest bargains and richest Goods ev er offered, Dunstable, Berlin, Swiss and fancy straw , Bonnets, newest and most fashionable shapes, in great variety, Cap borders with fl wers, a new article, Artificial sprigs lor caps anu wreaths tor the hair, Bonnett, cap and belt Ribbons, to suit ev ery taste, Very handsome belt Buckles &i Bracelets, Elegant assortment ot tancy neck Shawls, Fouchetts and embroidered lace Scarfs, entirely new, Ladies and misses Corsetts, of the most approved make, in great variety, A large assortment of Ladies and misses Parasols, of every size, quality & sty le, Extra rich velvet and bead Bags, L;ce & gauze Veils, of every description, Hemstitch'd linen cambric Handkerchiefs Elastic head Bands. Chinelle cord, Mohair Caps, Fans, hair Ringlets, Light kid and fancy silk Gloves, White, black, and fancy colored plain and embroidered silk and cotton Hose, in great variety, Muslin Edgings and Insertings, Thread and bobbinett Laces, Edgings and Inserting, Plain and figured Bobbinett, An elegant assortment of Ladies and mis Pll ses t rench, kid, satin, velvet, prunella, seal and morocco Slippers and Shoes, of the newest style and very best quality, - most of which were made expressly to order, ffhifh P'Pces "ew stye c"al's a fPMHy tnong which are a great ma ny elegant patterns, from 10 to 30 cents per yard, 50 pieces Ginghams, good and cheap, Plain, striped, and check'd Muslins for dresses, from 25 cents and upwards, Corded Skirts, various qualities. The above with every other article in THE FANCY AND STAPLE Dry Goods Line, Can be had in the greatest variety at Extraordinary low Prices, For Cash or on the usual credit, At Uie Cheap Cash Store. JAS. fVEDDELL. Tarboro', April 7, 1S37. HERRINGS, Bacon and Lard. THE Subscribers have just received a supply of best quality - CUT HERRINGS. ALSO Bacon anil Lard for sale, by D Cotten& Son Tarboro', Mav 24. JY Jtice. lss Frames Campbell, y FTER tendering her unfeigned thanks to her patrons for past favors begs leave to announce to the public, that she has just returned from ISew Vwrk, with her Fall and winter supply of Fashionable Millinery, And Mantuamaking Materials, Where she spent several weeks for the purpose of information, hiving had a va riety of work executed in her line, became acquainted with several of the most fash ionable and experienced Mautau Makers in the city from whom she gained instruc tion of great importance in the business, such as will enable her to exhibit to the fancy of the ladies something new and equally pleasing. Her stock of Are lar superior to any of her former pur chases, having had the assistance of a Connoisseur in her selections, the same was therefore made with great care and exemplary task. Her Stock consist in part of the following articles (to wit:) Fig'd Silks and Satins, Thread and Bobbinet laces, Blond lace and Edging, Blond Capes and wash blond, French worked muslin, lace Capes, Infant Caps, Bobbinet & muslin inserting, Long silk and kid Gloves, Velvet and oil i!k Aprons, Puffs and curls.' Shell and silver Combs, Wax and alabaster dolls, Toys of many kinds, fruits, nuts, he. Florence, Leghorn, satin, silk, velvet, bea ver and straw bonnets, in gret variety. Together with many other things too te dious to enumerate, All of which she offers on moderate terms. All orders from a distance will be prompt ly attended to, and she hopes by strict at tention to her business to merit a liberal patronage. Tarboro', 17th Nov. 1836. Herrings! Herrings!! H ThffrV BARRELS Cut Herrings, li xJJ HV just received and for sale by King & Edmondson. May 30th, 1836. TO THOSE Whom it may concern' , THE UNDERSIGNED, Having received His Summer Supply of GROCERIES, Adopts this means of apprising his "con stituents" of this important and splendid accession to his old stock It seems unne cessary to descant, and but for one article only. I would forbear. The one alluded to is CHAMPAIGNE rare stuff, indeeJ quite exhilarating a sovereign remedy for despondency; or, to ne as Dnei as pos sible, it has never entered the hearts of those who have not tried it, to conceive the excellencies of my "Fox brand Champaigne." As much misht be said in behalf of many other things among my stock, which con sists of the following articles: A great variety of Candies, Muscatel and bunch Raisins, Apples, Oranges and Lemons, English walnuts, Palm nuts, Butter and water Crackers, Sugar Crackers, Pine apple Cheese, Scotch Herrings, best lump Sugar, Princip and Spanish Segars,. CHAMPAIGNE, very superior quality, Champaigne Dranay, r rencn Dranay, Holiana uio, Jamaica num. rou wine, Irish whiskey, New England Rum, Spanish smoking Tobacco, Lemon Syrup, London Porter, Cider in bottles, Scotch snuff, tallow Candles, sen Bread, Loco foco Matches,' Playing cards, Mar bles, &ic. he. All which may be had for the considera tion of twenty-five per cent, od their origi nal cost. Joseph B. Braddy. Jutv 12th. 183fi Gig for Sale. THE subscriber has for sale a second band Gig and Harness, Which he will sell cheap and on accom modating terms. Geo. Howard. Tarboro', 1837. JYotiee. The Subscribers continue to transact Com m issio n tins in ess IN NORFOLK. All produce left with their Agents, Messrs Simmons & Eure, HALIFAX, Will be forwarded without delay by the wagon now tunning from that place to GaiVs Depot, the present termination of the Portsmouth and Roanoke Rail Road, The waggonage is 20 cents per bale on cor ton, Anl the Rail Road freight from Gary's Depot to Norfolk is 25 cents per 100 lbs. James Gordon Co. Nov. 7.1836. 44 Petit Gulph Cotton Seed. , THE subscribers have received frorft New Orleans, 550 bushels Petit Gulph Cotton Seed. They have also on hand and are now re ceiving a general assortment of GROCERIES. All of which they offer for sale on reason able terms. N M. Martin &c Donnan. Petersburg, Va. Feb 18. 8 6 Chinese Mulberry. THE subscriber has for disposal seve. raj hundred rooted trees and cut tings of the noted Morns Multicuules, or JVVw Chinese Mulberry; Found doubly advantageous for silk cul ture, and one of the most beautiful orna mental trees, of moderate size, the eye can rest upon. Of the ease of propaga ting this tree and its rapid growth the pub lie may judge when informed that from a small rooted plant, for which a dollar was paid at Baltimore abut four years since, the sub-criber has disposed of a large number, and has yet as above stated, and that his first propagated trees are near twenty feet high and beautifully propor tiouetl. The leaf is a dark green color and often 16 inches long and 11 broad. The price, (now reduced) is 50 cents each for plants upwards of 5 leet high, and proportionate for those of a smaller size it when a number are taken at a time. SIDNEY IVELLER. Brinkleyville, Halifax countv, N. C Dec. 15, 183t- $ P. S. Mr. Geo. Howard is my Agent for vines and trees at Tarborough and vicini ty, and those desirous of any plants would do well to make early application. o that they may be included in a box about to be sent to Mr. How rd. 6'. W. Young Jack, WILL STAND the'" season which has commenced. He iH be ri J C. Knif,nt's store on the 18th and 19th of the pr. sent month, and longer if necessary 'hen home and stay seven days, then back to knight's store so on till the 1st day of July, when the season will expire. He will be let to mares at FOUR DOLLARS the leap, SIX Dollars the season, and TEN Dollars to insure a mare to be in foal, with 25 Cents to the Groom in every instance. The season and leap money to be due at the end of the season the insurance from te first day of January next. Marts put if not mentioned otherwise at ti e time they are first put, will be charged by the season ami when charged no alteration will be made. Great care will be taken to pre vent accidents, but no liability if-wy- should occur. Any person putting a mare by ihe insurance and fails to attend the stand, will be held hound tor Ihe insu rance money whether she gets in foal or not. A ttansferof property before it is ascertained w hetler in foal or not, forfeits the insurance money. D. G. Baker. 13th March, 1837. rXTJ have a Jinny colt which I will sell low. D. G. Ii. "IHBTILL STAND the ensuing season If at his stable four miles west of Col. Sharpe's. seven miles east of Upper Town Creek meetin? house He will be let to mares at FIVE DOLLARS the leap, SIX Dollars the season, and EIGHT Dollar to insure a mare to be in foal with 25 Cents to the Groom in every instance- The season will commence the 10th of March and end the 15th of July next. The leap and season money will be due at the end of the season, and that with interest the insurant money will be due Ihe 1st of January next, or assooa as the fact is ascertaine.l or the property changed. Any person puttine by the in surance and fails to attend the stand, for feits th insurance money . All care will be taken to prevent accidents, but no lia bility for any that may happen. Leailder, Is nine years old this springhis males are well calculated to draw the attention of any person that wants tip-top mules. John R. Pitt. 13th March, 1837.

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